On Common Grounds - Sample

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Courtesy of Georgetown Chi Alpha for DC Chi Alpha.

Transcript of On Common Grounds - Sample

On Common Ground A 30-Day Devotional !!

Georgetown Chi Alpha !!!

!Copyright Page

Bible version used: New Living Translation !!!!!!!!

Table of Contents !Preface Day 1: Next Steps Day 2: Purity, Righteousness and Baptism Day 3: A Daily Devotional Life Day 4: A Theological Faith Day 5: Faith and Science Day 6: Prayer Day 7: Depression Day 8: Identity in Christ Day 9: Temptation Day 10: Confession Day 11: Community Day 12: Joy Day 13: Caring for the Poor Day 14: Passion Day 15: Worship Day 16: Loss Day 17: Injustice Day 18: Fear Day 19: Insecurity Day 20: Humility Day 21: The Thorn in the Flesh Day 22: The Holy Spirit Day 23: Relationships Day 24: Experiencing God Abroad Day 25: Reaching the Nations Day 26: Broken Community Day 27: Prioritizing God Day 28: Legacy Day 29: Living by Faith Day 30, Part 1: Following God Into the Marketplace Day 30, Part 2: Following God Into Ministry On to the Next

!Dedication !

To NV. And all those who dare to ask the deep questions.

Who live honestly in community. Who never stop exploring an infinite God. !

!Jesse Ventura, the 38th governor of Minnesota, said contemptuously “Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers.” Don’t try to sell that bill of goods to the Georgetown University students who authored these pages. They reflect a different worldview. They see their faith in Jesus as central to their personal identities and their purpose in life. They write with sincere authenticity to the point of being confessional. They courageously reveal their doubts, insecurities, traumas, and sorrows and expose their pain, while at the same time declaring without reservation a settled faith, deep devotion and a zealous passion for a loving God. These daily devotionals are not essays, but conversations. What they write is something they have already said to a trusted friend over coffee. And now they want to share their heart and wisdom with you. You will find their words practical and assuring. They invite you to join their caring community of fellow doubters, worshippers, and followers of Christ. The Bible says, “We walk by faith, not by sight.” As you read these pages you will find peer guides steering you into a life of walking by faith. !Harvey A. Herman, DSL National Director of Missionary Training Chi Alpha Campus Ministries !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jonathan Rice !"Maybe we should just write one?" The question echoed in the bus on the drive back

from our annual beach retreat. More students had given their lives to Christ in the first few weeks

of the fall than had the entire previous year, and just a day before six students were baptized in

the Atlantic Ocean as their Christian community cheered from the shore. We wanted to give them

a resource for their first few steps following Christ, but couldn't find anything that met our

students’ needs. What started as a passing comment on the bus that day led us down the path of

writing this book.

Since 2009 I've had the privilege of serving as the Pastor for the Chi Alpha at

Georgetown University. Over the past few years, God has blessed the hard work and dedication

of our student leaders. As a result we've grown from a handful of students to a thriving

community with multiple small group Bible studies all across campus. Our long-term goal is to

see a small group in every dorm, every night of the week, and our leaders are bringing us closer

each semester.

These leaders come from different Christian denominations, walks of life, ethnic and

socioeconomic backgrounds, but are being united in Christ and in the community he's giving us.

While we stand together in Christ, we are still far from the same. Since 2006 I've been ordained

through the Assemblies of God, but many of these leaders identify as Church of Christ,

Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, or Non-Denominational. The leaders are the authors

of this book, so each chapter may take on a different flavor or bent.

We firmly believe that the best way to experience a relationship with God is in

community. As such, this book isn't intended to be read alone. Find someone who's also pursuing

a relationship with God and invite them on the journey with you. Maybe meet once a week for

coffee and talk through what you've read. One of the most common things you'll hear a student

leader in XA say is "let's get coffee!" Usually these conversations take place in "Uncommon

Grounds" a student run coffee shop on Georgetown's campus. When we asked the leaders to

write their entries, we asked them to imagine themselves in Uncommon Grounds, sitting across

the table from someone who's just become a Christian. We asked, "If you had one cup of coffee

with them, what would you tell them?"

We are still learning, challenging each other, and walking through this life together. We

come from different places, but we will walk a common path. We don't have it all figured out,

and we may even disagree at times, but we invite you on this journey as we walk on common

grounds together.


Day 1: Next Steps NV Schadler !

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6 ! Before you read any further, I want you to stop, pick up a pen and write down what you

felt at the moment or on the day that you became a Christian. Whatever it was—from confidence

to elation to fear—write it down. You have taken a beautiful and life-changing leap of faith with

God. Being able to look back on that moment of truth and those emotions will be a gift as you

move forward in your faith. Now you get to take your journey with God step by step, at your

own pace, because first and foremost you are building a relationship.

I have been a Christian for 7 months, and I willingly admit that on many days I still

question if and doubt what I’ve declared to believe is real. On the day that I became a Christian,

my mind was filled with barriers and doubts, until it suddenly went blank as I was speaking to

my pastor. I was unable to think of anything to rationalize. I felt God asking me to trust Him, to

take a moment to stop rationalizing, and to start believing in Him, His Son, and myself. So I did.

I put away my efforts to try to fully understand Him and decided to simply trust something that,

in my heart, I knew was true. As you take these first few steps, including praying, being

surrounded by community, and learning how you best connect to God, I want you to remember a

couple of things:

It is okay to doubt. I forget this sometimes, but we are not supposed to fully understand God.

In moments of doubt, turn to community. Turn to your pastor or a peer and be honest with them

about how you feel. Never try to mask where you are in your faith. There is nothing to feel

ashamed about in having questions or doubts. There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter Christian,

and you do not have to fit a mold. You are you, and you are beginning a journey that will bring

incomparable light and joy into your life. But be honest with yourself, those around you, and


When in doubt, turn to prayer. Prayer is when you can be absolutely honest with God. Don’t

be afraid to tell Him exactly how you’re feeling, yell at Him, thank Him, say whatever you need

to say to Him. I promise you, He can take it. You are exactly where you need to be in your faith,

and, as it develops, you will hear Him more and more clearly. Pray over scripture, a song you

head, the circumstances of your day, etc. It can be on your way to class, in a chapel, before you

go to sleep. Just be you, because that is who God created and loves.

In Revelations 3:20, Jesus says, “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my

voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” You have

opened the door. Even during days of doubt, anger, or frustration, know that He is there with

you, sitting at the table as your friend. Turn to prayer at times when you feel called to and when

you don’t. Live your life in the way that you believe honors Him and His will, and know that you

are loved. Take your time getting to know your new friend—you are in no rush, and neither is

He. Welcome to the family.


Dear Lord, Thank You that we can trust You with all of our hearts. Thank You that You are so

great and so loving, that You surpass our full understanding, but that if we seek Your will, then

You will always lead us down the right path. Thank You for never ceasing to knock on my door

until I opened my heart to You. Help me to continue to hear Your voice. Help me to remember

that my God is a human God and that Jesus knows exactly how I feel because He has walked this

Earth and understands. Help me to continue to grow and to confront any barriers—mental,

emotional, or otherwise—that may keep me from knowing You more. I pray that as I take these

first steps and walk through this devotional, I remember that I am never alone and that my

Heavenly Father is always by my side. Be with me in prayer, in community, and in my every


Reflection Questions

What is still the greatest barrier between you and God? How can you confront that barrier as you walk on this 30-day journey? !Who do you feel comfortable confiding in as you grow within your faith? How can they support you best during these first steps? !When and in what setting do you feel you can best connect to God? What are some ways in which you can infuse prayer into your daily routine? ! !!!