OLPD Technology Redesign (2011-2012)

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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The Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development (OLPD) will be a campus-wide leader in the use of technology to enhance students’ educational experiences, academic praxis, and intellectual pursuits. To achieve this vision, we aim to co-develop a culture within OLPD that anticipates and embraces technological change and encourages the use of existing and emerging technologies to support innovation and constructive collaboration among students, faculty and staff.

Transcript of OLPD Technology Redesign (2011-2012)

Year 1 ReportKit Alviz; John Moravec; Andrew Plovanich;

Alfonso Sintjago; T Ann Tyler; Tryggvi Thayer

Vision StatementThe Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development (OLPD) will be a campus-wide leader in the use of technology to enhance students’ educational experiences, academic praxis, and intellectual pursuits.

To achieve this vision, the we aim to co-develop a culture within OLPD that anticipates and embraces technological change and encourages the use of existing and emerging technologies to support innovation and constructive collaboration among students, faculty and staff.

Themes● Collaborative spaces to promote and maximize

innovative technology use.

● How is technology being used in OLPD (students, staff & faculty)?

● New computing/communication/collaboration platforms (iPads, smartphones, social networking, media).

● Establishing support networks for new technologies.

● Opportunities/coursework to promote and foster innovation (innovation lab).

What Have We Done?

● Explore collaborative spaces (CoCo Coworking, LT Media Lab) – How can we utilize available space?

● Technology Showcase – Students, staff & faculty invited to share and learn about how technology is being used in OLPD.

● What an OLPD innovation lab will look like.

● Survey on technology needs.

Additional Inspiration




Technology is evolving quickly and classroom culture needs to reflect those changes. What do you suggest for etiquette, best practices, and policies for the use of technology in the classroom?

How can technical support be improved? And what topics need the most support?

How would you envision a new collaborative space for OLPD students? And what would you like to see in it?

Survey Questions

Technology is evolving quickly and classroom culture needs to reflect those changes. What do you suggest for etiquette, best practices, and

policies for the use of technology in the classroom?

A. Establishing Norms: Technological devices can be a wonderful asset to a student, but they can also be distracting. Thus, norms or rules of engagement about the use of technology need to be established between the students and the professor.

B. Professor’s Responsibility: Most participants responded that professors should incorporate or continue to utilize technology in pedagogy for a variety of reasons: to make the classroom more interactive, to promote dialogue, and to prepare students to be successful in their future work environments.

How can technical support be improved? And what topics need the most support?

A. Technology learning opportunities:Participants would like more opportunities to learn about applications and programs, specifically in small training sessions. Trainings for professors should continue and focus on establishing a value of technology; how can technology improve learning or the classroom environment?

B. Specific recommendations:-Help students with organization via citation managers-Help professors transform online learning to become more interactive-Have a scholarship search through OneStop-Have a supply of Mac chargers on reserve for graduate assistants-Establish an event calendar

How would you envision a new collaborative space for OLPD students? And what would you like to see in it?

Participants want to feel a sense of community, a place on campus that is their own and where they can work, meet their peers, and collaborate with their colleagues. Large round tables, private work areas, an announcement board, coffee machines, fridges, are Internet access are some of the things they want to have access to in a space like this. Participants like the idea ofhaving a student-led space to share resources and referrals, work together to discuss tech issues, and provide peer counseling and advising.

Flexibility and Transformation

Brainstorming What is Possible

Video describing the Innovation Lab:http://youtu.be/51sBkmSBN3U

Proposed Collaborative Independent Study Course Within the Innovation Lab

Video describing the Innovation Lab:http://youtu.be/51sBkmSBN3U

The course described will allow students to gain valuable experiences as part of a student-led group project. While students are sometimes able to join departmental projects, the number of opportunities is limited. It is often difficult for students to find the time to invest in student-led group projects while completing their coursework and independent projects. Working on collaborative projects is an important 21st century skill. By encouraging the use of the collaborative space for group projects, students will be able to fulfill their academic requirements while improving on a number of valuable skills for the workplace of tomorrow, including project management, conflict resolution, evaluation, and collaborative work.

Ideas Bulletin Board

Innovative Uses of the iPadThere are many uses for iPads in the classroom. They can replace paper copy textbooks, advanced apps make schoolwork more efficient and effective (Educause, 2011), in combination with Apple’s iTunes U, which allows instructors to upload audio and video to iTunes, students’ access to lectures and other materials are greatly increased.


There are currently over 500,000 free lectures, books, videos, and other resources in iTunes U, exploring thousands of subjects.

CEHD's Open Textbook Catalog

CEHD’s Open Textbook Catalog (https://open.umn.edu/) demonstrates the growing interest in, and availability of, digital textbooks. Digital textbooks can potentially lower the cost of textbooks and they are convenient for students.

Students can carry all of their textbooks and notes on an iPad, as opposed to only a few because of the weight and size. Students can effortlessly print out lists of quotes, and use embedded interactive infographics, audio-visuals, and social elements. For an example of what is now possible with digital textbooks visit: http://ourchoicethebook.com/.

Flexible and Invisible Learning

Technology Proficiency Expectations for OLPD Faculty


Internet and Computing Core Certification Requirements

Computing FundamentalsComputer Hardware Software Using an Operating System

Key ApplicationsCommon Program FunctionsWord Processing FunctionsSpreadsheet FunctionsPresentation Software Functions

Living OnlineNetworks and the InternetElectronic MailUsing the InternetUsing Mobile Devices

Moving ForwardISTE and IC3 as recommendations of what could be expected of incoming faculty and competencies that could be strengthened by the current faculty.

Iterative Evaluation Process

Prospective Timeline

Summer 2012

● Begin transformation of graduate assistants’ area in 410 Wulling Hall to a collaborative● space under the leadership of CIDE faculty and students

○ Discussion of OLPD space use and utility by students○ Consideration of layout and furniture possibilities

Fall 2012

● Appoint new TRTG● Ongoing discussion of OLPD space use and utility by students● TRTG to meet with the representatives of Leapfrog Institute and Jandris Center to● explore possibilities for collaboration● Identify possibilities for funding, and developing a budget● TRTG to work with at least one faculty member to develop an innovation lab and course● TRTG to develop an improved Technology Showcase based on participants experiences● of the Spring, 2012 showcase● TRTG work with faculty to pilot initiative to increase use of mobile technology in OLPD

Prospective Timeline

Spring 2013

● Remodeling and purchase of equipment for the collaborative space● First offering of a student led collaborative study course● Start of mobile technology grad. student pilot project.● OLPD Technology Showcase - 2nd Year● Survey and additional data collection about recent changes

Summer 2013

● Formative Evaluation Report on the activities carried out by the TRTG during academic year 2012-13 to OLPD faculty

● Completion of remodeling of collaborative space● Planning for TRTG 3rd year (2013-2014)

Task Force Group Members

OLPD StudentsKristina Alviz

Andrew PlovanichAlfonso SintjagoTryggvi ThayerTeresa Tyler

Faculty Adviser John Moravec

Special Thanks to Dr. Rebecca Ropers

Dr. Jean Quam