Oh depensa

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It's More Fun in the Philippines - A Descriptive-Evaluative Study Determining Persons-with-Disability (PWD) Friendly Features of Hotels in Metro Manila

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It’s More Fun in the Philippines: A Descriptive-Evaluative Study Determining PWD Friendly Features of Hotels in Metro

ManilaBulusan, A.N., * Franco, R.L. * Gregorio, L.M. *

Maximo, B.K. * Alconcel N., OTRP, MOH


Social Model

Disability Statistics Older persons and persons

with disability:

• comprise 10% of the world’s population

•represent a large and growing market for both business and leisure travel


• The Philippine tourism has decided to tap the disabled market and launch campaigns for a more barrier-free tourism

• “lack of information is a barrier” (Darcy, 2003)

Objectives of the Study 1. to determine common barriers present in the participating hotels

2. to determine accessible features that are present and or absent in the participating hotels

3. to determine if the present accessible features fall within the standard measurements.


Study Design

• Descriptive Design: seeks to determine the present PWD friendly features of hotels in Metro Manila • Evaluative Design: used an accessibility factsheet as an assessment tool

4 Phases of the Study

Phase 1: Planning

Key Informant Interviews

• 3 licensed architects

• 1 Occupational Therapist with a post-graduate certificate on occupational health


Inclusion Criteria

- Obtained a college degree on B.S. Architecture - Passed the Architecture licensure exams

- With at least 2 years of practice in their field

Occupational Therapist

Inclusion Criteria

- Obtained a college degree on B.S. Occupational Therapy- Obtained a post-graduate certificate in occupational health related to Occupational Therapy- Passed the local board exams for Occupational Therapists- Must have more than 2 years of practice in their field

Accessibility Factsheet

• Previous documents on accessibility:- 2010 ADA (American’s with Disability Act) for Accessible Design- BP 344- Accessibility Checklist from the Kentucky Department of Vocational Rehab (2001 Edition)


Inclusion Criteria

- Has a research interest on Accessible Tourism- Has a Master’s Degree related to Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy - Has practiced his/her profession for more than 2 years- Has knowledge on the RA 7277- Magna Carta of Disabled Persons, BP 344, and Accessibility Laws- Has studied and/ or has taught ergonomics

Phase 2: Recruitment


•n = six (6) 3 to 5-star hotels •convenience sampling

Participating Hotels

Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria

• 3-5 star hotel• located in Metro

Manila• at least within a 3-5

km radius of tourist destination/s

• “Bed and Breakfast”• Hostels• Motels

Phase 3: Implementation

Accessibility Factsheet

Phase 4: Data Analysis

Frequency Count


Phase 1 Results

•KII:Accessibility is an important aspect that

should be considered and given importance when designing an establishment.

Phase 1 Results:Factsheet

Phase 1 Results:


Phase 1 Results


-accessible: feature is present and falls within standard measurements

Phase 1 Results


(a)Feature is not present

(b)Feature is present but does not fall within standard measurements (inaccessible)

-“Common”: present in all 6 hotels

Phase 3 ResultsSummary of results (n=6)

Hotels (A - F)

Features present

Accessible features present


Absent Features

Inaccessible features present


Total Items (Raw)

303 206 162 136 298

Percentage (%)

60.12 40.87 32.14 26.98 59.13

Phase 4 Results

Phase 4 Results

Common Features Present

Common Accessible Features

Common Barriers

Common Barriers

Social Model

•Disablement is an attribute of the environment to which he wishes to participate his occupations in.

•Promotes environmental modification as a necessity to facilitate participation of PWD into all areas of citizenship.



Common barriers found to be present in the hotels involve physical aspects of the environment, while the social aspect was found to be a common accessible feature among the 6 participating hotels.


Accessibility is an important aspect of each destination, and it benefits not only PWD and the elderly, but also all the costumers/tourists heading that destination.


Thus, accessible tourism should be supported and further promoted by architects, occupational therapists, tourism industrialists, and the greater part of society alike


Accessible Tourism and Occupational Therapy

-“physical environment” of accessibility- needs and supports required to fully participate in tourism activities

Accessible Tourism and Occupational Therapy

-safely assist PWD• training and supporting tourism staff• increasing safety of the PWD,• preventing injuries to the staff

Accessible Tourism and Occupational Therapy

- cultural aspects that are included in tourism occupation

- Include a larger sample size

- Examine a broader range of facilities specific to hotels

Accessible Tourism and Research

Accessible Tourism and Research

- Conduct study in other main tourist locations

- Include PWDs in the study

References[1] World Health Organization (2001). Retrieved from http://www.icfi.com/ last May 28, 2012.[2] Yehle, M. (2010). Accessible tourism. Retrieved from http://www.unc.edu/~scoppola/thailandaccessibletourism/index_files/Page3065.htm last May 29, 2012.[3] Cherian, S. and Ellis, L. (2010). Access Thailand: background and occupational therapy connection. Retrieved from http://www.unc.edu/~scoppola/thailandaccessibletourism/index_files/Page3065.htm last May 28, 2012.

References[4] Darcy, S. (2011). Accessible tourism. USA: Channel View Publications.[5] Darcy, S. et. al. (2003). Barrier-free tourism for PWD in the Asia and Pacific region. Retrieved from http://www.adb.org/documents/reports/disabled-people-development/philippines.pdf last December 22, 2011. [6] Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Improving Information on Accessible Tourism for Disabled People. Retrieved from http://eden.kulturturizm.gov.tr/Eklenti/4603,improvingaccessibilityen1.pdf?0 last December 29, 2011.