Offices portfolio

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Offices portfolio

OFFICES PORTFOLIOHabitat Group S.r.l. - Web site: - E-mail:

Some years ago, a group of professional with different experiences has created a “folder” named Habitat Group, which brought together all the sectors of the

Contract: hotels, retails, offices and catering.

In the following pages we collected a short list of our offices realization.

For these concepts, we had to deal with both the technical design, the production and the subsequent logistics of construction, so our company is now capable to

provide a turnkey service worldwide.

The experience, the ability on translating the customer needs into tangible works, the cost effectiveness and our professional ethics have helped us on becoming the ideal

partner for many primary companies.

Innovative living solution

Habitat Group S.r.l.Web site:

Viale Nazario Sauro, 65 - 62019 RECANATI (MC)ITALY

Phone: + 39 071 9256111 – Fax: +39 071 7576426E-mail: