Oh Lorde! Queen Bee Challenge Volume 3.5

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Oh Lorde! Queen Bee Challenge Volume 3.5

Oh Lorde!A Guide To

The Queen Bee Challenge

Volume 3.5(Where are they now?)

Step 1: Motherlode the non-mother household

House originally by Maxis, modified version by marka93at modthesims.info

Step 2: Freshen up memory

3rd and 4th of Tellerman;

Sheila and Otto.

Step 3: Autonomous cuteness

I could pass them off as twins.

Both have the personality of 10/10/9/3/1

Step 4: Pleasure sim in action

Secondborn; Carl; 5/5/10/3/6

“Oh yeah baby! Drop that skirt!”

Step 5: Realise it might have been a kilt

His LTW is to reach the top of the Slacker career.

Step 6: Firstborn in all her glory

Marija the Romance sim; 5/5/8/3/8

Wants to become a Visionary (Art career)

Step 7: Break the 4th wall with a bad pick up line

“You rock my thought bubbles, baby!”

Step 8: Awkward parent is awkward

“Dad! Don’t talk about my first kiss in front of Goopy!”

Step 9: Change the season to whatever it was when they left off

Step 10: Introduce the rest of the spawn

Belle; 7/1/10/3/8

Irma; status unknown


Step 12: Family dinner :D

“I think it’s sad that you guys are my only friends.”

Step 13: Give Marija ‘Family’ as a secondary aspiration

She spends so much time with toddlers :3

Step 14: Well, chubby is better than starving

Step 15: Smirk at the poses sims do with modded objects

Bunk beds by Atavera at modthesims.info

Step 16: Be a night owl even though there are enough beds for everybody

Step 17: Examine potential daughter-in-law

“Hmm… Voice, she doesn’t seem to have a phone.”

“Excuse me?”

Step 18: Get fired on first day as a golf caddy

“I should’ve said ‘Whatever’ instead of ‘Dunno’!”

Step 19: Break the computer

Things just aren’t coming up Carl.

Step 20: NO

Mod by twojeffs at simbology.com

Step 21: Homework only if wanted or close to failing

Step 22: Toddler cuteness

Step 23: Number 6 grows up


This is not the personality I had in mind for her

Step 24: Yeehaw! Let’s get that outfit replaced!

Step 25: Find out just how cute this interaction is

No, I didn’t mean the painting one.

Step 26: Compete through LAN

“Hey! That was mean!”

“Look who you’re talking to, goodytwoshoes.”

Step 27: Try to sneak out

“Peek-a-boo! Daddy sees you!”

Step 28: Lecture of a lifetime

“I just hope Otto hasn’t gotten any ideas from you!”

Step 29: Go out in daylight instead

Her name is Nicole Thompson. They have one bolt.

Step 30: Public displays of affection

Step 31: Bill Day the Infallibly Good Warlock

Mod to remove name extensions from witches & warlocks by [Black_Spirit] at modthesims.info

Step 32: Wait what

Step 33: Upstaging


Step 35: Enough!

Step 36: All we need now is telepathy

Step 37: The illusion of twins is no more

Popularity/FortuneBecome Criminal Mastermind

+ Jewelry, Blond hair- Glasses

<- I picked it

Step 38: Amin invites himself in without a greeting


“If you tell ANYONE about this…”

Step 40: Creepy smustling

Step 41: Set the floor on fire?

Step 42: Crisis averted

“You got foam all over my dinner!”

Step 43: “Ridiculous” is the word

Step 44: Fool around

He has the Komei face template… <.<

Step 45: AW HELL NAW

This hood is barely even played and I’m already at the risk of BFBVFS T_T

The hoodchecker said it was fine though…

Step 46: Avoid homework for legitimate reasons

Step 47: Springtime of youth

Methinks they fell in love. Or not.

I need to start taking notes.

Step 48: Permission denied

Step 49: Parental instincts

In addition to Inteenimater I’ve also installed “Teen enabled adult wants”. This car was exclusively bought for the sake of fulfilling those said wants.

It didn’t work the way I planned it would.

Step 50: Parental instincts, take two

Step 51: The nice point average is 5.7 for this household o.O

“Congrats on losing the V-card before your big sis!”

“Thanks! But how did you know?”

Step 52: Wonder where she gets all these telescopes from

Step 53: Lolwut

Step 54: Become a walkie-talkie

I felt a bit lazy with the other skills.

Step 55: Go from failing to A+

“Excuse you, I have never failed in school.”

Your siblings have. And I don’t have recent pictures of them doing homework, so you’ll suffice.

Step 56: Bonding

Step 57: Moar bonding

Carl: “I know our relationship is 7 daily and 3 lifetime, but you’re still my little sister and I love you.”

Irma: “{What was your name again?}”

Step 58: Autonomous gardening

Just… why?

Step 59: Intruder alert

Did he even leave since last time?

Step 60: Call the ambulance

Oh right, the lightning in this game isn’t realistic.

Step 61: Hire a butler because micro-managing is tiring

I know, not the best of ideas.

Step 62: Can you feel the love tonight ♫

“Wanna go steady?”


Step 63: Ghosts from the past

“Hey good-looking!”

“I’m not sure this was a good idea for a sim like me…”

Step 64: Need I say more?

Step 65: Stand around acting useless

The one time she actually needs a bath, they forget what to do.

Step 66: Butler proves himself more useful than usually

Step 67: Toddler begone

“I’m hungry but I also need to pee and take a bath so I’ll just stand here waving my arms around forever!”

Step 68: The child has arisen

Step 69: This has gotten out of hand

I need to get Kennedy into a committed relationship with Anya. He’s Fortune/Knowledge for heaven’s sake!

Step 70: Re-buy the flower bench

I thought that Komei could start a business after all the kids have left.

Step 71: Send the first one off

I want to keep the ages somewhat in sync, so I’m making them leave when there are four days left of their teen spans, and counting those

four days as four semesters (two years).

Step 72: Forget to enable cutscenes

That dress suits her and her LTW rather well, imo.

Step 73: Buy a flower bench for her as well

She rolled the want for a bronze badge as soon as she grew up. Who am I to say no to my sims?

Step 74: Move boyfriend in as well

Randy LondonFortune 7/4/1/8/5

Become City Planner

Step 75: Put a ring on it

Step 76: +1500 is still a good deal

Step 77: Laugh at the dormies

I installed an empty template for Académie Le Tour and wound up with some funny respawns.

Step 78: Not again

“She stinks!”

That’s because she’s dead.

Step 79: Finally roll a want for a major

“Yeah, get me Psychology or Literature or whatever. Just not Economics.”

“I’m your professor, not the registration office.”

Step 80: Repeat last step

“Art is for losers. I’m going with Economics.”

Step 81: Fail autonomous mission

“Wanna make out?”

“Shush, I’m trying to watch a movie.”

Step 82: Not now, not ever

Step 83: You and me both, kid

All stranger graves get moved to a cemetery called “Rip In Pieces”.

“Credits” to my real-life friend who claims to have coined that phrase.

Step 84: Laugh even more at the dormies

Step 85: Hope that the cow mascot hasn’t ruined the sprinklers

Step 86: THE IRONY

Or is it coincidence?

Please teach me if you’re experienced.

Step 87: Give Randy “Pleasure” as a secondary

He’s always rolling hobby-related wants anyway.

He’s so lazy that he won’t even get up from the couch to admire the snow.

Step 88: Get back to the youngins

Who says girls can’t play sports? They’re even wearing nightgowns! :D

Step 89: Have the girls fight about who gets to use the toy stove

After all, why break traditions?

Step 90: Yes, your hands grew along with your body

Popularity20 Simultaneous Best Friends

+ Hard worker, Logic- Jewelry

Step 91: Aoumm

Step 92: Guess who cooked a bunch of meals and didn’t clean them up afterwards

Hint: Wears a tuxedo.

Step 93: Heart breaks in two

Plus she lost a grade from skipping school.

The next day she got healthy during class. What?

Step 94: Hire someone with the shortest attention span ever

Step 95: Business as usual

Step 96: So what

Step 97: Autonomous cutesy

Step 98: Here we go again

At least he got better sooner than Belle did.

Step 99: Speaking of Belle

FamilyReach Golden Anniversary

+ Red hair, Charismatic- Fitness

<- My choice

Step 100: Successful sneak-out

Limo for Sheila and Meadow, cheap car for Carl and Nicole.

Step 101: Send Carl to college and continue playing

“Let’s see… Yes! I got the Tsang Footwork Award!”

Apparently one doesn’t need to do their homework to get a scholarship.

Step 102: Cooking contest

Step 103: Roll wants for friendly interactions

“Henchmen must not flatter people, even if it is their leader. Have I not taught you anything?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… *voice fades off*”

Step 104: Buy a musical instrument

Maybe they could form a sextet?

Step 105: Join an actual cooking contest

Now, should we check in with the college kids again?

What do you mean ‘no’?

Step 106: Defy readers’ wishes

Nicole ThompsonFortune

5 Top-rated businesses <- I haven’t picked a new one yet

Step 107: Make them committed to each other

Anya showed up in Carl’s cutscene, by the way :D

Step 108: More bees >:)

I have a mod by Neder that makes flower arranging count as a nature activity, which is why Marija keeps wanting to go on hikes.

You can get it at modthesims.info .

Step 109: Learn new things

Apparently Nightlife and Freetime come with separate smustle wants.

Step 110: Meet Crumplebottom’s cousin

“Y’know, having a woman yell at me makes me want to take Psychology.”

“And I want to take Biology, if you know what I mean…”

Step 111: Wonder why this picture is giving me déjà vu

“Stupid brother getting laid whenever he wants to… I haven’t gotten any in weeks and I’m engaged for Wright’s sake.”

Step 112: Fire not caused by Marija

Step 113: Explain to the audience that I am a documenter and therefore prohibited from interfering.


Step 114: Reach under the fig leaf

I have some kind of unlocker mod. Look it up yourself.

Step 115: Nicole throws ACR-flirts at Randy -_-

“Hmm… She’s actually quite hot…”

Step 116: Plot twist!

She finally rolled a ‘fall in love’ want for someone else than Kennedy.

Randy was asleep and is thus blissfully uninformed.

Step 117: Didn’t see that one coming

Step 118: That one I kind of expected

She’s spent at least 2 semesters straight sleeping on the bathroom floor.

Well, at least no one has to be self-conscious about peeing anymore :)

Step 119: Fail at taking a proper screenshot

She tried to flirt with Phoenix what’s-his-face a few hours after woohooing with Carl.

Was it that bad?

Step 120: Graduate into the tutorial family shirt

Literature GPA 3.4

Step 121: Look for custom content to override that outfit

Economics GPA 3.3

Step 122: Clever censoring

“Wait, why am I naked?”

Step 123: Round off the chapter

The slide count probably won’t be this huge next time, if I follow through with my decision to play the households week by week.

Happy simming!