Old Paths (Jer. 6:16)

Post on 14-Feb-2016

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By Path. By Path. Old Paths (Jer. 6:16). By Path. By Path. I-65. Indianapolis. Where should we be? Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we headed if we continue on same path?. Louisville. I-40. Nashville. I-40. I-65. As Individuals & As Churches. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Old Paths (Jer. 6:16)

Old Paths (Jer. 6:16)

By Path

By P


By Path

By Pa






• Where should we be?• Where have we been?• Where are we now?• Where are we headed if we continue on same path?

• Where should we be?• Where have we been?• Where are we now?• Where are we headed if we continue on same path?

As Individuals & As Churches

Where Are We


Where Are We Headed?

I. Where We Ought To Be

Word is authoritative

I. Where We Ought To Be

• It is the word of God• It is inspired• Absolute - Unchanging

Word is authoritative Respect for the word Submissive Strict – No Compromise Conviction

I. Where We Ought To Be

Where Are We Headed?

I. Where We Ought To BeII. Where We Have Been

Word settled all questions

Deplored sin Conviction Teaching others

II. Where We Have Been

Where Are We Headed?

I. Where We Ought To BeII. Where We Have BeenIII. Where We Are Now

Drifting - Changing

III. Where We Are Now

“Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away” (NKJV)

Hebrews 2:1

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. (KJV)

Footnote KJV “run out as leaking vessels”

Gradually & SlowlyHeb. 2:1

Drifting – Changing In a Transition Period

III. Where We Are Now





Drifting – Changing In a Transition Period Single Problem With

Many Symptoms

III. Where We Are Now

Growing Lack Of Respect

For TheBible

Symptoms Lack of evangelism Apathy & indifference Women’s Liberation Worldliness Toleration of sin Materialism Divorce & Remarriage Loose on fellowship Soft & social approach to the gospel Church viewed as social affair Allow self to sin and not be bothered

Drifting – Changing In a Transition Period Single Problem With

Many Symptoms Do What We Want

III. Where We Are Now

Where Are We Headed?

I. Where We Ought To BeII. Where We Have BeenIII. Where We Are NowIV. Where We Are Headed

Greater departure Liberal in a lot of areas Turn from strong to moderates Women taking different roles Role of preacher/message change Role of elders change Tolerate sin – not preaching

against it

IV. Where We Are Headed

Where Are We Headed?

I. Where We Ought To BeII. Where We Have BeenIII. Where We Are NowIV. Where We Are HeadedV. Causes

Ignorance Prosperity Influence of the world Learn principle – not application Learn application – not principle Desire to appease all – be liked

V. Causes

Where Are We Headed?

I. Where We Ought To BeII. Where We Have BeenIII. Where We Are NowIV. Where We Are HeadedV. Causes