Oil of Oregano

Post on 20-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano

Oregano is one of the strongest antibacterial essential oils. You can smell the oil's power from the first moment the bottle is opened - the aroma is quite intense. According to some aromatherapists, the essential oil may be best used when a strong response to bacterial infection is needed; it has a broad spectrum of bactericidal and anti-microbial action. It can be taken internally, adding 1 to 2 drops first to a carrier oil like Olive (or any other edible oil) and then to warm water, taken several times per day.

Essential oils tend to be metabolized fairly rapidly in the body ~ most of the time, the best use is small amounts, frequently. Do not simply ingest directly from the bottle (it will burn the inside of one's mouth!). Note that Oil of Oregano processed for ingestion found in health food stores is this same essential oil, typically diluted in Olive oil, then capsulated.

Fungal infection of finger and toenails is a common ailment effectively addressed with the oil. Rub a small amount of oregano into each affected area until the infection is completely cleared. If the oil is too strong and irritating to the skin, dilute 50/50 with olive oil. Never worry that you are loosing potency by diluting an essential oil; most of the time, "less is more" when using any pure essential oil. Another effective blend can be made with oregano and tea tree oil, used in the same manner.

Oregano oil may be best suited to gastrointestional and bronchial infections. Carvacol and Thymol are the primary active constituents. These componds act as antibacterials, anti-spasmodics, increase the production of gastric juices, ease bloating and gas and can relieve menstrual cramps.

Oil of Oregao is considered one of the strongest inhibitors of internal yeast infection (candida). Among 52 plant oils tested in one study, oregano was found to have the strongest action against Candida albicans, as well as E. Coli, Salmonella and Pseudomonas bacteria (a strain that is becoming more difficult to treat with conventional medicine due to development of drug resistance). Researchers at Georgetown University found oregano oil at relatively low doses inhibited the growth of staphylococcus bacteria as effectively as the standard antibiotics. Again, liturature suggests taking the oil internally, 3 drops in a cup of warm water several times a day. It is also important to limit sugar intake at the same time, as the microbial invaders love dessert as much as you do!

Unlike manufactured antibiotics, there is no known tendency for microbes to develop resistance to the effectiveness of oregano. The oil can kill or halt the growth of virtually any fungus and a great majority of bacteria. In the book The Practice of Aromatherapy Jean Valnet discusses how it is potent enough to

sterilize sewage water - other researchers performed this test and found a 1/4000 dilution of the oil sterilized septic water.

More is not necessarily better with oil of Oregano! It is VERY potent, and only a small amount is needed at one time. Be aware of how your body is responding. The French aromamedical literature advises refraining from long term use due to possible undesirable changes in liver metabolism.

To learn more about the use of all our essential oils, we encourage you to visit The Ananda Apothecary Forums, where you can post questions regarding specific applications of each oil. Questions in the forums are regularly answered by Ananda Apothecary staff, and other experienced aromatherapy practitioners.


Uses: Apply oil topically to the bottom of the feet; if applied elsewhere, dilute 1:50 in carrier oil. Can be taken internally - dilute in water, 1 or 2 drops per glass. Avoid contact with mucous membranes - it will burn!

Possible Actions: Oregano has traditionally been used as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal; possible general tonic for the immune system.


Indications: Can offer support in cases of bacterial infection of the respiratory system or gastrointestional system.

Cautions: Always test a small amount of essential oil first for sensitivity or allergic reaction. If pregnant or under a doctor's care, consult a physician. VERY POWERFUL - dilute 50:1 for skin application; avoid contact to mucous membranes.
