OLIVET MONTHLY BEACON - Olivet Lutheran...

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Transcript of OLIVET MONTHLY BEACON - Olivet Lutheran...


Volume 10, Number 1 January 2017

Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord


Annual Budget Review Meeting: January 19, 2017, 6:00 p.m.—Review, discussion and a vote to pass the 2017 budget as proposed by the Leadership Team.

Celebration of Mission: We will share stories and praise reports from our ministry teams during each of our worship services on Saturday, January 21, and Sunday, January 22, 2017.

Annual Business Meeting and Potluck: Sunday, January 22, 2017, 11:30 a.m.—Potluck meal, fellowship and business meeting, including voting for officers for open positions on the Leadership Team as presented by the Nominating Committee.

Notice of Annual Meetings

Mark your calendar

for this FREE marriage and dinner event

at Olivet. More details coming soon!

Why on Earth Am I on Earth?

New worship series begins the weekend of Dec. 31-Jan. 1 Upcoming

Worship Series for the

New Year

Sunday Evening

*** February


Olivet Monthly Beacon 2

From the desk of Pastor Dave

Pastor Dave

On a recent Sunday morning after parking my car in the far corner of the parking lot, I was enjoying a brisk morning walk in the fourteen below tempera-ture. (I share this detail to remind our snowbirds it is winter in Wisconsin.) As I was walking across the parking lot, I looked up at the Bell Tower and I noticed the funnel on top on the Bell Tower. The funnel has been at the top of the Bell Tower since some wonderful members of Olivet designed and constructed the tower. It wasn’t meant to be a per-manent fixture on the roof—just a temporary item until a cross could be ordered and installed on the top of the Bell Tower. But, to be honest with you, I find the funnel a powerful re-minder of our mission at Olivet – “Sharing the Light and the Love of Jesus.”

A funnel is not designed to hold or retain something. The word funnel—when used as a verb—means to guide or channel some-thing through it. What a wonderful illustration of how we are to let the love of God flow through us.

As God pours His grace, mercy and love into us and our faith commu-nity we are to let God’s grace, mer-cy and love flow through us to oth-ers. Jesus said… “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other - John 13:34 NLT. And again in 1 John 4:7 we find “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.”

Once we have been touched by God’s love, we cannot help but to be transformed. It’s the Holy Spirit of God that flows through our lives and the life of our faith community. The Holy Spirit of God continues to heal, nurture and guide us.

As one of your pastors, I want to thank you for being an amazing faith-filled community that is a funnel of God’s amazing grace for so many people.

Just in the past month alone you have let the power

of God flow through you in so many ways. Because of you, over 220 gifts were delivered from Olivet’s Caring Tree this year. Over 200 hygiene kits where sponsored that have been and will be handed out at the Salvation Army. The power of God's generosity flowed through you so we were able to provide a total of 1,170 cans of peaches for the Salvation Army Christmas Food Baskets. You purchased 20 complete Christmas meals that were handed out to families in need.

You provided ministry to over 120 people who came out for our Blue Christmas service this year. You poured out God’s hope and love to a number of fami-lies who have experienced a death of a loved one during this Christ-mas season. You served God by serving them and caring for them. I see this happening each and every day at Olivet and beyond Olivet as the power of God flows through you to others. In the midst of this you serve a weekly meal to the con-struction team here at Olivet, Warming Center Meals and Mon-day Meals.

Bibles being given to others; people lifting each other up in prayer; worshiping God as we gather on

weekends and worshipping God with a lifestyle of service to others. You continue to minister to chil-dren, youth and adults as the wisdom and knowledge of God flows through you to others.

And because of your generosity, we are watching God build an addition to our building that will empower us to become even a greater funnel for God’s king-dom more than ever before.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you for being a funnel of God’s grace, mercy and love.

The Story of the Funnel

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 3

Pastor Andrew

From the desk of Pastor Andrew

The turning of the calendar to a new year is often a time of optimism for what the new year will bring. The previous year is represented by an old man heading off into retirement while the new year is a cute, bouncy baby, full of unbridled promise and potential. We’re eager to let the past be the past and embrace what is ahead.

But there’s a big reason we should not be too quick to move beyond what God has taught us during the previ-ous year: GRACE. If you peer hard enough into your accumulated memories, you will discern the finger-prints of God over all your botches and blunders—and the finger that left the prints is pointing towards for-giveness and restoration. Never forget that Jesus is the God of second chances (and third, fourth, fifth etc.). God Himself assures us "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more!” (Isaiah 43:25).

Let's get practical. Run a quick mental inventory of all the highs and lows of 2016. Next to all the mistakes, declare the word "forgiven"; beside all the victories, say "thank you." It’s a reminder that Jesus is with us during the highest mountaintops and darkest valleys and that his promise is sure: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:16). Then, with the assurance that even your past is covered by the blood of Jesus, we can look toward the future, knowing that each day is a precious gift and God’s promises are surely for today and tomorrow as well!

What impact does the attitude of 'each day being a gift' have on a person? The answer may be as different as each one of us are from one another. But consider this prayer written by an African pastor who was later martyred for his faith. Listen and take these words to heart:

“Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)

I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of His and I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.

My past is redeemed. My present makes sense. My future is secure. I'm done and finished with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, and shrunken goals.

I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, or first, or tops, or recognized, or praised, or rewarded. I live by faith, lean on God’s presence, walk by prayer, and labor by Holy Spirit power.

My face is set. My road may be narrow, my way rough, my companions few, but my guide is reliable and my mission is clear.

I will not be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed.

I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence of the adversary. I will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and studied up for the cause of Christ.

I am a disciple of Jesus. I must give until I drop, reach out until all know Jesus, and work until He comes again. And when He does come for His own, He'll have no problems recognizing me. My colors will be clear!

God’s richest blessings to each of us as we embark together on a new year with all of God’s many adventures

coming our way. And all to God’s glory!

Olivet Monthly Beacon 4

~ January 2017 ~

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


8am Worship/HC 8:30 am Bible Fellowship

10am Worship

2 4:30pm Holy Stretch

3 7am Women’s Bible Breakfast & Prayer Group 9am Staff Meeting 9:15am Small Group Study 10:30am Prayer Circle

11:45am Deacons Meeting 6pm Prayer Gathering

6:45pm Co-ed Bible Study

7pm Co-ed Bible Study 7pm AA

4 10am Co-ed Bible Study 6pm Bible 101

6pm Youth Ministries Family Dinner

6:45pm Confirmation 6:45pm Youth Group

5 6:30 Recovery Bible Study

6:30pm Musicians Rehearsal

6 6:30am Men’s Bible Breakfast 7:30am Men’s Prayer Group

7 9-11am New Member Class

5:30pm Worship

8 8am Worship/HC 8:30am Bible Fellowship 9:10am Connections Team Meeting

9:15am Kids’ Church Leaders’ Meeting 10am Worship

10am Kids’ Church

11:15am Children’s Ministry Team Meeting

9 4:15pm Bible Study for People with Special Needs

4:30pm Holy Stretch

10 7am Women’s Bible Breakfast & Prayer Group 9am Staff Meeting 9:15am Small Group Study 10:30am Prayer Circle 6pm Prayer Gathering 6pm Leadership Team Mtg. 6:45pm Co-ed Bible Study

7pm Co-ed Bible Study 7pm AA

11 10am Co-ed Bible Study

5pm Evangelism Team Meeting

6pm Bible 101

6pm Youth Ministries Family Dinner

6:45pm Confirmation 6:45pm Youth Group

12 11:30am Young at Heart Lunch

6pm Small Group Leaders Meeting

6:30pm Musicians Rehearsal

7pm Bible Books

13 6:30am Men’s Bible Breakfast 7:30am Men’s Prayer Group


5:30pm Worship/Holy Communion/ New Member Welcome

15 8am Worship/HC/New Member Welcome 8:30 am Bible Fellowship 10am Worship/HC/New Member Welcome 10am Kids’ Church

16 Monthly Beacon Deadline

4:30pm Holy Stretch


6-7:30pm Stephen Ministry Cont. Ed.

17 7am Women’s Bible Breakfast & Prayer Group 9:15am Small Group Study 10:30am Prayer Circle

11am Staff Meeting (offsite) 6pm Prayer Gathering

6:45pm Co-ed Bible Study

7pm Co-ed Bible Study

7pm AA

18 10am Co-ed Bible Study 11:30am Drakes

6pm Bible 101

6pm Youth Ministries Family Dinner

6:45pm Confirmation 6:45pm Youth Group

19 10am -1pm LCMC Ministerium

6pm Budget Review Meeting

6:30pm Musicians Rehearsal

20 6:30am Men’s Bible Breakfast 7:30am Men’s Prayer Group

21 9:30-10am Baptism Class

10:15am Baptism Service

5:30pm Worship

22 8am Worship/HC 8:30 am Bible Fellowship 10am Worship 10am Kids’ Church

11am Celebration of Mission (annual meeting & potluck)

23 4:15pm Bible Study for People with Special Needs

4:30pm Holy Stretch

24 7am Women’s Bible Breakfast & Prayer Group 9am Staff Meeting 9:15am Co-ed Bible Study 10:30am Prayer Circle 6pm Prayer Gathering

6:45pm Co-ed Bible Study

7pm Co-ed Bible Study 7pm AA

25 10am Co-ed Bible Study

6pm Bible 101

6pm Youth Ministries Family Dinner 6:45pm Confirmation 6:45pm Youth Group

26 6:30pm Musicians Rehearsal

27 6:30am Men’s Bible Breakfast 7:30am Men’s Prayer Group

28 5:30pm Worship/Holy Communion

29 8am Worship/HC 8:30 am Bible Fellowship 10am Worship/ Holy Communion 10am Kids’ Church

30 4:30pm Holy Stretch

31 7am Women’s Bible Breakfast & Prayer Group 9am Staff Meeting 9:15am Co-ed Bible Study 10:30am Prayer Circle 6pm Prayer Gathering

6:45pm Co-ed Bible Study

7pm Co-ed Bible Study 7pm AA

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 5

Worship Assistants for January

January 7-8 Sat 5:30pm Sun 8am Sun 10am

Reader: Julie Suiter Nelleen Noack Wally Tulare

Ushers: Volunteers Needed Nelleen Noack & John Olson Scott & Dorothy Payne

Greeters: Al & Diane Brague Gary & Marsha Vance Diane Hanson & Shannon Mollet

Communion n/a Pastor Dave/Pastor Andrew n/a

Helpers: Erna Brauer & T. Ackerman

Acolyte: Julie Suiter Emma Snodgrass Bella Finch

Nursery: Open-not staffed Open-not staffed Penny Becker

Counters: A. Gerken & M. Doolittle Erna Brauer & Alice Gerken Carol Barney & Cindy Lefevre

Sound Tech: Alan Gerken Kevin Josephson Patrick Strain

Connection Center: Judie Doolittle n/a Ernie & Sue Stetzer

Altar Guild: Sheila Horstman Marianne Shugrue Brandon Ferris

Kids' Church: Victoria Goetting

January 14-15 Sat 5:30pm Sun 8am Sun 10am

Reader: Melanie Wuensch Tricia Gibbons Marlene Howard

Ushers: E. & P. Christensen Tim & Andrew Ackerman Mary Jane Belisle & Carol Maier

Greeters: Glenn & PJ Green Mary Stone & Doug Olson Kurt & Laura Anderson

Communion Pastor Dave/Pastor Andrew Pastor Dave/Pastor Andrew PD/PA/P. Haskey-Nelson/H. Fortuine

Helpers: Mike Marshall & Holly Smith T. Gibbons & C. Brenengen S. Nelson/B. Wilder/W. Tulare & R. Roelse

Acolyte: Kylie Zeeb Kora Munkelwitz Maverick Sila

Nursery: Open-not staffed Open-not staffed Julie Coates

Counters: K. Hampel & A. Zeisler Jan Pearson & Teri Houlihan Nancy Arens & Marci Storey

Sound Tech: Jason Knipe Kevin Josephson Patrick Strain

Connection Center: KC Pavel n/a Donna Kretschmer

Altar Guild: Betty Fagan Faye Bright Carol Maier

Kids' Church: Abigail Prokes

January 21-22 Sat 5:30pm Sun 8am Sun 10am

Reader: Carla Swerman Jim Shugrue Kevin Josephson

Ushers: Gary & Cindy Cossette Don & Cheryl Brenengen Mary Jane Belisle & Abigail Prokes

Greeters: S. Horstman & H. Smith Lucine Grafft & Chuck Huth Jackie Dawson & Kathy Duerwachter

Communion n/a Pastor Dave/Pastor Andrew n/a

Helpers: Jim & Marianne Shugrue

Acolyte: Stan Bell Marianne Shugrue Reece Tudahl

Nursery: Open-not staffed Open-not staffed Penny Becker

Counters: L. Dettinger & C. Cossette S. Hoover & C. Huth Alice Gerken & Harlan Perry

Sound Tech: Alan Gerken Toni Groshek Dale Groshek

Connection Center: Cindy Lefevre n/a Lucine Grafft

Altar Guild: Cindy Cossette Jane Binnebose Volunteer needed

Kids' Church: Alex Knerzer

January 28-29 Sun 8am Sun 10am

Reader: Paula Betlach Brian Liethen Verdel Dawson

Ushers: Byron & Sherry Osterlie Brian & Linda Liethen Nancy Arens & Gary Groth

Greeters: Tim & Paula Betlach Jim & Marianne Shugrue Gerald & Betty Baldner

Communion Pastor Dave/Pastor Andrew Pastor Dave/Pastor Andrew PD/PA/Harlan & Sandie Perry

Helpers: B. Fagan & P. Christensen Cliff & Sandy LeCleir/Don & Donna Jobe Brian & Linda Liethen

Acolyte: Melayna Bayer Jacob Zeeb Emma Snodgrass

Nursery: Open-not staffed Open-not staffed Julie Coates

Counters: Betty Fagan & Donna Kemp Erna Brauer & Alice Gerken Pat McHenry & Patty Houser

Sound Tech: Jason Knipe Kevin Josephson Patrick Strain

Connection Center: Melanie Wuensch n/a Jackie Dawson & Carol Dawson

Altar Guild: Alice Gerken Linda Liethen Phyllis Buchner

Kids' Church: Kora Munkelwitz

Olivet Monthly Beacon 6

Church Contacts/E-mail Addresses

Ministers…………………………………...... .All Members of Olivet Beacon of Light Lutheran Church

Pastor…………………………………………….Rev. David J. Baldukas…………………..pastordave@olivetlutheran.org

Pastor…………………………………………….Rev. Andrew Fortuine…………………….pastorandrew@olivetlutheran.org

Pastor…………………………………………….Rev. Luanne Sorenson…………………...pastorluanne@olivetlutheran.org

Church Administrator……………………..Dorothy Payne………………………………dorothy@olivetlutheran.org

Office Support………………………………..Toni Groshek…………………………………toni@olivetlutheran.org

Weekend Office Support.…………………Alice Gerken……….………………….……..alice@olivetlutheran.org

Librarian………………………………………..Carla Swerman………………………….…..library@olivetlutheran.org

Custodians……………………………………..Jeep Norris/Kathy Hampel/Kalen Seib/Brie Murdock

Olivet Beacon of Light Lutheran Church

2100 Bainbridge Street La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603 Church Office 608-783-1484

E-mail: info@olivetlutheran.org Web site: www.OlivetLutheran.org

Pastor Dave H783-4995 C792-1120 Pastor Andrew H406-4885 C769-8613

Pastor Luanne H781-3570 C797-9347

Office Hours:

Monday—Friday 8:00am—4:00pm

Sunday 8:00am—noon

Thank you from staff

Pastor Dave, Pastor Andrew, Pastor Luanne and the staff wish to thank every-one for their well wishes, cards and gifts this Christmas. It is truly a blessing to know you and serve with you. Thank you!

We also want to thank all our worship assistants, musicians and volunteers who made our Christmas worship services run so smoothly. We couldn’t have done it without you!

And a huge thank you to all of you who help out in so many ways throughout the year—teachers and mentors, building and grounds maintenance, provid-ing and serving meals, making deliveries, visiting our shut-ins, and in other ways too numerous to mention.

You are all truly a blessing!

We are pleased to announce that our Children’s Ministry continues to grow and thrive. Because of the increased work load, the Leadership Team has approved adding a second part-time Children’s Ministry Assistant—Melanie Wuensch. Melanie is a familiar face to our Kids’ Church children and families. Please welcome Melanie in this new role!

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 7

The kids made a “Thank You” poster for the work crew. They responded with a “You’re Welcome” poster of their own—complete with a picture and signatures of the crew!

Above: Fellowship Hall extension and new garage and storage room. Right: Looking at new hallway area that will come out of our current nursery (on the left).

Left: View from Bainbridge Street.

Olivet Monthly Beacon 8

Come for lunch, then stay for some entertainment and socializing. Anyone age 55 and over is invited to attend. Bring a friend or neighbor who would enjoy some companionship and a nice meal out. Come and meet our construction crew who will be joining us as well.

January’s meal will feature a variety of soups and sandwiches. Please sign up at the Connection Center to RSVP and let us know what you are bringing!

Join us for a potluck lunch & fellowship

Thursday, January 12

11:30 a.m. Olivet Fellowship Hall

Volunteer Opportunities at Bethany-Riverside

Olivet hosts the Bingo games and the resident monthly birthday party for the month of February at Bethany-Riverside Nursing Home located at 2575 S. 7th Street (behind Gundersen Medical Center).

Bingo is played on Tuesday, February 7, 14, 21 and 28 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Four volunteers are needed each time to help serve coffee and then as-sist the residents who have hearing or visual needs while playing bingo.

The monthly birthday party will be held on Thursday, February 23 beginning at 1:30 p.m. Again, four volunteers are needed to serve cake and coffee. As host for the month, our volunteers also pro-vide four to five cakes for the residents.

Volunteering at Bethany-Riverside is a wonderful way to spend a few hours helping others! The residents really enjoy being with and talking to visitors.

Sign-up sheet and more information will be at the Connection Center in mid-January, or please call Ann Wuensch at 781-2107.

Olivet will be holding its next baptism celebration service on Saturday, January 21. This worship service will focus entirely on baptism from beginning to the end.

At Olivet we teach that Jesus instituted Holy Bap-tism; that God truly acts in this sacrament; and that faith is essential for its effectiveness.

We will begin with a required class from 9:30-10 a.m. and follow with the service from 10:15-11:15 a.m.

Pre-registration is required. Please contact the church office for more information or to register.

Baptism Celebration Service

Saturday, January 21

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 9

4-Week Bible Study Coming in February Toni Groshek will once again be leading a 4-week Bible study based on the book Worship 365, by David Edwards. In his opening paragraph, Edwards states: “The Bible contains no less than six hundred references to worship – and uses at least eighty-seven different Hebrew and Greek words to describe praise and worship. Worship is an activity that takes place throughout the pages of God’s Word. It existed before the earth was made and will be a part of the new heaven and earth that is yet to come. Worship is the most important ministry of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Her worship to Him must come before her ministry for Him.”

Toni will lead the group Bible study on the four Sundays in February from 11:30 a.m. —1:00 p.m. Please pre-purchase the book from Amazon.com or Christianbook.com A participant sign-up sheet will be available soon! Any questions? Call Toni at 780-4139 or email at tlgroshek@charter.net

Marcus La Crosse Cinema 2032 Ward Avenue 7:00 pm

Olivet Monthly Beacon 10


We are kicking off the new Kids’ Church year with “Books of the Bible” rotation. The kids will be learning the books of the Bible and why God’s Word is “a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path!” (Psalm 119: 105)

Special Kids’ church winter bonus: Sneak preview of our upcoming summer VBS! As we move through the cold, dark winter months, we’ll be adding a little VBS energy and fun into our Kids’ church rotations on January 22 and 29. Come experience the joy and excitement of VBS… during the winter! Friends and neighbors welcome!

Our theme for 2016 was Walking with Jesus. This theme was chosen for our capital campaign, as we rallied the membership at Olivet for funds to supple-ment the education wing and fellowship hall exten-sion. This building addition was selfishly important to me. I wanted a space for Kids’ Church: free of noise, with separated rooms, to display kid friendly posters and their artwork. I had doubts that we would make our goal for this project; I guess I didn’t have enough faith. When the final numbers came in, I was overcome with emotion, praising God and seeking forgiveness for my lack of faith.

So when I took on the project of the Kids’ Church Christmas Program, I knew I had to keep with the 2016 theme. We are all familiar with the Nativity, but don’t always know the steps leading up to it. “Walking to Jesus” helped explain what Joseph, Mary, and Jesus had to go through during the first three years of Jesus’ life and the distances people traveled just to see this prophesized king, savior of the world.

Thank you volunteers for taking your time to help the kids express their excitement in this building project, and teaching them about Jesus this year. Thank you parents, grandparents, and guardians for bringing your kids to Kids’ Church and program practice to make this an extra special tribute to Jesus. Thank you family and friends for attending the program. We hope you came away with a new look on the Christmas story. Thank you Santa for

making an unscheduled stop during your busy sea-son. Thank you hospitality team for the goodie bags and birthday cake. And most of all thank you Kids’ Church children for taking part in the Christmas pag-eant and learning your parts so well. Thank you for being a part of Kids’ Church—we enjoy teaching you about Jesus’ love for everyone!

As we enter 2017, let’s all continue to “Walk with Jesus.” Please join us in Kids’ Church, either as a volunteer or just as an observer. Parents and fami-lies, please register with the KidCheck system if you haven’t already done so. Our check-in system is for your child’s safety. Once the new building addition is completed, all families will be required to check their children in using this system. Please help us by set-ting up your account and utilizing the system now.

Your servant in Christ,

Melanie Wuensch

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 11

The word is out if you are in Middle School or High School—Olivet is the place to be on Wednesday evenings! Youth start gathering around 5:30 for fun and fellowship and then eat a great meal all together at 6:15 p.m. We then study God’s Word and worship together as a big group and then divide into specific ages for more personalized study, prayer, and life application. We end it all in a large group format and then have dessert at the end! Our Olivet youth continue to bring their friends and our numbers keep growing. Thank you King Jesus!

Featured speaker: Eric Samual Timm Orator, author and artist Eric Samuel Timm captivates his audiences with his unique teaching and preaching style. His ability as communicator is only enhanced by unforgettable live art performances. Eric’s gift to create or catapult vision brings the key moments to reality for the audience. These moments are captured in profound yet simple and multi-dimensional presentation of God’s word. Eric battles the darkness by communicating truth experientially and multi

dimensionally. When Eric speaks, people listen; when he paints, people see what they could not hear.

The 6th Annual LCMC Youth Event will be held at the Three Bears Lodge in War-rens, Wisconsin. This year’s theme is “Be Strong in the Lord.” Join middle and high school youth from LCMC churches in a 5-state area.

Open to youth grades 6-12. $100 registration fee in-cludes lodging, registration fee, T-shirt, lunch on Satur-day, guest speaker, water-park, Christian music, fun and friendship!

2017 LCMC Regional Youth Event March 3-5, 2017 - Mark Your Calendars!

The Quad Cities consist of Davenport and Betten-dorf, Iowa, and Moline and Rock Island, Illinois. The four cities are located right on the Mississippi River at the only place where the river flows east to west.

We will be going into various neighborhoods in the Quad Cities working with local kids programs, com-munity gardens and food pantries. You will meet and serve children, elderly and homeless residents.

Registration and $50 deposit due to Olivet by January 15!

Registration forms, event brochure and scholarship forms are available at

church. For more information, contact Pastor Andrew or the church office.

Featured musician: Peter Eide

Rock the Flock - DJ Dance

Saturday night at 9 p.m.

2017 Summer Youth Mission Trip June 18-23, 2017 - The Quad Cities

Evening activities include a community cookout, a prayer walk through the community, attending a church service and swimming.

Please see Pastor Andrew for more information and a registration form.

A $75 deposit must be paid to hold your spot. Scholarship forms are available—pick up

an application form at church.

Olivet Monthly Beacon 12

Bibles, Benevolence & Missions . . . Karen Menagh —Sharing the Light of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

As I look back on 2016 I want to say a heartfelt thanks to the members of Olivet for their generous giving and incredible service. Because of your generous giving and service, we as a church were able to feed those who were hungry, provide Bibles and Bible sticks to individuals who desire to hear or read the word of God, provide assistance to those who suffered from hurricane Matthew, support Chris-tian radio, provide school supplies to our local children, and provide Christmas gifts to those in need. You are a congregation that models the servanthood of Jesus. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

In 2017 what opportunity will God present to you? How will you respond? Will you be like Moses (Exodus 3:11) or Samuel (1Samuel 3:10)? Will you attend or start a Bible study, teach Sun-day school, help serve a meal, assist with worship services, use your musical talents, pack a shoebox, help with VBS, or assist the Servolution team? Maybe you have a ministry/service idea that you’ve been reluc-tant to share. I pray each of you will discern God’s calling, step out of your comfort zone and say “Yes.”

Operation Christmas Child:

I know, we just finished the campaign and the shoeboxes are probably still on their way. I can tell you that Olivet’s shoeboxes were shipped to two different countries in Africa—Madagascar and Zambia. Please pray for the shoeboxes we sent and the child who will be blessed with the gift. For those who want to spread out the expense of a shoebox, we will have a monthly shoebox suggestion. If you choose to do a little bit each month, your shoebox will be ready by October. Also, you may be able to take advantage of sales. For individ-uals who like to do it all at once, you will still have the option to do a shoebox during the Oct-Nov campaign. If you want to get a head start, here is your January shoebox “task.”

January Suggestion

Pray about the child you will bless

Select: Boy or Girl and age: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14

Find a shoebox and an empty envelope

Christmas Share Bags

One set of bags went to a lady with three children. She had moved out of low income housing and has been trying to better things for her family. It has been rough going at times. My daughter also bought an outfit and a toy for each of the children. She was very appreciative of the food from Olivet. It made Christmas a lot easier and special for her family.

Another lady with one child received a set of the food bags. Her husband left her this summer and moved out of state. They are in the process of a divorce and things are tight for her too. She said the ham would be way too much for just her and her daughter and insisted that my daughter give it to someone else in need.

Before I had picked up the food bags to share, I had put a number of food items together for the mother with the three children. Using those items and the ham, my daughter was able to share with an elderly lady who is on a fixed income and is fighting cancer.

All three ladies were feeling blessed with all they had been given. Praise the Lord!

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 13

Yeah God!

2017 Caring Tree

Thank you to everyone who picked a tag or two or three off the Caring Tree. Thanks to your generosity, over 220 gifts were distributed to children and families from Summit Elementary School, Olivet church families, our shut-ins and special needs students from Logan High School. Thank you!

Thank you does not seem to be enough for everything that you have done for Brighter Tomorrows this year. With your assistance, we will be able to help supply Christmas to multiple families.

Your support is so very appreciated, not only by Brighter Tomorrows, but by the families that we are able to help because of your continued dedication to ending domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities.

Much thanks again! Brighter Tomorrows

[Brighter Tomorrows is a domestic abuse shelter located in Sparta, Wisconsin, and one of the recipients of your benevolence giving this year.]

From our Meals From the Heart Ministry:

Dear Olivet,

Thank you so much for the delicious meals provided during my illness. Your Christian support has been appreciated!

Thanks to your generous gift, many young mothers and fathers are able to leave their abusive partners, raise their children within a home free of abuse, and begin their lives over.

Thank you for supporting our mission. Together we are saving lives!

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!

Ann Kappauf Executive Director New Horizons

1st Annual Advent Tea

Olivet hosted an Advent Service and Tea on Saturday, November 26. Seventy ladies from Olivet and area churches were in attendance. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped with the service, prepared and served the lunch and decorated the Fellowship Hall. With your help, it was a huge success!

From all of us at the Salvation Army, thank you so much for your help raising food donations! Olivet Lutheran’s donation of canned peaches helped fill more than 400 Christmas Food Baskets! Families picked them up on December 15.

Many of these families will now be able to celebrate Christ-mas without worrying about going hungry and Olivet Luther-an helped make it possible.

God Bless!

Nick Ragner, Public Relations, Salvation Army

Olivet Monthly Beacon 14


Women’s Prayer Group @ 8 a.m.

Co-ed Prayer Circle @ 10:30 a.m. (Praying for Revival and Renewal)

Evening Prayer Group @ 6 p.m.


Men’s Prayer Group @ 7:30 a.m.

Prayer Groups


Women’s Bible Breakfast @ 7:00-7:45 a.m.* *note new later time


Co-ed Study @ 10:00 a.m.


Men’s Bible Breakfast @ 6:30-7:15 a.m.


Olivet Bible Fellowship (O.B.F.) @ 8:30 a.m.

Life Groups (Follow the Worship Theme)

Small Group Study

Mondays: (every other week)

People with Special Needs @ 4:15 p.m.


Co-ed Bible Study @ 9:15 a.m. (True Worshipers)

Co-ed Bible Study @ 6:45 p.m. (Galatians)

Co-ed Bible Study @ 7:00 p.m. (Philippians)


Bible 101 @ 6:00 p.m.

Olivet’s Deacons/Deaconesses are:

Patti Barney, Donna Jobe, Steve Kemp, Marge and Mike Marshall.

Prayer Partners

The Tuesday evening prayer group meets at 6 p.m. in the library and focuses on the prayer concerns and requests of our faith community here at Olivet. This will include your prayers submitted on the weekend connection cards, as well as any prayer requests made through the office.

If you would like to deepen your prayer life, this is a great place to come. If you are already a “Prayer Warrior”, please come and join your voice with ours as we pray for others. If prayer is a new practice for you, come and be part of this group. The best way to learn to pray is to learn from others who are praying.

Tuesday Evening Prayer

First Thursday of every month - 6:30-7:30 p.m.

This recovery group Bible study will meet once a month. Anyone interested in the 12-step Christian recovery program is welcome. We deal with life’s problems through Christ’s power. Anonymity is a part of the recovery process. There is no problem too big or too small for Christ-based recovery!

Please contact the church office if you have any ques-tions or would like more information.

The start of a new year would be a great time to join one of the many groups that meet here at Olivet.

Our Life Groups dig deeper into the sermon topic from the previous weekend. Our Small Groups cover different topics throughout the year. Watch the Weekly Beacon for the current topic of discussion.

If you have a passion for prayer, we also have many Prayer Groups that meet throughout the week.

You are welcome to join a group at any time.

Change in time: The Tuesday Women’s Bible Breakfast will now be meeting at 7 a.m., rather than 6:30.

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 15

Who Benefits From Stephen Ministry?

Everybody benefits from Stephen Ministry. Those receiving care from Stephen Ministers benefit be-cause they receive prayer and support throughout the crisis they face. Stephen Ministers benefit through the spiritual growth they experience from being involved in meaningful ministry. Our pastors benefit because caring ministry at Olivet is expand-ed, and fewer people will slip through the cracks. Most of all, you benefit from the knowledge that spe-cial care is available to you should you need it. In addition, you now have a place where you can refer a friend, neighbor, co-worker, relative, or anyone else you know who is going through a difficult time so that they can receive special care when they need it most. Stephen Ministry makes Olivet a much more caring place!

Crisis: An emotionally charged time of insta-bility during which a crucial change occurs.

The Chinese word for crisis is a combination of two characters: one for “danger,” and the other for “opportunity.” This drives home the fact that every crisis, though it involves impending danger, also of-fers opportunities for personal or spiritual growth. Stephen Ministers are trained to walk with you through the dangers of your crisis and to help you find the opportunities God has in store for you.

For more information about Stephen Ministry, please contact one of our pastors or one of our Stephen Leaders—Judy Knutson, Mike Pavel, KC Pavel or Kristi Josephson.


I was ready to give up. But my Stephen Minister wouldn’t let me. He kept encouraging me and gave me the motivation to keep going.

Stephen Ministry really made a difference for me. I’d encourage anyone going through a tough time to consider a Stephen Minister.

I was alone and had no one to turn to. Then I heard about Stephen Ministry. My Stephen Minister became a friend I could really count on.

I was hurting so much I couldn’t see straight. But I discovered the healing love of Jesus through my Stephen Minister. I can’t say enough about Stephen Ministry.

A prayer for those who are suffering:

Merciful God, there are those in our midst who carry heavy burdens. Help us to be sensitive to those needs, reaching out to them with your love and com-passion. Help us also to encourage those who are especially burdened to turn to our pastors and Stephen Leaders, who can help them receive the individualized care they need.

In your name we pray. Amen.

Stephen Ministry

Carry each other’s burdens, and in

this way you will fulfill the law of


Galatians 6:2

Olivet Monthly Beacon 16

December Worship Attendance and Offering

Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving

Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account.

Credit & Debit Card Giving allows you to make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card.

Online Giving allows you to go to the Giving tab on our website to set up an automatic donation plan, change your plan, make a one-time donation or view your donation history.

Don’t like to have the collection plate pass you by? Stop by the Usher Stand on your way into worship and pick up a pink chip which indicates that you use electronic giving and drop in the plate.

As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms and additional information are available from the church office and at the Connection Center.

Thank you for your faithful support of

God’s mission at Olivet and beyond.

Date Attendance Automatic Giving

Saturday, December 3 101 General $7,514.50 November 28 through December 23:

Sun., December 4 8am 76 Mort/Prin $1,110.00 General $13,335.00

Sun., December 4 10am 169 Designated $5,062.45 Mortgage $4,585.00

Kids' Church 46 Designated $4,253.00

Total 392 TOTAL: $13,686.95 Total: $22,173.00

Above totals not included in figures to the left

Saturday, December 10 93 General $4,484.00

Sun., December 11 8am 38 Mort/Prin $635.00 Mortgage Principal Balance

Sun., December 11 10am 102 Designated $2,475.00 As of 12/28/2016: $388,126.72

Kids' Church 26

Total 259 TOTAL: $7,594.00 December Principal Paid $6,713.19

December Interest Paid $1,850.81

Saturday, December 17 120 General $6,565.00 Additional Principal Paid

Sun., December 18 8am 58 Mort/Prin $710.00 Principal Paid YTD $128,645.44

Sun., December 18 10am 212 Designated $1,729.00 Interest Paid YTD $25,936.86

Kids' Church 49

Totals 439 TOTAL: $9,004.00

Christmas Eve - Dec. 23 94 General $8,741.25

Christmas Eve - 2 pm 183 Mort/Prin $950.00

Christmas Eve - 4 pm 289 Designated $7,535.00

Christmas Eve - 6 pm 189

Christmas Day 125

Totals 880 TOTAL: $17,226.25

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 17

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

“Be very careful, then, how you live...making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil.”

Ephesians 5:15

Time is a remarkable gift from God. The pages of our personal planners and the squares on our calen-dars represent the moments God has entrusted to our care. But how should we use them? We can fill those moments in an almost limitless variety of ways.

Paul reminds us that the very nature of our world discourages our stewardship of time. “The days are evil,” he writes (Eph. 5:15). And because evil seems so powerful in our world, we are tempted to despair of making a real difference. The author E. B. White once said, “When I get up in the morning I am torn between saving the world and enjoying the world. This makes it very difficult to plan my day.”

He’s right. Saving the world seems an impossible task. What difference will our little acts of goodness make in the overall scheme of things? No wonder so many people today allow time to run through their fingers like sand on the seashore. We pursue meaningless activi-ties that kill time and the possibilities it presents.

Paul challenges us to be stewards of time, “making the most of our opportunities” (v. 15). Paul under-stands that because of Christ’s victory on the cross, time is redeemed. Our efforts to use time in ways that make a difference for the kingdom of God will not be wasted. God will establish our work through

the power of his grace.

But then, should we go from one extreme to the oth-er? Does seizing every opportunity mean we can never relax, never have a moment for ourselves, nev-

er take time to “smell the roses?” Is Paul calling us to become workaholics for the kingdom of God?

No! Here in these verses, Paul sets our use of time against an invitation to wor-ship God. In so doing, he reminds us that using our time well is set against the backdrop of God’s divinely established rhythm for life. Early in Israel’s history, God set a pattern for us. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God” (Ex. 20:9-10). God’s “six and one” pattern reminds us that we do not live by work alone. Not even God’s king-dom comes about by our work alone. Rather, our times are in God’s hand.

God’s grace working through us makes a difference—not only for today but for eternity.

—Reprinted with permission from The Barnabas Foundation

Women’s Clothes Closet Winter Clothing Items Being Accepted

The Women’s Clothes Closet at Our Saviors Lutheran Church is now accepting gently used fall and winter clothing and shoes. Jeans, purses and other accessories are accepted anytime.

Place your donations in the barrel located to the left of the Fellowship Hall doors.

WAFER & Onalaska Food Basket

Suggested items for the month:

Soup, Stew and Crackers

Non-perishable food items and personal items can be put in the grocery cart located by the Fellowship Hall doors.

99 items were donated to the Onalaska Food Basket in December. Thank your for your generosity—we donated over 1,500 items to our local food pantries in 2016!

Olivet Monthly Beacon 18

Hear Messages Online

Have you ever missed a worship message because you were out of town or ill? Or, if you would like to hear a message again, you can go to Olivet’s website www.OlivetLutheran.org where you will find links to the messages from the past weekend.

If you don’t have access to a computer, you can re-quest a CD of the service from the office – we will make a copy for you.

Loop System at Olivet

Olivet is equipped with a loop system in the Sanctuary and in the classroom behind the kitchen. You will benefit from this if you wear a hearing aid with the T-coil feature.

If your group meets in the classroom, be sure to tell the class leader that you would like to have the unit turned on during the class.

Funeral Team for January:

Caller : Cindy Cossette

Kitchen lead: Kathy Duerwachter

Provide dessert:

Jane Binnebose, Cindy Cossette, Kathy Duerwachter, Sheri Harrison, April Hucke, Donna Kemp, Effie Piper, Karen Rausch, Lorna Schini, Barb Zimmerman

Serving & Cleanup:

Jane Binnebose, Marilyn Daniels, Kathy Duerwachter, April Hucke, Karen Rausch, Jim Rausch, Marianne Shugrue, Barb Zimmerman Please call Ann Wuensch at 781-2107 if you are no longer able to serve and want to have your name removed from the list, or if you would like to be added to a list for future months. Thank you for volunteering for this service to others.

Monthly Beacon Available on our Website

You will find both the Weekly and the Monthly Beacons on our website: www.olivetlutheran.org.

If you would prefer not to receive a paper copy of this publication, please advise the office.


In Memory of Dennis Betway: Douglas Olson - Building Fund

In Memory of Leverne Storlie:

Stan & Sophie Bell - Building Fund Stuart & Tammy Hyttinen - Building Fund

In Memory of David Traver:

Kevin & Marilyn Caulum - Stephen Ministry Traver Family - Building Fund

In Memory of Rollie Smith and Joe & Carol Johnson:

Joanne Smith - Mortgage Reduction

Holy Stretch

Mondays - 4:30-5:30

Are you looking to improve your strength and flexibility or even your emotional well-being? Join us once a week as we de-stress, stretch, detoxify and sweat, at a slow, peaceful pace. For beginners and regulars alike. Open to both men and women. Wear comforta-ble clothing and bring a mat if you have one.

We meet in the Olivet nursery.

2017 Coupon Books are available in the church office or at the Connection Center.

Coupons are good until December 31, 2017. Over 165 coupons for restaurants, retail, golf, Kwik Trip gas and much more—all for only $13.

“Sharing the Light and the Love of Our Lord” 19

“The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Genesis 2:18


1/1 Christa Baldukas 1/2 Sally Brudos, Jodi Stroik, Myles Hendrickson 1/3 Judy Butzler, Eric Larson, Krystal Casper, Zak Kjos 1/4 Gloria Barney 1/5 Don Brenengen, Rob Sturgis 1/7 Jim Thiele, Kora Munkelwitz, Levi Adams 1/8 Richard Luick, Kelly Wing 1/9 Diane Rieber 1/10 Sandie Perry 1/11 Darlene Dikeman, Mary June, Linda Lee 1/12 Gary Vance, Alice Gerken 1/13 Cory Cossette, Jordan Stowell 1/15 Alexandra Mix, Bryanna Vigil 1/16 Jacqui Brokaw, Shayla Hodgins, Emerson Pierce 1/17 Tim Wood, Kyle Cross, Landyn Oelfke, Ava Pauls 1/18 Steve Furuta 1/19 Toni Groshek 1/20 Mark Hellerud, Sr., Uriah Ackerman 1/21 Sheri Harrison, Sydney Hughes, Taylor Stowell 1/22 Anne Weber 1/23 Pastor Luanne Sorenson, Carleen Marker, Michael Jameson, Molly Snodgrass 1/24 Claire Seib, Carolyn Baker 1/25 Gary Zimmerman, Jim Larson 1/26 Terry Houlihan 1/27 Mark Dyar, Tanner Groshek 1/28 Rick Thiele 1/29 Kaylee Sharbono 1/30 Marge Marshall, Yvonne Hanson, Kermit King, Adam Stuhr 1/31 Jerry McHenry, Gerald Brettingen, Emily Strain

Happy Birthday!

"This is the day the Lord has made;

Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


1/3 Kohl and Jessie Adamson 1/11 Emeron and Phyllis Christensen 1/12 Kevin and Brenda Adams 1/24 Tim and Cheryl Collins 1/28 Ray and Denise Serres 1/30 Rich and Carolyn Baker 1/31 Dave and Marilyn Gellersen

Altar Flowers

The 2017 flower chart has been posted in the Narthex. If you would like flowers placed at the alter in memory or honor of a loved one, please sign up for the appropriate weekend. The flowers are ordered from Cot-tage Garden Floral at a charge of $25.00 per bouquet.

If you would rather provide your own flowers, please notify the church office that you will be bringing them in.

Save the Date & Your Stuff!

Olivet’s Biennial Rummage Sale

June 9 & 10, 2017

Start gathering your donations

and mark your calendar!

Watch for more information

this spring.

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage Paid

La Crosse, WI 54603

Permit No. 521

Address Service Requested

Olivet Beacon of Light Lutheran Church 2100 Bainbridge Street La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603 Pastors David Baldukas/Andrew Fortuine

Every weekend at Olivet we are having a B.Y.O.B. party at our worship services. We encourage you to bring Bring Your Own Bible to worship and Bible studies.

Worship Service Times:

Saturday @ 5:30 pm

Blended Worship

Sunday @ 8:00 am

Traditional Worship

Sunday @ 10:00 am

Contemporary Worship

Pastors’ Letters 2-3

January Calendar 4

Worship Assistants 5

Youth & Family 10-11

Attendance & Offering 16

Kids’ Church at 10:00 am