OF THE L E fi l S L A T U R E O F O R E G O N · PDF fileof r

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Transcript of OF THE L E fi l S L A T U R E O F O R E G O N · PDF fileof r

4 0 1 1 1 C O N C J K E S S , > H O U S E O F K E P K E S K N T A T I V E S . ( M i s . J ) o c .; V / M r x f t i o i i . f I Z S ' O . 1 2 .

F O U K T E E N T U C O X S T I T U T I O X A L A M E ^ s D M E X T .


L E fi l S L A T U R E O F O R E G O Ni r i T l i D R A W I N G

(o the propoitcil fourteenth count it ut ton ul UMcihlment.

DcccMnER 11, 186^?.—Referred to the Committee on th^ Judicinry and ordered to bo printed.

Statk or Oregon, Dejutrtment of State:To at I to irhom thene prencntH nhatl come^ greeting :

I <*ortity that aiiiio.xoil is a tnio uojjy of siMiato joint resolution Xo.4, *Mi*s<*iiHl!n;jr rosidutlon passtnl St^ptoinlKtr 10, 18<£(», ndativt* to aiiuoHl-iii;if tin* Uonstitutioii of tlio Unitod States, and withdrawing tho consentof till* Stati* of Oiv^on to tlio proposiul I4th constitutional ainondiiiont,'*as taken from the <iri;rinal rolls on tile in this oflicc.

In tf.stinumy wlM*nM>f, I, Samuel E. May, s<»cn»tary of state of theState of Orc;fo!i, have horennto suhscrilMMl my name and aflixtMl thosi'jil of the State. Done at Salem, ihis 20th day of X'ovonilM»r, A. 1>.i s a s .

S A M U E L K . M A Y ,Sevri'tary of State,

J^^UXT RKSOI.I'TH>NS n'Sfimlinp reHolitiion pajwA'd Sfplomber IP, ISiifJ, p'tntive tottiiii'mliitfif the Contftitiition of the irn)tc<] StHleH, nnd withdrawing the aniieitt of the Stateof Oregon to the proposed ]4th eotiMtitutiutial atiienduient.

Whereas on the lllth day t»f ScptcmlM»r, IHlJd. tlic followin^X ]n*caml»h*ami joint n'soliition was ^wcrcj a<loj»tod by the logrislativo assembly oftin* Stjito <»r Orcj^on, to wit :

WhereaH the Coiigrer«R itf the I rtiifed SiiileH did, by conenrrent rpKoIntioii ndofited nt the{irst of the ilurty-nliith ('tmgreKi*. propone to the li'glslafnren of the several Stateslie* I'dlowittg aiiietiiliiieiit to the CoiiMtitiition nf the I'liitet] Srntes. namely:

"AitT. 1-1. Skc. I. All nersoim Imrii or natiiraliKed in the l.'nited States, and siii»ject to thejtirlMiietioii then'uf, are eiir/ens of the I'tiite^l States, and of the State wherein they reside.No .<1,41,. .Hhail make or enforcr: any law whieh shall ahridg«» the privileges or immtiiiitles ofeitizeiis of the I'tiited States; iit»r shall any State deprive any prTson of life, llla*rty, orprop.-rty without due process of law ; nor <leny to any jrersoii within its jurisdietion theeipml protection the laws.*' Sf;r, *j, Rfpresciitatives shall he apportioned ai.'.oiig the several Status according to thcdrres|s-etive iitimWrs, counting the whole immber of persons in each State, excluding Indiansiioi taxed ; hut when the fight to vtite at Hliy eleotioii for the rhoieo of electors for I'resideiititiel \ :ce.'l*re.Hideiit of the l'nite<] States, represeiilHtives in t'ongress, th«» executive andjudii'ia! tiflicers of a State, or the niemhers of the logUiature thertml', is deiiiiMl to any of flic"inle inhahitants of sueh Stale, being twenty-one years of agi», and citirtens of the UnitedStuti'H, or in any way abridged except for participation in rcbellloii or other crime, the Imsi.s

2 F O i r R T K K N T i r C O X S T I T U T I O X A L A M K N D M F X T .

of r<*pni««*ntiifirt» fb^ri'in flmll bo ro<lurp«l in fbo proportion which tljc iimniior of Ruch nmlocitizoriR Rhu'I lK*Rr to tiu' whole niiinlH»r of male citizens twenty-om» vojirs of Hfifi* in such State.*' Smr. 'A. No |MMsoii shall l>e a sio-iit4»r<»r representative in ('oiifrress, (»r eh-ctor ot PrcuiJentand Virc-Presi«l«-nt, or hold atiy •'ffice. civil »»r military, tinder the Lnited SlHtes, or tutdoriinv Srnte, %vho. havtnjr previously taken an laith as a memher <jf Conjrress, or as ati otHeerof the I'nited States, or fts a rneniherof any State lepislatnre. or as an execntiveor judicialoflicer of any S:nte i<i stipport the Con«tittitiuti of the United States, slitill have fiifraip'd Itiiasnrnretion or rehelHitii against the sano'. «>r {riven aitl or cointort to the etieinies thereof.IJni Coii'rre'ss may, hy a v«»te of two thiids of teich house, remove such disuhility. ^'* SK.f. -1. Thn v,ali«nty of the pnhlic debt of the riuteil States authorized by law. inehidingd'*hts incurred for jiaynieiit or pensions and bounties for services in snpprcssiup; instirreetion»»r nd>i-lla»ii. shnll not he <jtiestit»ned. !iui tieiiher tho 1,'nitcd States nor any Statu shallassnuie ijr pav uav debt or uhli;riiti«in inciirre«l iti »iid i»l insurrection or n'helli«m a{rain>t theUnited States, or any ehiiin for th«» h»ss or emancipation of any slave; hut till sncli debts,ohli{ra'iors and <'!Hlins shall he held ilIe<;,Ml ami void.•• .<Hf. r». The ('uiijyre.ss slmll have power to enforce hy appropriate legislation llu- provisionso f t h i s a r t i c l e : * '

T h e r e f o r i ' .lif it rt-ulrni hy the. Ir.-^inhttirr rtsirtiiUif ff thr. of Orrgon, 'I'hat tho said amcudineut

to the Uonstitntloii of iln' Uniieil States lie .and the samft is herel>y ratified.A m i w l i f i ' i u i s 1 1 1 ) ( . % » i i s t i t i i t h > n o l " t l i « ' T A i i t o d S t a t e s

is valid until dtdy larilicd by tlinM* roiirths «>f all tin* Statvs ftuuitrisin;;the CiiittMl Status; nml until suvh mtilleatioii is uoniidctutl any Statohas a ri^rht t<» witlulniw its assent t<t any ]>it»i)ti.s(Ml ainendinent;

Ami whereas Hon. Williaai il. Seward, Secretary ttf State td' theUiiitetl States, on the -Sth day of* duly, ISlJS, issued a itroehunation,recitin^f, amoiio; other thiujr-s, that the s;d<l propo.sed aineudiiient wa.srjitifietl hy the le^rislatures td' Arlcnnsjis, Kloritla, Tjouisiana, Alabama,South Carolina, and <Jeor;ria, and tliat the same was atlopted by moix^than three-ftmrths <d* flu* States <d' the United States;

And when^as flu* newly <*on.stituted and newly e.stabli.sUed hodie.^^:>iVowin«r themju*lves to b«*, and nctin;; as flie le;rislaturi*s respeetively «dthe States of Arksiijs:i.s, Fh»rida, N«»rth Candiiia, Loui.siuna, South i.'aro-Utia, ATaljaiha, and <l<*oriria, were created by a military tiespotism a^^ainstthe will of the h*;ral viders of the saicl States, under the reconstruet!«wiacts (s<j ('ailed) of (Nui^ress, whieh are usurpations, uneon.stitutional,revolutionary, and void; and conseipiently the acts of such hmlies cannotlewaJIy ratify the s;ii<l preptised eenstitntional amendment for the Stateswliich they pi-etcnd to ii*present, nor affect the rrj^htsof the other States

rill' tlu*^ Cnioii;Ai'hd whert*:is ;dso the said resolution, ratiiyin^ the .said proposed

amendiuei i t to the Const i tut ion <d' the Uni ted St : i tes, was j idopted hythe house* of rejueseiitatives of tlie State of <)re;;on on the HUh <lay «d'Sept(*mb<*r, by a vote <d' lid yeas to 22 nays, ami passeel by tin*means «»f Thomas H. llrent/. tind M. M. Me-Kean. who were illepdiy andfraiidide'iitly returne<l as members <d' tin* saiel boii.sc of iepn'senf;Uivesfrom the county of Crant. by the .said Hrcntz, then ;ictin;t as county<'lerk and cauvass»*r of election returns for saiel e'ounty;

And wher<*as on tlu' 22d day of S<*pt<*mber, bS'id, tin* said Tliomas II.I l ren tz : tm l M. M. McKean we- re* dec la ree l no t en t i t l ed t f t t i n * sea ls w l i l ehtlu*y Imd usurped, ami on the siime day J. M. McC<»y ami C. W. Knisleywere di'c!:ued tn be tlie duly elei'te'd liiemlwrs from the <'<»imty of (and who, «»n tin- 21)th day <»f September, bSbb, cnti*r<'<l their prote'st onthe journals ol' t l ie house* of represjuitatives, ;im! declareel tlu*reiu thatif they luid not been e-xclnded from the seats to wbie'li they were entlthMl,they would Iiave' \Mt4'el ajraiust the resolution i;Uityin;4: tlie said jiropo.sedconstitutional ainemlment, ami thereby defeate'd the aelojdioii of thes a m e .

And whereas on the btli day of October. IXtWi, the liouse of. leprcseinlilii^lives of this State adojUed a resolution dechirinj^ that tlie action of thiit

F O U R T E K N T I I C O K S T I T U T I O X A L A M E X D M E X T . 3

*saiU |M!pposCTl conHtitutio^ui^^^^^-ii-rlf iif -tluv srtid fitoliw'.sKkxI, :irt<*f ihmii^ pJirgofl

W ] t s ^ l H ' r o fi > n > j ^ */>V it hi/ the iet/isintirv ttsficmhly of the State of Oreyoii^ ,^i;it tlu*'

mImivc m-ittMl msolutiiiii !Hi(>|»t(Ml hy tli« li'j:rislative ast;HMuhi|v* <>n tlM\ lOtlr^ I n y o f f n u u l r l M ' . a n d t i i c s a m e i s l u n ' t d t y r e s ( * M i ( T t M l ,and tlio ratilii-ation on boljalt' of Tho Sfafc of Oro^^on of flu* abovc-n'oitodjnoposcd anu'iidnu'iif to tlu* ('onstitution of tlic irnitod Status is lioivbyw i t h d n i w n a i u l r u f n s u d .

AVx«/m/, That any aincndniont to tin* Constitution of tl»o T'nitcdStatus on tbu subjuut of r(*prus(»ntation should bu proj)osud by a Oon;;russill whiuh all thu Status are ruprusuntud, or by a uonvuntion of all theStatus, whun* uauli could bu buard in thu propt>sin;^j as wull as in thesnlisuijuunt ratitiuation of such aniundinunt.

Iifsftlretl^ Tiiat thu suurutary of statu bu diructed to forward ourtitiuduni)i('s of thu forcy:oin;r luuainblu and rusolulions, without dulay, to tinsIhusidunt of thu Cnitud Status, to thu Suurutary of Statu of thu. CnitudStatus, to tliu Prusidunt of thu S«*natu, an<l to tliu Sp(?aker of th<» lIous(».of Jiujirusuntativus of thu I'nitud Stat(*s.

Adopted by thu housu Cutobur Id, flS(»S.dOJlN AVIIITKAKKU, Speaker,

Ailoptud by thu sonatu Outobur 0,ib F. ]JUKCn, iVu.v/du«/,