Ofbiz Guy Gershoni 20060621

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Ofbiz Guy Gershoni 20060621


Guy Gershoni

An introduction and reflections about the Ofbiz framework.


● Introduction to Ofbiz

● Introduction to Framework

● Introduction to Data Model

● Is it for me?

Introduction to Ofbiz

● Overview● What is Ofbiz?● What is under the hood?● Overview of Framework● Overview of Applications


● Ofbiz = Open For Business● www.ofbiz.org● Started in 2001 (I think)● Founders

David E. Jones jonesde@ofbiz.org Andy Zeneski jaz@ofbiz.org

● MIT License moving to Apache● Currently in Apache Incubator


What is Ofbiz?

● Open source enterprise automation software project i.e. Open Source ERP Open Source CRM Open Source E-Business / E-Commerce Open Source SCM (Supply Chain

Management) etc.

What is under the hood?

● All written in Java (1.4)● Sits happily in any Web Container i.e.

Tomcat or Jetty● Composed of two sections

Framework Applications

Framework - Overview

● Framework Service Engine Entity Engine Request Manager Screen Manager Integration of third party tools for:

● Reporting● Workflow● etc.

Applications - Overview

● Applications E-commerce Product Mangement Price Management User and Party Mangement etc.

Introduction to Framework

● Entity Engine How we interact with database

● Service Engine How we interact with the system

● Minilang XML language for writing business logic

● User Interaction Request Mapper Screen Widget Thingy

Entity Engine

● Ofbiz does not do ORM but keeps data relational

● Works for many DBs and can tranperantly use multiple DBs in a single system

● Gives user tools for CRUD operations● Entity model and seed data written in


Entity Model<entity entity-name="Party"


title="Party Entity">

<field name="partyId" type="id-ne"></field>

<field name="partyTypeId" type="id-ne"></field>


<prim-key field="partyId"/>

<relation type="one" fk-name="PARTY_PTY_TYP" rel-entity-name="PartyType">

<key-map field-name="partyTypeId"/>


<relation type="one" fk-name="PARTY_CUL" title="CreatedBy" rel-entity-name="UserLogin">

<key-map field-name="createdByUserLogin" rel-field-name="userLoginId"/>



<index name="PARTYEXT_ID_IDX">

<index-field name="externalId"/>



Seed Data


<AgreementItemType agreementItemTypeId="SUBAGREEMENT" description="Sub-Agreement" hasTable="N" parentTypeId=""/>



Service Engine

● Can be written in: Java Beanshell Minilang Anything you want with customised handler

● Have ECA● Transactional● Synchronous, Asynchronous and



● All the parts of the framework work well with each other i.e. Entity Created CRUD Services created based on Entity Form created based on Entity

● All elements can be written in XML but are extendable

Introduction to Data Model

● Based on book “The Data Model Resource Book” by Len Silverston

● Highly flexable and comprehensive with over 700 tables in default install

● What we really loved about the system

Is it for me?

● Ramp up time● Support and training● Problem domain relates to Ofbiz● Is technology sexy?

Happy Hacking

● Have a look at www.ofbiz.org for tutorials and videos

● Search and email the mailing lists● Contact me guy@cyber.com.au