Old Harry and the Pinnacles

Post on 09-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Old Harry and the Pinnacles

And the pinnacles …

Old Harry Rocks

Old Harry

*Harry Paye – Pirate 1300s


*Tidal flow plays ‘Old Harry’[plays the devil] with shipping

Situation Rock Type

4 Elements



Three Separate sections:

*Old Harry and his wife*St Lucan Leap and Island*The Pinnacles

Two of the Pinnacles:

*Viewed SW towards Ballard Head *Along Fault line*No Beach Access*SCALE?

Stack and Stump

*Sit separate from main bulk of natural arches*Process evident

eastwards*Both below MLW –


Old Harry

*Vertical*Visible at MH & MLW*Flat top


Only visible at MLW3 partsSub-marine processesOccasional erosionWeathering?

Lucas Leap onto main island

What do the four colours \ shading represent?

How can the brown section suggest an ‘alternative future?’

What do the four colours \ shading represent?

How can the brown section suggest an ‘alternative future?’

Horizontal rock

Flat tops

Slopes – Mass Movement?

Intertidal – Beach or wave cut platform

View from the West

Horizontal Pedestals

Final Q

*How many Arches?

Don’t over simplify at A2

*All photography MO@ SBS

*Don’t forget the Kahoot #SBS