On Conversations

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Transcript of On Conversations

On Conversations

6th June 2010

2 Minutes Each

Tell your friend something about yourself you’re sure

he/she would not know

How do you START a conversation with a new friend?

“Give me a drink.”

What is the biggest barrier to having good conversations with


“We shouldn’t be talking, yet here you are…”

If you could see God, what is the one question you would ask Him?


What’s really “bothering you” right now about God, Jesus, Church,

World etc.?

“I have questions…like how can my deepest thirst be quenched?”


• ...“open up” the conversation and makes people think

• …can help reach the heart of the matter

• …nurtures humility and interest in the other person’s world

What are some helpful ways to end a conversation?

To make people feel that it was a good conversation?

“I’ll give you my very Self.”

Conversations are about…

• meeting people where they are (not where we think they are)

• listening to their specific issues and affirming their individuality (making it ‘safe’ for them to speak out)

• communicating the loving and humble character of God