Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Sayville NY Suffolk County...

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Transcript of Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper4/Sayville NY Suffolk County...


Bj : « . •

, ^JLsJ^^Otftp SOU**.

1 Official Newspaper fit ItlA

So bc*tgnat<d %y ^Ke Boaird ;*of Sxqpiefviabif a



Bay Ifora ffieiiiMti WSb;Js' —ftifrnftr fa 'iff n i l SBua JfcttlL


?: V O L . ?XXXX. ^O. 38. Franch H<»g,,jfoblidffl

l^S^iile^FiiteNewPnmatfy j School Building is Dedicated

* "'•••' " • " - V • ' ~ '« • ' - " ' ' ' ~ "•* • * ' • ; ; - - . * . « . . : . ' • » : . ( } j * . ' . . } - " ; - " C * " : " . „ ' , " • / • • _ - - - " * • " ' . . " • ~ * • .. j

Appropriate Exercises Held on Evening of Washington's Birthday

"Flags, and Bibles Presented "to the^ "School "by /Patriot ic Organizations. Addresses'bycReY. A. E. Van AntWerpen, and R e v . ' J . L - V a n Tleten -

;f; . Sayviile Band Leads Singing of Patriotic Airs.

SAYVILLE,^. Y.t; FRIDAY;FF3.RUARY 27, 1925. "Subscriptioh •$2LfjO'Per Vear. Whole :>No. 2069.


vr T b e evening of Washington's Birth-

"day "wa3 selected—Ior_the "dedication .^ol the new West Sayvii le Primary

Behodl.. The new bulldlrig was--well M e d , X - c r o w d of ^approximately;r50

..^»ebp%^iriainly from "West Sayviile, Ilfcrat vwlih "a fair sprinkling from Say* ^vOle 'and: other near-by"!tow"iis',A having 'as'sembled for the ^kerclses."which bef *gan. "at 7:30 "o'clock. "There> were, a riaisber'of addresses uppropriate to u e "occasion, pbt'riritlc airs were suns; vaid. the Sayviile Military Band played "a dumber "of 'selections. ,/. J;-f

"bow'Ciock, Chairman of the Board


Third "of ther6ang Concerned in Blilmore Ba ik Robbery -


Young Bartender "who vWas r'dn Hand "With 'aStoIen Car for "the'Get Away

- After tha RobbVry'Co'riyicted'on Sec-*ond TrlaL .?£ J \ '

Stanley'..Klvaiia; whose second .trial for the ;"murder of Errie3t £1*. "Whit­man was^n^ progress :all last "week In the 'Nassau' County "Court, "was'cbnvic: ted ^6y *ai jury which" found "him 'guilty of murder In the"first "degree iast 'Sat-

|iff day 'night. T h e y % w e r e ' o u t "about

State Official'Says Irrimediate "Action Needed to RellevV Overcrowding ;

Mr.pSeare of the -Bulldluss and Grounds division •of-the State \bspaft-merit" of^Educatio"nl3iet"*ihformaily the members of "the-Board of Education and: the citizens' committee 'on "Wed­nesday Evening of this "week. He "eni-phasized the"rieedof immediate ac t ion | ;w^* - ; " > - , .-. ~ ._

The \ r i f e "and sisteMn-lawobt "the pnsdrier were carried shrieking "from fife "courts room "as.^the ^verdict ^was

to relieve the ^present "overer^wjaed condition of theTschool ar id"e^resse4

^.. . . , . - . , , . ^ . . . - satisfaction at tha plwgres^s "aiready of ^ r i r a t l b D prMlded and^ the : o ^ r - ^ ^ ^ v ^ jjb -

^ . i ^ - j r t .

irieinbers 'of the /Board "were grouped • :iaTt»at:hiin. .TtieJrKv. A.^E.^Yaii/^nt-

- t e r p e n tpresentep "a flag "arid 'a I Bible - ' o n ^behalf of "South" Shored Oouncii,^ Jr., '•'r;bi;U;|A."Jk^and:ifce^-Soris 'ifid Ba^Sbi

"Yters v.o£ {trlbert^presented ^iour^Bm'all-'r'f^r - flags, "ohe.' for each of = the. 'c la is - -'iodmsV; tMr. MTMI /AJntwerpen i n h i s •s /address, depibre^ itfe "fe'ctHh'at "tha

"biography rbl: Jesus , ' t K e ¥ g r ^ t e i t man T ;the".rWbrld~ha5 "'ever-known; . i s fnot ,: 'permitted^to :be taught fn'tLe public .^EChbots.:." 'He^ iriade "an frappeal/"tor:ttfe

>-'-["teaching "of t h e i d b c S l n e ^ b t ldve*;^£ = ^Goa^ahd our: fellow men and the incul |

"eatlonbf'tTOe-patribtlsni.- V ,. - :

"~r~^J6nn~Gnel^rbTFberiati^Prtiie^Ikte^^ fof "Education, accepted' the flags and

; /Bibie'; for tbe . >Schpol a n a f o r ' t h e -: rpeopletof Wes t Sayviile. who;' he^dV ^i^r3^.^teag!B.Jieep 'respect W d - ' i g y ^

be vprbpos^id seemed to tiim" to be'admirably "adapt­ed for this /distr ict ;and" in "keeping with wljiat "other "prbgreMlve^cbriimuu-i t iesjal l ''dyer;th?e _Sfatefapa^ doing ]\X tfie "present" time. "It Ts 'his - opinion that 'anditibrial ^ nortable 'school "hbris-es^may"Jiave to .be rised before^a s'ust; a ^ e "Dundirig /Sari ^ ^efectejd, 'even though^ Immediate 'steps r'rire- taken TP|I this%*n(a.

' "Supervisors "Meet ar'Central fslfp j :For the 17th "yfear-tir. ^Gebjrge IJs

Smith, rSuperlnteriderit'of the 'Ceritrat Is l ip/State Hbspltal, acted "as host \>i t h e ' SuttoikJ County Board of "Snper-VtdOi^^-^-COUDiJ^— :-OmCi&i3~~liHix~rt>t.iief-

guestalaVthe big Institution on A^ashf. irigton's Birthday. ; Following-'•1an, rab| petizing 'dinner 'arid "brief speeches by Ahrahani !». Field,'Chairirian 'of the

announced, itrequlred'som^e'ti irie'to quiet : them JandJ it w a s necessary.' to takVthemIrorii the building "before thb ordinary5p'rocedure of taking^Uie 'de^ !lendarit's ^ilst'ofy 5could ^be" completed! ;5iUvana "did riot/take ^ttfe^ifand : !n bis'b^TO^deferile^and his ^ couifs]ercia|mr ed"thvat'at^ie'Hme thecHm^^fc^cori i -riiitted h*e w a s attending oar "at the Old Homestead Inn owned by "John. "J. siaUefyi^who.'wlthAmbrose~S6ss£h"a3 aireaay ,'been"convicted ot tlfe :murder; Bpth^are In t h e S l r i g S i n g de"ath io'fise.

Klvana";tckik'"'Uie'vverdlct quietly, hils ekceptlbrialiy pale vcouriteriSnce grow^ ing ius tV'shade-pa ler . He showed no

Big Crowd and Lots of Fun Last Friday^Nlght in Parish House

That t h e i l e n ' s Club of St. Ann's Episcoparchurch is a live wire orgn-i-Ization, was demonstrated last Fridiy night by a record-breaking attendance of about 125 m e n at the annual dinner and the occasion of comment by all the speakers. . I t was a beefsteak din­ner, with t h e d l n e r s all arrayed In big white caps 'arid naproris, which contrib­uted not a l i tt le tc the jolly Informal­ity of the occasion. The dinner Itself was exceptionally/good and won much cbmmendatlori.' for the coinmlttee in charge. The steak was juicy and ten­der arid all" the accoaipanimenU: were most satisfying.

" i^eatdn'c .^Walter . otI;Biue "Point, acted a s t o a s t m a s t e r a n d w a s a large factor In Vrqmbtini; the enjoyment nt the'occasion.-"His wonderful fund of of good stories^arid his talent for Im-persdriatioris; to' dialect made a great

h i t , : :- •••.-'•'r?v-ri- •'. •^ ' • ' • • • i - '" " ;:-:-- - ?

The Bev." Jdjeph H.-Bond, rector V»t the thurch, ,cspotte in happy ;veln, rath­er emi^Mizirig^the fact that" the^suo cess of the'drg^anizatipn was "due i n lalrgp^ymeasuiir-'Vo its non-sectarian character, ^wMj'f'oJ the fact that J*'dld riot -attempU'tp •^finaace*-any church, work. -.;. ;•"•,"--:->*.•;_; - •'. ' _ <sf-.-}: '-- J ^President A l f r e d Sykes begged -'off

on"/the ' score; that hi^*;;efforts i n 'pre^ paring:ihe^duilier "shriuld have *absolv^ ed htairfroW;th*e "duty of p'uhl ic^eafe ing, hut 'urgedHb'at t'hbse who appeart b*d/there*as^guests become' full fledged nieriibers^of" the" organization. , l b r . Francis* 5A; Hiilst, former presl-


Hold-up Men Made aRaid on Premm's Service Station


Oyster Business Fast improving According to Local Shippers

Conference in Washington Decides Upon Standard Regulations

Small Shops Will Be Made to Clean "Up an"d: Stop./Mls;Brinding :Pack'ajie4.'_ 1 FacVEs&V.lsheiTthat Dr. Lumsden k r i e W ^ e f d r e ^ H T ^ R e p ^ r : ^ That Chicago Health Commlssto ner Had b.^K^'d rBlue Points . ." /-...;

John Niissbaum Black-jacked,"stabbed and Le?t "Uncorisclous rat Oakdale.

"Held Roll of Money "Clutched Tight 'TilL Frightened Thugs Ran "Away.


Ernest Gaiser Runs Arnuck. Driving -.. Truck "cf "Highway Dep't.

WA WF*^^^ h ^ - ^ n i ^ r L t d w a r d s l t h ^ d d o r i a s ^ h e 0 thes^sIiaL^^'-^rier^ous^fessL-anj/ggajre his .his tpry in a •flrtnxyol ce. The' shrieks d t '.the two wdnien1 could "be heard as i... . ,, .= . ^ . . , . - , , , . . - ^ , h g gave h is Answers , "fai^ "was] taken ;back 5 to^: tbe'bdunty jail he :df its cdnttriuea : prosperity arid ^c'dnr

dent of Hhe.'orgahfzatibii. 'who "was

John Nusshaum. a young man who

Is In the "employ of Arthur Preinuii

and since about Deceiriber 10th,/ tias

been in"charge of the iattoj'a^service

station locatdd near thV'bakdale Rail­

road depot, was the "victim of ^ i n u r d -

erous "attack "about one o'clock ori

Tuesday morning by two hold-up men

who blackjacked arid" "attenipted to

rob ^hlin. - / . I "Nusshauin, "who "Is "O. "gdbd iopkirig

youngster, 18 ""yeara pZ lage, "had rer turned about fialf rarid hour" previousiy from a trip to his home In Huntington. Mr. "Prem'm,'who had "been/there"in his aDsence.^i id retarne^ to b i s b'dme In "Bay "Sh'ore,-just ^before£midnight; leaving only'ab'orit "$i5 i n the ''caah register "with vwhlch" to 'make /change for late'"custodiers. /"Nusshaum had opened *th"e ""cash """register "rind "was coiintiiig'th'e^moriey^when ' a ^ a r drove uprlnifront^fHfie^pT^cd.^'Th^e^CTang ma'itfs'aid "'that ,th~e ''thoright; "ran thrdugh/nls'mlnd, "That sounds Ilk? a new bodge1 'car." - ^He "glanced ^over

lished i t on a "flrin foundatfon/express

m lf:v-.-

' for "the Katidri's ^emblem and:"rever-. 'enire'fpr'the Bible, b ;'\: "F?j/ :s

'rhe^SWr^pangled K ^ H T - w a s ^ e n "aSSng, Itiie "band playing ' the .Rat ional

/'Antjhem^ staridiiig^at" the erttfande d* "'the building. ; / ' / i - : ^ ; . " '•.'>.-' -\~J. " i

: The Rev."'J."L.xVari T i e l en Sras'theri introduceff by theChain i ian and spoke

' "dt the/value "of the public {schdbl^sys-"tem^aVStie bulwark of our"P«indcfacy;

a arid;;m"a^a.:*to-/^i?ec!ai "silsa^/for ?the - TCeajcaS^'*pl* "respect /:f or "all /attthprityi

' even ^golrig""so.-.far /^.flb.'re'commend 3 "Jtte 5rioV""alnVdst"fdbsdiete doctr ine "of " Tcorporal ^nf^shriieriL; - ^ r . ^ a r i Ttejeri • -'evidently^^ believes" thafsp^aririg


jfiie 'rod ^stnir^spdlls j the Tchjld,."and that /iriucli of/ the iawfe^sriess /which "now •prevails"is'due toHhe/fact"thatfchit ; \dfen/ ;are not comjpelied,;fiy.fdfce, if "necessary." to ^respect- authority;-" , , ;

•'"; "jHis'tdld ^a:gpdd "story Jot "a/lad "who /was/rtgorously" p^clshedrhy' hfe father

- / l e t e r a l /Viriies" In " one "day and "after "eadi^^"aripliratiph' of ^fiyeslrariitbatfia^ "strnirierit-iWaa huritt behind ^:Crifottd

:"6% 'the^wall. ^God"Bi«ss/Our^H^me.*! ^After ^a'Hngt'bcen ";punIsiieo\fa'nuoa* ibeVofHimes' the 'lad;^ remarked :^"Dad;

i^aWtft ydu";b«tterjhang^;that"strap:.|Je^j ^hln'd \fiic'"otfier: mdtto?^.'-'aad'^even .the • "STim parent was-"cdjbpelled to -smile

: /whieii "heisaw?another ' framed{motto / |t"ovwV,ch h i s 'son rererred|aGd ^w^lch

^ r ^ n ^ ^ r i ^ N c e d . Thee>:Every ";Hour.*? ^ I r ^y in . !ne l er i . 'was *df l l h e . o p i 8 i d n , "hdwdver;" that' if parental /authority. Is /rightly ^ e r c i s e d In* the /.fear," of the ; - , - 'Cprit ir iuW on Page Eight

-f0PWj§E %T/CFE>P)iR»(S r, 'i-^^-^^-^ly- i^tiS^-:.-"V."-/;".":-:"i/^

"Board:':"of RJSupervisors ."Denounce 1W . : - ; ; t ^ w 9 n ! d f ^ C o m ^ s ^ n ^ / . - : ! V

£.ip - AV tiie "meeiiriK of the Board of So« •periitora 'thla vweeT£"atrpngly "woVdeq

" 'fwabtrifcloas w«re r a ^ p t e a . ""deidupc^ •: -ingt" "as "antocratic ^Tand V high;

^liaBideo;'' the" apSgs" of:;the'-'I^orig ;tsl] -;:.fiiM; State fcar"k" CoirimltsJdn, 'arid 'q'riot; -.-•-"'tag' lrpm"a*.recerit' rfe^tra"dt' Jdst!<£4

"JaBi3s":C>.'Yaji "sfclen. in'whicii'1ie; :^e;i , / c lared ' t h e State :r^rk"Ctemrrifesl3n]

had proceeded In a manner" Irregularr ;ly,* lllegaily"and beyond ih'elr po"wer«.'I

The'resoln'Jon adopted 'by ' f l i eSnp; : ^errlaors *pfdvia'cd that some of ' their

M e m b e r s and, their couriscL* Robert" P, "Griffirig, go to Albany . t o attend "a "lijearlrig'yesterday on"the Thayer"and "Straiia hliis , one of which stipulates that tha Park Commissioner shall not

jawjrilr© land in' cither Nasjau or Suf­folk Counties for park purposes with-out firgt ahtalriing the consent of the

? Bnparflsors. The Board" received a communica­

tion from Jerome Jerome, President of the Long Island Sportsmen*^ Club, requesting that the amount of bounty pr.id on fdiep, wease ls and other de-stmctiTe animais -i,.I V-;iz la .'this

_ county l»e d*viblt*d. and rcqaeitlng t h a t ' I t be lvkde I tesral to !!b<>ritn

- - - fo iea for toe purpose of *^x hantias; or any ctfccr pnrp**?f> whaSever.

. . - The Snpervlrors incfr-aK>'d the sal­ary o? Co^Tity * Ci^rk ^Vftl S. Palve

Board'ot Supervisors: supreme Co.trrr Justice W a i t e r H.Jaycp'x arid "Dr.;Ed; WIn~ S. - Mcore . 'compmuei i t ir ig '.Dri Sriiith sfdr-!the-great/emclericy"at^^^ big institritidn'fof "which Tie has ibeea trie head for "30"years, and -a "gracidus and h^rifa'rduB""respori8e by Dr;/~Smith*, the"gu"esisvenJoye^a^ vaudevil le/shiiw g i v e n } In v1 the 'big 'audltprium for3 the "p^atients who ?afe "sligptly rde"rarigedi The performance w a s ' thproughiy en-jdyed 6y^ the~^3ests as * w.e i l^s '"Toy'• the tjipjfi-patients. /^Atrioing /Dr. /Sinlth's" guests Nvas 'Dr. 'George - W. T. ;ib!Ulsl a* former member./or^als slaftr^wlio is rid"w= connected N"witV Other /'"depart: merits o f the ^State Hospital service; Supervisor John'Clinton "Robniris, "who was "stricken with- *a serious illrieas last fa i l , v was"^l ie"to"be'preser i t / i t thisI meeting' f o r ^ h e first 't ime "s>rice his il lness /arid /«?aa "co'rdialiy.^gredted by 'his colleagues^"and "many other friends.. ;;5">?Sj *^.' *'"c " :"-"•:"!' . ?/• f

passed fnelaf-Jtfie -^door ^dutside, /which ciudeil "with "a ^g'ddd. story.

by, -tliey.'reri/ewed; their/"sfc'reanis /and ^ i L J l R S l S i ^ — *"^di-i*Pf? ;eihaustfpn; Tt tey"w^re r ^Tt^^ : ^^'3kVn^wayi l iy l frierids. .; '!'-'.--.;;/;-;•...s-^-^^v-,'•-- ;Kks...T-i iK^fana ! ' T O /charged .;'wlth "'shpptins Ernest :L^ ^ ^ t m a n / a^bond/s^lesmani during ;

;the'robbery.^of "'the Belliridre Bank^pn lApril "4th last . The*robbers were l eav ing /.the "bank -i^s'l Whitrnan entered ifarid Hhey 'riddled J him ,/with buUets^kni ing . h i m 3n3tanUy..-;They escaped in_ a, DluVBu^^'autpmobi ie ; firing: in "ail/direcUpriR r^5,'fiiey /sped away. ^ I t ^was_ .Ith'e "bine f Buick:/fii'at brpught "abyut>Klvan7a*s;rcpnvIctipn,'it be ing "prpv.ed /that, he purchased / the machine; in "which*the^eh 'escaped, -t •,/;ThV:'conviction of j^Klvaria "wSs.ra surfMriseSiii i som.e' fespecis^as , though be }was ' the ic idse / ' fr iend'of /*John_;J. Slatterj- arid ^^mb'rqge ; J. R o s s , ; the Ivief evidence ag^lrist'=hiiri'"WaS. 1^^rdugli

The; -jjl—nrrnnfi—aajv;m»«r-

twd men entered ' a n d ' a t t h e ^ a m e in slant; l ie was 1 felled by'•& bidw'on the forehead. :

He "says he must"have*Iristlnctlyely r4^i5T5s

riian Cecil v7- rroetor* were ;"erijdyed, a ^ s n i a t ^ t l y ^ s i c s - c i r h e i i r h e IspfiatR informally.^ Altlsough he ^sSemed tdi have paid'a" lett-lian3ed • cdnipliriierit to "the"~clubvs ^orchestra "arid ;to have "damned' it vwith faint praise" "when h e / s a i d "that "it never was "so 'very bad," neither the members ripr "his good" frier^d,rthe leaJer, 'Wl l iam "Weirii befg, "seemed to "re/serit the "remark-A s av matter of fact,' the"orchestra'' corii ^ributed rgreatly_ to "tte^erijdyment of the feast, as ft" does to "all of ; the club's ifuneiions, and rin the whole; the annua! didder.."which crowded" ttfe ca"pacity of the Parish "Hou*<- to the

- ' i U C cess .

ptblffe ^iveR ih "thes -Sayviilel ' ^0jr»era?kfju^

• % / " " r s * - . • - . : ' . ' • ~ ' ' I, • ' - ^ ^ - " - ' - , " * . • " . . ' ' •. • -

bdUine"*pf" Play* yp.i^ramme/'daat'"'off "Cliaractera-^Event ?of • t^e'" Ye'ar AAmong lthe YduVig" People 'of _• Whom x We ;,Are AAll 'So Proud. . "

T h e ;Seriior Claw "of ' the Sayviile high" school i s "piririnirig "a pllgrlmago to .the-^Natldnts c»pital dur ing 'Easter week, : a' custdin ^ which is growing In popularity. For some thriV past tha membera of the class have had in preparaUon a play, the proceeds "of which "are to b e devoted to that pur; pose. It Is •*Tha' Ch'arrix School" » three^act" comedy "by 'Alicp)puer ^Mill^r and;'Robert lUlltoti. - ' ;*. ; , "

The fol lowing Is the story of the play: AuVtin Bevaris, a handsome young automobile^ salesman with nov-el 'views on edocation, inherits a girls' boarding tchool

Benja'iriin .Thalfbse, ^a. self-eorifessed 'motorcar'-thief. ^h"o^stoie . ' ' twp'cars wbiCTi. he says,/T3e /turned. ;dviV ito Klvana and jwhich figured inj the Beli-i n p . r e - j i f e n k h d l d n p / / , . , . . . , / / >,_

;On Tnes'diy^^"County"Judge'I^ewis J. Stni'f h" s?en.i^"ccd/Ktva~fia" to "cile^durtng theZxeek /beginning;/JJarfch 29th.; "He heard;tlie-proriouricementbf Ills ;ddorii without flinching. . .. jN *, ; • ;^Bef(*eJriight; thisgddd-ipoking j'ourig

ma^led~irian, ^ T . / y e a r s / d r ' a g e i brit iopklng'not ;mofe/than 2l,Twas*ajn" In; riiafe'ot;the.jred"brick dea t i ;house a t Sing.§»rig'with the l ittle grouprdt men condemned/to.; d i e . "John .J. :Slattery, fdnner /pfc&riefpT """of /the.' b i d ":Hqme-stead Inn^at Asipria," fdr'who'm'Klvana worked /as fa bartend er« "and 'Ambrose J,iRp^;we"re;%lready^there., i ; ,. , 5 -; ;Kivana*s 'attorney, Richard "^Adams^ made the 'risnal' motions ;tb s e t "asjdfa th'c.\verdlct,,' which. Twe're; fohinally "der nled^add/ thjen: heTberit "and 'whlsi^red to Klfaria *acrosa*wh*ose"Tace T>o: trace of."empflpri"p'assed. a , ::i": "; ^ f

;There^were'seven -persons ."who took part In^ihe^BeJlritdre Bank holdup, b u t the/ rithers Tiidve' escaped arrest. There Were probably others "who /were Vc; coriYplices In* pie' cdrieplfacy" which ipfe-ceeded - P i e : holdup, v.. ; / ._ . A\ * . .District Attdrriey. Weeks has not ret indicated 'what lie jnearis ' to 'dp with Benjamin Thali^jee, .the self-con­f e s s e d : motorcar thief, who "was p ie chief "witness f o r ' t h e State arid who te?Ufied "to disposing of . t w o "stolen motorcars to Slattery^-n Hudson sef

limit, was "voted a rpusin


Facts Culled oy^a^"K<fen Observer bdring "Yesrs"in'lhe^brient

- 3 - - •: j s • -.-" • . •

i l i s s Racht-1 liro'oks vwhb spoke In i i h e ^Methodist Episcopal f"hurch on

Sunday evening brought the 4^«'W Woman in China" 'very^cldse Ito/her audience and when "she had finished lier hearers had a'neV^understanding of the fine spirit and" indomitable cour^ age of"Chinese wpriien,-who 'are'"quite as "well poised arid .quJ"ojas;dquaI to etnerg^ncies as are' their Western "sla­ters . •.<!• :•": •; • • '."• <0r it' _" ,-lYrJ

"It isn't pu*r; •wdndertul scientific ^Jiidvements which"bave -so impress­ed the'" Chinese; it?is^our^wpmen;'and

clntcned tight tne rot! onbTfif=i2=Hi5' hand, but i s "unable to describe h i s 5s^aiiaT5S^tn"el=".ti&'HG^i?^-that^"t^ were -young nion: of "about 'mediuin heififht. ' -:.:- :\:'-ri . s'i^.lA

When he cari l e \ 0 =hlmselfe'"nbtirs later ;hevwas lying rip^ntbeflobr^wiPi the'bills^stiirin"his"band"aridttwP'dgiy lumps : o n : b i s "£ead;'"'drie "on b i s fore; head "where h e was ^trock'ariri : tbe other on the back, "probably "caused when; he ""struck the floor."-'.- T h e ".roll; cd'rislstlng J/pf "ten one 'd'oliaf ^bflis; nearly torn Tin two. but 'with ."none" iriissing.. "were; s t i l l in "his "grasp" thoughthere'w^ere twVrigly1 cuts'which looked ' a s if t l i e y b a d 'been inf l ict­ed "with'a knife in"bis?right wrist "arid forearin. from "which l ie'had bled p?pr fusely." '-"'"-.,..• l>-";•'--"; '-...^ '/:.''-'• _l

A s s b b n as he 'was :able"b"o"ieleph6rt-ed the State : Police 'and ifo Ibis ein-ployer. "^fr-'Premm, I n / B a y Shore. Theylfoundvevide-rice"'bt Ta'scufile b u t riot a c^rit "of money^Was*;iriisslng. 'arid so far "as they" can discover'"do" "other thing ofi"value bad b e e n taken. ;Eyi-dontly the'ypri'rig'• cfcdks'were'a'ppalled by the sight "of tbeir bleedilrig 'arid unconscious 'victiin "arid, uncertain as to'Trbatbdr or riot tbey bad committed a murder.v were too'" frightened'to' tear tbe !;mdney from his" grasp'r ir to stop to take : the'other contents" o f the" cash register, but * iriade a "hurried 'escaped lelavirig"rio clrie *as "to Pieir identity:

/Dr.^lerritt."who''dressed the'ypurig Iriian'syworirids. found tfiat'prie of -th«*

Deputy Superintendent of Highways Erriest Gaiser. for years brie of the Town's inoBt useful 'and "valued eirir ployees, "who "was apprPacbirig this vil lage from' the eastward at JG:'16 on Wedridsday evening, dflvirig "a Town truck loaded vw"th cinders, crashed Into the "gateman's "shanty a t the ^Tdrth Idaln street crblaing, "pretty riearly "wrecking it. 'Edward Phillips; the 'ga temand'nduty 'at;£h"e?Priw,'wa3 inside ^arid Peter Guthie, "wbb "lives riear-by, bad just stepped in "to/ ask Phillips?abdut the"'time "of" trairis.'Both' were >kndcked"aown; and •corislderably hurt "wbeb ^ffie smallCsiricBnre "wd« b lL i t ^ a s : " m o v e d 3 7 e ^ f ~ 8 H ^ e e t r ^

The ' n i e n l w e r e ^half 'smpth'efed in cinders "from' the1^ truck. va lanii'p iln'side was ^overturned "^and>;the 'place- took fire; froinT Pie "burning '-bil. That the bulidirig -was ^riot/entireiy '"dempushed arid ;Eh"e~inen iridfe "seriously bbrt,: is d u e ; t o tfie "-fact that the truck "first struck "a guy "wif e "rind a "seat "built of heavy spianldng, "securely ^spiked. ' : ^ G Q l b { ' ^ i n ^ i 5 T ^ 5 S M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ d "Gaiser "with 'bei^.'drurik,^aridi/tlaeilatter, & j st'Sid"of ^being 'apoidgetic, "came back With a torrent" of profane "abuse."*and fonlllab^nage^__An^altefcaPon follo'wr

ed.'-but'fi ie'crPwd "which "quickly as-sembled.yparted the "angry men ' and GaIseT'waB"lakenTTibnTer^His~e^Ta1nai tlon' to^ friends.*was^^th'at 'tie^wasTblin'li ed ;"By^thef-ifgntaJ f rpm"?a'n'otb^erccax-

Paul O. Mercer, manager Pf / t h e Bluepblnts Co„ "who wenlTto Washing-1 { ton last week - to 'aitend a ; cdnf ef eriee . ;

on Thursday, ''called by Pie Federa l \ Health Service, "returned On Monday. . Mr. k e r c e r i s ; of * the "dpirif o n : fiiat' tbo" regniatforis vwblcb 'will probably^ " b e . adopted tris"Pie;irMuit-bf*tbe,"Wris torivcdriTererice, "wfll "-effect the '"policy of the local aMppera 'practicaily rndt at 'all. \ The 'drily ccb!aD€e ^wblcb zxmiy possibiy "cdine "abpnt' In^th'eir/sbipplajc afrarigeriients "'will ?perbapa :b"e s sd ine ' mep^od ""of stamping 'P ie ""b arr§!a ^ ' q ^ cans'^''wbicb t£hV"v^^ to "show tbat the r eSntents L^irb~Biue Points coming -Iroin. * the v Great %dutb Bay, "and iriciudlrig-.:fife name*"bf '^thd: sbippar.'.. '.-' ~"'.;":'> -:'/'. "--',-;""';<;-"'"

iJdcal shippers "are "very^opttinlstte over the • e^p^cted^bbtcome'pt^ttfe^COT^"" fererice "wbicbrwris 'attended b y / b e a i t b officials of -'20' states, 'by rre3"reaenta-tives of ^ederal^departm^ents. .:/Pnblic cdnfiderice1 in ' me^'pririty "bf "Blue-Point stock"arid In/Pie : integrity'-bf/ple^sbip-pers i s 5 rapidly being sTe^stabUabred. The" Biri'fpbints"- CoJbas' t b i s y w e e ^ ^ e e a dotrig'lOO per; centTmo^'b;usirij&i8":fi3iitt w"as the "case ten "days "ago. "and / t h e busiriess"of dther"sbippersv is s teadi ly coming /back t"ov what*is "cdrisidef ed 3a-riormalcb'ridiPqn"at^this/tinie^^

'A^matler.-ywhich "is 'still to "Tbe;?&J^ plained, b b w e v e r . r c ^ so Jwjdeiy ?puplisbed ?pn^ebraa^"-10pi . of :brl L. "L. : tiririisden'-'df '"the f e d e r a l Health ^Bureau, reflecting upon p i e purity bf" tbe^nBcal -'prbducL "tn ^fcat reppft"*DrrEums(len sajd-ne-naa- irao- -ed:tfie i"ty^'did/e&aeniic;in'^Cai dy8ter6 ^sbipp'edT'y 'a W e s t ? SayvBIe

l - o y i n e - i i g u i ^ t r u u , ^ u v v u e . ^ - . . _ , o y a i e r B s m j , i I C U „ . „ „ ^ _ _ , . „ . . ! ^ C ! W ? ^ ^ ^ S ? S ^ v f e cbncern^S'tfangeiy-mdng^

| I W ^ ^ S ^ ^ f i ^ ? , t f e , ^ 0 ^ den' -waV'at - f f ia t^^^ and" |ortaiiateiy"^ere foridd/tbbave'Bnsi p f \ - t d U e r ^ s e b t ' d n t ' b y % r . ^ i ' d l a o n , » „ 5 . , ^ „„ . M w 0 ^ P ^ o n B

! i r i i u r i e s than fef^m, "^fvSdriiissldrier Vot (Cbidago, > i t tairied no more serious Irijurtes thaii painful ^bruises. " - 7i* " 'TOe affair "was' re'^orted 'tp^railrbaii

ofSciaie, vwhb ""promptly^ sept a 'iriain out et'o ^irivestlgafe 'arid ^to ffiave "the gaiemari*s "sfiarity ^put back "into 'posl; tion/'arid; repaired. The truck'was'" riot badly ! dariiaged but "was.'taken tb Mantha's "garage yesterday for'minor repairs. ; ..."-. "-. •_'*"; | ./ {

J i rn eTrjel ri ii Other tciriV I slari cj -dlficeps in ^aFds

Health. Comiri iraion^ whicb-Burideson!/decJa^ed>ffiat^o"-'s^ plcidii "attached / t b "Blue /Points , :but ;

that :ttie"re "was :?grave .'snsplcidri ?epn-c«raMg'''dystersifiOT» ^mbffier'"septidn. Blue Points ^frbrii "here "have ^been sblpped by"the-carlpaa/toChicbgo• •arid N e w Tork'tbirdugb the laat"week.- ":;

-As & t result "of. i juri isdenV/'acuons, . representatives' o f ; the Ttlne 'Point/ in- "' dustry are 'reniainlng in 'Washington ! With;the 'avowed/purpPse'prdiscpyer-ing, if ^ppssihle.'the hasis 'tPr^tutris-den's/report. ;J. :- i : . v.. ,;.'.;„;.•„'.' -^;.-"-'S ?'InEthe ™idjls of local' d5a3ersvVpno? great good '."which 'Will ~c'pm.e,-'put / o f l a s t weekV ' W a ^ i i i g t o n -"j"cdnfe^erice will be' the fdrcirig dt buriierdt^^small shippers In-'various ""sectipris 'bf,/th"e "country "who; are kridVb;to /pie •trade as cpridiicting; business; in 'In^abitery fashitin, to clean "op. " their ^plants. Abdut ?1S0" de legates ' representIng 20

'" Ctintiriuetl on Pagf«rEight "

Chitiefe women imitate American l ^ > y f nv b l s arm had' narrowly m i s s e l

•women in everything they 'dp, ^'even their maniier of "walkirig." said ^ l i s s Brooks. The speaker gave a'Vonder-fnlly gripping wdrd-plctrire of the great revolution w h l c b ' made" China a republic, the tremendous part P'*T«i by China's brave "Joan'of "Arc" Vb%i was beheaded hut Ave 'years before her great dream could be realized,

land she told of the demonstrations

the artery. 'Otherwise the uncon-lous 'young man would '.prbhablyjb'ave bled to death. "Nusshauin tells a very" straight forward "story. He irf highly regarded by b i s employer.

S' YS ¥ £ ^ ^ ^ 8 ^ "F APER

Real^Cleab-up Following Tbriilin'ft/Eo-^counte'r-^-Twb WerT S h p ^ ' j l ""Arrest-{ed, rSeyeral ^Cars'a'rid lCd'diiderab?e r8o'dze ^Confiscated. "";--/•.': v l

fwb ^FIWES ^THIS littpiNG

dan and Ja Ford car. Orearrose^hai o I fi,,. K r Cat mass of Chinese stud

„ He decides to tako charge personally and teach the girls to b e charming.

Homer Johns, divorced husband b£ Miss Hays, former h"ad of the reboot, hold^ 1 m w l C s c e on t!i>* pchoni and ibreat^na to foreclose if any of the cirls fall in love w_!th the now nrin-cipal.. Hevatis-A^l<» s -'aci! 't-kcr "a? his ta«ks, «nr-TSl K- l1'^ four be?t fri^ni'?. David. Gcorse an<l the t">tir.%

im arid Tfrn. to teach t t « girl? law, han?et5o!d . necnnr;t?r;r. dnneTnc and muslci

Th«» r.» iv arrancer^nt r^wes very

been In -"jail s ince the latter part April. , . / ,

H'u'ntln'fltcn' Lids'^^byerwhelmea 'By Sayvllle'«"Crack Fhre.

The Huntington High School fir.'t basketball team played the SayvII!e first team In the Opera House on Fri­day dvenlng or last week at 6:"0 o'clock. The game was called early in order that all Interested might see the- Patebr,jru«—Bay Shore r » w c . a t Bay Shore. The result of the came %tas an overwhelmlrit: defeat by the local tram. At the'first half the *eor* stood 41—11 In Sayviile'? farnr ar.-l r1o«od 7&— n fu favor of Sayviile. The same was referred by LeRoy Aratn.

ents . whose influence Wasvery power­ful in bringing about the republic.

The talk cave a glimpse here df tb*? cord'dness and horrors of the Chine?* factory system; there a bit of the 1 ragedy so often found In the1 Chinese domestic life, due to'thf arranged mar­riages arid plural wives , but tnronzh It all ran the story of the new Chinese woman, just r.s bravo in the face of insurmountable difficulties, just" a i * well "poised and fesonrceful a* h*t W e s t - T u s i s f r .

Prbgreis of "a :Sertiatfdnal 'Will Cas; . Copies (of the case tin appeal In the

George S. Nicholas will contest have been filed In the Surrogate's Court at Rlverhead. and the Appellate Divis­ion may hear the appeal during"'the March term, "it Is the longest and most sensational wil contest the country has ever bad. George >*•. Nicholas, a w e a l t h y ' w i n e import*-), wl»b a sunimer home at Isllp. disin­herited his son.'GroSvenor. from any part of his $2.5fK .00O ctat«-. The tat­ter eontesteil t h e ' w n i . aBsertinp his father's mind had been polsonf-1 against Mm by "n!? brothers and s'.•-ten», who divide, trie"esfate. At t!;.-rnil of a trial bat ing a mo-ntlu during

Iwhich many noted eip^rtK were c*atled Tect Fire Siren To-morrow. ' tho Jjrr>-fnunO eontestant breaking the j

are siren will be tested [will. Surrogate Pelletreau set as!r%j:

The new

frr.TC §5.0?0 io $ i W 0 {>er mrinm. Since j , ^ r " " ^ t h " t ^ ' ^ I r K ' ^ ^ r t a l l v with j h e ral=^- of that oHlca was fised a ^ ^ r ; j r | a n r f w , | h „ , „ 0 „ r | | , ^e

t&,mt the r^ctlor. br.rm^ nnri the ^crA:TV 0nU M , K m v e a , „ r .

Tne game-'between Ray Shore and Palrfhocuf lh?- pame^ycnlrig was a batlie nival, with a husc crowd to witness the contest. WbU'b,Vent -« r.'frT'^trae1 by a st -»nx of 23—19.

* /•

motor l icense burcAn hare been added aad''th^'re--«r*,nETnJitly'of the Coun*y. Cterk h%* b«*n dpnbled," the gro.-a re-retpts U M - « t of the.«ev<rftl rie-j*ftrtifl5ntK uBflrr 'the sar^frlsicn "of

. CMtety/Clefk F a l f f r feeing *$2K,G2S. Tfcts; Babjidii 'PtjbU'^Ing 'Co., W53

a w i d N d . |fce cctitract to print th«* 1S24: j-rocw:tlftiSji. 0 ! the/iJoaffi of' ftu-

._ ptrti**;rs. l ls'lifd «S!;|i..^S-3ti'pftffe'bC' )ik"£#b:fe#l|t. ;-:Tfcb 'CJr trntF 'B^^,

prove-. Rlvnnc f.rid="at lentth that ah,"- "s

richi; thjtrtn.ls>. like- a £ro-->d r o l e - i t «orks .belli way.'.; One r.norr^ftc'. evfTit after ai^other tafces place nt lb'- ' O.arrr. School, bat in the.pr-d eve-r.v o?< fy hnppy, anrl charm wit's.

' Pro-gramme - ACT I

Sffir.e: The febabby slttiRg room'or the fft;i "fiedr of an rt$ fasbforie^ 'J?e^ Tftr*{:b-33?r-. -'"'/.

•flthr: ".Kte-rr s.s. . . . .

M. G. Wiflgtns Left Quarter MiiHcn

The estate of late Milton G . W i r -gin?, prominent in hb» lifetime In Pat-chn^ne. "nan been apfira",teel nt $263.-478 ?9 grosR and ?r:t.606.95 ne-t, ac-MnHait'td papeta filed In the Snrrv c-ite'R Coart aere yeiterSky. The Us

n^ihe ehfate smmint«! to $l.eil.1!9

jlo-morrfl^. Saxnroay. F^bnufi at 12 o'clock noon, when el^ct wili be on hand to explain it« actle.n and the method of "Its use. and all riombsrs of. the Department arc u r c d ( 0 } , p 0 n hand for t«\l«i etperimeatal lo!.t and trial tn onler t":3t .ill may bej properly instmrte'2 in the meth.-.<i of I

^Fo^r.atnc an alftrm

.• 2":'; itht're'rdlfct r,f the Jury, however. riHarisi admit ted the- will to prohate. An

peal fn-m the derision of Judce Pel-letrefeu will now be argued, the con-lc*tant holdsng tbat the .verdict of ,the jnry' «hcnbl be. r e i n s t a l l .

'Accbiding t'o'ftie Perth Ambdy'Even-Sng-'S'ewi«." that section'of ^ few Jersey is "having its first real clean-up of rum runners and bootleggers. Pivls-idualC^ief R.^Q.^ferrick.who s tar ted tn there last "week with a sqriad ef Prohibition 'Agents, including 'several w h o have be>en operating in this part of Long" Islr»hrl. was riot-Iong^-in obtain­ing results.

Aerord'rrig to the above named paper, a ^blg seizure,''of 'liquor was made at Keansbnrg, "N. J., last Friday night.- w h e n 11 men "were--rjaptvired. Knforcement Officers James Zegcl, Jacob Cosnell. Frank Arnold, John McArthur. John Qlsen. Charles'Combs, James "N'obury nod Thomas F . Shan^ non. In resppn£*C tc a tip that rum boats "were to land at a lone riier i t K<?ar.shnrg. went there las; Fridiy night. Two bootleggers w*re guard­ing the; rate to tin"1 p!'*'r With shot- ' smns. Zegel climbed ov^r the- pate and disarmed the guanb-- white h i s cnmtiafiidns, kept th.-n, covered. \ t

(.,, the end of tht* piei they found n long 0TV5 jh-.iililinn. the eioors of which wero locV.

Garage in'^Nofth ^Siyvllle '"tiestfdyed. /-"An AtarrriYrigIrtish "Fire. /

An ;alarm'"bf fire^at- ten minutes'^paSt brie o 'c lock . ' tb i s l mcrrilng "vcaifed ''out :. the "Fire Departirierit^^to'"'a^sriioil garage '•'< in "Xorth sdyytlle on the-property^'dt ., Ab'ram Leach" tin *a new' street iate iy cut through arid ^parallel "with 'Rb'dse-vclt averiue.. The" building "Was prac­tically destroyed when : the 'fire 3*^aa disC0vere<l"by belyhbbrs, 'wbtV Wrere alarmed-by the "sparks driven before the high wind. There'Was nothing le f t io save when the firewien 'ajrivdd/bct they rjumivlned an hour to m3ke "sure that no further damage resulted.

At i t o'clock this reorrilng another alarm "was~sent in from the boirie df -Mrs. Susan Vauilerhoof. at the "cor­ner of Candee :tvenne and Maple street. 'Mrs. Variderhobf and b e r daugbter are preparing to 'vaca te • I ts property, which has been purchased by William Love, and -a small - fire bf rnbblsb'was Flatted In the hack ylara. The high wind caused u to set beydrid

' the control of Miss 'Vanderhoof and the blaxe was ibreat'-nlnp the rear b f the house, hut h&d b^en' fetlnsrilsb"?4 hy neighbor* betoro the ftrrivai of the Department, althouRh the latter re-5Ppni!cd promptly;- '*» -. " •

; • * « - t ; , ' t ^ i - i i k i , r£ Jc-d but w^rt? riua.itie«. "' t in thc'bniiding w.-rt, nine c.ir-. in.-tui I Thirty sin State If.«rpec.tpr

ing a *need w<igoo 'half loaded with, |vebicie« viHited the.-Smith

about M cases of llqdor; T b t y found" 10 or IS men urilftadtnt?

rum V a t arid Y,t&*\ and Arrio

The 'Sayviile, Fire romrc!s?ietne-r^.j

Drivers Fined S5 EacK. Kitbolfts 2wart ftad Bernard Gaisct-.k&per Wa* t&ken out Willi, othc-!

Keep-no Cool with Cool.'dge. Adam Seabary'brings to HR an

teUftlng *crap of r-^-r part of rotos'.-av'src see-lion of R recent gue of lho>?ew Terk Tlfnes.

r h o were In tbo t ^ d . wore mistaken -BTBS for the purpose 6f cherkiR?


Tbo R5tc fr o iTuic r.,!atn rvraor.r^ tn 81.6IU9- M „ n 0 f the cars wblch were in col- m a l f r to br- bnrcert. T,.e. o..t> f « «

The net • * * » • l» « I T W M ^ ™ tirion nt Wert SAyrfflc *brttit noon on meat which c * o p e d the flame. a«. t , - s - Jnlla ft 'Wfgxiaa. ^ ^ - *&>: Wedae*e!*y. were rach g H t n a wm-1 which vraa later p e k e d up on tb.

&72J1; i\( :sfa B . Wiggins :G«traeto H.

daughter, wi«rin*.

da&ftbttf^^MlS^t; -?,tS8,

triorts by tbo '"State Pci'c* Zwfttt ner'yttiiB'g Gai?-:-r h:

• , 1 5 .

Orvnie' C Wi^lartrer**" license* *it6n«.; not •' y*t ut&w "flc*<!'-is'<

•'"••.'*'•••' • ;'- ' ' " # b t , V . r

teflherliatni by Mr. Ssabnty, vfas a ^ . t t r a l t -'.fc?--rio{ President Cooli-ige wbfch bad b ^ «

it-cd'by lire. './rbYt^rtr-itt •?irnfe e.'''{"0'lrie"f e:ti-W'../:'«i"!»s

__»« oat'. * and they w t i fefrf«nt -eh'by'Jsja:icr-"!l."T>.'itself. 'f*l" "ft

for h l-Jsckers an J the "bootleggers bad them covered with their gbris. Tbcy eoon deosrtni«tfftted. b.owerer. tbat t h e y ' b a d the authority of tbo law bchfnd them sr.il went in Rrarcbof the bd-it, tho-'cRgloo'-of which tbv>y rm&rri rnrinlng In tbe"3arl.'b-&t-Vr«rr. ftstabh* to locate It. 1sWltl*."jhbir/'RnAThligMs li was disco^eted : t h s t J h e ' m r n 'rttri-riefs had rant'oS'ibelr'ltrt^s af.4 that the •ikvat'Smt K^» ; i* ' tiH"frem -the ^«r»."tejc"la^i«»:p.fetp*^, .-...

';f5tie "bf' tffotfnis ^SfeSii' ^sfs " i-Vf-zN

of Motor s:-ore b t

I^inc Island the >Istter v<ar! of l a s t week, rracbint: r?ayviHe ar-d vioirilty r-n. Sritortlay, Their trit> down "Sere

lp*v/a motor vcbtcLis. Tv, this fo.%il!t'yfhey fitterfi bo' cl-vaaSeurs br tRxirtb rtrire'w who were cperatii^t wl-fhPat beta's eT licenses. . I n B4jrpbrt they.Vyffed;'W srimmentr on Peter J.-'Mh?jf^

**"*» JoliTi"Mo"rf-aTi,"1 wh> son of MR


«... :,,v.

e of;lS'ta"' \-rb4tc 'to'pte-eet v Ahiitid, Rraodi". nf',^SSs>Y.ii^ ^"Wfih-^r:t:fes';ttiheiS!;";-n3; fiWliSW!:*"fa«t: XXhttT-* Nt* - Pfv)tt


:->..*-•.- '--,','* . ' • . ' • ' - : ' ' y - - : ; : " - - : ri -:;-.--' - - •.-. . - . . - - ; ; ^ ' • ' •• • . - • > • "

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