Office of the Development Commissioner (Micro, Small ...Office of the Development Commissioner...

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Transcript of Office of the Development Commissioner (Micro, Small ...Office of the Development Commissioner...

  • Office of the Development Commissioner(Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises)

    Nirman Bhawan, New DelhiAdmn (P&T) Division

    Subject:- Training Program for Senior Level Officers at ISB, Hyderabad/Mohali - reg.

    A specialized one year 'Management Programme in Public Policy' (MPPP)isbeing conducted by Indian School of Business (ISB)I the 3rd batch of which isscheduled to commence from 6th May, 2018. The course is entirely a domestic longterm programme without any foreign component and will be carried out at ISB'sMohali& Hyderabad campuses.

    2. The further details of the programme is enclosed for reference.

    3. It is requested to kindly forward the nominations of the suitable/ willingofficers for the said programme to this division latest by 23.01.2018.

    1. All Director(s) & I/C's - MSME-DIs/ TCs/ Br. MSME-DIs/ TIs.2. All officers of level ofAsstt. Director (Grade-I)& above - Hqrs. office.

    ~ SENETDiv. - to upload the same on the website.

    DC(MSME)I.D. No.A~60011/73/2017-A(P&T) dated 16.01.2018

  • Terms aitd conditio~~~ ,...rd • - ;~-" ( " ',"-~:;". :".Y-~",).;,,·>,~;'i.'\~;~

  • I

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  • c. RurallNGO Attachment: Officers will undergo a RurallNGO attachment to help them ~, (\d

    "understand the ground realities of policies in action, and to assess the; implementation issues '." ", \ . . -.

    and solutions. This component is scheduled to be held after Term 2 - Residency 4 of theprogramme.

    d. Policy Paper: Officers will be required to submit a Policy Paper on a policy issue concerning

    the Ministry/Department where they are currently posted. The issue for this paper will have

    to be .identified In.consultation with the Ministries / Departments / State.Governments / UTs. :. . .etc. where they are currently working.

    5. Programme Schedule (Tentative)

    Term 229t June; 2018 4t July2018 Hyderabad CampusResidency 2

    Mohali CampusResidency 3 31st September, 2018, s' September, 2018

    * Orientation ispart a/Residency 1at the Mohall Campus of ISB. Participants are to arriveth 'at Mohali Campus on 6 May, 2018 (Sunday).

    6. Hostel Facilities....., ..... _ ..... ---"_- ..._- .---_._-_ .._ ....... ,---,__ --._,-

    - - - - - --- -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ISB will provide rent-free furnished residential accommodation in the Institute to the

    I participants and will arrange boarding facility, which is included in the course fee. '

    7. Conditions for officers admitted to the programme:

    In case of officers, sponsored by the Government of India/State Governments for this

    ,programme, the entire period of absence from duty on account of residencies/travel will be treated' "

    as on duty under FR 9(6)(b)(i).

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    Selection procedure and fonvarding of no.:oinations


    ..The Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) should recommend names ofonlyihosy" Grotip

    'A-' officers who are likely to stay with the CCA for some more time. Offide:rswhose\ " ! ..' r : .,' ; •.:.: ..... ",'.', ",_ .• ~ •

    names have been recommended for central deputation! or figuring in the ~~ffer'li~i' "f()r

    central deputation under the 'Central Staffing Scheme' should not be nomina.teclfoi..'$e '.. '. '-:. '. .' - .: .~, .. "

    MPPP programme. Failure to withdraw the applications of such officers forthe hlPPP, · .'may result in debarment of officers for central deputation for five years.

    (ii) Officers on deputation to Government of India under the Central Staffing Scheme must .'

    have completed at least two years of their tenure on central deputation on the date of this \

    notification to become eligible to apply for this programme.

    (iii) The faculty members of the State ATIs who have completed at least three years on the. .

    date of starting of the program are also eligible to apply for the programme. "HQwever,. .. . ,

    those faculty members who belong to State Civil Services need not necessarily fulfill this

    . . \9. Forwarding of nominations

    (i) Concurrence of State Governments, wherever necessary, would have to be obtained by the·

    Cadre Controlling Authority before sending the nominations to DoP&T..

    (ii) Copy of the application form and other documents are attached. The same may also be

    obtained by logging on to ISB's website and DoP&T's'' About Us _.. Wings and Divisions in DoPT -+ Training_..

    Programmes _.. LTDP _.. Indian Schoo{ of Business. Hyderabadl Mohali. Cadre

    Controlling Authorities are requested to forward duly filled applications in respect of

    suitable officers (who are clear from vigilance angle) along with complete infonnation in

    Part B of the Application Proforma Soas to reach us.on orbefore 15th FebruarY, 2018..

    (iii) Nominations received after the due date will not be considered.

    (iv) In order to save time, the officers are permitted to send anAdvance Copyof theapplication ..' .

    to the MPPP Office, Centre for Executive Education, Indian School of Business (ISB),Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032.


    (v) The nominations' would be scrutinized and officers fulfilling the conditions of eligibility

    will be called for discussion by ISB. The discussion dates, time and place will be intimated

    V Page7of14

  • to the officers by ISB. In order to save time, the officers are permitted to ,send an Adva,n~(~)'

    ,\.i \i COPY' of, the application directly to this 'office: The officers will' also be called for'

    discussion based on their advance applications: However, final selection will be subject to

    receipt of' hislher formal application, duly recommended by their Cadre Controlling

    Authorities and approval .of the Competent Authority in DoPT. Therefore, it is in the

    interest of the 'officers to get their applications routed through their Cadre ControllingAuthorities as early as possible.

    10. Bond to be executed bv the officer:

    Before joining the programme, the officer is required to execute a Bond to the extent that

    "in the event of hislher failing to resume duty or resigning or retiring from service or otherwise

    quitting service, without returning to duty after expiry or termination of the ..'period of the

    programme or failing to complete the programme, or quitting the service at any time within a

    period of FIVE (5) years after completing the programme, the officer shall forthwith pay to the

    Govemnientor as may be directed by the Government, on demand all charges and expenses thatshall or may have been incurred by the Gov~1l1ille~~for the training programme i.e. all monies paid

    to him/her or i' expended on hislher account during the programme period such as pay and

    . allowances, leave salary, cost of fee, travelling and other expenses met by the Government/agency

    concerned together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the timebeing in force on Government loans".


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  • - .- _____jJ

    , " . . :

    APPLICA'UONFOR ADMISSION IN 3RD MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME(Programme Com~ences on s" May, 2018 Lastdate of recelvingappllcation is is" Febru~ry,,20i8~ -':


    State I PIN_.: .. ..

    Equivalent Rank inGovt. of India

    Paste a recentpassport sitedphotograph

    1.PERSONAL DETAILSTitle (Mr./Ms/Dr.)Full' name in blockletters (First name,Middle name, Surname)

    Father's full name

    Mother's full name


    I Male I I I Female I I Date of birth[IJ I I I I I I I IDO MM Year. ," :'.:/~:,;, .

    CD I I I I I I I I Age ason. I I I 1··.··· I I " ..~;~ ("DO MM Year 06-05-2018 ', Year Month


    Gender {Put ~}

    Date ofSuperannuation

    Castecategory (Put ~) I General I IOBC I I" I sc 'I.. I' ·1 ST I. . thLevel in PayMatrix as per 7

    (PC/ Grade Paywith PayBand


    Date of completion of tenure 7

    ...._ -, ,.:..:.:..,.; ~ ' -' , _ ..,.

    Name of the Ministry/Department


    Office Address'.

    FaxTelephone No.

    Servicecadre with year ofallotmentLength of service in Group-A

    Are you presently on deputationto the Govt. of India (Put ~) , j Yes I I I No I J Ilf yes, from vy~ichdate:

    Page 9 of 14


  • i ,,(_ ~, DETAILS OF TRAINING PROGRAMS ATTENDED (IN INDlA & ABROAD) [Duration should be atleast", two weeks or more)(Kindly refer to 'Earlier Training' caption under para 2 of Ter~s ~'c~nciih~~s) ,., l,'i" '.'.J ' ..~

    -S. Name of Duration (in

    NoName of the Instltution/ Place Year weeks)Course/ Training Programme




    7. Additionallnformation:- (please attach separate sheets regarding the following),

    i. Indicate the Public Policy area identified by you with the approval of your Ministry/Deptt./StateGovt. etc. for preparation of the Policy document during the programme period.

    ii. Briefly describe your job responsibilities and your achievements at your work place.

    iii. Statement of Purpose: Why are you interested in pursuing this programme?

    iv. Briefly describe your publications, leadership roles, community work or any other work youconsider significant for your proposed study.

    v. Is there any other information that you would like to provide about yourself?


    I certify that the information given in this application form is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree toabide by the decision of the authorities regarding my selection to the programme.




    >- The application form is to be sent through the Cadre~ont~olling'Ar.itho;ity.'>- However; you may kindly s~ncl the advance copy directly to Shri Biswcijit Banerjee"under

    Secretary (LTDP), Training"Division, Department" of Persotlhel' arid T~a\irling>Goveirn,ment ofIndia, Room No- 310;'3'd Floor.Blcck-d, Old JNU Can,pu5, New Delhi-1io067as Wellastc'MPPP,Office, centre for Executive Education, Indian School of Busin~ss(ISB),Gachib(;wll, Hyderaoad- "500032. ,

    . ~ ,">- Please ensure that this application is routed through the Cadre ControllingAuthority so as to

    reach DoPT(TrainingDivision) latest by is" February, 2018., >- The application envelop should be superscripted as "Application for admission in 3,d MPPP at

    ISB-HyderabadiMohali". ' .' i ' ,,' i '.'

    Page 11of 14

  • . "

    PART-BI. (For the use a/the Cadre ControllingAuthority only)

    1. Is there any vigilance case pending or contemplated againstthe officer? ( ut~) .

    2. Is there any standing adverse entry against the officer?(put ~)

    IfYES, please give details:

    3. Is the applicant's overall ACR grad' . "Very Good"?. (put 1) .

    (For officers, who would be completing their deputationtenures prior to joining the MPPP? In such cases, clearanceof the State Govemment/Parsnr .department has to beobtained)

    4. Whether cadre clearance has been obtained? (put -Y)

    Hasthe candidate been offered a central deputation also?......-_.rfselectea;-winihe -ca-iidTaate"bereleased-fo-rthe-Pr~w~~~e?

    5. Topic for Policy paper to be selected by-the officer with the approval of the Ministry/Department/ State Government etc. where the officer is currently working.

    Page 12 of 14

  • ""~ Details 01' Nodal Officer (of the rank of IS or above to the GovemmeritofIndia) nominated' '_',-, ",:".' .:. . " ,

    by the Minislryl I)l.:l)(lrllIll.~ntlState Government etc. where the officer is. currently working for. ..', ,_ . " '" I •

    mentorinp uml guidllllCC 1.0 tile Sponsored Officer for developing the policy documents.

    r.I '

    u) NUllII.::----b) Designation: _

    c) Office address:

    d) Telephone No. :

    e) Fax No.:

    f) E-mail ld:

    Cadre Controlling Authority:

    Name of the Cadre, ,Controlling Authority


    . ->..Contact Person

    Designation.. ' . "


    -, ':"


    l I ,;: 1 ~', ': ; ,I Ii ,-idNl>IANsciIoOL OF B(jSiNESS~HYDERABADI MOHALl (ISB~H!M)" ',., , ',,,' , , ,"'," "''' .. _:', " - '," ,', "KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSTHAT I ~.,---.:,.-..-------.:~-~------~.. resident of'- ..~~----

    '~--7;'--.,-_;..-;;:,,'at·pr¢seiit employed as --~--~'--;.--:~?'~-in''th~'Mi~istry/Department-~-'--:: ..;_~~~,~'-i---:-:-'~.c~~---~_:_-;.- , do hereby bind' myself and my' heirs, e~ecutors ~d,a4;;'inistrators to pay, to t~y I',r~§isl~~t9[.India(he!ei~after c~~~~~-t§~',G~)Ve,rnme~t')oi},d\~tpa~4,?a,115harg~~.~ndexpenses' t?at,sh~p :?t%~f~~X~§e~nincurred by the Govemrnent' for my MPPP, Pr.9gr(J_n1mebY ISB-H/M i.e. all, mpni~s{pai4:\to frie~'or

    '~:l,e:at~1~hiah~6~¥~t;:~~mr~~&5~f~~~C!A~f:'~~:ft:l~:~~t~~~~~:~~~~~'limi~togethet'\vith ihtef'e~fthereon: from the date o(dell1allcl\lt G~vernment rates, for the tIme beihgln force,ori Government l0,811s or" if payment is made' in a co~ntry other' than India, the 'equivalent of the saidamount in c:U#enty of that country converted at the official rate of exchange between that country and

    ,". '",,,''' ''', """.",,' ,' .. ,.. '" , ", " " \India AND TOGETHER with all costs between the attorney and the client. .. -. ',': -: ',"; .....: ". . ,.' .

    W1ffiREAS I, ,"--~~~~:---~---~-.;---,:",-"-----,am 'being deputed for MPPP programme pyIS$- HIM .. · ..' . ". .' " '.,' . '

    AND WHEREAS' for the better protection of the Government I have agTe~dt6 ~~¢'cut'tHhi~b~hdwith such conditions as written hereunder:" ." '.' '. ' - .'.,,,::." " '.' " ,

    " . 'I . '•. '" :.:::/ -.::..... :;'~.\; . .'-"~',':'" ."' .. ,:: ., .'-'.,,':.:.':.'.;..•:.....

    ......'~l;i§;~I~Jii~~:~liifi~il~g~gJi~;ll'\"fiE~.. before stiperaIihu;:ition~ whicheVer is earlIer; aJter my return to duty; I shall forthwith pay to the

    Goverillnent or as may be direCted by t4e Goverruneni,o~ demand the said sum together with interestthereon fr6m the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans,

    AND upoh'my makirig such pa.yment the above written obligations shall be void and of no'.effect, othetwise it shall be and reniain in fuli force and virtue. .

    The B011.4 s~ali in' ~il respeCts be governed by the laws of India for the tim~ b.~kginJorce andthe rights and lIabilIties hereunder shaH, where necessary, be accordingly determined by the appropriateCourts of India: . . . .' . . . . .. ..

    'The Government ofI~diahas agreed to bear the stamp duty payable on this bond.

    Signed and"delivered" this the '----~--------~;'day of ---'-------'--- month of the year Two Thousand,_" .."Md,..='~==~.. __,, ,,_,__~ "" ,,__""_,,__.__"",,_~"__..,, ~~ ",'''",_,,_.." ,,__'_,,__'''''" ., __,, ,_..,..__. , .

    ;:iigned and delivered hY-::--::::::-~~~,~:::--.,.;,.,.,-..--'-,.------~---:.-,.-(Name and designation) .. ~,, ,_.,_,

    In the presence of --'----'----,.-~;;----.;-'--~-and -~--~-------------------

    Witrtessess: 1.....~~--~~~~~~~

    2. -'-- __ ~,--'- _"__ACCEPTED·

    . On behalf of the President of India by the Cadre Controlling Authorit)l'., . . (Authorized Signatory)

    [Office Seal CompUlsory}


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