Oh Lorde! Queen Bee Challenge Volume 2

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Oh Lorde! Queen Bee Challenge Volume 2

Oh Lorde!A Guide To

The Queen Bee Challenge

Volume 2

Step 1: Shut yourself out from the real world

Step 2: Forget to put a roof over the kiddy room

Step 3: Shine bright like a diamond ♫

Step 4: Discover that neat points don’t matter

Step 5: First day of school!

She grew up into the ladybug coat. Life is good~

Step 6: Clean all day long

Step 7: Merge with the desk

Step 8: Curse at the snow

Step 9: Education is important

Step 10: Family meeting

Step 11: Max the creativity skill

Step 12: “Marija is starving, feed that child and fast!”

Step 13: Forget the purpose of this picture due to clown painting

Step 14: Here we go again

Step 15: Meet Sheila

I’m just going with random names from here on out

Step 16: Wonder whether this is a “Raawr” or a “Growl”

Step 17: Invite snowman to ClubPenguin

Step 18: Disagree to anything the Queen says

Komei, you’re being a real drag.

Step 19: Laugh at EAxis

Step 20: Sell clown painting on the black market

Step 21: Confetti is underrated

Step 22: Double birthday

Step 23: Obligatory make-over and rugrat stats

10 neat, 10 outgoing, 9 active, 3 playful, 1 nice


Step 24: Commence potty training

Step 25: Read to toddler

I rarely allow this. Like, once in a sim decade.

Step 26: Buy new clothes

Step 27: That’s better

Plus his OTH is Sports :3

Step 28: Mother-daughter bonding

Step 29: First A report card

Perhaps you should come back later.

Step 30: Teach Sheila how to talk

I think somebody’s a bit jealous

Step 31: Enjoy summer break by forcing sims to do homework

Step 32: Discover an unknown star at age 10

I’m as surprised as you are, Marija.

The message popped up a few RL seconds after she initiated the action o.O

Step 33: Replenish the aspiration bar by going on a date

They both had the “Ask out” want <3

Step 34: Buy a stereo because your headphones are too quiet

Also, I somehow managed to have them all in platinum for a while :D

Step 35: Breath and spin honey, breath and spin

Step 36: Say hi to Otto

Girl-boy-girl-boy. I sense a pattern.

Step 37: Siblings make for good besties

Step 38: Promotions and hugs

Step 39: Smustle while waiting for the school bus

These kids are freakin’ adorable.

Step 40: Pop goes the weasel

Step 41: Get frustrated at the constant “Ask to be read to”-spam

It was a one-time thing Sheila. Get over it.

Step 42: Try to teach sis a nursery rhyme

Step 43: Add a second bathroom and enlargen the bedroom

Step 44: Nice transition outfit for once

Romance+ Underwear, Creative

- HatsBecome Visionary

Step 45: Single birthdays are too mainstream

Step 46: Bruise your big brother with a baseball

I’m a fan of alliteration.

Step 47: “Go shopping”

Step 48: Triple birthday

Step 49: First-born-effect

Otto’s a clone of Sheila.

Step 50: More “child is starving”-notifications

Step 51: Learn study techniques by doing your brother’s homework

Step 52: Successfully repair computer with three mechanical points

Step 53: Try to teach toddler skills without Smart Milk

Either I’m a bad player or it just never was meant to be possible.

Step 54: Burn baby burn

J/k. Anya extinguished it.

Step 55: Get rejected for a date

Let’s invite him over >:)

Step 56: Use influence in order to make them flirt

And of course he went for “Caress” -_-

Step 57: Send the boy home

“Don’t worry sis! You’ll always have us!”


Step 58: Sip the sweet nectar of prolonged youth

Step 59: Go into labor immediately after

Step 60: IT’S A BLONDE!

Her name is Belle.

Step 61: Give the parents some privacy

They’re down to 2 simoleons now, oops

Step 62: Autonomous sibling cuteness

Step 63: Autonomous money-making

Whatcha painting there?

“My anguish.”

Oh. That explains the pink.

Step 64: More cuteness

If I didn’t know better I’d swear she’s a family sim.

Step 65: Take over parental responsibilities

Step 66: Learn how to beg for stuff

Step 67: Feel compelled to capture this moment

Step 68: Replace the fridge with a cheaper one because this family’s too poor to buy groceries

Step 69: Burn and stab the food

Seriously, how are you holding that fork

Step 70: Bye-bye, flower bench

Step 71: Finally someone who- oh wait

He grew up with Marija using the feature from Freetime.

Thanks, EAxis.

Step 72: Well excuuuuse me for ending it in advance

Step 73: From Orlando Bertino to Orlando Centowski

“I-I saw you at school a-and I thought you seemed like a really nice person…”

“Why thank you!”

Step 74: Ooof course.

Step 75: Befriend your offspring

Step 76: Take two

I used the Sim Blender to make him a Romance sim instead of an eternal child.

Step 77: Spring has sprung ~

Step 78: Stalker alert

He followed her into the bathroom just to talk trough the teddy.

Step 79: End the date

No no no that’s not how your first kiss was supposed to be D:

Step 80: Go nuts

Step 81: Let the kid pretend he’s invisible

Step 82: o.O

She has two cooking points. I seriously thought she’d put the smoke alarm to use.

Step 83: Clone cuteness

Step 84: Apparently I was wrong

Step 85: Play on Free Will


Step 86: Not force the children to do anything they don’t want to

“Young miss, what’s this I hear about your grades dropping?”

Step 87: Boys boys boys

“Freeze! It’s the police!”

Step 88: Have the cop and robber actually freeze

Step 89: Be relieved

Thought I’d have to reset them with the risk of harming the files.


Joe even shook his head xD

Step 91: Go from red to gold by selling another masterpiece

Step 92: Pranks ahoy

Step 93: Learn not to piss off your date’s parent

Step 94: D’aaaw

Step 95: Inwards smile

What has been seen cannot be unseen

Step 96: Post-make-over cutie

7 neat, 1 outgoing, 10 active, 3 playful, 8 nice

She’s so shy <3

Step 97: Teach my new favorite how to walk

Step 98: Pfft

Step 99: Nighttime skilling

Free Will, of course.

Step 100: Achievement unlocked

Step 101: Huggles~

Otto looks terrified

Step 102: Guess what’s in the letter

Step 103: Mr Hard-to-get finally gave in

Step 104: I wonder what their kids would look like

“Voice, scram.”

Why should I?

Step 105: On second thought there’s nothing to see here

Step 106: Sheila’s the only one who rolls homework wants anymore

“Dad, look! I got an A+!”

“Can’t talk. In the zone.”

Step 107: Show off different yet somewhat loving siblings

Step 108: Childification

I miss the elf ears

Step 109: The more birthdays the merrier

Pleasure+ Black hair, Charismatic

-Brown hairBecome Professional Party Guest

Step 110: Poke your hair trough the wall

Step 111: Irma, a.k.a. Number 6

I actually forgot her name :v

Step 112: I knew this day would come *sniff*

Step 113: Watch the homework fade

Join us next time for baby batch nr 2!