of offshore pipelines through 2017 Operators planning some ... 73... · Group (EPC KGOC 29 12 Al...

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Transcript of of offshore pipelines through 2017 Operators planning some ... 73... · Group (EPC KGOC 29 12 Al...

Global offshore pipeline construction survey

Max. Contractor Length Pipe dia. Type of water Project and/or In-service Company (mi) (in.) Location of project service depth (ft) status eng. firm target


Amberjack Pipeline Co. 136 24 Jack/St. Malo hub, Walker Ridge blk 718 Export, oil 6,890 Await start Saipem (C) 2014 to Shell Boxer “A” platform, Green Canyon blk 19

Enbridge 34 20 Green Canyon block 903 Gathering, crude 5,300 Planned Saipem (C) 2016 to Heidelberg development

Williams/DCP Midstream 215 20 Keathley Canyon, Walker Ridge, and Gathering, gas 7,000 Planned Saipem (C) 2014 Green Canyon areas, central GoM

Total Miles 385

112 Offshore August 2013 • www.offshore-mag.com

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Operators planning some 5,600 miles

of offshore pipelines through 2017

Operators and developers are studying, planning, and building almost 5,600 mi (9,012 km) of oil and gas pipelines to bring these supplies from offshore felds to onshore markets. The total refects a slight decrease compared to last year’s report, which showed a total of nearly 5,800 mi (9,334 km).

The decrease is due to the completion of a number of offshore pipeline projects, including the 149-mi (240-km), 18-in. SEKCO oil pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico, which was completed this year.

The most active regions for offshore pipeline construction remain the same as last year – and in the same order – with Europe, the Middle East, South Pacifc, and the Gulf of Mexico leading the tally.

Europe remains the clear leader in offshore pipeline projects, with more than 2,700 mi (4,345 km) of systems being built and planned. That marks an increase over last year’s total of 2,553 mi (4,109 km). The larg-est project being planned offshore Europe is the South Stream pipeline. It would move Russian gas through the Black Sea to Bulgaria and other markets through a 560-mi (901-km), 32-in. pipeline to be installed in waters down to more than 7,300 ft (2,225 m). Developers Gazprom and Eni say that offshore pipelay on this project will begin next spring.

The Middle East is the next most active region, with nearly 1,011 mi (1,527 km) of oil and gas pipelines being built and planned. That total marks a slight decrease from last year’s total of 1,084 mi (1,745 km). The most notable project in this region – and a big contributor to the region’s total – is the proposed South Asia Gas Enterprise (SAGE) pipeline project, which proposes to move natural gas from the Oman Middle East Compression Station (MECS) to Gujarat, India, by build-ing 807 mi (1,299 km) of 24 to 27-in. pipe through the Arabian Sea, in waters down to 11,100 ft (3,383 m). The project is currently under study, and project developers are looking at a 2017 in-service date.

The South Pacifc is another active region for offshore pipeline work, with Chevron’s Wheatstone and INPEX’s Ichthys projects both having associated pipeline systems as part of the development. Work is current-ly under way on the 140-mi (225-km), 44-in. Wheatstone gas trunkline, with construction contractor Allseas currently installing the system.

The biggest offshore pipeline project in the South Pacifc is as-sociated with the Ichthys project offshore Western Australia. It calls for 552 mi (888 km) of 42-in. pipe to move gas from an offshore pro-cessing facility to shore at Darwin, Australia. Work is also under way on this project, and installation contactor Saipem is targeting a 2014 completion date.

In the Gulf of Mexico, Williams reports that work is under way on the Keathley Canyon Connector project. It involves the construc-tion of a 215-mi (346-km), 20-in. pipeline to gather production from the Keathley Canyon, Walker Ridge, and Green Canyon areas in the central deepwater Gulf. Saipem is laying the line in waters down to 7,380 ft (2,249 m), and the overall project is scheduled for a mid-2014 in-service date.

Offshore South America, Petrobras is also moving forward with plans to move gas from the Guara and Lula Northeast FPSOs in its Lula feld to other systems that will take the gas to onshore markets. A joint venture of Eni and Repsol has announced plans for a new export gas line offshore Venezuela. Work here will involve the con-struction of a nearly 42-mi (68-km), 30-in., pipeline in the Cardón IV block in the Gulf of Venezuela.

This second annual Global Offshore Pipeline Construction Survey – a detailed project-by-project listing of all the major large-diameter off-shore oil and gas pipeline systems being built, planned, and studied – begins below. •

Bruce BeaubouefManaging Editor

Survey continued on page 114 ...

Photo courtesy GSP Offshore

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Global offshore pipeline construction survey

Max. Contractor Length Pipe dia. Type of water Project and/or In-service Company (mi) (in.) Location of project service depth (ft) status eng. firm target


BP (Shah Deniz) 310 Shah Deniz field, Caspian Sea Transmission, Gas 1,800 Planned 2017

Chevron North Sea 143 Rosebank field to Shetlands Islands Export, gas 3,609 regional Gas Export system

DONG E&P 15 12 Hejre field, offshore Denmark Export, gas 226 Await start Saipem (C) 2014

56 10 Hejre field, offshore Denmark Export, oil 226 Await start Saipem (C) 2014

Galsi SpA 170 22 to 48 Olbia, Sardinia, to Piombino, Italy Transmission, Gas Planned 2014 via Mediterranean Sea

IGI Poseidon SA 135 42 Ionian Sea Transmission, Gas Under study

Lukoil 78 22 Vladimir Filanovsky field, Trunkline, oil Await start Saipem (C) 2015 Caspian Sea, to shore

83 28 Vladimir Filanovsky field, Transmission, Gas Await start Saipem (C) 2015 Caspian Sea, to shore

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG 65 36 Greece to Albania and Italy Transmission, Gas 2,657 Planned 2017 via Adriatic Sea

South Stream AG 560 32 Russia to Europe via Black Sea Transmission, Gas 7,381 Await start INTECSEA/ 2015 Giprospetsgas (E)

Statoil 298 36 Aasta Hansten field, Norwegian Sea, Transmission, Gas 4,150 Await start Allseas (C) 2015

Statoil 17 20 Gina Krog platform to Sleipner A platform Export, gas Planned Ramboll Oil & Gas (E) 2017

White Stream 780 20, 24, 42 Georgia to Ukraine and Romania Transmission, Gas Under study 2016 Pipeline Co. Ltd. via Black Sea

Total Miles 2,710


Al-Khafji Joint Operations 25 20 Offshore Saudi Arabia Gathering, crude Await start Punj Lloyd) 2014 Group (EPC

KGOC 29 12 Al Khafji Joint Operations complex Export, gas Await start Technip (C) 2014 to Kuwait Oil Co. tie-in, offshore Kuwait

South Asia Gas Enterprise 807 24 to 27 Oman MECS to Gujarat, India, Transmission, gas 11,100 Under study 2017 Pvt. Ltd. (SAGE) via Arabian Sea

Zakum Development Co. 150 6 to 42 Offshore Abu Dhabi, UAE Gathering, crude 80 Planned Technip/ 2015 Construction Co. (EPCI) National Petroleum

Total Miles 1,011


Galsi SpA 354 22 to 48 Two lines from Koudiet Draouche, Algeria, Transmission, Gas Planned 2014 to Porto Botte, Sardinia

Total Miles 354


Chevron 140 44 Wheatstone processing platform Transmission, Gas 229 Working INTECSEA (E), 2016 to LNG plant, Ashburton North, Allseas (C) Western Australia

INPEX 552 42 Offshore processing facility to Darwin Transmission, Gas 902 Working Saipem (C) 2014

Total Miles 692


Husky Oil China 100 Dual 22 Infield pipelines, Liwan 3-1 field, Export oil/gas 4,921 Await start Saipem (EPCI) 2013 South China Sea two-phase

Total Miles 100


Pemex 5 Bay of Campeche NA NA NA Subsea 7 (C) 2013

Pemex 8 8 Abkatun-Pol-Chuc field, Bay of Campeche NA NA Await start Cal Dive (C) 2013

Total Miles 13


Eni/Repsol 41.6 30 Cardón IV block, Gulf of Venezuela Export, gas 198 Await start Saipem (E&C) 2014

Petrobras 236 24 Gathering manifold, Lula field, to onshore Export, gas 7,218 Await start Saipem (EPCI) 2014 processing plant, Macae district

Petrobras 33.6 18 Guara FPSO to subsea gathering Export, gas 7,218 Await start Saipem (EPCI) 2014 manifold, Lula field

Petrobras 13.7 18 Lula Northeast FPSO to subsea gathering Export, gas 6,890 Await start Saipem (EPCI) 2014 manifold, Lula field

Total Miles 324.9

GRAND TOTAL 5,589.20

114 Offshore August 2013 • www.offshore-mag.com

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