of the Board of Directors of Doral Academy of Northern Nevada

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Transcript of of the Board of Directors of Doral Academy of Northern Nevada


Board of Directors of Doral Academy of Northern Nevada

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of Doral Academy of Northern Nevada, a public charter school, will conduct a Board Meeting on Monday, July 16, 2018; beginning at 6:00 p.m. at 5470 Kietzke Ln, Suite 300 Reno, Nevada 89511. Attached hereto is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered.

Please Note: The Board of Directors of Doral Academy of Northern Nevada may 1) take agenda items out of order; 2) combine two or more items for consideration; or 3) remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion related to an item at any time.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically handicapped persons desiring to attend or participate at the meeting. Any persons requiring assistance may call Victor Salcido at 775-771-3244 at least two business days in advance so that arrangements may be made. Public comment may be limited to three minutes per person at the discretion of the Chairperson.


AGENDA July 16, 2018 Meeting of the Board of Directors of

Doral Academy of Northern Nevada (Action may be taken on those items denoted “For Possible Action”)

1. Call to order and roll call (For Possible Action)

2. Public Comment and Discussion (No action may be taken on a matter raised under

this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action will be taken.)

3. Approval of Minutes from the June 4, 2018 Board Meeting (For Possible Action)

4. Education Update and Principal’s Report (For Discussion)

5. Annual Evaluation of Principal Megan Pruitt (For Possible Action) (As this agenda

item pertains to personnel matters, the Presiding Board Officer may call for all or a portion of the discussion of this agenda item to be completed in closed session among Board members and requested parties.)

6. Review of Financial Performance (For Discussion)

7. Review and Approval of the Promissory Note with Academica Nevada (For

Possible Action)

8. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Switching DANN’s Bank Account to Nevada State Bank (For Possible Action)

9. Review and Possible Action to Approve a Revision to the Enrollment Policy (For

Possible Action)

10. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Proposed Licensed Employee Discipline and Evaluation Policy (For Possible Action)

11. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Renting of two Rooms from the

South Reno United Methodist Church (For Possible Action)

12. Update on Fundraising (Discussion Only)

13. Academica Announcements and Notifications (For Discussion) 2

14. Member Comment (For Discussion)

15. Public Comments and Discussion (No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action will be taken.)

16. Adjournment

This notice and agenda has been posted on or before 9 a.m. on the third working day before the meeting at the following locations:

(1) Reno City Clerk’s Office: 1 East 1st Street, Reno, Nevada Fax # 775-334-2432 (2) Downtown Reno Library: 301 S. Center Street, Reno, Nevada Fax # 775-327-8390 (3) Second Judicial District Court: 75 Court Street, Reno, Nevada Fax # 775-328-3206 (4) Doral Academy of Northern Nevada: 200 De Spain Lane, Reno, NV 89511 (4) 5470 Kietzke Ln, Suite 300 Reno, Nevada 89511



Supporting Document

SUBJECT: Minutes from the June 4, 2018 Board Meeting

X Action Appointments Approval Consent Agenda Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Board Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action: Move to approve the minutes from the June 4, 2018 board meeting.

Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 2-5 Minutes Background: Submitted By: Staff

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 3 – Approval of Minutes from the June 4, 2018 Board Meeting Number of Enclosures: 1


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MINUTES of the meeting of the


The Board of Directors of Doral Academy of Northern Nevada held a public meeting on June 4, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at 5470 Kietzke Ln, Suite 300 Reno, Nevada 89511.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Board Chair Danielle Cherry called the meeting to order at 5:41 p.m. with a quorum present. Inattendance were Board Members Steven Porter (via telephone, arrived 5:47 p.m.), Danielle Cherry, Susan Mayes-Smith, Indra Winquest, and Amanda Safford.

Board Members Nettie Oliverio and Candace Garlock were not present at this meeting.

Also present were Academica representatives Victor Salcido, Colin Bringhurst, Carlos Segrera, and Trevor Goodsell (via telephone).

2. Public Comment and Discussion

There was no request for public comment.

3. Approval of Minutes from the April 18, 2018 Board Meeting and the April 27, 2018 TelephonicBoard Meeting

Member Cherry moved to approve minutes from the April 18, 2018 and April 27, 2018 Board Meetings with stated corrections to Board member Safford’s name. Member Safford seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve.

5. Review of Financial Performance

Mr. Carlos Segrera addressed the Board and reviewed the financial summary as presented in the supportmaterials. Mr. Segrera stated that for the month of April there was a total surplus of $27,604; and the budgeted surplus was $8,754 with a positive variance of $18,850. Mr. Segrera stated that the majority of the savings was due to various areas operating under budget including salary and benefits, facility maintenance, and contracted services. Mr. Segrera stated that after the report had been prepared an invoice was received for $7,068; which would decrease the total surplus amount to $20,536. Mr. Segrera stated that most of the categories in the budget remained consistent, and that he anticipated ending the year with a 2.5% surplus of the total budget. Member Winquest asked if a 3% contingency surplus had been budgeted for the current year, to which Mr. Segrera replied that the surplus budget was $10,000; adding that ending at $25,000 increased the surplus from 1% to 2.5%.


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4. Annual Election of Board Officers

Member Cherry nominated Indra Winquest as Board Chair. The Board voted unanimously toelect Indra Winquest as Board Chair.

Member Mayes-Smith nominated Steve Porter as Board Vice Chair. The Board voted unanimously to elect Steve Porter as Board Vice Chair.

Member Cherry nominated Candace Garlock as Board Secretary. The Board voted unanimously to elect Candace Garlock as Board Secretary.

Member Winquest nominated Amanda Safford as Board Treasurer. The Board vote to unanimously to elect Amanda Safford as Board Treasurer.

6. Review and Possible Action to Approve a Revision to the DANN Financial Policies and ProceduresManual

Mr. Colin Bringhurst addressed the Board and stated that item #32 had been added to the Financial Policies and Procedures Manual in order to comply with the dictates of the CSP grant for which DANN applied, received, and accepted funding. To stay in compliance with the grant, Mr. Bringhurst stated that the current Financial Policies and Procedures Manual was required to include the grant expenditures and requirements.

Member Cherry moved to approve the revision to the DANN Financial Policies and Procedures Manual. Member Safford seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve.

7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Final Budget for the 2018/2019 School Year

Mr. Victor Salcido addressed the Board and reviewed one change to the initial budget for the 2018/2019school year as presented in the support materials, which was a $5,000 increase in salaries and benefits as requested by Principal Pruitt. Mr. Salcido stated that the budget would still be able to operate at a 3% surplus by the end of the year with this increase.

Member Safford asked what the budgeted $1,000 lunch program amount was intended for, to which Mr. Bringhurst explained that the amount was intended to help start-up and/or maintain the lunch program adopted by the school. Member Safford noted her concern about under budgeting the lunch program; however, Mr. Salcido explained that the school would not be paying for the lunch program because DANN was not participating in the National School Lunch Program, adding that lunch would be paid for by parents and would be processed through the Student Generated Funds (SGF) account. Discussion continued regarding lunch programs and the various ways to fund them.

Member Winquest asked about the budgeted amount for teacher assistants and campus monitors and noted concern that the wages could be a possible retention issue going forward. Member Winquest also stated that there was not a budgeted amount for athletics for this first year and discussion followed regarding the options for sport participation and how athletics would be funded through the SGF account.

Member Safford asked for clarification that the budget was operating at 95% of the budgeted $7,000 per student that was given to DANN each year. Mr. Salcido confirmed that the budget was generated with a


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conservative approach to operate on 95% of the expected income and to also include a 3% surplus. Member Safford also asked for clarification regarding the two lease payments on the budget. Mr. Salcido explained the payments were for equipment to outfit the classroom, as well as the lease on the building. Member Safford asked about budgeting for temporary classrooms, to which Mr. Salcido stated that the budget for temporary classrooms was still being negotiated and would not affect this budget.

Member Winquest asked how the cost per student at DANN compared to other Nevada charters. Mr. Bringhurst stated that for a first year school with the number of students, DANN was consistent with the other charters. Discussion continued regarding various costs to run the school and a list of services that could be contracted out for bid would be emailed to the board by Mr. Salcido.

Member Safford asked for clarification regarding Special Education costs. Mr. Bringhurst stated that Academica used contracted services to provide the IEP services to students who need them. Discussion ensued regarding IEP services and costs.

Member Mayes-Smith moved to approve the Final Budget for the 2018/2019 school year as presented. Member Porter seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve.

8. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve BDO as the Auditing Firm for Doral Academy ofNorthern Nevada

Mr. Trevor Goodsell addressed the Board and stated the reasons for approving BDO, including their expertise, cost savings, and reputation. Mr. Goodsell further stated that the State of Nevada required all schools in the state to use an auditing firm approved by the State, adding that there was no list of approved auditors as yet because the State of Nevada was currently creating a list. Mr. Goodsell stated that Academica was working with BDO on its application to be included on the approved list, adding that Academica was positive BDO would be approved. Member Cherry asked if DANN was a part of the bundled bid for BDO services with the other charter schools, to which Mr. Goodsell confirmed that DANN was receiving a lower rate because of its smaller size. Mr. Goodsell further stated that there was not an auditing budget for last year because it was the first year the school was open and an audit was not required until after the first year. Member Safford asked if all Academica schools go through BDO, to which Mr. Bringhurst replied in the affirmative. Mr. Bringhurst stated that once the state had the list of approved auditors, Academica would pursue bids from each firm to provide options for the next year’s audit.

Member Safford moved to approve BDO as the auditing firm for Doral Academy of Northern Nevada. Member Winquest seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously to approve.

9. Update on Fundraising

Member Cherry addressed the board and stated that the fundraising bricks would be placed in the frontentrance leading up to the school, although a timeline for engraving and construction was still being established by the paver and construction company. Member Cherry stated the first phase of the fundraiser would only include the cost of the engraving and that the more bricks sold would increase the profit. Member Cherry was anticipating the final list to be due to engraver by July. Discussion ensued regarding the further selling of the bricks, including reaching out to parents to have them connect with businesses and companies they personally use or with which they have relationships. Member Safford asked how much it would cost to engrave the brick and, to which Member Cherry answered that the initial cost was $10 per brick; however, the pavers being used


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were a different material resulting in a need to further research methods and cost. Member Cherry also informed the Board that the Foundation Board voted to expand its members to five for increased support.

10. Principal’s Report

This item was tabled.

11. Academica Announcements and Notifications

Mr. Salcido announced that a vacancy on the Board would need to be filled since Board member Mayes-Smith was leaving and asked the members to start looking for people to fill the vacancy. Mr. Salcido stated that candidates would need to have a current teaching license. Mr. Bringhurst stated that candidates could also be a retired educator in good standing when they retired; adding that an active teaching license was not needed. Mr. Salcido invited the Board to attend a Board governance training meeting for Mater Academy on July 14th and that an invite would be sent. Mr. Bringhurst announced that Academica had hired a Director of Registration, a third grant writer, and a Director of Education, and would be hiring another accountant and a facilities manager.

Discussion ensued regarding the date and time of next meeting. The Board agreed to meet on July 16th at 6:00 p.m. for the next board meeting.

12. Member Comment

Member Mayes-Smith thanked everyone for being great. Mr. Salcido acknowledged the great work thatmember Cherry has done as Chair and thanked her for her great efforts.

13. Public Comments and Discussion

There was no request for public comment.

14. Adjournment

This meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Approved on: __________________________

_______________________________________ Secretary of the Board of Directors Doral Academy of Northern Nevada



Support Summary

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 4 – Education Update and Principal’s Report Number of Enclosures: 0

SUBJECT: Principal’s Report Action Appointments Approval Consent Agenda

X Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Megan Pruitt Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action:

Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5-10 Minutes Background: School update by Principal Megan Pruitt. Submitted By: Staff



Supporting Document

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 5 - Annual Evaluation of Principal Megan Pruitt (As this agenda item pertains to personnel matters, the Presiding Board Officer may call for all or a portion of the discussion of this agenda item to be completed in closed session among Board members and requested parties.) Number of Enclosures: 0

SUBJECT: Megan Pruitt Annual Evaluation X Action

Appointments Approval Consent Agenda Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Principal Pruitt/Board Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action:

Fiscal Impact: N/A Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 10-20 minutes Background: Annual evaluation of Principal Pruitt. Submitted By: Staff



Support Summary

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 6 – Review of School Financial Performance Number of Enclosures: 1

SUBJECT: Review of School Financial Performance Action Appointments Approval Consent Agenda

X Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Carlos Segrera Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action:

Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5-10 Minutes Background: Review of Financial Review Summary, Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss Statements. Submitted By: Staff












Support Summary

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 7 – Review and Approval of the Promissory Note with Academica Nevada Number of Enclosures: 1

SUBJECT: Promissory Note with Academica Nevada X Action

Appointments Approval Consent Agenda Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Michael Muehle/Colin Bringhurst Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action:

Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5-10 Minutes Background: Board approval is needed for the Promissory Note to Academica Nevada for the repayment of money loaned for the schools start-up costs. Submitted By: Staff


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$75,000.00 July 10, 2018

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, DORAL ACADEMY OF NORTHERN NEVADA, a Nevada public charter school, whose mailing address is ______________ (the “Borrower”), promises to pay to ACADEMICA NEVADA, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company, whose mailing address is 6630 Surrey St., Las Vegas, NV 89119 (the “Lender”), at such place as lender may from time to time designate in writing, the principal amount of Seventy-Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($75,000.00) (the “Loan”), payable as follows:

1. Initial Term. The term of the loan will run from August 1, 2018 to December 1,2018.

2. Extend Term. Any amount not paid within the Initial Term will then convert to atwelve-month term loan payable in equal amounts. The Extended Term will commence on December 1, 2018 and conclude on December 1, 2019.

3. Interest. During the Initial Term of the Loan no interest will accrue. During theExtended Term interest will accrue at six (6) percent per annum.

3. Payment.

(a) Monthly Payments. During the Initial Term of the Loan, Borrower maymake to Lender payments in any amount. These amounts During the Extended Term, Borrower shall make monthly payments in equal amounts due on the 1st of each month, commencing on January 1, 2019.

(b) Manner and Place for Payments. All amounts are payable in lawful moneyof the United States of America and shall be made to Lender at Lender’s address listed above.

4. Prepayment. Borrower may prepay this Note in full or in part at any time withoutany prepayment charge or penalty.

5. No Waiver. The acceptance by Lender of any payment under this Note after thedate that such payment is due shall not constitute a waiver of the right to require prompt payment when due of any succeeding payments or to declare a default as herein provided for any failure to so pay. The acceptance by Lender of the payment of a portion of any installment at any time that such installment is due and payable in its entirety shall neither cure nor excuse the default caused by the failure to pay the whole of such installment and shall not constitute a waiver of Lender’s right to require full payment when due of all future or succeeding installments.

6. Default. Each of the following events shall constitute an “Event of Default” underthis Note:


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(a) Borrower’s failure to make any payments of principal, interest or other sumsdue under this Note within ten (10) calendar days after the same becomes due;

(b) Borrower shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or shall consent toor apply for the appointment of a receiver, trustee or liquidator of any of Borrower’s property, or shall admit in writing Borrower’s inability to pay Borrower’s debts generally as they become due, or shall make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or shall file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or a voluntary petition or an answer seeking reorganization or arrangement in a proceeding under any bankruptcy law, or Borrower shall take action towards the liquidation of any of Borrower’s property; and

7. Acceleration. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Lender may declarethe entire outstanding balance of principal immediately due and payable, together with interest at the Default Rate until paid in full, plus all costs of collection, including attorneys’ fees.

8. Assignment. The Lender will not assign or otherwise transfer this Note withoutthe Borrower’s prior written consent.

9. Attorneys’ Fees and Costs. In the event Lender takes any action to enforce anyprovision of this Note, either through legal proceedings or otherwise, Borrower promises to immediately reimburse Lender for Lender’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and all other costs and expense so incurred. Borrower shall also reimburse Lender for all attorneys’ fees and costs reasonably incurred in the representation of Lender in any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other debtor-relief proceeding of or relating to Borrower or any collateral for the obligations hereunder.

10. Waivers. Borrower, endorsers, guarantors and sureties of this Note hereby: (i)waive diligence, demand, presentment, notice of non-payment and of dishonor, protest and notice of protest; (ii) expressly agree that this Note, or any payment hereunder, may be renewed, modified or extended from time to time and at any time; (iii) consent to the acceptance or release of security for this Note or the release of any party or guarantor, all without in any way affecting their liability; and (iv) waive the right to plead any and all statutes of limitations as a defense to any demand on this Note or on any guaranty thereof, or to any agreement to pay the same to the full extent permissible by law.

11. Notices. All requests, notices and demands given or required to be given by eitherparty hereto to the other party shall be in writing addressed to such addresses as the parties may from time to time designate to the other parties in writing. Notices shall be deemed to have been properly given three (3) business days after having been deposited in any post office, branch post office, or mail depository regularly maintained by the U.S. Postal Service and sent by U.S. registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, on the next business day following deposit with an overnight courier service, and upon receipt by any person at the place of business set forth above if delivery is made by hand delivery.

12. Severability. Every provision hereof is intended to be severable. If any provisionof this Note is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or


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unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions hereof, which shall remain binding and enforceable.

13. Governing Law; Venue. This Note shall be governed by and construed under thelaws of the State of Nevada. Borrower and Lender agree that Las Vegas, Nevada shall be the exclusive venue for resolution of any dispute arising under this Note, to the exclusion of all other possible forums or venues. Borrower further submits to venue in the Eighth District Court of the State of Nevada.

15. General Provisions. The terms of this Note shall inure to the benefit of and bindthe parties hereto and their successors and assigns. Borrower represents and warrants to Lender that the obligations hereunder arise out of or in connection with business purposes and do not relate to any personal, family or household purpose. As used herein, the term “Borrower” shall include the undersigned Borrower and any other person or entity who may subsequently become liable for the payment hereof. The term “Lender” shall include the named Lender as well as any other person or entity to whom this Note or any interest in this Note is conveyed, transferred or assigned.


Doral Academy of Northern Nevada, a Nevada Charter School

By:_______________________________ Name: Title:______________________________


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On this _______ day of ________________, 2018, before me appeared ______________________, to me personally known or satisfactorily proven, who being by me duly sworn or affirmed, did say that such person executed the foregoing instrument dated _____________, 2018 such instrument being described or identified as PROMISSORY NOTE, and that said person did so as the free act and deed of such person, and if applicable in the capacity or capacities shown, having been duly authorized to execute such instrument in such capacity or capacities.

(Stamp or Seal)

__________________________________ Print Name: ________________________ Notary Public, State of Nevada

My commission expires:______________



Supporting Document

SUBJECT: DANN Bank Account

X Action Appointments Approval Consent Agenda Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Trevor Goodsell/Carlos Segrera Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action:

Move to approve switching DANN’s bank account to Nevada State Bank. Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5-10 minutes Background: At the request of the DANN administration, Board approval is needed to switch the bank account to Nevada State Bank.

Submitted By: Staff

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 8— Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Switching DANN’s Bank Account to Nevada State Bank Number of Enclosures: 0



Supporting Document

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 9 – Review and Possible Action to Approve a Revision to the Enrollment Policy Enclosures: 0

SUBJECT: Revised Enrollment Policy X Action

Appointments Approval Consent Agenda

Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Board Recommendation: Proposed wording for motion/action:

Move to approve the revision to the DANN enrollment Policy.

Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5 Minutes Background: The Enrollment Policy has been revised in order to include a component precluding fraudulent or duplicate applications from being accepted. The following should be added to DANN’s current Enrollment Policy:


Submitted by Staff



Supporting Document

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 10 – Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Proposed Licensed Employee Discipline and Evaluation Policy Number of Enclosures: 1

SUBJECT: Licensed Employee Discipline and Evaluation Policy X Action

Appointments Approval Consent Agenda Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Colin Bringhurst Recommendation: Proposed wording for motion/action: Move to approve the proposed licensed employee discipline and evaluation policy. Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5-7 minutes. Background: Nevada Revised Statute 388A.533(2) states that a charter school may make all decisions concerning the terms and conditions of employment with the charter school and any other matter relating to employment with the charter school. Additionally, the charter school may choose whether to follow NRS 391.650 to 391.830, which statutes govern the evaluations, discipline, and probationary/post-probationary status of licensed teachers and administrators. The attached proposed Policies and Procedures have been prepared with input from Bridget Phillips of Doral Academy of Nevada and the Academica legal department and would replace NRS 391.650 to 391.830. Submitted By: Staff


Doral Academy Of Northern Nevada






Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 2 EVALUATIONS............................................................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER 3 DISCIPLINARY ACTION ............................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 4 PROBATIONARY AND POSTPROBATIONARY EMPLOYMENT ..................................................................... 8




INTRODUCTION This chapter serves as the introduction to this Licensed Employee Evaluation & Discipline Policies & Procedures Manual.

1.1 Purpose of this Manual 1.2 Applicable Laws 1.3 Definitions

1.1 PURPOSE OF THESE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The purpose of this manual is to supplant Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) sections 391.650 through 391.830, which govern the evaluations, disciplinary action, and classification of licensed teachers and administrators in Nevada public schools.

If the charter school personnel have any questions regarding the use or interpretation of this manual or any legal or other issues affecting students with disabilities, they should contact their Site Administrator or Academica Nevada.


1.2.1 NRS 388A.533(2) a. NRS 388A.533(2) states:

Except as otherwise provided in NRS 388A.5342, the governing body of a charter school may make all decisionsconcerning the terms and conditions of employment with the charter school and any other matter relating toemployment with the charter school. In addition, the governing body may make all employment decisions withregard to its employees pursuant to NRS 391.650 to 391.830, inclusive, unless a collective bargaining agreemententered into by the discipline of licensed employees of a school.

1.2.2 NRS 388A.5342 a. NRS 388A.5342 states:

Termination of employment upon conviction of certain crimes. The governing body of a charter school shallterminate the employment of any teacher or administrator who is employed by the charter school but is notlicensed pursuant to chapter 391 of NRS upon his or her conviction of a: 1. Felony or crime involving moralturpitude; or 2. Sex offense pursuant to NRS 200.366, 200.368, 201.190, 201.220, 201.230, 201.540 or 201.560.

1.2.3 NRS 391.465 a. The policy governing evaluations must comply with NRS 391.465.

1.3 DEFINITIONS As used in these policies and procedures, unless context otherwise requires:

a. “Administrator” means any employee who holds a license in the State of Nevada as an administrator and who isemployed in the capacity of, or is required to perform the duties of, an administrator.

b. “Board” means the board of directors of the charter school in which a license employee affected by these policiesand procedures is employed;

c. “Postprobationary employee” means an administrator or a teacher who has completed the probationary periodas provided in section 4.1 of these policies and procedures and has been given notice of reemployment. Thedefinition of “Postprobationary employee” does not include a licensed employee who has lost therepostprobationary status under sections 2.2.4 or 2.3.3 herein.



d. “Probationary employee” means a licensed teacher or administrator who is employed for the period set forth in section 4.1. It also includes those licensed teachers or administrators who have lost their postprobationary status under sections 2.2.4. and 2.3.3 herein.

e. “Teacher” means any employee who holds a license in the State of Nevada as a teacher and who spends the majority of their working time devoted to the rendering of direct educational service to pupils of the charter school.

f. Other Terms Defined in these Policies and Procedures. Many other important terms are used routinely in connection with the evaluation, discipline and employment status of licensed employees. These terms are defined and discussed in context, in the chapters covering the related areas.

CHAPTER 2 EVALUATIONS INTRODUCTION The charter school is required to evaluate its teachers and administrators on a yearly basis as described in this Chapter. This chapter describes: 2.1 Other Licensed Educational Personnel 2.2 Evaluation of Teachers 2.3 Evaluation of Administrators 2.1 OTHER LICENSED EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL. The manner of evaluations of counselors, librarians, and other licensed educational personnel, except for teachers and administrators, is not part of these policies and procedures. However, the administrator may choose to conduct evaluations on counselors, librarians, and other licensed educational personnel, except for teachers and administrators, in the same manner as provided in these policies and procedures. 2.2 EVALUATION OF TEACHERS 2.2.1. Evaluation of Probationary Teachers a. A probationary teacher must receive one evaluation during each school year of his or her probationary

employment, which evaluation must be based, in part, on a number of scheduled observations as determined below:

1. Teacher must have a minimum of three (3) scheduled observations, scheduled as follows: i. The 1st observation must occur within the first 40 days of school; ii. The 2nd observation must occur between the 40th and 80th days of school; iii. The 3rd observation must occur between the 80th and 120th days of school.

2. If a probationary teacher receives an evaluation designating his or her performance as effective or highly effective (or the two highest ratings on the school’s rubric): i. During the first year of probation, the evaluation during the second year of probation must be

based upon a minimum of two (2) scheduled observations, which must occur during the time designated for the 2nd and 3rd observations of the first year of probation, above.

ii. During the first and second years of probation, the evaluation during the third year of probation must be based, in part, on a minimum of one (1) scheduled observation that must occur between the 80th and 120th days of school.

3. If a probationary teacher receives an evaluation designating his or her performance as minimally effective or ineffective during the first or second year of probationary employment, the evaluation in the next school year must be based on a minimum of three (3) scheduled observations. The observations must occur in accordance with subsection one (1) above.



b. Administrators may perform more scheduled observations than the minimum required under these policies andprocedures.

c. Administrators may perform multiple unscheduled observations outside of the time periods set forth in subsection (a) above.

d. The person charged with the evaluation of a teacher under these policies and procedures shall hold a conferencewith the teacher before and after each of the scheduled observations required in subsection (a) above.Conferences before and after any extra scheduled observations, beyond those that are required in subsection (a)above, are not mandatory.

2.2.2. Evaluation of Postprobationary Teachers a. A postprobationary teacher must receive one evaluation during each school year of his or her postprobationary

employment, which evaluation must be based, in part, on one (1) scheduled observation, which must occur before 120th day of school, unless:1. The postprobationary teacher receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as

minimally effective or ineffective (or the two lowest ratings in the school’s rubric). In this case, thepostprobationary teacher’s evaluation must be based upon a minimum of three (3) scheduledobservations, which must occur in the same time periods as first year of a probationary teacher.i. If a postprobationary teacher, who is required to receive three (3) observations, receives evidence

from the first two observations during the school year indicating that, unless his or herperformance improves, his or her overall performance may be rated in the two lowest ratings onthe evaluation, the postprobationary teacher may request that the third observation beconducted by another administrator within the same charter.

b. Administrators may perform more scheduled observations than the minimum required under these policies andprocedures.

c. Administrators may perform multiple unscheduled observations outside of the time periods set forth in subsection (a) above.

d. The person charged with the evaluation of a teacher under these policies and procedures shall hold a conferencewith the teacher before and after each of the scheduled observations required in subsection (a) above.Conferences before and after any extra scheduled observations, beyond those that are required in subsection (a)above, are not mandatory.

2.2.3. Requirements for Evaluations of All Teachers a. The evaluation of a probationary or a postprobationary teacher pursuant to these policies and procedures must

comply with the regulations of the State Board adopted pursuant to NRS 391.465.b. The evaluation system used to evaluate all teachers will be provided to each teacher at the beginning of each

school year.d. The summative evaluation must include the following statement:

1. “Please be advised that, pursuant to Nevada law, your contract may not be renewed for the next schoolyear. You may request, to the administrator who conducted the evaluation, reasonable assistance inimproving your performance based upon the recommendations reported in the summative evaluation,and upon such a request, a reasonable effort will be made to assist you in improving your performance.”

e. The teacher must receive a copy of the summative evaluation no later than two weeks prior to the last day of theschool year. A teacher may provide a written response to the summative evaluation, which will be permanentlyattached to the teacher’s personnel file.

2.2.4 Postprobationary teacher whose performance is designated as minimally effective or ineffective deemed probationary in certain circumstances

a. A postprobationary teacher who receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as minimallyeffective and/or ineffective for two consecutive school years shall be deemed to be a probationary employee intheir last year of probationary employment.



2.3 EVALUATION OF ADMINISTRATORS This section does not apply to the evaluation of principals. The evaluation of principals will be performed by the Board of Directors.

2.3.1. Evaluation of Probationary Administrators a. A probationary administrator must receive one evaluation during each school year of his or her probationary

employment, which evaluation must be based, in part, on a number of scheduled observations as determinedbelow:1. Probationary Administrator must have a minimum of three (3) scheduled observations, scheduled as

follows:i. The 1st observation must occur within the first 40 days of school;ii. The 2nd observation must occur between the 40th and 80th days of school;iii. The 3rd observation must occur between the 80th and 120th days of school.

2. If a probationary administrator receives an evaluation designating his or her performance as effective orhighly effective (or the two highest ratings on the school’s rubric):i. During the first year of probation, the evaluation during the second year of probation must be

based upon a minimum of two (2) scheduled observations, which must occur during the timedesignated for the 2nd and 3rd observations of the first year of probation, above.

ii. During the first and second years of probation, the evaluation during the third year of probationmust be based, in part, on a minimum of one (1) scheduled observation that must occur betweenthe 80th and 120th days of school.

3. If a probationary administrator receives an evaluation designating his or her performance as minimallyeffective or ineffective during the first or second year of probationary employment, the evaluation in thenext school year must be based on a minimum of three (3) scheduled observations. The observationsmust occur in accordance with subsection one (1) above.

b. The person charged with the evaluation of a probationary administrator may perform more scheduledobservations than the minimum required under these policies and procedures.

c. The person charged with the evaluation of a probationary administrator may perform multiple unscheduledobservations outside of the time periods set forth in subsection (a) above.

d. The person charged with the evaluation of a probationary administrator under these policies and procedures shallhold a conference with the probationary administrator before and after each of the scheduled observationsrequired in subsection (a) above. Conferences before and after any extra scheduled observations, beyond thosethat are required in subsection (a) above, are not mandatory.

2.3.2 Evaluation of Postprobationary Administrators a. A postprobationary administrator must receive one evaluation during each school year of his or her

postprobationary employment, which evaluation must be based, in part, on one (1) scheduled observation, whichmust occur before 120th day of school, unless:1. The postprobationary administrator receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance as

minimally effective or ineffective (or the two lowest ratings in the school’s rubric). In this case, thepostprobationary administrator’s evaluation in the succeeding year must be based upon a minimum ofthree (3) scheduled observations, which must occur in the same time periods as the first year of aprobationary administrator.i. If a postprobationary administrator, who is required to receive three (3) observations, receives

evidence from the first two observations during the school year indicating that, unless his or herperformance improves, his or her overall performance may be rated in the two lowest ratings onthe evaluation, the postprobationary administrator may request that the third observation beconducted by another administrator within the same charter.

b. The person charged with the evaluation of a postprobationary administrator may perform more scheduledobservations than the minimum required under these policies and procedures.



c. The person charged with the evaluation of a postprobationary administrator may perform multiple unscheduledobservations outside of the time periods set forth in subsection (a) above.

d. The person charged with the evaluation of a postprobationary administrator under these policies and proceduresshall hold a conference with the teacher before and after each of the scheduled observations required insubsection (a) above. Conferences before and after any extra scheduled observations, beyond those that arerequired in subsection (a) above, are not mandatory.

2.3.3. Requirements for Evaluations of All Administrators a. The evaluation of a probationary or a postprobationary administrator pursuant to these policies and procedures

must comply with the regulations of the State Board adopted pursuant to NRS 391.465.b. The evaluation system used to evaluate all administrators will be provided to each administrator at the beginning

of each school year.c. The summative evaluation must include the following statement:

1. “Please be advised that, pursuant to Nevada law, your contract may not be renewed for the next schoolyear. You may request, to the administrator who conducted the evaluation, reasonable assistance inimproving your performance based upon the recommendations reported in the summative evaluation,and upon such a request, a reasonable effort will be made to assist you in improving your performance.”

e. The administrator must receive a copy of the summative evaluation no later than two weeks prior to the last dayof the school year. An administrator may provide a written response to the summative evaluation, which will bepermanently attached to the administrator’s personnel file.

2.3.4 Postprobationary Administrator whose performance is designated as minimally effective or ineffective deemed probationary in certain circumstances

a. A postprobationary administrator who receives an evaluation designating his or her overall performance asminimally effective and/or ineffective for two consecutive school years shall be deemed to be a probationaryemployee in their last year of probationary employment.


INTRODUCTION Discipline, up to and including termination, of Doral Academy of Northern Nevada employees is governed by this chapter. This chapter describes the following:

3.1 Grounds for Disciplinary Action 3.2 Dismissal of Teacher 3.3 Dismissal of Administrator 3.4 Licensed Employee’s At-Will Status. 3.5 Discipline Procedures

3.1 GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION a. A licensed teacher or administrator may be disciplined for the following reasons (which list is not exhaustive):

1. Inefficiency;2. Immorality;3. Unprofessional conduct;4. Insubordination;5. Neglect of duty;6. Physical or mental incapacity;7. A justifiable decrease in the number of positions due to decreased enrollment or charter reorganization;8. Conviction of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude;



9. Inadequate performance;10. Evident unfitness for service;11. Failure to comply with such reasonable requirements as the administration or board may prescribe;12. Failure to show normal improvement and evidence of professional training and growth;13. Advocating overthrow of the Government of the United States or the State of Nevada by force, violence

or other unlawful means, or the advocating of communism with the intent to indoctrinate pupils tosubscribe to communistic philosophy;

14. Any cause which constitutes grounds for revocation of a teacher’s or administrator’s license;15. Willful neglect or failure to observe and carry out the requirements under the teacher’s or administrator’s

contract;16. Dishonesty;17. Failure to observe and carry out the requirements of a plan to ensure the security of examinations and

assessments adopted pursuant to NRS 390.270 or 390.275;18. Violation of NRS 388.497, which prohibits the use of aversive intervention on a pupil with a disability;19. Violation of NRS 388.499, which governs the use of physical or mechanical restraint of a pupil with a

disability;20. Knowingly or willfully failing to comply with the bullying reporting and protocol requirements found in

NRS 388.135 and NRS 388.1351;21. Gross misconduct, which includes any act or omission that is in wanton, willful, reckless, or deliberate

disregard of the interests of the charter school or a pupil thereof; or22. Willfully breaching the security or confidentiality of the questions and answers of the examinations that

are administered pursuant to NRS 390.105 or 390.600 or the college and career readiness assessmentadministered pursuant to NRS 390.610.

3.2 DISMISSAL OF TEACHER. Under their contract, a teacher may be dismissed for the following reasons (which list is not exhaustive): 1. Breach of their employment contract;2. For a Teacher’s failure to maintain proper licensing pursuant to NRS 391.302;3. For a Teacher in the first three (3) years with the School during the Evaluation/Probation period, a decision

by the Principal and/or Governing Board to discontinue employment in accordance as a result of theteacher’s evaluation;

4. An unsatisfactory result of background, fingerprinting, and/or drug screening;5. For failure to perform the duties required of the Teacher, or for a transgression by the Teacher which

compromises the safety of anyone at the School or which involves conduct that is disruptive to theoperation of the School or the academic advancement of the School. In such cases, the School may require the Teacher to immediately leave the School premises and cease all activity at the School;

6. For illness, accident or disability that incapacitates the Teacher for a period of more than sixty (60) days,excluding FMLA leave;

7. For cause: The School may terminate the teacher without notice for any of the following acts by theteacher (which list is not exclusive):i. Failure to perform the essential duties as assigned;ii. Dishonesty;iii. Gross misconduct or gross dereliction of duty;iv. Misrepresentation;v. Pilferage or other acts of moral turpitude or criminal conduct;vi. Insubordination;vii. Receiving the lowest rating on a formal teacher evaluation check conducted by the School or by

law;viii. Failure to complete daily responsibilities such as lesson plans, grading, parent conferences;ix. Participation in illegal or questionable activities that would reflect poorly on the School; orx. Inappropriate language or conduct within the presence of students.



3.3 DISMISSAL OF ADMINISTRATOR. Under their contract, an administrator may be dismissed for the following reasons (which list is not exhaustive): 1. For cause: The School may immediately terminate this Agreement, during its term, if the administrator

fails to perform essential duties and/or the administrator engages in any of the following:i. Dishonest conduct;ii. Gross misconduct or gross dereliction of duty;iii. Material fraud against the School and/or governing board or material misrepresentations;iv. Violations of any federal or state criminal law;v. Acts of moral turpitude or criminal conduct;vi. Illegal or questionable activities that would reflect poorly on the School and/or Governing Board;vii. Insubordination toward a supervisor or the Governing Board;viii. Failure to perform the duties as prescribed in their contract;ix. Acts which jeopardize the health, safety, or welfare of the students/School;x. Failure to correct any material deficiency of which their supervisor or the Board has given prior

written notice of such deficiency;xi. Any other good cause shown.xii. Any illness, accident or disability that incapacitates the administrator, however, no such illness,

accident, or disability shall be deemed incapacitating until the administrator has been absent from work and unable to perform her normal duties for a period of sixty (60) days, excluding FMLA.

3.4 LICENSED EMPLOYEE’S AT-WILL STATUS. A teacher or an administrator has no contractual rights beyond the terms stated in their contract, nor do they have any expectation of, or right to renewal of the employment agreement, or for any monies or benefits beyond those specified in their contract. Nothing in the School’s policies, actions, or their employment contract shall be construed to alter the nature of the teacher’s or administrator’s status with the school. The charter school may terminate a teacher/administrator’s employment at any time for any reason, or for no reason, provided it is not terminated in violation of state or federal law.

3.5 DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES. a. “Discipline” may consist of the following (which list is not exhaustive and not meant to be progressive in

nature):i. Oral admonishment;ii. Written admonishment;iii. Suspension with pay;iv. Suspension without pay;v. Nonrenewal; orvi. Termination of Employment.


INTRODUCTION A licensed teacher or administrator at Doral Academy of Northern Nevada will be classified as either a probationary teacher/administrator or a postprobationary teacher/administrator. This chapter defines and describes probationary and postprobationary status at Doral Academy of Northern Nevada.

This chapter describes:

4.1 Definitions 4.2 Status of Incoming Teachers, Administrators, and Principals



4.3 Reemployment of Postprobationary Employees 4.4 Reemployment of Probationary Employees

4.1 DEFINITIONS a. “Probationary Teacher” means any licensed teacher who has been employed on a contract basis for less than

three years as a licensed teacher unless otherwise specified in sections 4.2 or 2.2.4 of these policies andprocedures.

b. “Postprobationary Teacher” means any licensed teacher who has been employed on a contract basis as a licensed teacher for more than three years and has completed the requirements in section 4.4(e), unless otherwisespecified in sections 4.2 or 2.2.4 of these policies and procedures.

c. “Probationary Administrator” means any employee who is employed as an administrator, other than a principal,on a contract basis to provide primarily administrative services at the school level and who does not provideprimarily direct instructional services to pupils, regardless of whether the administrator is licensed as a teacher oradministrator, and who is in their first year of providing such services, unless otherwise specified in sections 4.2or 2.3.4 of these policies and procedures.

d. “Postprobationary Administrator” means any employee who is employed as an administrator, other than aprincipal, on a contract basis to provide primarily administrative services at the school level and who does notprovide primarily direct instructional services to pupils, regardless of whether the administrator is licensed as ateacher or administrator, and who has been providing such services for more than one year and has completedthe requirements in section 4.4(e), unless otherwise specified in sections 4.2 or 2.3.4 of these policies andprocedures.

e. “Probationary Principal” means any employee who is employed on a contract basis as a principal for a period ofless than 1 year, unless otherwise specified in sections 4.2 and 4.3 of this chapter.

f. “Postprobationary Principal” means any employee who is employed on a contract basis as a principal for a periodof more than 1 year and has completed the requirements in section 4.4(e), unless otherwise specified in sections4.2 and 4.3 of this chapter.

4.2 STATUS OF INCOMING TEACHERS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND PRINCIPALSa. Probationary Teacher, Administrator, or Principal. If a probationary employee leaves any school district or

charter school and is hired by Doral Academy of Northern Nevada, their first year of employment with DoralAcademy of Northern Nevada will be their first year of probationary employment under 4.1 of this chapter.

b. Postprobationary Teacher, Administrator, or Principal. If a post probationary employee of a school district orcharter school in this state:1. Voluntarily leaves his or her employment; and2. Is, within 5 years after the date on which the employee left that employment, employed by Doral Academy

of Northern Nevada in a position that is comparable to the position in which the employee attainedpostprobationary status, he or she must be allowed to continue as a postprobationary employee and must not be required to serve the probationary period under section 4.1. This section does not apply to apostprobationary employee who voluntarily leaves his or her employment during the pendency of aproceeding for the suspension, demotion, dismissal or refusal to reemploy the postprobationaryemployee.

4.3 REEMPLOYMENT OF POSTPROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES a. The school shall notify postprobationary employees in writing, by certified mail or by delivery of the employee’s

contract, concerning their reemployment for the ensuing year. Such notice must be provided no later than twoweeks prior to the end of the school year.

b. If the school fails to notify a postprobationary employee who has been employed by Doral Academy of NorthernNevada of the employee’s status for the ensuing year, the employee shall be deemed to be reemployed for theensuing year under the same terms and conditions as he or she is employed for the current year.



c. A licensed employee may be dismissed for grounds set forth in Chapter 3 of these policies and procedures afterthe employee has been notified that he or she is to be reemployed for the ensuing year.

d. Any licensed employee who is reemployed pursuant to this section shall notify the school in writing of theemployee’s acceptance of employment no later than one week prior to the end of the school year.

e. Failure on the part of the employee to notify the school of his or her acceptance within the specified time isconclusive evidence of the employee’s rejection of the employment and any contract thereafter.

4.4 REEMPLOYMENT OF PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEESa. The school shall notify each probationary employee in writing during the every year of the employee’s

probationary employment whether the employee is to be reemployed as a probationary employee or, if they have completed their probationary period, as a postprobationary employee. Such notice must be provided no laterthan two weeks prior to the last day of school.

b. Failure of the school to provide the notice required in subsection 4.4(a) in a probationary year does NOT entitlethe employee to postprobationary status.

c. Any licensed employee who is reemployed pursuant to this section in any year of their probationary employmentshall notify the school in writing of the employee’s acceptance of employment no later than one week prior to theend of the school year.

d. Failure on the part of the employee to notify the school of his or her acceptance within the specified time isconclusive evidence of the employee’s rejection of the employment and any contract thereafter.

e. A probationary employee who:1. Completes the required probationary period as defined in section 4.1;2. Receives a designation of “highly effective” or “effective” on each of his or her performance evaluations

for 2 consecutive school years in the case of a teacher and 1 year in the case of an administrator; and3. Receives a notice of reemployment from the school in the last year of the employee’s probationary

employment,Is entitled to be a postprobationary employee in the ensuing year of employment.

f. If a probationary employee is notified that he or she will not be reemployed for the school year following the lastyear of the employee’s probationary employment, his or her employment ends on the last day of the currentschool year. Notice that the employee will not be reemployed must include a statement of the reasons for thatdecision.



Supporting Document

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 11 – Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Renting of two Rooms from the South Reno United Methodist Church Number of Enclosures: 0

SUBJECT: Renting Rooms from South Reno United Methodist Church

X Action Appointments Approval Consent Agenda Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Victor Salcido Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action: Move to approve the renting of two rooms from the South Reno United Methodist Church and authorizing Indra Winquest as Board Chair to sign an addendum to the lease based on the terms as provided. Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5-7 minutes. Background: Submitted By: Staff



Support Summary

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 12 – Update on Fundraising Number of Enclosures: 0

SUBJECT: Update on Fundraising Action Appointments Approval Consent Agenda

X Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Danielle Cherry Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action:

Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 5-10 Minutes Background: Update on fundraising. Submitted By: Staff



Support Summary

Meeting Date: July 16, 2018 Agenda Item: 13 – Academica Announcements and Notifications Number of Enclosures: 0

SUBJECT: Announcements and Notifications Action Appointments Approval Consent Agenda

X Information Public Hearing Regular Adoption

Presenter (s): Victor Salcido Recommendation:

Proposed wording for motion/action:

Fiscal Impact: N/A

Estimated Length of time for consideration (in minutes): 3-5 Minutes Background:

- DANN’s next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 12,2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Doral Academy of Northern Nevada.

Submitted By: Staff