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VOL. XX. CRANBURY, N. J. , FRIDAY, "JUNE 30, 1905. NO. 47


Hapl In old records lumious, Columbia pees each FO:IJII-L' fium tlic victories of llic past, hy d.uii>lk-..<4 \.i!<ir woi..Tlierc* II.IMIU'.I Wnfihin^ton's true sword; llu-re Maiion IIMIU In-, men;There Hlo.ulfa'st Hale, lor that |iure cause, dies FtMrk'!)-.Iy**aKaiii! " •

So ceaselessly ttic rank? nilRment, no bright the glittering uliulc,- lleivihloied CH6 scarce mny nil upon her pace enroll.

Scant wonder tli.it in thut wild strife Columbia led the v;tnAnd conquered; for she held that wealth lay not in mines, but man.

Hers were (lie glories of dead years. Knit to those mr-in'ms still,The precept* that her heroes left nohly their «oni fulfill.Spume o'er the \v.i\e, contumely fades, no shinrler tliinx nur fame;Thrice nritied is he wno on life's Held aliall bear Columbia's 'name!

•olt iCrnvp. MoiitpMmi'> Comity. l*n..s imnI 's i l i i" not onl> fur Hie plciuroif runil iMijoyiiiciiI. Imt ;is n -ample ofho JoiinuilKtic wrlllii^ «)i:|immly MTIIin tlio oaily newspaper^: •

Two Held pltMvs, cli'M'i'fully *orvrd.wilt nlun.nl In tlio rnroiinoti tin* lofty

'port or both fun nml frolic by MMeenWfll-lhncil and MKire->ho dlM'harKo*.Joy beanied-on P M ' I J IMUW; Iho fjm-nvalleys nnd (N^aiit lillls p:irtU-I]iaU-.l

ii llic Kl:idtu»s of the day hy IVWIIMT-silliifr the niapnllln'iit iiud f.'iV-M'iitt.o*.indsnr liberty and independence."• Mention is then iiuulo of the dlniuT.with II-H :itirnd:int .^H'eelic^ itml. InI'oru'Iudlnt;. tlie writer adds:

•Tlic rollrod MIII liiid Ju-t by this


AHADKS, dinners, nml llicdrinking of as luany toastsus thoie were States In tboUnion formed the charac-teristic features of tliccnily Fourth of; July cele-

brations. There was less noise a ceir-tury ago Urnn Is usually HID case to-day, nnd nlisolutely no overindulgenceta fireworks, because ilrcworks wereBO scarce Hint tlielr use was practicallyrestricted to tlin public K.inlens. Thesepopulnr resorts, of whleh ihere wereseveral In New York. llrwtnn, Philadel-phia, nml other largo dlles, were care-ful to announce, often weeks before-hand, Hip attractions prep.ired for tlioanniversary flay.

An elaborate display or r.riwoi ki wasalways given In Hu> ra us VauxballGardens in this i-lty, am] Hie genialproprietor, Joseph Ilel.-icrnlj, was oe-caslonnlly more successful in his nil-vertlsempnts than In the satisfactoryresults of his ctitcrinhii us. Patrioticfervor, then as now, frequently over-looked n iniililiiiii,. o r inconveniences,bat the Vnuxhall llri-u-oiks In ISiKwore evidently so miserably disappoint-ing th.it sarcastic letters on Hie sub-ject were published In the newspapers.Joseph Delacroix had slated (hat Hiedny would be eelehratcil in his Kardons"In n style superior In lastp anil inay-nnrccncp lo anvililng liiTliprtn exhibitedin this rliy. No pains uiir .•xpi-ii«1- hasbeen sjjareil on his part Jo evince hKprofound atlnilnnent to the principlesof the American jii^-oiim,,,, i,y „„, .trlbutlng spp.-tin'les au.'ihii:ous to Hiecvont'fur the nmiiscmcut o ' Hie pub-lic."

now well tills lioii-:t was fulfilled may. bo Inferred from Hip following crlll-

« clsra sent to one of Hie dally iiapers theticxt day:

"A most (rrrlhio crackling nns Heardby every ear, a great ll»h: was seenby every eyp, anil, aiiovo all, mightypuffs of brimstone ami smoke wcicsnuffed up by every nostril; this, how-ever, was very patiently endured, be-cause- everything that hail been dis-played was eon'.ldereil as a mere prc-ludo to Hie astonishing spectacle alhided to In Mr. Ilelnci'ilx's uioustrousadvertisement. Hut, Kins! It was soonpretty evident that all was over, nndnow, Instead of bursts of applause,nothing was to be heard but exclama-tions of disappointment."

SeMom, liowevei, were complaintspnbllcly expressed. There was a sim-plicity In the celebrations nnd a spon-taneous enthusiasm ir.r Hie meiuoiiesot the day hy both the young nnd old.Nearly every town and village couldpoint with pride lo Itcvolutioiiury vet-erans, and the presence of these war-riors who had rontrlliuteil their sharetoward mnkliiK Hie Declaration ot In-d

alty to their country, but In drinkingheartily -to the toasts, which alwayscorresponded iir number to the Stateshi tile Union.

In 1SO4 there were seventeen i&*lmid this system wn.s continued seveyears longer until ihu accumulation ofStates became so'ntimerolis that It wnsan absolute Inino.sMbltllj for the diners

BEAUTY AND TEMPER.The greatest enemy to beauty Is tem-

per. The woman with n bad temper Is.by no meaua the .worst woman In tlic_ - . _ _ _ . - - _ - - - - IIJ 11VJ UJVILU9 1IIV . U U I ^ b II UL4J4U4 Ait UIV

time let lii tlic gloomy simile or night, , w o r l | ] - S i l c often bas a very Icind heartupon which tin; company betook Ihein-selvos to the tavern of Jami's Klukead,where they enjoyed themselves withthe uprightly llance nml feasted to alate hour upon song, sentiment nndrosy wine."

One of the notable features of Hieeelebratlon 100 y e n s ugo «ns theprominence given to Hi» LouisianaPurchase. Thin " a s lint natural, usthe sale hail but lately been consum-mated, nnd tlic opposition among tlio-e:>ppo.sod to Jefferson and hK pulleyuns M'ry great,

e SII|I|KII terdid not allow the opportunity to pnMwiiJiout giving liliu unstinted prnl-p.

It Is amusing, in view of the growthof our country nnd the manifold bene-fits that liavr'ncerued from the Louis-iana I'ureliasc, lo lead the harsh ciltl-clsius directed, ngalust JelTeisou nndthe purchase or tile teriltovy by thosewho celebrated the Fourth a centuryago. "In what will all this n«tentnllonend?" was the query attached to thetoast on the Louisiana I'urcbase at adinner 111 Trenton.


Fi>iiith of .Tilly, they ;..iy. sir,Is Indejiendciiee l ) i \ . •*»;

Hut re.illy I .11" rril.1111 tlut tlnrc must 1)5l l

For neop:,-And,-"l w

At every tci-n>-wl t

"IV quu-L!"ia\i« s:uli not!"

L'ony ]iid-c tliat In > yto make.

YVhv. wlien my gnu cxploiK-d,(I tlionglit it wasn't hiadeil).

dependence mean <,niuclhl ug to thecountry adilwl to the deep personal In-terest In tln> <lay. Tin; love for theiryoung country runs nut true nnd clearIn every oration .ntiil afler-dliiiier toast.Tlic following to.iit. KIVLMI by the iner-clinnts of this city In .170.1 at the Ton-tine Coffee House. !<; but a sample ofmany which tlio d:iy nhvay* calledforth:

"The auKpIcIons dny'lluit rescued ourcountry from the i yoke of forclg

and a very strict conscience. Her tem-per itself sometimes lets so many ofher evil thoughts out Jhrougli hertongue -that her nature Is, nfter all,quite sweet and kind. Hut neverUie-Icss the fever of temper Hint burnswithin her docs Its work on her consti-tution. It shows itself, too, In tlic deepwrinkles Just above her nose, the longliues^nt the side of her mouth and litHie drooping mouth Itself, with Itsspiteful expression.

The woman who is always nursingher wrongs, wrongs herself more than'anybody else could have wronged her.The evil, hitter thoughts within herMint out the bright ones that mightcome, and make her had company. Jlutworse still, they have n. direct physicalt-ftcct upon her.system. Nothing canso ruin one's digestion as Hying Into atantrum at the dinner table. Tlic foodtaken in will not assimilate, -and thenppetitc Is lost. The heart Is affectednml the circulation Is retarded. Thenerves are so wrought up by a con-stant series of tantrums Hint thewoman with a temper is invnrlably nthin, nnnemic little tiling, who jumpsnt tlic drop of a phi.

After tile woinnli with a temper hasi wrecked her own beauty and ruinedI her digestion she proceeds to ruin the

lives ot all around her by a constantjiagglng that drives her husband to theclub and her children to the street. Herneighbors fear and linte licr,~and. eventhe family cat runs when Le sees hercoming.

The best way to care bad temper Jsfirst to convince yourself that you arenot really being wronged. Once youhave gotten |u tune with the worldund feel quite certain that the uni-verse Is better ordered than you couldorder it, yon will cease expecting toreform the rest of your follow men nndthus be saved lots of disappointment.

Try to believe In those about you andsee all the good you can in them. Donot forever fancy they are trying toslight you. This is such a foolish mis-take to make. Have too much confi-dence in yourself to Imagine anybodycould slight cr neglect you.

Do not enre too much what otherpeople say and do. Go youu.own waynnd rejoice. >'o man, or woman either,is worth cultivating wrinkles and wcar-

! Ing out your digestion for.I Don't worry when things go wrong; In the household arrangements or at

n club meeting. Think how muchworse it would be If you should.havewrinkles about your nose lu addition

I lo your other troubles.I Never he envious. >Vhy do you care: whether or not your neighbor dresses' better than you? If you are quite sat-

isfied with yourself, you will envy no-body. Envy is a form of confessed

! weakness, a lack of self-respect. Ue-' sides. It Is the meanest feeling you

I', could possibly have.Lastly, If you can euro your temper

, in no other way, simply rim and glancej in tlic looking-glass while you are in' the midst of It. That should cure you.

[0 Leep pace with tnem in drinkingability, and so, pel Imps s'omewhat re-retfully. (he tlmc-honorcd custom of

a toast for a State was ubaudoned.The residents of lhooklyn. 100 years

ago, wore not-to be outdone hy their"riends in tile greater city across theriver, as, according to a newspaper nc-(.'Oiiut at the lime,.the Tourlli of July,ISO I, was celebrated in Brooklyn a.sfollows:

"The mililaiy of Kings" County as-sembled at the town of Itroo|;lyn tocelebrate the day. At Mlnrl.se a saluteof seventeen guns wns tired. Tile Uni-form Corps of tin- Troop of Horse, Hc-puhlican ltitlemen, 'Washington l-'usi-lecis anil Hie Itislni; Sun companiesformed on UrooIJyn Heights at 10o'clock and marched through Saud.sstreet. Main street. lrront street, up oldl'Yrry street, to tiie n:lr?ule ground."

Later In the day there were dinnersIn the various, tnverns'niid the custom-ary toasts.

lu ltosTon there was ulso Uic inevit-able parade, followed bj services inthe Old South Church. The llostnn-Inns were Intensely loyal to JohnAdams, and HID toasts proposed In hishonor were often far more eulogisticthan those given for .lefl'ei-.soii In onetills sentiment was expressed:

"John Ailanis—too wise for olllre, tooJust for toleration. Yet be it reniem-lienil [hat Hie ostracism of (_!reecenever tarnished the immortality ofArlstldes."

The ltcv. Jcricdiah Morse, father of.Samuel F. H. Morse, the inventor ofthe telegraph, was then :i minister luCburlcstown, and lie hud a "prominentpart in the services. The simplicity ofthese early celebrations Is depleted Inthe follow Ing extract from a Ilosttinpaper In concluding a dcseilption of theevents in Cbarlestown in 1S0I:

"In tlio '

tyranny, and gu\c us houoi.iblo raninmonu' the nations of the earth—niajIts glorious events never ho effacedfrom our memories; may the bli'ssliiK'It lias conferred be H.S lasting us theplobe TVO lnhnblt, and mny each rcvulvtng yenr llnd us more united, morehappy and more free."

During the early yours or the Incentury the celebration In Now y,>rlInvurinbly opened with n illscbjtr£c ofcaunou from Ihe Iliiltrry. A pnr:i'!curthe mllKhi and volunteer rlllo orguulZii*tlons, accompanied tiy the Iciriin*; so-cleltos of the city. In which Taininiinywns ithvnyK well represented, marchedthrough Itroiiilwiiy below the presentCity Hull. Wall MmitJiiul EUIIIU of theother thoroughfares.

After n niari/lv of nDout an hour HIPpanniers lllod lino SI. Paul's or .suincother prominent ehuu-h. whore I lieDcclfinitlyiL-iir. Iinlepoiideiico was al-.wnys read, CoJlnwed by an nr:itinii.

Ill the evt'iihiB t'M'ry laveni ;n.i| t-*ir-fec house hail a ^|ii'fi:i 1 'l-'ipurth of ,lul> !dinner. This hillcr ciiMoni w;i-, nui-

" verbal. No hanilel w.i« M» small Unit tlcould not jrather its ciMiipauy of p.iiiiotic diners In Ihe village t;ivcrn, uWietheir vnlhiishituii u a i <tlhpla> cd. innonly lu repeated prulL'bLilluji:, of luj-

ladies iind Ki'iitleniPU assembled at tluIi:ill, -where they wore served with tea,coffee and fruit. The charms of wit,and beauly mlurnod evury countenancewith a smile-and diffused throughoutthe whole iv>inp:iny a cheerfulness amimodest Knyoty."

An account of iho celebration ;:i

My mother micL "You n.-uiirhty hoy, novslop that j'lMrful imi*»>l"

And then our cannon-r(And my! but tiny \vi

Made Kianilnia i-.iv, "Oh. weicy me! yoiuniiln't do tliat, boy-*!"

"Voti'rt niucli too ymnij: to lundlti'-\ lx>nit> ur, l!t>;niin iMiidlt1/'

MATCHING FAD.The matching fnd has been extended

to gloves. The latest BIOVC la Uuodnt the top with'colored kid, In nilthades. This gauntlet is supposed tobo turned back over the wrist. r

Veils match, as a matter of course.It takes a very pretty woman to look

! well under a mauve orji sreen gnuzc,, but veils must match* lints. A. few

wli.iclicrfi!) j white lace veils- are seen, and mnny


And for a httlt- -mlI put i'i Hobby'., i

My f.itlier juit imw J.L-1 i"family ja i ."

The r.iiitinn-nnd tin*llivin :it f.irlv limnii

It's "pnn' t «!•> fin-

lace-edKCfJ net and gauze veils.About tlio only part nf the costume

tliat does nut have to match Is theI Echoes. Colored kit! Is not yet fashion-j 11 bio, although the colored spnt i« nn• old story. The new models In

live trltuuiiug for tulli*. Brussels not orchiffon.

A throe-inch llerrnlrs braid, cmbroid-"oWnlnsI l l e" t l11 I Wsli Insteps will llnd fcoinedlincnltyHinirud lu silk hi IVrslan iiiloi.-, Is a

are rather odd, and lvomun with extra

...A .so. unU-s I ni.iyC1HK>-C mj-jiun (vii'lir.tlinnFor tltv h.rtlid.i> uf mir ji.itior

I don't -.cc win I illicit to fall

*t do that'1

1 bolus sultud. The vnmps of the now, Fhot'H SL-t'iii to be ex(r:inrdhinrlly loug.

(t j Intension soles me seen on manyi wlk in h mi tb wl fiolwalking shoes, and the swing fiolo,! which came lu a year a^o, in on baml, again, very much cxnggomlod. Some

t Fude of tiu» .shoes mnlJe one look actually—St. Nicho.as. ! pi^t-'ontood. I'mnps in patent leather

i and Itubslan ciilf will bo much worn.


An object of interest near whiclimany people pa1-; ilally wltlmut nolle-.Inj,- is tlie lltlie ulil liaiie>l window setIn the wall ot the Ithlncl.imtu' llnlld-

WHITE CLOVES PROVINCIAL.The short wJnUc glove is doomed, IC

' one believes iho \erdlct of those whoj live In l'aris. Last sen sou the fashion

ablo Now Yorkers began,to drop the*ZJZ\ \ £hieo white kdl glove and take up

^>r>-^ I biiedo ones in graj ami black.^''X ' IJnloss they wore a light gown they

FoiMiioil to prefer soft black gloves__ ^__ j btitcliod with white to all-white ones.^ p T ^ J > J Now fashionable liurojic, led bj

-i ji, l l]P> ] m s ontiroly discarded the two-buttoned white kid glove and hns goneback to nn early love, which Is tlieinoiiMiuetnlrc tan suede, stitched Inwhite or black.

Already yonie of tbo fnsblonnble! women here have taken up the style.j We are not wearing dhow sleeves Inj tlio afternoon and evenings for lunch-

cons, card parties driving nnd nil PO>rial occasions as much as they anabroad, but the fashion is gaining pop

-•-' 1

a lar^e nnniljer~or "ITIK at Hose and Dinuie streets. NewYork City. It Is sK IIIKII up In thellr--t story wall on tile Ito-o Mrvet sideand was taken from the old Ithluelandor Mijjai'houRevolution us a piiMHi for AnKVW'.'U)loldlcr.1-. IE was jiLicod in tlio p/es-

ularlly every tiny.With it, of course, roinos tlic long,

wrinkled glovo. Tlio fuMiIonnbllougdi Is Just half way to elbow, antIs ndjustcd to liannonlzo wiUi th

during tun i K'ligth of the PIOOVO, "When a c!oscufT Is worn, hondod by deep ruillejust bolow the flhow, the suede glove

when erected a few jearsJis pulled up to the 1'ullle over the cuff.

It Is prnhahle that few will regret th.passing of the short "white glove.—InilianapolK News.

8KPAKATK WAISTS.A whlto st'[>ara(t' wabt js nooeb^nr.

to the troussoaii. If this witist Is whitit can In- worn with any skirt and wlllook fresh and pu-lty as long nu it 1>l;i>pt clean and whole.

lU-va ii :i while sill; kwaisl, trlnniuwllh hoji\y li^t'i' ombiohlory. The yokiis uf plain hilk woiKcd with eyeh't*-'Lln> ooll:ir K mad<> of the luce, will Itthe }u\ir. ]>> outliut'd with ilu1 sanuThe hli'L'\<>s Hi*- out. of the (ii'dinaiy Ithat a Mrjp i»f Valom-uMiiiL"- lace IIIMMlluii bc^iiii* jn>t in frmil of the top ullic shuiihlcr :wiul I'Mnnls down tinfront nf tin1 -.Ifiivfi lo lln> doop cullM'lu> \\:_ii>-1 h Hiiitalilo lor mnthiei"! •.

ail>-HXV.|su>ll Whlt'll irqllllT-, MlUll'tlllll:i UtUc hcltiT than Hie sh iu waist.

The lint worn wlt'lT tliK waist h t-liapr. wlili :i limli h.inil, orii'inu-ntcwbiti* Napoh'dii straw, iniislirooni wli.(lii.\ pnik MiM-huiK The l(ip of ttn< li:is irinuiH'd simplj with :t hir-ad lu»w nfwhite taurla rihbon. .iuc!i n lint willuuswei for i.iii!i\ii.

YOUR FATEIf you must marry money, choose .111 hcirc.i

• -who'i! meky! meek—


I o l v n o n " " f o l l r "li • S " i i l 1 " ' ' > " " n o n

licll nlliicle to house, liorsca nmln« "mine , "

Anil the. jioor UR!>- KU13 m y n k !—Life.

A.MUITIOUS.Do'lly-"Is he very niiibllions?"Daisy—"Well, he wants me."—Judge

KVEXED L'I»."Strange; one-hair the world doesn't

Know how the other half lives.""Well, neither does the oilier half.'

—Philadelphia Ledger.

TOO EAItLY.'To you think you arc going i« Iiki

your new neighbors?""I don't know: they haven't hune

out IlK'lr wnaliiug yet."—JIIIivuul.eeSentinel.


"Do you think that mosquitoes carrymalaria ?''

"I dunno," nnswercil I'armer Corn-tossel. "They never took any ilwuyfrom bere."—Washington Smr.

The bride wlio finds dond wblto tinbecoming to her will bo wise to choosehrr weduim^-thii'ry-iu h'crunni White.Ilor,braids nnd lint trimmings may befound to inntoh.

If the girl who wears the Fcparntotvhltc bodice is* Inrlliiril to be short*ivnlstod, lot her n.lwnys wear with herDodlce'n white holt; never n girdleuntcliliig the color of the skirt.

dossil*.H'K tnrlbly i:uil:illKliiR the way a

;lrl liold.sulier HpsMn a kissing poKltlonvhen a lot of people arc In tbo room.

One of the inyntrrliM of life Is how aivoinan could unit a Ms-foot, ninn nndhen go upstnliH niiil fnhit becanpo sheJilnks thore Is a moii o In the closet...One cannot help fooling Hint a wornin should never bo In the fashion ovoinything but her clothes, hut our man-

UTS and moral's are ns subject lo tlielasting laws of fashion as nn? outivardrobi'.s. It Is undoubtedly tbo fash-on at tlic* present time to he rich, or, 1(lot, to appear so, declares Madame.Mnrriago.no longer being the aim of

every ghi's existence, she van be-furmore safely trusted, assorts the LondonWorld, to make friends -with the otherIOX, nnd form her own opinions onove, than, her predecessors, who sawlosKiblc husbands in all the men theynot.If you POO a quarrel coming and you

enow you can't avoid it. don't try toslide out. but face It boldly and -with-mt tears, and you'll cut straight.hrougli It ami icavo the man feelingiVe a wave tlint has been choppedhrough the mid (IK1.

Mrs. Charles M. Ilenrotin, before theChicago Women's Club recently de-clared women's organizations are'creating a bar rather tlinn a bondictweeu nieu and women." Slip ex-ilalncd that men have no time to do*•ote to Iho subjects which 'the womenire discussing, mid tliat this fnct i s•anting Hie men lo think one way nndlie women another.Tlie male architect Is bound about by

ronvoutloiiallty, j-ayfi the Lady's I*lc-lorlnl. l ie Is nothing if nut .coiisorvn^ll\e; so it is tlint we may go through?vcry house hi London nnd Fearcelyfind one which answers lo tlio Idea!liome of woman. Men never noem tflunderstand Mnir*. :tnd nppnrentnUthey never will learn tin* value of cup-lionrds to the opposite sex.

Thore are fuW who think nownday's suit her.1*—riillndelidila Ledger.ays tlio Lady's IMctorial, tliat womec i -~•mi gi't in anywhiTP nnd rule wliert'so j A. TANTALIZING SITUATION.•vtT they lll;o; but there is more su« . f[>iTstIlIuii than fact in tills. So fnr a([lnlutluu' K cuniMTueil, woman lias haC ,he hiM'l of man planted llrmty on hot i jlock. Of latoyeais shehnsduiie splen. | :

nis CONCLUSION.KnIcker-"So your wife went (o the

country to study nature's book?"Iloeker—"yes, and from the size ol

her hotel bill it must be among thebest six sellers."—New York Sun.

WOULDN'T KNOW IT.Barber—"Razor all right, sir?"Tatient—"I wouldn't know I was be-

ing sliavcd."llarber—"Thank you, sir."

. Patient—"It's more like being ilnycd,you know."—Cleveland Leader.

HOW IT IIAPI'EXBD.- Meekertou—"'Enpeek has just beenmade Independent for life.'

Mr.«. Meekcrton — •'Indeed! Somelucky speculation, I suppose':"

Meekertini—"No; he sued fnr a di-vorce and got It."—Chicago News.

enough to be his wife, nml he dldu'ldeny her statement quick_e.nougu to


r.usila anil Jjipnn ngreml to open tliopeace conference between August 1mid 10. . • ~ .

Morgan II. Beach. United States At-torney for the District of Columbia;tendered his resignation nml It was ac-cepted, to lake effect August :il.

For tlio first time In tlic history ofthe Government, Congress will not borisked nt the next session to make goodany deflcits. A taw was passed lastwinter providing punishment ror-olll-cers who made any contracts or obliga-tions for future payments in exccPR ofappropriations. The act la being strict-ly observed In ever)- department.

The foreign diplomats colled uponSecretary liny to congratulate him onills return to his duties and his recov-ery from his recent Illness.

President Roosevelt has named Col-onel Wlnflelil-S. Egcrly, ot the SecondCavalry, now In Philippines, n briga-dier general.

Tlie Navy Department changed thename of the (Jreat Lakes cruiser Mich-igan to Wolverine.

OUR ADOPTED ISLANDS.Oovcrnor Carter, of 'the fiawnllnn

TSIIIIHK ninlled his resignation toPresident Itnosevelt from Honolulu.He has been in cable, correspondencewitli the President regarding his re-tirement and bus. received permissionto go to Washington, 1). C, for a per-sonal Interview.

Tlio three editors ot (ho Itcnncloiul-onto, in Manila, the. most inlluentlalFilipino organ, have been arrested onthe charge of libeling Col. Baker of theconstabulary, whom tliey charged withcruelty- In the Cavltc campaign. Xhothree nieir are the survivors of a setnf agitators who followed Aguinaldowitii .1 portable press ou wliich theyIirluted .1 revolutionary organ.

A. M. Brown, the Republican nomi-nee, hns been elected sheriff of OabuCounty. Hawaiian Islands.

Kuriijue Dugnhnh, leader of the iu-Furrectlon movement in the Island ofSamnr, was killed, together witli tliir-ty-niuc of his followers, on .Tune '1,according to advices J"st received fniinManila.

DOMESTIC.Train robbers made an imsuece-srul

attempt near Puyaluih Wash., to holdup the North Coast limited, hut werefrightened away before getting nt theexpress safe.

Murder In (lie first degree was ihoverdict In New York City against Ed-ward Pekarz. who In April beat to

d l b

did work, and done it. moreover, withno hope of recognition from the IioyalAcademy.

jM^2r —In ins3 "" •

Lighter patterns In silk hrald are tlio 'I'opue. . _ •

Novelties In both color nnd design[irovall.

riorl7.nnt.il tucks for tho bottom ofhklrts are all ^ery laruv.

The keynoti' of good style In embroid-ered trimmings is the hrodcttc aiislAlbe.

The Jong, gnuvful linos of" a sunpleated gown :uv alw ii-» to bo desired.

Velvet bands and h-jw- will give Justthe right touch to the costume of fancysilk.

Fluted 'and rallied braids are verymuch favored among fashionable gar- j pi : i

death aged Sarah Kosenheig.The L'nllpcl States Circuit Court of

Appenlsof Indian Territory ln>ld Ihotribal tn'x of the Choctaw nation col-

SLOW KKLLOW. | loetible."So the engagcnn'iit Is bmlc-n off;" : Tlio American Dental Trade A.«ocla-'•ycR. It siMMiis Mte tmd him ono ' t i0I1>I l t I^»"trn:ic\ N. Y.. oloctotLW. M.

evening th.it sbo wasn't i,e.nl t | f l l | . |K;|rlatt. or IndliinapoIK luil.. ah prcs-

TTonblo over Tattio Itogers led to thofatal shooting at ItaliMgli. N. C, ofDeputy L'uIttHl .St;iU'-i Harslnil JohnDock cry by rollronuui I'-uac Kogprs,tho ulrl's father. ' '

After killing hoi* twelve-year-olddaughter. Mt>. Alol" Shields, despond-ent OUT a long Illness comiulttcd sul-rldp.it Kindlay, O. .

The Now York City Health Hepnrt-inont's report shows 2000 babies areborn every week in New Yorl;.

The charge of embczzloiuent againstGeorge P. Clewell. former Secretaryand Treasurer of the Federal TrustCompany, nt Cleveland, Ohio, was notsustained, nnd he wns acquitted.

The property of the InternationalPacking Company, nt Chicago, 111., liasbeen ordered sold nml or foreclosure tosatisfy claims of Sa.flTT.OOO.

A system of child shivery was TC-ve.-ilod in Chicago, III.,-the childrenbeing used ns kitchen drudges.

Alterations to be mnde to tho newHall of Kccords in New York City willcost nearly Sl.SOO.OOlK

Kxpprts believe the ga.s gusher re-rciitly Mrnck at llutlor, 0., will he tliegreatest producer In Iho world, ovrr

feet a day being iji'iit out nowNo wonder those enormous ruffswcutoutof faihloii.-LiHiJoii latter. _u,.,in.Vri>ineiiilourt prossiiro.

ANOXLIEH ONE."Do you know what you are trying

to viy," queried tlie eil'tor. as hoover the copy, "when you

of a man going to his long restTransverse 1\LCK.S maki* a very effee- nt the untlincly i\w of eighty V

recent Idea In iNo matter what stylo of skirt Is

fashionable nt tho imiment, accordionloaling is always lu vogue.A very smart trimming for silk or

fine cloth is a combination of Vcnlsolace and brodelto anglaito.

Liicos will adorn everything" lids sea-son, and Viileneioiiiie.-s, tlit* mo^t t'X-liilslto of lino lacos, l< lu higho.it vogue.

No fuliuss is allowed ovor tin

"Mure," answered the new reporter."He ought to have hcen Hilornforinedtwenty years apo."— Columbus Dis-patch.

KNCOnt.V<iKMKXT."IUit," conipliiiULHl the .iom'K man,

"If jon don't care for iu»'. why haveyou heeutime

A pos.se of iiiliier.s eliasini: .lackritmiiniT, who had killed a fellow-ininor, came up to him near MnconMo., and rlddlrtl him ulUi bullctH ^lieilie refused to sunontlcr.

A society to he known as the Sonsof tin? (J. A. It. has* been formed- atDenver. Col., to peii>t'tuate the mineof ihe * Ira ml Army.

Affiilr> of the I\o|>k''s Homu Purrha^In^ Company f.uiie to an end alrntliiL-ah. Ky.. by tlie arrest of Itsactive head, J. S. llordi'iinx. e h a r dwith viuIittliiK the State baiikinj: hiws.

"\\h\ , I ha\on't been doini; that. Ot, I have let you ludil m\ Jiands

VOXtEIUN.me all this -r| i p Unii^ii HUU«O <>f COIUIIHIII^ a

Luiidon. Kngland. rcjeciod a propoM'ish:> answered; j vote of consiuv on tlio ltnlfour MIUIB-

No fulius; Is nlloweil over th p , w | l l ,nwhen a plain skirt K yioie.becoming. 1 u^- ibut tlu* raMlilonublp time about tliL* feetis obtulnod nevertlielef-s

Little ribbon and hill; bows,

sonic, hut. Knu-inii". if you call tliat on-coinagi'iiu'iit, >ou ought to see inowhen I'm with Jack.1'— ChicagoItocord*

thiics isi> .small they tuftln^s,arc used to dot suri.icos and spacesthat otherwise would lie Hat, trimmingbfclrt.llonnces hoditv jokos, vtv. ' '

When tlie skirt*>" are plain and tight I jj"J",".|ns"titling tbo full sUrt Is a relief, while iIn thoso seasons vlicii all moilols arcllaring rod. tiiiiuned from bolt Co liem,tho voi'3* t-luiplk'lly of ihe sun pleated

A (JKNTMC KICUVKK.Papa I*a*.i>—"Now, my son, ho fiiiro

to keep out of danger anil always lookbefore- you bite."

Little Fining li:i«5S~"lliit, papa,ii daiigeL' just now. Isn't thisseahoir for our family":"

Ita'-s (sarcastically)—"Why, so

n makes It doubly attractive.It Giivii Uvr Strcnulli.

One of tlio^o necidenls on tlie ele-vated railway that foitunatfly happenvery seldom hud taken place. Thetrain liml run olY the traefc, and oxu* ofthe cars had breii overiunied and laidon Its side. It was fuliiy well filledwlih piiwiiKcrs. Many oi them -werebi'til.sed, but none was i-eilously hurt,and wllliuic bauds soon assisted themin, clambi'iini; out ot I tlio wreck.

One of the pa*<«i*m;i'rb was :\ yomiRmarried woman who had taken n hi*:itui-xt t«~rnvliulow. This i1- the slciry other escape, nt Mn« told It ai'torwurdto intimate fritMids:,

"When the cur v e n t over I fcl1

:it;uli)Kt the wludmv and broke It out.I looked down -through llu> upeiiin^tand there, :t few liu-liei lii'lnw me, wasllic deadly third rail. Twu wtheiwomen had fallen on lop of tnc, milwere Hn-cainiut; witli all their mif;btI knew whul wnuld Iiappon to me MI touchi-d that rail, and 1 held unwellui> from it."

"Hut. how (MinM you do It,'* licifrk'iiilh asked lu-r, "wltli.tln> wel^ld oftwo other persons pn .^-iim you down":*'

"Well. I'll It'll .Miu," -In' .s.iM. "Ihap[iened to rt-iui-mhi-r that 1 li.id lefton iny^ de^k at home a m-lpi- I limlcopied fiom some p.ipi'i fur tlie euroof eoni1-. lUi ,\oii think I \v:w ^nlii'4i.> lit anybody nml Unit lyin- tlu'i-eVNut, for vorhN! Tin- uu-iv (Imimlit ofit ; ;a\e me all the .sin ,i::th 1 ih'rdeil.Nun ilon'i >nii id! anvlxptly nb.mi tins,or I'll never >pc.lU,tn \nll aj,:nh."

Hut Ii h'.il.eil oiii, -Mim-liou.— Ydiith's('oin[>anl<in.

Ill CXpitlts..Inp:iu's In; .-i-.u I .n!i1'JUl ^ .is l.i!".;- ' Iti,inl'JUl. !IH"*J .Mill JULKJ.

ell .Is hi HU[x.i!r In llic w.ir \

i llif |nMvi- yv

it is! Ami If a iKhcruinn is lined, forhaving jtw hi hitj possossion, 3011 go Ihalf the line to heal yourfeelings!"—Hrooklyii Life.


*'And so you live up llieie In themountains nil winter'?" n^Ued tla* manwho met his ^uiile of List summer InNew York the other day.

"Yes, the whole year louml." repliedthe woodsiuau."

"Hut you ciiu't iWh up tliwi! now?""OIi, no.""What In the world do j.iii do?1*"Oil. I my lime thiukin^- up

li^li sloiie.s to tell you fellows in thebinuiiKT."—Vonkeri; Stntesiimii.

Ct>lom IIIrtM Dtin't Mkr.llt'd will annoy a iurI;ey-coeU n?

uiiu-li as a bull, but a sparrow will notlet iL tlisturb its mind. Itut if OIKshaUe.s a Mue r«K ' " front of a cu^eoHimrrow'.s e \es he will ^o fr.iutle wnudis^uM. Spininwf ami linnets, loo.

-w III iefiw> food oftVied tht'iu on npitH-e of blue paper, and dislike the apIiearauce of .my Imo wenriiiK a bhittlre.ss. .Medium liu-lit blue alTeels t h r uIIIOM, hut "blue si'i'^e they seaivcly mine:it :ill. 'I 'hnishes iuul b!j|cUbil-ils\>l>j(H-|in ji 'llmv, Itui will iist> n<d ui- bhuMlrU'C^|-i>.s left .•!))• MH Hu'lr liiillUl.s In bulk(In- outer layers »>\ ilielr nests, Vcllont russes |lie\ will imt usi-. — ChUJournal

A u,,n .,1 C'rrtltl^

lu illil«i\ i'1'islicit n n uill-l.in-i-4. .iiu'it<>uL t'hlrl .Ill-lit 1' V\']lllr-hli- I.. sL't.> hinut;: 1 1iUi'iiilt\ lunn-'i!•;! r i im huiisc ii

l l l l l l l w " l l - . I M l ,

l l l . l t 1


i - i v i l i i f t - i H i ' - ' - "

" m i l \ y i : ; i -

s U i - l i-il,

yot It."

try in I'oiintvlloti with the army iscandiil by a majorliy of rsoveuty-fotir,

A ivport comes from Frankfort, s.'iysa spcckil oahlo dl»|t,ileb, that the cmwiof Norway ha-, been' offered tu CounEloiner Louya.x.

ltn»isla*s ri-M'rvo*; in St. IVtorsliiirjnnd .Moscow are getllng ready lo tatuthe Held.

Cormmiy dis|)layetl willlngucss tmake comv-sion:, to Fr.uuv in or.leto turn her angry attention tu Ku^kiudfor trying to cinhrull Uieiu In war.

Lord Kitcluurr, of Kiiglnmi, prallctsthat y a r between lC11gl.mil aiul rtor the p()'-i(>^^lull ol lnJit Ib inuvit

Tho tJiHHi Chinese in Victoria. H. C,luve been working energeticallyagainst Amoricaii-iiiiido gouils.

Lhu'Vltcli's army In .^lanohuiin waso iny-jtltiod by the nif.igiv news It goinbciut the Washington tunference thaiit uii!> at a lo.->s to know wliotlior to oxpeot peace or more lighting.

The Czar at IVtorliof recelredtllor ti'onoial T. II. Larry, of tho Amer-ican army, and liN c('Ho;iguo*i on tliciiw:ty 10 the fiout in Muncliuria.

Fifty per.sons woie killed and twhiuuhvd were wonmled in rlutlnj,* aLodz, ltussln.

Tho l'ilgrlins gave a must coulli1

welcome lo the American AnihastiulorYVhltolaw Uuld. at London, Kng.

It Js nudoisiuoil in Itudiipo.sl, Iluiwiry, that the Klng-KiupLTur has re1 used to accept tlie u'slgnatlou of thil'remlor, Jicncrul lt:ire:i Ft'jervary, amthe inemhors of tlio new Cabinet.

Another ltusslitii Internal loan <>$HHI,IM)O,<KW will he lloatod III tile fillaceordlug to the plans of tin* Minlstr;of Finance, given out i:t St.

Twentv-slx nionths penal ser\it»idwas given M.Utl 11. .Tainiiir Ucluil:U<tho ifwilniionlsL whu shut (lovet'iio.Mla>omluu'. uf Vlbort;. Flnlund.

I'fomlor llalfuur .iiinjuiicod ut Lottlon. Km,'., Hint .1 Ituy.il roinmliad bei'ii nametr to iiiM-.sligntc thSouth African arniy sliHvs'soaHdal.

An attempt to fcri'f a witc 011 tli|iiestlou of ahuiir.ilhig tin* imUni iAtistrlii .tml, lluug.iry failed in tlInwci1 ln.Mi.se uf tlr.1 Ui'lehsraili. in l;ud;i

Ivt'plyir^' It) a 'pii'siinn in iho Housuf t'uimiioiis In L<i:i(li)ii,'ICn;:.. In 1^ . l l d I D l l h ' K ' p i i l t t - i l i ' \ [ M l l s n i u < i | A i m


I f . l l l . 1 1 1 ( 1 M l l l t i p r . l t l l i t I l l s l l i t l l l ! ' • >

Anliiir. ilie I'nder Sciiei.try lor Km• i^u Afl'iiii-. ••:=• t-1 | 'civ\. stated illI lie "i Iti\ el iiiuetit li.nl lii'eii liiftn'inIh.iI 110 MH ii tiitliix li.nl 1101.-11 i;l\ch\ |]i(> .lapaiii'se^milini iile.-.

A nt:iii \,n v\ tuh .1 luMiiii w.tu it ••nt ••! 11n' M.il >.\Ui [i ilit._\V.ii'*.t\*. Ku-si.i lie 11:.lunn.itIUU i>-~:iuiiiu' hiniM*

Eff JERSEY 5TAIE B 5Insnnc llmldlod Into Kacrow Colls. JA Hpeclal despatch from Stilom fiiys:ondUiouK in tho Insane ward of the'otiitt^ AlmffhouHe have boon found hylie County Froi-botflem to be on in,'or'*e than was reported. A vlult wasn\k\ to tho limtltutlon. which IB lo-atod midway lH'twocn . Knloin nn/1iVoodptown., by the Freeholders, midhey wore ytnrtlod hy the deplornble

efl there wituo«po<l. It WIIH tliofirst tfnTu In yrars tlmt the alniBhouKetins bOwi visited by~thV Hoard. Twenty-flvo liisWne. patients wowi""fouii(l lmd-(11 (Hi In Viie small rooYi, dlv[d,od Intotwenty narrow cells. Jiiid poorly veil-ilntcd. L\ nnrro\vjj)wli» between the•ellH^tur 1 Kalu^iJ*r*onIy place for 'tTnllj'"'xev -'Ifo. Ono woman, about eighty:oim> old. was found who had I)con•orfUncd to one of these cells for over i\ear. nnd who hnx hud little. If any, ox-relso In that tlnuv- IVesldont.Casper,if tho AlinsIioiiKc Hoard, proposes thatlie county erect nn nsylum slmllnr tolioso of Cuiuberland and Atlantic;<niMi<\4, nnd bring liomo tho pntiout»low at tbo State Hospital for the In-ane at Trenton. Tlio county ib nowjyhiK about fSOOO n year for tlieinintennnco of tliose patients. To

;cop nil the patients In the countyvonhl cost about SIO.(KX). of which tlicitnte would pay SStKX), lenvlng a lull-nce of $2000. Adding to this Inttor sumS2000 interest on a ?-K).(XM) county hos-iltal would mnke tho total enst to the?ounfy iMOOO. Tho county nlremlylias nn ideal silo for n hospital on the.•ounty farm. and. Judging by the views)f the Freeholder*, they are unani-mously In favor of Prc^Idgnt Casper's*chenio. Dr. John Wnrd. 0 ' the Statelospitnl. has served notice that tlio

cut quarters are* neither humanenor lawful, and unless prompt remedyIB provided the Freeholders fear tlif[>Ineevw]tl ho condemned.

No New Ronds For Two Years.Under n new'interpretation of the

s'ow Jcrfaey Stone I'oad law State:(o:id Commissioner Klijtth C. Ilutchln*ion. of Trenton, Is determined tliat nonore load contracts shall bo sanctionedtu til 1907, unless the noxt Loglslaturojmkes an extra approprlntlou for suchivork. in^other woiils. nil of the roadnonoy now on hniul is rc<]uired to pay!or work already contracted for, mid_'ominlsHloiicr ilutchlnsou will not puthe State- In debt for road building un-it more i.ionoy Is available. The ap-ropriatloiiH of last winter are not duemtil NOVCIIIIKT 1 next, nntl the appro-irinllons of the next Lofilnlntnre willlot bo duo until -November 3. li)0C. Atho latter Onto It will be too late in the'all tu do nny rond w-:frk, and so the)perntlon< will bnvo to KO ovor until:he fol'owlng spring. The only relief1 sight Is the possibility tlint the Leg-lnturo will mnko nn extra npproprht*

tion.'to become nvsllnblo as soon ns tho*uje is t-nnctotl. This Is hardly

likely to be done. Automobile ownersmuch *seitod ovor this matter. For

he last ten your1* It has been tho prne-Ice of the road department to-sanctionroad contracts In" tho different countiesbefore- tho State was In-portion to payit- one-third of tlie expenso/sometimesvon before tho Legislature had appro*irhitvil tho money.

- Died From Genuine Undies. .That Ilnllicrfonl I>. Curry, of River*

Inn. actually died of hydrophobia nndnot. from fright in dwelling upon thepossibilities of tjio drond di.sonco, asiiiil been .supposed, has been tllscovort'tlby Dr. A. N. .ltio- o. who wns his physli*Iiiii. Profoshor Alfred (lordou. uouro-lathologiht In JerTerson Hospital, Phil

adelphia. who a<; an expert pxamiucdthe spinal ganglia of the dond man,which had been submitted to him, lni.sreported tlint he found Indisputable'vidence of the genuine rabies, nnd he

hns no doubt that Curry'* death wns•aused by the disease. Curry hail beenbitten hy a dog a long while ago, butthe wound hail healed, and nolh:was thought of it until ho caught itheavy cold nnd developed symptomswhich he foil rod were those of hydro-phobia, l ie expressed bis fo.ir to tin1

tirst phyMdnn ho consulted, but wwttold that It was groundless.

Waste Gut*; Opera Hon^t1.The Kod Hank Opera House was de-

stroyed by lire, and It K thought thatlie blnze started from electric wires.

An opera company showed in thebuilding at ul^ht, and it Is supposed(he lire had smojiblered until Its dis-covery at iJ o'clocl; next morning. Thefiremen ^ivoil ndjolulng property. TheOpera House buildin*; consisted *»fthree stores, wiili an entrance on WestFront street. While the stores were,badly d.im;igiMl. it is tbouKht they caibe easily repaired. The huiMIng wn*owned by J. Tiafford AUIMI. whoseloss of £15.000 Is fully Insured. I t Isxpectetl that n lai'frer ami nvoro com

pie.to opera housp will take Its placeThree iireiuen were severely injured hyu falling wall.

Host Ilaipherry Crop In Years.The raspberry crop in tlie Colngn

district Is the llnoM for many years.Many plckiM's, are being Imported fromthe city, ami tlie farmers are smiling•it tlie prospects of aji excellent season.Tho dewberry crop Is on, and hundred!)uf crates of big. delicious borjjles arc'shipped daily. Muny farmers nie con-templating dropping strawberry fir

Hit Off Slice uf Ills Tongue/Falling fnun a Mile. Nelson Hi'.inlii

Ihe three-year-old .-on of Newell liranln. of Mlllville. bit oft' part of hi*tongue A few weeks ago tho boy folfrom tlio same stile and cut a ilce}i;.thti in his head.

ffbolesate Trices Quote I in Kcw York '.,.mm. -.

The Milk i'*xch,iii2c price for alaadtrdcAluahty '13 '2c. per qi.irt. . v - . \ .

6') ~J&@ 13W 80(S)125@. 25 '

j. per Ib 1.1 @ 17Brodcw, Phil., per Ib 30 @ - 35?a\\\*t per Ib 10 i ) -12^spring ducks. L. l.,.pcr Ib. — uC 18Squabs, per dozen 1 50 @ 2 50

nors.\ntc, 1904, choice 28 (3) 27Medium to prime 22 (a) 24 —

'acific Coast, 10OJ, choice. 25 @ 26Old odds .'. " 1 1 ' © 1 2 *

JIA.Y AND STBATV.Iny, prime, per 100 Ib SO (5) 82MMo. 1, per 100 Ib V7*i(fc SONo. 2, per 1O0 Ib 02%© G7HClover mixed, per 100 Ib. 55 (S) 70

Straw, long rye 70 {§ 75VE0KTAI1LES.

I'oUtoca, old. per bag 73ltasc, per bbl 1 00 4Sweets, per bnskct 1 00

'urnipfi, per 100 biincucs.. —

In All Par ts of the Slate.The rebuilt forry between lllUhip-

port and 1'hilailelphl.i has boon openeito trnllic.

In AH Part? of tbo Stato.Dogs are destroying young rabbits In

Cmuhrrfciml Cuiiuly WIKHIS. "Ileruiaii A. Miller «i i" appointed

postmaster at K-*-^ Fall-.Athintlr t'nu'nty" will puivlinsc n roll

or and a sprinkling cart for 11.se on tinImproved road-.

A IH'W Inseel. "with a shell and .1point oil bill," has been de-troying cornin Salem Comity.

A branch <>f the Statt* Law and Or-der Soeli'O is beuiu' organl/A'd In 111wooil, Atlantie ('utility.

Iirhl^eport r.inuer.s ediuptalii th:isweet pouitni's are not ".setlhig" well.

IlueMoherry plekeis report havlnscX'ii u huge brown hear mnhlc off Intti swamp near Seavllle.

One nf the ni<M niotieru inouhl shopin America is lo bo erected at Mljlvlllthy the Wlillnll-Tntiim Cl.i^.s Com'p.iny

ChiircoiiL burning, ouee u llouiishliiliulusiry lu South .ler.soy. will be ro\ i \ ed by Captain Julia AIU1III>UII,.Cniitiiii.*

•The aiiuual report »»f the Itii.mlFie. 'bnblels of Allillltir Couuiy sllowa ea.-h bjlbiin-e I 1 the ire.isui\ of nvt$.7T.UUl>, with a bondetl debt of ^Ul.(HK

Dflnyptl Thirteen Ycniri.ro^tnnister Coyne*s men bognn t'

rapid dolivery of mall mattor whlishould havo roaclus.1 it« ilostlnntlouClilcjigo. 111., thirteen jours ngi>. Will IW0i'inTT('Tl~lilinJng Interior changesthe llookcry Hutldlng. north of the LiSnlle blroot I'litrnnce, they foundiim«s of mall which bad. sllppisl dowbehintl ibo mall bo\ betwoon tho brlrnnd the miirble. Most of tho mail wnewspapers and rlmihirs, whloli proably JUHI been, piled on tho box, 1tli/High Uicre wi'ic some letters lu (lot. Tho imperil wero dnted 1SW. Tlmall wns 1 inl into ti buiullc-aud bout

'the postolllco at gPMt hinxil.

n, extra.$mtH \9\%Gko dairy lulu, tii-xt*.... ,tH\i(d

miLiLion-crciutL-ry . , , . . . . Ifi (5>•'actory, thinln to (ir-*h 1 3 ^ ^

tatc, full crcair, f.inc;....Small —l*.nt skimi.£o;)iltn prime 5l'art skim.*, common —Full skims 1,.

teas.iMo'y—t'.mcy 2.1

!titc nnd I'ciin 20VcRtern—Clioict* 17fouthem—ChoicL* 14

UF.JfsR AND rEAS.Jeans—Mnriow, choice. . . —Medium, choice . . . . " —l'o.i, choice ."77** —I»L'd kidnev, choice — -Wlritc kidney .1 •).>Vcllow eye 100Ulack turtle soup —Limn, Cnl / . . . 3 7iT

KiiciTS AKD nnmiiRS'-i'nKnnlca, Spy,* per bbl .1 00Inildwin, per bbl 3 00Hen Ravid, per 1>1>] 3 00Riusct, per bbl 3IQO*"

Itniwberncs, per qt *S**K'ltcrncp, per /ft .1Idebcrrict", per r*t 0kmoioivj, per crate. . . . I 25

iValcrmelonM, per 100 IS 00•liwpberricq, per pt 4Hnckbcrrics, per qt 5?cachcs, per carrier 73

in, per carrier 73ricfl, per Ib 5

UVE P0ULT11T.'owls, per Ib —Spring chicken*, per j b . . . . 20;loostcrH, per Ib —

'i'urkcyn, pffr Ib " —Sucks, per pair GO(iccse, per pair 1 00.'igcons, per pair.. . . . . . . . . —

f«i 21('<) 21fa )"H

(5} 3 13(«l 2.J3

r ^ i » -{ )2 75C»' 3 &}K 1 (13

§ 3 703 S K

J 1 0 0 ,! I £03225j 1O0

.. . _ . ,_)175. . 1 00 (S) i 75.-. I 50 <S> 2 50

2J <aj 125



'omatoes, per earner.ICRP nlant, per box. . . .yiu^-h, pmubbil ,l*ea«, per b.vkcl?epiii'in, per carrier

.Leltuccyper bblCabbage, per crateString beans, per b.iakct... B0Onions, N. O-, per bap 25

•E. Shore, per basketydcry, per rior.ca bunches.

Sj>mach, per bb.1hnle.pcrDbiCarrots, per J00 bunchei... 1 00Beets, per 100 bundles 1 50 .Pnntlcy, per 100 bunchw... 2 fv; @ 3 00-Kadi-bcfl, per 100 bunches.. 40 @ Mi

Rhubarb, per 100 buntliri.. RO •©Alp.iraciiA, per do?, bu'chcfl W) (3) 2Cucumber?, per ba«ket "3 (S) 2 00;Parsnips, per bbl — <3 I*WLimn beans, per crate 2 00 <S] 5 00Corn, per 100 100 @ 1 W

cr.Airr, E T CFlour—Winter palenta 4 00

Spring patfintfl 5 75Wheat. No. 1 N. Dulutli... —

No. 2 red 1 00Corn. 3Co. 2 white

at«, mixed 1Clipped, white

Lard, ciiy -Livn-sracs .

[leaves, city dres-sedhalves, tity ilrc-sseil

Country drc«icd - . .Sheen, per 100 Ih ' . . . . . 3 00 (3 4Lambs, per 100 ll> G 25 (5) 7IIORB, Ine, pur 100 Ib 5 80 (a\ 0

Country dressed, per Ib. —- —


How Far the Government's FiguresGive n Clue to Actual Results.

Xew York City.—Tlic area of 17,012,. -000 acres for spring wheat, reportedby the Government on tlie 10th. wasthe lnrgest 011 record except for 1902,11)01, lSU'.l and ISiiS. Witli a "condi-tion estimate" of !i:jr,-IIie liiRhcst Junelli;ure In two decades, except for thesix years 1!)O1, 1S!IS. ISlij. 1S01, 1S90.and ltSSS—the traile Usurps out n yieldor 2fl'.),()oo.ixlt> bii'-lirls. which, wltu the•wluter-'whcat prospeef, proiiiisL'il theoptimists a totnl wheat-crop e.-(cecdliis7<H>.(KH>,IHH> bushels, and second In long*ultude only to l'JOl.

Are these liopea too rose-colored? Onemny Judge from the following Govern-ment table:


isiKt!' .!!!!!

Jniu\0'! 7!)3.-lil.V.1yr..i!)2.0


:t7.'sS S . 0


July. August.






The rorej:oInK tisnrcs BIIOW that luonly one in the past flftceii years hatthere been an improvement in thecoudlilon estimate of Bprlns wheat Inthe two months between June 'QUdAugust. - — _

Paper Upheaval.TUc Taper Trade Journal re)

that as a result ot the prosecntloitinted by the American News-Publishers' Association against(•ciiunrl Paper Company, the V~News Trust, tho Interstate Pnpr,-puny, the trust controlling otherlias dis-wlvcd, and the Wester-factiirers are rushing East fo •011 nil lines of paper. Prices &-J-lower for coiisuineriJ, and trTsigns that real competition hrestored.

Cottonseed Crushers MeeiThe Texas Association of Cott

Crushers In session at Galvestonns, resolved to put In operatl.quickly ns possible the bureau otllclty. plans for wlileh hnvo beer,

.for homo time. It In proposed t».cate the public ns to the uses oltonseed by-products. . .

Oat Crop Xlns Suffered.The ont crop hns suffered to some ex

tent from excessive moisture lu Wlsoonslu nnd Mlutiesotn, rust In SouthcnIown, rank growth in Northern Illlnoh

d routli In Kuuthern Illinois.

Gencrnl Outlook Good.The general business of the countrj

continues very large, nnd ivlth gooiprospects for crops, the outlook Is iccrjbright, tlic only storm centre being liWall Street, where, ovcr-specnlntloihas brought about n decided feeling (kconservatism.

' nenvlest Rails In Use.The rails on the Belt Line roai

around Philadelphia. Pa., are the bonylest rails used on any railroad In thiworld. They welgli 112 pounds to thiynrd, and ure ten pounds heavier thaiany rails ever used before.





FllIDAY, JUNE 30, 1!IO3.


iwM'ii ii**. ff rlir ri1 11 •• cui'i"*, and ItimM be '-l:i- "iiri-*. o,-- ,

AVIIIMI I ^ »t sii i':ir I .iumin'tl uj» andKt.n'UM'Jm fulK lor Flm life's |iri»<i«in'<\Thru niioilifi Y'(>:i n^uileil uw. Sup-'pi»<i» l>'li>iiuVt<hniili1 llniilv fh.it my IHM-


- By INA WltlGHT HANSON |•"* — I"5

« ;Copyright* tfO'., bit Inn i n ii/ht liftman »h

I found Florino by tin* te:i table onthe vemndii gnz-Inn dreamily Into liui*cup. She won* inj roses. In the beltof her white gown am! In her bronzehnlc. For some tluu1 I h:ul not d:nvdto approach'I'Moilin* wlthout'l-i/uiK fur-tilled with disagreeable speeches; titn-

Mhould luivo been guilty ofproposing to her. Considering that hermonthly ^iconic wi* quite c-iituil t» inyuimu-il one, u proposal of Itiarrinp*from mo would ho p:\lpnhly absurd. IRlguort, anil my flitfh nrflwotl Florine.

"Oh, I'm Rliul It's you I" she saidbrightly. "I wiw n visitor In my tea-cup."

,1 frowned nnd took n clmlr on, theollior Hide of the table." "1 wish you wouldn't," I said.

"Wouldn't what? Give yon a enp,tea? W'vM, you needn't drink It.

you afraid It will hurt your com

' Her tone was bantering, but heryes had a hint of concern In their

' violet depths. I looked away as 1- an-swered :

"Tlie other night at pit you turned—yOur chnlr around three times, aud

then when you lost yon attributed it lotho misplacing of your rabbit foot."

"I did make ft mistake," she.suld_ gravely. "It wasn't the rabbit foot;'It was the dny. Wednesday In my un-lucky day."

"If you keep ou folks will think youare weak nit titled,'* I continued, keep-Ing iny gaze carefully from the danger-ous chnrnnrf her face. "I have actual-

Jy heard It said that you wear an amu-let!"

Florlne was ullunt so long that Iwas compelled to ghuicc at her. She

_ was regarding me with what might betermed a complex look. Iler mouthwas dimpled with smiles, her liftedbrows were derive, but her eyes were

, troubled. I Ignored the eyes."This superstition business detracts

from your real worth," I went on re-lentlessly. "It Is tho flaw In the dia-mond, the blight In the n^e^tbe— the"—

"Fly In the olntment?"~s»lle HUg estetlpolitely.

"To have It told nround that youwear an amulet'." I reiterated lu finescorn.

Then Vlorlnu laughed. When Florlne

i ig tin* a m u l e t iiilUii'iH-rd m y d i v l t i r . t -t l o n ; t h a t it w a s :iu : i [ in i r m h o n o r , s ot o H p r ; l l , . , I hiSil t h e l . i iUr t < \ t lVl l l l lyu n d e r a s t n a l l u r a n d w e n t li.ti-u tu t in-SUUlUier l i n i l s r . I \ \ ; i s M.*il*Vel> siuTT'dw h e n H t i r i i i r c u n e i l \ ! i i g d i w n t h eLiath, h e r Minify g n w u i l i ' cu in^ HUi> nlovely while cloud nrnund her.

"You can lan^h or >ini cm scold. Idon't care!" ilie n^erted tearfully. "Idid we.u; :m amulet, but now It'sKOIK'!"

She s;tt down by me anil dabbed ather pretty e.ws with a square inch ofluce edged linen.

I neither hutched nor scolded. I no-jj:m telling her a si Dry:

"Once up >u a time there lU'ed a beau-tiful prliuv^ :idou'd by every one. Inher coin t \\:w ;t num. neither" rich noroverwlse, but lo\lng her. he thought,bent uf all. She arcUM-d him of h.ivingno Imagination, anil • maybe be li:ulnone, but he saw iu the simx't gold ofthe pilncc-s' hair. In e\ny blue llowerhue of- her eye**. In **v<-ry -uirllngstreamlet, the mu ie of her laughterOften he crltlHsed the prlm-t»H. al-though to him %he wits perfci-t"—

"What did lie do It for. tben?" criedKlorlne. . .

"He bail a mighty purpose " %rioriue gigidefl. I looked at her sus-

piciously, hut she made another d:ili ulher eyet, so I went on:

"For all his liatsli wonl-i-lii*. repented [.In sackcloth and :whes, mid when theday of hi1* repentance -was over heknelt on the ground at her feet"—

"Oh. no!" corrected Florlne. "Hemight have taken iheumathm or some-

ilug."Were over eye1* so blue or tips' HO

sweet? I plunged ahead recklessly:'lie took her little hand lu liis"—

suiting acllm to the word—"and putIds arm around her so and kissed berIlkc thW"~

'How dare you':" said 'Florlne verysoftly. ,

"I don*t dale," I" uiwwoml meekly."I WUH only showing jou what the mandid who belonged In tin.' court, of tin*princess."

"Well, go on." she commanded."I can't.'*"Why?""I don't knaw nlint the princess did

after he—after that." I sighed, al-though looking at Florlne hopefully.

She smiled."Oh. the princess said, *I have lo**t

my amulet, aud I can never sec hap-piness without 11; so niethlnUs I willpublish a decree that tu him who llnd-

Cuimoii Ovor 4»M»H" PitchcrNGrave.

Ciiillilc, Tu ,June*JS.'—Thu rcrenionytf tin—ittiveilin^ of 11 cannon prrhenleMby thf win1 department «\er tlm ^ruvoof "Moll" 1'iteh.t'r, (lie revobitionnryhei-oiue. of the bailie of Momnuiitli, WHSeondiiclul lieie today uilh impu-iu;;exerci-e!*( UIMILT I lie niispiCL-.s of the.Patriotic SOIIH of Aini'iini.

• i lnr ra l i tor the Fourth.11ml for t-hu town dock. (ii:L yourputtiolism moused and full in linu toMippuit thu Hi^h .School Alumni intheir rtlorU to secure a clock for the,town. Thu festival will bc/lield in OddFellows Hull in the ufit*rnoon andevening.

There will be u liuu hiipiier, ivo eicpfuiiLUH, euixly, finite, elc.

"Otln-r attravtutns will lie ball mnt 10.H0 A. M. and :t V. M.

The Sulve.Tliut Penetrated.• ])t'Wilt*» Witch Hii/i-1 Sulve \wtralt'.s the \101vn of Ihu fkiu," and by itsiitittfccptie, nibifot'ienL and bealin^ iiflueiuie, it subdues inllainmuliun undcurirt lioIN, Uurns, Cut-*, tic/unm, Tutter, King Worm and nil kin distir. c.H.A .specific fcii1 blind, bleeding, ituliin^und protruding 1'ile-t. The ongliml nnd

niiue Witeli Hu'/.t;l l iilvu in IIKUIC l»yK. C. DeWitL & L'H. and i-ohl by N. If.Clayton.



"You poor old dear!" who exclaimedas soon as hhe was able. "I don't be-lieve you have tlie ghost of nn ideaiwhat an amulet Is'."

I was solid on'that score, for 1 had- Just learned the definition from the

r dictionary.'An object, usually n peculiar bitstone, metal, hone, paper, wood or! like, worn by superstitious people

a protection agalnat witchcraft,id luck, disease, accidents, etc. A

petli it will - liis heart's deMrr

Describe the amulet. O princess!""The decree .should state that tlie

amulet I1* Inclosed within 11 case ofgold, yliaped like my lining heart amiset around with rubii-. lll;e drops ofmy own lio.irfs hlotxl; that ihe ainu'-let is of line linen, marked with purple;that each separate line stands for lovo,trust, liappiuc'S; that all the Hues tii-sether form the lineaments of—of"—

I'lorlne's daik laches ie t<Hl uponvery pink cheeks, she •holtateil.

"I po to hcaich for the amulet." I an-nounctMl, rl'iin;*.

She looked at me approvhinly. Ipeeied under the step, made two shortdetours In the direction of the lake,then discovered it muU-r a hinall firtree.

riorlne chipixM her little hands."How beautifully the htory proceed-*!"she ciie<l as I Mit down again to tellher my heart's desire.

I am wondering, Ihou^h," she musi-da very long thiic* afterward, "how theman came lo Had the amulet under allr tree when the prfuets*; lost it iu thesummer house."

opuliir One-l>uy Kxourslons viaPennsylvania Kuilroml.

Commencing July tf :IIH) evtiry Thurs-day thereafter until August HI, inclusive

PemiHylvauiiL Ruilrourt Companywill run mi excursion to Ocean drove,A.iluiry l'ark mid Lorg Brunch, forwhich tickets will behold ut the. aboveextremely low raU'.s. Children betweenliv« and twelve years of age iialf price.

The tickets will be good onlyspecial Irani in tiicli diii'C.tion on day ufi-wiu*, leaving I'liinluiry lit S.-I7 A. M. ;

turning, le.ive I/jng Ilim-cli (! I<> 1*.M. mid Ocean (irov-c (i.:j<) I1. .M.

Quality VN Quantity.Ilitnl muscles and strong body do

not depend on the (jiiunUly of food youeat, but un its pcrfttl digestion amiproper u^iuiihidon. When you tiikt*Kodol Dyrpcp-iu (.'iirtj your ^j.ilem gelsvll the tioui!^hn)«-iit out of nil (be foodyou tut. It digests whiit you cat re-<;.udk-h of the condition of the stotuami con\t.'\i the nutrient bropt rlu'-t idthe blood mid IMMU-*. This builiU u\nnd alrt'iiothciw tlie entue sjhU'mKtxlol c:ures Indij^e-tioh, Jiy.*-pc'ji-i.i,HeU'liing, Sour Stomach, Weak lU-ait,et<:. Sold by N. K rinjlun.

This Store is Headquarters Again

This Year For Women's,..

Misses' and Children's

Bathing SuitsNearly every woman who j;oes lo Iho f-en iilo, linds plenty

of Use for a l>nthiii£ suit, un<1 for h\^ienie. :is well as olherreasons, Ihe suit should be her own. . r ,

Time lo he thinking about hiding one now.'

A lxibl of llic'in h:ivo arrived imd- the; vurif-ty pri-scnls

pi'iU'tiviilly every liiimlsniiu! style, mid (lcpcmliililu malprial

liroiifjhl out tliis year, ami all at prices Unit niaki; lliem iu\-

(litiniiully allructivu.

WOMAN'S UATIIINC SUITS, made of blnek, navy andmedium blue, line quality mohair and lailliantinc- I'lainand liaiidM)iiii'ly triinmod ell'i'Cls. §1 . { )S t o $ 7 . 0 8 . '

MISSES' BATHING STITS, jaunty styles, made of lilnckand l)lui', fine; qmiliLy moliair; ell'wtively Iriinini'il withwliiu- and colored braids. § 1 . 7 5 " t o $ 5 . 0 8 .

CirfLDRrcN'S-IUTniN'd SCUTS, of him- iimliiiir andall-wool llauucl; with :ind without skirts. • Some plain; othershraid trimmed. Sizes, for nil ages. $ 1 . 2 5 t o $IJ.OS.

1OSMIK H. S(:Uo St., 1O S.'lirimil St., TUKNTON, N. J .

CHAS. J. KEELER & BRO."A. MANS A MANJ FOR A'THAT," BUT A WOMAN, no matter how stylish she may

bcattU-efl, does not, in li<Sjfowii mind, feel satisfied unless^Ker dress is finished andcompleted with a.pair of OUR SHOES, the p n ^ $1.50 to §3.50

The only place to buy them is here, a choice of manufactures, ehch built on a sty-lish comfortable last at the


Weave yours for Shoeology and Furuishology.

CHAS. J. KEELER-& BRO., HIGHTSTOWN, N. J.Headquarters for Men's Tine Shoes Gents Furnishings a Specialty.

Eug. • South Siflc of C. C. Blnuvclt 's Store.

"Ob, don't!" she choked. ".You aretoo absurd." ,Tbeu ahu weut ofC Intoanother gule of luuKlitcr.

"I don't bco wbens tlio ubsunlity•comes iu," 1 rctorti-d. RIf that Isn'tan nmulot, tbeu ivlmt la It?"

I aupped my ten with dignity whileFloriue recoverod herself.

"I kucw u fjlrl oucu who wore an, amulet," ahu bald at last. "It -was the/ —well, Uio picture of somebody slie

Uked."-LPlcture—uh! To bo sure, I wasn't

Adonis, neither w:is I afraid ofjhkhijf the cauieni, but for one rea-

son or uuotlior I had faced a pbotu^-rapher. Picture, was itV Was she Uiegirl? I wondered.

"It wasn't bono, motal, stone, paperor wood," she went on. "And Miedldu't wear It us a protection nxiihuUanytblug. £3lio ju^t won* It becauseJ3hc liked It, because she liked the riiimwhose picture \v:is in It."

"It wami't nn uuuilet then," I anld.settlnj; down my cup.

"It was an amulet," contradictedITlorlnc. "UuIumKiiiitry folks" yet theirdefinitions out of the dictionary. Otherpeople"—

"How about u walk?" I lutevruiited.1 couldn't even pretend to he dlp;if;roe-able any loiwr; nt'Uber could I mus-ter up dctennlnatluii »'uout;h to leav*- Iher—lovely, fcuiKhlnj* sprite that she"was^ Perhaps tJiere was less diiii^or

In bis story ot tin- life (if Lord Strnth-con.i Mr. Iicrkli's WHlsoii li-ll't :mamusing nnrfiloU' of Ills lonlslil]»'s <>;ir-ly days wht'H iis Donald Smith In* cn-terwl Un* I'liiployiuciit of tin* ITinlsonItay ciiin[>:iny und

htuji the \vhti:h uuidtto ImiM

liiur u" pi'er

j - ' "But I am f oluj to have anoUiercaller/' she demurred.

"Do you see liliu lu yoitr tencnji?"

mlU aA fallow Scolchiiitm who worked

with Smith ou tin* s:ime Btiitionbronchi "lit :i *<et of bamilpi's ou oneoccasion, and when the Indian's audEbkinios had .tilu-ri;d round In- slruvLup *'Tln» Ili^lihuul Luddli:" or Komcsuch ntr. Tin1 dflixliL of Uii* aborit;lnoswas iininoiiM\ Their fiiccs Ut ii|» withniiiturc, and witti open mouths :itidcars tht*y dr.uik In thu sounds pi-odiit^'dby the lustmuu*iit.

AfttTW.'inl i\ (llscu^lun aiiisi' nt tin*coinpany^.s factory* :m to wlu*Uier tlu»Eiklnio-t wore uf MoiiKiiHnn or Ire-luxullc oxtniftluii.

"Hoots, iiion, jr'rL' u* wraiiK," brokeIn tin* ImputitMil pi pur. "Did ye no seethe chli-ls thN inornlu' whilst I wastwlrltn' the plpi's? I ' \c nae tloot—niujdoot uva—they've true hlehnul hltiid lu


Vln l*oinis>Lvsiiiia Kailroucl, A«-couikt Li;\vis and 1'Iark Kx-

po^itiou and VariousConvention.s.

On account of Hit* Lt-wis and Clarks])ositi(>n at Vorllund, Ore , Juiit* 1 to

October IS. und vuriotiri conventions tobv licld in cities on the Pacific enn tduring the Summer, the lVmiHylviiuiii'

itoiul ('oiii[niii\ will M'!l ruiiud tripic-l1! on sitfcilU'il t]>:u s, from ullions uti its liiKH, ((• S'ni Fniiu*i-fo

•ind Los AuKfli-H, Apnl !* lo Si*pti uiber^7, to I'ortlund, Si'iitllr, Tiioonni, Vu-toriu, Vuni'ouviT, und Sun Dic^o, Mayl2'2 lo Si'iiloinbtT t!7, at greatly rcduci'drates.

For dnU>-4 of wiU'und spccillc in forumlion ciMictTuin^ nitc^ und rfiutts, oon-hiill uenrcsL ticket u^fiit.

If in u kind of bilious mood.You m-h'un aid to digi-sl fuod,No oiln-r pill i Imll'j-o ^uoilAr> DeWill'h Little Kml> Ui.-cr>.

The l':iiiu>urt LiuU* lMls Kirly Hi.»ei>curt* (.'un. UjMilion, >it:k Headache,

lou.-nt-^, etc. 'J'liey- never J I ij*t- oiken, but impart curly lii-mj; ein-r^y.

Cuod'for.childit'ii or udiilt- Sold hy

"No; I see him nt the g:itt\'r hlielaughed, ''although he iu;iy 1»* eoniinKto • see iutinmiu. llu Is very foud ofmiunm:i. Possibly r shall be tit thesummer house soon."

It was clearly a Jure, and 1 took It.I went to tlie summer house. Around

' the summer house nro trocu and flow-ers; In front is a mluaturi* lake—abeautiful place, but a dangerous onewhen u in mi has no rl^ht to tell what

* time* dims his eyes and Importerbis speech.

As I sat down something ut my feetcaught my eye. I picked It up. It wana heart shaped lockut set with rubles.It flew open In my hand, disclosing

;vo scraps of white cloth. I e\:un-. the nieces with some interest, es-

pecially as< I noticed that my mono-gram graced the upper one. They weretwo corners from one of my li.uulkor-chleftt evidently. Anyway It was mymonogram. AVhcn my eyes foil on theother pleco ;t bowl Iderl n;r lot ofthouKlitfl CIIIIHLHI through my brain, forthut Died' boiv in.v pnull*'. traced clev-erly In purple Ink, Klorlno's amulet—

_H_^nlcture of :i man sin1 liked!" -Nomore letting a ptiliry fortune stitnd be-

Trlxli Provrrlm.TUo jiroverbs vt a nation are the dis-

tilled wit of generations of Its people,and the true wit of tin* race Is often-times In proportion to the truth :iudbeauty of Its pt*o\erbs' Few nationsand few lanjitiaKes possess uion* beau-tiful sayings than the Irish. "The silentinontli* Is melodiuus," Is an Ir^li nplio-rlsui pregnant with beauty and poulrj*".And another ^ayillg, inculcating a char-ily which Is spiritually needed In thismodern world of ours. Is thai whichti'lN us, "Our eyes should \w blind Inthe abode of another." The beautifulfaith and the inagnitleent optlinNui oftin1 Irish race are well pictured In theirproverb, "(iod never shuts one door but'lie opens two." "Autumn dajs cumesoftly, (pilckly. like tin* running of ahound upon a iiHmr." Is pm>tlc. vividtruth. And here Is a ••harp, sutlrlcdone ,that cuts several ways at the sametln:o, "A p n'in might tu be well niadoat ill--1. f .:• ll-eiv Is niiiiiy a one t-> spoilIt nfi»:'\\ar.l."-T.(-*!ii-1s Monthly.

Appearances Count Heavily;G o o d C l o t h e s

AreHmportant to All ienTli(! style ami fit of our Spring suiLs 1**11 tho slory of

, export tailoring bi'Ucr than wo can.Our SI 1, SI.") and up io $ l) .suit-, for example; haml-

tailnrcd in this WJIPIHI'SJ MiiarU'fiL stylos, of fahrics -whichyiohl the servife ymi expect of ;i $2S uiiulc to order suit.

Wo keep plo.«» to Fashion all tin* tmiu in our clothesfor Men and Hoys. Yet you'll Iind our prices modest forguaranteed clothing like ours.

Wo have no trading stamps or schemes for gettinghusino>*s, all we have to oiler is the Wit tailored clothing .at inos't satisfactory price-*.

('nine in and talk clothing over with us, you maylearn something that will ho of advantage to you in thefuture.

Our business U clothing, we have studied it- for thopast HO yrar>.

Vannest, Goleman & Co.,CLOTHING MAKKUS,



•7& fiottm1 m^^ 7i/G/i fSTOWN.N d

Art Studies in Portraiture



Others $2 to $8 .50 l»er DO/CII .


!Croups, Views, Interiors



SI'KCIALStcliiu^ - - \\ for oO

:t lor i i

l o r \Viinnmuk<»r & H r o w n ' s

That Free Watch Offerof Ours

will bo jwtfiilriiwn after Sulurday, July 1st. linlilthat (late we shall f»ivu a guaranteed watch, of llnu.size/nil iinisli

f\th a purchase'of $10 o r more,|in hoyi-s and ine.n'.s liaLs or elothinj;.

There's hill I time for YOU lo gel one. Youprobably need a Minimer suit and hut, anyway.

liutle.r buy S10 worth from the finest slock inTrenton, and gi-t one.

Sult-s, $.~> up. lints, '2fn:. up.

WaMli Soils, .";<)<•. up. Workinj,' I'unts, 7.~,c. up.

F. W. DONNELLY'S,rIV(*ntitn Opera Hon^r Sttiros and Assembly Komn,

TI2E12SrTO2^r, 1ST. T.>*c\t to K. A. Uonnoll.v's .Men's rurulslilii); (Joods Store.

MEI'S SUMMER SUITS.KuiU of HorKi*, Wor?U*d nnd Homespun, combining IigtiFiicstT

of weight \sith atrengtli of weave.Tlift iihsohile nlni'iipf of cotton makes thu color Tiist, mid tho

Ihitoriiitf inttku our SniLa hold thuir Hliupo.You can he suited here. Singio und Double Breasted models.

The styles .strictly in the funhion und yOur Biitisfuction guaranteed.

You iiocd not worry about tlio color—Guaranteed fast*You need not worry about the cut—It uill hold tdmpe.You need not worry about the price-You eau't do better

Price $7.50 to $20.00.UoyH1 Wnah Suits, Serge Suits and everything good in Furnish-

ings for Hoys.


Clothiers, Hatterw, Furnishers.

Thos Mason & Son,The Key-Note is Economy.

The key-note of nil our advertising is economy. Bvery sectionof tho shop lias its own object lessons.

There's no economy in triinli; tliere's no economy in any arti-cle of mercliundibti that irf made as a muku-shift substitute for areully jj[ooil tiling. * Wli^n lumest up to-date goods at lowest pos-sible prices an: uttered you, there's true economy in the purchaseof such goods. This store stands ready with its proofs.

Suits and O'Cnuts For Kirn.

We'll nuike. u *-hoiL .story of it,just u line Tor un iti-nt iitnl everyiUan priced ixMienth il.s noniuil viiltie.

Double and Singh: breasted *Miiln,$'J.OO to $lo.0l).

1 TOJI O'Couls 12.00, for $i).7A).ltuin CoiitH $1.1.00, for $10.00.

CAKPKTS.The ciirjiet sLoelc i.-> now nt it.s

-very best.Ingrains, ull woitl, 7"K*. quiility, (WJc.Ingrains, purl wool, t>."ic ([Utility, .r>Uc,

Hag from '2~)C. u yunl up.inuk'H, Oil riotl»H and Lmoleurn.-i.

A MOM'H Furulhliln^ Sale.

A vory bniulbonm .sbowing of

newest Shirts, Collars aud HalfHo.se.

Just an item of each with thu price


l'laiu, Plaited und Fancy White %

Negligee Shirts, Toi: quulily for 30c.

Funcy, Light and Dark Colored

Negligee Shirb*, 75c. cjuulity 50c.

A Sale oi* MattingM.

'^lio HjiriDg showing of mattings

is worthy of attention.

China and Japan 10c. yd. up.

prict"IICS. You will iilways linrl the bust ^oods at thejii this ilepiulincuit.

Hugh Task.It wati a huge taste, to undertake! the

curuoftiuuh u had eaye of kidney-"'tli-scaso, as that of C. F. Collier, of Chero-kc«; Tu., but Elt'utricilitU'D* (lid it. Jle

' writer: *"My kidneyH were so far gone,I could not, hit on n chair without itcushion; and MiU'creO fro in dieadful

~baekacltL>,headuchu,au(1 depro^ion. InElectric Bittern,however,! found n euro,und hy llitm WHS restored to pc-rrevtheallh. 1 recomiueml this greal loniemedicine to all witu weuk kidneys, liveror tttoiQUfh. Cjiinriint(it'll by N. K. (May-to"n,.(lruggiat; price r»0c.

• Wheu n doctor (•ivt'j* a puiient ho|u>" ho ex peel H ])iiy for it.

No Secret About i t .It is no neoruL, tbat, for Cul«, l^in

Ten Times Kiihfcr.It in tun times easier to cure coin;

croup, whoopin^-coii}-!) aud nil lun^nnd bronchial alltM-tionn when thebowclri are open. Keunedy'.s LuxntiveHoney nnd Tur i» Ibe ori»iiinl L.ixativeCou^h S3 rup. (iunlly ]iiove.>the bowels,nud ex'pt'lrf nil cold fiuiu tlie ^yhtcm.Bi'rtl for Coughs, Cold.H. Cioup, Whoo[>injj; Cou^h, etc. Hvtnetubcr tlm iiniue"Kennedy'H," nnd hvv thai tin: redclover l)los.soni mid the honey"IHTV i Tinihe bottle. Sold by V. K Cluytun.

Kvery girl Ihiukn there is u CIUUICMfor a young mini tu utUiiu poifection bypropo.iiug to her.

Th« CliHdruii's Favori te.I-'or Coughh, Croup, Whooping t'otigli

till-., One Minute Cough Curc_ is tbchildren'rt fuvorile. This H hecuiistt itcuutniiiM no opiate, is perfectly biirmte^s,liMfs pood 11ml cun'H. Sold by N. -l-\(Mnytou.

A woman's IIIL-H ol u M-eri'l Mjeit-ty isonu that is orgmii/.ed for Uie purpose ofswapping secrels.

A Bail Scaru.Homo day }ou will get a bail hca

Via IV.'iinsyhaiiiu Jtailnnul, Ac-i-otint Inti*riiiill4>iial ConventionUniti'tl Society of Christian ICn-dejivor.I<\ir the Ititemiitiouul Convent ion

United Society of Chriilinu ICndeavor,til Biillimore, M.I., July r, tu 10, theI't'iinsylvunhi ]{liliond ('ompiiny \\\l\sell loutid-lnp tiekels lo liiiUmioro, uttjretitly reduced ritlrnt fiuin nil uluLion.i ou

II'IIK'.S e.iil oftimi including IMt.suurgbrie, uiid Hutlulo.Tin* 1 ute fiaiiil'itt.-liiir^h will lie$D.(K)

from AlUioua,*/.-!!*, Kriti $1*J.OO, "Wil-lorl £U.:tS, liallalo $11.00, Cutitin-i S'.I.TU, Kimir.i $S r»0, N'e.\\ York

?b".:iU, Newnik, N. J., t'i.10, liL-ailiiig^."i.iri, Wilki'iliain: &7.05, DUMT, Del.,*:i.0U, with corresponding rcdtuUiou^/roin nH'otiier jioiiHi.

Tickets will hu . nld on July !>, 1, und.*), good fur li'turn piiw-uge leaving liul-ttuiotc utilil July 15, inclusive. Ou

L'liL of $1.00 to Joint -A^tiit ull/iillimuru un exteu^iou ul re Hi in limnlu Augti.-t 111 cun l>4) obtained.

Tickets viu Plitbdelpbiu pcimiL blup>ver within limit, if'deiio-^iled wit h thutiekt-t ugcut ut Hioud Sliecl Station.

tM'iul e.\CLirsiuu ticLt-l. ure oti Mile*,' Satuidit> and Suudtiy from Ijulti-

uiure Lu Wuilnn^LuJi-tunl 1 el urn ul niU;uf ^l.i;.1! for the ruuiid trip. The.-*t.'tieketh ure good for letiiru pu-nage un-til the liit-Llnuif.Sumluy night, uflortlingiimpli-' 4»pput*linuly lurdeli'guu-s to visitthe Nulionul C'apitiil.

l>.\in^ ol' raminuis, in itH lorim-iilM, like d^iug of van-Hiiuiptioii. The piogre^i of consump-tion, frum tlie begtiniig to thu very *-tnl,is u long torture, both to vietitu au*lfiiemlh. "When 1 hud cutiHiunpliou inili lirtit Htnge,"« writes Win. Myt-r.i. ofCciufo^s, Md., "after trying ililll'ivuliiiiMlicluui nml ugoud doutor, in vuiu, I


Hightstown Granite & Marble Works.Monuments and Headstones in Granite or Marble.

CEMETERY WORK OF ALL KINDS.Best Durl: Quincy Gnsite used in Mccuracnt: and Hcidstones.


MORRISON STREET, HICHTSTOWN, N. J.11 will pax to (jot price!! ol me b«l'<irc IIIIJIIIK elhuniiure.

Thomas IVIason&Son,No. H i Main St., Hi^Iitstown, N. J..



HOT WEATUBIt .mi-uu.H dirty cloLbci aud tired women folks—suvo them all tho Inboryou cun und milko them buppy iind loyul by giving them a

GOOD WASHING MACHINE.THE PERFECTION is one of the very best tuid coals you only

$4.00 and you can hnvo it Ihrct! weekn on trial, let ma nead youone, you will not only pay for it but thank ino wry 0R011 for the fuvor.

HAKNKSS.My $22.00 Gcuuine Rubber Kay Saddle Hurness is tho beat, value

evur fieun in burner They aro liglil, neat, very line iu every way—couo and see them.

SHKLVINGS.-I havo flolil all I can make in June—orders will now be taken for

July 0 10 delivery.

WAGONS. -I carry a larger Btock than any of my cotDnolitorB aud sell at such

low pricey that none can compete—this usdortiou is easily proved,come and »ee for yourself.

l tEPAIUS FOK ALT. MACHINES.[ repair all Binders aud Mowers aud keep tho largest stock ol

repaird U> be found in the btate. Wo give you prompt service, utvery low prices.

CARRYALLS ALL SIXES.A solid carload now-due.



Causes Headache


Eye Specialists



Til*. Country Gt'iitlcinnu, - ^l.riO per jour.The Worlil'.s Work, - $.•{.00 per jenr.Country Lil'u'in America, - •.')i:!.00 per jeur.

Thu tlnve for $")..")!), or tin: Ciiiintry (i.-iitU-iiian and either

(if tlm oilier two fm- s:;j;o.

Thu (iaiilun Mn^axinv, thu new publication of Iho Double-<lay, l'iif c* Co., nmyhu iiicludtcl for .S"R'. or that and the Country(ifiitleiiiini for $1.!IU.











The LowestPrice.

The HighestQuality.

l'roporly prescribed lenses assure easo and comfort of vision, pre-vent supposed headaches, neuralgia and kindred diseases. Whenyou suspect eye trouble, consult the specialists of the

Sun Optical Mfg. Co., GE0-F£ET"*Kitablished 1880. Incorporated 1SU9.

SUitu and Warren Streets, TUKNTON, X. J .

Oflice Hours D u. m., to 5 p. m. Confjultution Free.



SUMMER BOARDHy thoiiMiudrt

yon takei

Ulcers, Fever Sores, fore Eye.-i, Boil*,j when you feol a piiln iu your bowels,ctu.TuolhinBUtsot'lleclivoasBucklcn-'a.and fear apponliicilii. Siifely lien InArnlcn Salve. "It didn't t«ki< lont; to j Dr. Kiun'« Nuw Life I'ills, a Kiiru cure,euro n b:id soio I liuil, and it if all O. JC.' for all bowel mill htomuch ilineascH, wichfor aoro oyes," wiitrs I). Ii. flrcgury, of' m heudache, bi!iousnt», costiveiuM, etc.Hopo Tex. "5c. at N. K Cl.iytun"rtJ ISuiirnutvud at N. F. Cluytou'n ilruj;dru(! stc.ro." j H t ° ; u . «>"'y "r>l:- T r l ' l l l e i n -

ill lu^l tuok Dr. King's N*'\v Discovt-ry,which quickly uutl perffctly ciuvit inc."1'roinpL r(.'lit'f and hint1 v\m: for ruu^hh,coldn, .son* ihruul, hroiicliilw, i-tu. l'os-itivtily pruvi-nlrt piieuinaniu. Ciimriin-t«ed ul N. R Cln> ton'ri drug store,jitire r>Oc. mid $1.00 u liolllu. Tiiulbolt 1« frtMj.

i?ilvL*iri UroH. No. 7 collVn etui lutpiirebuked only iu I pound Red Hugh,uetiled. (Quiility (iuumnt^ud. AHIC yourgrocur for it.

of Brooklyn jieople.few ? If ho list vuiir

Ixnini' in tin- BUOOKLYN D.ULYKACLK l-'HKl-: INI'OU.MATION BlI-KI'!.M', for which puiposu 11 printedlilunk jh piovided.

Tlie MM-viee of the 1NFOUM ATIOXBl'UKAi;

Will CiiMt Yon Nothing.The Biodklyii Kugle is t'lui \n**t nd-

veitiring uit'duiui iu Lhe world. Itentries ID or*1, re-url iidviiitHuiucnl.s thanuny New York impel*. It stands l'ltfli!

Ancoits lnllc, hut hringfj liirgi* re.-uills, he-ciuihu tho KAtJLK INFORMATIONBUUKAU is ciinslmilly helping il.

WriUi for lifting hltink, pictuio ofBurcuu and Advertiniug Kulu Curd.Address


Brooklyn, N. Y.Mi'iition thu nuptsrin ulileli you

HCU thlh

ny New York piipur. Il stKMINMNTIA' ul thu h.-ud.

^ - I2ITE, t. CUANHUIIY. N.J .

Paper Hanging andCarpet Laying

All tliu luie*l htyin'it tun* MoiililLiu; funil hiitfnfiu'tory l>riiv

of WulL Paimil^hotl nt Mliort




Aiivoiii) rtcii<llii(f 11 nlcriHi m><] tTi-n* ri|>lh>u inny

! VMi'.-l'.'fn',11 ly J'.'iVinnor?! 1V1K 'llHriDQOOK VIJV V'Mi'Vitd

^r^uu^K " ~

"ScientificA lmntliiittii'Iy t l t tmntr+ ivocvlr. 1culntluti ur liny hrk>ntlllr Ii.uniiil. 'Iynur: dmr niDiillib, tl . HoldLyivll

A Full Liiu'of I-TNK MATTING.

I,ct us liuvo yimr orili'r tliis Spring.


Crii T H E C O U N T R Y BOY, wl.ctliur ho bo a fui-inor

nii'flmiiiu ur liusim-bs nnui, will lUliiin lii^hcrund bi'LUii- .resultsif lie has wisely !ic(|iiiroil n, Iliisinems Educutiuii.

• B E A F A R M E R hut he u business fiinner, for l"iinn-iiiH in just us much n hiibiness us uny of lliu (jruul imhiblrics, ifyou liiuke it so.

E A C H Y E A R lnimlrrilsof positions are filled hy us.If you aim to get into 1>UMIH>S.S,iU'e^will slurt you in u yooil

B U S I N E S S M E N pieler tlio country liu)—lllore'syour uliuiiuc.

Seiiil ut oncu fur liuittlsoitie nuw cutiilu^uu mul k'lirn ttiu wuy.

The Newark Business College,Cor. Broad and Market Sts.,


Headstones, Markers, and Fencing*Putupiu tho beststyle, of ihufmestquaWly of GRANITE or MARBLE

and wrought by skilled workmen.

All work done at the lowest possible prices for First Class JobFor estimates on any kind of yard work, or Bluo stono of all purpose


LUPTON BROS., Matawan, Keyport and

Perth Ambov P. O Address IWatawan, N. J,-

The New-YorkTribune Farnire


National ilUmtt-atedit fir {cultural weekly,tHtttle to meet thewants of the farmerami every memberof liis family.

IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL WANT IT.Send forfi'ce sample copy to


Tribune liuilding, New York City.

The regular suhscripliou ]>rico is $1.00

per year, but you may securo it ut a bar-

Hiiin with your faroriu local weekly

uewspn|iui', ''The Press," <Qranbury, N. J.

BOTH PAPERS ONE YEAR TOR $1.75.bond your money .and order to Tlie Pross.



I-K1UA-Y. JUNK »0, linlO.

IM3USONAI.K.Mr. unil Mm. W111..J* Gllwun • of

• .Cninbury Station entertained 11 fewrelullveH lit dinner Tuendny.

Mitw Jeuliio Charnl>iirlain vifiiUMl Mix*Miuniu I'urr of Imneaburn this neuk.

•Minn UcH-iio Uiwisoii of Junienhuri; ix. vieiliug lier uuut, Mrn. J. E. Bcjuuull.

Hnrry Grovca'hua bceii on u Cubingtrip to Uarnogut with a number of fel-low employees of Lliu Hulmclln .Mills.Thu trip was mode, iu uutomobilcH.

Miss JSWu Chntnberhiin entertained ufow frieliiis Tuesday uvcliiiih'.

Mrs. Diinifl Doy Rpent i\ part of thowe.uk iu Now York.

Mrs. George I'ucrsclinur iH visiting inISow York null will remain over lo.morrow to bid 'ndiuu to Hiss OttiuWollenbuupl who sails lor Europe

Mr«. Wra. 8. Silvern and HOU Itiisse.llaro enjoying a'visit in Chicnuo'.

E. M. Humpliroya spout a part of thoweek iu Philadelphia ' ^

Mrs. Raymond Hutchiiwon is visitingMrs. Alito Suydam.

i'ruf.'M: M.Fogg, spent a. purl of/theweek with his wife mill daughu-i• "u<Joun.'Blor ;Appelgi-l'H. unil Mrs.Fogg ulU'utleil llm rrivnl. t:oimueiico<uionl cxt'rcinea of Urowu University.

Willaril Tolten sung in the,sloru ofS. P. Dunbum & Co. Trenton hiht Saturduy afternoon nml evening.

Mrs. S. Jones Bergeu nml Mrs. Alioo" Wyekotl'tnil tomorrow for Europe.

Remember the .cuki1 siilu by thuLatins Imlustrinl Union tomorrow.

W. F. I'errine hiiH ruuiplelwl the, workof tuklng tho census of Craubury.

At tin: Second l'resbylcriun SunriuyHuliuol next Sunilay morning them willlie bpct'iul and pntriollc uiiiHin nml Lliut'bapcl will bo ilccoratcil with flag".

Mi-s Mildn-d Di-Hnil urSmith Uivnllub Uu:» viuiuug (Vimbllry ftlvtutd.

f e l l F r o m IMIIII <>'' Hny.\V. Irvin Rtulli mil. » l ' b " pfriiliur

llrcidi-iil 11 IW iln.Vh HH<« »"'' I"11' «miritruIoiiH csuiipr li 0111 ili'mb. Hi1 wimloiKliiif! Imy when hu fell biwkwiiid nil• lie loml mid lanilnl MI his liend. liewiiHpickc-d up iu 11 luilfriiiisfioiH con-diiton mill taken in Hi" bouse l.y twomen. Hi« neck nml ••huiililer »ITCHlrulni-d nml cnuscil coiiwili'mblosulliT-ing lint. Mr. HtlillM bus lioi'H-iible lo I111iiboul.nnd ibii lni[ir.l tliai 10 seriousresults) will follow tlliu nceldent.

Brolc« Collnrbono Twlc r .VmiDyko lVrrini', who recently pur-

clinscrt the Lewis 1'orrine farm at DutchNeck nml nioveil Ibeio him bud 11 furiesof iieiiileuls which Imveeaiiseil him con-sidurulile Hulleiing uml inciipneitaleilhim nl this busy n'ason. rtmiij twowfi'lsH ugo he wus kieki'd by a horseanil hull his rollnrbonti broken anil nfew ilays ugo hu slipped and fell oil'thepoieh ngnin breuking the sumw hono.At Ural lieuiulliired iutiiuaely but is uuwmore eomfoitable.

Clius. Cox H u r t .1:1ms. K. Cox, nfter n short visit to

IIIH father, Marlod lo return lo his workat Jersey Cilj mi Saturday lust, beingemployed on the N. Y. Division of theP. H. U , went us Inr as Crniilniry Sta-tion to uuil for tin- !l A. JL Irain, whenIho 8.'tO I ruin nunr be ivason thetiuek.Tbucuiv catcher'did im worK und Hieengine threw him forward about 12 feeiknocking him into uncnnsiMoiiiiieis anilinjuring him intenially hisidi's cuttinga gnah on the scalp of bis bend" InIbis condition he was Inkeu lo Jamesburg where Dr. K11111U tbu I'. K. 11pliypiciuu of thu Auilioy Uivliiou wason hnild mid after n liualy exuminationho was brought home and under lliu nt-temluiii'i' of Dr. Zuut is doing well andhopes ure I'liti'iluined I Hal he may soon

Pre.ib.vti-ry of Monmtiiitli a tSnynsvilli!.

The I^resbvti-ry nf Monmoutli m«'tinlieCurmiiu l'lisbyli-iiun UliureliHiij n

! villu 011 TUI-HIIIV fur their regular JUIIPSaturday afternoon and evening »!„ , , . , . , • , T h l . ; i i o , | , . m t o r Wm. Uev. V.

e l H r p i i i n o r e r i t u N w . u . K l v « i b y l l , n | -• - - i; j ^ . niouKwun, 01 lteverly, nndpupils cf.rror. l-hurloi. W. I'elte. "'i! i ; l c r k , , , r . T,. s . Kv,.,ilt, of JnmTrenton. The rentals wi-ie held iuAssociation Hall und were intended b y .w|tfa 5 | . l n | | l i l . | c r s „„,,

<,II,, l,r is, l t .,8 , . I lu .ol,.-

iimhur.a large Hiimner. AIDOUR iu» pt-nurni T ] ) e j , ^ , l m . , l c a r d M : V L . r a | . i m ,en wns Mi as EiiH'linu Jjewif* of this . , ",„. , ' , , , ,1vra %»»*„> T. * ; porliml, report*, lliu oelt'pat'rf to LinI)laC(>- " ! luat siMii-tuI iiM-i-inlill nt Winoiiii IiHl«-

Joliu Dorrniiru hufl tu"k«« n position \ in,i t n . | , O I i c ^ u> t | ,c JVLM>> tury.


l>a\ lsou-OuLailt .\. v**ry prt1 ty Jnno" wiMiiling look

[)lnuu «n Wt'rtiii'iMluy uwniiij;,-»JunelI8Lli,u tho Kirst PrcsUyteriiiu CIHircli of

ii, WIIMI Mki CirncciOiiloiilt, only (luu^lm'Tof Mm. Mnr^arot,r . OnU'iiRufStocklon Si wimiiiurrk'd LoJhurli'.* Herbert Unviion, uown'ri prnintjivnt youn

liixl bci'ii prettily dcroruL-

ed for tho occnnioii by tho youii£ frluudf*

of tlio brkiu. The curemony WIIH prr-runned nt H(>vi'U oVIouk by tho ltnv.

Thomas Tynuk, I). V. pastor-of tlio


Tho brirtul pnrly entered tho church

thu bride lriunn^ on tin- iirm of her

brother, Harold Oiitcull. and nccom*'

mnicri by her limit! of honor, -Minn

Etliel Miiy Difikey, it cousin of tho bride

from Flushing, N. Y. AM" tli<> party

I alowly up the aisle, Lolten-

'dding nuirtfi was pluycd by

MIHH Cnrlntta DAVIHOU, n lister of the

thu brklul purly reached Lbo

clmiiccl they were met by tho Krooin

uml hi** hunt mini, WuHer Scumun

Diivison, n brother of tho groom from

Prinuuton College.

The. hrhlo was given hi nmrriiigo by

her brothur.-tlie. ceremony being por-

ffiriiu;t1 according to tho Presbyterian

Tin- party then wulk<'l down

<; to lljt'straliisof Me.nddtfsohn'H

g innrch. Tlio unborn wero C.

lyo Knmklin, Win. II. Fiiuikhii,

Howurd R.VmiDjkc, nil

uml Dr. Warren (iiimhol, »l> l'liilu-

Tho hrnlu looked very churniinj; imi

gown of wliiu* silk iiiousi'liuiie. over

whito Uifletu and carried u nliower

boqiiel. The innid of honor was gown

of whito

civpe tie chene, und carried a bouquet

orpink roues.

Following tho ceremony a reception

-•us held, at tin* bonus of I bo biide'rt

mollipr. the many frii-nd-. nf !h."

nt the freight depot ut Crnubury sitnt ion.

Albert T. Stretch tin* violinist of

Trenton who is well knowji. hen* wns

luurricd jWterduy. Hid briilu in Minn

Ada 3I»y*Itogtrd of Trenton.

Mr. und Mr*. Hurry Morgan and .sou

of Trenton weru guet-tH at ihu United

Stales hotel Sunday. Tlioy cauit: in

their auto.

Mr-*. W. H. Johnson and sou Warren

" al (ended the recit.if by the piip.iiri of

lJrof. Petto iu Trentou fc-ulurday oven

infr nnd H'Tn!*'n<*(l over i^Lindiiy,

At 7. IiO. p. m. thero ««h a popuhiritetiiif; with a well prepared program.Th« liiriit-H aid hocicty of the chun-h

enterlained tlit: meiuheri* of thti I're^hytcry.

t i n t ml .Itiry to ( t c lu rn .Tlio Gruml Jury will bu suinuionc-ri

lo ruturn on Wedrc.-duy, July fi, toconsider thai have accumulatedbincu their lust uit'etinR. The uHcault.of a Freeholder un thu coint housesteps hy a disappointed contractor will

Tu tho absence] of lbo organiht WarrenJohiiHOii,"Etf%s Utah WhHuker pre.sideiiat the orgau in tbu Kirst Church Sun-day morning.

""'" Harvey" 12verfcH~anfl" "«hildren ofNewark wtro rcct-nt guests of Mra.

. Amundu CbumbcHain.

FruakViu IXo, Secretary of Uie StaleBuard of Agriculture, and Mrs. Dye.wcroSunduy gue-stsof Alfred M. l'eiriueand family. Frank Birr uud family ofHigh la town were al»o visitor K ul theRiime home on Sundny,

Mrs. David Petty of Trenton in visiting hex fiitlmr, Disbrow liergen.

iMr. and Mrs. C. N". Hulchiu.Hon ofHobbtusvillo t<peub Sunday with MmA. C. Megill.

Miss Mildred Stults of Higlitstownhas been veiling ut W. S. Colc'n.

Tho regular meeting of the ForeignMission Society uflhe First Church willbo huld tomorrow, Saturday, iu thechapel und tlio exerciser will he of apatrioLic nature. After the exercisesrefreshuicnLs will Im served.

bi nil- inn] groom gal licit-d Iu i>MV-i* con

grutululioiiri and best ui-hiH-ftir a lon^j

and luippy voynge lliroligh 1 i/"**, Dueing the evening-a eollatiou w.i.s serveil,and l:iit*r in tho (veiling Mr. and MIJavi^on ih'parted on their wedding:tour which will include a sojourntwo or (hre«* weeks uniong tin; Cat Kiand 1/iUe (Jeorge.

Many li:iudsonie und u-efnl ptesciwere leceived, tho bride, uud gr(n:being uetl known and popular, in

Til ings Seen :m<l Hoard.We Cranbury people aro feeling quite

[Hilled up at'preHenl, pnrliculnrfy thoH**of our number who have- the honor nf:belonging to the Masonic fraletnity.';o inuuy eoiiipIiii)enU< .havo been pnul

Apollo Lodge by the vmitoM ut thehnnc|Uel on June 20th that the ineinhrtMhave just e.uuso to hold their heads highTho out of town gucstH wh<t viijited HI'IHpluco forthoTirnt time wero HurpriMi-dtid delighted at the elegant tiiauneriu

which they wore entertained and W.M. N. K. Clayton and other oflirvm ofthe Lodgo have icccivcil mi:t'uinpliiiuintary letterH



Cranbury had another pretty cnuipli--iit n lew days ago. A party oftoHts^verti .stoppud by lirainerd L*.iku

when tlio iif^vitablu .small hoy tippeiircdund WIIH queilioned IUS lo the nn'niu ofthe luku and Lliu owner of thi:,re-tidencoopposite. Ho gave tho desired infonna-tiiin and whilo watching onis of thu mun(nki; .suaprtliuLs of' tin: nuarhy viewshv.ird tlio pnrly remark that this WIIHonu of tho uioit beautiful townn in theStntc, the prettiest tbuy hatl HCUII intheir ride frum Now York to PJiiladel-phia.

Another thing which helps to umkeCranbury attractive at this time are tliered ramblers winch aro blooming profinely in many yards. The^u lack tin*

iniMit of perfume w desirable inHower.s hut thin luck is made uu by thehoncyrtiiclth' uilh which the air is uV

litfiil'\ Teiilfit, piirticulurly in the,evcuiiig <n-in the early luoiiung after

' iU*\\' has fallen.

Hut t lure ure some LhiugH being heardwhich art; nut .so pleiinunt, viz. (IH* (ire-c ruck or .nul honib uud all other ILOH\things \v hich urr hugely enjo> ed by Lhe-boys hut huvu a very diflercut tilectupon those of riper years. Howeverthe young.sterH will nuvcr \m*a tlw.s wayagain KC> let them.have it glorious timein Mu h'lj>-iiti >n >*r Independence I hi}.

County Work <;IV<;M Out .The Freehold t-M on Wediie.sday

m\:inle<I four road cuniruet.s, amountingin all lo $:{!ll8

|jn.l()tuue bridge contructuiul one hulkliead contract, niakiug itti»l.\l of $4'.l,7*iO.lS fti'.uity wero givi-iout. The successful contractors wei

N'mv [limit jour ganlon border nml Mower liods withMomiiiii^ uuil fiili:in<: plants. Tlioiisands of imported andl>omc:f;r<m ii nisiv, in various slnules of color from orangeto innroon, ri'd und white lo pink hybrid mid eyer-blooms.llnnd.Homc uulured ^eniniums in full bloom, Kronuli peluniiis,h'eliotropc, ctinniis,afjenitums, foliage plnntsand vines in -tlieliundroils of thousands.

Fresh slock brought in evCry morniiifr.Ijnvn v:i«i's, mowers, wliculhnrrows and tools of all

kinds lo keep the lawn and garden in fjood condition aroolli'tcil at low priceH. •


MARTIN C. RIBSASVI,C'lirm-r Uniail mill Krimt Streets, - - - TUENTON, N. ,}.

jMr>. I t i c l i an l F a r r .After yeiirs-of-pnlieiil suil'ering with

a clieerfulness huldoin exbihiled nlider'•Ufli conditions, Mrs. Sarah W. Farr.wife of Uichard L'arr was relie\ed fromfurther rtuMiTing on Tuesday aiternoon.Her lift; ended about live o'clock andtermiunfed a painful existence. Forseveral yenr.s she emlurc-d iridccribublehiid'cring from rheumatism in its worst

{'. h. Liddle, Wooilhn.lgo,L- (7(iinpi »t Unichi-r, Fiee-

! Isold ;L« Cum pi i*c Hutcher, Kree-

boldHue t& Fuuutuiu, Old

Bridge•Jacob K. Stunt, Old liridge,Deuii.s, Schweirs t*c Suttosi

The first twilight H e of theHuasouWHS held Sunday evening in tho MelhodiaL ohtirch mid wiu well attended.Tho Hinging was accompanied by a fullorcbesira. All are cordially invited toattend these meetings at ii.30 o'clock.

A little HOU arrived at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Walter MvDuugul onWeduendaj*.

The houses of MM. Bowers are beingbeautilitid by a new coal of paint. I -aacBogart has tho contnet.

Mrs. Edward Muuning and Mi.s.s Mc-Dowell of Brooklyn uro veiling Mrs.Li>wmy Hiu*.

Win. U. Be,fgeu who is employed inVriuccton is at home lor Iht* Mi'mmer.

1 Mra. John Davit-on of New Bitins-wick is stopping at GordouV.

S. H. l*errine is iu Philadelphia foraday or two.

Mrs. Samuel lVrrino spent Tuesdayin New Brunswick.

Helen IUMI Charles Bulehur wre

The jury will doubtless he uliln lo lin>sh up i's work in mio day.

The Clover Leuf A. U was defeatedut SpoUwouil .Saturday by u score of13 to 3.

Tomorrow the Clover Leaf A. C. willplay a team from South A in boy on theHchool grounds.

July 4th there will ho Lvvo guinea onthe school grounds, one at lt).3O A. M.and tht) other at 3.00 P. M.

School Notes.Thu pii[)iU promoted from (hu fourth

year are; Clillbrd Dey, Sura Peirine,Ada Voorhee.s, Helen Walker, HaroldApplegute, Maynm Applegiitc, JamelVriino, Harry Schncll, Waldo Pcrrine,Uzao Perrinc, Murgherite WhiUikVr,Margaret Curry, Olive Petty, HehteiNixon, Matilda Hagcrly, Mary MeDoiiKall, IIIIIUH Lewi", Leroy TitusBu.-v»u: Ilugerty, Claire Mtioiu.

Suppi*r wifT ho ready ut tivo o'clockin thu Hall next Tuesday evening andit will be a good Hiippur loo. Therewill aUo bu plenty of good ire cream,candy, peunutH, etc. The proceuds arcto purclmsc n towu clocl; wbieb «*very-bnriy ir> town can, enjop

Tlie Clock Will Strike."Tlie question .has been repeatedly

a.skeil whet her the town clock which theAlumni Asfsonution are enduavoriug to

form, the ptLst three years being unableto walk and entirely helpless.

In' former yetu^ she had a ili-'po-ilioufull of suu^luuo and checrfulueni andvery fcw a more generous andkindly uuture. Manycun re will throughpust years with pleasant mi'inory thuhearty welromu ever extended to nilvi-iiors at the home of *'IJU<1O Dick andAunt Sathe" as ibey were fmnilhirlyknown in the comuuiuity.

For the past fe.w yc.ir.i Mr. and M MKurr liuve made their home, with lln-ironly sou Ralph fr'urr and wifu and thedaughter in Inw of the deceased libeen mu.su cuuslant und devoled lo thersullerer ever ready tu do all in herpower lo relieve Ihe nwful pains, und'joinfort ttui hliicken one; even whenshe w:i-t far fiom well herself.

In her girlhood duj^ Mi.s. Farr bnVMUU a member of the Second Pn-iity-


S,-l 1B.00

10,7-10 00

tenan Ohtirch \\'h* Urv. Mr.

Total auiount of contr.ict^ J l!i,7l2(J.18There were a large numher of road

contractors prrM*n(. lo bid on the fourroads advertised lo bu built. Beforetin; bids were opened Director Fountainannounced that the £lalc Ituud Com-missioner hud ordered thatiM> red shalecould he used as binder on the LandingUridgtf-Slelum-ronrHind Ihnfthr-bhirj-LT Could be uiken (roiu the side" of tlieroad.

The bids were ab fuilovvs :

Tho following hid.s VVLMC received forthe handing IJridge sti'llon inacudutnroad :C. .M. Liridlo, Woodhridge, $l*l,2i)».!)7John II. Hurley, Trenton,Hurrv Morguu, 'I'renton. .J. Y." Wilson, Duuelleii...Middlesex ("on I meting Co.,

••Hy is,a:AITLKliAUTII (.»AVi:i. I1OAII.

Thu rullo\uui{ hi(N wens rt'Cfivi'il forlln- liulhliiiK "f ill" Ainik-nartli Kr'"'<;'ro.id :J. II . Hni lcy , Tr i l l ion $7,2(17.SOMcni l l W. I'lniro, lluililiiii-

lit*l(](l>i(l nut n>ud ii^ LUcckWns not regular.)

l ln r rv Mori;iiii, Ti-i'iitoll... S,77l).r»"»Kilo " & Koimluil], OM






UnderwearAt 25c

Unit's s ln ing , iii'nUliy anilmoney siivin^.

Hy Hie wiiv. Men's Sliirlsill fide., Uoy.s' ISIniiM's :it 2:"ic., \•17c, <•.'.•<•., (17c, Snr's, tStuck- 1iiif^s, Si'i'kwi-iir, I 'mlcvvrsls , ii.-olliir.i nti<l

Overalls andWork Shirts

lmro nru (jualilicrl.liavguiiis.


Donnelly'sScxt Taylor Opera House,

T. W.. I)c ll.v's

\ii S. ISriKvd Street,


G. C. Blanvelt

Summer Dress Goodsin sncli vnrk'ly und liciiuty uslias never been seen in tin'ssection.

Tlio nicist Ije.'iiitiful goods inSilk, Linen and Cotton ul 7c.und up. *

Tlioiihiimls of yards havejust been jiliiccd upon nnrrounlers, and you will not findMich styles und fabrics els-u-wbere at so little coal.

White Dress Goodsof every description and tex-ture for tin:"sweet girl gradu-ate" or for her who teek's oneof lliesc stylish tlressns.

Evei'y Needfor the perfect trimming orlining of the new gown liasaka just been received al any

| price to mil your purse and: purpose.


I Musi in Underweartoo has Just foiiio in in t.IicKreiilost ([uantitii's we have

r und tins liecu ufuneral

Hoover wns psi^tfiil nifuib^r. Her funeral tookplucu LIIH nfit-rnoon iu theSt'coud 1'ie.sbylermu Church und wu.s lur^t'ly uttended, Hi'V. J. ri. VunDyke niudr tin*prnu'ip;il and K".v. A. Alle

& IliuuhiT, Frr

l)A\Tit^ MOSMOUIl JtJNl-l'IONTht1 fuMowiiiK bills weif n-iHMvi-d fui

I la* DajKui Muumoulh Junrlion IIIIKM-dittu rn.id :

spending a week with Prof. Winner andfamily iu Newark.

MtaH Minute Hiwens of Newarkspent Sunday with her, brother W. H.Havens."

Mrs* K. \V. Diiiilmm cf Trenlon IHBpeuding a. couple of days with -Jior-j-Covtrt. —

secure will etiikv, mid they desire toataU; Hint it will. The cost will IH> Ulitllo moru for u dock tlmt strikas hutil will ho well worth-it mid of murevnluii to tho town nenph*.

So CVITJ hody "fi° t ( ) ih(»:fi"<tiviil nestTiU'whiy und hi'lp nhtiif; » good cau.si1.

HM-JIKIJCD Hoil inan iMarriciI.Thu niitrriugu of former Judge Wil

Hum T. Hoirman, of in nr Kn^li^htowu,to Mitjn Virginia Bunting, of Trenton, nteacher in tho school for deiif mute*,was Hok'imiized in New York on Wedncflduy, June 21st. Mr. und Mrs. Hotlmuu will rcnidu on the Judge's fur inncur Kngliihtowu.

und H«v. J. I*j. ("urry uNohpokt! fi-fli!y ul the oud (innlitit-H, putirnct; HIM)long i uUVriiff]; of the-'di'mwd.

Mrs I'^irr \\ib* in her 'Hlh year. SI\A .survived hy her hiish:ind mid OIK- M>DThere is out* surviving siller, Mrn. AnnAtniinda Goodwin :iud three hrolhersJohn II., Win. K. lui.l DILVKI Smlln,These four children uut nil Ihut.reumiiiof u fiimily of thirteen Tlu< litHt^iudof tht* dfceiiseil is the only Mirvivoi of

f.nnily (>f fourteen childrt'ii.

All'aliU May l i rnc l i l tlu;Creamery.

1). (', IJI'WIS oiii* nt' Ihi' ori^iniil p.i

Irons u( thti creamery, bus fed ci^himi!eh cow.s (or over four weeks fiom th

an .h>ilf tiThe CUW

T llimuasis Covert*



KI:CK IIOAII.Tbi* followinK bids wort; received fur

tlm Cnuihury Ni-ck luacjuluin ri

holil -John W. KrrickKiiii, liny-

Ion,Jouu Jl. Hurley, Treiittui,Harry Mor^.ui, TreiiUMi...Jo:ui F. Norton, city

lurry N. Suolt,l*liiiiihl)Hil'cher & LeCoinpt, I-

bolditue <t I-'oiUiluin,

UridgfJohn 11. Hurley, TreiiIhiirv Morgun, Tientt

The ruuLrncis in (.








7-10.01liiri.7Ii;;i HI


MIH. Thomim Covert, formerly ofthiriplace died on Mondny nl thu home ofher son in Hahwny. Slio WUH 87 yeuraofaRtjund k-uven one hou J. Addi^on

jmrcntH Mr. mid MM. J. S.

K. L. McDowell tuid (Jt'ort;*' Puer^chnor Kpeut Sundiiy in South Am buy.

At tht) twilight* Ktvview next fSnhlmthovcniDg Ihero will he u full orchtHtrumid double (iHiirinvited Lo implement.

All are cordiully

Keep in mind the Puylon harvesthontu wliicli will he held on July \\K

2\vxt Tuehduy is ladepeuUeuce Dayund it is also the .day when there willbe a fcMtvai in Odd Felluwn Kail, liuHiiro to go.

Tim funeral serviecH weie held in 1Second Prvhlyleriuii Church of ihi.splace ye.-'lerdiiy.

Miss l lonce Weds Porrln*'.The suit ^f JlihS Kleunor Honce,

[laughter of the late Comeliim Honee,of Marlboro to WIIH hip, ngainnt F. S. Perrlne, of Cranbury, him heenhcLtled by a

;u, which wits performed by Kev.


l Bower, of Maluwan, on Tlitiiiiug lust.

A1 fulfil grown upon le^-uituere uf land near hid barn,are giving a good ^ield of milk whicljin hold tu the creamery. The quality ishigh iu butter fat as Alfalfa is a perfectpalatable and economical balanced m-tion fur rattle, hon-cs and hogK. Tht*rowrt .wore yarded iieur the growingncre of Alfalf.i, fleeded August 10f.li, UllHuiul fed fiom it from Muy l.r>tli to Junel.r>lli wl'eu ut the later date over half ofthe acre hud been untouched and wn-inov n for hay while the second eroj

on the Htuhh< of that fetl to tincattle was neaily ready to begin feedingthem

• Mr. Lewis, with hh Alf:ilt'u feed, hu.ssolvtd the piobluii) of making a lintprolit-iipuu milU noli! to th« cieniiiery,eliminiiles the diutlgery of huttei nuik-ing on the farm and incidentally is im-pioving the quality of bis land from theincrements of hm cuttle.

Thin experiment, curried on in ourvery midst, i-i a cunviucing le^limonyto tbc worth of M'lentilic or "hook

Mr. Li-win was

Gave Director Bouque t .At tho meeting of thu Directors of

the First National Bank last Saturdaya Hcmi annual dividend of five per ccabWIIH declared. Alter tho trannuction ofbiimncHH a boiuiuut was prc,«eutcd to WJ. Uowhuul ono of tho Directora whohad recently been marrii'd.

Aniiunl JIurve.st H o m e .Tlio annual harvest, homo of tbc

,Uiiiau Vullcy M. I*. Church will be heldon Lho church groundn, ThursdayAugust 10, 11)05. KlaboraU prepara-tions uro boing mudo.


Near HolVmiui's Suvtlon.Tho house, baru and outbuildings on

the Albert Paxson farm owned byWiltinsky & Li:.s.b near Hotl'mun's Stulion were destroyed hy lire early Wed-

morning. The lire broke out mtho burn and was discovered hy Tho.s,Perrine who awakened the occupantsof tbu hoiirto hut nothing could ho donetoKive any of the buildings which wvroburned with their coutent.s. 'I'heU heavy.

Cunl of Tlmnk.s. H*^.I'<l<j'<ire to tlnuik lho memlier.soi1 the

^greutly indebted^jo^Jrof. Voorhecs ofthe l^xpeiimentul Station for iiHsislauc"previous, to \m securing a.stand of Alfalfa.

AI fulfil, when tuippliud with theiroper .soil baclerhi, yields as many as

.three crops per annum and does notneed reset'ding for years if it is notpttHtured, consequently it providespiuclicully a continuous feed supply.Lauds may be iuuc.uhitod with Allulfubacteria by (Irilliug a bane! of soil froma Hiiccefiiful Alfalfa lield upon the acrelo hu heeded much us fertilizer is appli-ed tu grain ciops. Tins owner of hiiit-nblc land need* hut }<> inUo Alfalfa toproduce milk fur lliu'creamery to buymore cows {o eat morn Alfalfa to pro-

more tnilk to buy moro COWH in-

a\Mit()ed to the \«\VK-1 1»HM.-I-, itfivithe} had been n-fcirud tu I hi-1 mid ComUliltcc, wll.'i repiMted tlpuu llii-tu Intel1

Ki:i'AININ<i WAI.I..T h e fitllowing bids u e i e icceivotl fm

the building of a retaining w»ll on ()!iHiidgc cainewav:Jacob K. Stout, Old Hritlge >

r't81).{)tGeorge It. SquiiL's, Old llridge...oi).r].()l

The con true I was uwurded to Mr•Stout, the lowe-t bidder.

UKllJtiK AT 01.1) KlUlXii:.Five contractors presented hids fii

the building of u bridge ucio^s SouthRiver ut Old IJridge, but only two othubiiU weieopened.lhe County S.)licilor uud Director holding that the checkof the other biddein weie not drawn uLlic luitu n.<jtiuc»l in l!u* uilMcliM.-nieiiculling for bids. The bidden who weiIhu-rilelmrreil fiom etiteting into Ihcompetition weiu William II, lCrcpi'nml | , . A. Di'it/, of New Yoik, tinClinton Biidge Company, of CanOhio, uiul the Owego iiiiilge (Companyol Ov\ego, N. V.

Thero were but Iwo-ltids read-forllbridge "according to.ihu County Kugine.L'i'ri ^pecilieittiou.", a.s follow. :liurliii Coiiilrucliou Co., Iler-

liu, Conn f 1,*JODt-au, Suhweira it Sultou Co>4

New York '. ?UpLl!).C'1'lic ]itirlin C-ompuuy presented

number of other-bids for pluim whictl submitted itM'lf, running fiom £:i,r>(to $ 1,1-17. The other concern utullVifii u biidge accouliug to its owplans for S3,ItO».

Thu contract was uwnuleil to DuaSehiveiis »fc Suttou Co., for $3,-l li).

AH of thu contracts will he executton July 5 ul the ollicc of County Solic:lor Willii.

If you catch the uroma o[ Hilve:

ttro.-j.' So. 7 colVeo at your hreukf.i

table, you will mil use any other. Ti

il. This cutlV'u fun \M \mrchubuu" f

your grocer at 'JJic jier Hi., hut


win:s THK N'.VMI-: is


T l i f K f l l " ! l ! r . . - . | . m i l ' . M ' " — • — n i . i n \_- l . | i n | i t l i . ~ . . . i i i i m i ; M I I - I I I .

^ ) i n t > . i : t • tl< i i i i ' i l K l <>l i : n - i lA t

liililni... fil i ltv .MI<I in -it lii [1.

l:< >•! .iT l i i u ' . ' i l . i i . i l . i l ^ . t r k u i . M . ^ l i i t i .l M r l i t o N . ' ! . - . - l . i l .

I I i l i ' l - i > - . " • .

T . - l l > . . l i ~ L - n . i r . i n i . - .7 \ M I I • . . L I l i ) i i - i l l I . T J i . . I - , m i l . I . .

I J 1 1 - 1 - - . l ' < u i : i ' i n i n i r - t . i i . - . -• " . m i lI . " i l II M M ' I U I l l i " I . I . I I I . I - .

1'n'i'- fr in. ! :•• ' -• IIM.A h i > l l i | . S . i l n i l . ' i A ( ' " . -ila.1 . 1 . A ( ' .

I'i— li.-t. '.ilii]...:n.-. I in 1.1.ul.O l l l | > 1 . L l i o s p l x . l s ] • i t r i - l l s .


<*vor .shown.Tlie iiicioasptl ileniund for

|iL'rfc<:t cut, niiiilo anil ll'iinm-ۥ!_! I ' l idor-Muslinsis llio fai

i of our Iicavy purcliiisos.

P'Hosiei'y'i Glov<;s and

Corsetsliiivu nisi) received Special :itIcnlioii for tlio Suinincr ileIHKIUJH.

It will 1)0 liarcl for y»u t;isk for inn- HIIIKIO or <;rci<lu otlicEc ni'cessilifs which wu cm:nul supply.

I.sulics' Hosiery, \'1\ centand up.

I.mlii'.s'l lliivcs.i") cents an

I.mlics' CIII'M-IS, ."() rents ' ;

: n . < I t i p .

C. C. Blauvoll,HIGHTST0W1T, N. J.

5 N. Warr.cn Street,TKKNTON, N. .J.

M.ISNIII<- T"iin>l« Mu-ir St.iM'.


The American YankeelTotion Sale..To tlin^c^.'osl informed, ns rognrds these sales, little iieecfbo

said ; to tliose wlio are not informed, let us sny tlmt it is one oftlio. most iinportiint notion events of the year.

Niekles to dollars stretch :i long wny now in buying notionshere—all the way from half to double, sometimes more. This istlie^hettermost best notion salc;bf the store's day. We have addedlargely and importantly to the lines sliown you hore-lo-fore. Buyfor u year's needs, it will pny you to do so. '

All.through the Uroad street store, on special counters youwill lind the small wares convenient for your inspection, lf'youare not surprised, pleasantly surprised, at tho varieties and vtilucs,we shall be disappointed, thero's nearly three hundred distinctlydifferent kinds tochooso from.

. - Aa»an oxuinple, Uike these that are picked from hundredsas good or belter.

At 1 Cent.Good steel thimble, any size.Paper safely'pins, any size.Pair porpoise sb/>e laces.Mercerized,.btpc measure?. •Piece bandied ironing wnx.JJozcn 27 in. lighne white,bone punts buttons, four holes.Dozen white pearl dress buttons.Dozen whilo or black head bat p'ns.Skein wash embroidery silk, any color ' 'Klastic corset lace, black, while or grey.liox shoe blacking.J.arge spool, white or blacklis t ing cotton.Spool fast red embroidery cotton.Dozen hair crimpers, novelty stitched.J'nper full count, Adamantine pins.Cunl black or white books and eyes.8 papers hair pins. - ""' '

At 2 Cents.Yard hlnck bninh himling.Ball of crochet Hilkntemi, any color.Shuo huttonor with hiindh;.I toll toilet pupcr.Ten hi'e-H htitlnn fuslenern.IToVn fiocket comb iu VJIM*.]J0/.tni *2A iu, aluuiiuiiui hiiir pinn.('anl pood Mifctj piiiii, nny size.Three ounce bottle machine, oil.Solid hack uuil brush.

Whito pearl hat pin.•Stocking darner with lmndlo.I'ackngo kid curlers, 4J in.Yiird «ilk hat clustic.Linen t:ipo measure.Fouryurriti feather stitched bruiil.i'uir men1}) wool round hnnleLi.'t^inl men's cnthir button nets,Jjiirj e box KIIOO bhicking.Medium t?ize curling iron.


Tmi:TAnu:i3i LJ-PKOT JUNE as, I


Now Yort

Houth Amhoy.'.


Trniiton... .



TruntouBonlqnton'ii . . .


Juiaoshiin; Jun

South Amboy..


A. a. A.M. NOOK r. M.

,«.«CIS0J5 '»,»7.M7.J3.





A. M.


A. M.7.337.(0K.U


7.10 fl.38K -J3 9.03



An additional trnlo-lunveB .TrontoQ-g"t •IltrliUjtown at fl.17 P. M.. btoppiDfiiLLBof'{n-

town nt c,n P. I t . . — * .;



Fl!OM~J MEflDUI[()t H.4B A. M.. and 3,30 (Sllt-urdiiyn ooly) nnd CCS P. 51. (7.0« P. 1[. BoaOlrtonly) weak il»yfl.

FllOM LOWEO JA11E811UM. (5.10 A. M., 1.19:i.n (.intunIuj-8 only,) nnd cm V. M. (7.11 SonOlrt only) wupk-dnys; W.io and I0.0B A. M.


FROM JASICTDODO. 9.H A. H. wook-llays.

FCOM jAU&inuftt} JUNCTION. 7.:». O,17. in 211A.M. J.JO. .',.30. nnd 0.37 P.M.ivook-dnys; 7,»A. il. ^timlnr.<j.


A. M. a.jn. n.37. nml 7.20 P. M. week-das-B.

" 1 " Stopu ou noticu to AcoQt or on slKnaV^For furthur Information Hvu ttmo-tablas

Ticket* for ul[ polnu on tho Poun&y.lvan!aH.tllro<i.| iinil ooiinooilAnK ut .sutlon llokot

\V. W. ATTEIlDUItY. J. It. WOOD.Gfjii't tfanngor. PafiH*r Tmfllt.* HannKor.

QEO. W. I5OYU.IU '1 PiLMHunL''jr Auqnt.

At 3 Cents. _Ciird of lihick toilet pius.l'lece mirror or widu white feuther-

Hliichcd in-aUi •Piijifr blnck belt pint;, 00 pin^ in

paper.Dozen -1 -1 bluck shoe hiecaK<>ll hluck MkirL Imiid:'. yurd lengthJloney comb bib.

Dozeft black hut pins.Neiisu4 [)in cube, 100 pins

cube.Afiller's pin book.Curd np.iorted Bizes* safety pina. -Do/eu pearl bead bice plus,

white, mill and turquoise.Pupcr bePt English piiiH.

Vuril Ii1l HI Ik tnir^Ui ribliou, No . r>, uny color.

At -1 Cents.(iooJ i-i/e lirihtliw todlh liru.-h. Card iis.-.orttj ponrl plm, 12 on<:nl"'O of-white loiltL pinn, 100 pim n curd.

Dozeiijinen tape, ntuorici).Iinniio dre-v-iiiK comb.Folding curling iron.

Silver cjused thimblp, any sir.*1.Ho4« hupportern, bluck or colors.

• .r> ounce bottle petroleum Jelly.Bunch nvcrngp tape, 5 i


', Lessees.WM. DOUTIS. SUPH.

At (> Cents. \hiir^n .si.ee pin IMIIIC, 100 hlurk Dozen heuvy -1-i black HIIOO

pins to cube. ' laces. ' 'Hottli' jet bliu-k sltoe dressingr ' . L'a££li_t)-l-1_rJloj '—

~0xU* 111.Hiirei iron drip pan> Mincini; knife.•Shuvini; brimh. Kiftci-ii ineli ilihh mop.

S. P. Dunham $c Co.

A. SI. A. M. T. I t . A. 51.NVlV Ynrk D.ltllllullt^town CM 10.00 7.H S.MSli.iron fios 10.15 7.2c C.03I m l a y s t o w n — fi.lH 1C.2S " .y j C I B

D.LVIS r..21 10.30 7.37 "0.21

Cn-ani I l l d c o . , r...w 10.13 7.io 6.27H o r n c r t t o w n . . 6.3Q 10.K! 7.4C C.3JNow Eirypt ;.«3 11.15 7.53 c'loCookBtown — 0.52 11..M 7.5a ci'j

Klitslown*. ~.ui UM H.O5 7.05.-Ihtown — 7.20--1J II H.ll -7.13lU'rtQU . . . . 7.27 12.1'J 8,17 7.10

Phi lade lph ia . . . K.-i3 l.:iO 0.35 8.55




rl)llaJ.-lpbla .l^tuburtonLflwi^towu\Vrl«lit-stowu ..Cookbtowti •••Now Eicyiit ..

S'mronlIlKhlsln-vli..'.Sow York

Lenvo.WEES-DAtS. 8

A. M. P. II. r . M. A. M. r jCOO 12.50 5.00 7.&0



K 01


cri'd Eiiincills, also C:il)li:ij;(i nlunLs, now

•raily lo pill out.1'ouUry Siii|i|>lii".«, K'uli'lily (Hiick

IMUIII, ciniife chirks over ilan^criuo. o1. cl.s. per ll>.

Mount ik 1'riill'h Lire Killrr,li'iir-s itwiiy llic lier uml tin- lu-ns

Also a line line of Craikeil ('urnnil 1'ee.l. *.



Following Unliivblt! FiroTnsurnne.e• ConipiiuioH.

Nolicrlo CrvilitiiVsA u n l " l l u i . - l i l i i - m i . K v . ' i M i l r K o f W i l l l . i n i

V. l l l l t ' - l l l l l - I l l l . •l.M-l.ll-.L.I. l i y i l l t iKl l >>f t IIi i i K i i t t i n r t h e O . i u m y o f M l . l i l l i ' - . - N . I » T I . -

l .y t h r u licit!.-•> Iu H I M < - I • ' . ] i l o i - n f l l i o UMI.W i l l l . i n i U . I l i i t ' l i i i i H o l i . I n l i r i l i u III l ln-1i l o l t l s . i luI I ] ,u i i iH i iu i l I ' l i i l i i l H i \ m i \ u ^ l t l m I ' s t a l iD r t l i i ' s i i i i l i l f i - i ' d i i i i t , i i m k i o: i t ( i o r . i l l l n n i i

IHIM. Mlllllll lllllM HiiMltl'H tldlll Ilfl4 d.lh>. IItln-j- will Im (nii'vi'L Ir.irn-cl i>( nnr u.ilcii

Ti'ftM UU'-lljk-'t tlltj h i l l l l I ' X < ' . ' l l | l l \ .

.UKII Miii.'h l*. I'm-..ANSII: Hi-rciiiNstiN. Ki.'i'UirK.

A M l><' i i t i h r < i i i i ' < ' r t i i > i l l i i : i ) ' t . i l . n n u l I r i ' . t l u l l

' ! ' . . A i l n i l u l - l l i l l i i "I On

German American,

.i. Co. of Xortli Aij

North liritish A: Me

. . i II r . I m ' •Illl^' Iliuiu iiiuik iu I'll J iiiuiii m n n in-r, this III-I.II.TB unil ull fiii'iiil.1 w*^- A i | l l l l | l . l y „,,,,,„ l l l l l u l l l l l o f | l l l l | l r c l i u i .indly iLiihtcil ul lliu runcrul of inyj 1 | l f l h hi

^A|ll l l | l ly „,,,,,„ lllllulllllof|llll|lrcliuiHO kindly iLinihtcil ul lliu runcrul of inyj ,.,1, | o r cnttlu firwl when M>WU to ihis coVHUT- At Jimiwnt. .luuusn. I'jos.C

n,.,,i,,.it. , | , . ,,,,ii,., | . i,,|(u,.l M . xlill.ll llmlI ' i 'oukury , u l u u k u r i i i i - s f i i t w l l l l i c K i v i - i i . I " ' " 1 1 »"• »«iit n> Urn Uriili.iu .' r u m fur Uu

I'nuiii) ni Miiiiiii>in\. <ni 'n l i ' i i t i i ) . iiiLii'iriiiii iinr 1,1 Ju ly . I'H.'.. .11 in .in A . M in tihi j I o w r a t e s .

! T I T I I I <>r Aiull. l ' iS. fin M'tlli'iui'iii uuil iilii'n-| u th" H U H " lii'lnt: HIM

o .Surnit;iit'>..1 AM>M 1J lll.SM.1T1I K M



Commercial Union,

Standard, ,

Western oj' J'ittstiiiri/.

Mercer County Mutual,

Shrewtibury Mutual,

icmpt sotflomoiit o£ IOKHOB itnoi ocord.


). Siirpln.s :iml !*nill(s,


3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed In Savings Department.

O i P I ' I C E U h ,


i DAVID C. I.KWIS. J\MF.S II GOODWIN. IIKV. A. I. A.P.MH THONG.! .IOIINK SlI.Yi:l:s WAl.TKItS. GKOVKK. II> -WM. S . S I I . V K I ^ . . Ai . i : \ . \s i ) i : i : . s . C O L K . W I I . I . M M .1 m w n . s i ;

2.12 0.01 8.51'J..12 0,03 0.01:.18 0.11 9.073.2S G.20 O.U'J.'S1 C.2C . . . . . .3.52 • 32U l 0.3J4.U8 03i

1.10 C 5 |7.3J



A Well -Known CureCures.obstinate sores, chapped har.ds, eo^jzsma.'Sktn diseases. Makes bums and scaJdtpainless. We could not Improve the qualityIf paid double the price. The best saltsthat experience can producfi or that rnobeycan buy. .

Cures Piles PermanentlyDeWttt's is the original and only pure and

genuine Witch Hazel Salve made., Look forlha name DeWITT on every box. All othstlare counterfeit, TOCPAHBD HY



To:rado Polioiea insned at vory


l ' A l t l l - A I Urmi l i l l l ) . J l i nn J7. Sifnil lW.. ulfi!i>l Illi'lini .UVn. nui'il '•

motlicr. J. Adilibuu Cuvi:rL. wumlfrful 11I1111L U uni inpoi lun l . u.utirt. 1

A<JlllllilHtl.Lt(irK.Ditliul .liiuii i. r»*>.

Offic'e: Post Office Building,


Come to the

Davison Store, Hightstown,Will Save Money-.'

FEW THINGS but are sold hero as cheap-nsanywhere and most, cheaper,

Tlio policy ol tliis store is to be frank ami fnir, Ilioii^ba will' is inisH'il, no tricks or trilling, anil HIOSK win) buyof us once urn almost sure to be- our friend.', DVIT uftcr-Wiirds.. Tbis is wli.v tbc store grows, llinugli you wouldliard.ly tbink it coulil grow bigger unlfss it nu>veil outof town.

A Strong Line of New Clothinsr.Shoes That Are

Right in Style, Quality and Prices.New Goods Everywhere In The

Ladies' Department,"(Old Clouds Sold in Bulk mid Shipped Awny.)


J. V. DAVISON, Hightstown, N. J.


Are in! Thelatest soft andderby styles.

Troiitoii'.s Hatter,•2.1 ISust State Street,


Notice to the Public

I am now uble to make Ico Croamliu all its bniuohoa; cau supply"balls, partiee and festivals 'withchoice

ICE CREAMin all flavors, in bricks or loose,by the quart or gallon, at shortuotico. Also WATER-I0E8.

Edward Schaffer, ,Hightstown, • • N. J.

/ T>« Protulinrnnt IE.''How wns tlic show the oilier

ttglit?" Iniiulrcd tlio washing mnchluoagent.

"Well, I'll tclt you," a trlllo nmlilRU-otulf replied tlio l.'iuillord ot tlio I'ruii-tytown tavern, "n KOOII dent of It wasjiiBt about ns usual, but they lind tlicbest villain you 'most ever %d, thoplenmiro of -witness]!!'. Why—sliucks!—wlicn ho rolled out flic jvonl

. 'R-r-r-r-r-rcveiiKc!' tlio buzzln' oC tliem---^citra r's could l)o hcnnl for 200 feet In

every direction from thuOpory House!"—Puck.

• - I

A Cart* For the Itnmlcrntlon Kvll'111 nu Intcrcstlnir article In Hnrper's

Weekly on Hie liniiilKratlou prolilciii,llroiiKlitou Br:inileiil)i;rK considers nnumber of MicgcHtlnnt iniidc by vnrl-ons authorities proposing solutions nrtlio question. Some of those biiRgcs-tloiiK he OlsposcR of ns folli.ws:

President "Konscvclt (If mrn-ctly re-ported: "A tax of ?'J3 per bead."- The Iminifrrjint merely will hnvo thatmuch more to ltorrow.

Dr. S. M. Gregory, Psycliopatb. Ueltc.vuo Hospiiiil:

"InimlgRinlK from more slowly-mov-lng Europe li.'ivc their mluils mid hotl-

. les OTPitirxpil liy AiniTlran city life.To Induce tln-ni to nilojit rural life.'1

"»Ilr. Adolplic Pnir/iKPr, l.ilc coiiMll nti>rtli't'ii,' ^cntlmiil. nuil :it Madrid:

"Stop ships from lauding iiunilKlviulsnt any eastern ports above Charles-ton, Soutli Carolina-."

Ulscascd nml dibarred ImmigrantsMlllgp to Mexico, and wade the ItloGrande to reach Iloston., Dr. nniudeubnrg's own solution oftlio problem provides for boards of

. A'nerk-nn inspectors, sclcc-lcil by <'!\i!service 'process nml stationed at for-eign port" to exaiuhie and JMISK upon

'•^^tlic <;ualllle.-\tlons of Intending iiiiuil-

'. "Nollilnr I,V<o I.pntlior."TheVelallves or a wealthy Austrian

nohlenlan, Huron SzcUnickl, recenllybought to have him declared insane,on the ground that his usual wear aihome is a leather suit, patterned likethat of n turtle. In the course of hisdefense; ivlildi w.i» so couvliirlug thathe^won his case and was declared to

''tfe perfectly sane, the baron broughtfortvnnl n remarkable array of in-stances of wealthy men now livingwho are eccentric In t!.elr drcs*. Amongthem are Juehlded the Emperor Wll-linin, wlio possesses over three hundreduniforms; u Madrid mlllli:n:ilre, whoilresses his servant girls as tlowers,roses, violets, tulips, etc., and Ids menservants as trees, ami n Tarlslan whonever wears it h.it—which seems a de-cline In the merely commonplace. Thebaron closed an exhausllvc list withthe cns<> of Otto Jljuinn, a -wealthy su-

_,£nr manuractiirer of Budapest, who.selects IIIS'RUKS to match his wall pa-r iprsTi t IM

":' -. >.


CracktMl nnd lVrleil—Wnler nml Ilcnt—'—CnURcd Intrn»a l'nln—Cuul«l IloNo

Hou»en-ork—Vory a rat of ulla Cntlcurn.

"My liamlfi cracked :iml jicclcil, nnd WITCno eorcjj.uaa impo-sihlc tor. me to do myhoubcworkr If 1 put them in viler I WMin ncony fnr honro. ami if I tried to caul;trie licit caused intcimu pi in. I consultedtwo doc tor,* j but tlicir prv-mpliuus were

• utterly useless, ^ow after iwinc one cakeof Cuticura. Soap and one box oi CtiLicuraOintment my" hands are civtircly well. Unm very grateful. (Signed) Mrs. MmnicDrew, 18 Pan a. St., Itoxbury, M.iis."

Orcrrrtiicafcil. "inrtowu oC un-ciiy. r.TTTEmr

!nrt dop, a cocker spaniel. Whenjtvns still ,i puppy his master taught

i to "sit out on the front porch :UI<1: for tbe local paper to he thrown

lie ynnl; then tlic dog would: It Into the house, mul get petted

r doing it.h Half nn hour after tin* dog lind

light In tlio pnper the other day hisnutor, going Into the $Ut!ng-room,

found ft* pile of BIX more papers, whichjtho dog lind collected from other yards

the bolck. It took some time tont tip the owners of those papers1 return llicm.—Forest nnd Stream.

Uso Alien'* Foot-Kasn.,/t Is tho only euro for Swollen, Smarting,red, Aching, Hoc, Sweating Feet,Corns andinlons. Ask.IorAUca'sFoot-£asi>t apowdur

oboshAkoalnto thot)hoc,i. CureawhltoyouAt all Druj^'lsLH mid Shoe Storos, '25c.

icopt any HUbstltuto. Sum pie Hoat[dross, AHOD H. Olinsted, Lolloy, N,^»

, -j a revival of 1111 France.

in lightning

8 Curo for Consumption Is an InfnlllbloEedlclno for caii^lt^-vmtl colds.—N. W.

coagtfxov^, N. J., Tub. 17, WOO.

L_ Bn-arms of nevontcon-ycnr locusta have

lydla r. PSnkham'sVegetable Compound

Is a positive euro for all tho^e puinful»Hmonta of women. . I t will.entirelycure tho wor.st forms of Female Com-plaints, nil Oviirinn truublvs. Intiaiu-mation and Ulcerntlon. Fnlliwif andDisplacements of the Womb and con-sequent Spinal \Venl<iu>.ss, nnd ispecxx iurly mluptcd to the Change oflAfe» Every time it will cure

1 Backache*I t hn« cured nioru cases of Lcucor-

thnu any otherrcmrdy the worldnever It nuvvn. It isiilinohtiiifallibU

ln**sv*h cases. It dissolves and expels"Tumors from the Uterus irran earlyfitiipe of di'velopment. Tlint

Bearlng-down Feeling,causing pain, weight andheadaehe, isInstantly relieved and, permanentlycured by it-s ii.se. Under ulL circum-stances it net* In harmony, with, thofemale system. J t corrects

irregularity, -Suppressed or I'uinful Menstruation,Wcalcnchsof the Stomach, Indigestion,Bloating, Floodinff, Nervous I'roiitra-tion, Headache, tieneral Debility. Also

Dizziness, Falntstoss,Extreme La.ssitiido". "dpn't-cure'* ainl** want-to-be-left-alom;" feelinp, exclt-ability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, meUmcholy or the14 blues,'* and hnclcncho. These arcsure indications of Female Wealcnevsome derangement of the Uterus. Foi

Kidney Complaints.and Bacliaoho of rithersex the Vegcta-1 ble Compound is uneqmiled,

Yon can write Mrs. J'inhhnm aboutI yourself in .strictest confidence. -T

EQUITABLE IS CONDEMNEDItatc Superintendent of Insurance

Hendricks Wakes Reporti


athlncCrltlcliint'ortlio Ilinlneii Mcth-

Him Vor Action In IXamii or tlio Attor-no j General—AI#ixnn<ler»nd l t j J o Ar-r»lened-*Fronts Short Id Do 1'stJ Uncle

New York City.—Francis Ilcndrlckp,•tnte Superintendent of IiiKiirniice, inita prcliiniiinry reiwrt to GovernorIlgglns on tho Equitable Life APBUT-

nncc Society, nrralglis the conditions.-nllliiK nnd referw the' entire ense

lo the Attorney General of the StateTor such action ns he mny deem ncces*lary.

'Hint some deil'nltc action in tlic so-clety'H affairs should be taken by theState Is clearly the conclusion of Mr.loiHlrlckji. "No superUcIul uienKureV*jiyM lie, "will correct tho oxlstliiff evilsin this Koch'ty. A cancer ennnot he:urcd by t routing the symptoms."*

Iu ninny rowpertfl Mr. HiMiHrickB* ro-.>urt IK a more severe arraignment oftlie society than that made by theFrlclc rommlltt'e. Tract lea liy everynlHiKe that, the Frlck committee, foundexistent Mr. HeiulrlckK fhidn, nnd, fur-hornioro, tlie Inmirmicc Dopnrtmcntins delved into the (mention uf renl.state lenses and ropnlrn, nml shows

Hint n shocking condition of favorit-ism nnd petty waft has existed In thisdepartment for year*.

Thomas F. Kyan't* purchase of thosociety by acquiring .the majoritydock hold 1 nps of .Tilings II. Hyde and.he other devices of the new owner of:1m company, to assure Its imrtlnlnuitualizatlon by the selection of di-rectory by the distin^nlHliod votingtrustees*, former President Oevolnml,-"Bo ^ft)rf.iu\ J. O'llrlcn nnd fioorRe

tln liouHe, is faintly praloed l>y Mr.[IendrlckR.N*I do not question," says the Super-intendent of Insurance toward the CIORCof Ills report nnd .ifter briefly ndvert-

; to \\\e purchase of the company bynew lntcrrstfl nnd the plans for partlnlmutualtzh]£ the company—"I do notquestion but whnt this Is the honestIntention of those who havo acquiredIho control of the society"—to PO man-ge it that curtain reforms will inure

to the benefit of the policy holders. "Ido not think, however, that they willpo far toward restorlnp the confidence

" tho present policy holders or aid Inprocuring new business for the so-ciety."

Mr. Hyan's expenditure of $2,r>00,000Tor Mr. Hyde's $32,000 worth of stockis not likely to prove a very profitableInvestment if Mr. Hondrlcks* views[ire carried out. Without spoclficnlly

itlonln;; Mr. Ryan's recent ncqulsl-ion of the cornpnny's control, Mr.[Iendricks 1ms this to say of stockiwnership:"In my opinion the only ihlnp which

will restore cnnfldt'iiceand benefit tbecompany will be the o]Iinlnntlon__ofIhe stock-control, and, what I deem of

nl Importance, the elimination ofWall Street control. • • • Completemutuallzntlon, with the elimination oftho stock to he paid for nt a pricemly commensurate with its dividend*,

is, In my opinion, the only euro in easynro of relief." ^

President Roosevelt, In a remark-nble letter issued iu defense of TaulMorton's business career, ex pressesconfidence that lie will ho able tp brlnpirder out of chaos In. the affairs ofIhe Equitable Society, and, farther-more, declares that In his Judgment[hnrnqsh Insurance reform* can only1)0 made effect I vft through federal su-pervision of these companies. "In tillsennrlimlon the President Is joined byohn A. McCaJI, president of the New

York Life Insurance Company: Sen-ator John F. Drydcn, of Now Jersey,president of tho Prudential Life In-surance Company, of Newark, nnd>tber leading. life underwritershrouphout the country.Mr. Hondrleks flnds:That all who took' part In the deals

of the "Jamos II. Hyde and associates"syndicate shouldbo compelled- to pay

back the sums received by them.That tiie leases between the society

ami its subsidiary companies "arc allone-sided, unfnlr nnd unjust to thesociety:"

That James IT. Xlydc'R authority oon-Inued to Increase, and he proceeded to

use the society and Its nHflcts moreand more, as If they were his own. un-til lie was checked by tho demand formntuallzntlou and IIIK retirement.

That James W. Alexander was cog-nizant of and approved the varioussubsidiary undertakings criticised, undhy reason thereof 1ms failed to meetthe obligations Imposed upon him aschief officer of tho society, and It In anojuui question whether he is not dis-qualified under section 3(1 of the In-Kurance law from hereafter holdingany ofllce in a life Insurance company,as well ns all tho others office™ nml di-rectors who1 participated in these un-lawful transactions.

That the report, with a copy of theevidence taken on this Investigation,will he transmitted to tho Attorneyi(ieiieraI_fpr_RticIi_acUou_thcrcon.ns.lic.•nny deem proper.

Jerome lo Act.DIstr/ct-Attornoy Jerome will call for

a CJrand-Jury investigation Into tbeacts of tlii' oUlcers and directors of tlioEquitable Life" Assurance Society,should the evidence furnished him byShite Superintendent of Insurance-IToiiilrleks prove sufficient to Justifythis course.


riyslorious Englishman BarricadesHimsolf in 'Frisoo Hotel.

Nine P e n d n i Hit , Includjnp One Pollco'*maa—Uo r inn l l j llluwi 11 In Owu

- if rod On*. .,

San Francisco, Cal.—Afterone thoufand personn at bay for twohours in Kddy street, shooting ninemen nnd defying the police. TltomnsLobb, a manliic, killed himsolf.

The. woumlod are: W. S. KofTmnn,shot three times, wounds In cheek,none and forehead; C. T. Cliuvulln, sliot.In eye; W. Jones, wnitnds in cheek;Knitl Uoherts, buy, shot In U-K; QUOURDo, Chinese, rltlo bullet. In hand;George A. Del.auphtnn, nine wuinids,six in nrin, two In* hniM and 0111* Incheek; Vicente Itomanto. sltot in cheeknnd ear; Joseph Lnrlheo, two .shuts Inchin, one in Up, others in Mhouliler, faeoand arm; Policeman IMtrli-U Kn«Minc,shot In cheek wlillc flrini: from :idjolu-ing room. Kevou shots PUHHCU tlinnigtiIlls helmet.

All the victims wore hit with N'o. 4shot, except the Clilncsi1. who receivedn rllle ball. -^

The Insane' man wns barricaded inhis room on-the fourth (loor of theUnited Slates Hotel. No. l -'l l'-ddystreet. Lobb wont to Ihe hot el atnight. The »n-M ninriiliiv ho beganthrowing ftiniitnrt1- from the windowto the strwt. Several personn nar-rowly escaped liclng htrucii. lie then1)ego 11 firing, using a ^Imtgun. liel d s r d $ bilH I th l

gplacedf h

g ^ g$1IK» b i l H Iu t h e m u z z l e

lof the weapon and fragmiMith of tbt?paper were scattered over tin.1 street. Abig crowd ipiickly gathered. Street-curtrnlllc was entirely suspended afterone car had been 11ml upon and itswindows broken.

Police Lleuteiifftit fin-en rush oil asqund of police, to the hpone, amongthe olllcers being live membcra of thecrack rifle team \it tin1 di-jiartinent.They were unable to nt'complli'li any-tiling, as I lie maniac was ^tionglyiiitrj'iii'Iied In his room and appearedto liavo nn unlimited amount of am-munition.

It was determined that I.nhl> mn*tbe captured dead or nlive, and all therooms adjoining tlic one he occupiedwere filled with armed policemen. Alively fusillade was begun through tbedoor.-tranf.om nnd walls of the mad-man's stronghold, to which he re^jmnd-ed with remarkable rapidity. Tliejilns-ter was scattered from the celling nndwalls, ami the police were soon cov-ered with tlie white Hakes and nearly Iblinded by tho lime. OMlccr Knssanoattempted to peer tlironeli tlie tran-som, when he received a chnigc ofstint which disfigured Ills face andcompletely riddled bis helmet. ThenOfllcor Hutelilus descended from theroof to the room window, while the jother policemen made an attempt to Iforce In the door. When Hutching s'iw I | j n "tbe mnnlac'K attention wns diverted bo |

DANISH C « DROWNEDTrainine Schooner, the Geore-Stage,

Sunk by British Steamship.


SovcntY-nlnc Hoy* Aitonri! — I'Jftj-firvvnlte«cuo<l untl Twcntj-.lwo D row nod—KtriiinKtilii Snltl tn Hnvn Clmtispd I t iCfitimn Wlltniut Warnlncr—HchoonoiFormerly Wnn Mcrclimit Vrmol*

Cop.oiJingrn. Deinunrk. - A seriousdhastiM' orcuriTil :tl night nonr here,when the Danish c:ul<>t trading hchoou-er. (leorg-Stiigt', was sunk by tho Ilrit-Ihh slcntin!il|» Ancona. The Gcorg-Sta^ s:ink In one nnd one-hMf mln-ul (•.'•. Twenty-twit cadets weredrowned and llfty-spvcn rescued.

The ho\s wen* j;l! iu their bunks :ittho tinn'-uf tho (Hs;i<-ttM'1 Tho nightw:is iiMMcn1*!. hut it w:ii nut so dnrkthat ottjot'is could not bo arm ai someriiM.'iiffi>. '

Tin' AIICIMIII w.y.i cinwUU'raMy dam-aged jilong JUT wnlor lim*.,

Kir-<t Oilli-ri Mi.tiru wn.s in romiunndof tho (ii'nrg-Singtj ;iud saw tho An-:OII:I 'lpprn.-ichlng. lie l.s ewtnln theMcjiitMT <'l,:iugi>d ht>r course withoutw.iniing, or there would'havo boon nocollision.

Tlii' AIICOIIH'- bow miuck the train-ing ship's >hl(> .tnd crushed Into It:4'\oii frrt. biinglng tlown the Oeorg-Slago'.s masts and rigging,

hggchokod the gang-Tho wTivKngo g

ways Unit innny <>f the t^idfts couldout ^aiu tlic ileeks ami, trapped below,wcrr drouiu'd.

Tiios^ boys who-were not imprisoned> u-irrkngc juinpcil mi liojiut tho An-••tna and helped to <get nut her llTe-.11 tilth. "

Mj hit' juiiipcil overboard and helpedto *i\w ILI:III\ 1 .idcts1.

The Copenli.'iL'i'U port authoritieshave plnccd :m cnibargo nn tlif Auco-11:1. uhich will i-L-in:iiu lien* until the:u11Mnn is Inquired Into.

Tlif Crorg'Siage WHP a Rchooncr. -0(iton< n'cNu'i*. in:; feet long. She waaa iraiiiini; \o.s-ol for the mercantileui..rliic ;iud was owned by a privatelirm irf1 (.'opcnbageii.


yiuTifi" .md Do])iiti(^ Occupy King andMake One Arrest.

St. I,niil«, Mo.—On ing to tlie aclionnf I'ouniy ollii-rr^ In nnestlug (Charles1'ella. :i int'inbrr of the (Vniral-.TurfAfS<i[-i;iiiuu. ilm Ini; tlic Ilr^t race ntHWm.'ir. there were no ofllchi] odds <mlln' lavt HIT HIT-', :Intl the only betsin.hie \\ civ lirtweiMi \\w\\\ iiluaU.

flui lir.-l time '-lure Illr ;Ulti-l)Pt-:iw went Intu t'fTt'i-t im .Tuiu» 17

he hclthig ling w.is diverted by tbeluoiubiM't of the (Vuiral Turf ASMICIJI-lion, w hr> :uv behind the plan lo makelift>- on the inccs in a maniK'i' not con-lvi\v\ tn the law.

ShrrilT llnrpcl, of S1. J.ouK County,i('coiii|>;inn'il hy sexiTal clc|iuties'. tookiHiv.(<>.K;nu of tin1 belting rinc Just 1K»-

,- „„.,-., „ .for*1 IV Ii'ir--N went to the po-Tln thesands of spectators ivlm bad a*>sembleil ! '"'-"I race, hm only the our anv-t wasIn the neighborhood, which is near the j made. (Vila was hi tor held un.lerheart of the city. I Pl<*<in hmul t»> amwrr H chnrK*' of vlo-

ThcniaH Lobb' was (wciity-oipht jrnrs I iitnig die .uui-ln-tliiii: law.ild. lie apparently wa« nn KUKII^II- | Cnvoninr I*oll;. in nu Interview ear-nnn nnd a stranger here. In his pock- | iler hi die Hay, fmil diM-lnreil that

gave a prearranged signal by firing hisrevolver. Hearing the report fronv anunexpected quarter tho murderouslunatic rushed to the winilow, whichwns open, and literally blew off the topof bis own heart. The brain1* anil frag-ments of skull flew through Hie air fInto tlie street, to the horror «f thou- |

:alls For France to Bring Home Italyof I^iil .Tones,

Wat-hliiRton. 1). C—FrnnoN H. Loo-nls, Assltanl Secretary *>f State, sailed'or France as pperlni Anibassjidor ofIhe United Stntes to participate Iu thereremoniOB attending tbe delivery ofFoliu 'Paul Jones' body by France tohis country.Mr. Looinis* selection for such a post

at a time when he has been otllclallyreprimanded for using bis position us adiplomat to ndvnnce hlx persoiml for-tunes In a business way hat astonishedthe few persons to whom it Is known.Still more surprising to them, however,.s the secrecy with which Mr. Loomls'ippolntuieut has been invested.


Work on Temporary Structure Hin-dered 1)3' Had Weather.

AunapolN, Md.—Owing to bad weath-er work on the temporary vault forthe reception of tlio body'of John PaulJones is progressing slowly. The willsprobably will bo completed within thenext few tlnyc

It Is thought that iu six mouths thecrypt In the chapol wll! be complotodnnd the body will he llnnlly placedthere.

FOR WOMENtrembled with ills peculiar to —their tex. tided as & duucho f« marvelcental. Tbotouchly dcaosci, lcill« (liscuaD t n ma,•topi dlicbirces, nckls loUjkinmatloa and IUCAI•oieaeu. cuie» lcuconhoM «nj o»ial catarrh.

I'lUliie l» in po«iler l.inn m Ix diiuilied in [mre

Tlic National Qamc.( l.irk. ou Is winning right along for

Jersey City.Devlin Id making great strides In the

flint class of luihu Kt«ilers.UiiKlnuh is proving a clever utllitj*

mail for Boston, after all.. IU'.'immmt uns tlio llr.st Niitiona

I.e.igtio iilnyrr to make lifts' lilts.i;ibcrfi'lil lias lieen Inkl alt by New

yoi'k without pny until he enn get IntoVhape.

The ClovclaiHls nrc being heavilytouted for the. American League chain-plonslilp this scatiun.

.Mnimger .McGran- began to play .1llftecn nml was :i inaiiuger at thirty.

SloiiL- Is lending the St. Ixjnls BrowniIn hitting and run gottlng, and Is nheadof Hiirkctt on all counts.

.lois, of the Cleveland team, Is pitch-ing great ball. He has twlee'lield clubdown to three bits, once to four andtwice to live.

Tlie St. 1'anl Club has Mlspcndcipitcher Koy Evans. Indelliiltcly, williout salary, for derlllctlon Iu the per-runnani-e of his duties.

New Yurk critics are to-fslng boiiuetat I>"bli> for Ills great lidding witli thelirookfyii'-. If hi' could onlj hit amthrow be wuuld be a star.

Veteran Jack IJojle lias succeedeiJack Doyle as llr.'-t baseman for tb•Toledo AllM>ri<*:in A'-sm-lillioli team.

I'levelnml clitics now cliiiln for JossHie dlstim-lloll or being the best Heldlug i'ltcho* In tin' Ainerlciiu League.

Young "(ly'f Young, tif the IJosloNalloiiaN, i Hie bo1**! Hbul-out piti'licr,^ilh live smii victories to his credit.Killlau h-aih In the American LcagmWith three.

Trl«l 0o» •"!' U""1' oc'liutruellnni Prce.TMI H. IMXTOHCOWMflT OOUTOB. ««00.

:it "\vnfl a card bearing the "address ofIhe British CouMil-Gonenil. anil a re-:elpt for b.iggnge, nbowlng that lie waa

Tecent nrrlvnl in San Kranchco.


'ithcr the MN^ourl National Cimrd orIhe St. Louis Pollec Department woulilhe dltvcted within the next twenty-four Ihnirs |o rahl the binikllialiers athclmar race track.

The Cowrunr has dheovereil thatj|ecliiiii I I of lhe_ St -Louis charter^iv'es'Tlie' cii>" ol fiC^r.nuis" thi' "same(imnr« in Ilii- rmu'ily as.In til.' city.


Wanton Cruelty of Russian Soldiors

Adds lo tho Horrors.

Charcci Hado 1>y Couacltf And Xtilmitrj,aoa nep«atei1 Volley* Flrod Xnta

iho niauei of 'Humanity

Lodz, Russian Poland.—Tho most se-rious phase of the lighting between themilitnry and strikers Is at an end, butthere arc still Isolated attneks In tliosuburbs. At Bnluty Cossacks at-tacked a, Jewish family ot five per-sons who were driving in n cab to thorailway station and shot and killed allof thorn, as well ns the cabman.

At 1'abjanlcc. near Loilii. workmennttaeked two policemen and shot midkilled one and wounded the other.

Thero Is a general exodus from Lodz.Twelve thousand persons hnvc alreadyleft the city, and all tralus arccrowded.

In the disturbances thirty-live «ov-eriiDicnt liquor stores were deitrojcdby the mobs, -which appropriated niltlic cash and stamp^v found .on theprcmisCH and'added them to the fundsof the Socialist party. ,

Prominent citizens telegraphed toGeneral .shuitiuv, commnmlliig I hi!troops, asking for protection againsttlio briilnlity of tlio soldiers, especiallythe Cossack?, \V]io In one Instancekilled..mid lobbed the servant of (Iwealthy man named Uoscnbintt, whowan, carrying ?uO()(i to the bank.

Tlu>._cjly resembles n tdiuniblc<:, andthe terrible scenes of the last two dayswill never U: wiped from tlic memoryof tho Polish people. Alto(,:thcr theroiiro ten regiments encamped in Lodz.

At llnluly, a suburb of Lodz,,fourCossacks were killed and sixteenvtouuiletl by a bolilb, which wasIhrown Into "their barracks. Twcnty-:hroe of their borses were killed.

TUo soldiers are showing what ap-pears to be wanton cruelly. Lnte Inlio afternoon they allot and killed two

women—a mother and Iler daughter.It Is quite Impossible to give the ex-

act number of killed and of wounded,ns reports vary according 10 the qunr-ter from which they are obtained. Cer-ainly the killed will bo over n liuu-

:lred, possibly two hundred, and thowounded live- times ns many.

The present trouble began at I,odznrter tbe funeral of the victims of theconlllct between troops and Socialiststhe previous Sumlaj. Tllo ChristiansWere permitted to bury their dead, butthe Jews were prohibited from doingfio and the police secretly Interred tbebodies of the Jews at night, which cx-cltcd indignation, and' Socialist riotswore Initiated. The most serloiib pbnsoof It Avas -when the crowd deliberatelypillaged liquor shops and numbers ofpersons, inllameil by drink, led a crowdof at least 50,000 to further and moreserious attacks. Police and militnrywere attacked wherever they appearedin small-force and many Individualtnembers were killed. *"'The fury of the mot) found full vent,

and even children." caught I'y the con-tagion, were seen kissing red Hagsand hc.ird swearing that they wereready to die for liberty. A Jewishgirl mounted a box iu the marketsquare and nddresscd nu immensecrowd.

Suddenly the police appeared andflrcd a volley and the girl -fell dead.Market gardeners coining In wereMopped nnd their carts were used Inbuilding 1i.irrle.ides. Wires werestretched In trout of these barricadesnnd the cavalry was unable to charge.


Sirs. Hogcrs Ilpprlovixl.Mrs. MaO*. lt«KPr«, now nt Windsor,

Vt, who wns couvlclwl of.killing litTliusbnnd, linn licuii reprieved liy tho(Jovoruor of Vermont until December8. that her c;ibc may IK* carried to thoUnited States Supreme Court. . . ^ ,

Schurmnn Upholds Itousovolt.Dr. Jacob Could Schnrman, presi-

dent of Cornell Univeihlty, In IIIH ad-Hs to tlie graduates, at lilinca, N.

Y., held up Theodore Iloosevelt nndGro\-er Cleveland as examples of IruoAmericans.

Oynma Reports Kngnpenicnt.All licfpo of an nrmlstlcu between

RusHln and Jnpan prior to tin* lUt'OlliiKof—thu—ppnci»-plonliM'tt*inlliirIt'd-\vus—nhamloued In Wushin^on, U. C-


Two Dead. Ten Injured In Il.illnnoie

Ilalilnioiv. Md. — Two IUTSOIIH wereKilled nliiiii^l instantly ninl others wereinjured i\< tin* ri'Milt «f a. ctilllslon be-

j cwecii a loaded tiollcy ear ami a freight' 'rain at a cradc eni'-^ln^ of the IVini-

iyl\:ini:i Itaihoad at 11 o'clock at nlj,»tit.I .a urn Scjirhonmi:lt, a nru'rn woman,thirty-llvi' yenr*. ulil. was killed luMiint-ly. and Mr-, S.irali C'nuiiwell died In aiio.-pltal of her Injurle1*. The fliers in-lurwl weu* Mr.v Alary Ivlrelienbert:,IMward I'lrich. KrancN S. Sklrvnn.Oliver Trke. Mary KnseJ, Thomas \\M:i«>(tii/*('eorK(»"lH('SfIiiT. Cliarli"* Itiv-licck. S.ii,ih .Tmii , Oliver Cromwellind <iVnrw S. Mann.

Tln> accident Is the third since theUkerview report was opened fnr theica^un. Tlir trolley irark K (TOSMH!<i'\vr:il limes by track-* of Iwth the Itnl-timure and Ohio ami the IVnnsj Ivunlarailronds. Tin- l ulK-y car had thirty-?lj;lit pai-sPiipTs aboard. It had near-ly cro>-.cd (In* track when the last box:-ar on the frciu'lit train backed Into itind overturned the trolley car. IJ^htwent out, and a panic endued. Mo«,t ofthe victim- w ere plmieil under - thetrolley car. and It was tome time, be-fore they were eMi'iralcd.

HIe.li rind In Mine. •A find of coal Iu an old mine .nt Sha-

iiukln, Pa., was estimated to be worth


To Cool Subway Air.The New York City Ilapld Transit

Hoard decided to liiHtall plants to coolnnd circulate the air in the subway. •

President Receives Desreo.Williams College conferred the de-

cree of L. II. D. upon President Itoose-velt nt tlie commencement in Wllllauib*town, Maes.

HlB Price For Picture..A portrait by Dm Id, says n t-perlal

ralile .dlniuitcb. fvtclicil 5S00U at aParis (France) pale.

Ulots nt I/)dz Continue.Itlolh continued at Lodz, workmen

killing Cossacks and polkv.

"I ilon't know I bat It In possible to . planing mills.

Labor World.

In Boston, Must., labor unions havon mcmberiihlp of o\er (I-.OOO.

WOKPH Iu Porto Itleo hnve Inrtcasedthreefold since the Spanish days.

In limitary thero arc* •Uj:t8 tradeunion member?, of whom lS2'<i UTOwomen.

Hoston (Mnsf.) Typo^rapblenI UnionIs cnn.sldcrlnK n plan to pension oldmembers. "~

The loss of members In the* Hrlck-l.iyers' Union of Kn^land is f-ald tohave becu -000 In the course of u yearpast.

In the last fiscal yonr strikes cost or-ganized labor in Sweden $115.0tfu.

There nre 1 00 machinists nt tvork Inthe different sho[).s In Minneapolis,Minn.

Sheet metal workers fit Vancouver,11. C, havo Rtruek for nn advance fnmithlrty-KCven and a half ' to forty-livecents per hour.

New Hertford (Mass) carpenters ha\edecided to awk for a .minimum of S^sofor the eiKlit-hmir day, be^lmlitiK wlmDecember 1 of this year.

Iteports received nt the lieadipiartei-sof the Federation of Labor state thatthe organization of retail elcrKs Is rap-idly gaining in membership.

Conductors on the National Itailroailof Mexico have asked for the adoptionof ii new scale.

International Hrotherbnnd or Iloller-nmkvrs nira.IrouSliliibuIMci^ will placenn organlztT iu New Kugliiiirt t<> urgan-Izi' the slilpynrds along the "oast.

Union carpenters of Lancaster, I'a.,have voted to sustain the Mrrklngplaning mill men hy rcCuMnq lo handleany work turnwl out by tlie LanciiMer

llegislate the ni'W st.\ le of delivery out.it ihe game altogether. Inn I do know JMint It Is im^-lbli- to help Ihe balling

The secietary of the tiniied MinWorkers of Aini'iiea ivpurts tli.ii Intin* monili of March that i

|py reliirnliig lo ihe ulil rule regaidlni; showed tlnOuwst nuiulii'r of membeisfouls," says I'l-L'sldent Ilau Jobuson. | In iu hlstorv.

ngliienr Rr-I^IT^ 1'nder FressiTreFrom tlie Provident,

New Yoik n t j . - . I . V. Wallace, chiefnnmciT of tlie Pnunina f'aual, atalary of $;(,i>.niiD .» yenr. has resign\* pii-ltifiu under pre-Miiv from Pre>i-

dent KciiiH'Vflt and Secretary Taft.

t'nii-i'i* Cliarlesiou Kcaily.'lie ptoiei-le<l erul^er C'liarleslon,

which . n s lo have Us speed liiaKleached l'rovlneetown M.ISJ..

Arrc-led a*» Kidnaper.1-.J'lflecn einploye.s of an Am-rican <-Ir-

ciis ucrc aiiiMed at (Irand Mere, <JncIM>C. rhaigcd with Uiilnapin^ .i joun^French girl :jt Kobcrml. and shootinganother girl at Chambord.

Foreman Cruahod to Doatli in New

York City Aparlmont House.

uH Smiulirri.- T r r c Uprontotl mulBlrccU Fiomirtt — llrlck

Tri l l Hoy.

Now York CIt-y.- -A rAbmtorui wlilcbiiirtli'd aerots from Ne'.v Jeriey liki1 a•ra7.y windmill struck Ilailein, ileitig-ng the streets with a downpour fromts InIcy clouds, turning mid-afternoonII tn Illght, ripping off chimneys amidgii1- and blowing In window-.*

In thlA wind and rain storm two live-ilory apartment li«n:ses in coursp of

inxliuellou at - due Ilniiilreil andThlrlyslxlh s|ro,-t and ItiveisldeDrive eollapseil. Tlirec noikini-n wereburied In the ruins. Twlrof them were

alive nrier lielng hurled lerthe fallen walls for almost three hours,while the third, the foreiniiu of-llieJob. died just as he was rt'aclieil. Thedead timn was. Thomas" Lalor. tlilr.ly-

year-, o!<l. or IK En«l Seventy-"*si'\enlb slreet. .uul tlie injunil. bothhrlcklayer-.. are: Ali'Xit Snlriiilnn. Ililr-tj-llve j-rarK 'old. of mo Fifth sliect.and Yaeonell Snvuls. forty jcnri ulil.



F-diiotia Hnnirm-r nolol, the a-mnd Oolorl' nr Sarnto-tn, I t s i Io.l«lloil Thl i Belt

of All Arlinalsl Ucrtw-U-Maa l n -crrRticil Comrort and Ilc»lth.

Snratogn, Jcac 27.—Tlio very name,"Sarntoga," brings to every mindhealth-giving wrings, unBiirpnBsod lio-tcl« and licnutlfurdrlrcs. It nno beenfor ninny years tl'o Mecca for all whoiilmlre nature, enjoy good living, andare searching for lipnlili, or nrc simplyInking a vacatlfjii.

The (iranrf Union. Iho lnrgent sum-mer hotel In tho United States, set•lliiong-.greon trees with Its long wingsenclosing a court with fountains jiudHower-i, grass and trees. muRlc andlight.Is throughout Ihe season throngedwith guesis. With tlio progrenslvcspirit ulwnys shown by Its manage-ment, the (iriiiul Union has ngaln ndd-nl to Its altiacllvrness t/j Introduc-

•vlng acetylene gas lo make still moreVllllant Ihe evening hours. The genialiWiprletors believe In furnishing theirguests -nUh the best of everything,mid -now, after lnvc«tlgatlliB nnil llnd-Ing that Artlliclal Sunlight can bo lmdr

tliev have lu-ilallcd n conipletn aile . . . .

"Jtetornrd Ti'ftli Tl tankl ,"Sonip of our rontlorp, wo nrc sure,

linvo Ijcon croHROd In lltoniluro whichin 'coimiilorpd liy BOIIIO to he n gooilpnl worse "thnirbplng cro'Jspd In love.

To thrHc, nnd to otherh tiiily IOHH, theoiiinnotf of "Itotumfd With ThnnkH,"IH Rot out Hhortly In the llystnnilor,hotitd ho Intorostlng.We rend thnt Mnnrtfii MnnrtoiiB. IVIIH

forced to print his first hook himself.ftlo ropontly Mr. J._.l. Holl mnde

JJJWKU ?2O.(KIO out of a tiny hook, "WeeInrgroogor." for whlrh no luililhthor

ivoutd ninko nn offer, though tht> JIU-[hor would linvp'siihl tlio entire copy-•Ight for tiriy ilollnm,.

Think of Thnckeriiy's "Vnnlty Fulr"pfiiKi-il liy Colhurn's Mngnzlne us hiek-

Ing In lulorost. nlthoiigli written es-prpisly for Hint |iuhllnitlon, nnd rc-fiiird liy ovory pllhllnitlon to whom itwns nflcriviiril sulii/ltled. Thnckor.iypuhllxhrtl It nt IIIB own risk.

The snnio l» tnn> of Storno's "Trl.H-Iriiiu Shnnily." Kehlo's "ChristianYonr" wns ofTerod to n pnhllsher for?ll>0. nnd llnnlly puhllKlii'd nt lit nu-thnr's rlik, lirluglng him In, it Is s.i Id,JMO.ooo ilurlng his lifetime—LondonNevis.

lene gas"|ilant to produce It, and linvp-- - ,n , . ooniiected upwards ot six tlwmviv/y

of 2'JI Ensl One Ilinidred ami Twelfth ^...ivi,,,,,. i,,irl,eis in and about !neslreet. Hntb were I-IMIIOVCII tn the .1. nt ln t"

"I'.'cni.inn'i'uiie,""1"""' *"""** '"'"' ™» >"»V " " < • « * ' « °'f' " « » «The'u-roanv an'il slionls of tjio Muled years, ulileh arecomlng Into popular

men wt'io lninrd for hours before ihomen were ri'.'M'bcd li.v 11 i1 -i|ii:icN or

ucH and poliiciueii " U" '•trove tothem out. and thsil ui.\ omi \\:i«

i:il,i-n"oiit nllvi' Kiirpri-iHl l\w now A of"M'lierx nml wntcluT1*. •AVIIIMI the "tnriu linikf HK-IV wi»rf

aliiml twenty winkiiii'ii mi the M-nf-fold of the fnurtli Hour. Thi-y s.iwthe «-i«rni MveVplm: tnwnul Ihem ;indhustiMicd to reach the street. I.aloruitlliil- several of tliem I Kirk, nnd lu-Kctlipr they s i n r n l imtllnK "i lu*::*ihoiiiii : ipiin-i lln* wi'-HTly ' w.iH.ivlilrli hu-ked llic Ilimr henin- to Mip-poi-t it. The> hud |u-l <-onipleti-il theplnciiiK «>f this \n-i\vv when the lirstlil;i**t of wind *.truck tho \\e>lerl.\ w.i)\with lorniidi»lik(> Umr. At tl.e h.inu*time n Miuili xtiiuity in frmit «>f theImlMiMK. In wlileh the donkey i>iitrineWJI«* l)nu«o«l. hlew down, CMITVIIIJ: theKini)ko^l;u>k of itu- eii'.'i;:o with U.

Tor ;iu Instant tlio \vc«*t wall of thelit;<hiln^ \vith^t4ioil tlie Toree of (hew'nd. find thi'ii lii'^an t" wnxcr. S'MHI1

of tin workmen, wli'i h:nl witheredIn Ilir htriot, r-lioiitrd :i waruhiu' toI.:ilor :md tils men, bill it (-:inie looInto. Tlio IIIKII wall, lupiili d ovor.I*II:I|)]MI.^ the IM'.'MT as It fell, nndiHirylii;; tlio nion inuler t:vr.\t in:ii"-esof l>rlek nnd mortar. TIIIN entliowoipbt landed with a IT.T-II «>II theIH'IIHW oT tho tliltd lloor. wlnvli ^'.ivewny. aii'l from tlicte tin1 ontliv ina-»fell to |l:e ecllnr. Iiierea-lnt; ill weiu'litiiv It ffirihroiiL'li e.K'h tlnoi-. As therriijuiilliiK of tllo lil^' bini ' t i in- cou-linneil. tlio men in tlio street liM-ar.U'torror-Mrleken.-nml fearing Hint theywere (itmut to he engulfed, ran. nillliij:loudly for help. Tlie downpour of rain<iuickl> ilio\\ne<l the elomW of niortnrth.it aro^e from the nrii^, ami then Itwn« M'OH that 1 in I r of Hi.1 wo-terlyhnililiiiK hnd fallen h> ihe -econdj*tory. air l that tho men who had beennu the sen (Told wore hurled under tliemass in tln> pt'llnr. A Imrrj <"ili w.\*f>(«ut for aitihulaiu-v, Ihe police andtlio firemen.

The Mnrin did much dam:^ re In dlher| p:irt« of Ilnrloiu, and nNn in iho

Jtroiix. • A lar^e plate ylas-i windowIn (lie nfllrojs of the T.eiral Alii Society,

Meanwhile the mob had secured arms 'and revolver** were freely uied. Kl-linlly tho military secured the upperhand, but not without considerablelosses to them-elvps and fearfulfllnHsMer to the rioters.--Tbe soldiersexhibited the utmost carelessness asto whether they KlUed'pcnccru] perponsor rioters, and as a consequence ninnywomen and children were among thodead.

Tlie streets resembled a battlefield.Tho nouses were, barricaded •withboards and mattn^sos .and for hoursvolleys and individual lirlnj; wereheard In every qunrter of the city.Until late at nlcht the Cossacks werebusy collecting bodies of the dend andpicking up persons Pttlonnlj* wounded.Tho bodies wore carried off in carts toneighboring churchyard1:. Hence theImpossibility of gilvlni: an accurate es- ,tlmatc of the dead until order Is com- Ummlle. in Mihinnrlne Shell. ri-a«--es

yin the Hamilton Hnlldln?. rarU-avcnneand l'-Tith street, \\;w blown in. andthe pap< is of tlie olllre .*-eatieredhroadeavt.

The wimT sot iniilor Ibe ronf of thehomo nf .'uliirKoll.*.:! Imiiklilndor. a'

.l(i::7 Kii-t 17i:tli -irc't. .md lifted itbntlilv. It e.HTh'd ih<> roof for a bin.-);,diislihi^ It a^ain>t a hjnipixi-;. wliiehwax dt'nioli«lud. Tbp- Kelly—hmi<ii\MI>. snaked.

Thnmnx Mernunly. li\e ye.«rs nhl. of'2\S K:IM Ninety.ninth sircel. wni phiy-lu^ bait in front nf his lumic whentho storm broke. The \linl tore sev-ernl bileks finin il'e roping of thehouse, and one of them »-1riu• 1: I lie buyon the luad, fraeMuin^ his >>kull.


plctoly restored. If, Indeed, the fullstory is over told.


Live Wire Kills Men Who Tried toRoseuc It.

Trenton..N. J.—"Walter Ewing. a tele-graph operator, of Now York City, nndWilliam Dawson, ot Hopewell, wereinstantly killed in the latter place, ahamlet about ten miles above tills city,by a-hrokeu wire, heavily charged withelectricity.

lowing was accompanied by MissMatthews, his Intended wife, and wasabout to call on a friend whon, In frontof the friend's house a do;r became en-tangled in tho broken wire. Ewingwent to help tho animal. The wirecolleil about Ewlng's body and Daw-win wont to bis assistance, resulting

-In-the-rtiNith of both young men. MissMatthews wa*> eye witness to thedouble tragedy.

Negro Clots Cornell ScholarMiIp.Henry Arthur CallK the Ilrat col-

ored boy over graduated from the lUng-linniton (N. Y.) High School, a memberof t111H year's chis«, has won the Cor-nel! hcholar.sldp from Hroome County,having a lilchei btaudlng iu tho recentexaminations for that honor than anrof his numerous w ille competitor^:.

Cinigre-siujii itiieknian, of Mimie-snt:i, u«iii at St. I'.nil i\ vlctoi\ a^.iinsthis Sijittt. ulueli h:u| sui-d Tor nnti'li^To.fhHi, ulleged t<> be due fur Illi'ga*Hiiiber cutliiiir.

Tlie Field nf SporK.Mrs. (*. T. Slnul 'defeateil Miss Cer-

trildo Tr.-neis by tlilee up ami one Inpl.i\ in ihe tina! Tor the v-onieu'^ met-ini'i'liiau unlf ehainploiislilp at Halt-ii-rol.

.Murray (»1.\ jthant. ,lr., and "Jack"'Hobaiis liiilshcd nino up on r . <> Iioiu-'.MIL and CI-III'KO !.•!«• Iu a thirty Mvhole best li ; l |! - u | f match a t Kni;K--wnnil. N. .1.

Ceoi-gc Oiinistuli deft-iiteil K. M. if} -el's thn-e ii|> and ntie r<> play Iu thelll>t jn l i in l fur the rhlef etl|i .of .Alle-gheii>- Count\ ('hilt golf tournaiiieiit,at r i t l s imrg. 1'a.

I1'. K. Aie\. ' iuder"uon the .MiMmpnll-tau lawn tennis cliaiii]tinn>-li]p in sin-gles.

'In llh 1'YcnHi leiim fur the Vander-l>i!t Cup race theie will bo no l ' . iubanl

Mr Many S. I'.ige mm hogi Moi-[ilo-s.n ihi* I'nunln Club ineetlng atll

N e w Y m k r r i . - l . e t . T s i l e f r n l e d t h e i ri h . i l s ri Mm r .e in i ih l . i \<\ KM i m i s w i t hail illlllilim In s|i;m--.

M.iU-oIni I). W h i t m a n a n d .1 . D .I- 'nihes «i-i (> i h , . w i n n e r s Iu iln> t o i u i dIOII I I I t . iwu t e n n i s I i i i i rn: ini i ' t i I IHI tlioe u u r l s of t h e > l « n n s L 'n«l l l \ IX. V.I(i-ilf C l u b . " j -

'I he ('eriu.'in -fliTTjtiifi- Su»,iniit> uoutlie :itiuu:tl nice n.uil )>OMT U> |[ell^>-l.iint for the <.'rrin.ni Kinpeint 's Cu|i.

1'i \ n Mawr dt-fe.iled the Plillade!-|i!il.i Coiuiliy Cliili.ui i!n* -.•!•..ml g.imeIn." Ilie ('nuulllieres ('m.ts li\ :i SL'OI'L- ofelirhl U> llnee ami .1 luilT goaN.

r.i|i[.iin Sir Drncst Coehrnm'. Hurt..ll.is nlh-icd n n ip lor i-nlltpelltioli lie--iwivii |i,i-],i-d fMiiibail lentils fepl'r'.clrt-inu- t . :« i l Itnt.iii'.. helnntt and L'anaila.-tml llh- i'i.:led Slate- .

.I.lines IE. K- eye's ihrei- yeji*- old coltS.*SMIII)\ \\,,n [,; M.||,;,ilnti;il ^tyle tlie

' NL'M.uiHi "Ihl.-I Sl.il,i> nl Sh-e[i-he.ul lh\y,S. V.. and S.\ilne.\ r . igoi ' i .lacubllei.ipUlK'd the 1'o.iiu SI. Li\

School Otliclals Co to .Tall.Jo'-ooh and Plus Hlerstoin, David

KeNt, Jacob Noll and Ceoriie Holvey,hclmol diiectors uf Shenaudoah^ 1'a.,were sentoneed to serve one jear injail for bribery and conspiracy. Themen pleaded gnilt.v of accepting bribesfor their Inllueuco In the appointmentof .school teacher".

ZenlRtvoh to Meet Again.The Itussian zeuiMvos have '<> -"i

siuninouisl for another meeting .i; StIVlei'sbiirg, Itus>*la.

Arm\ at Sandy Hunk.Sandy Hook.—A twelve-Inch shell,

loaded with Dunnite, was placed en araft anchored mm janK from the outerbeach and submerged to a ib-plli ofthior k.l''t. The hhi-ll was then ox-[iltHlccl by an elcetru- -park M>nt hy :utiiisulah'd uire from uiie of the hotutiproofs mi whore.

A column uf water was thrown linufeet Into tho air. ami iho effects uf theo\plosion were much greater thanthose obtained by the use •>! any oftlie older p.\plosives. Tho«-o who wlt-no-«H'd tlio tost divlnrotl th.it a battle-ship within the area of Iniliieiice woiiMhave been -simlc ItiiiiH^liatt'l}.

yfavor. neot.Ucue, one of the most re-cent. Is very simply produced. It laadapted for nw wherever artificiallight Is needwl ami tho nrcessary ap-paratus can he understood and oper-ated by nny one.

Tho generator in ivhlch Acetyleneproduced by the automatic contnet

of carbide and wator mlgltt he tenneda gas phiut, at It performs nil of thefiim-tloiit of a city gas plant. Theaeetylenp generator can In* purchasedfor n few iliilliirs and In any nlsn. fromone adapted to fui'iiish ncetylene toten or a dozen humors for a cottnpp,up to the largo but Mill simple mn*chine such ns Is- now "furnishing Acet-ylene for six thousand burnerH In thellraml Union.

Outside of large cities the use orAcetjlene Is quite common. Tho own-er of tiie country home now domnmlsrunning water, gas and other conveni-ences wliieh n few years ago wero con-sidered as luxuries, and acetylene gashas met his requirements, and giveshim* a bettor and cheaper light than Isordinarily furnished in cities.

It Is well known that nxiniK lightedwith Aoet.ilenp are more comfortable,hceause cooler, and more healthful be-Kin-c the. air N.nnt

Why Toco Won. 'Ailhouuh we cniiiiot at present draw

any enneltislrms as to tho relative olll-cii'iielfs of ^uii and torpodo, or tlie t'f-feris upon (:i<'ti<-s of armor. s]>eed andother elements of warship design, theroU one lesion of thi» hn;ilo that standspredominant. It Is as old ns historyitself, and has heeu repeat oil In nlmot>tevery tmttlo that has hoon foncht sinceman ho^an to sluy his follow ninn. - ItIs that hraln. nerve ami j*\ncvt dooldo(he ll^ht rut her ttniti weapons. It IK ndoctrine to whieli we iiH'wibscribo, litit-eldoin ft)llo\v\ Our talk Is cront ofships and :;iin<. little of prnctioo nndI1M».

Itii-Mn, undor lior prosont soclnl eon-<lltlons, cm never havo u navy fit tof*t\u- with thnt of Japan. On one t-Idowe hear of leaders ijnarrolIiiK in thevery presence of the onoiny—of miltlnies, disorder and unreadhie^K; on the,I|IHT, a jteoplc jii'ovhlent, hravo ie\i>r n-aily to sm-rltloo not only theirllvi»—that is common enough—huttheir dignity, or rather vanity, for tinprotection of a beloved country. Tinbuttles tl'at have boon lost thronpti thejealousy of commanders is almost he-jinul belief. To Juduo by tho oventhere looms to hnvo boon no Inck ofbravery shown by tho defeated sideThe .ships that surrendered were appar-ently In a hopeless plight, nnd manyM'em to have fought after nny vx\

Nation of victory WJIK beyond" hopoiOne c.iunot but svmpatlilT'.o with th<unfoi lunate HtiHsIau Admiral. He wnj;ivoii a task t<>-perform which we nowknow must have been impossible: nfact which he doubt lops rocojjulzcifrom the first.—Kiifrluprlii;;.

To Avoid ('llilie.xe IJnyeott.In view of tlu> Imminent dangn* ii:.n

an effectl\o boycott against Auiciic.mgoods iu China may he put in force bythe Chinese merchant • guilds. I'rosl-ilciil Kimsevcl^has Ijikoii di'd-sKo ;w-tlnu looking t«> it more lenient'adminis-tration oT tlio Chinese exclusion law bythe otlic'-is of the imiiiigratUni M'i'\IceHe has nideied that tlio liiw be enfoiced without di-cuflrli-.-i vr har-b-

Hi. Suited HU Mailer.The nie-scnger boy who answered a

call from the hoti'I-xufe van dim Innlivp unil nf iiiotinifiil appearance, anat he ontonNl tho room there sneakc'at bis heeK a wholly apologetic anmany-ribbed dog. A guest—tho Kan

. Why. Jlon'L you ? .Why don't you nnuwer your friend's

loiter at once?Why don't >nu maku the'promised

visit to thnt Invalid? She Is lookingfor you day after day.

Why don't you send nwny that littlegift you've- been planning to send":More kind Intention never ntvoniplinheKany good.

Why don't you try to shnre the bur-den of (bat sorrowful one wlio worksiodide you? Is it In cause you are

growing selllsh?Why don't you Hprak out the en-

(.•ournglng words that >ou have In yourthoughts? T'ulc-ss ,\on express themthey are of no use to others.

Why don't you lake, more pains to'beseir-sncrlllelng nnd loving in the every-day homo life? Time Is niphlh pass-Ing. Your dear ones will iiot'be.wllhyon always.

Why don't you create around you anatmosphere of happiness and hoIpfuUness so that nil who eonio In touchwith you may be nuide hotter?not this possible?—Class Mate.


Wnuien OcMx-Kxmninrrff."Wonion seem to do everything now-

adnyjj, but I doubt your ability to de-fend n case like this, whero everythingdepends upon tlio cross-examination."said .11 id go Kuidon at the I.aiuhothCounty Court recently, to a woman.who appeared* In person to defend anaction.

"\Vom«'ii," tho Judge added, "arc notgood at cross-examination, althoughthey may bo good at altercation."

The hetlon wnn then proceeded with,but tbp defendant lost her ca'fee.—Lon-don Mail.



-Mm Ccnrvivc -M.iy, 1-117 S. MvridiaaPt., Indinii.i[i(]lis, Ind., AltIIIIKT. Second"•-I- School Alniuni .Asjt'n, wn t t s :

nritii'i. CH tw. fln:;Ht ff/fitlitor ofa tllmrtlrvrtl niimutch I have everfound. It ccrttilntit ilrscrvp* hiyhpraise, for it Is *U tit fully prepared*

'I wns in n terrible condition from aTU'[;lL'ctc<lM f d l

terrible condition from aof <Mt.inli of lliu Htomacli.

d h f d3Iy food lind lon^ cc.t-cd to he uf any goodmid only dittro-cd nic after t,'atiUK. iw.is miUMLMtcd, h.id liiMrtliurn .itnl lic.id-nflies, nnd fi-lt run down completely. Billin two weeJiji nftur 1 look lVnmn, I wai ~"'a L-iiangt'd pcrhDii. A fuw liutllcd of themLvliciui; nunJc' a nival ch.in^e, nnd intlireo months my Htom.icli ".is clvarcd olc.itnrili, and my enliu* •uMern in a bettercuticlitinn."—(Ji'iifvive M.iy.

Write Dr. Il.irtni.ui. iV '^dcnt of Th«H.'irtiiinji S.inttanuiifree medu.d it«!\iei.lield wlrictly confidential.

unit N.intlnniiin, CoJiiniliiiR, Oltio, formedii.d itt|\it>e. All coirc.iponucnci

Somp ninety millions uf people acrosstho Atlantic have -ruined their teethand Ihclr digestions by a diet of hotbroad and candy washed down "withiced water.—London Telegraph.

Death fmni peritonitis due lo excess-ive'taking of IIIIK, was slated to bethe (\niM> of a woman's death nt a.Itrlstnl (Kng.) inquest.

rortlamT, Oro.. is called Rose ""Citybecause roses bloom there Iu the opennlr all the yt;ar.

No fewor than 1,080,1170 roples of the•rlptiires •were circulated In China lnst

year. - • X. Y.—2)!.

A serum for liny fever Is used byphysicians hi the Island of Ilollpolaml.

_ NofltHOrnervoLni'.ia nftnr lln«t ilny's UK*» of Dr. Kline's Gre.itKcrvull<*Hton>r,$2trlnl bottlennd treat[:>(< fr«>Dr. II. II. KMSK, Ltil.,931 Arch St.. riilln.. I'a.

California i* well rcjircw;ntcd .it tltt*•en-la and Clark Kxpo^itum.

Why ?Why, when buying n book, nrc we in

llncnced by the nuthnr'H name? Why byan nrliht'rt if we nurcliany n picture?

\\'hy do wine luiyrn* insist upon finvin^.i reliable name on nc.irly every thine they

It in Iwcnitw; the name nttach»l i<i tlict-afegiirtrd of -thy Inner — a protectionJi^.iiiirit the |inlniing oil of inferior articlex.

Tint "name Kiinriintw" we Jill look fnr intin- inoit iniport.int thiniit we buy, and«h.it ran be more important . than our

Kverylwnly kno«« that all intelligentliniiickt'ciMTh are very ]».nrtici]lnr about tliel'ii>ins; of thin^f to cat .uul drink, and no-body rcnhrri* it more than the up-to dateKrm-iT, who eaten* to tho wanti) ol fun cus-toinri-K.

l-'or iicMiicc, e\4Ty real grocer knowjttlie reason for I lie iuiivtTh.il popularity ufLION* COFI-KK, the lender of nil packageroffi't-n. He knows tli.it its uniform purityami IUKII qu.ility hnve made it welcome innuilirm** of American liomcn for over aquarter'of a century.

]lp.ili7inR this lie cannot but hand it out<heerfitlly when aHkeil for it. Jie knowsthat ihe pcr>pk< accept the packaRU as nKliamntee of the ronteiitP.

Vet there tuny \w a. ivw procers left who«lo nol recoioiire th.it the bu>cr—not theH'.-HiT— haM the rinht of clmict1. and they

-may wnnt to *-rl1 ilieip Ino^e coffee "<nlioknnn-M what it h, or wlu-ro it cameIroitj?)initea*il of LION (."OI'FKK, winch the cus-tomer n-ks for, nnd the meiitt of \vh\v\\both know. *

In Mich cnfi'.t the v i - o t advice is:"1'h.uine jour de.tJcr."

A \eK<*table novelty ii the koii)*rauif likea MU.III turnip.

MrH^Vtnolow'sSootlilni? Syrup for Childrentctithliic.t1<»tt»n tlin £iim.s,reduce* Innnmmn-- ^. -- r. — tci'thltig.potti'ntlin ^uni.i,reduces inIliinimn-

City Star intimates that he had a j tton,(illi.y«t|inln1cun's\\inilcolIi',!iJc.nliottli>.weak spot for the Imys and do K . s - I T | ) r r ( i a ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ " m in (IK-

Abiindon yixteon-Iiifh t lmi-'I'lio Covernnient decided not I<I di.

jiliratt* Iho si\teeii-Iiii'h ;;iin at S.uel)Hook. N. J., bocaiiic of the exp.'i!- • ul

,llrhiK it.

r i

A .-IHMVIO Piie in Xiishdos|io.\i-d tljc P.ilaco and ibi-lMatiix (lepaiinient sUire-. I'liinn -ireel

anil Fifth a \onue , Nashville. Teuu..r.illsiu^ :i Ir^.s nf ;ilunit S.*»lH>.(HH>. Tin*II.uiies- hmko nut lr ihe Pahni- and^|'|•ead tn the Mani.\. across ih,.. * u , v t .

up ami e\ etl the pair.•:N that \i>ur pupV" ho asked."Ya-as," replied the liny. In a level

time.The man Ion mil over, snnppcd Ills—<

lingers and smiled engagingly.••iloinl dog! Nice dogclol'1 he

cua\ed. "Here, t-lr! Conio up. sir!"'Itut the dog .slunk ha<4t and bis tail

lightoiioil down Iw'twoon" h)H togs aswith a spring, llir* weak O.\OK -wateredand lie blinked apprehensively. .Heappeared to lia\e full knowledge ofm.in'** |u>ri'uly.

'"Your ilng dno«n'l K'OIU to be veryfrlemtly, buy.'' coinuientcil tho man.

The dog's little iiiaMor eyed iho beastwith niolaiiolmly approval.

"Htni't «.m him ter he friendly." hoicplied. with cold dignity. "Wjuit 'm

1 l i r ret i n t e d S ta te* .

tor l fea-rr-ee


Teopio Talked About.

John Itedmond was recently rt'Oihy tlio Tope

('Marios I-Mwiird Munfeim Is the ln-voiitor of hinoUelesR powder.

1,'ount von Lou'euhaupt, a Sn*edlshuobleinan, has set up a s n professional

Katlier Albert Ne^ahuijutft is said toho the only full-blood Indian priest Inthe 1'nltefl Stales.

.Tamrs Slillinnii. the Now York Iwnk-ox. lias" slvon $HHUtiln to establishprizes for the School of 1*1 no Ar ts inI'aris. Franco.

Colonel Steiihen N". Winslnw has beenconnoL'ted with the IMiiliidi'IpUhi In-(|tiiror for .sixty.three years .

Tin- chief scout In the Mikado's armyIn Minn-hurl'- is a* Cinadliiu. IJenton-ntit Thomas Casey Ciillauhan, who wonliis military title in iho I'oer war .

rnilesvoi* Mark Italh'w, who roeentlyresl^'notl from the fneulty of Vub* I'nl^M'sity. may 1IL> entitled to tho lli'stpension under the $1D.(KI<I.O"0 Carnegiefund.

Site. IMieend hns indiieed Sii;-*, Cla-cns.t and Mli->;i to write a lilm-tto foran oper.i ha^ed on the life ul' <v>ueeuMaiie Antoinette, fur whieh Jiy-willwrlto the mu.sle.

Tho ltev. Coiu-ll.inil Mevor-;. ofltrnnUlyii, N, V., hits prnetkally limUoi:up potiey jil'ij IIIK hi thnt i'It\.

.l.u'nes Hein\ Smith. Ihe New Yorl;millionaire talks so little in business

• or Mwii-ty lh.it ho Ii Known n.*. "Slloiit- J im ."

Sir Clements It. M.trUisiin. \\\w hasJust retited from Ihe pi'e-.tden<'\ or IbUntish Uii^.ii ijni^i.iplilnil Society, lie-K.in llh' as :i nu«l-liipiii;iii In the old

Iliraui MMNltn. on b r in - .isU^l liowhe rauie to thiliU of the hle.i of :in :ill-loiunlle Kim. s;i|i| Dial it \\i\* Mt-UedInto him at the end oi the Cu l l Wnrnflei- llrin^ an uld-fiishiuuL>d

To I ' lulctt Twentieth (Vntnry.To proieet t he Tuentl i ' lh Conliirv

l.hiiiied, on ih«> N . ^ ' . C. |[. umt ; i .,„"..i-l.ll foleo Of *\vltrli-Kll.llds » : h putnvi-r tin- entire loute, it wa- :i»i!i ry. •,•(!iu New York Cl t \ .

Minor Mention.The te^-t v\ al1 eiaft tn o ini-> • nil.

iiu-Moji is Uu- Itilti-h battleship IMwaid M I .

Conduoloro on iln> Cermnri State rall-w a j s itio tn IK- dNehar-i^l unlvs- Uie>y;\-- an e\amiiial In the Kii^hsh .-imiFit'iieh lau*,'ua-,'e»-.

l i r i l uee ll.i\> i;o.oOt) people jii-fhvledIhe 'oi p 'ni i - i'out-t 11.1in of the Cfnii.tu»'-m\ii Ichi ro ' s lioliotlied, uhU-h « . i -on \ i ew in It'ei lln.

A number u{ Kiiio (Nev.) iMplt.ilMsIntend to bori> Tin1 aruM.m ua te t hi•IV:IUU Spi'lnu' ViihV\, abiiiil 111 teeniiillo/iiunli of Itfiin.

A Welsh eollier has |)IVII s(.n( n, p r | .son fur two inoudiv foi- tiikum a ui.itehdnw u Into a coal mine.

H\ei r.ihK) pri-Miii*, mildly Aiueri-rails. ha\L> ap|>lit><l for ]u,-Hluiis utMler(he C.niiil C.tliiini--iuii In i|H. lu t^ l iue -tioii dl ihe r.itiiiin.i Cnual.

'Mie It.iIhm ('iiVfMiiiiu-iii. has justpl.ii-od. before (he l.i-isliiini.- a" \<u>-Jrt I I'>•• the l.iKlii-^ m e r b.\ iln> Sla teof tn.lll\ .ill 111.' t.lihoads of thr u>llli-

II I- lepmlei] fimn l'.'K-fu tli.it theChines,- Una Ml ,,f l-'liiaiue \i:\< ih . bledIt* cM;.lilMi under imperial d r c t t e .inluil.rn.il^lt.iuU nf Cllln.l with :i r.i|»italol l.."o<),iinn i'i"l-,

A< i unlink . Iu «Mi\ernnieiil M.tliMie-Jtlsi pul'lisliiil 'Ameiiea u»e-, one-halfol the uoi ld ' s pi.idlli Ilt>n of I'DIUM1.

' lite I'.rilMi Centi.il Alrle.i <uth>uel'op h;is lor Ihe si-mml l lm- b-eii IIL's|to,\ed h\ I'.iln illis|v ;itul eold uiiiiN,

^lnl.< ,i 1'H^i.iu r.miily u. i^ n-uun-luu horn ,i ih*i\i- in :t eanhiu ' 1 i h . i uu|)\ i ln-- it \\:i*. m u J'HM |i\ the A u i u e t pi-Vine-.s. Hi a i lii<<sjiitj, :tud thiei ' ol (he[.jit i\ were Iiisi.uitl.v Kllb il.

The liilern.iliwnal Tett^r.iplt-trih-'hiii Cniiipiiiiv \\i\h stiMin

Aii-i:-.il< i lor lln1 i i ei lion n[ *I d m . i p l i " t . t l u i i i sl . m i l . u u l A l i ^ l l . l l l . l i


' . i l u f-I -s*'/. \\

Ttilntitn'nntl L'oiiMilnnc •,A sliyrb' tii lent mini, .supported by

u'reat self eoulblenee, will nrhlovomore ilian a ten talent uiiiu who doesnot belle\t- in himself. Tho mlinl ean-tx>t net with \\xt\r In tho prosoneo ofiln.nlit. A wavering mind makes nwavering e.\erutlmi. Thero must beertaiuty, eonlldeuee and assurance, or

(here fan be no eltlcli'iiey. An itn-,dueated man who believes In himself.

.iin! who has faith that ho can do tho.tiling lie undertake-, of ton puts toshauie the average eollofje bred man,whosp ovoreiiliuiv and wider outlookha\e Miinellmes bred Inoreasod sonsi-ti\eness and a-hsscrihi^ of M'lf otm-liileiii'e. wh'iM' deel>:lon bus been weak-ened hy constant wei^lnn^ ot1 oontllet-Im; theories mid whose prejiuHfi'H nrc•always open to eotiNletlon.—SueetsS.

<'al Mnltr* It ll..i...-llkr.On a side street ne:ir-lht> sbnpplnp

ills* net N a woniiuiV tea rcroin, whiehmay be found crowded with •womenshoppeis ;it Ihe l.lucli lioiir. It Isdaintily furnished all In one Kiibduodtint: the Wiiltres^e^ Jire soft footed andsoft void:1/, cake-, and Ice erenms are aspecially, and to add the hist touchto this feminine interior there Is a cat.She has all the pleas.ux audacity ofa pet. She wanders from table to ta-ble tln'oiinhnut the lunch hour, do-in.uullii^ llu-ir choicest tidbits of the^jiest-,; nnd the curious wpectacle mnybe dally seen ef fashlon.ibly gownedwmueii lunching at :i dowut<<^n ITK-titur.iut with :t cat hi their arms.—NowYuri; Press.

AoMifM t'ukitowu.

' Some t ime 'i^o the huslncs-K depart-ment nt' lliK niiUM/Ino billed n sub-seriber whose stibserlption had lapsed.Not )on^ after the bill v\as returnedin an citvi>t<»pL' with a .bhu-k borderan inch deep. In lead pencil on '.hoii.ro i>( tlio hill t.va:> wi'itlen:*

"Mi*. Smith hn.i elntn^'cd his address ;MLi:illpn\ look him (ifT. I :im hi* w\&ew. Kespect. Mary Ann Smith."

Thl.*. ii vcrlijitliii, except tho surname,which 1 h a \ c changed out of ro^arAfor th(t sh.ule of^lliL' departed.—TheCi-HIr.

Sour Stomach'I nirrt Caickr-U «nrl fro] like A normin . I humren R •uffrr*r from i'jrpi*p»ln »ixl »Rnr minmarh>r Hi* Uit nm yr»r*. I h»v>* tx-fii taltlnc mnll-Inn and othrr ilruc*. l'o*> coulil finil no rrlTcf onlyir* «hort llm*. fwlil rccntnmeml Canrorrts tnIT frlrndt n« Ih" only thine for imllcf «*H"ti and

_-mr itoTnarh Rn<l tn kerp the bowels In EOOU condlllnn. They in< ffrr nlcn to r»t."

lt»rry htucklf j ilnuch Chunk To.

ForPreser/ing.Purifykgand Beautifying tbe"SIdn,~Scalp, Hair, and Hands.

Cull<-ur» S<tri r-riJ l t l '

flrlirnr-1 ffi"i>

KT'IM'«l"«i, S-.

IMI? Il'nilrii-9

it..i •;

i t -


1 Er<] CnmUKirat Skin

•ill aii'l Iho,i j t c tlono.•!> lur So.i.'ai^lUlr.-'

^2 Creamor

Duuiint. F»!»i»bl«. rotent, TftPtn Onmi. DoOnotl^PT«T StekAfi, \V«ftkan nr flrlpn. Wt. 21*1. » f . NMPFjolil In bulk. Tho c*nnlni!t Uhlot ntnm^rtl CCO0ukmntt«U in euro or four monoy bick.

Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.V. -3 5


, .rlr*. 8I. HAltlUHON. ft* Ail

ilrv, CtrciriiMrnni | llur

:n<>« 1'rollt H,t.i

*£<*£ Thompson's Eye Watei>.,PISO;'S.CURE FOR

GDKIS WKtll AIL l i l t FAILS*il Cough Bjrup, T u t n u w d . UK


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iwl.1. Riir LATEST 3PEC.AU>LOGUe. \ i m * l l l K t t o u r

mliliiiiiuiil 7.111 will riLT LIBRRAL CREAI! & • . thr M0ITMTOHiai l l i laLr LIBKRkL CREAK



Truths that Strike HomeYour grocCT~ia honest anil—if ho pnves to <1» so—c"n ti'U

you that liu kuow-H very littlo about tlio b u l k i1"^'0 l l 0

Bolls you. How can ho know, when it originally cmno fnnnL

how it WIIH blunilfd—or w i t h w h a t—or when roiuitcil I If you buy yourcoffco looso by tho jioinul, how can

H ^ _ B you ospoct puiity mid uuifonu qualityt

LION COFFEE, .he LiLADER OFALL PACKAGE COFFE3-.S, is olnecessity uniform \ l n quality,strcnijth and llavor. Tor OVER AQUARTER OF A CCYIURV. t ! O N C O F F E E

has been the standard eollec In

millions ol homes.

LION COFFEE »•> carc«n«ly paclcedat our factories, luul tuilll opened Inyour home, hu.n no chuncr ol l>cln;i nOul-tcralcd, or ol coining In contact ivllli du.il.dirt;germs.or unclcnn lianrts.

In ench pnekngo of LION COFFEE you <t o n e fullpound of I'uro Coffee. Iiibibt upou getting tlio genuiuo.(Lion lieiul on cvoiy imckngp.)

fSn\'<i tlio I.ion-lionds for vallmblo premium'.)