Office of Teacher Education - Lock Haven Portfolio... · 2016 Senior Portfolio Handbook Table of...

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Transcript of Office of Teacher Education - Lock Haven Portfolio... · 2016 Senior Portfolio Handbook Table of...

Office of Teacher Education

Initial Teacher Preparation Program

Senior Portfolio Handbook Revised September 2016

2016 Senior Portfolio Handbook Table of Contents

Conceptual Framework Page 1 Unit Assessment System for Initial Programs Page 18 INTASC STANDARDS Page 19 Senior Portfolio Artifacts Checklist Page 20 Senior Portfolio Requirements/Directions Page 21 Senior Lesson Plan Rubric Page 27 Senior Portfolio Artifacts (Knowledge and Pedagogy) Page 28 Guidelines for Use of LHU Competency Form Page 34 PDE 430 Page 35 Directions for Stage III Disposition Self- Evaluation Page 40 Stage III Disposition Self-Evaluation Page 43 Directions for Student Teacher/Communication & Disposition Survey Page 46 Communication & Disposition Evaluation Form Page 47 TWS Checklist and Rubrics Page 50 Liability Insurance Policy Page 57 Praxis and Pearson Exam Policy Page 58 LHU Clearances, TB and FBI Policy Page 59 Diversity Experience Policy Page 60 Professional Dress & Decorum Policy Page 61 Portfolio Requirements Prior to Student Teaching Page 62 Praxis (ETS) & Pearson Specialty Area Test Page 64 LHUP Teacher Education Exit Criteria Page 65






• Content!Knowledge:!Concepts!and!Skills!• Pedagogy:!Research,!Theory,!and!Practice!• Contextual!Factors:!Learners!and!the!Learning!Environment!!• Professionalism:!Ethics!and!Dispositions!


















































!Craig,!C.J.,!&!Ross,!V.! (2008).! !Cultivating!the! image!of! teachers!as!curriculum!makers.! ! In!

F.M.! Connelly,! M.F.! He,! and! J.! Phillon! (Eds.),! ! The! Sage! Handbook! of! Curriculum! and!Instruction!(pgs.!282K305).!!Thousand!Oaks,!CA:!!Sage!Publications.!


national!board!certification!and!high!school!achievement.!!New!Horizons!for!Learning,!9!(1).! ! Retrieved! from! Johns! Hopkins! University’s! online! journal,! New! Horizons! for!Learning,!!September,!2012.!

!DarlingKHammond,! L.D.,! Haselkorn,! D.,! &! Bouw,! J.! (2009).! Reforming! teaching:! are! we!

missing!the!boat?!Education!Week!28!(27):!30S36.!!!Delandshere,! G.,! &! Petrosky,! A.! (2004).! Political! rationales! and! ideological! stances! of! the!


!Dewey,! J.! (1989).! ! The! need! for! a! philosophy! of! education.! ! In! J.A.! Boydston! (Ed.),! John!

Dewey,! the! later!Works,! 1925S1953,! Volume! 9:! 1933S1934! (pp.! 194K204).! !Carbondale:!!Southern!Illinois!University!Press.!!











!Shaw,! M.! (2008).! ! The! impact! of! alternative! teacher! certification! programs! on! teacher!



Wang,! J.,! Lin,! E.,! Spalding,! E.,! Odell,! S.J.,! &! Klecka,! C.! (2011).! ! Understanding! teacher!education!in!an!era!of!globalization.!!Journal!of!Teacher!Education,!62,!115K120.!






































(pp.!232K!274).!San!Francisco,!CA:!JosseyKBass.!!Etkina,!E.! (2010).!Pedagogical! content!knowledge!and!preparation!of!high!school!physics!



!Johnsen,! S.! (2010).! Pacing! and! learning! styles:! Interpretation! and! research.! Gifted! Child!


















































































































!Perhaps!the!most!important!trait!of!teachers!is!that!they!care!about!students!and!about!the!teachingKlearning! process.! LHU’s! teacher! education! programs! expect! that! candidates!consistently! demonstrate! professional! behaviors! and! attitudes! that! are! essential! to! the!teaching! profession.! LHU’s! teacher! education! programs! also! maintain! screening! and!assessment!procedures!to!assure!that!teacher!candidates!without!positive!dispositions!are!provided! opportunities! to! adjust! those! dispositions! before! being! permitted! to! move!forward! in!our! teacher!education!programs.!This! is!valued!at!LHU!because! teachers!with!positive!professional!dispositions!tend!to!act!in!ways!that!elevate!the!profession!of!teaching!in!the!eyes!of!others!(RosKVoseles!&!Moss,!2007).!It! is!no!longer!sufficient!for!teachers!to!have!knowledge!and!skills! in!academic!subjects;! they!must!also!have!employability! skills!(Wayda! &! Lund,! 2005).! ! Professional! dispositions! are! those! observable! and!measurable!teacher!behaviors!such!as!punctuality!and!oral!communication!skills!that!often!determine!the! success! or! failure! of! a! beginning! teacher! (Goodlad,! 2002).! ! Developing! professional!behaviors,! including! dispositions,! ethics,! and! caring! communication! skills,! is! an! integral!part! of! LHU’s! teacher! education! programs.! ! This! can! be! seen! in! the! personal! traits,!characteristics,! and! ethics! of! teachers.! ! It! is! evident! as! professionals! engage! in! lifeKlong!learning!and!in!teachers!who!care!that!their!students!learn!and!are!successful!in!life.!!Personal(Traits,(Characteristics,(and(Ethics(


!Professionalism!also!requires!a!commitment! to!being!a! lifeKlong! learner.! !Commitment! to!lifeKlong! learning! is! evident! in! those! teachers! who:! continuously! selfKreflect;! accept!feedback! from! mentors,! peers,! and! supervisors;! and! seek! professional! development!opportunities!outside!of!the!classroom.!!The!concept!of!selfKreflection!is!based!on!Dewey’s!theoretical!perspective!of! critical! inquiry!and!how! it! relates! to!practice! (Van!Gyn,!1996).!!





Reflection!allows!the!teacher!to!identify!effective!practices!through!a!careful!investigation!of! his! or! her! own! teaching! experiences! so! that! intellectual! and!professional! growth!may!take! place! (Malm,! 2009).! ! Preservice! teachers!must! develop! the! skill! of! selfKreflection! in!order! to!continuously!grow!as!professionals,!especially!within!and!beyond! the!university!setting.!!Research!also!emphasizes!the!importance!of!expanding!the!teacher’s!knowledge!of!discipline! and! pedagogical! skills! through! peer! evaluations! and! feedback! on! observed!lessons!and!participating!in!professional!development!programs,!as!well!as!keeping!abreast!of! new! developments! in! the! field! by! researching! findings! reported! in! current! literature.!!Because! we! live! in! a! changing! society,! lifeKlong! learning! is! essential! for! the! onKgoing!development!of!knowledgeable!citizens!(National!Commission!on!Teaching,!1996;!DarlingKHammond!&!Sykes,!1999)!that!are!able!to!compete!successfully!in!a!global!economy.!!Caring(

!Effective!teachers!care!for!their!students!and!recognize!that!students!need!to!be!aware!that!others!care!about!them.!!Teachers!and!students!must!effectively!communicate!their!mutual!consideration.! According! to!Kessler! (1999),! teachers!who! care! about! their! students! help!them!to!develop!a!sense!of!belonging!to!a!community.!!LHU!requires!teacher!candidates!to!demonstrate! caring! communication! skills.! ! These! skills! can! be! defined! as! the! ability! to!recognize!and!respond!to!individual!differences,!needs,!and!desires!of!students!in!order!to!facilitate! developmental! growth! and! learning.! Rogers! and! Webb! (1991)! underscore! the!importance!of!caring!by!reporting!that!good!teaching!is!inextricably!linked!to!specific!acts!of! caring.! ! In! order! for! caring! to! be! evident,! teachers! must! develop! a! wide! range! of!strategies! to!effectively!communicate!with!students! in! the!class,! the!parents! in! the!home,!the! teachers!and!staff! in! the! school,! and! the!administrators! in! the! school!district.! !Notes,!checklists,! report! cards,!phone! calls,! and! teacherKparent! conferences!provide!a!variety!of!communicative!methods!through!which!teachers!demonstrate!to!all!students!that!they!are!cared!for!in!the!classroom!and!beyond.!!Moreover,!each!day!teachers!need!to!provide!a!safe!learning! environment! where! students! are! valued! for! who! they! are! and! in! which! their!individual!perspectives!are!considered.!!LHU’s!teacher!education!programs!are!designed!to!develop! the! necessary! dispositions,! skills,! and! knowledge! to! prepare! our! teacher!candidates! to! become! effective,! reflective! practitioners.! ! Students! typically! sense! when!teachers!care!and!it!often!results!in!a!greater!effort!to!be!engaged!in!the!learning!process!(Lumpkin,! 2007).! ! Of! course,! the! literature! is! clear! that! studentKcentered! lessons! are!typically!found!in!classrooms!of!effective!teachers!(!!




!Benfu,! L.! (2000)! Ethics! teaching! in! medical! schools.! ! The! Hastings! Report.! 30(4)!!






Benninga,!J.S.,!Berkowitz,!M.,!Kuehn,!P.,!&!Smith,!K.!(2003).!!The!relationships!of!character!!education! and! academic! achievement! in! elementary! schools.! ! Journal! of! Research! in!Character!Education,!1(1),!17K30.!

!DarlingKHammond,! L.,!&! Sykes,!G.! (Eds.)! (1999).! !Teaching!as!the! learning!profession.! San!

Francisco:!JosseyKBass.!!Goodlad,!J.!!(2002).!!Kudza,!rabbits,!and!school!reform.!!Phi!Delta!Kappa,!84!(1),!16K23.!!Ignico,! A.! &! Gammon,! K.! (2010)! A! longitudinal! study! of! the! professional! dispositions! of!



43,!158K160.!!Malm,! B.! (2009).! Towards! a! new! professionalism:! enhancing! personal! and! professional! development!in!teacher!education.!Journal!of!Education!For!Teaching,!35(1),!77K91.!!National! Commission! on! Teaching! and! America’s! Future.! (1996).! What! matters! most:!

Teaching!for!America’s!future.!!!Parkison,! P.! T.! (2009).! FieldKbased! preservice! teacher! research:! Facilitating! reflective! professional!practice.!Teaching!&!Teacher!Education,!25(6),!798K804.!!Rogers,!D.,!&!Webb,!J.!!(1991).!!The!ethic!of!caring!in!teacher!education.!!Journal!of!Teacher!

Education.!!42(3),!173K181.!!RosKVoseles,! D.,! &! Moss,! L.! 2007.! The! role! of! dispositions! in! the! education! of! future!

teachers.!Young!Children!62!(5):!90K98.!!!VanGyn,! G.! (1996).! ! Reflective! practice:! The! needs! of! professions! and! the! promise! of!

cooperative!education.!!Journal!of!Cooperative!Education,!31(2K3),!103K131.!!Wayda,!V.!&!Lund,! J.! (2005).! !Assessing!dispositions:! !An!unresolved!challenge! in! teacher!




Unit Assessment System for Teacher Education Initial Programs

Initial Programs Stage I Candidacy

Stage II Entrance To Block (II): Developing


Stage III Entrance to Student


Stage IV Exit from Student Teaching: Senior


Stage V Certification

Stage IV Post


Unit Operations

• PreK-4/Early Childhood Education

• Elementary/Middle Level Education

• Health and Physical Education

• Special Education (w/ PK-4)

• Special Education (w/ Secondary English)

• Special Education (w/ Secondary Math

• Special Education (w/ Secondary Science

• Special Education (w/ Secondary Social Studies

• Secondary Education

! English ! General ! Mathematics ! Science ! Social Studies

Requirements • GPA 3.0 • 48 credit hours

completed • C- or better in

English Composition, English Literature, 6 credits of general education math

• Diversity Profile Plan

• Clearances: Act 33, Act 34, FBI

• Negative TB • Consent form • Freshmen/Transfer

Meeting or Seminar Course

Requirements • Overall GPA 3.0 • 60 hours field

experience • Including 20

hours of diverse field experience

• SPA artifacts • NETS-T artifacts • Clearances • Proof of Liability


Requirements • Overall GPA 3.0 • Major GPA 3.0 • C- or better in Speech,

History, Sciences • C or better in all major courses • Completion of

all required major coursework

• Proof of professional membership

• Proof of Liability Insurance

• Clearances: Act 33, Act 34, FBI, Act 24

Requirements • Overall GPA 3.0 • Major GPA 3.0 • SPA artifacts • NETS-T artifacts

• Lesson Plans evaluated during professional semester

• Disposition evaluations completed during professional semester

• Exit Survey

Requirements • Overall GPA

3.0 • PDE 430 • Clearances:

State and Federal

• Praxis II or Pearson: PECT and/or SPEC Assessment and/or concentration test(s) passed.

Assessments • Post Graduate

Assessment Survey

• Employer Survey

Assessments • Advisor Survey • Employer Survey • Post Graduate

Assessment Survey

• Cooperating Teacher Evaluation

• Presidential Evaluation

• Deans’ evaluations

• SPA reviews • PDE reviews • Exit Survey • Faculty

Evaluations Assessments • All Pearson /

Praxis Core Basic Skills Tests passed

• Or Exempt from Basic Skills Testing with SAT or ACT

• Stage I Disposition Self-Evaluation

Assessments • Diversity Essay • Developing Portfolio • Portfolio Presentation • Portfolio

Alignment of Artifacts

• Portfolio Summary and Reflections

Assessments • Two Standards based

lesson plans • Stage II.5 Disposition

Evaluation • Praxis II or Pearson

Assessment and /or concentration test(s)

Assessments • Student Teaching

Competency Forms (one from each placement)

• Teacher Work Sample • Stage III Disposition

Evaluation for any Remediation(s)

• Senior Portfolio Presentation

• Portfolio Alignment of Artifacts

• Portfolio Summary and Reflections

INTASC STANDARDS Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium

1. Content Pedagogy The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.

2. Student Development The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support a child’s intellectual, social, and personal development.

3. Diverse Learners The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.

4. Multiple Instructional Strategies The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.

5. Motivation and Management The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

6. Communication and Technology The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.

7. Planning The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals.

8. Assessment The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social and physical development of the learner.

9. Reflective Practice: Professional Growth the teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community) and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.

10. School and Community Involvement The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being.




_______________! ! ! Two!lesson!plans!

_______________! ! ! TWS!/!Unit!Plan!

_______________! ! ! STCF!!(CT!/!ST)!

_______________! ! ! Technology!Artifacts!and!Table!(NETS_T)!


_______________! Evidence!of!Negative!TB!Test,!Act!33/151HChild!Abuse,!Act!34HCriminal!Record!


_______________! ! ! Proof!of!Membership!in!Professional!Organization!

_______________! ! ! Journal!reflections!/!daily!logs!/!weekly!logs!

_______________! ! ! University!supervisor!observations!

_______________! ! ! Classroom!observations!from!each!placement!

_______________! ! ! Assessment!artifacts!

_______________! ! ! Multiple!instructional!strategies!

_______________! ! ! Classroom!Management!and!Motivational!Strategies!

_______________! ! ! Reflection!of!VideoHtaped!lesson!

_______________! ! ! Letters!to!Parents!

_______________! ! ! Evidence!of!Community!Involvement!

_______________! ! ! Unit!Plans!

_______________! ! ! Philosophy!of!Education!

_______________! ! ! Philosophy!of!Classroom!Management!

_______________! ! ! PDE!430!Forms!

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

Teacher Education Program Senior Portfolio Requirements/Directions

Directions for preparing the portfolio:

1. Before you begin preparing your portfolio, read over ALL the rubrics for the Senior Portfolio found in Livetext so that you will know what is expected of you.

2. In the “Introduction” provide information about yourself, and if you wish a

picture of yourself (optional). It would also be appropriate for you to include your resume, cover letter of interest, and your Praxis or Pearson scores in the Introduction section.

3. Be sure to include the required artifacts common to all education majors.

Required Artifacts:

! Teacher Work Sample ! National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T)

Artifacts and Table ! Student Teacher Communication & Disposition Evaluation Survey (compiled

results) & Reflection ! Lesson Plans ( two plans not included in the TWS)

4. You must include artifacts produced during your field experiences (professional semester/student teaching) for each INTASC/SPA Standard. You are to match the required artifacts and the program specific artifacts to the appropriate INTASC/SPA Standard. For each of the required INTASC/SPA Standards you must have at least two artifacts. We encourage the use of artifacts that meet multiple standards. Include a rationale that explains the reason that you have aligned your artifacts to the INTASC/SPA Standard.

5. Optional artifacts (may include others)

a. University Supervisor’s Observations b. Classroom Observations c. Journal reflections/daily logs/weekly logs d. Bulletin Board/learning center/websites e. Multiple Instructional Strategies f. Classroom Management and Motivational Strategies g. Assessment examples h. Philosophy of Education i. Philosophy of Classroom Management j. All Clearances and TB verification k. APL Certificate

l. Proof of membership in professional organization m. Letters to parents n. Field Trips o. Community involvement including field trips p. Unit plans

6. In the Conclusion section, reflect and comment on your strengths and areas in need of improvement, specifically in Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions, in meeting the INTASC/SPA Standards. Include your plan for achieving further competencies in regards to specific INTASC standard as well as a plan of action for future growth to improve your Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions in relation to your specific professional area.

Directions for entering the NETS-T Artifacts:

Choose artifacts that show competence that meet 5 different Student Teaching/Internship Performance Profile Competencies. Carefully read the NETS-T Student Teaching/Internship Performance Indicators, and choose artifacts that best satisfy the descriptions (see the attachment “NETS-T/INTASC Alignment” included in the Livetext Senior Portfolio template). When you have identified the artifacts, complete the table found in the NETS-T Standards and Artifact page. The NETS-T Standards must be aligned with the INTASC Standards (the NETS-T/INTASC alignment table will help you properly identify the standards). Include a rationale that explains the reason that you have aligned your artifacts to the competencies.

Portfolio Score: You must score at the proficient level for each element in the rubrics of the senior portfolio in order for the senior portfolio to be complete. If you score below the proficient level you must re-submit the portfolio with the revisions for that particular element before you will be permitted to graduate. Portfolio Presentation: Each student teacher is required to present the electronic portfolio once it is completed. The presentation can be given in a variety of settings (i.e., student teaching school site, on campus, etc.). The presentation of approximately 20-25 minutes must have one professional reviewer, whenever possible; two professional reviewers are preferred. One reviewer must be the university student teaching supervisor. The remaining reviewer(s) can be any of following: cooperating teacher, building principal, other building teachers, or program faculty members. If you select the option of presenting the portfolio on campus, you may also invite an underclassman to serve as a peer reviewer. You are encouraged to have at least one underclassman attend your portfolio presentation regardless of the setting (on campus or in-school site). Each reviewer must use the Senior Portfolio Presentation Rubric during the presentation. All original completed rubrics must be submitted to your program coordinator. Each student teacher is responsible for setting up the actual presentation (contacting and confirming each reviewer, notifying everyone of location/time of presentation,

making sure the room has the necessary technology available, having rubrics available, etc.) Components of the Senior Portfolio Rubric: Portfolio Artifacts:

! Rationale for Selection and Alignment of Artifacts to INTASC/SPA Standards.

! Rationale for Selection and Alignment of Artifacts to ISTE NETS-T


! Conclusion *** PDE430- The students do not need to include the actual PDE430 forms in their portfolio but the scores from each placement must be entered into the rubric by the university supervisor.

Rubric 1 2 3 4 Rationale for Selection and Alignment of Artifacts to INTASC/SPA Standards

Some required artifacts are missing.

All required artifacts are included. Rationale logically supports alignment artifact with some INTASC/SPA Standards.

All required artifacts are included. Rationale logically supports alignment artifact with most INTASC/SPA Standards.

All required artifacts are included. Rationale logically supports alignment artifact with all INTASC/SPA Standards.

Rationale for Selection and Alignment of Artifacts to ISTE NETS-T Standards

Artifacts are not properly aligned with ISTE NETS-T competencies (Student Teaching/Internship Performance Profile). Rationales are missing.

Artifacts are properly aligned with fewer than 5 ISTE NETS-T standards. (Student Teaching/Internship Performance Profile). Some rationales are illogical.

Artifacts are properly aligned with 5 ISTE NETS-T competencies (Student Teaching/Internship Performance Profile). Rationale supports the alignment of artifacts with the five identified ISTE-NETS-T competencies.

Artifacts are properly aligned with 5 ISTE NETS-T competencies (Student Teaching//Internship Performance Profile). Rationale is concise and logically supports the alignment of artifacts with the identified ISTE-NETS-T competencies.

Conclusion Student provides a weak assessment of his/her own strengths. There is no plan of action for future growth.

Student provides a minimal assessment of his/her own strengths and areas in need of improvement in Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. There is a plan of action for future growth but it lacks clarity.

Student provides a reasonable assessment of his/her own strengths and areas in need of improvement in Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. There is a clearly identified plan of action for future growth to improve Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions in regard to specific INTASC Standards.

Student provides an insightful and detailed assessment of his/her own strengths and areas in need of improvement in Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. There is a clear and achievable detailed plan of action identified for future growth to improve Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions in regard to specific INTASC Standards.

PDE430- First Placement Unsatisfactory:

(Minimum of 0 points)

Satisfactory: (Minimum of

4 points) 1 pt.

Superior: (Minimum

of 8 points) 2 pts.

Exemplary: (Minimum

of 12 points) 3 pts.


Category I: Planning and Preparation

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Category II: Classroom Environment

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Category III: Instructional Delivery

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Category IV: Professionalism

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Total score: _______

PDE430- Second Placement Unsatisfactory:

(Minimum of 0 points)

Satisfactory: (Minimum of

4 points) 1 pt.

Superior: (Minimum

of 8 points) 2 pts.

Exemplary: (Minimum

of 12 points) 3 pts.


Category I: Planning and Preparation

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Category II: Classroom Environment

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Category III: Instructional Delivery

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Category IV: Professionalism

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

Total score: _______

Senior Lesson Plan Rubric

Element Unsatisfactory Basic (2 pts) Proficient (3 pts) Distinguished (4 pts)


No standards or benchmarks are included.

Few standards and benchmarks are included

Most applicable standards and benchmarks are included.

Appropriate standards and benchmarks are included in more than one content area.

Objectives - Components: audience, observable

behaviors, conditions, and/or degree (measurable criterion)

Objectives are missing. Lesson objectives contain 2 or less of the necessary components.

Lesson objectives contain 3 or less of the necessary components and are practical, and are aligned with standards.

Lesson objectives contain all the necessary components, are practical, and are aligned with standards.


The lesson content is not accurate and does not support the academic standards/objectives.

The lesson content is minimally accurate, clear, and only somewhat supports the academic standards/objectives.

The lesson content is mostly accurate, clear, and directly supports the academic standards/objectives.

The lesson content is accurate and clear and directly supports the academic standards/objectives.


Methods are not identified in the lesson plan.

A general list of methods is included in the lesson plan; however, sufficient information is missing for another teacher to implement the lesson.

Methods are identified, somewhat appropriately sequenced and would be understood by another teacher implementing the lesson.

Methods are clearly stated, appropriately sequenced and would be easily understood by another teacher implementing the lesson.

Adaptations for Diverse Learners

No adaptations (accommodations, modifications, and/or differentiations) are included for students, but are needed.

Adaptations (accommodations, modifications, and/or differentiations) are included for students, but are not appropriate.

Adaptations (accommodations, modifications, and/or differentiations) are included for students. They are appropriate.

Multiple adaptations (accommodations, modifications, and/or differentiations) are included for students. They are appropriate and identified in detail.


Assessments and objectives do not relate to one another. Assessments are limited and do not provide useful information to evaluate the objectives.

Most assessments match the learning objectives and opportunities for assessments of student performance are embedded in the lesson.

Assessments match all of the learning objectives and opportunities for documentation of student performance are embedded in the lesson.

Assessments match all of the learning objectives and opportunities for multiple documentation of student performance are embedded in the lesson.


Self-Evaluation is not specific or missing.

Includes a reflective self-evaluation but missing strengths, areas for improvement, or general future goals.

Includes a reflective self-evaluation of lesson strengths, areas for improvement, and general future goals for lessons.

Includes detailed reflective self-evaluation of lesson strengths, areas for improvement, and general goals for future lessons (with headings for each).

Portfolio Artifacts (Knowledge and Pedagogy)

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Rationale for Selection and Alignment of Artifacts to INTASC/ SPA Standards

Some required artifacts are missing.

All required artifacts are included. Rationale logically supports alignment artifact with some INTASC/ SPA Standards.

All required artifacts are included. Rationale logically supports alignment artifact with most INTASC/ SPA Standards.

All required artifacts are included. Rationale logically supports alignment artifact with all INTASC/SPA Standards.

Rationale for Selection and Alignment of Artifacts to ISTE NETS-T Standards

There is only one artifact aligned with ISTE NETS-T competencies (General Preparation Profile). Rationales are missing

Artifacts are properly aligned with fewer than 5 ISTE NETS-T standards. (General Preparation Profile). Some rationales are illogical.

Artifacts are properly aligned with 5 ISTE NETS-T standards (General Performance Profile). Rationale supports the alignment of artifacts with the five identified ISTE NETS-T competencies.

Artifacts are properly aligned with 5 ISTE NETS-T standards (General Performance Profile). Rationale logically supports the alignment of artifacts with the five identified ISTE NETS-T competencies.

Reflection on Artifacts

Student provides a Weak assessment of his/her own strengths. There is no plan of action for future growth.

Student provides a Minimal assessment of his/her own strengths and areas in need of Improvement in Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. There is a plan of action for future growth but it lacks clarity.

Student provides a Reasonable assessment of his/her own strengths and areas in need of improvement in Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. There is a clearly identified plan of action for future growth to improve Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions in regard to specific INTASC Standards.

Student provides an insightful and detailed assessment of his/her own strengths and areas in need of improvement in Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions. There is a clear and achievable detailed plan of action identified for future growth to improve Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions in regard to specific INTASC Standards.

Portfolio Presentation

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Communication Skills - Verbal

Oral communication skills fail to exhibit correct usage and grammar; is neither focused nor organized. The student’s volume, intonation and enunciation are deficient. The student does not speak with conviction.

Oral communication Sometimes exhibit correct usage and grammar; is focused and organized. The student sometimes speaks with proper volume, intonation, and enunciation. The student sometimes speaks with conviction.

Oral communication Usually exhibits correct usage and grammar; is focused and organized. The student speaks with audible volume, intonation, and enunciation. The student speaks with conviction.

Oral communication most always exhibits correct usage and grammar; is focused and organized. The student speaks with proper volume, intonation, and enunciation. The student often speaks with conviction.

Communication Skills - Nonverbal

Does not maintain eye contact. Demonstrates no confidence and fails to interact with the interviewers. Does not project a composed/relaxed demeanor and demonstrates distracting mannerisms.

Seldom maintains eye contact. Demonstrates Some confidence and Interacts minimally with interviewers. Sometimes projects a composed/relaxed demeanor and demonstrates minimal distracting mannerisms

Often maintains eye contact with the interviewers. Demonstrates confidence and effectively interacts Minimally with interviewers. Usually projects a composed/ relaxed demeanor and demonstrates minimal distracting mannerisms

Most always maintains eye contact. Demonstrates a strong degree of confidence and leadership, always interacting respectfully and cooperatively with the interviewers. Most always projects a composed and relaxed demeanor and does not exhibit any distracting mannerisms.


Criteria 1 2 3 4 (1) Displays professional appearance and appropriate attire

Meets one or none of the professionalism criteria

Meets two of the four professionalism criteria

Meets three of the four professionalism criteria

Meets all four professionalism criteria

(2) Demonstrates enthusiasm and a high level of energy (3) Demonstrates creativity and resourcefulness in the portfolio presentation (4) Presentation of portfolio is highly organized and presented in a logical manner using the INTASC standards

Portfolio Artifacts and Presentation

Criteria 1 Unsatisfactory

2 Basic

3 Proficient

4 Distinguished

Disposition Skills Neither written nor oral reflections indicate any commitment towards Professional growth directed at setting high academic standards, developing ethical teaching behaviors, or creating a safe supportive environment where all students can learn

Only occasional written and oral reflections indicate a commitment towards professional growth directed at setting high academic standards, developing ethical teaching behaviors, and creating a safe supportive environment where all students can learn

All written and oral reflections indicate a some commitment towards professional growth directed at setting high academic standards, developing ethical teaching behaviors, and creating a safe supportive environment where all students can learn

All written and oral reflections indicate a strong commitment towards professional growth directed at setting high academic standards, developing ethical teaching behaviors, and creating a safe supportive environment where all students can learn.

Diversity Essay Evaluation Form (Pedagogy and Environments)

0 Unsatisfactory

1 Basic

2 Proficient

3 Advanced

4 Distinguished

The tone of the essay demonstrates a lack of acceptance of diverse populations.

Describes the physical nature of the diverse classroom or a single difference within the student population.

Describes the physical and social environment of the diverse classroom and describes more than one different form of diversity within the student population (language, race/ ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, SES).

Describes the physical and social environment of the diverse classroom, describes more than one different form of diversity within the student population (language, race/ ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, SES), and provides a Description of how Diversity impacts the Educational experience.

Describes the physical and social environment of the diverse classroom, describes many different forms of diversity within the student population (language, race/ ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, SES), and identifies multiple ways diversity is impacting the educational experience. The essay also includes insightful recommendations for meeting diverse learning needs.

Technology Inclusion Checklist (NETS-T)

Criteria Met Not Met Portfolio is prepared electronically.

Technology artifacts are included.

There is one artifact for 5 different competencies of NETS-T.

The artifacts are properly aligned to NETS T for General Preparation Performance Profile Competencies.

Guidelines for Use of Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Competency Form

1) Read the competency form at the beginning of the student teacher’s placement.

2) The competency form is to be completed two times during the placement. The first

completion of the competency form is referred to as the Formative (F) Assessment. This assessment of the performance of your student teacher takes place after the fourth week in your classroom and serves as the mid-term evaluation of your student teacher’s progress. At this time each element is read along with the corresponding categories that describe various levels of performance. Select the category which best describes the consistent level of performance of your student teacher at this mid-term point and mark one category per element by putting an X in the box that best identifies the performance of your student teacher.

3) Near the end of your student teacher’s placement, complete the competency form again to provide final or Summative (S) Assessment data that best conveys the performance of your student teacher during the final weeks of his/her placement in your classroom. Once again, you read the element and the corresponding categories to select the category that best describes the performance of your student teacher. Then, put an X in the box marked “S” (corresponding to summative).

4) Not Applicable – If you feel that any element does not apply at the time of the evaluation or in your given teaching situation, print N/A inside the element box.

5) Comments are recommended if you categorize your student teacher as Unsatisfactory or Distinguished. Your careful assessment of your student teacher’s performance will help to identify his/her strengths and areas to improve.

6) On the cover page, please record any days absent by the student teacher.

7) Note: This competency form is the property of Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

(LHUP). It will become part of the student teacher’s file, not the LHUP Career Services file. If the student teacher or cooperating teacher wants a copy of this form, s/he will need to make a copy for his/her personal file.

Thank you.



Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

PDE-430 1

Pennsylvania Statewide Evaluation Form for Student Professional Knowledge and Practice Student/Candidate’s Last Name First Middle Social Security Number Subject(s) Taught Grade Level This form is to serve as a permanent record of a student teacher/candidate’s professional performance evaluation during a specific time period, based on specific criteria. This form must be used at least twice during the 12-week (minimum) student teaching experience.

PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Directions: Examine all sources of evidence provided by the student teacher/candidate and bear in mind the aspects of teaching for each of the four categories used in this form. Check the appropriate aspects of student teaching, and indicate the sources of evidence used to determine the evaluation of the results in each category. Assign an evaluation for each of the four categories and then assign an overall evaluation of performance. Sign the form and gain the signature of the student teacher. Category I: Planning and Preparation – Student teacher/candidate demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and pedagogical skills in planning and preparation. Student teacher makes plans and sets goals based on the content to be taught/learned, knowledge of assigned students, and the instructional context. Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(A), (B), (C), (G), (H) Student Teacher/Candidate’s performance appropriately demonstrates:

• Knowledge of content • Knowledge of pedagogy • Knowledge of Pennsylvania’s K-12 Academic Standards • Knowledge of students and how to use this knowledge to impart instruction • Use of resources, materials, or technology available through the school or district • Instructional goals that show a recognizable sequence with adaptations for individual student needs • Assessments of student learning aligned to the instructional goals and adapted as required for student needs • Use of educational psychological principles/theories in the construction of lesson plans and setting instructional goals

Sources of Evidence (Check all that apply and include dates, types/titles and number)

! Lesson/Unit Plans ! Resources/Materials/Technology ! Assessment Materials ! Information About Students

(Including IEP’s)

! Student Teacher Interviews ! Classroom Observations ! Resource Documents ! Other

Category Exemplary 3 Points Superior 2 Points Satisfactory 1 Point Unsatisfactory 0 Points

Criteria for Rating The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

Rating (Indicate √�

Justification for Evaluation

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

PDE-430 2

Student/Candidate’s Last Name First Middle Social Security Number Category II: Classroom Environment – Student teacher/candidate establishes and maintains a purposeful and equitable environment for learning, in which students feel safe, valued, and respected, by instituting routines and setting clear expectations for student behavior. Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(E), (B) Student Teacher/Candidate’s performance appropriately demonstrates:

• Expectations for student achievement with value placed on the quality of student work • Attention to equitable learning opportunities for students • Appropriate interactions between teacher and students and among students • Effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in little or no loss of instructional time • Clear standards of conduct and effective management of student behavior • Appropriate attention given to safety in the classroom to the extent that it is under the control of the student teacher • Ability to establish and maintain rapport with students

Sources of Evidence (Check all that apply and include dates, types/titles, and number)

! Classroom Observations ! Informal Observations/Visits ! Student Teacher/Candidate Interviews

! Visual Technology ! Resources/Materials/Technology/Space ! Other

Category Exemplary 3 Points Superior 2 Points Satisfactory 1 Point Unsatisfactory 0 Points

Criteria for Rating The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

Rating (Indicate √�

Justification for Evaluation

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

PDE-430 3

Student/Candidate’s Last Name First Middle Social Security Number Category III – Instructional Delivery - Student teacher/candidate, through knowledge of content, pedagogy and skill in delivering instruction, engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies. Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(D),(F),(G) Student Teacher/candidate’s performance appropriately demonstrates:

• Use of knowledge of content and pedagogical theory through his/her instructional delivery • Instructional goals reflecting Pennsylvania K-12 standards • Communication of procedures and clear explanations of content • Use of instructional goals that show a recognizable sequence, clear student expectations, and adaptations for individual student needs • Use of questioning and discussion strategies that encourage many students to participate • Engagement of students in learning and adequate pacing of instruction • Feedback to students on their learning • Use of informal and formal assessments to meet learning goals and to monitor student learning • Flexibility and responsiveness in meeting the learning needs of students • Integration of disciplines within the educational curriculum

Sources of Evidence (Check all that apply and include dates, types/titles, or number)

! Classroom Observations ! Informal Observations/Visits ! Assessment Materials ! Student Teacher/Candidate Interviews

! Student Assignment Sheets ! Student Work ! Instructional Resources/Materials/Technology ! Other

Category Exemplary 3 Points Superior 2 Points Satisfactory 1 Point Unsatisfactory 0 Points

Criteria for Rating The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

Rating (Indicate √�

Justification for Evaluation

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

PDE-430 4

Student/Candidate’s Last Name First Middle Social Security Number Category IV – Professionalism - Student teacher/candidate demonstrates qualities that characterize a professional person in aspects that occur in and beyond the classroom/building. Alignment: 354.33. (1)(i)(I),(J) Student Teacher/Candidate’s performance appropriately demonstrates:

• Knowledge of school and district procedures and regulations related to attendance, punctuality and the like • Knowledge of school or district requirements for maintaining accurate records and communicating with families • Knowledge of school and/or district events • Knowledge of district or college’s professional growth and development opportunities • Integrity and ethical behavior, professional conduct as stated in Pennsylvania Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for

Educators; and local, state, and federal, laws and regulations • Effective communication, both oral and written with students, colleagues, paraprofessionals, related service personnel, and

administrators • Ability to cultivate professional relationships with school colleagues • Knowledge of Commonwealth requirements for continuing professional development and licensure

Sources of Evidence (Check all that apply and include dates, types/titles, or number)

! Classroom Observations ! Informal Observations/Visits ! Assessment Materials ! Student Teacher Interviews ! Written Documentation

! Student Assignment Sheets ! Student Work ! Instructional Resources/Materials/Technology ! Other

Category Exemplary 3 Points Superior 2 Points Satisfactory 1 Point Unsatisfactory 0 Points

Criteria for Rating The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

Rating (Indicate √�)

Justification for Evaluation

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333

PDE-430 5

Overall Rating

Category Exemplary (Minimum of 12 Points)

Superior (Minimum of 8 Points) Satisfactory (Minimum of 4 Points)

Unsatisfactory (0 Points)

Criteria for Rating The candidate consistently and thoroughly demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate usually and extensively demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate sometimes and adequately demonstrates indicators of performance.

The candidate rarely or never and inappropriately or superficially demonstrates indicators of performance.

Rating (Indicate √�)

Note: This assessment instrument must be used a minimum of two times. A satisfactory rating (1) in each of the 4 categories, resulting in a minimum total of at least (4) points, must be achieved on the final summative rating to favorably complete this assessment. Justification for Overall Rating: Student Teacher/Candidate’s Last Name First Middle Social Security Number District/IU School Interview/Conference Date School Year: Term: Required Signatures: Supervisor/Evaluator: Date:

Student/Teacher Candidate:


(Confidential Document)

Stage III LHUP Dispositions Evaluation Student Teaching Supervisor

Lock Haven University believes that all candidates in teacher education programs should demonstrate values, commitments, and professional ethics that are consistent with the expectations of our area school districts and surrounding communities. The following list of ten dispositions and identifying observable behaviors are desirable in all Lock Haven University faculty, cooperating teachers and preservice teacher candidates. Some of these dispositions have been derived from the dispositions identified by the INTASC Principles. Directions: Step One: The student teaching supervisor will meet with the student teacher to review the disposition evaluation and action plan completed at the conclusion of the professional semester (Stage II.5 Disposition Evaluation). Step Two: Near the end of the first student teaching placement, the co-operating teacher will administer the Disposition Survey. The student teacher will compile the survey data and complete the Disposition Survey Summary Section in LiveText. Step Two: At the conclusion of the first student teaching placement, the supervisor will evaluate the student teacher using the attached evaluation chart. Step Three: The student teaching supervisor and the student teacher will review the disposition evaluation completed by the supervisor and the summary of the data collected using the Student Teacher Disposition Survey (completed by Pre-K through grade 12 students). Step Four: After reviewing both the Disposition Evaluation and the Student Teacher Disposition Survey Data, the student teacher will develop a new action plan that addresses areas still in need of improvement. This action plan is to be completed during the second student teaching assignment. If no further improvement is needed by the Student Teacher then the evaluation process is concluded. Step Five: If an action plan is created for the second student teaching placement, then Steps Two and Three are repeated. Step Six: All Stage III Disposition Evaluation Forms should be filed in the Teacher Education Office when completed.

Dispositions 1. The effective practitioner demonstrates oral communication skills that include: An absence of distracting mannerisms, an absence of repetitious words, an ability to speak at appropriate pace, correct grammar usage, an ability to enunciate words correctly, an ability to project his/her voice, developmentally appropriate language level, professionally appropriate word usage, and organization of thought.

2. The effective practitioner demonstrates written communication skills that include: Organization of thought, correct grammar usage, appropriate language for the reader, clear and concise writing, correct mechanics, professional tone, and professional language. 3. The effective practitioner demonstrates collaboration skills that include: An ability to organize roles for all professionals and paraprofessionals within the classroom, an ability to interact in a professional manner with colleagues and parents, an ability to work within a team of professional, acceptance of constructive criticism, an ability to seek feedback, acceptance of equality of the workload, and maintaining responsible behavior with borrowed materials.

4. The effective practitioner demonstrates reflective skills that include: An ability to self-evaluate, a willingness to make changes based on self-evaluation including reteaching, a willingness to formulate measures for self- improvement, an ability to make adjustments to the lesson while teaching, an ability to use spontaneous situations to adjust teaching, an ability to use students’ strengths as a basis for growth, and their errors as an opportunity for learning.

5. The effective practitioner demonstrates preparedness by exhibiting behaviors that include: Arriving at school on time/ Leaving school at contracted time, preparing lessons in advance, preparing all needed materials for lesson, promptness in returning student work, preparing lesson assessments in advance of lesson, planning alternative approaches to modify instruction if needed, carrying out professional responsibilities in a timely manner i.e. attendance, grade reports etc.

6. The effective practitioner demonstrates professional commitment by exhibiting behaviors that include: Applying current research in teaching methods, prompt notification of absences, a willingness to make-up time missed due to absence, a willingness to give extra “out of class” time to school-related activities, and participating in a professional association.

7. The effective practitioner demonstrates a positive attitude by exhibiting behaviors that include: Enthusiasm; such as smiling, use of animated language, actively engaging students, using praise, not just correction, a willingness to receive other’s ideas and suggestions, an acceptance and willingness to carry out professional responsibilities, using nonconfrontational body language, using body language that suggests active listening, and using a nonrebuking tone of voice. 8. The effective practitioner demonstrates ethical behaviors that include: Non- bias treatment of students, maintenance of student confidentiality, maintenance of appropriate student-teacher relationship, respecting all students, parents, and colleagues regardless of diverse background, maintenance of personal integrity, abiding by school and school district rules and policies, and respecting laws within the community

9. The effective practitioner demonstrates a level of independence by exhibiting behaviors that include: Developing own ideas, initiative in completing classroom tasks, and a limited need for reassurance 10. The effective practitioner demonstrates flexibility by exhibiting behaviors that include: An ability to adjust to daily schedule changes, a willingness to modify instruction, an ability to proceed following an interruption, an ability to adjust instruction for the unexpected, and an ability to adjust to a changing curriculum.

Stage III Disposition Self-Evaluation and Action Plan

Illegible forms will not be accepted!

Student Name____________________________ ID Number__________________ Education Program________________________ Signature of Student Teaching Supervisor ____________________________________________ Dispositions To be completed by the Student Teaching

Supervisor To be completed by the Student Teacher


Areas for improvement

Provide justification for each area that needs to be improved by identifying specific behaviors that should be corrected.

Enter Student Survey Data: Record any behaviors that students suggested should be improved.

Develop a plan of activities that you intend to complete to correct each disposition that needs improved.

Oral Communication Skills

Written Communication Skills

Dispositions To be completed by the Student Teaching Supervisor

To be completed by the Student Teacher


Needs Improvement

Provide justification for each area that needs to be improved by identifying specific behaviors that should be corrected.

Enter Student Survey Data: Record any behaviors that students suggested should be improved.

Develop a plan of activities that you intend to complete to correct each disposition that needs improved.

Collaboration Skills

Reflective Skills


Professional Commitment

Dispositions To be completed by the Student Teaching Supervisor

To be completed by the Student Teacher


Needs Improvement

Provide justification for each area that needs to be improved by identifying specific behaviors that should be corrected.

Enter Student Survey Data: Record any behaviors that students suggested should be improved.

Develop a plan of activities that you intend to complete to correct each disposition that needs improved.

Positive Attitude

Ethical Behaviors

Level of Independence

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Directions for Administering

Student Teacher/Communication & Disposition Evaluation Survey

Directions for Student Teacher: Ask your cooperating teacher to administer the appropriate evaluation to the classroom (if the student teacher is teaching more than one section, then s/he or the cooperating teacher should choose a section). You should not be in the classroom when the evaluation is administered. We ask that the evaluation be given during the 5th or 6th week of your first placement. Once the forms are received from your cooperating teacher, create a table with survey results, and analyze the responses. Be sure to recognize your strengths and areas for improvement and write a reflection on your analysis. The table and reflection need to be entered into your Senior Portfolio because it is one of the required artifacts. Directions for Cooperating Teacher: * If you do not feel this form is appropriate for your classroom or grade level, please discuss this with the university supervisor Elementary Age- During the 5th or 6th week of the placement, please select a class in which to administer the evaluation (this can be your choosing or the student teacher’s). The student teacher should not be in the room when the questions are asked. Read each statement to the children with the beginning prompt: “Miss Smith/ Mr. Jones..…” You may eliminate any questions that do not apply. The children should respond by checking Yes or No. Upon completion of the questions, please collect the forms and give them to the student teacher. Once the student teacher has the opportunity to analyze and reflect on the responses, please feel free to ask the student teacher what he/she learned from the responses. Secondary Education- During the 5th or 6th week of the placement, please select a class in which to administer the evaluation (this can be your choosing or the student teacher’s). The student teacher should not be in the room when the questions are asked. Read aloud all statements beginning with the prompt; “My student teacher…” and have students to please respond to each statement by checking “Most of the time” or “Rarely”. You may eliminate any questions that do not apply. Upon completion of the questions, please collect the forms and give them to the student teacher. Once the student teacher has the opportunity to analyze and reflect on the responses, please feel free to ask the student teacher what he/she learned from the responses.

Lock Haven University Teacher Education

Student Teacher Communication/Disposition Evaluation Form Elementary Age Version

Directions for the Co-operating Teacher: Read each statement (1-14) to the children with the beginning prompt: “Miss Smith/Mr. Jones….” You may eliminate any questions that do not apply. The children should respond by checking Yes or No. My student teacher…. Yes No 1. … encourages us to follow all school rules.

2. …speaks loudly enough for me to hear.

3. …talks to me in private when I don’t make good choices or misbehave.

4. …uses words that I understand.

5. … returns my work/papers within a few days.

6. …explains to me things I don’t understand in a friendly way.

7. … lets me know what he or she wants me to do.

8. …asks me what I like to do in school and at home.

9. …explains to me why my work is important.

10. …is happy and smiles when she or he teaches.

11. … is a good listener.

12. …tells me when I make good choices.

13. …makes me feel that it is okay to make a mistake.

14. … treats all students fairly.

Lock Haven University Teacher Education

Student Teacher Communication/Disposition Evaluation Form Secondary Education Version

Directions for the Co-operating Teacher: Read all statements (1-24) beginning with the following prompt: “Miss Smith/Mr. Jones…..” Ask the students to please respond to each statement by checking “Most of the time” or “Rarely”. * Be sure to complete questions on the back

My student teacher…. Most of the time Rarely 1. …speaks clearly and is easily heard.

2. …speaks in a way that I can understand or in a way that is not confusing.

3. …has distracting mannerisms.

4. …uses correct grammar. 5. …uses handwriting that is easy to read.

6. …writes using language I can understand.

7. …handles unexpected circumstances without getting flustered.

8. …can be put off topic easily by the students.

9. …grades our work and returns it in a timely fashion.

10. … has the class on task and works toward the class objectives for the entire period.

11. … prepares well-planned lessons and is well organized for class.

12. …uses different ways of determining my grades

13. …is willing to help me outside of class time.

14. …is enthusiastic 15. 15. …makes me feel

comfortable asking for help.

My student teacher…. Most of the time Rarely 16. …is a good listener 17. …is interested in my concerts, sport events, activities or hobbies.

18. … communicates in a positive way and encourages me to do my best.

19. …conducts an enjoyable class.

20. …treats all students fairly.

21. …is trustworthy. 22. …respects all students and their parents.

23. …shares my grades only with me or my parents.

24. …has qualities I admire.

! 1!


Factor 1: Contextual Information – Identify at least one sub-groups

Checklist Missing ( √ ) Incomplete ( x ) Complete

Required Heading are Included

Number of Students in Class

Ethnic, Cultural and Gender

Socio-Economic Status (SES)

Classroom Environment

Community Environment

Students with Special Needs

Development Characteristics

Number of ELL students in class

Sub-Groups – Clearly Identified

Rubric (Headings) Target Not Met Target Met Target Exceeded

Identification of learning context:

• Community environmental contextual elements

• Classroom management elements

• Student characteristics

The candidate does not identify information about the learning-teaching context and student individual differences.

The candidate identifies basic information about the learning-teaching context and student individual differences.

The candidate provides detailed information about the learning-teaching context and student individual differences.

Using prior knowledge and skills:

• Contextual elements impacting learners’ needs

Evidence of using prior knowledge and skills is not present.

Using evidence, from observation/pre-assessment, the candidate recognizes the variance among individual subgroups of students in regard to learning levels.

Using detailed evidence and citing research, the candidate recognizes the variance among individual subgroups of students in regard to prior knowledge and skills (e.g., learning levels, ELL, etc.).

Specific linked implications for sub-groups selected

• Table – Contextual Factors Table

Candidate does not address implications of contextual information in planning instruction and assessment.

Candidate addresses basic implications of context for instruction and assessment and links them to specific sub-groups (student individual differences and community, school, and classroom characteristics).

Candidate addresses, in specific detail, implications of context for instruction and assessment and links them to specific sub-groups (student individual differences and community, school, and classroom characteristics).

! 2!


Factor 2: Unit Learning Goals and Standards

Checklist Checklist Missing

( √ ) Incomplete

( x ) Complete

Required Headings are Included

Specifies the grade level of the TWS unit

A rationale for the choice of the Assessed objectives is provided

Unit goals and assessed objectives are aligned with state standards

Unit goals and assessed objectives are developmentally appropriate given the grade level and classroom context

Unit Goals are described in terms of pupil performance, not activities

Assessed Objectives are correctly labeled by domain (cognitive, affective, psychomotor

Rubric (Headings)

Target Not Met Target Met Target Exceeded

Domains Assessed Objectives

Domains are not appropriate for population, curriculum, or contextual factors.

At least two appropriate (cognitive, affective, psychomotor) domains are all addressed once for the population, curriculum, and contextual factors.

At least two appropriate (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) domains are identified in majority of lesson plans

Level of Assessed Objectives Table

Absent Objectives are balanced and appropriate for the unit and some address higher levels.

Many of the lessons included middle or high level objectives.

! 3!

Factor 3: Assessment Plan

Checklist Checklist Missing ( √ ) Incomplete ( x ) Complete

Required Headings are Included

Explains and defends choice of assessment

Uses identical pre-post assessment items(1, 16%)

Employs formative assessments which promote achievement of lesson objectives


Adaptations are Addressed

Table Included

Rubric Rubric (Headings)

Target Not Met Target Met Target Exceeded

Assessment Format

The assessment plan includes only one assessment format.

Assessment plan includes more than one assessment format including either performance assessments or tasks (i.e., paper/pencil test, rubrics, observation, checklists, etc.).

The assessment plan includes multiple assessment formats including either performance assessments or tasks which require integration of knowledge, skills, and reasoning ability.

Assessment Plan Description

The candidate provides no description of assessment plan.

Assessment plan provides clear rationale for selection of each assessment and how each assessment was chosen for most students. The candidate describes how assessments are appropriate for the objectives.

Assessment plan describes in detail evidence that the assessments are appropriate for subgroup(s) identified in Factor 1.

Assessment Challenge

The assessment is overly easy (e.g., requires only a simple response, gives answers away, easy to guess, etc.) or is too difficult.

The assessment is challenging (e.g., tasks are not too simplistic, test can discriminate between students who can attain the objectives and those who cannot. Students should not be able to answer correctly if they have missed class, not paid attention, guessed, etc.)

Candidate includes a variety of assessment challenges. Some assessments reflect students’ interests and needs, and provide opportunities for choice.

Assessment Criteria

The candidate provides no evidence for assessment criteria.

The candidate describes criteria for assessment in measurable terms (addresses essential content and skills identified in objectives, specifies the point at which students successfully meet the objectives, includes adaptations).

Meets assessment criteria and includes remediation options for students who do not meet the assessment criteria (provides supplementary instructional strategies).

! 4!

Factor 4: Instructional Design and Implementation

Checklist Checklist Missing

( √ ) Incomplete

( x ) Complete

Required Headings are Included

Instructional design is aligned with unit goals & assessed objectives (1, 20%)

Instructional design is progressively sequenced (if appropriate) (1, 20%)

Instructional design includes evidence that assessment informs instruction (pre-assessment, formative) for purpose of adjusting and adapting instruction (1, 20%)

Instructional design provides evidence that context data is used in instructional decision (1, 20%)

Table included

Rubric Rubric (Headings)

Target Not Met Target Met Target Exceeded

Multiple instructional strategies

Only 1 or 2 strategies are incorporated throughout the unit and the strategies reflect only the more common or traditional styles of learning, (e.g., relies mainly on direct instruction, visual, verbal-linguistic, paper-pencil).

A variety of instructional strategies are incorporated throughout the unit. The strategies reflect a variety of styles of learning. Some strategies actively involve students in critical thinking, problem solving, or authentic performance.

Multiple instructional strategies are incorporated throughout the unit. Strategies address multiple intelligences and varied learning styles. Instructional strategies consistently involve students in collaborative instructional groups, active learning, critical thinking, problem solving or authentic performance.

Adaptation of instructional strategies

No adaptations are considered or stated. (Referring a student to specialist is not an appropriate strategy).

Adaptations address general contextual needs of class or subgroup(s), as identified in Factor 1. The candidate adequately defends the decision to not make instructional adaptations.

Candidates can differentiate process, product, content and learning environments and plan tiered assessments to meet the needs of students.

Demonstration of integration across subject areas

The candidate’s use of interdisciplinary learning experiences or instruction is not present.

The candidate creates interdisciplinary learning experiences by integrating other content areas in the unit.

The candidate shows evidence of creating interdisciplinary learning experiences that integrate subject, skill, or method of inquiry across two or more content areas.

! 5!

Motivational Elements

There is minimal or inconsistent use of motivational strategies to promote student interest in unit/lesson content or to recognize student effort and achievement.

The candidate regularly employs a variety of motivational strategies to make content relevant, builds on student interests, and affirms his/her belief that students can be successful. Praise and feedback are used to commend effort and provide recognition for significant achievement.

The candidate always employs a variety of motivational strategies to make content relevant, builds on student interests, and affirms his/her belief that students could be successful. Opportunities for student choice are provided and students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.

Technology The candidate includes no use of technology.

The candidate uses technology as a tool to improve teaching and learning and promote communication and higher order thinking.

The candidate uses technology as a tool to improve teaching and learning and promote communication and higher order thinking. Technology applications have been crafted to assist low achievers and to extend the learning of more capable students.

Placed here to minimize overall pages Cover Page, Table of Contents, and References (citation)

Checklist Missing (✓) Incomplete (✗) Complete

Cover Page -name, date, grade level of students, subject of TWS,

University Name, Course No. & Course Title, Sup-Group(s)

Table of Contents (final copy needs page numbers)

Citation Format (APA Style)

! 6!

Factor 5: Analysis of Learning

Checklist Checklist Missing ( √ ) Incomplete ( x ) Complete

Required Headings are Included

Provides a Learning Gains Worksheet

Presents Graphics and Data

Provides a mastery learning table

Provides evidence of effective items

Explains use of formative assessments


Rubric (Headings) Target Not Met Target Met Target Exceeded

Analysis of Learning gains )

• Learning)Gains)Worksheet

The candidate provides no data on the achievement of learning gains.

The candidate describes and basically explains the evidence of achievement for whole, subgroups, and for individual students including evidence of the degree the individual objectives were met.

The candidate describes and explains in detail the evidence of achievement for sub-groups, and for individual students, including evidence of the degree the individual objectives were met.

Analysis of Mastery Learning )

• Mastery)Learning)Table

The candidate provides no data on mastery learning.

The candidate provides a basic explanation of mastery learning for whole, subgroups, and individuals including those with adaptations.

The candidate provides a detailed explanation of mastery learning for whole, subgroups, and individuals, including those with adaptations.

Justification of Adaptations The candidate does not explain the reason for adaptations for the assessments provided.

The candidate uses data to justify assessment adaptations. A basic explanation justifying assessment adaptations is provided.

The candidate uses data to justify assessment adaptations. A detailed explanation justifying assessment adaptations is provided.



! 7!

Factor 6: Reflection and Self-Evaluation

Rubric: Rubric (Headings) Target Not Met Target Met Target Exceeded

Effects of decisions on instruction and assessment

The candidate provides no rationale for why some instruction and assessments were more successful than others.

The candidate basically identifies successful and unsuccessful instruction and assessments and provides plausible reasons for their success or lack thereof.

The candidate identifies, in specific detail, successful and unsuccessful instruction and assessments and provides plausible reasons for their success or lack thereof.

Effects of decisions on student learning

The candidate provides no evidence to support conclusions.

The candidate uses evidence and data to support conclusions that show what the candidate did to impact student learning, including any mid-unit adaptations.

The candidate explores multiple (two or more) hypotheses for why some students did not achieve mastery.

Alignment between instruction and assessment

Discussion indicates no regard for the alignment among unit objectives, instruction, and assessments.

Discussion indicates an analysis of the alignment or non-alignment among unit objectives, instruction and assessments.

Discussion indicates an analysis of the alignment or non-alignment among unit objectives, instruction, and assessments and relates these to the student success or failure.

Implications for Future Teaching

The candidate provides no ideas or inappropriate ideas for redesigning instruction and assessment. No rationale is provided for why these changes would improve student learning.

The candidate provides ideas for redesigning instruction and offers a rationale for why these changes would improve student learning.

The candidate provides ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction or assessment and cites research to support their rationale.

Communications with students' parents and other professionals

The candidate provides no evidence of communication with students’ parents or other professionals.

The candidate provides evidence of communication with students’ parents or other professionals.

The candidate provides evidence including specific details of interactions with students’ parents and other professionals.

Implications for professional development/continuous learning

The candidate provides no professional development goals or activities that are related to the insights and experiences described in Factor 6.

The candidate presents two professional development goals with activities that clearly emerge from the insights described in Factor 6.

The candidate presents more than two professional development goals and activities that clearly emerge from the insights described in Factor 6.

Lock Haven University Teacher Education Office Liabil ity Insurance Policy

Every candidate participating in a professional semester or student teaching must show evidence of having current liability insurance, equal to one million dollars that will be in effect for the duration of the semester in which he or she plans to teach in the schools. This documentation, in most cases a professional membership card, must be recorded in the office of the Director of Teacher Education by December 1st or August 30th prior to the respective professional or student teaching semester.

Lock Haven University Teacher Education Programs

Praxis and Pearson Exam Policy

Pennsylvania Department of Education Requirements

All candidates for initial certification in Pennsylvania must have earned at least a baccalaureate degree, completed an approved program of teacher education, and passed required Praxis and/or Pearson tests for their certification area. All individuals seeking dual certification will be required to be tested in both areas of specialization. It is the responsibility of the applicant to register for the proper subject assessment test(s). Refer to Test Requirements on the Teacher Education Office Web page for a listing of areas of certification, the required tests, and passing score requirements.

Lock Haven University Requirements

All students majoring in teacher education at Lock Haven University must successfully pass the Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests, PAPA (Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment) or Praxis Core Tests in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics prior to being admitted into the teacher education program. Furthermore, students may not enroll in 300 level education courses that programs have identified as “gateway courses” until such time that all PAPA/Praxis Core scores are passed. Passing scores are to be recorded in the Teacher Education Office.

Required Praxis II Series Test(s) OR Pearson Core Assessment and/or Concentration Tests: All candidates in teacher education programs at Lock Haven University must register or complete the required Subject Specialty Test(s) prior to the first day of student teaching. Passing scores on these exams will be required for certification, but are not required to student teach. However, candidates must attempt the test(s) prior to student teaching. Candidates must present their admission ticket(s) or passing score(s) report in the Teacher Education Office for verification that all required tests have been taken. Refer to the following Teacher Education Web page: for the list of the required Praxis or Pearson test requirements for Pennsylvania Teacher Certification.

Special Note: The Pennsylvania Department of Education will recognize scores for ten years from the date of the test administration. Qualifying scores may be subject to change. All candidates for certification must meet the qualifying score for all applicable tests at the time their application for certification is received by the Bureau of Teacher Certification and Preparation.




1.# All#persons#who#intend#to#participate#in#field#experiences#or#student#teach#must#secure#the#aforementioned#documents#to#establish#eligibility#to#participate#in#field#experiences#or#student#teaching.#

2.## The#clearances#and#TB#Test#must#be#current#and#may#not#expire#during#the#duration#of#the#placement.#

3.## An#applicant#for#student#teaching#must#present#the#aforementioned#documents#to#the#Clearance#Coordinator#by:#

! Fall:%%October%15%%! Spring:%%%March%15%

4.%% Failure%to%submit%the%clearances%and%TB%Test%to%the%Clearance%Coordinator,%by%the%deadline%dates%will%cause%the%cancellation%of%the%field%placement%or%both%of%the%student%teaching%placements.%There%will%be%no%exceptions.%Once%the%placements%are%cancelled%they%will%not%be%reinstated.%A%student%who%does%not%meet%the%deadline%for%the%aforementioned%documents%will%have%to%reapply%to%student%teach%at%the%beginning%of%the%next%semester.%



Revised Fall 2008

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Teacher Education Programs

Definition of Diversity Experience A potentially life-transforming exercise that immerses individuals as participant observers in diverse environments, which differ from their own. An experience that makes students deeply value other cultures and instills in them greater sensitivity to issues of diversity such as race and ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, language, and exceptionality that affects teaching and student learning. An experience that awakens in the student an awareness of his or her own value systems and assumptions about life.

Policy The Teacher Education Programs at Lock Haven University recognize the value of diverse field experiences in preparing teachers at the initial program level and establish the following policy:

Upon entrance to the program, each student in teacher education will complete a self-assessment under the guidance of his/her advisor in order to determine an appropriate diversity plan. The diversity plan will identify two areas of diversity that the student needs to investigate through a minimum of 20 hours of field experiences. The two areas of diversity, ten hours of field experience in each, must be completed prior to entrance to the professional semester. Upon completion of each of the two field experiences, each student is required to submit a detailed written summary of one of the experiences. The summary must include reflections on the value of the diverse field experience for the student’s academic and personal growth. Prior to graduation, during either the professional semester (Block II for Secondary) or Student Teaching, each candidate will be assigned to a diverse teaching experience. Candidates will be evaluated by cooperating teachers and field supervisors using the Student Teaching Competency Form, or the Professional Semester Evaluation Form, demonstrating effectiveness in teaching diverse student populations.

Professional Dress & Decorum Professional personnel working in schools are expected to conform to reasonable standards of dress that are appropriate for adults working in a professional capacity. Lock Haven University observers, participators, and student teachers are school district guests and must conform to the expectations of professional attire being worn in the host school. All Lock Haven University students in assigned field placements, including student teaching, should adhere to the following guidelines:

Males • No earrings or visible body piercings or tattoos • No head covering indoors; exceptions will be made for religious purposes • No athletic apparel, including shoes; exceptions will be made for Athletic & Physical Education

majors leading a physical activity • No cargo shorts • Socks must be worn • No denim or leather pants • Wear clean, pressed clothing in good repair • Clothes should fit properly so that no undergarments are exposed • Hair should be clean and styled

Acceptable attire includes: slacks, pressed shirt and tie or pullover sweater, dress shoes or loafers.

Females • Restrained jewelry; no earrings in places other than the ear; earrings are of reasonable length (no

long chains or hoops) • No visible body piercings or tattoos • No head coverings indoors; exceptions will be made for religious purposes • No athletic apparel, including shoes; exceptions will be made for Athletic & Physical Education

majors leading a physical activity • Hair should be clean and neatly styled • No denim or leather pants • Clothes should fit properly so that no undergarments or excess cleavage are exposed • Clothing should not fit tightly or be of such thin material as to reveal outline of underwear • Avoid crop tops and low-rider pants that will reveal back or midriff during normal instructional

activity • Wear clean, pressed clothing in good repair • Restrained makeup • Modest skirt length • Wear shoes that are comfortable and that will not inhibit movement during instructional activity

Acceptable attire includes: suit, skirt, dress slacks, sweater or blouse, dress, or pantsuit, dress shoes or loafers. If your dress is determined to be unacceptable, you will be asked to go home and change your clothes. Any missed days must be made up. If a district policy is more specific than University policy, then the school policy should be followed. In order to support school spirit, exceptions to this policy can be made for special days in the school. Approved September 2005

Last Revised: 10/28/2016 1

Portfolio Requirements Prior to Student Teaching One or both of your student teaching placements WILL be in a school district which requires at least two of the following: review of your clearances, professional portfolio and a personal interview. Not all districts require a personal interview. Please carefully read the information below and proceed accordingly. Your student teaching placement will not be confirmed until you have met the portfolio/interview requirements! Note the different requirements for each school district. The following school districts require a review of your professional portfolio before you

begin student teaching. Mrs. Young will deliver your portfolio to the school district office where you have been placed. You must bring your portfolio to the Teacher Education Office Prior to the last day of classes. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to student teach.

If you are placed in two of the districts listed below you will need to provide our office with 2 portfolios.

• Jersey Shore SD • Loyalsock Township SD • Montoursville SD • Williamsport SD

The following school districts require a review of your professional portfolio. You must

take your portfolio with you the first time you meet with your cooperating teacher.

• Bellefonte SD • Muncy SD • State College SD • South Williamsport SD • Keystone Central SD

Even if your first placement does not require a portfolio but your

second placement does require a portfolio – you still need to submit a portfolio by the end of the semester.

Last Revised: 10/28/2016 2

Portfolio Requirements

• Make sure you use an attractive binder. Create an appealing title page that can be placed into the front of the binder (Student Teaching Portfolio, Semester and Year you are student teaching (example: Fall 2013), full name, and major(s).

• Current Clearances: (must include copies): Criminal Record- Act 34 (copy), Child Abuse- Act 33 (copy), FBI check (copy), Negative TB (copy)

• Resume • Philosophy of Classroom Management (1-2 pages) • Personal philosophical statement about teaching (1-2 pages) • Sample Standards based lesson plans. (2 lessons)

o ECED – One lesson plan at the PreK, K, or 1 level, One lesson plan at the 2,3,4 grade level

o Middle Level – One lesson plan from an elementary setting (4-6) and one from a middle level setting in one of your concentration areas.

o Secondary Majors – One lesson plan from a middle school setting and one lesson plan from a high school setting

o ECED/Dual or SECED/Dual, or ELML/Dual – One lesson plan from a regular classroom and one from a special education lesson plan.

o HPED – One lesson plan from a middle or high school setting and one lesson plan from an elementary setting.

• Sample unit plan – your choice on which grade level, regular or special education, etc. o Lesson Plans, Assessments, Worksheets, Projects, etc.

• Academic record (Unofficial Transcript) • Letter written to parents –(only for Early Childhood majors, PreK-4) • A standard Pennsylvania teaching application-Complete as much as possible


Also For State College Area SD Important: To student teach in the State College Area School District, they would like

you have a MAC laptop. If you are placed in SCASD and you do not have a MAC laptop, please contact Mrs. Young.

Revised April 2010

Lock Haven University

Teacher Education Programs

Exit Criteria


• Successful completion of all General Education Requirements including “overlays”

• Successful completion of all courses in the Major with a “C” or better • Successful professional semester evaluations of lesson plans,

communication skills, and dispositions • Completion of the Praxis II / Pearson Series Exams • Successful completion of Student Teaching requirements with a “C”

or better in each placement • Successful evaluation on PDE Form 430 forms • Successful completion of a Senior Portfolio in LiveText • Successful completion of a Teacher Work Sample during student

teaching • Successful evaluation of communication skills and dispositions during

student teaching • Successful maintenance of required 3.0 GPA • Completion of Application for Graduation with academic advisor and

department chair signatures • The recommendation of the Lock Haven University Teacher

Certification Officer