Official Publication of the Texas Federation of …...117TH Annual GFWC Texas Spring Convention...

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Transcript of Official Publication of the Texas Federation of …...117TH Annual GFWC Texas Spring Convention...

Volume 75 / No. 8

Summer Issue 2014


Official Publication of the Texas Federation of Women’s ClubsOfficial Publication of the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs

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TFWC Executive Committee

PresidentJanelle S. Holden5045 Folsom Dr.Beaumont, Texas

President-electSandi ConwayP.O. Box 2531Albany, Texas

First Vice PresidentPatti Poe7187 Rock Springs School Rd.Nocona, Texas

Second Vice PresidentJanice BrundrettP.O.Box 417LaWard, Texas

Recording SecretaryCindy Simmons2459 Live OakIngleside, Texas 78362361.442-0071 -

ParliamentarianMargaret Kriegel310 E. BrenhamGiddings, Texas

TFWC ScholarshipGloria Joswiak6101 Hummingbird Rd.Brenham, Texas

TFWC HF TrusteePatsy TroellP.O.Box 392Pleasanton, Texas

TFWC Headquarters2312 San Gabriel; Austin, Texas 78705-5014.

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In This Issue:TFWC President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4

Minutes of Spring Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 5 - 13

Pictures from Spring Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 - 17

TFWC District & Club News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 14, 18 - 24

Volume75 / No. 8

GFWC Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs :

The TEXAS Clubwoman :

Now on Facebook! GFWCTexas

-- All TFWC Club Treasurers --Please remember to send $1.50 per member for The TEXAS Clubwoman in with your clubs dueswhen submitting payment to TFWC . This will insure that the magazine continues to serve YOU!

Thank you!!!

CCaalleennddaarrOOff TTFFWWCC,, DDiissttrriicctt && CClluubb EEvveennttss

JUNEGFWCJune 21-24 2014 GFWC Annual Convention; Chandler, Arizona

JULYTFWCCapitol DistrictJuly 16 District Summer Workshop, Salado

Alamo District

July 26 District Summer Workshop, San Antonio

Pioneer DistrictJuly 31 District Summer Workshop, Granbury


Please contact Club/District Presidents in Directory for more information.

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 3 ________________________________

To Submit Pictures and Articles to The TEXAS ClubwomanWhen taking pictures for submission, try to do group pictures versus two or three people at 200 - 300 DPI.

Articles need to cover the basic “Who, What, When, Where & Why” with added descriptions when

needed. Emailed word documents are preferred, but hard copies will be accepted Questions, contact

Linda Mesler @ 940-825-3201. I will work with you! PLEASE, Send me your stories!!!

Attention TFWC Members:TFWC Fall Board 2014, Austin

Hat and Glove ContestDifferent categories awarded. More information to come

in the Fall issue of The TEXAS Clubwoman!

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 4 ________________________________

T [xtÜà YâÄÄ Éy TÑÑÜxv|tà|ÉÇ yÜÉÅ ]tÇxÄÄxTo the Membership of Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs, all of you have made these two years ones tocherish. Many of you accepted and served in positions on the 2012-2014 Board of Directors. When the administration began, no one knew for certain how the coming changes would be accepted, but we knewsome change would be required. There have been many changes in many areas. Thankfully they haveturned out well. We truly seem to be on the right track financially, we have made many forward strides inthe way business is done, our communications are getting much better, we are seeing that the member-ship must be officially informed at all times, and everyone is realizing that membership, membership,membership is the key to the future. You, the membership, have done a wonderful job!

So very many positives have been achieved and we can look to the future with high hopes. Some of thetime I felt as if I had the best seat in the house as a great story was unfolding and I can hardly wait to seethe things we accomplish next.

Now is the time to “Open Your Doors-Open Your Hearts” and celebrate together as we dream of a fantastic future for this great organization of women who want to see the world a better place for others.

Again thank you for the opportunity to serve and for the knowledge that we have had a successful twoyears. Most especially you are thanked for your friendship, time, talents, energy and resources.

Let’s all Live The Federation Spirit together.

Hugs, Janelle

From the Desk of

2012-2014 TFWC President

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______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 5 ________________________________Continued to Page 6

117TH Annual GFWC Texas Spring Convention Minutes MGM Elegante Suites

Abilene, TexasMay 1 – 3, 2014

Thursday – May 1, 2014

The 117th TFWC Annual Spring Convention was held on May 1 – 3, 2014 at theMGM Elegante Suites in Abilene, Texas. President Janelle Holden called meet-ing to order at 6:57 p.m. Chaplain Mary Beth Guy presented the invocation.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States was led by GFWC Parliamentarian Carol Habgood. Past TFWC President Barbara Winingham ledthe singing of “The National Anthem”. Mrs. Winingham also led the singing of“Texas Our Texas”, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag ledby 2nd Vice President Janice Brundrett.

The Honorable Mayor Norman Archabald welcomed the assembly to Abileneand continued with a brief history of their fair town. The welcome was given byDirector Pam Sikes of the Abilene Conventions and Visitors Bureau. Ann Latio-lais gave the response.

Sandi Conway, President-Elect recognized those seated at the head table. PattiPoe, First Vice President recognized GFWC Officers and Board Members (4),SCR Officers (1), Past State Presidents (6), TFWC Life Members (5), Past TFWCJennie June Award Recipients (3), and First Time Attendees (19).

Convention Chairman Sandi Conway presented the Abilene Gold HandbellChoir, directed by Cathy Taylor.

Table Grace was given by Mary Beth Guy. President Holden resumed the meet-ing at 7:37 p.m. She introduced GFWC Director of Junior Clubs Rebecca “Becky”Weber who brought greetings from GFWC International President Mary Ellen Lasiter and the Executive Committee.

TFWC 1st Vice President Patti Poe presented the awards forOutstanding Club Program; Outstanding Federation Program; Outstanding Americanism Program; OutstandingClub Woman Volunteer.

Stephanie Stephens introduced the 2014 Texas State LEADS Candidate Marshia Foster. (2 copies attached)

President Holden recessed the meeting at 9:14 p.m.

Friday – April 19, 2013

President Janelle Holden reconvened the meeting at 9:31a.m., followed by the posting of the colors by the Dyess AirForce Base Color Guard. Thought of the Day was given byAnn Latiolais.

Sandi Conway, President-Elect recognized those seated at the head table.

President Holden appointed Beth Lewellen, Shirley Bagley and Crystal Hammett to approve the minutes.

Barbara Winingham

Pam Sikes

Janelle Holden Mary Beth Guy

Norman Archabald

The Abilene Gold Handbell Choir

Director, Cathy Taylor

Sandi Conway

Left to Right:



Patti Poe,

and Becky Weber


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Continued to Page 7

Continued from Page 5

By direction of the Program Committee, Linda Mesler moved to adopt theprogram as corrected with such other corrections as may be needed. Motionwas adopted.

By direction of the Bylaws committee, Margaret Kriegel moved to adopt theRules and Procedures as recorded on pages 16 and 17 in the program. Motionwas adopted.

Barbara Menking presented the preliminary registration report: 110 Registered,16 First Time attendees and 6 guests.

Nan Parks Credentials Chairman moved on behalf of the Credentials Com-mittee that the roll of delegates herein submitted be the official role of thevoting members of this convention. Motion was adopted.

President Holden introduced Time Keepers Patsy Troell and Pat Stephens and Door Keeper / Pages Ann Latiolais and Nancy Nelson

Maridell Fryar presented the resolution submitted by Trinity District:

Expressing concern over the public health crisis of teen suicide; recognizing thatsuicide is the leading cause of preventable death in this country; and express-ing the sense that the Texas Fed eration of Women’s Clubs should support allefforts to provide educators in Texas with suicide awareness and preventiontraining to save the lives of children; Trinity District submits the following resolution.

Whereas, According to the Centers for Disease Control, suicide is the second leading cause of deathamong youth ages ten to fourteen years of age, claiming the lives of more than one hundred youngpeople each week in the United States; and

Whereas, As many teens die by suicide as those who die from all natural causes combined; and

Whereas, Four out of five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs; and

Whereas, Suicide is the leading cause of preventable death in our nation today; and

Whereas, Educators have a unique and ongoing presence and influence in the lives of children; and

Whereas, Recognizing the warning signs and risk factors for suicide and being prepared to react will save lives; and

Whereas, Fourteen states have passed legislation requiring regular suicide prevention training for public educators andhave been successful at reducing the rate of teen suicide; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs expresses its support for training and education programs forteachers and educators concerning youth suicide awareness and prevention; and

2. That they actively support legislation such as the Jason Flatt Act which requires teachers to have annual suicideprevention training within the states’ current continuing education requirements; and

3. That its members are educated on the “silent epidemic” that is teen suicide; and

4. That they support the Jason Foundation in its efforts to prevent youth suicide through educational and awarenessprograms that equip young people, educators and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth throughout the entire United States.

Beth Lewellen Shirley Bagley

Crystal Hammett Linda Mesler

Maridel Fryar

Barbara MenkingNan Park

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Continued from Page 6

Maridell Fryar Resolutions Chairman moved on behalf of the Resolution Committee to adopt the Resolution pre-sented. Motion was adopted.

TFWC Life Members Chairman Melba Gafford presented the Life Members present. (2 copies attached)


President Janelle Holden reported (2 copies attached)President-Elect Sandi Conway reported (2 copies attached)First Vice President Patti Poe reported (2 copies attached)Second Vice President Janice Brundrett reported (2 copies attached)Secretary Cindy Simmons reported (2 copies attached)Parliamentarian Margaret Kriegel reported (2 copies attached)Trustee Chairman Patsy Troell reported (2 copies attached)HF Scholarship Chairman Gloria Joswiak reported (2 copies attached)

Marion Gamertsfelder reported on the memorial for theplayers killed in the crash in Amarillo.

The meeting was recessed at 10:55 a.m.

President Holden reconvened the meeting at 11:16 a.m.

KerryKay Cook TFWC Financial Chairman presented the TFWC Budget (copies given during the Execu-tive meeting and was published in The Clubwoman magazine).

By direction of the Budget committee, KerryKay Cook moved the adoption of the 2014-2015Budget. The motion was adopted.

Carolyn Waller presented the Nominations Committee Report (2 copies attached).

Office of President Elect Patti Poe, Pioneer DistrictOffice of 2nd Vice President Cindy Simmons, South Texas District

Candidate Cindy Simmons gave her campaign speech for 2nd Vice President.(2 copies attached)

Candidate Patti Poe gave her campaign Speech for President-elect. (No copies)

President-elect Sandi Conway thanked everyone for their support and waslooking forward to 2014-2016 administration.

President Holden asked for nominations from the floor:

Nominations from the floor for 1st Vice President – Carol Habgood, Alamo DistrictJanice Brundrett, San Jacinto District

Nominations for Recording Secretary – Stephanie Stevens, Caprock District

Alamo District President Pat Stephens presented candidate Carol Habgood for1st Vice President (2 copies attached)

Candidate Carol Habgood gave her campaign speech. (2 copies attached)

San Jacinto District President Marshia Foster presented candidate Janice Brundrett for 1st Vice President. (No copies)

Janelle Holden Sandi Conway Patti Poe

Janice Brundrett Cindy Simmons Margaret Kriegel

Carol Habgood

Janice Brundrett

Pat Stephens

Marshia Foster

Brenda Grimes Stephanie Stephens

KerryKay Cook

Continued to Page 8

Continued from Page 7

Candidate Janice Brundrett gave her campaign speech. (No copies)

Brenda Grimes, Tejas Study Club presented candidate Stephanie Stephens for Recording Secretary. (2 copies attached)

Candidate Stephanie Stephens gave her campaign speech. (2 copies attached)

President Holden asked that all information be given to the Nominating Committee for verification.

The meeting was recessed at 12:23 p.m.

Convention Chairman Sandi Conway introduced Luncheon Guest Speaker Development Director of Noah Project, PaulKenley. (2 copies attached)

President Holden reconvened the meeting at 2:06 p.m.

GFWC Signature Project-DVAP Chairman Nelda Lee presented her annual report and the skit“New Relationships in a Birdcage”. (2 copies attached)

TFWC President’s Special Project: “The Healthy Heart / The Stress Free Volunteer” Chairman Mary Lou Gilbreath presented her report. (2 copies attached)

The meeting was recessed at 2:47 p.m.

President Holden reconvened the meeting at 3:03 p.m.

1st Vice President Dean of Reporting Patti Poe presented “Busy Bee ReportingSkit”

Carolyn Waller, Nominations Committee Chairman reported that all nomina-tions of officers had been approved by her committee. (2 copies attached).

Nominations from the floor:Office of 1st Vice President Carol Habgood, Alamo DistrictOffice of 1st Vice President Janice Brundrett, San Jacinto DistrictOffice of Recording Secretary Stephanie Stephens, Caprock District

TFWC 1st Vice President Patti Poe presented the awards for the following: GFWC Signature Project: Domestic Violence Prevention and Awareness, Advocates for Children, U.T. MD Anderson, Dollars for Delegates, GFWC/TFWC Magazine, Juniorettes, GFWC Public Issues, GFWCLegislation Partnership, GFWC Legislation and Public Policy, GFWC Public Relations Communica-tions, Arts -Writing Contest for Members and Youth Short Story and Poetry.

Barbara Winingham conducted the In Memoriam.

The meeting was recessed for Voting and Dinner at 3:38 p.m.

Following the Processional of Past Presidents, District Presidents, SouthCentral Region Officers, Executive Committee, TFWC President andGFWC Junior Director, President Holden reconvened the 117th TFWCAnnual Spring Convention at 6:45 p.m., table grace was given by MaryBeth Guy.

Election Chairman Marion Gamertsfelder presented the election resultsas follows: Total Ballots Cast: 73; Sandi Conway 73 votes; Patti Poe 73votes; Carol Habgood 43 votes; Janice Brundrett 30 votes; Cindy Simmons 73 votes, and Stephanie Stephens 69 votes. (2 copies attached)

President Holden announced that the officers for the 2014-2016 administration are: Sandi Conway President, Patti PoePresident-elect, Carol Habgood First Vice-President, Cindy Simmons Second Vice-President, and Stephanie StephensRecording Secretary.

Paul Kenley, Noah Project

Mary Lou GilbraithNelda Lee

Carolyn Waller

In Memoriam

Contnued to Page 9

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Convention Chairman Sandi Conway introduced our musical entertainment Lorna Ayers“Patsy Kline.”

TFWC 1st Vice President Patti Poe presented the awards for the following: GFWC Conser-vation, GFWC Home Life, GFWC Home Life, GFWC Woman’s History and Resource Center, GFWC Public Issues, GFWC Community Improvement, GFWC Education, GFWCJunior Special Project and GFWC Fund Raising and Development.

President Janelle Holden introduced GFWC Director of Junior Clubs Rebecca “Becky”Weber our Keynote Speaker.

Funding Raising Chairman Carolyn McLeod reported the Live Auction” Magnolia Purple Passion Basket” for the DVAP Grant sold for $750.00, additional DVAP donations Dr.Kathy Smith $250.00, Members of Magnolia District $100.00 and President Janelle Holden$100.00 for Total of $1,200.00.

In addition the Basket Fundraiser raised $2,056.00.

The meeting was recessed at 8:56 p.m.

Saturday - May 3, 2014

President Holden reconvened the meeting at 9:38 a.m.

Thought of the Day was presented by Chaplain / Protocol Chairman Jerri Harkins.

Second Vice President Janice Brundrett presented the “Coveted Shoe Award” (2copies attached)

TFWC 1st Vice President Patti Poe presented the awards for the following:TFWC Historical People, TFWC Historical Places, GFWC Leadership, GFWC International Outreach Partnership, GFWC International Outreach, TFWC Scholarships, Yearbook Cover – America, Volunteer, Federation, Texas, Whimsical and Membership. 289 Certificates were awarded. (2 Complete Awards List attached)

District President Reports

Alamo District Pat Stevens (2 copies attached)Capital District Crystal Hammett (2 copies given)Caprock District Stephanie Stephens (2 copies

attached)Magnolia District Helen Lambreth (will email)Mesquite District Bennie Parker (2 copies attached)Pioneer District Beth B. Lewellen (2 copies

attached)San Jacinto Marshia Foster (2 copies attached)South Texas District Sue Miller presented by Irene Irey

(2 copies attached)Top of Texas District Cindy Jackson (2 copies attached)Trinity District Germaine Carney (2 copies at-tached)Western District Shirley Bagley (2 copies attached)

Crystal Hammett, Chairman of "Janelle's Jewels" presented President Holden a gift from the 2012-2014 District Presidents. (2 copies attached)

The meeting was recessed at 11:03 a.m.

Lorna Ayers

Carolyn McLeod Jerri Harkins

Rebecca “Becky” Weber

2012-2014 TFWC District Presidents - “Janelle’s Jewels”

Continued from Page 8

Continued to Page 11

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President Holden reconvened the meeting at 11:24 a.m.

The Bylaws Committee composed of Carol Habgood, Mary Melton, JoAnn Wentworth, Mary Beth Guy and MargaretKriegel submits the following changes to the Bylaws.

Article III, Membership, Section 1-Classification, G, 12Currently reads:The TFWC Life Membership Committee shall report such action to the TFWC Board of Directors or the TFWC Convention body for a vote of approval.Delete Number 12

Article XI, Districts, Section 8-District Life Members, A, 11Currently reads:The District Life Membership Committee shall report such action to the District Board of Directors or the District Spring Convention for a vote of approval.Delete Number 11

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved to delete Article III, Membership, Section 1-Classification, G, 12 and the amended Article XI, Districts, Section 8-District Life Members, A, 11. Motion was adopted.

Article III, Membership, Section 2-Application, A, 1, dCurrently reads: Payment for one year’s subscription to THE TEXAS CLUBWOMAN for each member of the club except in the case of Juniorette Clubs and Federations.

Delete this D and change to add a new Dd. There shall be ten (10) members to form a new club.

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved to delete Article III, Membership, Section 2-Application, A, 1, d.

Pat Stevens, President of Alamo District moved to divide the Question. The motion was seconded and adopted.

JoAnn Pate, Cleveland Club, Magnolia District moved to refer the phrase “there shall be 10 members to form an new club “back to Bylaws Committee. The motion was seconded and adopted.

The motion to omit the Texas Clubwoman from Article III, Membership, Section 2-Application, A, 1, d.Motion was adopted.

Article III, Membership, Section 6-Annual Dues, ACurrently reads: A subscription to THE TEXAS CLUBWOMAN will be sent to the Club President with payment of dues.Delete AArticle III, Membership, Section 6-Annual Dues, CCurrently reads: Included in this fee will be a subscription to THE TEXAS CLUBWOMAN in the name of the President.Delete CArticle III, Membership, Section 6-Annual Dues, DCurrently reads: and THE TEXAS CLUBWOMANDelete D

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved to omit the “Texas Clubwoman” from Article III, Membership, Section 6-

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Annual Dues, A, C and D. Motion was adopted.

Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 1 – President, FCurrently reads:Appoint all state chairmen of Departments, Programs and Committees subject to approval of the Executive Committee, appoint a liaison Trustee from Austin, etc.

Insert after appoint: Web MasterThe first sentence would then read:Appoint a Web Master, all state chairmen of Departments, Programs and Committees, etc.

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved to insert Web Master after “Appoint a” to Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 1-President, F. Motion was adopted.

Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 2 – President-elect, ECurrently reads: Beginning in September, before assuming the office of President, appoint chairman of Departments and Programs, Chairman and members of Committees, and a Parliamentarian.

Change to read: After President, appoint a Web Master

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved insert Web Master after “President appoint” to Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 2-President-elect, E.

Motion was adopted.

Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 2-President-el;ect, H Currently reads: Co-sign with the President and/or Financial Officer all TFWC checks issued.Strike the word officer and insert Chairman

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved to strike the word Officer and insert Chairman Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 2-President-elect, H. Motion was adopted.

Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 6-Financial Chairman, KDelete present K and insert new K.Make K read as follows:K. Reports and Budgets1. Meet with the Finance Committee several times a year to review the financial status of TFWC and prepare the annual TFWC Budget.2. The proposed budget should be a balanced budget.3. Present the proposed budget to the Executive Committee for their approval prior to the presentation of the budget to the Fall Board Meeting body for final approval. 4. Include in the budget two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) annually for the LEADS Representative to attend the GFWC Conventions.5. Include in the annual budget one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the TFWC OutstandingClubwoman Volunteer Chairman to purchase the plaque to be presented to the winning volunteer in recognition of her contribution to society.6. Include in the annual budget fifty dollars ($50.00) annually for the purchase of the award to be presented to the winner of the Jennie June Contest.7. Present an updated financial report to the Executive Committee at each meeting of the committee.

Deleted from the Standing Rules II, Finance, D and E as this is specified in the above bylaw change. Change the following letters to follow in proper succession.

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By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved to replace Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 6-Financial Chairman, K, delete the current K and replace with the proposed K.

Melba Gafford, Book Lover’s Club, South Texas District, Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 6- Financial Chairman, K, 3 moved to amend the proposed amendment by deleting the words “to the Fall Board meeting body” so it will read –

“3 present the proposed budget to the Executive Committee for their approval prior to the presentation of the budget for final approval.” The motion was seconded and adopted.

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved the adoption of Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 6-Financial Chairman, K, as amended. Motion was adopted as amended.

Article XV, State-At-Large Club, Section 1 – Membership, BChange the word from to for. Would read: The TFWC Membership Chairman shall present the application to the Executive Committee for approval at the next meeting.

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved to strike the word from and insert for Article XV, State-At-Large Club, Section 1 – Membership, B.Motion was adopted.

By request of the TFWC Executive Committee the term Financial Officer shall be changed to read Financial Chairman throughout the bylaws.

Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 1-President, GStrike the word Officer and insert ChairmanArticle VI, Duties of Officer, Section 2- President-elect, HStrike the word Officer and insert ChairmanArticle VI, Duties of Officers, Section 6, Financial Officer, GStrike the word Officer and insert the word ChairmanArticle VIII, Board of Directors, Section 1-Membership, B-Appointed Members, 2Delete 2. This is the same statement as the one just before it, renumber the following statements.Article IX, Executive Committee, Section 2-Duties, C and DStrike the term Officer and insert Chairman.Article X, Departments, Programs and Committees, Section 3-Duites of Committees, C-TFWC Finance, 11. Strike the words Officer and insert Chairman

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved the adoption of Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 1-President, G, Article VI, Duties of Officer, Section 2- President-elect, H, Article VI, Duties of Officers, Section 6, Financial Officer, G, Article VIII, Board of Directors, Section 1-Membership, B-Appointed Members, 2, Article IX, Executive Committee, Section 2-Duties, C and D and Article X, Departments, Programs and Committees, Section 3-Duites of Committees, C-TFWC Finance, 1, striking Officer and insert Chairman.Motion was adopted.

Article X, Departments, Programs and Committees, Section 3-Duties of Committees, C-TFWC Finance, 22. Presently reads:

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a. To prepare a budget and submit it with the recommendation to the Executive Committee for presentation at the Spring Convention.Delete Spring Convention and insert Fall Board Meetingb. Presently reads:The proposed budget shall be printed in the Texas Clubwoman along with the Call to the annual TFWC Spring Convention in which the proposed budget would be adopted.Delete Spring Convention and insert Fall Board Meetingc. Will then read: The proposed TFWC budget shall be printed in the Texas Clubwoman along with the Call to the annual TFWC Fall Board Meeting in which the proposed budget would be adopted to align the finances with the new administration which begins on July 1st.

Cindy Simmons called for the Question. The motion was seconded and adopted.

By direction of the bylaws committee, Carol Habgood moved the adoption of Article X, Departments, Programs and Committees, Section 3-Duties of Committees, C-TFWC Finance, 2, a. and b.Motion failed.

Recessed 1:05 p.m.

Table grace was given by Mary Lou Gilbreath. President-elect Sandi Conway presented to Janelle Holden the gift from theTFWC members; a donation of $250.00 was given to the Heart Association in honor of her President’s Special Project “The Healthy Heart / The Stress Free Volunteer” and a Potpourri Tree and a cash gift.

President Holden reconvened the meeting at 2:02 p.m.

President Janelle Holden recognized the 2012-2014 Board of Directors.

Registration Chairman Barbara Menking presented the Final Registration report, total attending the convention 119, in-cluding nineteen (19) First Time Attendees and eight (8) guests. (2 copies attached)

Fundraising Chairman Carolyn McLeod presented the final fundraising totals. (2 copies attached)General Merchandise and Sales:

Bountiful Baskets $2,193.00Raffle, pins and cardigan sales $1,718.00

Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Grant: $2,500.00

Total funds raised 2012-2014 $19,166.00

President Janelle Holden gave her farewell address.

Recessed at 2:34

The Installation Ceremony began at 7:30 p.m. with Patricia Siegfried-Giles as Mistress of Ceremonies. GFWC Director of Junior Clubs Rebecca “Becky” Weber installed the 2014 – 2016 TFWC Officers.The 117th Annual Spring Convention was adjourned by TFWC President Janelle Holden and TFWC President- elect Sandi Conway, simultaneously.

Patricia Siegfried-Giles

The TFWC website has a new webmaster . . .

HELEN LAMBERTHTo contact her: 936-336-5322 or or

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 14 ________________________________

GFWC Texas JuniorettesMary Vongsavath, Chairman

2013 was a banner year for the GFWC TEXAS Juniorettes. There were 4 Category I and 1 Category II Juniorettes clubs in 3 GFWC

TEXAS Districts reporting club activities.

Number of Districts: Twelve (12) Number of Districts Reporting: 3 (Capitol, South TX , Western)

No. of Programs/Projects: 45 Volunteer Hours Overall: 1795

Dollars Donated___$1350__________(Special Projects/Com. Service)

Dollars Spent_____$176_______________(Advancement Areas)

Dollars Raised____$12059_______________(Fundraising)

In Kind Donations: $4663

The GFWC Juniorettes of Alpine current project on Keep Alpine Beautiful emphasized 1) Conservation and hosted a luncheon forum

attended by delegates of Alpine High School Honor Society & Student Council, their sponsors, the Student Counselor & School Prin-

cipal with KAB Coordinator as guest speaker, promoting the use of reusable totes in lieu of plastic bags, thereby reduce trash in the

landfill and highways and preserve our eco-system. This group in cooperation with other civic groups painted the logo/signs to remind

shoppers to use their reusable bags on the parking lots next to entrances of businesses in town. 2) In celebration of their 10th Anniver-

sary, the Alpine Juniorettes promoted the Arts, Education, International Outreach and Conservation at their Annual GO TEXAS Fall

Festival which was held for the first time in the Alpine Civic Center with the support of City Council of Alpine who granted the use of

the Civic Center and waived all fees. The Juniorettes planned various programs including an art lecture by an author on the pioneering

women of Modern Art movement of the 19th& 20th century, performances by dancers, singers and martial arts. The club invited busi-

nesses, non-profit organizations and schools that included Keep Alpine Beautiful, Keep Texas Beautiful, Sul Ross

State University, Big Bend Regional Medical Center, Workforce Solutions, Village Farm, Mesa Vineyard, GED, Presidio ISD and oth-

ers to participate and promoted products, services, cultures and communities and all Texas has to offer. The festival key feature was

the Weber Furlong Art Collection of Modern Arts.

A donation box to benefit the typhoon victims of the Philippines was displayed to accept voluntary donations from the public. This

was the best festival ever the club has done in the past 5 years. Due to the icy cold weather, the city parade and various programs were

cancelled. But this year’s event gave them a good perspective of how to make this festival that the Big Bend community can be proud

of and bring people to come and enjoy this wonderful event in Far West Texas.

The Monday Review Juniorettes 3) collected food and money for Hillsboro Interfaith Ministries. 4) They helped Wal-Mart in their

“Angel Tree” by making angels and put wishes from needy children in their community and placed them in the Angel Tree set up at

Wal-Mart. They passed out flyers telling customers about the “Fill the Truck” event. The toys and coats collected were donated to the

“Christmas for Kids”. They took care of wrapping the gifts that were distributed to the needy children.

The Fireside Juniorettes 5) created a challenge at the high school for the class who collects the most non-perishable items gets to have

their favorite teacher dress up at a pep rally. They also took an idea from the Corpus Christi Junior League “Cinderella’s Closet” and

6) collected prom dress for young women in their area and approximately 75 dresses were donated and thirty young ladies collected a

prom dress. The group also planned 7) to create a “Before I Die” wall and got someone to donate the land and a landscaper to assist

them in this beautification project. They planned to break ground in 2014.

The Lady Lobo Juniorettes 8) helped pack food boxes at one of the local churches and helped deliver Thanksgiving food boxes for the

Ward County “Greater Works”.

The Bluebonnet Drama Club Juniorettes chose to focus on building families through education and communication and have the 9) Ju-

niorettes commit to “a No Texting While Driving Campaign”. When one of their own member’s families suffered hardship, 10) they

banded together with another local organization and helped to raise over 3K dollars to go towards medical expenses. The BBDC made

Christmas and Valentine’s cards and cookies for the troops in Afghanistan and overseas.

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 15 ________________________________

The 117th GFWC TexasSpring Convention Highlights In Photos

(It wasn’t all work!)

Continued to Page 16

Cindy Simmons and Becky Webercould not resist this fun. FUZZY PICKLES!!!!

Lots to see and learn.

Things are never dull . . . One of many spirit guides with stories. Something interesting at every turn.

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 16 ________________________________

Abilene Gold Handbell ChoirUnder The Direction Of Cathy Taylor

$hopping is always


Continued to Page 17

Friends gather and visit between sessions exchanging news about thier districts and clubs.

Chrystal Hammett was recognized by her fellow “Jewels.”

Marcia Foster was chosen to be the

2014 LEADS Candidate.

Beth Lewellen gets into the spirit of the Basket Auction andplayfully dis[lays a wreath that went with a basket as it was auc-tioned( Left) and gives her District President’s report (Right).

Hance Winingham is rec-ognized by Patti Poe

GFWC Director of Junior Clubs

Rebecca “Becky” Weber

Continued from Page 15

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 17 ________________________________

2014Busy Bees


VolunteerBarbara Boozer

(Pictured below)

With happy hearts,

one term ends as

another begins . . .


Continued from Page 16

Covetted Shoe Award

In Memoriam

Paul Kenley

The term of TFWC President, 2012-2014, Janelle Holden comes to a close. TFWC President, 2014-2016,Sandi Conway

GFWC Director of Junior Clubs “Becky” Weber conducs installation of TFWC President, 2014-2016, Sandi Conway.

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 18 ________________________________

2014 Caprock District Spring Convention and Installation of Officers

LUBBOCK -- Four ladies from The O'Donnell 1946 Study Club attended the 54th Annual Caprock District Spring Convention on

Saturday, March 15, 2014 in the basement of the Ronald McDonald House in Lubbock. These ladies included Mazell Little, Elaine

Pearson, Carolyn Stephens and Caprock District President Stephanie Stephens.

During this convention, hosted by the O'Donnell 1946 Study Club and the Phebe K. Warner Club of Tahoka, Mazell Little served as

President-elect and Parliamentarian, and Elaine Pearson served as Caprock District Secretary.

Carolyn Stephens distributed door prizes and Stephanie Stephens presided over the Convention.

During the 2012-2014 administration, Stephanie has been wearing two presidential hats. She has served as both

the 1946 Study Club President and Caprock District President.

Her 1946 Study Club President theme was "Club Caring for Community." In a nutshell, this is an excellent de-

scription of what the O'Donnell club does best. It makes our little town a better place to live.

Ms. Stephens’ Caprock District President’s theme was "Caring for Families in Crisis." Her District Presi

dent Special Project was raising money for the Ronald McDonald House in Lubbock.

The Ronald McDonald House serves as a home away from home for families of critically ill children. This charity exists to

create, find, and support programs that directly improve the health and wellbeing of these kids. Their mission is to help serve and sus-

tain families in their child's fight against serious illness and injury.

All the clubs in Caprock District have worked well together, and they have done a lot for the Ronald McDonald House during Ms.

Stephens' two-year term as Caprock President.

Caprock District has managed to raise approximately $1,600 for this organization.

At the Spring Convention, Ms. Stephens was honored to present a check to her charity of choice.

The Spring Convention had two very special guests. They included Lynn Long of Decatur, Texas, and Janice Brundrett of LaWard,


Lynn Long is on the GFWC National Photography Committee, and Janice Brundrett is the GFWC Texas State Second Vice President.

Janice served by being a guest speaker and installing the 2014-2016 Caprock District officers.

These officers include Caprock District President Deloris Short of Tahoka, First Vice President Wilda Dixon of Plains, Secretary

Brenda Grimes of Denver City, Treasurer Loretta Tekell of Tahoka, TFWC Scholarship Zareta Winn of Plains, President-elect and

TFWC Trustee Tina O'Connor of Levelland, and Parliamentarian Stephanie Stephens of O'Donnell.

Caprock District

Stephanie Stephens

ALPINE - Hayley Meyer is the Outstanding GFWC Texas Juniorette 2014. Hayley is the club president of Bluebonnet Drama

Club Juniorettes in Kingsville of South Texas District. Hayley became a Juniorette in her sophomore year and was elected as

Parliamentarian in her junior year due to her leadership skills and experience in Parliamentary procedures.

Her attention to detail, organizational skills, and "matter of fact" personality allowed her to be a natural


Hayley is ranked fourth in the Class of 2014, a well-rounded student, leader and athlete. Hayley has served

as class president for four years, president of the National Honor Society at Kaufer High School in Riviera,

and members of many other clubs in school, includes Volleyball & Golf Team, and Band. Hayley also is a

Gold Star recipient as an avid 4-H member. Hayley will pursue a degree in Ag Leadership and Develop-

ment at Texas A& M University in College Station.

Congratulations to Hayley! GFWC TEXAS Juniorettes is proud of her and wish her our best!

Hayley Meyer Named Outstanding GFWC Texas Juniorette

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 19________________________________

Magnolia District

Helen Lamberth, President

GFWC-Texas Magnolia District

President's NarrativeFebruary 2014

Magnolia District has two powerful weapons, communication and empowerment.

From the beginning, the 2012-2014 administration sought ways to connect, inform and empower our Membership.

The effect has been to enable members to make decisions, be proactive, productive, effective, share tools and knowledge, sup-

port ideas and applaud each other’s efforts. It has promoted a sense of accomplishment and teamwork. We value their work,

their ideas and the time they so generously give us. We strive to validate their efforts on our behalf.

An organization that doesn't validate members will not keep members.

We know we can no longer follow the attitude that all decisions come only from the top. Every decision, everyday must be a

collaborative effort. Not evolving to meet the needs of 21st century volunteers has cost Texas a great number of previously dedi-

cated members. Entrenched attitudes are so taxing that productivity and effectiveness have been impaired which has gotten in

the way of everything that makes doing volunteer work worthwhile.

Re-imagine a future with creative doers that are spirited and energetic, use to making decisions and empowered choices. Un-

empowered decision making is a titanic obstacle for the member.

Consistent communication has been crucial to keeping members “in the loop”. They/we feel welcomed and a part of something

bigger than self. Everyone is encouraged to challenge techniques. If we are to be effective, we must expect and encourage

change. Success, progress and growth of membership, is removing obstacles, whether they are situational or individual.

We try not to waste a great deal of everyone’s time by clinging to outdated practices that are roadblocks to effectiveness but in-

stead we choose to focus on real-world issues.

Conventional thinking glosses over potential solutions and promotes the misconception that imaginative solutions are not avail-

able. With innovative thinking there is growth. We are drawn to action, decisiveness revitalizes us. Events that unfold from bold

moves make for exciting dialogue and we move away from discussing and toward doing.

Putting empowered volunteers to work can make some people anxious, they are threatened by progress because, human nature

being what human it is, people gravitate to their perceived comfort zone but this has led to continued mediocre results.

We can learn to, “Praise Our Past and Prize Our Future,” both in theory and practice but, by discarding one model out of hand,

we miss out on all the value that we could have realized by merging the two. An invested team will consistently outperform an

underpowered team.

Often innovative members deviate from the conventional at great personal cost. They are the individuals who are willing to say

the things that no one else is willing to say. Conservative teams don’t want to hear ideas that veer from the norm, which is pre-

cisely why many team leaders ignore suggestions and belittle accomplishments, compelling talented individuals to abandon this

organization. They are so intimidated by new ideas that they block the flow of creativity at every opportunity and this disheart-

ens the entire group. When you lose this type of doer you end up with second-rate results.

The feedback from members has been 100% positive. These ladies have wanted change for so long that they were ready to try

anything “DIFFERENT”, to save something that they believe in. Meeting attendance is at a level that we have not seen in many

years. We will stand together and will work much closer to achieve common goals, “Straight forward and unafraid.” Change is

Continued to Page 20

Magnolia, Continued from Page 19

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 20 ________________________________

harsh and sometimes unkind, however this is the future, and we must embrace it or perish. We can either continue to rearrange

the deck chairs on the Titanic or we can work together to right the ship and continue on our journey.

We will not be distracted or deterred and while we welcome your support, we will not be discouraged or dissuade but its lack.


Number of Projects: 396 Two year total: 757

Volunteer Hours: $24,035 Two year total: $50,030

Dollars Donated: $62,980 Two year total: $110,119

In Kind Donations: $19,725 Two year total: $42,827

Dollars Spent $3,691 Two year total: $7,359

Dollars Raised: $24,135 Two year total: $53,179

Magnolia District

LIBERTY -- The Magnolia District Spring Convention was held i n Liberty on March 20th. Theme was "Heart Health, Red

Carpet Event" All the ladies wore red in some way to support the GFWC Program Partner, The Heart Truth. The Heart cookies

with red tinted chocolate and the tags were designed and made by Rosa Lee Alfred of Sugar Chic Sweets in Humble, Tx , who

also generously donated addi-

tional cookies and summer

themed basket for the GFWC

Texas Spring Convention in

Abilene in May.

Those attending enjoyed

freshly made granola, for

breakfast, made by La Paz Bed

and Breakfast owner and

Woman's Civic Club of Jasper

member, Ann Allison Smith

and a great luncheon before

the afternoon session of

Potato-tini's, served in martini

glasses, Dill Chicken Salad,

Cheese and Crackers and of

course the lovely heart cookies

for dessert. In addition $331.00

was raised for a special donation event: by sell-

ing Pomegranate Spritzers,

(pomegranate syrup, sprite and

mint leaves)

The 10 foot heart healthy dress

in the back of the group photo

was built by Billie Williams,

incoming District President of


72 members attended the convention and more that 100 award certificates were given out to clubs and members. Special guest

Crystal Hammett, Capitol District President, Patti Poe, GFWC Texas 1st Vice President, Janice Brundrett, GFWC Texas 2nd

Vice President, Barbara Winningham, Past GFWC Texas State President and current GFWC Texas Chairman and Nan Park,

GFWC Texas Registrar.

Magnolia Spring Convention a “Red Carpet” Affair

Convention attendees (above), newly installed offi-

cers (below), Patti Poe (L), and Crytal Hammet (R)

The Amity Club holds Closing Dinner and Installation of Officers

NOCONA --The Amity Club of Bowie held its' Closing Dinner and Installation of Officers at Times Forgotten Steakhouse in

Nocona on Tuesday, May 13th at 6:00 p.m. Seventeen members and three guests were present. Guests were: TFWC Pioneer

District President Beth Lewellen, TFWC Pioneer District President-elect Carolyn McLeod, Cindy Henry, guest of Carolyn

Bassham, and Tracy Mesler, husband of Amity Club President Linda Mesler.

After a delicious meal and dessert, the ladies and gentleman were witness to the installation of officers and gifts given to the

visiting district officers. The ceremony was based on the meaning of flowers and the correlation as to each officers responsibili-

ties. Table decorations reflected the theme used in the installation and phrases about the Federation spirit that binds these

women together.

Pioneer District

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 21 ________________________________

Granbury site for 55th GFWC Texas Pioneer District

Spring Convention and Installation of Officers

GRANBURY -- The GFWC Woman’s Wednesday Club of Granbury was host for the 55th GFWC Texas Pioneer District 2014

Spring Convention on Saturday, March 29, 2014. The convention was held at DeCordova Bend Estates Country Club in

Granbury. Eighty-two members were in attendance.

After club roll call, the business session began with Pioneer District Executive Committee reports followed by GFWC Chair-

man’s reports. After a short recess, the GFWC Special Projects, Contests, and Standing Committiee reports were given.

After the lunch recess, the business session concluded and the installation of the 2014-2016 Pioneer District Officers was held.

Incoming Pioneer District President Carolyn McLeod began by calling all incoming club presidents up to the front where she

presented them with engineer hats, train whistles, and a copy of the children’s book The Little Engine That Could. Patti Poe,

TFWC First Vice President 2012-2014, officiated over the installation of the district officers. Poe used shaws of differnt colors,

and those colors meaning, to represent the different offices.

Invitations to the TFWC Annual Convention in Abilene, Texas, and the GFWC Annual Convention in Chandler, Arizona were


After In Memoriam the membership joined hands and recited The Club Collect and were adjourned.

Linda Washburn presents Pioneer

District Outstanding Clubwoman

Volunteer award to Barbara


Patti Poe, TFWC First Vice President, and the newly installed

officers of Pioneer District 2014-2016 term.

Two special Pioneer District ladies -

Earnestine Shugart and Georgia

Farquar pose for pictures. Georgia

has been missed by Pioneer!!

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 22 ________________________________

Continued to Page 23

The Amity Club Honored by

Bowie Chamber of Commerce

and North Central Texas College

BOWIE -- The Amity Club of Bowie was

recognized as the 2014 Outstanding Non-profit

Organization by the Bowie Chamber of

Commerce at their annual banquet in


The club was also inducted into the North

Central Texas College’s Founder’s Honor

Circle in early March at the campus in


Members of The Amity Club of Bowie recieveing award

by the Chamber of Commerce of Bowie.

GFWC Texas San Jacinto District

President’s Narrative February 14, 2014

An outstanding District with six (6) Clubs and one (1) Junior Club has been my honor to serve as the District President.

This District is actively involved in Scholarships beginning with the Fortnightly Club a local $500.00 fund; La Porte has

$750.00 fund, Galveston a $150.00 fund and District Patti Sims $500.00 award. All clubs support TFWC Scholarships.

All the District Clubs have supported the District Presidents project of a Commitment to an Alternative to Abortion. Baby bot-tles have been filled and collected with cash and checks, hand-made baby gowns, blankets, and bibs have been given and a“Baby Shower” with baby items given to the new Beginnings Pregnancy Center for the “New Mommy Bags”.

This District President has visited three (3) Clubs this year with plans to speak at two (2) others. Has attended and presided all

District meetings and distributed 46 certificates to members with over 25 year’s membership and have spoken as Federation

Counselor at all club meetings. Also presented Club activities reports and achievement at all State Conventions that have been

factual and entertaining to the attendees, using puppets, shoes and even coffee cups.

District speakers have included TFWC Officers Patti Poe, 1st vice-President and Janice Brundrett, 2nd Vice-President. We have

had installation of a new Junior Club with Past District President Mollie Jamison as Ceremonies Director.


Total District Projects: 85

Total Volunteer Hours: 22,532

Total Fundraisers: $33,550.83

Scholarships Awarded: 4 - $1,900.00

New members: 11

San Jacinto District

Marshia Foster, President

San Jacinto,Continued from Page 22

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 23 ________________________________

***** All of the seven (7) Clubs are service oriented - Projects listed: *****

1. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center - Fortnightly

2. Lifetime Learning - Fortnightly

3. Library Volunteering - Fortnightly

4. Golden Books for Goodfellows - Fortnightly

5. Unity Theatre - Fortnightly

6. Wrapping Christmas Gifts for Brenham State School - Fortnightly

7. HOSTS/CARS - Fortnightly

8. New Beginnings Pregnancy Center - Fortnightly

9. Lights on Reading Program - Fortnightly

10. Heifer International Project – Fortnightly

11. Addressing solicitation letters for Brenham State School – Fortnightly

12. Support of the Rainbow Room for children impacted by abuse & neglect –


13. Support of the Boys and Girls Club – El Campo

14. Support of the Museum, BEES, and Wharton county Library – El Campo

15. Promotes Community Projects in Conservation & Beautification – El Campo

16. Volunteering:

Memorial Hospital, Museum, Blessing Cup Storehouse & Community Home

Health Care – Hospice – El Campo

17. H.O.B.Y (Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation – Eleanor Brackenridge

18. SOAR – (Stories Offer Adventure Read) – Eleanor Brackenridge

19. Jackson county Memorial Library – Eleanor Brackenri

20. Conservation and Recycling – Eleanor Brackenridge

21. Domestic Violence Awareness – Eleanor Brackenridge

22. Membership Recruitment – Galveston

23. Recyclables – Galveston

24. Books & Support Rosenberg Library – Galveston

25. La Porte Community Library donations – La Porte

26. Nursing Home Projects – La Porte

27. Ronald McDonald House Collections – La Porte

28. Gift Boxes to Navy thru Lou Lawler Seafarer Center – La Porte

These are but a portion of the areas that the San Jacinto District members participate and give of their time, talent, energies, sup-

port and have taken back to their Club more than their share of 1st place awards.

All Clubs donate and support the TFWC San Jacinto District Scholarships – Patti Sims Nursing and Peggy Coates Music and

the TFWC Scholarship Billie Lindley McMahon and

and TFWC State scholarships.

************** San Jacinto District is definite a STAR OF TEXAS**********

Congratulations Marcia Foster for being selected as the TFWC LEADS Candidate for 2014.

Looking for a club project?Here are a few GFWC partnered

projects to consider.

______________________________The Texas Clubwoman, Page 24 _______________________________


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GFWC Fireside Juniorettes host Membership Extravaganza

INGLESIDE --The GFWC Fireside Juniorettes held their “Membership Extravaganza” meeting on May 8, 2014 at the Ingle-

side Library . The club welcomed twenty incoming Freshman and one incoming Sophomore to the meeting. Ashlynne Gooch,

chaired the meeting, welcoming the twenty-one prospective members. The roll call was answered with “What makes you –

you?” or “Why do You want to be a member of the GFWC Fireside Juniorettes?” It was amazing to listen to these young ladies

talk about their future and wanting to belong to a sisterhood. We also honored the outgoing officers: Hailey Zabel, Brianna

Hoffman, Ashlynne Gooch and Regina Anderson.

A special presentation was made to our three graduating seniors: Hailey Zabel, Ashlynne Gooch and Regina Anderson.

The GFWC Fireside Juniorette 2014-2015 officers were installed: President Brianna Hoffman, Vice President Alexis Galjour,

Secretary Kyra Sullenger and Secretary Elizabeth Blanton.

The Fireside Juniorettes and YTC Youth Group will break ground on Phase 1 of the Beautification Project.

South Texas District

Members stand while prospective members are seated at table. Installation of Officers – (left to right) Cindy Simmons, Lynda

Harp, Elizabeth Blanton, Kyra Sullenger, Alexis Galjour,

Brianna Hoffman

ALPINE --In our drive to promote GFWC TEXAS JU-

NIORETTES and encourage local clubs to organize one in

their high school, we are planning to do a video with

sound/vocal of GFWC TEXAS Juniorettes -around 30 seconds

and provide local TV stations who will show in their newscast

as a public announcement service.

We need your prompt and kind attention to provide 3-5 pic-

tures of your Juniorettes in action and write up of what, who,,

when where, etc. We know this is summer vacation time, but

if you've some ready pictures to submit now, go ahead do it.

But if you need to take pictures, you can do that and submit

when schools start in August.

Let us hear if you've any suggestions or comments! We willcontinue to grow GTJ today and tomorrow!

Juniorettes need Cooperation and Support,

Contact Mary Vongsavath

See more about GFWC Juniorettes on the GFWC Texas website!