OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site15917... · OLD CLEEVE...

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Transcript of OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site15917... · OLD CLEEVE...

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


Agenda Item Action

Present Present: Cllr Williams, (Chair), Cllr Gannon (Vice-Chair), Cllr Duncan, Cllr Smith, Cllr Searle, Cllr Eggar, Cllr Johnson-Smith (from 7.10pm), Cllr Duncuff-Hoad (from 7.15pm), Cllr Hunt (from 7.30pm) Cllr Baker (from 7.45pm) Cllr Lawrence (from 7.40 – 8.10pm)

927/0320 Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Apologies: Cllr Binding, Cllr Webb, Cllr Penny, Cllr Lillis, Cllr Gaskin, Cllr Kravis, Cllr Pilkington Declarations of Interest: Cllr Gannon – cheque payment for expenses Cllr Eggar – planning application 6/26/20/102LB

928/0320 Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes of the meeting of February 17th 2020 to be approved: Proposed: Cllr Duncan Seconded: Cllr Eggar It was resolved unanimously, that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th February 2020, be accepted as a true and accurate record.

929/0320 Minutes of the Special Planning Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of March 4th 2020 to be approved Proposed: Cllr Gannon Seconded: Cllr Duncan It was resolved unanimously, that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 4th March 2020, be accepted as a true and accurate record

930/0320 Chairs Report

The Chair summarised activities undertaken since the February 2020 meeting:

• An article has been written for the Parish magazine

• The Quarterly Inspection of the War Memorial was undertaken, at which

the following was assessed

o The broken flagpole - see item no. 944/0320 b.

o Leaves on steps – Cllr Williams will clear

o There are no other issues

• An Inspection of Parish Assets was undertaken, which covered the


o Recreation ground


o Belle Vue area including bus shelters

o Roadwater bus shelter

o Bus shelters Dragons’ Cross

o War Memorial

o Benches at the top of Bilbrook Lane

o Bench seat at the viewpoint above Old Cleeve

For further details - see item 944/0320 c.

• Attended the meeting regarding the coast road, Watchet – Blue Anchor

with Cllr Gannon

o Received the report from the consultants for SCC Highways

o All options considered

o Preferred options selected and costed

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


o Full details are available online at SCC

o Next step is to seek funding

o There will be feedback to the group once progress has been made

o Currently there is no ‘Plan B’

For further information – see item 943/0320

931/0320 Clerks Report

The Clerk summarised the following:

• The Clerk had received a phone call regarding anti-social behaviour outside an Old Cleeve resident’s property which has happened three times. This has been reported to the relevant authorities. If anyone experiences anything that they consider to be anti-social, please ensure in the first instance, the authorities are notified and also copy in the Parish Council so that people can be kept informed

• Reports about footpaths that need maintaining have been made for Monks Path and Belle Vue

• An email has been received from Sustainable Roadwater regarding the Parish Council considering declaring a climate emergency – see item 942/0320

• Due to the escalation of the current health crisis – Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Clerk will be cancelling her previously requested period of annual leave

932/0320 Reports from: Somerset County Council (SCC) and Somerset West and Taunton District Council (SWT) Police and Neighbourhood Watch

Cllr Lawrence (SCC):

• See report below from Cllr Lawrence

• Cllr Smith asked Cllr Lawrence if she had any information on when the railings at Blue Anchor might be repaired. Cllr Lawrence stated that they are due to be repaired before Easter

Police Reports Cllr Hunt has circulated the latest information to the councillors

933/0320 Members of the Public Question Time

There were no members of the public in attendance.

934/0320 Annual Parish Meeting 2020

Agree date for the Annual Parish Meeting It was agreed that the meeting will take place on Monday 4th May 2020. This is of course subject to change with the ongoing situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Clerk will await guidance or instruction from NALC. Any change will be communicated on the noticeboards and/or website.

935/0320 Meeting with Planning Officer

Agreement to contact SWT planning officer to arrange a meeting As meetings are currently being cancelled, this will be deferred until further notice.

936/0320 Parish Welcome Packs

Consider producing ‘Welcome Packs’ for new residents Due to the current situation and uncertainty about when a meeting can be held, this will be deferred until further notice.

937/0320 Ecological Roadwater

Update regarding progress Cllr Gaskin was unable to attend and this will be deferred until the next meeting

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


938/0320 Parish Council Lengths-man scheme

Consider request to research possibility of introducing this scheme Cllr Smith requested that with the decline of the Local Authority and Somerset County Council undertaking some maintenance tasks e.g. pavements, clearing foliage around signs and other necessary works, the Parish Council consider researching the viability of employing a lengths-man. This could help to prevent further deterioration of the environment and the timing of when work is completed would be more targeted. It was also suggested that perhaps another Parish may like to partner with the scheme, to ensure an efficient and cost-effective service. The Clerk has been in contact with Misterton Parish Council who are collating information and is awaiting the details from them. It was proposed that the Clerk investigate this further with a view to how it could operate and costings Proposed: Cllr Smith Seconded: Cllr Gannon

The Clerk

939/0320 Fingerpost sign - Treborough

Update following reporting of missing fingerpost Cllr Gannon reported that the original fingerpost had been hit by a lorry and that he had lifted it back on and reported that it was damaged. It was then hit again and a new one is now being manufactured.

940/0320 Road from Roadwater to Bilbrook

Update on flooding and condition of the road The road has been cleared as much as possible and the Flood Group had been in contact to say that the farmer is working hard to try and keep the water from running down the road. He had also cleared the landslide as quickly as possible. With the extremely wet weather over the winter, it had been hard to prevent the flooding events, but in conjunction with the Flood Group, he is addressing this.

941/0320 West Somerset Community Land Trust

Feedback re community housing projects Cllr Johnson-Smith had attended a meeting of the West Somerset Community Land Trust regarding these projects. This involves a landlord being prepared to give land for this purpose. The Trust are currently looking for land that might be suitable and are also looking at funding for the future. Michael Eavis has successfully undertaken this scheme in Glastonbury. Cllr Johnson-Smith would like to keep this subject open to ensure any opportunities identified are considered by the Parish Council.

942/0320 Sustainable Roadwater

Feedback from meeting Cllr Johnson-Smith had attended part of the meeting and it had been suggested (as per the email received by the Clerk) that it is beneficial for a Parish Council to declare a climate emergency as this would enable access to additional funding to support activities that address and mitigate the effects of climate change in this area. It was recommended that a member of Sustainable Roadwater be invited to a future meeting to make a brief presentation and for the Clerk to look further into what benefits there are from making this declaration. Proposed: Cllr Johnson-Smith Seconded: Cllr Gannon Related to this, Cllr Gannon stated that under planning legislation from 2018, a planning authority can request that developers look at measures over and above the minimum standards, although this is not currently part of district local planning

The Clerk

943/0320 Coastal Road

Feedback from meeting Cllrs Williams and Gannon had attended the meeting held on Friday 6th March 2020 which outlined the recommendations for the Coastal Road following a review of the area and possible solutions. Various options have been considered and the preferred option has been identified. Potential funding sources have also been identified and consultations will need to be undertaken to secure these.

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


The Parish Council will await further information. The full report can be found at: http://docs.somerset.gov.uk/wl/?id=dVDmNiasKrwvDRI4fFPsF3c2YV6uRRHw Cllr Johnson-Smith queried why the tidal barrier option had not been more fully considered as the benefits for the area could be enormous. Cllr Williams replied that the scheme had been discounted due to the cost, however, Cllr Johnson-Smith suggested that this should be followed up further with a letter to the local MP stating that this option should be seriously considered, with an invitation to attend a Parish Council meeting to discuss this further Proposed: Cllr Duncan Seconded: Cllr Smith

The Clerk

944/0320 Washford Recreation Ground and War Memorial

a. Work to be undertaken following October 2019 inspection and feedback from March 2020 inspection

1) MUGA:

• Goal posts – work ongoing and undersides of top panels need to be

rubbed down and repainted. Weather dependent so awaiting dry


• Replacement of tennis net – costings. Cllr Johnson-Smith has sent the

Clerk a contact from a tennis club who can supply posts. The Clerk will

investigate this further and report back at the next meeting

• MUGA fencing starting to rust – update on quotes. One quote

received; the Clerk is still awaiting a response from one other

contractor and will research others who may be able to undertake the

work required. The Clerk will also contact SALC regarding advice on

how to proceed if unable to obtain three quotes

• Surface area will need to be cleared of all moss and debris Spring 2020

– a contractor has quoted £350 for the work. It was proposed that this

be agreed and the contractor informed as soon as possible

Proposed: Cllr Smith Seconded: Cllr Searle

• Re-painting of lines to be undertaken Spring/Summer 2020 - condition

of surface to be monitored as starting to deteriorate

• Various surface areas around the outer perimeter of the MUGA need

levelling – weather dependent so awaiting dry conditions

2) Recreation Ground fencing:

• A quote of £350.00 had been received for the repair of the chain link

and the repair of three broken posts of the boundary fence. It was

proposed that the quote is accepted and the contractor is informed as

soon as possible.

Proposed: Cllr Binding Seconded: Cllr Duncan

• Cllr Gannon will produce the specification for the pedestrian gate and

the Clerk will forward this to the fencing contractors for costings

3) Maintenance gate from path (next to the kissing gate):

• Does not have the 12mm gap as required – needs to be adjusted from

the hinge side and moved over to allow this to happen – ongoing as

awaiting dry conditions

4) Signs:

Slight damage to sign into the recreation ground – can be rectified when all notices consolidated into one sign. Review financial year 2020/2021

The Clerk The Clerk The Clerk The Clerk Cllr Gannon

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


5) Play tunnel:

• Timber rotting at tunnel entrance – to be cleared out and filled with

appropriate wood filler – awaiting dry conditions

• Wooden supports to be monitored re any rotting timber – can be

covered at the base to prevent further damage from strimming –

regular reviews undertaken

b. War Memorial

• Flagpole - As agreed at the February meeting the flagpole will be ordered

as soon as possible by the Clerk and a contractor had provided an estimate

(estimate given due to uncertainty of work involved in taking out the

original concrete base) of £325. It was proposed that this be agreed and

the contractor informed as soon as possible

Proposed: Cllr Searle Seconded: Cllr Eggar

• 75th VE Day Commemorations – it was proposed that a wreath is

purchased from the Royal British Legion for the occasion. The Clerk will

arrange this

Proposed: Cllr Baker Seconded: Cllr Eggar

c. Feedback re inspection of all other assets and review of the Belle Vue play area

• Path alongside the railway – water running down from the railway line is

pooling on the path and adjacent grassed area. Work needs to be

undertaken to prevent this. Lesions from tree roots are appearing and

developing, causing a potential trip hazard. Cllr Gannon stated that further

work is due on the Steam Coast Trail. It was proposed that the Clerk

contact the Steam Coast Trail, to ascertain at what phase the project is,

with a view to addressing these issues in conjunction with work already

planned on the path adjacent to the recreation ground

Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Baker

• Bus shelters – structurally all are sound, they just require a full clean and

re-painting or re-treating

It was proposed that the Clerk obtains quotes for the above work.

Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Baker

• Benches – the benches in the recreation ground are in good condition and

clear, the benches in Old Cleeve need to have the foliage around them

cleared and re-painting or re-treating, the bench originally donated by the

WI has a slat missing, needs; re-painting/re-treating and the foliage around

it clearing

Cllr Gannon will replace the slat and it was proposed that the Clerk contact

the grounds maintenance contractor for a quote on adding the clearing of

the foliage for the WI bench on to the annual scheme of works

Proposed: Cllr Smith Seconded: Cllr Baker

• During the inspection, Belle Vue play area was also reviewed although

maintained and insured by Somerset West and Taunton District Council

and is not a Parish Council asset. The footpath gates need repairing as does

the maintenance gate. The Clerk has reported these.

The Clerk The Clerk The Clerk The Clerk The Clerk Cllr Gannon The Clerk

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


The play area itself has equipment that is either unsafe or out of use and

the BMX track is overgrown. Cllr Williams proposed that a dialogue is

started to discuss the future of the area, with the possibility of a capital

transfer of the land to the Parish Council to use the area as a community

garden with small play area

Proposed: Cllr Williams Seconded: Cllr Gannon

d. Review of Risk Management Report

It was proposed that the report be agreed. The Clerk will circulate to all members.

Proposed: Cllr Eggar Seconded: Cllr Duncan

The Clerk The Clerk

945/0320 Action Points and updates from previous meetings

Road defects at Washford and water run-off/gullies at Golsoncott Cllr Gannon reported that one pothole had been repaired and that others were not yet deemed deep enough to warrant a repair. The gullies are still blocked. Cllr Gaskin, although not present had emailed to say he had undertaken work digging out and clearing the stream which had helped. These issues are now closed, but will be monitored.

946/0320 Highways and Footpaths from previous meetings

a. Washford Road Safety (including Wig Wag timings and additional signage) – Update re A39 Dunster to Williton road safety improvements consultation

• The response to the works planned was sent to the Highways department following the February 2020 meeting – no response has been received as yet. The Clerk will follow this up

b. Feedback from Highways re Roadwater works to be undertaken

• Highways have confirmed that although the sign is unable to be located due to the space available, road markings will be painted instead. The work is due to take place in the new financial year and will be monitored to see when actioned

c. Update on the area of mud around the historic signpost near Rockshill Copse

• The tenant farmer has cleared some of the mud, however a large amount still remains and is blocking the ditch. When it rains, this causes flooding across the road, taking the mud with it. The Clerk will contact Highways to request that the ditch is cleared to prevent further flooding

The Clerk The Clerk

947/0320 Planning

1) Planning Applications: a. 6/26/20/101LB - Listed Building Consent for removal of late C20th internal

additions and reinstatement of barge board Oatway House, Tackers Street, Roadwater, Watchet, Somerset, TA23 0QY It was agreed that there are no objections to the proposals Proposed: Cllr Duncan Seconded: Cllr Gannon Resolved unanimously

b. 6/26/20/102LB – Listed Building Consent for the proposed replacement windows together with conversion of window to fire escape Little Stamborough, Roadwater, Watchet, TA23 0RW It was agreed that there are no objections to the proposals Proposed: Cllr Duncan Seconded: Cllr Gannon Resolved unanimously by all member eligible to vote

2) Other Planning Issues: a. 3/26/19/016 (SWT) – Former Nursery Site update on status - granted b. 3/26/19/024 (SWT) – Land North of Huish Lane update on status – awaiting decision

The Clerk The Clerk

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.05pm Signed (Chair)…………………………………………………………………………………….. Date……………………………………………………………..

948/0320 Finance

a. Consider National Joint Council (NJC) recommended salary increase as at April 1st 2020 This has not yet been agreed by the NJC b. Income/expenditure report to circulate - @ February 28th 2020 The report was circulated to all members. Total income to date = £32251.74 total expenditure to date = £15566.66 Proposed: Cllr Smith Seconded: Cllr Baker d. To approve the monthly schedule of payments for March 2020 The March 2020 schedule of payments information was available at the meeting. Monthly Schedule of Payments Proposed: Cllr Eggar Seconded: Cllr Searle Resolved unanimously to approve the following payments:

Ch No. Payee Sum £ Details

2036 Clerk 512.00 March salary and h/w allow

2037 Clerk 6.90 Expenses (stamps/printing)

2038 Roadwater Youth Club 500.00 Wellbeing Fund Donation from Cllr Lawrence

2039 Overall Cleaning Services 150.00 Bus shelters cleaning/deep clean

2040 Old Cleeve Church Rooms 135.00 Room hire 2018/19 and 2019/20

2041 P. Gannon 10.00 Expenses – Local Plan Issues and Options Document

2042 Exmoor Society 20.00 Annual Membership

S/O Blue Anchor Toilets 300.00 Monthly donation

TOTAL £1633.90

SSE DD also due (18/03/2020) – details were not available for agenda as after the meeting date. Will be confirmed at the next meeting.

949/0320 Correspondence

The green correspondence folder was circulated for Councillors to read

950/0320 Items for information only or future agendas – all Councillors

• Cllr Johnson-Smith and Cllr Williams both have nominees in mind for the Chair Awards for Service to the Community. The Clerk will contact the relevant officer to ascertain if this is possible

• Cllr Johnson-Smith stated that the recent works with traffic lights at Carhampton had caused many tail-backs and delays and that signage was incorrect. It was requested that the Clerk contact the Highways Department to lodge a complaint about this with the contractor

The Clerk The Clerk

951/0320 Date of next meeting – The next meeting will be held at 7.00pm on Monday 20th April 2020 at Roadwater Village Hall

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


Somerset County Councillors Update February 2020 Mandy Chilcott – Minehead Christine Lawrence – Dunster Useful Contacts, Resources & Websites

Councillor Mandy Chilcott

Councillor Mandy Chilcott E - mjchilcott@somerset.gov.uk

07969 794244

Councillor Christine Lawrence

E - cmlawrence@somerset.gov.uk 01643 707889 07500 606800

Report Pothole/Road Defects https://www.somerset.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/report-a-pothole-or-road-defect/

0300 123 2224

Report Risk to Adult adults@somerset.gov.uk 0300 123 2224 Emergency 999

Report Risk to Child childrens@somerset.gov.uk 0300 123 2224 Emergency 999

Refuse Collection etc Enquiries@somerstwaste.gov.uk https://www.somersetwaste.gov.uk/

00823 625 700

Interested in Fostering or Adoption

Fosteringinsomerset.org.uk 0800 587 9900

Road Works/diversions etc

Travelsomerset.co.uk One.network

Talking Café Multi Agency Drop ins for help & advice Beach Hotel Mondays 10am –1 pm

Somersetagents.org/talking-cafes/ E – info@somerstrcc.org.uk

01823 331 222

COMMUNITY CONNECT - www.somersetcommunityconnect.org.uk - This is a website about your care, health and wellbeing. It is a website that has been created to help create awareness for the people in Somerset of what is available in the community.

This website has lots of information and advice and a directory of providers, local groups and activities and information drop-ins for adult residents in Somerset to find information, advice and services to manage their own care and wellbeing.

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


Current Consultations

Somerset West & Taunton Council - Closes 16 March

Local Plan for next 20 years to 2040


For whole of Somerset, District & County Council Closes 25 Feb Adults, 18th for 11-18-year olds

Climate Emergency


Council Fit for my Future – Closes 12 April

Community Health and Care Services

https://response.questback.com/isa/qbv.dll/ShowQuest?QuestID=5439572&sid=svGXw5jSKz Or search Fit for My Future - Community Health & Care Services Engagement Questionnaire

The Future of Local Government in Somerset – ONESOMERSET

The debate on the potential of a unitary authority for Somerset is to be started. The report that was commissioned to look into various options for the County can be viewed here:- https://onesomerset.org.uk/

Town and Parish Councils would remain exactly as they are - the report considers different ways of working for Somerset Districts and the County Council.

FIT FOR MY FUTURE - Minehead library engagement is on February 17th at 2.00-3.00 pm.

The NHS want to make it easier for people to get support and care where they live. This means they are looking at how we use our community health and care services. Details of the current online consultation questionnaire can be found in the consultation table above.

Community Connect

Somerset County Council’s Adult Social Care team have implemented a new website www.somersetcommunityconnect.org.uk

Some of the key things on the site include:

• A directory of Micro-Providers - the growing network of small-scale, often single-person, care providers who can help with care at home.

• A list of drop-in events being run by a huge range of community and voluntary organisations in your local area

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


• Information about support for carers

• Help to access equipment through the county’s two Independence and Advice Centres

• A directory of registered home care and care home providers

Talking Cafes Adult Social Care now have 17 Talking Cafes and a network of Community Agents and village agents who work closely with SCC’s social work teams to ensure that people are able to find solutions that help them live as independently as possible in their own home and community. To date 5,519 people have been supported through the Talking Cafes. Minehead’s talking café is at the Beach Hotel on Mondays from 10 am – 1 pm. Free Health Checks

Nearly 7,000 people benefitted from free health checks last year thanks to the service delivered for Somerset County Council and the NHS. And the checks will continue this year, giving anyone over 40 with the chance to have a free check-up every five years, helping identify those at higher risk of certain health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or stroke. During the 30-minute check, healthcare professionals assess blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI and lifestyle. With these results the practitioner can advise patients about small changes that they can make which could have a huge impact on their future health. You can find out more about health checks here https://somersethealthchecks.co.uk/about-nhs-health-checks.

Caring about children’s mental health in Somerset.

This is a great initiative to help our young people improve their mental health.

In February, Somerset Libraries will be part of a national launch of a new Books on Prescription collection aimed at Children’s mental health. Books on Prescription is delivered by The Reading Agency and aims to provide collections of self-help books that have been chosen by health professionals and endorsed by those living with the relevant health condition. This latest collection is targeted at children in Key Stage 2, and addresses topics that include how to stay mentally healthy, dealing with worries and emotions, and dealing with tough times e.g. bereavement or trauma. One in eight 5-19-year olds had a mental health condition when assessed in 2017 and over one third of parents worry about their children’s mental health (4 – 11 years) at least once a month, demonstrating that this collection will be a well needed provision.

The complete collection is available from Minehead Library.

Budget plans set out thriving and ambitious future for Council

New schools, investment in roads, a boost to local jobs and a dramatically improved financial outlook on a year ago have been outlined by Somerset County Council

As well as the investment in services, there was a repeated commitment to no further frontline job cuts.

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


Cabinet have agreed and recommended approval of a net budget of £338m and total spending in excess of £775m on services in 2020/21, as well as £319m of investment in capital projects – including school buildings – across 2020 to 2023 – including £133m in the next financial year.

A balanced budget which takes on board the challenge of rising Adult Social Care demand and costs - achieved without additional service cuts, but instead through efficiencies and service transformation has been presented.

An increase of 1.99 per cent of the County Council’s element of the Council Tax is proposed, along with a 2 per cent ring-fence for Adult Social Care. The total 3.99 per cent rise equates to a 95p a week increase for a Band D property*, and makes available an extra £4.9m for services in general, plus a further £4.9m which will support the demand for growth in Adult Social Care services.

The proposed £133.5m capital programme for 2020/21, funded by government grants, borrowing and capital receipts, includes nearly £47m spent on school builds and expansions, £18m on highways and engineering, £33m on highways and traffic management, and £9.5m on economic development.

Coronavirus (COVID 19) – Well Rehearsed Plans in Place Catch it, Bin it, Kill it.

Every winter health and care professionals gear up for a busy winter in preparation for flu and norovirus, and

now there’s a new virus on the block – Coronavirus (or COVID-19 it as officially named by the World Health


There are at the time of writing no positive COVID-19 cases in the South West, but local health and care

services are well prepared with well-rehearsed plans are in place to deal with any potential outbreaks.

So, what do we know about it? It’s such a new illness that health professionals are learning more and more

each day. It’s believed to be spread from person to person through cough droplets. We also know simple basic

hygiene measures (which we should be doing regularly anyway) can help prevent its spread. This includes

washing your hands regularly with soap and water and using a tissue when sneezing or coughing and throwing

it away – the familiar ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’. Without a tissue, then use the crook of your arm rather than your


For the latest information, advice and guidance, check out https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-


Minehead Parking Review

A piece of work is underway looking at the parking and lining in Minehead and Dunster. The town and parish

Councillors have been consulted, and moving forward there will be discussions with the businesses and

residents. Please get in touch if you have any issues that you wish to raise.

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


Update on Local Improvement Schemes

There are several Councillor small improvement schemes that are under consideration for Minehead.

• Drop Kerbs from Cher to Shops at Alcombe – these are about to be constructed.

• Review of parking and Safety along Townsend Road between Minehead First School and Minehead

Middle School – this is due to take place later in the year

• Project to Allow Pedestrians to cross Bircham Road - this project is still in planning. All current projects

are due to be completed by May 2021.

Somerset County Council Annual Budget

The annual budget meeting took place on 19 February and this is the link to the papers: -


New schools, investment in roads, a boost to local jobs and a dramatically improved financial outlook from a

year ago have been outlined in the Somerset County Council budget.

As well as the investment in services, there was a repeated commitment to no further frontline job cuts.

Council have agreed a net budget of £338m and total spending in excess of £775m on services in 2020/21, as well as £319m of investment in capital projects – including school buildings – across 2020 to 2023 – including £133m in the next financial year.

A balanced budget which takes on board the challenge of rising Adult Social Care demand and costs - achieved without additional service cuts, but instead through efficiencies and service transformation has been presented.

An increase of 1.99 per cent of the County Council’s element of the Council Tax is proposed, along with a 2 per cent ring-fence for Adult Social Care. The total 3.99 per cent rise equates to a 95p a week increase for a Band D property*, and makes available an extra £4.9m for services in general, plus a further £4.9m which will support the demand for growth in Adult Social Care services.

The proposed £133.5m capital programme for 2020/21, funded by government grants, borrowing and capital receipts, includes nearly £47m spent on school builds and expansions, £18m on highways and engineering, £33m on highways and traffic management, and £9.5m on economic development.

The headlines are: -

• Agree a net revenue budget of £338,370,800

• Agree to increase general Council Tax by 1.99%

• Agree to increase Council Tax by a further 2% for adult social care

OLD CLEEVE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 16th March 2020

At Washford Memorial Hall


• Agree the precept requirement of £257,292,090 for 2020/21 and set the County Council precept for

Band D council tax charge at £1,289.20 for 2020/21. This is a rise of £0.95 per week for a *Band D


• Contribute £1m to Climate Emergency Reserve.

The massive £1m climate emergency reserve has been created by Somerset County Council. (thought to be the

biggest single investment of its kind in the country). The £1m pot will be available for parish and town councils

to bid for green initiatives in their local area. SCC is acting on its decision to sign the national Climate Change

Emergency Declaration which aims to make Somerset carbon neutral by 2030.

And the £1m fund is not the only good news for climate change. A motion to plant a tree for every baby born in

Somerset next year was also agreed by councillors.

*over 2/3 of the homes in Somerset are Band A-C (which pay less than a band D).