Off Road Drivers

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Off Road Drivers

Keeping the Quantock Hills special

4. Off-road drivers

There’s a great feeling of space!

And enough room to be able to zoom around – isnt


It’s nice to take your car or motorbike onto the hills

But spot the problem ...

When you have talked about this, click onto the next slide ...

Be a photo-detective …

WHAT are all these people doing??What will happen to the hills?

What can happen ...

Eventually, if people continue to drive on the hills where there are no roads, the hills begin to look like this ...

Add some arrows and comments to your “user groups spider diagram”, to show how off-road drivers can make problems for

the Quantock Hills and for other user groups

So how can we make this better?And keep the Quantocks special?

What do you think?Can you think of some solutions?

When you’re ready, click onto the next slide to see what the Quantock Hills Rangers have done so far

Spectators are kept inside the fence away from the motorbikes, and there is good supervision is case of accidents

So how can we make this better?And keep the Quantocks special?

Special car parks have been made, with bollards which stop people driving off the gravelled areas

Special fenced areas have been made for motorbikers, so they don’t drive on the open hills

Proper tracks have been made so the motorbikes don’t churn up the ground