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Transcript of Of 143RD ANNUAL SESSION - ONE Mag

Minutes Of The


Of The


Held With

SPRINGHILL Mauk, Georgia s



Moderator ....... . ................ . Rev. Bill Travis •Decatur, Georgia

Assistant Moderator . .. .......... Rev. Warren Wyatt Phenix City, Alabama

Clerk . ~ ....... ... ..... ........ Bro. E. A. Welch, Jr. Mauk, Georgia

Assistant Clerk .......... ... . . ...... Bro. Joe Logue Butler, Georgia

The 11-ext sessio• will cofi.Uefl.e with Littk .Bethel Church ;,. M«o• . Cou•ty o• the first SDtll.t'dlly i• October 1979. at 10:00 a.m.


... \


·) ..( . ·r '). ~

Minutes Of The



Held With

SPRINGIDLL Mauk, Georgia



MODERATOR . .. .......... . Rev. Bobby Whittaker Reynolds. Georgia

ASSISTANT MODERATOR . ... . . Rev. A. G. Windham Reynolds. Georgia

CLERK ......... . ......... Bro. E. A. Welch. J r. Mauk , Georgia

ASSISTANT CLERK ............ Bro. Wilbur Carroll Butler , Georgia

The next session will convene with Little Bethel Church in Macon County on the first Saturday in October 1979 at 10:00 a.m.

' .




FIRsT QUARTERLY M,EETING .. .. ... :]an\lary 6, 1979 Turner's Chapel

SECOND QUARTERLY MEETING .. ...... Apri17, 1979 Trinity

1HIRD QUARTERLY MEETING .... ..... .. July 7, 1979 Mt. Olive

ANNUAL MEETING . . . ... ... ....... . . October 6, 1979 Little Bethel

PREACHERS l!£ DEACONS MEE~G .. August 11 , 1979 T umer 's Chapel

SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION . ....... May 5, 1979 Turner's Chapel






1. Open Meeting with Prayer. 2. Invite Visiting Brethren to seats. 3. Open the door of the Church for the reception of members.

•'4. Call for Absentees. 5. For Acknowledgements. 6. For reference or deferred business. 7. For Matters of Dealing which are in order to come before

church. 8. Miscellaneous Business


I . Call to order by Moderator or Assistant Moderator. 2. Invite visiting brethren to seats with us. :. . . 3. Call for . Corresponding Letters or Appotnung of Dtgest

Committee. 4. Read Letter. 5. Call for Petition Letters. 6. Appoint various committees. 7. Miscellaneous Business .

Appoint Corresponding Messengers to ~ister Ass~a­tions, Obituaries, Number Minutes to pnnt , Commtttee Reports , Selecti9ns of place for next session , eleet Officers, vote of thanks to host church.

8. Election of Executive Committee.

ORDER OF BUSINESS OF QUARTERLY MEETINGS . . 1 The body called to order by the Moderator if he is present,

· if not the body may seleet some suitable member to aet as Moderator pro·tem.

2. Call for Corresponding Letters. 3. Invite visiting brethren to seats. 4. Appoint Committees ,, 5. Call for Reports of Committees. •. ~ 6. Program by Host Ch1,1.rch 7. Call for Micellaneous Business. ~ 8. Adjournment ,



Presented to the Churchu of the Chattah oochee F ree-Will Baptilt Auociation

We, th e Free Will Baptist Ch urch of Chriat, hereby Co•e nanr and agree :

ln. Th at we will remain united together in Cburcll c apacity and th at we will not demand a letter of diami.uion with out gi•ing a aufficient re ason and that we will endca•or, faith fu lly to discharge all our Chriltiao duties.

2nd. That we1 will la bor together to remain free from

all •iolations to the Bil e d'>ctrines, ordinaocea, and faida once delinred to the Sainu.

3rd. That we will lin mutually in fellowahip .ad not earrange ourselns from any of the brethren.

4th . That we will respect eac h other' • libertiea of conscience, patie11dy bear cac:b other'• burdena, atrengthea the weaJc. warn the w.nering and inatruc t the young aad the ignorant. ,

5th . That we will watch o•er each other for good and gi•e -our Brethren timely warning• if we see them e&· poseci to danger or about to be led astray .

6th . That we will not e xpose or ridicule our brethren becauac of their imperfections, neither will we report nil of any one unleu we lr.now they are guilty.

7 th . That o ur daily con•ersarion shall be edifyin& ar.d such that is becoming fo r the Saints.

8 th . That we will noid all im proper interc:oune of all ungodlineu that we ,.,ill not •isit places where our Chris­tian influen·ce will be iro paired.

9th . That we will attend all meetin&• of to e church for t.he preac~ing of the Goapel, the administration of the o rdinancea, the churc: h conferencea and all relipoua meet· inR•· unleu we bn~a sufficie~t reason for abaeace.

1Oth . That we ..('Will auin in aupporting oar paator, in relinins the needy , and iD defraying the ezpeaaea of our churches according tol 011; aueral abilidea.

11th . That we will in all cases and under all circum· -ataoces endea•or to wallr. a~cordios to our Sn ior ' • Golden Rule : 'Do Unto Otheu aa You WouJcl Han Them Do Unto You. '




12th. That we will e&erciae our apiritual atfu aa weU aa we are able for the iouruc:tion and edification of our bredl­ren .and lliatera •

13th. That we willatrin to cultiute deep and unifo1'11l piety iD our hearu and encourage the aame all around ua.

Hell . That we atric:dy administer die ao•ernmeat of ~e church laboring alwaya to promote iu 4purity and Jaoly aaflueoce.

15th. Tlaat we will not, lr.oowiDgly coadema dae inno­cent or fuor die pilty and that we atrin to prer eat atrife and faction• in the church.

16th. That if any amons Ul ala all be auilty of pou silas lae alaall b~ e:'c:ludeA_ from our feUowabip . An adroowlecla­meoc coD•mclDJ the c hurch that be baa repented will rescore laim back to the feUo wsbip of the church.

17th. If aD officer o r deacon be guilty of auch aiDs, be aball not bold hia off1c:e, at the pleaaure of the church, any loo~r. If be connncea the c:hurcb that be laaa sorrowfully repeotecl of dleae aina the church may then rutore him to bia former position. . t•tb. That we t~rill atricdy punue the caae poi.Dtecl out Ul the Gospel, should any of our b:·ethren treapau aaaioat ua. Matt. lidS.

19m. That we will not delay to acknowledge oar im· proper coojluct to church in conference, slaould we 10 aatny.

20th . That we will go immediately to any •ember of dle ~burch a~aioat whom we may h~ar uafa•orable report& and uafo1'11l hun of the aame without bringio& it up ia con· fereoce aoleu oeceaaary.

2ht. That we will abstain from all aia£.1 coafo1'11lities to dle w orld. Tlaat we will re&ai.D from all nilamnM•eau of dle world.

22nd. That we will not traffic in ouraelns, nor E.raiala to omen iDto&icatiag drinlr.t .. a bneraae. aacl dtat WI will DOt auataiD such in t.be church.

23rd. Written aAd adopted at the 1937 aeuioa of die Chattahoochee Pree Will ltapriat Aaaociatioa by Rn. W. H . Emenoo, Rn. E . C . Grimaley, Rn. H. L . Lumpkin.


Preliminaries, When aneral belinera wlaJa to be o,..a· iaecl into a claarcb, dley request a council &o• eo•• dater


church . Thia couocil or com m itteca (commooly called aD arm ) exam ioea iDeo the Christian character, doctriDea aod fellowahip of the applicanu and their ability to au , taiD a church . If the esam inatioo u tatiabctory , the organisatioo proceeda at foUowt :

The Bible ia prcaeoted u tbe ooly rule of f aith aad prac tice . A church conoao t is read and adop ted . A pray · e~ of conaec ration ia offered. The band of fello•·•hip ia 11•e n. The ch urc h then proceeds to elect iu officera, whic h are a Clerk, a Treuurer, ~ Pasto r , and a bo:ord of deecon1, wh o conatit u te, with the p utor, a committee to oromotc o rder, ac ti•ity, atcendaoce, and t 'u: meaoa of grace·, bene•· olence, and aufficieot diacipline in the c hurc h . Dncou ahould p oueu ao~nd p iety, and good buaineu capacity aad large benuolence . They h old office at the pleasure of the church . They uaist in baptiun and the Lord'• Supper, ban <:are o f the poor, and conduc t religioua meetiD~a in the abaeoce of th e paltor.


. Re~olnd, T~at we form an Aasociation upoo the prio-ctplea l11d down 10 the Holy Scriptures, to-wit : Auociatiooe ~~ear from Scriptu re and eccleaiastical h istory to laaTe o : ig· m&lly been formed, oot from any posiri•e iojuoc t ioo , eitlaer from Cluut or Hia Apotrl ca, but from mere i"ipedieacy for the purpoae of concentrating the e ffo ru of iodi•idual churche~ and b~nps them to bear with greater eneru upoo t.be aubject de11goed to be acco mplished by those cburchu. They were alao cooaidered as ad•uo ry council, and restored to a~ auc~, but nenr claim.ed a_oy right or lordios it ower God s beruage, nor was thea.r advice considered biDdiog on the ch urches. I n a word, auo~iationa were wholly depende.. t on ch urches, and cburchca were not dependent upoo usocia· tiona, notwithstanding the power abrogated to themseln\ by aome modern 8ap~t Associations, we wiew the m as being no­where p ·ecedented by the primiti•e usage of 1.ny self-c reated bodica. ..( •

We , the delega:tes &om o ur rcapec ti•e churches being authorized by our .churches, to agree to form ouuelw~s into an auociation t> be known by the Dame of the Chattahoo· cbee Free-Will Baptist Auociation without fLrst stating our reason• to the body for such intended withdrawal.


It is proposed by the Asaociatioo, firat to promote re· •i•als of religioD by camp aDd protracted meetiDgs . Sec· oodly, to t• lte an actiwe part in Home Mission a. h u no t in· tended by tbu Auociation to diacuss queries. It i-. not the design of this Association to in~rfere in any way with the iodcpendencc of church es compoains i t. It waa Do t intcDded to cnabli.sb creeds, rules of disciplioe, o r make any law wbat­aocnr to bind the churches, but to lene each church to rea­ula"le iu own affairs.

We , as an Association, take the Old and New Testament u our confession of faith, as relates to the independency.

We belien that a duly organized c)uarc:h cooauu of a co"ngregation of saints, baptized upoD a creditable COD· fusion of faith in Christ. Ch rist ia the only ChrutiaD law­aiwer a11d supreme bead of t:•e churches, aod the Word of God, the e1nly infallible rule of faith and prao'tice . Enry man hu an inalienable right to printe j·JdgmeDt in concern of reliaion , and an equal riaht to u .preu hia opioioo iA any way which will nb"t vic.late the lawa of God o r the rishu of his fellowman.

A church has a right to adopt meaauru only u are iD accordanc e with the Word of God, aod aucb u deemed neceuary to carry into eflect the great ayatem of practice.

The church is the highelt eccluiutical tribuoal on earth, from whose decuion there i,J no appeal.

No change, alteration o~ ameodment ehall be made to thia C oDatitutioa lfntil such c:banse. altcratioo or amcadmcat ahaU ban been pruented to all the churchu compoaiAa thu auociation, and when two-thirda of all the churchea com · poaiog thu Association ahall han adopted or recommended in two of tbier regular cooferencu auccnainly auch claaoau, the alteratioo or amendmeDtl aball tbcD become a part and parcel of thu Constitution.

Read and ado pted the abon aa the coDatitutioo of the Chattahoochee Frn-Will 8aptut Association .


I. All candidates to be ordained into the ministry shall be required to eome before the ordaining council for examination. before actually being ordained by some other body. All incoming preachers would be required to be examined by said council before the church, that he is to pastor. would be aUowed to participate In the business of the Chattahoochee Association.

All incoming preachers would be required to appear before said council before their names would appear on the Min isterial RoU.

Anyone failing to comply with this amendment to our Constitution will not be recognized as a duly ordained minister of the Chattahoochee Association.



1. The church may choose a pucor annually at the lase re~ular conference in the Associational year; or, if they prefer It m ~y choose a pas.tor for an indefinite length of time to continue from year to year, so long u they may deem it proper to lteep up the connection.

2. When it becomu necusary, a paator may be chosen at any other rime; but if the choice be made at a special conference, the time mutt be appointed at a mo11thly meeting of the church.

3. The pastor shall be moderator of the c:hu~ch, but when he is absent or does not situ moderator, aome auit­ablc brother ahall be appointed to ait in hia place.

4 · There shall be two or more deacon a iD tlte church whose duty it shall be to supcriDtend the collection and disbunement of the c:ontriburioll made by the church for t-h e p;astor, etc:., and to distribute the bread and wine in the administration of the Lord'• Supper.

5. The deacona aball take notice of au c:b mem ben " refuse, o r neglect to partake of the Lord 't Supper and en­dcnor to u c:ertain the cause, that the same may be laid be­fore the church in c:o.ference if nec:cuary,

6. Some tuitable mem bcr shall be appointed Clerk &Dd it shaU be his duty to do all the recording and other writing pertaining to the buaincu of the church, and to pre· scrYe a fUc of minute. of the A11oc:iation .

7. When a new Clerk. ~ appointed, aU the booka, etc., belonging to the Clerk thaU be immediately delinred to him by his predeceuor.

8. When it bec:omu nec:ea~ary, a c:o~ mittee of not leas than ~ male mcmben well acquainted with buaineSI, aball be '_p.poillted, whose duty it aball be to gi•e adYic:e to breth­ren -who apply to them relati•e to c:aau of de~ etc:., with the church.

9 . The churc h ahall hold a two-day meeting month-ly, embracing Saturday and the Lord'a Day foUowin~ the first of which thall be the regular time of Conference.

10. It allaU be the duty of ncry member, male and female, to attend each conference meeting if the-y c:an, for on that day. the pastor is expected to inatruc:t the c-hurch in spiritual manner by giYing plaMI and pointed lesson• on doctrine, discipline, and the rule of holy li•ing.

11. Any male mem her who thaU fail to attend three aucceuive conference's, and any member whatever who lftay be generaJly remiae. in attendin g; the meetingi o f the church according to the co•e"'-nt ' (!Article 10), be ahall be cited to appear in conference and.(aiuwcr for his ne.glec:t, but the church may u:empt'moembera from this rule if ncceuary. -



12. follows:

Conferences shall b.- opened and conducted u

1. Prayer (unlesa diYine ser•ice has just beea conducted and generally then .) 2. lnrite Yisiting brethren to seats. 3 . Open the door for the reception of members. 4 . Call for absentees: S. For acknowledgments 6. For reference or deferred buainen. 7 . For matters of dealing wb ich arc i n order to

come before the church . I 8, Miscellaneous businen.

13 . Visiting brethren as helpa called in from sister churches, shall be allowed to speak an~make m orion a or seconds, but not al.lowed tO YOte.

14 . Any orderly member of the Bap tist church who docs not hold thia church in membership , may be received into the church without a letter, when it is made apparen~ that his Christian c haracter is unimpeachable, and that be has applied for a letter and could not obtain it becauae be de­sired to join this or some sister church ." All o ther mem ­bers must join by letter or by bap tistm .

15. No member shal.l be receiYed without the un-anim ous consent of the members present but unreuonable objection• shall be liable to be taken under dealing by the church.

16. Whe.n the moderator calla for absentees, the clerk shall inform the church that members han been abtcnt for 'three succ:euife c onferences, and the moderator shall appoint some brother or brethren to cite each of them to the nest conference.

17. No member shall be espelled unleu he bas been cited •erbally o r in writing to attend this trial ; pro•ided his residence be known to the church .

18. Wh en a witness, not a m ember of the c hurc h , ia in troduced he shall not be exam ined rill the question baa been put to the church : 'Will you hear the testimony of this witneu?'

19. The n idcnce in nery caae of dealing and ac· ltnowledgment thall be minuted in the church book.

20. Members dismiued from the church by letter who becom e dieorderly or continue to hold their letter with­out a good reuon shall be cited to the conference to anewer for their conduct.


.. .

21. EspeUtd mcmben may be rcatorcd to fellowahip on their petition if their walk aince upuuion hu coD'f·inced the church that they hue aincercly repented of their former nil.

22. A •otc ahall not be taken on any quution w.ith-out a mon and a aecond and in aU important quutione the •otea .hall be taken by rising to their feet.

23 . No other motion shall be conaidered while a pre· rioua motion and aecond is before the conference .

24 . It ahall be considered diaorderly for a member to abaent him'aelf from co'nference when an important quu· tion is to be decided ; but a member upon hia requut, may be e•cuaed by the church from •oting on either aide in peculiar c:aaca.

25.• No mem bcr ahaU leue the houae during confer-ence without a auffi.:ient cauac nor engage in c !)nYeuation or ~hiapering without ~eing subject to be c~Ued to order by the moderator.

26. All diacuuiona in conference muat be conducted with calmneu and a good feeling, those who speak .must riae to their feet and addren the moderator, and keep to the point in debate .

27. No one .hall speak more than three ~imu.on the aame motion without permiaaion from the ,J11 oderator, nor ahaU the remar.:a of anyone be unreaaonable long.

28. When t.he moderator speaks he muat nominate aome brother in hia stead.

29. No one ahall be inttrrupted while apeaking UD·

leu it ia necuaary to call the apeaker to order. 30. It ahaU be the rule of the church to attend to the

adminiatration of tbe Lord'a Supper at leaat four timu a year aad t.he espenaca "! to be paid by the church .

31. Memben not in good atanding ahall not com· mune, but the a4miniatration ahall not be ·deferred on account of'aay.

32. Put waahing ahaU be attended to at the church aeu p,roper.

33. Public faating, humiliation and prayer ahaU be obae"ed on proper oc:caaioni. .

34. Thia 0\c:~ru~ m ay• be amended or altered by the tfOte of two-tbirda of the~memben pruent at any two auc.· ceaain m oathly m.utina•·



1. We beline that a Gospel Church, or a church of Chriat ia a congregatioJI of Chriatiana conatitutt:d and go•­craed according to the rules laid down in the New Testament.

2 . That those ruin require churchu to prue"e the form of gonrnment and the ordinances of the fint Chriarian churches and to be composed of b'apt iud belinera in Cbriat.

3 . That the •isiblc chureh as the aggregate or whole number of Gospel churchu, and that the in•iaible church ia com ,.poaed of the redeemed now in beano, and of auch Chris­tian on earth aa arc not attached to the •isible church , ac· cording to the Goapcl rules. .

4 . 'rltat the establishment of central or c:athohc IOY~rnment OYer the inYisible church , or a, part thereof, is a dniat of earthly ambition• rt? ugnant to the Word of God, aubae"ient to the churches a,nd dangcroua to the liberty of men .

1 S. The Gospel Churches arc the only eccluiauical

bodiu or tribunal authorized by the Scripturct; that each church haa the unrutdcted right to admini!tcr ita .own go•· ernment without ii1per•iaion or interference, being und~r Chriat euentially, ·independent and abaolute ; and that _af thia right be surrendered to superintending juriadiction tiy delegation or otherwise , the auembly ceaau to be a Goapel Church.

6 . That churches may nnertheleu, we auppoae meet, by dclegatu, form an anociation and declare the term • upon which they will keep up tbe Corrcapondence ; but that the rijht and autho; ity of churches being inalienable, or in no wiae compromiaed or hindered by enceriaa into an aa· aociatioo, a ad therefore an auoc:iation hn no autb ority onr churchu Of indiriduala, their o~ly power bcina . co tra.naact buaiaua which does not pertaan to c:hurcbet an thear ec­cleaiaatical capacity ; to promote mutual interc:oune , aod a concentration of ~oluntary effort, and to giu that ad•icc to churchu which might with equal authority be 1inn by an iadi•idual.

7. That the authority of the churchu it duigned for the perpetuation of the true religion of the aotpel, a~d for the preae"arion of a true and orderly body of Chr_ll· tiant oa earth, that it ia fully aufficient for the purpoae lD·

tended, but that it dou not estead to peuona, property or the conac:ience of rneu iu any manner whatetfcr.

l I


8. That tlae oaly ret~ailitea to claardl aeal..nlaq arc faith in Citrin and obcdiuce to dae Goapel; tht faidl ia Chrilt neccuarily niau ia coaaccrioa with the belle£ llr tlae fundamental truth a of Chriltiaaity, aad that to prucribe aay other rcqui1itc of 1uch mcmbculaip ia aa uaamptioa of authority on the part of the church aad departure &ea the Go1pel plan.

9. t"bat the officera of a chorda are eldera aacl claa• cone; that the elden arc al1o called bialaops or putora, aad all the elden are equal in rank, thoo&h ~daey perform differ­ent fun ctions- Iince 10mc may be biahope, or paaton of par­ticular cburcbea, while o tbert may be simply elden, laariAa ao pastoral chars•·

. 10. That ~'< aut.boriry of a minuter of the Goapel u .tends to teaching, exhortation aad rebuke, but 110 furdaer; that be. caaaot perform. aay acta daat bcloas to dae authority of the church- auch a1 the rcccpcioa of mcm hera into the chut:ch compact, or the cllpulaioa of offcadcra; tlaat •• • member of the church, he ia no more thaa aay other melD· hera, aad if he ia guilty of traasarc:aaioa he ia to b\ J,oapt to trial before bia lirethrca aacl coaricted or -acquitted ia the nme maaacr a1 if he were a priYate penon; yet we tlaiak it prudent to call ill adriaory help, npecially if dac miaiarcr i1 to be ttied upon a charae of hear 1ay.

11 . That Chriatiaa baptbm ia tlac immenioa of a beliner in water, ia tlac aamc of tlae Father, 1lac Soa, aad the Holy Gho1t.

12. That the Lord'a Supper aad wa1laiaa tlae Saiata feet arc ordinaacca to be obacrorcd iD the claurch until die Lord comes.

13. That elden aad deacoa1 muat be Itt apart to tlaeir offu:ca by ordinarioa, or the impo1ition of tlac hucla of the presbytery a.nd prayer, without wlaicb they are aot authorized to administer the cirdiaaacu pertaiaiaa to their rc1pectiYe offices.

1-4 . No puacher ehall be ordained ualeu calle3 to uke cbarse of a church a a· p•ator, o-r for tome otlaer sood aad auffacieat reason,


1. We bellne that the Holy Bible waa writtea by • men diYinely inapired aad ia a treaJure of heanaly iastruc·

tion ; that it baa God for itt author,_aalntion for ita end, the



end. witlaout any miuorc or enor lor ita matter; that it re· nab the principles by which ~ocl will juclae ut, aed tlacre it ahall remain with ua to the end of time t11c true center of Chrierian union and the aupremc atndard to wlaich all h'llman conduct aad opinion conftrm.-Rn. 13:1-4; Joha 5 : 39.

"" 2. That there ia one true aad liYinl God, whose name ia Jchouh , the maker and ruler ofheaYeo aad earth, i.a­npreuiblc alorious in holincu, wortlay of all pouiMc honor, coJtfideoce and lon, revealed in tlac pcr.Oaal diadacdoa of Patlaer, unl Holy Gbon, cqDal ill uery dlYiae perfecrioa, aad elllcuciaa cliariact but barmonioua offacu in tlae l!cat work ofrcclcmptioa. Ex. 6:3; Paalm 33:11.

3. T~at maa waa created in a atatc offtaoliaeaa aa-der the law of his maker, but by Yoluatary tranaaruaion feU from that holy aad happy state, ill c,oaaequence of which aea arc now ainau a, not by coaatraiat, but by choice, beiDa by aatDre utterly dcoroid of holi.ncaa rcqaircd hy the law of God, wholly aiYea to the aratifacatioa of the world, to Sataa, aad their own sinful pauiona, aad therefoR arc uader juat coademaarioa to ctcraal ruin without defense or e:~tcuae . -Gen. 1:27, 2 :7, 3 : 6, 19: 23.

4. That the aalutioa of aiancra ia wholly of pace, daroup the mediatorial office of the Soa of Gocl, who took upo~ himael! our ~ature , yet without aia, laoaorecl tile law by Hit owa pcraonal obedience, and macle atoaemcat for ain by Ilia clcatla; bciaa riaen from the duel, he ia a ow ea­throaed ill bcana, and unitiaa in laia woadcrfal penoa dae c.aclercat' aympathiea wlaicb cliYiae pcrEcctiDa la nery way t~•alified to be auitablc, com pusionate aad all aufflci .. t Snior. Bpla. 2:5, 5;1, Rom . 7: 11.

5. That the Goapcl blcaaiaa wlaich Clariat ia lala fuUaua butowa oa auch a• belieYc ill him, ia jDsriflcadoa. That tlaia juacifacation coaaiata ill the pardoa of sia ud pro· aiac of eternal life, upoa priaciplu of richteo81acas, tlaat ia bcatowcd aot ia coaaidcration of aaytlaina we llo aot ao)ely tlaroup hie OWn riJhtCOUIIItll aacl atOIItiDeat, aad tlaat brinp Dl into a autc of moat bluaecl peace aacl fuor witla God. -Rom.I:JO, Etk. 11:28.')olae J : t4, Rom.l:17.

6. T.ltat tlac bluailla• of aalndoa are macle free to .U by tlae Go1fcl; that it ia die iaamecliate cla«y of aD who recciYell them by a cordial aacl obeclicat £aida aall d.at aod.­iac prcnata tlae salntioa of tlae pateat aiaaer oa eartla, ltat


( .

• I


diu OWD •ohauary refuaal to aulnait to dae Lorll Jc•• c•riat, wlaich r.cfuaal will aubj~ct laUD. ~ aa agrantcd coa­clcmutioa. -Mark 16:16, John 17:20, ba. 20.

7 . That ia order to be a&Ycd we mutt "e rcacacrat-ed, or obedient to tlae Goapel; and tllat ita nicfcace ia foa11d iA the holy fruita which we brias fortll to God. -Joha 3 :3 -8: Matt. 3:8-10.

8. That elettioa ia the sncioua purpoae of God, accordias to wbicb be rescaeratu, aacri6cu aad aana aia­aen, it bciag pcrfccdy conautcnt with the free aacacy of maa, that it comprehead all meaaa with die eod; dlat it ia a glorious diaplay of God's soodoeu, beiag infinitely wiK, holy unchangeable; born agaiD ; that regenerariQD con.Uti of siring a holy diapoaition to die miad and i.e affected ia a maaner abon our comprehenaioa by t.he power of tlae Holy Spirit , producing Yoluntarily tha t it utterly u :cludea boaati111 aad promotu humility , prayer, praiae, tnut ia God a11cl acti•e imitation of hu free mercy, t.hat it eacourasu the uae of meaaa ia the higheat degree ; tbat it is the fouacl.tioa of Christiaa anurance, and that to ucertain it with resard to oundns ~emands and due"u our utmost cliligeace.

9 . • That tlte pruUYiog attacbmeau of true beUnen !o Chriat iJ tbc grand mark which cl;atinguiJhu them from superficial pouenoui that a special Pro•iclence watchu OYer their welfair, ·and that they are kept by tbe power of God through .faith uato saJYation. - Eph. 1:1 -2.

10. That the law of God is the erernal, uacbaaseable rule of the Go•ernmcnt, that ia it holy, just and good; that the inability which the scriptures ascribe to fall~n man to ful­fill its precepts, arues eatire)y from h_u loYC of sin; to deliYer him throu~:h a mediator to unfeigned obedie~ce to the Holy law is o~e des!g• of the Gospel of the meaDs of grace coa­aected with the eatablithmcat of the ruible church. - Matt. 5 :13; Luke 10: 13-20, 14:17 .

11 . That the lust day of the week u thc.J.ord's Day, or Cbriatian Sabbath, that it ahould be kept 1acred to ~li­pous purpoaes by abatainiag from all accular labor and re· creatioa; by the direct obser•aace of all meau of grace, both public &Del private, and preparation, for the rut which re· maiDa for the childrea of God. - Ex. 19:8; Heb. 4 :9, Thes. 1:7, Ptalm 16 :9

12. · That ciyj) so•eramcnt u of diYine appoiatmcDt

- 14


fo r the interut a ad sood order o f h11man society, that mas· istrateJ arc to be prayed for conscientiously, honored and obeyed in all tlling• no t contrary to the will of our Lord jftlls Chri1t, who is the Lord of the Consdence and Prince of the ltins oa eartb.-Ex. 23 :7 ; Acu 23: 5 ; Tim. 5 :17 .

13. That there is a radical and enential difference between the righteous and the wicked ; that 1uch only as arc justified by faith ia the name of the Lord Jesus, a ad aaac-

./ tified by the Spirit of God are truly righteous in his esteem , while such u continue in imycnitence and unbelief are ia hu aicht wicked and under hia curae, and his dittiDctioa holda good among men both in aad after death. -Matt. 25 :46 ; Mark 16: 16.

14 . Thac the end of thu world is approachias. wben Christ will deacend from heuen and raite the dead &om their gra•u to fmal retribution, tbat a 1olemn separation will tlaen take place, the righteous being adjudged to nerlaatiag bap­pia'fls, and the wicked to endleu punishment, and thi.a judg­ment will fix fore•er tbe final atate of111an in henea or beU, on priaciplea of righteouanen. -]9bn 5: 25 ; Matt. 2S :34 ; 4J :46 .


< •



Arti c l e I: In order to encou rage and inspire our Sunday Schools of the Chattahoochee Association of Free Will Baptist , in a more definite plan of work and to co-ordinate our efforts for a more successful prog\ am of teaching God's Word, we set fo rth the following By ­Laws:

Art ic le II: This Convention shall be known as the Sunday School Convent i on of the Cha ttahoochee Associa­tion of Free Will Baptist.

Art ic l e III: The object of the Conv.ention shall ' be to promote Sunday Schoo l work in general among our churches.

Arti c le IV: The membership of this Convention shall be the Sunday Schools of the churches that are members in good standing with the Chattahoochee Associa tion of Free Will Baptist. A mission Sunday School shall hold membership as long as it has the endorsement of a church which repres ents in said Convention.

Artic ~e V: The representation fee for each session shall be determined by the participating churches. Th~ said · fee shall be ~sed to defray the expenses of the Convention, and to cont ribute to our denominational en­terprises . The fee is to accompany a letter containing the condition of the Sunday School , average attendance , number of c lasses , number of departments, number on roll, number of teachers and officers and any other in­formation that the Convention deems pert inent to the growth and efficiency of the local Sunday Sch'ool.

Artic le VI: Each Sunday School shall send dele­gates as deemed appropriate to the'Convention . All de­legates should be elected from the laity .

Article VII: All pastors of the churches of the local Association and superintendents s h~ll be consid­ered me~bers at lar~e with voting power, but s hould not be sent as delegat es.

Article VIII: The officers of t his Convention shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Tre~surer, and Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. All off1cers shall be elected at the c los e of the session of the Convention each year.

• Article IX: PRESIDENT: · The President shall pre­stde over a~l meetings of the Convention , appoint tem­porary _commttte~s and perform the other duties usually devolv1ng upon saicl'Qfficer ..



VICE PRESIDENT : The Vice-President shall preside over me~tings in the absence or at the request of the Presi­dent and assist the President in the general super-vision of the Conven tion. · SECRETARY AND TREASURER: The Secretary s hal1/ keep a record of the proceedings tion and r ecord all finances that come the Convention.

and Treasurer of the Conven­as funds into

SUNDAY SCHOOL COMMITTEE : The Comm i ttee shall organi~e or assist in t he organi~ation of new Sunday Schools,the reorgani~ation ~f existing Sunday Schools that have lasped into a state of inefficiency . This service being rendered at the request of the l oca l Sunday School .

Article X: Amendments: The~e By-Laws may be amend­ed by a t wo-thi rds vote of the members present at any regular session .


By-lAws SuBMITTED Bv : Rev . Bobby Whittaker Rev . A. G. Windham Rev . Hubert Arnold Bro . Hudson Poole



. - .; ~ ~ » - ~o .&: c 0 ::: .w = ·~ . ~ Q. 0 0 • ..... _3 '> ~ c: ::J ., s:- c:

o .. ~c:~ cw Os; 't:J ·r. 0 0 ~~ c ~ CHURCH PASTOR >-5! c: >a:...:

zu - 1:! ·;; 5 1:! .. .. c .&: .. !"~ at O;E JJ .... 0 . c: .. ., ~j .5!~ "' >E E c ..

·~ ~ ;g]{i JJs:"o -m a>,o a:.o _.o ~ c .,_ ~

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z~ Oto z:e ..... :e ~:e

::l c . c ~~ :eo crttQi Co ...IU. 7.a: >m (I)W uw

Athens J'!rrv Johnson

Bethany B. P. Haves F .T . 4 1 10

Decatur J . E. Blanton F .T . 0 6 4 0 44 0 44 X 25 72 25 7

First Thomaston Willi~ Travis F.T. 2 1 1 0 116 -11 118 X 71 31 86 46 28

Lit\le Bethel Eugene Ross F.T. 1 3 5 0 94 X 25 35 16

Mount Ol ive Bobby Whittaker F.T. 9 5 19 13 218 )( 30 93 00 New Bethel L&toy Light Foot F.T . 1 0 7 5 32 48 80 )( 15 15

New Hope Gerald Brown F.T . 5 27 0 0 27 0 27 )( 25 20

New Life J . B. Lumpkin F.T . 2 16 11 102 0 102 )( 59

New Libert'/ W. R. Crawley F.T. 0 5 1 32 )( 15

New Prospect Clyde Melton F.T. 0 1 g 45 )( 15 25 Taylor Co. _ __:_

New Prospect Turner Co.

Joe l Wainwright F.T . 1 I' o 1 1 61 29 90 )( 15 29 30 10

Pleasant Hill F.T. 1 0 2 0 34 4 38 )( 43

Spring Hill A. G. Windham F.T . 2 1 5 1 48 )( 30

Trinity Warren Wyatt F.T . 1 3 3 0 39 14 53 II 20 44 6

Turners Chapel Hubert Arnold F .T . 1 0 ~ 0 103 86 189 )( 43 15 86 65 . St. Luke ' '--


Cl E c 't:J u r;; .. 0 ·;: c ii ~ 't:J:x: -., C>> .:!: 't:J c:'t:J :::c: "' e . u_

i!e' m ~·~ c: .. &·;; CHURCH COUNTY m., 0 ·-o<., ... ""'"' ..J't:J CDC:c: E~ cn;~ ~> c: ~ ; .~~ c: .... ..... 1> .~0 ;oEI:! o~ ~ ·;a

!= ·~ ~~ a.~ IX! ~-o ~a:; "t:J"' rvo""

=~ :=a. om -o::> 8£ s:=== ;f~ o~a ~U:Jl ~clll ""' :.J5a: ox ma: 1- W • O.t: :X:u.:E t-.2 u.uu Athens

Bethany Marion 2,534 .20 736.51 654.46 10.00

Decatur Dekalb 26.460.70 12,750. 2500.00 21,000.00 175.00 918.85 5.00 5500.00

First Thomaston Upson 22,97 1.86 9 ,000.00 1,365.53 5026.65 19,912.18 136.68 35.00 193.00 10.00 668.68

Lillie Bethel Macon 6,355.00 3,485.00 1,200.00 . 5183.00 5.183.00 35.00 27.00 10.00

Mt. Olive Taylor 20,500.00 9 ,900.00 1,507.00 3890.00 1150.00 900 .00 120.00 15.00 1816.00

New Bethel \()

Worth 2 ,526.10 1,495.00 368.61 1863.61 15.00

New Hope Sumter 3 ,789.46 5 .00 5 .00 51 .00 - -

New Life Marion 2,080.00 10.00

New Liberty Schley 5.00

New Prospect Taylor 2,880.58 1,282.21 1,196.89 590.55 3,069.65 40.50 10.00

New Prospect Turner 6,588.08 3,427 .50 1,424 .82 933 .54 5 ,785.86 120.00 84.87 3) 1.50 10.00

Pleasant Hill Schley 8,062.37 3,380.00 5,148 .37 174 1.75 10,270.12 482.76 20.00 144.50

Sprong Hill Marion 195.72 2,120.00 3 ,440.17 10.00

Trinity Taylor 16,951 .59 5 ,190.00 ~5,000.00 2753.64 42,943.64 917.00 23 1.00 705.12 20.00 1853.12

Turners Chapel Taylor 4,927 .32 2,865.00 215.00 1801 .11 4 ,881 .11 330.73 20.00

St. Luke Russell 10.00 ---- -------- -- ----- ---- ------·-- ·----- -------·-··- ---·- --------- ~-


Doris Williams, Rt. 3, Ashburn, Georgia 567-2521

NEW LIFE Kay Stubbs, Rt. 1, Mauk, Georgia 31058


___) 31714, Phone

John C. Kirkland, Rt., 4 Box 84, Buena Vista, Georgia · 31803, Phone 937-2359

TRINITY Josephine Welch , Rt. 1, Box 253, Mauk, Georgia 31058 Phone 862-3356


Jessie Carroll, Rt. 2, Box 60C, ~utler, Georgia } 1006 Phone 862-3657

THOMASTON · Marlene Middlebrooks; Rt. 1, Box 449. Thomaston, Georgia

· 30286, Phone 648-3889

NEW HOPE Leona Cahoon , Rt. 1 1 Box 113 1 Cobb, Georgia 317 55 , Phone 853-5755

BETHANY Peggy Sawyer , Rt. 1, Box 165, Juniper, Georgia 31813 Phone 649-5393 ·

NEW BETHEL Mrs. Leonard Layfield, Rt. 1 , Butler, Georgia 31006, ·Phone 862-3907

DECATUR Gary Larvemeier, 4956 Ivy Log Court, Lithonia , Georgia 30058, Phone 981 ·6480

SPRING.HILL Mrytle Grier , Rt. 1 , Mauk , Ga. 31058, Phone 649-7306

PLEASANT HILL Edyth Guy, Box 535, Butler , Ga. 31006, Phone 862-3675

MT. OLIVE t Tommy Purvis , Jr., Rt. 3, ReynoldS, Georgia 31076, Phone 847-4688

NEW PROSPECT - Taylor County Carol Windham Rt. 3, Reynolds , Ga. , 31076, Ph. 847-4344

ATHENS Jerry Johnson, 140 Sailsbury Plain Dr. , Bogart, ' Georgia 30622, Phone 725-5560 '

ST. LUKE Nellie Harlsen . 1609 9th Court. Phenix City , Ala. 3686 7


MINISTERIAL ROll. Rev. ]. E. Blanton - 3129 June Apple Court, Decatur, Georgia

30034, Phone 404-384-8151 · Rev. Gerald Brown - Rt. 1, Cordele, Georgia 31015, Phone

912-535.-6391 Rev. Price Hayes - Bush Road, Phenix City, Alabama 36867,

Phone 205-298-0790 -Rev. Clyde Melton , Butler, Georgia 31006, Phone

912-862-3776 Rev. Eugene Ross , Route 1, Box 62B, Ideal, Georgia, Phone

949-3541 . 0 Rev. Leroy Lightfoot, Route 1 , Doerun, Geor,gia 31744, Phone

776-4106 Rev. Albert Ellenwood, 3077 Blan St., Colillnbus , Georgia 31906

Phone 689-6652 . Rev. Joel Wainwright, P. 0 . Box 487, Reynolds , Georgia 31076 Rev. Leonard Ogletree, 1005 Pineview Ave., Tifton, Georgia

31794, Phone 382-2384 Rev. Carlton Jordan , Route 1, Butler, Georgia 31006, Phone

912-862-3565 Rev. W. R. Crawley, Route 2, Box 116A, Ft. Valley, Georgia

31030, Phone 825-7137 Rev. Warren Wyatt, Rt., 4Box-1208, Sylacauga, Alabama 35150 Rev . Hubert Arnold, Butler, Georgia 31006, Phone

/ 912-862-3949 Rev. William Travis , 203 Poplar St. , Thomaston, Georgia 30286,

Phone 404-648-3823 Rev. A. G. Windham, Rt. 3, Reynolds, Georgia 31076, Phone

912-847 -3268 Rev. Roscoe Pitts , Thomaston, Georgia 30286, Phone

404-647-7262 Rev. ]. B. Lumpkin , Junction, City, Georgia 31812, Phone

404-269-3984 R~. John Grimsely, Route 1, Juniper, Georgia 31813 Rev. Robert Stubbs, Juniper, Georgia 31813, Phone 649-7254 Rev. Bobby Whittaker, P . 0. Box 214, Reynolds, Georgia 31076,

Phone 847-3147 .: Rev. Jerry Johnson, 140 Sailsbury Plain Dr., Bogard, Georgia

30622, Phone 725-5560 Rev. P. E. Knighton, 1610 21st Street, Phenix City, Alabama

36867, Phone 209-7772 f Rev. Steve Purvis , Route 2, Moultrie , Georgia 31768, Phone



Wayne Chambless, 207 Hillside, Drive, Sylvester, Georgia 31791 Lewis Tyler, Route 1, Mauk , Georgia 31058



. -This Session of the Association met with Spring Hill Church in

Marion County, October. 7, 1978. ' The Congregation began-singing at 10.:00 o 'clock with Bro Lewis

T yler leading. The opening prayer was by E. A. Welch, Jr. The welcome was given bv Pastor 0f the Church , Rev. A. G. Wmdham.

The Moderator . Rev. Travis, welcomed our visitors at this time. Rev. C. A. Huckaby and wife were giv~ a hearty welcome to the Association. They are tram Althea , l<londa.

Rev. Travis declared the Session open. The call for corresponding • letters were given. Rev. A . G. Windham read the letters. The letters are represented as follows:

1. Bethany · Tom Bullard 2. Decatur - by letter . 3. First Thomaston · Kate Watson , Ann Travts, Bell Tucker,

Eudene Pitts 4. Little Bethd - Mr. & Mrs. Tyson Ray, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard

Layfield, Jewd Bone, A~ Ross. . 5. Mt. Olive - Rev. A. G. Wmdham, Rev. Bobby Wh1ttaker 6. New Bethel · Rev . Leroy Lightfoot and wife. 7. New Hope - Rev. Gerald Brown . 8. New Life - .Ruby Stubbs. Robert Stubbs, Sara Anthony, Oltver

and K~-e Stubbs 9. New· Liberty · By l~tter

10.' New Prospect (Taylor) - By letter , 11. New Prospect (Turner) - Horace Davis , Hose Williams 12. Pleasant Hill · Mrs. Fred Brewer , Mrs. Nan Peacock 13. Spring Hill - Mr. & Mrs. Houston James, Mary Grier , Bernice

McCall, Betty Conker 14. Trinity - Josephine Welch, Bill Smith , Wanda Bell 15. Turners Chapel - Edna Carroll, Frank Byrd, Betsy Byrd,

Wilbur Carroll ~ 16. St. Luke - Bro. Greer, Rev. Albert Ellenwood

The next item of business was the appointing o~ Committees. They are as follows: TEMPERANCE : Kate Watson , Floyd Foster, Kaye Stubbs WOMANS AUXIUARY: Jewel Bone, Eudene Pjtts, Faye Glover STATE OF CHURCHES & CHARACTER OF THE MINISTRY:

Tyson Roy, Norman Grier , Horace Davis, Ruby Stubbs, Wilbur Carroll

SUGGESTION: Leonard Layfield1 Bell Tucker, Sarah Anthony , Hose Wilson, Frank Byrd

FINANCE : Rev.]. B. Lumpkin, Bernice McCall, Ann Travis SUNDAY SCHOOL: .. Rev. Hubert Arnold, Rev. Roscoe Pitts ,

Joseph1ne Welch )

After the appointing of the Committees we wer~ cJ!smissed from the business session with prayer by Rev. Roscoe Pttts. For ~e preaching service Rev. Bobby Whittaker brought the messa~e, his text taken from Psalms 51, his subject: "When a Christian Becomes a Back Slider' ' . This was a very inspiring message. .

We were dismissed for lunch with prayer by Rev.]. B. Lumpkin.


.• We assembled again at 1:00 o' clock with singing being ~ed by Bro. Tyler. Rev. A. G. Windham brought a wonderful deVotton.

A move and second was made to appoint two men to serve as member pro-tem on the ordaining council to attend to some urgent business of the board.

The call for the committee reports was made. (~reports). The appointing of places and time for our meetmgs for the next

year are as follows :

lS:t' MEETING - January 6, 1979 · Turner' s Chapd 2ND MEETING - April 7, 1979 · Trinity 3RD MEETING - July 7. 1979 - Mt. Oliv~ . ANNUAL ASSOCIATION- October 6, f979- Little Bethel SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION · May 5, 1979 - Turner's

Chapel PREACHERS & DEACONS MEETING - August 11, 1979 ·

Turner' s Chapel

Delegates were appointed to the State Association . !hey ar~: Ann Travis , Kate Watson, Bell Tucker , Eudene Pttts, Julia Mauldin, Anne Ross

The next item was to elect officers for the next year. They are as follows: Rev. William Travis and Rev. Bobby Whittaker were.nominated. Moderator · Rev. Bobbv Whittaker Assistant Moderator · Rev. A. G. Windham Clerk · E. A. Welch Assistant Clerk · Wilbur Carroll

A rising vote of "Thanks' ' was given the host church. M.S.C. to send $10.00 to the State Association and $7.00 to the

National Association. M.S. C. to have 400 minutes printed. An offerin~ was received at

this time for the. childrens home ''Harvest Drive ' . The amount was $50.00. A move was made to have maps printed on the back of each minutes. .

Rev. Hubert Arnold resigned from the ordaining council. A move and second was made to adjourn. Prayer by Rev.



Rev. William Travis , Moderator E. A. Wdch, Clerk


... •


We the Temperance Committee find the church in order, sober, sound in faith, and in accordance with the Freewill Baptist Doctrine.

WOMANS AUXILIARY We your Committee find that 4 auxiliaries are reporting to the

district convention. We encourage all churches to take part in the study workshop in Thomaston , October 28 and have a representa­tive to come to their church during the coming year to help them in this work.

STATE OF CHURCHES & CHARACTER OF THE MINISTRY We your committee lfind all churches and ministers are in

fellowship with one another.

SUNDAY SCHOOL We your Sunday School committee would like to encourage

each church to participate in the Annual Sunday School Convention. '

SUGGESTION COMMITTEE ~ We suggest that in all arms of the church to ~participate in

Sunday School, C.T.S., Prayer Mee.ting, Youth for Christ, Master Men, Ladies Auxiliary, Preachers and Deacons meetings at least once a year.

To visit the sick and shut-ins.

ORDAINING COUNCIL We your ordaining council ask that the former recommenda­

tions concerning the two ")reachers leaving our fellowship stand. And that notice be run m the state paper that fellowship be withdrawn. -~ ' ·

After talking with Rev.' Albert 'w. Ellenwood we recommend that his r~uest be tabled pending ad<litional information until next Quarterly Meeting in January, 1979. .

. Rev . .Hubert Arnold Rev. Gerald Brown Rev. Roscoe Pitts Rev. Eugene Ross Bro. Earl Bone


~ FINANCE COMMITTEE Balance in Treasury january, 1977 ... ................. $371.27 Received from Quarterly Meetings 1978 . ... ... .... . . .... 265.00 Received from Annual Meeting 1978 . . .. .. ............. 180.00 Received from Sunday School Convention ........... • . .... 25.00

Total Received . ..................... ....... .. $841.27

Ex~nses Patd ~r minutes 1977 .... ••.• . . . . . .. , ............... $297.26 National Association .. . .... ............. . ......... ..... 7.00 State Association . ............. , . . • • • • . . . . . . ... . ... . .. 40.00 Moderators Salary .... .. ...... ............... .. .. .. .. . . 60.00 Clerks Salary ... ....... . ... . ............ ~ ........... . 100.00

Total Ex~ses .... ........ . . ......... . ...... $504.26 Balance m Treasury . .......... ...... ...... ... $377 .01


MISSION BOARDS · Mission Board - Rev. ]. E. Blanton Board of Retirement & Insurance - Rev . Joel Wainwright Board of Trustees · Frank B_yrd Christian Education · Rev. Bobby Whittaker

. E)(f:CUTIVE COMMITTEE N. R. Lumpkin · 4 years · Manchester, Georgia Buddy Taylor - 3 years - Thomaston , Georgia Wilbur Carroll - 2 years - Butler, Georgia Norman Gri,er - 1 year · Mauk , Georgia Tyson Roy - 5 years · Ideal , Georgia

ORDAINING COUNCIL Bill Guy · 2 years Earl Bone · 1 year Oliver Stubbs · 5 years Carlton Jordan · 5 years Rev. J. E. Blanton · 3 years Rev. Warren Wyatt - 2 years Rev. A . G. Windham · 1 year


THE FIRST QUARTERLY MEETING The First Meeting me_t with New Prospect Church, Tur:ner •

County, Ashburn, Georgta on January 7, 1978. Song_ service began at 10:00 o'clock. Singing led by Rev. Leonard Ogeltree. Vfelcorl?e and pray~ by the pastor. There were 3 visitors from Little River Assoaaoon. The body declared in order by Moder3tor Rev. Travis. Call for corresponding letters. M.S.C. that Rev. ·J. E: Blanton and Rev. A. G. Windham read the letters. They were represented as follows:

1. Bethany · By letter 2. Decatur · By Pastor, Bill Tones 3. First Thomaston · jessie Windham, Roscoe Pitts 4. Little Behtel · TyS:On Ray , Anne Ross, Essie Williams, W. T .

Williams, and Morris Lawhorn 5. Mt. Olive · Annie Lora Windham 6. New Betttel -·Minnie Hobby, Tracy Hobby 7. New Hope - By Pastor 8. New Life - By letter , 9. New Prospect{!.) Sister Ogletree

10. New Pro,spect (Taylor) · By letter 11. Pleasant liill · Geraldine Dillard, Ida Wall and Dorothy

Hambrick 12. ~ring Hill · By Letter 13. Trinity ·Josephine W~ch. Bill Smith, Bess Williams 14. Turners ChaPel - Wilbur Carroll and Rev. Arnold

' M.S.C. to accept the letters and seat the delegates. The various COmmittees were appointed at this time.

STATE OF CHURCHES & CHARACTER OF MINisTRY W. T. Williams Jessie Windham Bud Williams

FINANCE A. G. Windham Moms Lawhorn Annie Lara Windham

SUGGESTION Rev. Booby Whittaker J~seehine welch "' Bill jones

M.S.C. that the Moderator ap~int a member of the ordaining council to meet with the State Ordaining Gouncil to draw up new guidelines for all ordinations. ·

A nominating committee was, appointed at this time. The chair appointed this committee. They were: Rev. Gene Ross, Bro. Gene Windham and Rev. Hubert Arnold.


A report was given on the State work at this time by Rev . . Dowdney. A motion was made to receive his report as information.

Moved to adjourn from business for the preaching hour. Morning speaker was Rev. Gene Ross. Scripture reading was

Romans 8: 28. After a very inspiring message an offering was received. This offering was turned over to the State Trustee Board to purchase insurance for Camp Mt. 'Bethel. Dismissed for lunch by Rev. Bobby Whittaker.


Song services began at 1:15 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. C. B. Dow~ey. Rev. BObby Whittaker and ~v. Gene Ross were welcomed into the Chattahoochee Association by the Moderator and Clerk. Devotion by Rev. A. G. Windham. His scripture was Acts 4:12.

M.S. C. to accept the report of the Committees. (See Committee) Executive Board Member Hudson Poole was replaced with

Wilbur Carroll. Ordaining Council, Don Reed and Gene Ross. Association Mission'Board, Ed Howard and T yson Ray.

M.S.C. to accept the nominees of the above boards. Rev. J . E. Blanton gave the report on State Mission Board

activities. A rising vote of thanks was given to New Prospect Church for

the enjoyable day. Announcements were made. M.S.C. that the group adjourn. Dismissed by Rev.]. E. Blanton.

Moderator , Rev. William Travis Clerk, E. A. Welch


Received from Church letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... S90.00 Received for Camp Mt. Bethel . . . . . . . . . .. . .......... .. 55.87


We make the following suggestion that the pastors of our churches select a time and place of meeting to promote and organize a workshop.

We also su_ggest that each church take in consideration the need at Camp Mt. Bethel and if tl)ey would give an extra offering for the needs there.


We encourage every pastor to instruct their members on Free Will Baptist DOCtrine and views at least once a year.

We recommend that preachers leaving the Free Will Baptist Denomination and join another faith to tum in their credentials.



THE SECOND MEETING OF THE CHATTAHOOCHEE FREEWILL BAPTIST ASSOCIATION . . ·. · The second Meeting of the Chattahoochee Association met

with Decatur Church in Dekalb County~ on April -2, 1978. Song services began at I 0: 00 o ·clock. The Moder'litor called for corres~nding letters. They were read by 'Bro. Gene Windham and Rev . J. E. Blanton. They were represented by letters as follows : •

BETHANY ~ By letter FIRST THOMASTON · Ann Travis . Julia Mauldin, and Rev.

William Travis LITTLE BETHEL · Mary Williams, W. T. Willi.ams, and Rev.

Gene Ross MT. OLIVE · Gene Windham. and Rev. Bobbv Whittaker NEW BETHEL · By Letter . NEW HOPE · By. Letter NEW PROSPECT (Turner Co. ) · Faye Glover , Faye Ogletree and

Rev. Ogletree NEW Pl{U!)PECT (Taylor)- By Letter PLEASANT HIEL · By Letter TRINITY -· JoseQhine Welch, Wanda Bell , Larry Bell, Bess

Williams, and E. A. Welch TURNERS CHAPEL - Frank Byrd , Betsy Byrd, Wilbur Carroll,

Edna Carroll and Rev. Arnold

M.S.C. to receive the letters and seat the delegates. The Moderator appointed the various committees.

FINANCE · Rev. Hubert Arnold, Sis. Faye Ogletree · ' SUGGESTION · Rev. Jerry johnson , Josephine Welch and W. T .


Wilour Carroll, Larry Bell and Julia Mauldin ---

The morning message was brought _by Rev. Jerry Johnson. Scripture, Luke 11: 5 and James 5:16. The Moderator su88ested that the Association give $200.00 to The Historical Commiss10n to help finance the. restoration of the grave site of Rev. John Brodnax the founder of the Free Will Baptist -Church in our state. M.S. C. that the Oerk contact all churches of the Association and ask that they give at least $12.50 for this purpose.

M.S.C. that the Sunday School· Convention meet at Little Bethel Church May 6. Dismisse8 for lunch·. 1 .



Singing began at 12:45 p.m. with Gene Windham leading. Prayer by W. T. Williams. Rev. Leonard 08letree brought tlie devotion. Scripture 1st Peter 1.: 2. Comm1ttees reported (see Reports). A rismg vote of thanks was given to the host church.

M.S.C. to adjourn. Prayer by Bro. E. D. Williams.

Rev. William Travis, Moderator E. A. Welch, Clerk


Received · $95.00


We find that all churches are in fellowship with one another.


Report from New Prospect Church, Turner County. Bro. John C. Jolly died March 18, 1978.

Report from First Thomaston Church, Bro. Jessie G . Windham died March 24, 1978.


This 3rd meeting met with Little Bethel Church July 1, 1978. The song service began at 10:00 o' clock. Prayer by Rev. Worthin.gton . The Moderator gave the church an opportunity to test11y at this time.

A call for corresponding letters was given . Rev . Hubert A:mold and Rev. Eugene Ross read the letters. The delegates are as follows:

BETHANY - Lovie Green , Tom Bullard, Trixie Youngblood and Mrs. George Bullard

THOMASTON - Arthur Maddox, Annie Travis , Kate Watson, Eudine Pitts

UTILE .BETfiEL - Ruby Ray , Jewel Bone, Blondell Layfield and Polly .A{britton

MT. OLIVE - Florie Windham NEW BETHEL - Minnie' Hobby , Olin Hobby, Pheobe Hobby and

Tracy Hobby · NEW HOPE - Rev. Gerald Brown NEW LIFE - By Letter NEW PROSPECT (T~lor) - By Letter NEW PROSPECT (Turner) - Bertha Gibbs, Berta Little and

Lamar Wilson TRINITY - Josephine Welch and Bill Smith . TURNERS CHAPEL - Frank Byrd , Betsy Byrd, Nannie Lou

Rodgers. C. W. Carroll , and Edna Carroll

Befo(.e the delegates from the New Bethel Chtgeh could be seated the pastor of the church appeared before the ordaining council. He was examined and accepted by the council and the body.

M.S.C. to seat the delegates. The various committees were appointed at this time.

FINANCE - Wilbur Carroll and Eudene Pitts SUGGESTION - Rev. A. G. Windham, Leonard Layfield and · 1jscin Ray . STATE OF CHURCHES - Olin Hobby , Frank Byrd and Josephine

Welch :) . OBITUARY - Florie Windham, Kate Watson and Betsy Byrd

-'1 •

Rev. Worthington , our ~tate Moderator was with us. He gave a r~po~ on a proposed B!ble InStitute. The business meeting was disrwssed for the preachmg hour.

Rev. Eugene Ross brought a wonderful messa~e. His text was from Matthews 9:35. W~ were ·dismissed for the lunch hour with prayer by Rev. Gerald Brown.



_.. Sin__ging began at 1:00 p.m. with Rev. A. G. Windham leading. Bro. Gary Lambert brought a very inspiring devotion. A move was made and seconded to receive an offering for the State Trustee Board, to help pay insurance on State Association owned buildings. The amount was $28.46.

A move was made seconded and carried that the clerk will send all Association letters to the pastor of the churches instead of the clerks.

The committees reported at this time (See reports). J.:. risin8 vote of "Thanks'' was given the host church for their

warm hospttality. M.S.C. to adjourn.


Rev. William Travis, Moderator E. A. Welch, Qerk


Received $80.00


We your committee had no complaints brought before us.


We recommend the Association fully endorse the pro(lOsed State Bible Institute and encourage our people to support its efforts by participation where possible and by prayer.

We further suggest that each delegate present in this meeting upon return to each respective church, plead that each local church support the associational meetings by better attendance and prayer.


We ask that the boqy accept Rev. Leroy Lightfoot into our Association as an ordaining minister.

Rev . Hubert Arnold Rev. Warren Wyatt Rev. Eugene Ross Bro. Arihur Maddox Earl Bone


(. .


This meeting met with First Thomaston Church on August 12, 1978. The song service was led by Bro. A. G. Windham. Bro. Bobby Whittaker played the piano. The welcome was given _by Bro. Herbert Salter and response by Wilbur Carroll. Rev. Wiijiam Travis gave a warm welcome then turned the service over to the Moderator, Rev. Hubert Arnold. ·

The meeting was called to order. There were six preachers and seven deacons present, also 5 ladies. Bro. Arnold asked if anyone would like to give a testimony and several gave their testimonies. We then sang another song. The morning message was by Rev. Roscoe Pitts. His text-was 1st Corinthians 2: 1-16. A very good message Wa.s enjo_yed by all. Bro. Maddox dismissed with prayer for the lunch hour. Everyone took part around the alter for the closing prayer.

The after1loon message was brought by Rev. Bobby Whittaker. , A very inspiring message 1was delivered.

A move was m~, seeonded and carried to let the officers serve two years instead of one.

Moved and seconded to set up a treasurer for this meeting and retain the offering taken this meeting. Voted that the clerk serve as treasurer.

The next session will meet with Turners Chapel Church the 2nd Saturday in Au8ust, 1979: ·

Disrilissed With prayer by Rev. A. G. Windham.

Rev. Hubert Arnold, Moderator



The Chattahoochee Sunday School and League Convention met with Little Bethel Church in Macon County, May 6, 1978. Song service began at 10: 30 a.m. and was led by Bro. Eugene Ross. Prayer by Bro. Hubert Arnold before opening for business. The letters were called at this time. Six churches were represented. Letters were read.and accepted.

Bro. A. G. Windham brought the morning message. Then we were dismissed for lunch.

After the lunch there was congregational singing and prayer by Bro. Danny Perkins. Little Bethel bad a short program at this time. There was no old business. Under new busmess jt was voted to have Bro. Dowdney lead the rally or workshop. The group. voted to donate $100.00 for workshop. They also voted to sent $50.00 to Caml' Mt. Bethel and c9ntribute $25.00 for pJ;inting of the minutes. The Sunday Schoo11\Ssociation voted to have the next meeting at Turners Chapel Freewill Baptist Church in Taylor County the 1st Saturday in May , 1979. Bro. Eugene Ross will be the morning speaker.

Officers for the oe>.'t year were appointed as follows :

Sunday School Committee - Bro. Eugene Windham, Bro. Cassbott, Bro. Hubert Arnold and Bro. William Guy

Moderator - Bro. Ralph Windham Assistant Moderator - Bro. joe Logue Secretary add Treasurer - Sis. Barbara Windham Assistant Secretary and Treasurer - Sis. Flora Windham


Voted for each represented church to have a 10 minute program at our next meeting. There being no other business it was moved, seconded and carried to adjourn this the 6th day of May , 1978.


Bro. Ralph Windham, Moderator Sis. Barbara ]. Windham, Sec.

& Treasurer

.o;. IN MEMORY OF BRO. jOHN C. ]OLLEY, SR . " Bro. john C. jolLey was born july 29, 1902 and died March 18, •

1978. Mr. jolley was born in Lumpkin County, Georgia. He was a retired construction worker and lived in Florith several years of his life. Bro. j olm lived in Turner County the last years of his life . He was a mem6er of New Prospect Church in Turner County. Bro. ]obn leaves bis wife, one .son , jour daughters, several grandchildren and a bost of relatives and friends to mourn his passing.

New Prospect Churcb and Pastor Rev. Leonard F. Ogletree


In loving memory of tbose gone from Little Betbel Freewill Baptist Cburcb , Ideal, Georgia. _....

Mrs. Mary£. Mcinvale [February 28, 1884 - january 4, 1978] Mr. Walton Lane [March 7, 1916 - April 3, 1978] Mrs. Wafe Layfield [October 10, 1895 · May 9, 1978] Mr. £. C. Raburn. Sr. [August 10, 1895 - September 3, 1978]

The many things tbai could be said, cou/4 not be beard or seen by tbose dead,

But tbere-ytilllive beyond tbe grave, A life tbat jesus s9 freely gave.

Little Betbel Cburcb and Pastor Rev. Eugene F. Ross


Rev. }. B. Fuller was born ]uru 10, 1919 and did Nov. 24, 1977. He joined the White Oaks Free Will Baptist Church in 1958 where he was ordained and served as a Deacon. Riv. Fuller was the Sunday School Superintendant which during his service held the highest attendance recQ!!I of 212 . . ·

Rev. Fuller was ordained as a minister November 11, 1960. He p~stored the following churches: Corinth [South Georgia Associa­tzon] ~years; Mt. Olive, Turrurs Chapel, Spring Hill, New Liberty and utte Bethel of [Chattahoochee Association], Warrur Robins (Georgia Union Association]

Rev. Fuller and his wifes membership was at New Liberty when he died. ·

Rev. Fuller was a tkvoted Christian man, both to God and his fomily. He was dependable, aggressive, kind, humble and would llllle a stand for what he thought was right even if he had to stand alone. He worked faithfully for the Lord until his health caused him to retire a few months before his tkath.

Rev. Fuller is sadly missed by his Christian brothers and sisters, family and friends, but he is with the Lord now.

Survivors inclutk his wife; Lila, oru son, Fredd~ Fuller, one daughter, Norma Jean Fuller, four grandchildren and five s(.ep grandchildren.

Submitted by joe Owens