OMAEP's March 8th Violence against women

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of OMAEP's March 8th Violence against women

World Organization of PrenatalEducation Associations

NGO in Special Consultative Status with theEconomic and Social Council of the United



Prenatal Educationfor World Peace


Prenatal Education plays a vital rolefor safety and peace in the world

The seeds of emotional security, well-beingand peace are sown BEFORE birth

O. M. A. E. P

Organisation Mondialedes Associations pour l’Éducation Prénatale

World Organization ofPrenatal Education Associations

Founded in 1991 by Marie-Andrée Bertin(honorary teacher), OMAEP is currentlycomposed of 20 national associations

“Every association is committed to collectingand diffusing the latest knowledge aboutprenatal life, the mother-father-child bond, ina coherent way which gives it a global andprofound meaning...

...when future parents have received thisinformation, they are empowered to optimisethe harmonious development of their unbornchild, by simply, joyously and freelyimproving the quality of their daily life,according to their own nature and culture.This is achieved naturally,without any exteriorprogramming.

All OMAEP’s memberassociations respectthese principles.”

Marie Andrée BertinFounder of OMAEP

Why is the prenatal period sovitally important?

Let’s askcontemporary scientists...

“The first 38 weeks of our development hasbeen shrouded in mystery, but now theembryonic science of foetal psychology isrevealing the importance of this period for therest of our lives.”

Professor Peter HepperDirector of the Foetal BehaviourResearch Centre, Queen’s University,Belfast, Ireland

“I need the two of you,I need to feel your love,your protection, yourpeace…”

“As well as advancing our knowledge of theontogenetic processes before birth, the greaterunderstanding of prenatal development presentsan opportunity to promote the health and well-being of the foetus and provide individuals withthe best start in life possible.”Pr. Peter Hepper

“The emotional states of pregnant womenhave long term effects on the capacity ofhuman beings to love.”Dr. Michel Odent

“We won’t be able to change the worldwithout changing the way children are born.”Dr. Michel OdentFrench Obstetrician, Director of the London Primal HealthResearch Centre

“The capacity to love depends largely onprenatal and perinatal experiences.”Dr. Michel Odent

“Parental “programming” is firstinitiated in the formation of thegerm cells (eggs and sperm)through a process called genomicimprinting...Bruce Lipton Ph.D.American cellular and developmental biologistFormer Associate Professor at the University ofWisconsin’s School of Medicine, USA, Author

...The parents’ influence in shaping the life oftheir child is further extended in the wateryworld of the womb when the prenatal brainbegins to acquire environmental experiences...

...Subsequently, the character and potential ofa child can be profoundly nurtured or damagedthrough birth, bonding and parenting skills.”

Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

“What was learned in our earliestexperiences has a long term impact,for it shapes the potential we expressin the unfoldment of our lives.”

Bruce Lipton Ph.D.

“From the moment of conception, theexperience in the womb shapes the brainand lays the groundwork for personality,emotional temperament and the power ofhigher thought.”

Thomas Verny M.D.Canadian Psychiatrist Writer and Academic,Author of “The Secret Life of the UnbornChild”

“We used to believe thatthe foetus, sheltered inthe mother’s womb hadlittle awareness of itsenvironment...

Pr. Jean-Pierre RelierFormer Head of the Neonatal MedicineDepartment of the Port-Royal HospitalParis, France

...Recent research in foetal sensoriality haslead us to question this misconception: notonly does the foetus perceive numeroussensations, but these are essential for itsgrowth and harmonious development.”Pr. Jean-Pierre Relier

“It is incorrect to think unborn children haveno ability in higher brain function. Brainactivity starts six weeks after conception...

Frederick Wirth M.D.Neonatologist, former Associate ClinicalProfessor of Paediatrics, Tufts UniversitySchool of Medicine

...At eight weeks the foetus extends his armand shoulder and flexes his back...

...Mothers don’t report movements untiltwenty weeks, but the uterus is insensitive totouch, so foetal movements must stretch theuterus for the mother to feel them...

...Brain wave tests show that the brain cortexof the foetus is working at twenty-eightweeks...

...The brain waves also prove that the cortexreceives impulses from vision, touch, andhearing and he can respond meaningfully tothese sensory experiences at twenty-eightweeks.”Frederick Wirth M.D.

“The foetus reacts to themother’s thoughts as well aswords.”Marie-Claire BUSNEL Former Researcher at theBiomedical Universityof Paris V University

Here I am...

I can feel mymother…

Her voice alreadyaffects me…

“Your foetal love messages teach yourdeveloping child to expect love from herenvironment...

...Her brain willorganise itself aroundthe anticipation ofreceiving love...

...Later in life as her brain and behavioursbecome more complex they will build on afoundation of love.”Frederick Wirth M.D.

Maternal emotionsare transmitted to

the developing babythrough hormones

When the mother is stressed,she secretes catecholamins...

...which then pass through the placenta, reachthe baby and give him the physiological statecorresponding to the mother’s emotion, onlystronger...

...On the other hand, tenderness stimulatesendorphins and oxytocin also known

as the hormones of well-being and love

“Sometimes… I feel atorrent of love hormones…and I swim in happiness !”

“Everything you think, feel, and do whilepregnant has a profound impact on yourchild both before and after birth.”Frederick Wirth M.D.

The motherbrings everything

her baby needs to buildits physical body,

emotional structure andbrain...

...By eating healthyfood, she provides

the necessarynutrients for the

harmoniousdevelopment of her

child’s body andhealth

The pregnant mother needs to be protected,loved, and supported by the child’s father, herfamily, the people around her and the whole ofsociety

Healthy breathingprovides the oxygenvital for all the systemsof the forming body

Appropriate exercisestrengthens

circulation andoxygenation and

fortifies the bones...

By contemplatingnature, the mother

impregnates her childwith harmony, peace

and balance allows us todream... usedpositively, it can be apowerful help for thebaby’s development

Imagination is a creative faculty...

“Woman is the artist of the imaginationand the child in the womb is the canvaswhereon she painteth her pictures.”Paracelsus (1493 -1541)

“Over a period of weeks andmonths the baby is sure toreact to different kinds ofmusic, familiar voices,assaults, accidents, holidayfireworks and emotionalthunderstorms experiencedby the mother.”

David Chamberlain Ph.D.Psychologist, Author and pioneerof Prenatal and PerinatalPsychology

The sound of voice, singing and music hasa powerful effect on the harmonious

development of the prenatal child

Parents can communicate their love throughtalking and singing to their prenatal baby who isnourished emotionally by this love

“We must help futureparents to evolve and tofree themselves from thefeelings of fear, shame,guilt and revolt whichhave been imprinted inthem during the firstyears of their life......We must also doeverything we can to re-establish respect for themother and her status,the role of the father,and the extended familyin our culture.”Thomas Verny M.D.

“You are a brain shaper, a life shaper.Your role as a loving, powerful parentbegins long before your baby's first cry orsmile.”Frederick Wirth M.D.

An efficient prevention

A way of life

Tangible results



The quality of future societies depends on thequality of life of all future parents

“All human beings areborn free and equal in

dignity and rights...

...They are endowed with reason andconscience and should act towards one

another in a spirit of brotherhood.”First article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

“Natural prenatal education willconsiderably improve public physical andpsychological health whilst decreasingviolence and crime. This will greatly impactthe economy, creativity, peace and happinessin the world...

Justice Ioanna MariPresident of OMAEP

...We call upon NGO’s, governments,national and international health andeducation institutions and all individualsto integrate, emphasize and diffuse thisvital knowledge in the best interest of allhumanity.”Ioanna Mari

RealisationJulie Gerland

Pilar Vizcaino

François Gerland

AcknowledgementsPr. Peter Hepper

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr. Frederick Wirth

Dr. Thomas Verny

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How to participate in OMAEP activities ?

President of OMAEPand of the Greek AssociationJustice Ioanna MariSolomou 3110682 AthensGREECETél: ++ 30 210 962 79

Chief Administrative OfficerJulie Gerland, Parenting EducatorProvidence09100 BonnacFRANCETel./Fax: +33 5 6160 3899E-mail:


The addresses of the 20 national associations arelisted in the “contacts” menu of the website