МГИМО AND WOR…  · Web viewДля студентов, ... Каждая...

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Transcript of МГИМО AND WOR…  · Web viewДля студентов, ... Каждая...







В.С. Лукьянова О.А. Колоскова




уровень A2 – B1

Для студентов, обучающихся по специальности

38.03.02 Менеджмент

Учебное электронное издание

Одинцово 2019

ББК 81(____)_____-Англ.

Рецензены: к. филол. н. М. В. Гайдуль, к. филол. н. В. В. Зуева

В.С. Лукьянова, О.А. Колоскова Business and Work. Учебно-методические материалы по английскому языку с

мультимедийным сопровождением для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 38.03.02 – «Менеджмент» / В.С. Лукьянова, О.А. Колоскова; МГИМО (У) МИД России Одинцовский филиал. – Одинцово, 2019. – 86 с.

Учебно-методические материалы по английскому языку с мультимедийным сопровождением для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 38.03.02 – «Менеджмент», разработаны на основе ресурсов сайта British Сouncil, предназначены для студентов, владеющих английским языком на уровне A2 - В1 и могут быть использованы в качестве учебного пособия для аудиторных занятий по языку специальности. Каждый раздел представляет собой комплекс заданий, разработанных к одному аудио фрагменту сайта British Сouncil. Наличие мультимедийного сопровождения обеспечивает оперативный доступ к аудио и видео материалам пособия.

ISBN В.С. Лукьянова, О.А. Колоскова, 2019МГИМО (У) МИД России, 2019



Предисловие…………………………………………………………………. 4

Unit 1. Advice On Writing a CV……………………………………………... 6

Unit 2. Motivation In the Workplace…………………………………………. 15

Unit 3. Achievement………………………………………………………….. 22

Unit 4. Emotional Intelligence………………………………………………... 27

Unit 5. Products and Brands………………………………………………….. 32

Unit 6. Complaining………………………………………………………….. 38

Unit 7. Going Global………………………………………………………….. 44

Unit 8. Line Management..…………………………………………………… 51

Unit 9. Managing Diversity….………………………………………………. 58

Unit 10. Conference Calls…………………………………………………... 63

Unit 11. eBay………………………………………………………………... 69

Unit 12. Trend Analysis……………………………………………………... 76

Список использованных источников ……………...………………………. 85



Настоящие учебно-методические материалы по английскому языку

специальности с мультимедийным сопровождением предназначено для

студентов, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата по направлению

подготовки «Менеджмент» и владеющих английским языком на уровне А2 –

В1 и может быть использовано на аудиторных занятиях, во время

самостоятельной работы студентов, а также при дистанционном обучении.

Целью предлагаемых учебно-методических материалов является

развитие у студентов профессионально значимых видов речевой

деятельности: аудирования, говорения и письма при соблюдении языковой

лексико-грамматической корректности, а также углубление и расширение

языковых и экстралингвистических знаний студентов, что в свою очередь


- развитию способности к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на

русском и иностранном языках для решения задач межличностного и

межкультурного профессионального взаимодействия;

- расширению совокупности знаний культурологического характера, в том

числе: знаний о культуре своей страны, стран изучаемого языка и других

стран мира; умения находить общее и видеть отличия; умения и готовности

использовать полученные знания в процессе общения на английском языке с

представителями других культур;

- формированию комплекса знаний о современных источниках информации

(интернет – ресурсы, бумажные и электронные словари и энциклопедии,

электронные библиотеки и базы данных), умения и готовности работать с

ними для извлечения, отбора и эффективного использования информации в

учебно-познавательных целях.

Данные учебно-методические материалы разработаны на основе

аудиоресурсов, размещенных на сайте British Сouncil. Тематика

представленных аудио материалов является профессионально 4

ориентированной, что позволило авторам подбирать дополнительные аудио

и видео материалы, которые способствуют углублению знаний студентов в

области языка специальности, а также отбирать лексику, которую студенты

смогут использовать в качестве базовой при работе с другими материалами

на этапе ранней специализации и в дальнейшей профессиональной


Обозначенные цели и тематическая направленность определяют

структуру настоящего учебно-методического пособия, которое включает в

себя 12 разделов (Units). Каждый раздел рассчитан на четыре академических

часа аудиторных занятий. В качестве приложения к данному пособию

предлагается мультимедийное сопровождение, которое, в свою очередь,

состоит из 12 презентаций. Каждая презентация обеспечивает быстрый и

удобный доступ к аудио и видео материалам соответствующего раздела, а

также облегчает введение активной лексики. Все разделы пособия состоят из

трех основных частей: pre-listening tasks, listening exercises, further discussion

and writing. Задания внутри основных частей каждого раздела варьируются в

зависимости от тематики раздела и изучаемого лексического материала.

Однако, каждый раздел включает в себя дополнительные видео материалы,

ситуации общения, в том числе ролевые игры, а также задания

переводческого характера, включая двусторонний перевод. Все разделы

содержат задания, предусматривающие интернет-поиск.

Данные учебно-методические материалы могут быть дополнены

тестами текущего и рубежного контроля.




1. Questions for discussion:

What is a CV?

What impression do applicants try to make with their résumé?

In what way should the CV be arranged?

How important is a well-presented CV?

Do people always tell the truth in their CVs?

2. Vocabulary practice:

Give the definition to the following words: CV (résumé), recruitment,

educational background, internship, placement, working experience.

Read the words in the chart below, then write their Russian equivalents:

(Presentation. Unit1. Slides 2-4 )

English Russian

a database n.

an application form n.

a department n.

Impressive, adj

a reference, n.

a placement, n.

an internship, n.


to unfold, v.

to advertise for smth, v.

particular, adj.


capable of, adj

flexible in smth, adj.

to be tailored to smth

to keep smth on file, v.

to leaf through smth, v.

to look promising, v.

to make sure, v.

to keep smth relevant, v.

straight away, adv.


1. A specialist who works in recruitment talks about the process of

recruting. Listen to the interview and answer the following questions:

(Presentation. Unit1. Slide 5):

Is CV an important part of the recruitment process? Why?

What are the specific aspects of the company’s application form?

Is it possible to apply for a job when they are not recruiting?

How do they process CVs they receive?

What is the best advice on writing a CV?

What important information about a candidate should be included in


Why was the second CV stronger than the first one?

2. Listen to the interview again, fill in the missing words.

Part A (Presentation. Unit1. Slide 6):

I … is talking to John Woodrow, who works in the Human

1)__________department 2)__ _ _______ __ _____ company.


John, tell us about your work ...

I work on recruitment, 3)___________ – so I’m the person 4) _____

reads the 5) _________ __ CVs we 6)____________ each year!

Do you 7)________ CVs as part of your 8)___________ process?

When we advertise 9) ___ _ _________ post, we send 10) ____ ___ own

11)_________ form, which is _________ to our company, and we can use it

to 12) ______ ____ we find 13)__________ what we’re looking for ...

So a 14)_______ is useless?

…Not at all – we’re happy to 15)___________ CVs from people

16)______ when 17)____ ___ ___ recruiting.

That way we can build up a 18)_______ of 19)_________ candidates,

20)___ ___ _____ company is always changing – we’re very 21)_________

in our 22) ______ right now – it’s good to 23)_________ what kind of

people are 24) ____ ______.

We do keep everything 25) __ _____, and will get back to

26)_________ who look 27)____________.

So we should be 28)_______ you our 29) ___s?

Yes, 30)___________, yes!

Part B (Presentation. Unit1. Slide 6):

I What 1)_________ can you give us 2)____ writing a 3)______?

4)______ it short, 5)______ it simple, 6)____ __ _______.

Anything longer 7)______ three pages will 8)____________ go into the


Just tell 10)_____ what we 11)_______ to know.

12)_______ sure it’s clearly 13)_________ – and that there are no

14)_________ mistakes 15)___ it!

… no fancy 16)______ ... or photographs.


We 17)_____ ______ to know what people 18)_____ _____, just what

they 19) ___ _____, and what they’re 20)__________ ___ ...

So we 21) ____ _____ to look at a 22) _______ ___ CVs now ...

Yes – these are 23) __ _______ that 24) ___________ just this morning,

so let’s 25)______ __ ______...

... OK, I can see 26) _______ _____ that we 27)______ a good 28)

_____ and a bad 29)_____ here ...

How can you tell so 30)_______?

Part C (Presentation. Unit1. Slide 6):

Well, as I just 1)_______, this one 2)______ is ... how many? ... one,

two, three, four 3)______ _______, it’s written in 4) _____ _____, I can

5)________ read it ... and, wait, yes, there’s a photograph 6)______ to the


Too much 8)___________?

Yes ... just leafing 9)_________ __, I can see he’s 10)_______ about

11)________ he went to 12)________ school – that’s just not


What kind of 14) _________ ____________ should be


16)________ your 17)________ school, but it’s mostly 18)__________

education we’re 19) __________ in, university or college, then any

professional 20)_____________ you may have, as well as work

21)______________, of course.

That’s important? John Woodrow: Oh yes – 22)_________ or

23)___________ all count!

What about 24)__________ information?


A bit is 25)__________ ... but look, this guy 26)_____ _________ he

was a member of the stamp collecting 27)_________ in secondary school!

Not interested ...

What about the 28)_______ CV?

OK, again, I can see 29)______ _____ this looks more 30)_________ ...

only two and a 31)_______ pages, lots of 32)________ on the page, easy to

read, well 33)__________. Hmmm, a couple of 34) __________

__________ __________, that’s good. And, yes, they’ve 35)__________

language 36)_________ – very important ...

What 37)_________ are you looking 38)_______?

Well, English, 39)____________, as we’re a 40) _______ _____ ______

and English is 41)______ the language of 42)__________ business, and

then, well, 43)__________ really – Spanish is 44)_________, Russian,

Mandarin Chinese too ...

OK, we’ll get 45)___________! Thanks, John!

3. Write I (for the interviewer) or E (for the expert) next to each line.

4. Discussion. Which is more important, a good CV or an impressive

performance at the job interview?

5. Watch the episode from the movie “Devil Wears Prada” (2001).

(Presentation. Unit1. Slide 7):

Answer the following questions about this episode:

1) What’s the candidate’s name?

2) What’s her educational background?

3) What does she look like?

4) What position is the candidate applying for?

5) Is the employer interested in the applicant’s CV?

6) Is the job interview successful or not? Why? 10

7) Who is well-mannered and who is ill-mannered?

8) Why did the applicant get the job?

Fill in the assessment form to decide how good the applicant’s

performance was (use the scale from 1 to 5):

(Presentation. Unit1. Slide 8):

Assessment parameter Score 1-5





Work experience

Overall impression


1. Translate into English:

Сегодня у нас в гостях Джон Вудроу, руководитель отдела кадров

одной британской компании. Мы пригласили его, чтобы расспросить его о

том, насколько важно грамотно составить резюме для того, чтобы получить

желаемую должность в его компании. Он также поделится с нами

полезными советами по составлению резюме и проанализирует два примера.

Он считает важным, чтобы резюме было четко и компактно написано,

грамотным языком без орфографических ошибок, без лишней информации.

Любое резюме, занимающее больше двух страниц, автоматически

отклоняется. В его компании не приветствуются прикрепленные фотографии,

т.к. их больше интересует профессиональная форма человека, чем его


внешние данные. Важная роль отводится соответствующему образованию и

опыту работы, которые доказывают, что кандидат соответствует

рассматриваемой должности. Особое отношение у компании к владению

языками. Хотя им интересны английский, испанский и китайский, другие

языки тоже приветствуются. Даже если они не занимаются поиском

кандидата на должность, они рассматривают резюме с целью выявить

потенциальных сотрудников и быть в курсе, что из себя представляют

нынешние кандидаты. Джон очень ответственно подходит к своей работе, у

него есть список подходящих кандидатур на должность, и он всегда готов

найти нужного человека.

2. Watch the video.

(Presentation. Unit 1. Slide 9)

Answer the following questions:

- What is the applicant’s name?

- Who is he talking to?

- What words are used to describe a promising candidate?

- What irrelevant subjects are discussed during the interview?

- What are the relevant issues, that are discussed during the interview?

3. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions:

Do you know anyone who failed to get a job because of the wrong CV?

What sections of a CV are crucial to get a job as a secretary, fitness

instructor, lawyer, accountant, teacher, and top-manager.

Why cannot a CV alone be enough to find the right person for the job?



Imagine that you are in a desperate need of a job. Find out about the company

and the position you’d like to fill and draft your own CV. Don’t forget to mention

the following aspects:

- personal details (name, age, nationality, state when you are available, etc)

- education and training (that proves that you meet the required qualification

for the job)

- professional experience (to prove that you fit the job)

- skills (IT, languages and additional)

- activities or interests (to give some information about your personality)

- references (to prove that you are not a liar)


Divide into two teams.

1) Team 1. Work in a group of two. One of you should act as if he or

she is an HR manager and another discussant is a CEO who needs a

project manager for the team. Your task is to outline the requirements

for the position. Use the vocabulary from the podcast. Speak about the

necessary qualifications and skills expected from the candidate and

the facts that are strictly forbidden for this job.

Team 2. Work in a group of two. You should draft out two CVs: one

should be promising, and the other should be disappointing. Hand the

CVs to Team 1.

2) Team 1. Discuss the CVs comparing them to your previously outlined

requirements. Choose the best CV.


3) Team 1. Interview the applicants from team 2. Choose the best

applicant for the position. Explain your choice. For the less promising

candidate find the proper position and offer it to him or her.

Team 2. You should represent one of the CVs at the job interview.

Convince the potential employers that you are the best applicant for

the job. Give as many arguments as you can.




Questions for discussion:

What is more pragmatic: motivation or inspiration? Why?

Under what circumstances motivation is required most?

Apart from money what would be the best motivation for you to do

the job?

Have you ever been inspired or motivated by a book or a movie?

Can people around you be motivating? Who motivates you to learn

English? In what way is it being done?


Listen to the songs “You Raise Me Up” performed by “Celtic Woman”

(Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 2)

and “We Are the Champions” by “Queen” (Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 3)

Answer the following questions:

- What is the first song about? Can it be performed to motivate someone?

- What is the second song about? What feelings does it arise?

- Which song was created to express gratitude to the mother? Explain your


- Which song was created to motivate football players?

- What stands for the words “I've had my share of sand kicked in my face”?

- What is hidden behind the words “Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity”?

- Can a song be motivating?

- Which one is more inspiring or motivating for you? What song would you

listen to before a very challenging event? Sing it.



1. Listen to the interview with a professor of Business Studies.

(Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 4)

Summarize what he thinks about the subject of motivation.

2. Listen to the interview again and reproduce the main idea of the small

chunks given to you. Then summarize the whole interview.

(Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 4 )

3. Read the words in the chart below, then write their Russian equivalents:

(Presentation. Unit 2. Slides 5-7)

English Russian

it paid off

as I mentioned before

attitude (towards smn), n

boost (motivation), v

a certain standard of living

complicated (issue), adj

contribution, v

encourage smn to do smth, v

get involved in smth, v

expectation, n

enrichment, n

get smth straight, v

on an individual basis

on the verge of collapse

back up (your claims), v

tools like praise, approval, and



try persuading

4. Answer the following questions based on the interview:

Is the motivation about the money alone?

Why is motivation so important for a manager?

What special tools do managers usually use when trying to improve

workers’ motivation?

Are there any positive examples of boosting the motivation given in

the interview?

Are there any unsuccessful stories mentioned in the interview?

5. Listen to the interview one more time, and fill in the missing words:

Part A (Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 8)

How important is 1)__________ for a manager?

Oh, motivation is 2)___________ important.

I’d say it’s 3)_____ most important 4)________ of a manager’s 5)_______.

A 6)__________ job is to 7)_____ the job done, 8)_____________ that job

9)________ be.

So a manager 10)_____ __ _______ the workers, 11)___________ as a

12)________ and also 13)_____ an individual 14)________.

15)_________ motivation, the job just 16)_______ get 17)_______.

So 18)_____ do managers 19)_____ about doing this? It doesn’t 20)________

very easy.

No, it is a 21)_______________ issue. But managers have special


They are 23)_________ to use them to 24)_________ motivation and

25)______________ production to a 26)___________.


Yes, 27)______ like praise, 28)_____________ and recognition.

And then there is trust and 29)___________. They are all important for


Part B (Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 8)

And money? 1)_______ about money?

Yes, money is a 2)________ but you 3)_________ be surprised to 4)________

that it 5) _________ ____ last on the 6)______ of these 7)_______ that we are

talking 8)_______.

So, what 9)_________ before money? What 10)________ __ _______ are

more 11)___________ for workers?

Well, all of the 12)_________ that I have already 13)____________, and then

job 14)___________ and good 15)______________ between the workers and the


And have you got any 17)__________ of real-life situations to 18)_____ __

your 19)__________?

One 20)_______ example is the 21)_______ Western 22)__________.

When managers started 23)______ ___ _______ in their workers, there was a

24) ________ _______ in production.

They started to talk to the workers and 25)___________ them to get

26)___________ in decision-making.

Workers began to 27)________ that their 28)______________ were important.

And it paid 29)______.

Productivity 30)____________?

Yes, 31)________. The Swedish company Kochums is another 32)_________.

The company was on the 33)________ of collapse when managers

34)_________ to try a change in motivation 35)___________.

Part C (Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 8)

What 1)____ they do?18

Well, 2)__________ it was a change in 3)___________ ________their


Managers 4)__________ to stop giving 5)_________ and to try

6)_____________ them 7)_________.

And it worked?

8)__________. In just ten years they 9) _________ ___ _____ a 15 million

dollar 10)______ into a 100 million dollar 3)______________.

So, let’s 11)_____ this 12)________.

Are you 13)________ that workers are not interested in 14)__________ more


I’m saying they’re not 15)______ interested in money.

It is important of course. We need to enjoy a 16)_________ standard of


But, as I 18)___________ before, there are other things that are just as

important: 19)_________, approval, recognition, trust and expectation, job

20)________________ and good communication.

6. Write I (for the interviewer) or P (for the professor) next to each line.

7. Summarize the interview in 15 sentences.


1. Translate into English:

Мотивация – это очень серьезный и важный вопрос для изучения.

Многие компании постоянно занимаются проблемами мотивации

сотрудников, чтобы повысить производительность и прибыль. Это не так

легко, как кажется. Менеджеры обучаются различным приемам, чтобы

вдохновлять и мотивировать сотрудников. Суть мотивации в том, чтобы


работа была выполнена. Мотивация сотрудников деньгами часто оказывается

недостаточной, и менеджеры используют особый инструмент для повышения

производительности. Они предоставляют возможность сотрудникам самим

участвовать в принятии решений, поощряют стремление проявлять

инициативу и креативность. Помимо возможности насладиться высокими

жизненными стандартами, сотрудники высоко ценят похвалу, признание,

профессиональное доверие, одобрение, хорошие отношения и интересную

работу. Грамотная мотивация всегда приносит свои плоды.


1. Watch the video with Steve Jobs.

(Presentation. Unit 2. Slide 9)

Discuss the following issues:

- This particular video received 23 thousand likes and only 387 dislikes on

youtube.com. What information can hide behind these numbers?

- How many challenges did he have to face before he made his own career

path? How did they work together to build up his professionalism?

- What does he say about trust?

- What was the idea that kept him get going?

- If today is the last day of your life, what would you do?

- In what way does DEATH work as a motivator according to Steve Jobs?

- What makes a person a legend?

- Do you agree that Steve Jobs is a motivating leader? Why?

2. Share it with us:

Do you know any companies or personalities whose productivity increased

greatly due to the right motivation?


Can you recall when you had a challenging job to accomplish? Did you

succeed or fail? What motivational tools did you use before you got started?

How do you reward yourself after a successful accomplishment?

Do you believe that reward and punishment are the best motivation?

Tell us about a great motivating leader.


Imagine that your classmate feels depressed about his studies. He is so

upset that he can’t pull himself together to do his hometask. Act as a

responsible friend and motivate him to get back on the path. Draft a plan of a

motivational speech. Don’t forget to think about the following important

aspects of motivation:

- Praise

- Encouragement

- Approval

- Recognition

- Expectations

- Studies and job enrichment

- Good communication


Use the plan of your motivational speech to perform it in front of the class. Then

vote to choose the most motivational speaker. Explain your choice.




1. Movie scene “Despicable Me”

Watch the episode when the main character Gru talks to his mom:

(Presentation. Unit 3. Slide 2)

2. Discuss the following:

Is it important to be “actually” successful?

What does it take to achieve success?

Do you know any examples of a self-made successful person?

What would you like to achieve in the future?

When a person mentions that he is hungry for action, aggressive in

business, and ambitious, does he look like a promising person to achieve

success? Or he is just a bad person? What do you see in these words?


1. Listen to the speech delivered at a party which is being held for the

retirement of an employee, James Dawson.

(Presentation. Unit 3. Slide 3)

2. Answer the questions based on the speech:

- What was James’s first position?

- How many years of continuous service are they celebrating?

- What was James’s final position in the company?

- Why did they have to make some workers redundant?

- What are James’s biggest strengths?

- How did he treat his employees?

- What is being acknowledged in James’s work?


3. Listen to the speech again and fill in the missing words:

Part A (Presentation. Unit 3. Slide 4)

…Thank you 1)______ for coming today. As you are 2)_____________, we are

here to 3)_________ 35 years of 4)___________ service by our friend and

5)_________ James Dawson. He started as an 6)____________ officer in

7)_________ in 8)___________ department and worked 9)_____________ the

career 10)________ over the 11)__________, finally becoming 12)___________

in 13)________ of the company, and managing over 14)____________ employees.

As most of you who 15)________________ here long enough will know, it has

been a long 16)_________ to become one of the 17)__________ market leaders

18)___________, and you may remember in 19)_________ when we had a

20)________________, with the plans for a 21)__________ with our top

22)________ company falling 23)_________. Because of that, we 24)________ __

make some workers 25)____________. However, James was lucky 26)_______ to

keep 27)______job. Yes, 28)_______ really were the 29)______ few


Part B (Presentation. Unit 3. Slide 4)

1)________, we managed to get 2)_________ these difficult times by working

3)___________ and James was 4)______________ in the 5)_______ to get us

back on the 5)_______ to becoming one of the 6)________ computer

7)___________ companies in 8)________. One of James’s biggest

9)____________ has been his 10)_____________ timekeeping and

11)____________ skills – in 12)______ I have never known him to be without

his 13)________! His 14)____________ skills and 15)___________ led to a

tactful 16)_______ plan to become one of the 17)__________ companies in

Europe. I will never 18)________ that day in 19)_________ when we had the final

20)_____________ for the 21)___________ of our 22)_______ company. James 23

and his 23)__________ presenting and negotiating 24)_________ was one of

the 25)______ factors to our success. The 26)_________ point in our company

came with the successful 27)__________ and, 28)_________ all the 29)

_________ _____________, the hard work and 30)____________ of all our

workers has made our company the 31)___________ it is today. And I have to say

that James, 32)____ one of our managers, has always 33)____________ the work

and 34)___________ made by others. James, you 35)__________ your best

36)___________ with some of the best 37)__________ any company has given!

Today we want to 38)____________ the hard work and significant

39)______________ which you have made. So thank you, James, for your

40)_________ to the company and your hard work.


1. Read the words in the chart below, then write their Russian

equivalents: (Presentation. Unit 3. Slides 5-7)

English Russian

accounts department

as you are all aware

continuous (service), adj

dedication, n.

despite all the obstacles

determination, n

huge setback

immaculate (timekeeping), adj

leaders in our field

loyalty, n

negotiation skills

perk, n


redundant, adj

significant contributions 

tactful (action plan), adj

takeover (of our rival company), n

with the plans for a merger with the

top rival company falling through

worked his way up the career ladder

2. Translate into English:

Watch the episode from the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” where

friends express their acknowledgments to Gosha.

(Presentation: Unit3. Slide 8)

The toast is proposed in Russian and you should summarise it in English.

Try to translate every line into English paying attention to the following


- выпиваем не просто так,

- по поводу,

- руки золотые,

- Слесарь с большой буквы «С»,

- кандидаты, доктора наук,

- большинство тем замерло,

- докторская диссертация (Х/ф "Москва слезам не верит").

Compare your variant with the official version: (Presentation: Unit 3. Slide 9)

3. Translate into Russian:

Watch the episode from the movie “Civil War” where Tony Stark gives greets the

university students with the grants received for their projects.

(Presentation: Unit 3. Slide 10)25

Translate the episode in roles. Which part is the hardest to translate? Which is the

easiest? Can you explain why?

Tony’s speech consists of several parts. Divide it into the main parts and explain

what was the main idea of each part. Was there anything special about his style?

What tools did he use to gain trust from the audience? How does he attract

attention? What makes you think that he is a serious researcher? What reveals him

as a creative person?


1. Write a draft of the speech to be given at a party regarding the 10 year

anniversary of MGIMO University Campus at Odintsovo.

2. Make a speech of acknowledgment and thanks for one of your professors.

3. Propose a toast to success, mentioning the achievements of one of your





1. Study the definition of emotional intelligence and translate the

underlined words:

According to Business Dictionary, emotional intelligence is “The ability to

identify, assess and influence one's own feelings and those of others. Many

effective personnel managers employed in a business environment have a well-

developed form of emotional intelligence that allows them to manage their own

emotions, as well as those of others within their organization.”

(Presentation. Unit 4. Slide 2)

2. Discuss the following questions:

- Can you name a leader who has become a great leader?

- What are the factors of well developed emotional intelligence?

- What allows you to manage your emotions and get the job done?

3. Vocabulary practice. Read the words in the chart below, then write their

Russian equivalents: (Presentation. Unit 4. Slides 3-5)

English Russian


a piece of advice,

two pieces of advice

getting used to doing smth

as valid as

avoid, v

crucial, adj

a lecture, n

to lecture, v


Intelligence, n

fight over (smb), v

get on (smn), v

invalidate, v

empathy, n

non-judgemental, adj

value, n

label, v

ridiculous, adj

rub off on smb

take responsibility for, v

respect, v

ought to, v

accept, v


1. Listen to a piece of a lecture at a business school, complete the questions

with the words from the box and give the answers:(Presentation. Unit 4. Slide 6)

decisions feelings improve solved

fighting thought employers intelligence

lecture label issues delivers

respect responsibility crucial difference

- What is the ________ about?

- Who _________ the lecture?

- Are the ________ of the lecture important?

- What can be done so that _________ would be ________ over us?

- In what way should we _______ our own ________?


- What is the linguistic ________ between a __________ and a feeling?

- How does ___________ for our feelings work in our communication?

- How can our feelings help us make __________?

- How is the issue of ________ for the feelings of others _______?

- What are the ______ points we should master to _________ our emotional


2. Listen to the lecture again and fill in the missing words:

Part A (Presentation. Unit 4. Slide 7)

… let’s 1)_____ a look at some ways in which we can 2)_______ the levels

of our 3)_____ emotional intelligence 4)__ _______ employers will be

5)_________ ____ us!

 The first step is to 6)________ our own feelings 7)______ _____ labeling

8)_________ or other people. We should say 9)_________ like “I feel angry”

10)________ __ “This is a 11)___________ situation”.

12)_________, it is very important to 13)_________ the difference between a

14)__________ and a feeling. In 15)_________ of language we express

16)__________ by saying “I feel like” or “I feel 17)____ if” but for feelings we

say “I feel” and then a 18)________ word, an 19)_________ – happy, angry,


Next – and this is a 21)_________ point – we should take more 22)___________

for our feelings. 23)_________ of saying “You are making me 24)_________” we

ought to say “I feel 25)___________”.

Part B (Presentation. Unit 4. Slide 7)

After this we need to 1)_________ how to use our feelings to help us make

2)__________. Ask 3)___________ “How 4)_________ I feel if I do this?” or

“How will I 5)_______ if I don’t?” Another important 6)_______ here is

7)__________. We have to 8)___________ the feelings 9)____ _______. We


should ask 10)___________ questions like “How will this 11)___________ feel if

I do this?”

And of 12)__________, it isn’t enough to 13)_______ respect the feelings of

14)________. We have to show 15)_________ that we care. We do this

16)_________ empathy and understanding. And we should 17)_________

people’s 18)________. They are just as 19)_________ as our own.

Then we come to 20)_________. We need to 21)__________ anger into energy

and use it to take action – 22)___________ action, that is.

23)_________, after getting 24)_______ to understanding and 25)_________ our

emotions, we should 26)__________ getting a positive 27)___________ from

them. Ask 28)___________ “How do I feel and what 29)_________ help me feel

better?” and don’t 30)________ those 31)________ you – “How do you

32)________?” and “What 33)_______ help you feel better?”

Part C (Presentation. Unit 4. Slide 7)

To 1)_______ __ I am going to 2)_______ you with two 3)________ __ advice.

Don’t criticise, 4)________, control or 5)_________ others. 6)_____ listen with

7)__________ and in a 8)____________ way.

And what 9)_______ people who 10)_________ you? Easy – 11)________ them.

And when it isn’t 12)_________ to avoid them 13)___________, try to spend

14)_____ time with them and 15)________ them 16)_______.

17)________ this 18)__________ and I am 19)________ that you will soon

20)__________ your EQ 21)_______. You will feel 22)________ and more

23)________ and hopefully, this will 24)________ ___ on those 25)________ you.

3. Watch the extract from the Disney movie “Beauty and the Beast”

and answer the following questions about emotional intelligence:

(Presentation. Unit 4. Slide 8)

- Who initiated the conflict?

- What was the Beast’s problem?30

- What was Belle’s problem?

- What was the key phrase to solve the issue?

- How was the anger turned into acceptance of the situation?

- Is it a good example of emotional intelligence?

Find examples of emotional intelligence issues in books or movies.


Try to remember the scene from a book or a movie that shows a good

example of emotional intelligence. Write about this episode and analyze it from a

professional on emotional intelligence’s point of view. The expected length is

about one page long.


Imagine that you are a manager of a large joint venture and you have to

negotiate with your potential investor. But the problem is that your investor is

nervous about the large sum of money he has to entrust you, and he is panicking

because you are too young for him. Please speak for the firm, convince him that

he’s dealing with a very trustworthy and successful manufacturer.




1. Discuss the following issues:

- Do you think brands are as trustworthy as it is claimed in commercials?

- What might be disappointing about brands and products?

- When you chose this university which attracted you most, the brand or the

opportunities the university was offering?

2. Vocabulary outline. Read the words in the chart below, then write their

Russian equivalents:

(Presentation. Unit 5. Slides 2-4)

English Russian

inevitable, adj

advertiser, n

Publicity, n

a household name

charge of, n

investigator, n

consumer, n

conviction (on charges), n

coverage of, n

trial of smn, n

loyalty, n

direct comparison

equipment, n

fade from view

fall dramatically

be joined by smn

value of smth 32

make smn resign

merchandising giant

cover, n

put the emphasis on

share, n

tough times


1. In this radio programme the future of one brand is being discussed.

Listen to it and then answer the following questions:

(Presentation. Unit 5. Slide 5)

- What brand is in the focus of the programme?

- What does the name of the mentioned brand represent?

- Who is Martha Stewart?

- What was Martha Stewart accused of?

- Did anything happen to the business after the trial?

- What is the professor’s opinion on Martha Stuart’s brand?

- Did the company change its brand after all?

2. Listen to the interview once again and fill in the missing words:

Part A (Presentation. Unit 5. Slide 6)

I 1)_________ listeners ___ the programme will 2)_______

___________ our 3)_________ of the 4)___________ of Martha Stewart,

one of the 5)__________ women __ America, 6)___________ to her

7)_________________ on charges __ having 8)_______ to federal


Stewart’s _________, Martha Stewart 10)___________, is described __

a ’11)_________ media and merchandising 12)_____________, producing

everything _____ books and 13)__________ to TV programmes, ________

furniture, 14)_________, kitchen 15)________________ … pretty much 33

___________ you 16)________ need to make ______ dream home, and

________ much all 16)_________ using Martha ________ name.

Now, ____ we’ve 17)__________ recently, 18)______________ in

Martha Stewart ____________ have fallen 19)____________________

since her 20)_____________ and many analysts are 21)_________ that, if

the company is to 22)__________, a name change is


Part B (Presentation. Unit 5. Products and Brands. Slide 6)

I’m 1)________ here ____ Professor 2)________ Spader.

Dave, do you _______ there’s any 3)________ for the Martha Stewart


Well, that’s 5)______ big question.

____ you say, the 6)_______ price 7)______ _________ dramatically

and that’s not good 8)_______ for any 9)__________.

The company’s own 10)__________ says that 11)____ __ of their

12)______________ think they should 13)________ the Martha Stewart

name, but ___ the same time 14)___________ are keeping 15)_______ from

the company’s 16)_____________. 

17)___________________ in the Martha Stewart _________ magazine

is down 18)___ __.

I think what’s 19)__________ is that they’re _________ the name but

20)________ ____ ________ and putting the 21)___________ on other


For 22)__________, one of their 23)_________ magazines, ‘Everyday

Food’, 24)___ __________ _______ ‘From the Kitchens ___ Martha

Stewart Living’ ____ its 25)___________.

Things 26)________ that. Publicly, they’re _______ they’ll

27)__________ with the name _____ I think we’ll 28)__________ to see

Stewart’s name 29)__________ from ______ somewhat. 34

_______ they’ll 30)______ ______ ___ her name _________ I think

it’s too _____ to say.

Part C (Presentation. Unit 5. Slide 6)

Are 1)________ other examples ____ brands 2)_________ names to

3)______________ this kind ____ bad 4)____________?

Oh, )_____________. Philip Morris, the 5)__________ company, has

6)__________ become Altria and, in America, Esson ________ Exxon.

But ______ were both 7)_____________ companies changing

_________ names, and I don’t think we _____ make direct

8)_________________ with the Martha Stewart 9)_________ where she

really is – or 10)____________ I should say was – the 11)_________ face

____ the brand.

So, you think the 12)______________ ____________ will continue

___ Martha Stewart 13)____________?

I’m afraid ___. 14)___________________ they choose to call


3. Write I (for the interviewer) or P (for the professor) next to each line.


1. Watch the commercial of BMW and discuss their slogan:

“Success isn’t handed to us – it’s earned”.

(Presentation. Unit 5. Slide 7)

Share your opinion on the following issues:

- What makes BMW a successful brand?

- Is a good publicity campaign enough for the brand to earn the respect?

- What brands are the most successful in your country and why?


2. Watch the episode with James Bond and his new car.

(Presentation. Unit 5. Slide 8)

Discuss the following issue: Did the brand meet Mr.Bond’s requirements?

Explain your opinion

3. Watch another episode with the same brand

(Presentation. Unit 5. Slide 9).

Discuss the following questions:

- Why does this brand (BMW) have its own nickname in Russia, which is

“Бэха”, and “Beamer” in the USA? Do you know any nicknames for the

other brands?

- Why did a perfect birthday gift turn out to be not that perfect? What was

wrong with the brand?


Translate the text into English. Render the main idea of the message

following the motto “keep it clear, keep it relevant”.

Одним из важнейших факторов построения успешного бизнеса в

современных условиях, безусловно, является наличие узнаваемого бренда.

Грамотное продвижение бренда на рынке способно приносить хороший

доход в течение долгого времени. Среди отечественной продукции

массового спроса очень мало фирменных товаров надежных брендов.

Исключениями можно назвать «Сбербанк», «Билайн», «Аэрофлот» и немного

других. Современная рыночная экономика требует от маркетологов новых

идей и инновационного подхода к управлению брендом. Особенно важными

становятся знания, связанные с разработкой маркетинговых стратегий и

стратегий развития брендов. Это связано с тем, что наибольшее значение

приобретает проблема увеличения количества брендов на рынке и

уменьшения серьезных отличий между ними. К сожалению, в настоящее

время в России основными конкурентами являются зарубежные компании и 36

импортируемая ими продукция. При этом товары, предлагаемые

российскими производителями, могут быть не хуже импортных, но проблема

в том, что им не доверяют. Это приводит к снижению продаж и прибыли

российских компаний, что в конечном счете вредит экономике нашей страны.




1. Discuss the following issues:

- Do you trust people who are always complaining?

- How do you usually deal with a person complaining for reason?

- Is a complaint a necessary part of a staff manager’s job?

2. Vocabulary outline. Read the words in the chart below, then write their

Russian equivalents: (Presentation. Unit 6. Slides 2-3)

English Russian

approach, v

directly, adv

single out, v

target to do, v


credibility, n

bring on, v

a defensive reaction

delegate, v

make demands on smb

specific work

request, v

meet in private

specifically, adv

unnecessary, adj

work overtime

evidence, n



1. Listen to the conversation between a human resources officer and an

employee who is unhappy with the way he is treated by his boss.

(Presentation. Unit 6. Slide 4)

2. Listen to the dialogue once again, and fill the gaps with the missing


Part 1 (Presentation. Unit 6. Slide 5)

H  Good morning, 1) ___ Johnson. How 2)____ I help you?

  3)____, I’d like to 4)_____ __ ____ about Tim Bond, the 5)__________


   What 6)_____ to be the 7)___________?

   Well … ever 8)_______ Sandra left the 9)_________, I feel like I’ve been

10)________ to do 11)____ her work 12)__ ____ ___ mine.

  Tim 13)______ made me work 14)________; I’m 15)_______ to

16)_________ too many 17)________ and I seem to be 18)________ a lot of my

time doing 19)____________ paperwork.

   I’m 20)_____ to hear 21)________ …

  And … on 22)_____ of that, I’d 3)____________ asked if I 24)_____ leave

25)_______ last Friday, as I’d 26)_______ a lot of 27)_______ during the week.

  But we had a 28)___________ on Friday 29)_________ and even though I’d

finished my 30)________ work I was 31)_______________ to help 32)

_________ colleagues 33)__________ their work too.

Part 2 (Presentation. Unit 6. Slide 5)

   But 1)_______ that is a positive 2)________ showing that Mr Bond has a lot

of 3)______ in you, in 4)_________ _____ to help other 5)___________?


   Yes, but I feel 6)________ I’m being 7)___________ out! 8)_____ colleagues

get to leave 9)________, and they don’t have 10)_____ a lot of work 11)___ do.

   So you 12)________ he’s been making 13)__________ demands 14)____


   Yes, 15)__________.

   Do you think it’s 16)_________ Mr Bond is 17)____________ of what you're


   Well, he never 18)________ to ask us to do a 19)_______.

  He just 20)____________, and that’s 21)_________ thing, he never


   Right. Have you 23)__________ Mr Bond about this 24)_____________


   I’ve 25)________ to 26)__________ him, but 27)___________ I go to his

28)_________ he is 29)___________ in meetings, or he is never 30)_______.

  It 31)________ like he 32)_______ has no 33)_________ for us.

   Well, at this 34)_________ it would be 35)_________ if you

36)_____________ him directly.

  If 37)________ else, showing that you’ve 38)________ to 39)________ the

problem yourself, 40)________ you take it 41)_________, makes it 42)_________

that you’re not just a 43)__________ and can 44)_________ your


  Why don’t you 46)________ an email 47)___________ a meeting with him in


Part 3 (Presentation. Unit 6. Slide 5)

  I’d be a bit 1)________ about his 2)_________. I wouldn’t 3)________ what

to say!

   Well, 4)_________, you’ll need to 5)______ what you are going to talk

6)________ before going 7)_______ with a meeting.


  You can 8)_______ take 9)_______ to which you can 10)__________.

  This 11)_________ that you have 12)______________ what you need to



   This is 14)_________ a delicate 15)__________, so be very careful not to

16)___________ as this could bring 17)____ a 18)_________ reaction.

  You need to be 19)__________ when you speak 20)____ him.

  If, after you 21)_________ spoken 22)___ him in a 23)___________ way, you

24)_____ find he is being 25)___________, come and speak 26)____ us and we

can 27)_________ a meeting 28)_______ the three of 29)______.

  But do 30)_________ you need to have 31)__________ for us to be able to

take 32)____________ action.

   OK, I’ll 33)________ him an email now to 34)_________ a meeting, and

we’ll 35)____ what happens 36)_____ _______.

  Thanks for your 37)_________.

   Good 38)_______, and let us 39)________ the 40)_______________.

3. Fill in the boxes with H for the lines spoken by the human resources

officer and E for the complaining employee. Then read it in roles.


1. Watch the episode from the movie “Devil Wears Prada” and answer the

following questions: (Presentation. Unit 6. Slide 6)

- Who is complaining in this scene?

- Who is the offender from the complainer’s point of view?

- What are the complainer’s arguments against the offending boss?

- Who is the listener?

- Is he a good listener?41

- Does he feel sorry for the complainer?

- Who does the listener support: the complainer or the boss?

- Did the complainer rethink his complaints after the conversation?

- Was it a useful conversation? What conclusions did the complainer draw?

2. Watch the episode from the movie “Disney Fairies. The Lost Treasure”.

(Presentation. Unit 6. Slide 7)

Discuss the following issues:

- What seemed to be the fairies’ problems?

- What was the most painful for the complainers to bear?

- What was the listener’s reaction?

- Did the listener help to solve the problems?

- Were the talks between the characters successful or not? Explain your


- What kind of person should the HR officer be in order to solve emotional

conflicts efficiently?


1. Read the complaint. Reproduce its idea in English. Add as many

details as possible.

 Мы, сотрудники компании ОАО «Закат», обращаемся к Вам в связи с

неисполнением своих прямых обязанностей, дискриминацией и грубым

отношением к подчиненным со стороны старшего менеджера Иванова И.И.. 

Шестого марта в присутствии всего коллектива Иванов И.И. грубо в

нецензурной форме обругал  Сидорова А.А. за то, что тот обвинил его в

ненадлежащем исполнении своих обязанностей, что затронуло интересы

компании. На замечание  Пироговой Б.Б., что он не имеет права отвечать так

пожилому человеку, старший менеджер Иванов И.И. в нехорошей грубой

форме оскорбил женщину. 


Старший менеджер Иванов И.И. злоупотребляет своим служебным

положением при распределении работ и должностей. В результате на

ответственные посты назначаются близкие и лояльные к нему, но

некомпетентные в производственных делах и безответственные лица. В

результате страдает качество выполнения текущих задач и

производительность, в то время как всю реальную работу выполняют лица,

которых Иванов И.И. дискриминирует. 

  В связи с вышеизложенным, просим Вас снять Иванова И.И. с

занимаемой им должности, т.к. на данном посту он действует от имени всей

компании и является ее представителем, а нам бы не хотелось, чтобы по

отношению к нашей компании сформировалось отрицательное мнение. 

2. Write a respond to the complaint given above.




1. Study the basic definition of globalization:

Globalization is the fact that different cultures and economic systems around

the world are becoming connected and similar to each other because of the

influence of large multinational companies and of improved communication.

(Presentation . Unit 7. Slide 2)

2. Discuss the following questions with your classmates:

- Do you know any success stories of going global?

- What do you think it takes to get a job in a global company and survive


3. Vocabulary work. Read the words in the chart below, then write their

Russian equivalents:

( Presentation . Unit 7. Slides 3-4)

English Russian

admit, v

advance in smth, n


chain, n

compromise, v

direct retail

expand by around …, v

turnover, n

close down, v

ship out, v

force, v


downsize, v


overseas clients

recession, n

see smth as an opportunity, rather than

a threat

chamber of commerce

The much talked about


1. Watch a brief explanation of what globalization is about and summarize

its positive and negative impact:

(Presentation 7. Slide 5)

2. Listen to a radio programme in which people from three companies talk

about their experience of going global and give answers to the following


(Presentation 7. Slide 6)

- What is the first speaker’s name?

- What is his business?

- How did he and his business go global?

- Is he content with the current situation of his company?

- What is the second speaker’s business?

- What challenges did the second speaker encounter on his way of making his

company go global?

- What is the third speaker’s name?

- What is special about the third speaker’s business?

- What is her attitude to going global with her projects?45

3. Listen to the audio one more time, and fill in the missing parts of the


Part 1 (Presentation 7. Slide 7)

I  The _______ talked 1)___________ ‘global _______’ is seen by ________

everyone in the business __________ today as being the _______ market.

We know that 2)______________ ____ ________________mean you could be

_______ your products and _________ to people in Brighton, _________ or

Buenos Aires at the ______ time.

But ___ it really _____ easy?

And is it ______ the 3)_______________ that everyone is ______ for, or


We talk to ______ very different _________ about their very 4)

____________________ ____________ of trying to go ________.

j Nicola Melizzano of Caffè Perfetto:

j I didn’t ______ it was ____ us at all ... We’re a small _______ company,

5)___________ ____ my grandfather.

H j We _________ small _________ of high ________ coffee, and 6)__________

mostly to _______ – we don’t do _______ in the way of 7)___________

___________ at all.

 _____ things _________ very quickly for this ______ company after an

unexpected 8)______________.

 The local 9)________________ of commerce had ________ a group of

__________ investors 10)_____ _______ __________.

They saw _____ factory, _______ our product – and ________ to buy as

________ of it ____ we could _________!

 This was followed ______ by a trip to ________.

 It was _______, people loved our coffee – ________ (I think!) because ___ the

retro 50s-style 11)__________________!


The Japanese _________ just grew and ______, and now we ________ all over

South-_______ Asia, and we’re ________ into China too.

Two years _______, we didn’t _________ have a _________!

Nicola 12)_____________ he’s been in the ________ place at the right


 There’s been a ___________ growth in coffee ________ over the _____ ten

years, it’s a really _________ thing to drink, _____ these 13)____________


_____, coffee is something that’s _______ all _____ the world, in ______

much every ________.

I think _____ helped us as ______ as the changing ________ situation.

Part 2 (Presentation 7. Slide 7)

 ‘________ global’ happened in a _________ different way ____ AKZ

Engineering, a 1)________ _________ company _______ in the English


Derek Chalmers, their 2)_______, explains.

 In the ____-1990s things _______ looking bad ____ us.

The global 3)______________ hit badly, many other firms _______ here were

closing _____ or shipping ____ to ___________.

We ______ forced to 4)__________________, but then saw the _________

situation ____ an opportunity, 5)______________ _______ ___ _________.

We concentrated on our ___________ – manufacturing small-size metal

______, anything from paper ______ to staples up to ______ for computers and


Using _____ technologies, we managed to 6)______________ our _________

by around ______%, and now we ________ to Europe 7)_________________, but

also the _________ and South-East Asia, _______ ...

A _________ story, then. Our third _______, however, has a __________ story

to tell ...47

 I’m Heike Zweibel and I design 8)________________ systems – ________ I

prefer to _______ of them as ‘light ___________.

They’re more like 9)_________ __________. Each one is built to ________,

depending on ________ what the ________ wants.

I only 10)________________ one or two ________, depending on _____ busy

I am, because I ________ to do all the ________ myself.

I’m not __________ interested in ‘_______ global’ – I have _______ work for

myself, I make _______ money ... I could _________, but wouldn’t want to

11)______________ the _________ of the work.

 So you’d _______ go _______?

 Well, no, I wouldn’t say that ________ ...

I have a ________ website and that _______ to orders from the _______ States,

or – more _______ – Russia, a _____.

I design, _________, two or three systems _______ year for

12)________________ clients ... so I don’t ________ know if that ________ as

‘global’ or not!

 The ________, then, is to ________ the market that _________ your company

– __________ it’s on your 13)_________________, or the other _______ of the


4. Fill in the box with I for the presenter’s lines, N for Nicolla’s lines,

D for Derek’s lines, H for Heike’s lines. Then read it out in roles.


1. Translate the English lines into Russian and the Russian ones into English:


Согласно Википедии, наиболее общим определением глобализации

можно выделить следующее: 48

Глобализация — это процесс всемирной экономической, политической,

культурной и религиозной интеграции и унификации.

Как и у любого явления, у глобализации можно отметить

положительные и отрицательные последствия. Среди положительных

следует назвать следующие:

- стимулирующее воздействие на экономику;

- сближение государств, учет интересов друг друга;

- обогащение культур.

Однако, нельзя не принимать во внимание и отрицательные


- глобализация продукции, насаждение стандартов потребления;

- появление глобальных проблем;

- глобализация в сфере культуры ведет к распространению массовой

культуры и ослаблению национальных культур.

На сегодняшний день значительное влияние на культуры получает

процесс «вестернизации» как следствие стирания границ между культурами

и доминирования одной культуры над остальными. Например, если мы

посмотрим фрагмент мультфильма Уолта Диснея «Lady and the Tramp» мы

видим двух сиамских кошек, забравшихся в дом хозяйки и перевернувших

все вверх дном. Они там предстают в негативном свете: хитрые, коварные,

циничные, эгоистичные, злобные. Через такой образ коварных котов миру

навязывается ложное представление о нехорошей нации в целом.


1. Listen to the song “We are Siamese” and discuss the following issues:

(Presentation. Unit 7. Slide 8)

- Who performs this song?

- Are they positive or negative characters?

- What is the song about? 49

- What are the cats determined to do?

- Who is opposing them?

- In what way a cartoon character can give the audience the negative and

wrong stereotype for the whole nation?


- Imagine that you run your own business. It’s a small business, but it keeps

you afloat. One day a representative of a global company comes over and

asks you for a merger. You understand that it’s not a merger, but a takeover.

Respond to the proposal.

- You work for a large UK based company. It’s located in London. One day

you get a proposal to move all the way to China to expand your company.

You have to live there for 5 years. It’s a very challenging situation. Persuade

your family to move with you.




1. Read the definition of a line manager given by Cambridge Dictionary

and translate it. Explain the meaning of the words in bold:

- a person in an organization who

is directly responsible for managing the work of someone else in

a company or business, and who is one level above that person

- one of the managers who are responsible for the most important activities of

a large company, such as production

(Presentation. Unit 8. Slide 2)

2. Try to give your own definition of the term line management using

the information above.

3. Answer the questions based on your own experience:

- What defines a manager from any other employee?

- What are the main personal features of a good manager?

- How important is it to work with a skilled manager?

- How is a manager’s performance evaluated?

- Does the manager have to be a motivating example of efficiency and

high standards?

- Is it important for a manager to earn the respect from his team

members? Explain your answer.


1. Listen to the audio and answer the questions given below:

(Presentation. Unit 8. Slide 3)

- What are the aspects of line management that can be found difficult?

- What innate features does it take to be a manager?51

- What important aspects of line management should be taught?

- What kind of manager would you make if you were one?

2. Listen to the audio once again and fill in the gaps. Write P in the box

for the words spoken by the presenter and M for the manager. Pay

attention to the following aspects:

- In Part A you are to fill in the missing words (pay attention to the

prepositions), then listen to the first part of the audio and check your


Part A (Presentation. Unit 8. Slide 4)

P Welcome 1) _____ ___the second part 2)___our __________ ‘How do

you 3)_______?’

I have 4)____ me Jenny Buxton, 4)_____ works 5)___ Ipswich.

Welcome, Jenny.


You work 6)___a well-7)______ firm 8)___ _______, but it’s not the

9)__________ I wanted to talk 10)___ you 11)_____ today, it’s the people


You’ve been 13)__________ ____ a staff 14)___ fifteen 15)___ a year or

so 16)______.

Tell 17)____ how you 18)______ there.

 Well, I did the 19) _________ round 20)___ _________ 21)_____

university and 22)______ is my second 23)__________.

I 24)_______ the area 25)___ ________, but as 26)______ as managing

27)______, that‘s more 28)_______ and so it's 29)______ a new area

30)____me 31)_____ a 32)_______ new set 3) _____ __________.

 You 34) ________ yourself 35)___ being good 36)______ people.

You’ve 37)_____ quite a 38)__________, outgoing 39)___________.


I 40)_________ you’d be a 41)______ person to work 42)________.

Well, that’s 43)______ I like to 44)________.

But 45)__________ people isn’t all 46)_______ sitting 47)____

48)_____ a cup 49)___ tea and talking 50)_______issues.

Being 51)___a position 52)___responsibility 53)______ you can be the

54)________ ___ bad news as 55)______ as good.

You 56)______ to develop a 57)______ skin ... to be 58)_______, not to

be liked 59)____ a decision you 60)______.

- In Part B you should write in the missing words, then paraphrase the

words in italics and explain their meaning.

Part B (Presentation. Unit 8. Slide 4)

And I 1)_______ that 2)___ 3)___ hard at 4)______.

Yes, but the thing you 5)______, if you 6)_____ at it long7) ______, is

that people 8)____ still 9)______ you even if they 10)_____ 11)____ what

you 12)____ to 13)_____ on a particular14) ________, or the way you


16)____ there other aspects of line 17)_________ that you 18)_____


One of the 19)________, most awkward things 20)___ the issue of

disciplinary 21)_________.

The company 22)_______ 23)_____ a system in 24) ______ for

25)______ing with this 26)______ of area and you 27)______ to 28)______

_____ the system 29)___ 30)_____________ and 31)_______ by everyone.

But ultimately, if you’32)___ 33)_________ the employee 34)_________

all the 35)__________ and he or she still 36)_______ 37)______ up, some

38)______ decisions 39)_____ 40)_____ to 41)___ 42)_________.

We 43)______ to 44)___ 45)_______ing a lot on the negative side here.

What 46) _______ some of the 47)__________ things?


Oh, the chance to 48)______ people 49)_______ on things, how they

50)____ 51)__________ing with the 52)_______.

I 53)____ 54)____ing people 55)________, 56)________ and perhaps

57)___ off on a completely new path, 58)_______ that 59)____ never

60)______ 61)_________ to them if you 62)_____ 63)_________ them in

that 64)__________.

I 65)_________ it 66)____ 67)___ quite satisfying.

Yes. And then there’68)__ the sheer variety.

You 69)______ your work, you 70)____ to 71)_____ yourself well

72)___________, but ultimately no two days 73)_____ ever the same.

There 74)____ always a new challenge, and I 75)_____ that more than



1. Read the words in the chart below, then write their Russian equivalents:

Part A (Presentation. Unit 8. Slides 6-7)

English Russian

area of, n

retail, n

awkward, adj

responsible for, v

unwelcome news

develop a thick skin

a standard round of

more recent

set of challenges

involve, v

pride on, v


reflect on, v

particular, adj

sheer, adj

sociable, adj

outgoing, adj

take through, v

2. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Современным компаниям, занятым в розничной торговле, HR-отдел нужен

только при условии, если работа этого подразделения приносит конкретные

результаты. 2. Очень важно понять как работа и качество линейного

менеджера влияет на конечный результат. 3. В данном случае именно

результаты определяют конечную ценность. 4. Сотрудники уделяют

максимум внимания развитию как своих индивидуальных способностей

(например, умение быть коммуникабельным, быть ответственным, не бояться

новых препятствий), так организационных возможностей (быть толстокожим

в отношении отвлекающих от работы мелочей, научить сотрудников

размышлять и осмысливать идеи). 5. Линейные руководители — это

менеджеры, осуществляющие координацию деятельности подразделений в

соответствии с целями и задачами своего иерархического уровня. 6.

Конечный результат деятельности менеджера в разных странах

специалистами по управлению оценивается по-разному. 7. Так, от

американского менеджера ожидают повышение уровня прибыли

предприятия или социальной эффективности, если это институциональная

организация. 8. Японского менеджера оценивают на базе совершенствования

межличностных отношений. 9. Европейский менеджер сосредоточен на

формировании качества продукта. 10. Российский менеджер добивается

перестройки организационных структур и систем управления для

организации в развивающейся рыночной экономике. 11. Он контролирует 55

вопросы дисциплины, и если, пройдя определенную процедуру по

устранению недостатков, сотрудник не входит в рабочую форму, приходится

предпринимать жесткие меры.


Watch the following two episodes: one is from Disney movie “The Emperor’s

New Groove” where the young Emperor Kuzco fires his adviser, the other is a

trailer for the movie “Chicken Run”. You are going to witness two managers: a

young emperor Kuzco and a desperate hen Ginger. They both have their own goals

and results of their managerial work.

1) “The Emperor’s New Groove”

(Presentation. Unit 8. Slide 8)

2) “Chicken Run”

(Presentation. Unit 8. Slide 9)

Draw the outline of the characters’ job performance based on the following


- What level of discipline and punctuality does the performer reflect? Does he

display an excellent example to other employees?

- Has he/she got strong work ethics? How does he/she treat the team members

he/she is responsible for?

- Does the performer encourage effective communication? Is he/she a great

team player?

- How skillful is he/she in time management? Does he/she meet deadlines in

time? Is his/her efficiency an inspirational example to others?

- Does he/she have a professional attitude with other co-workers?

- Does he/she display a positive growth path?

- Does he/she comprehend complex situations well and encourages others to

perform better?56

- Is he/she dependable and possesses strong leadership and problem-solving


- Is he/she a divergent thinker and has the ability to come up with creative and

innovative solutions?




1. Read the introduction to the issue of managing diversity:

In modern world, new laws prohibit discrimination, harassment, and

victimization of employees on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, disability,

age, gender and religion or belief. All organizations need to look at how they will

be non-discriminatory across these different grounds.

As well as ensuring that people from different groups do not suffer

discrimination, recognizing diversity means understanding how people’s

differences and similarities can be mobilized for the benefit of the individual, the

organization and society as a whole. Managing our diversity by ensuring fairness

and equality is becoming not just a “good thing”, but an imperative in a changing

and complex world.

2. Discuss the following questions, make use of the prompts in brackets:

- What does the word “diversity” mean in the world of business according to

this introduction? (qualities, abilities, differ from our own, from our group,

present in other individuals and groups)

- Why is it so important for a business to consider and manage diversity

nowadays? (legislation, social and economic changes, number of women in

the labour market, migration, disabled people, the average age of the

workforce, technology and access to information)

- Do we ever come across diversity in our day-to-day life? How is it being


3. Read the words in the chart below, then write their Russian equivalents:

(Presentation. Unit 9. Slides 2-3)


English Russian

account for something

bear a direct relation to something

boundaries of diversity

criminal background 

diversity risks

file (a complaint), v

growing concern 

job applicants

serve a sentence for something

sue a company for discrimination


1. Listen to a business management expert talking about the price that

some companies have to pay when they fail to address diversity-

related risks and answer the following questions:

- What are the different kinds of discrimination mentioned in the interview?

- What are the most frequent causes of complaints filed by employees?

(Presentation. Unit 9. Slide 4)

2. Listen to the interview for the second time and choose the correct


(Presentation. Unit 9. Slide 4)

1. The areas where diversity and discrimination have become an actual

problem are widening/weakening.

2. The Employment Practices Liability Insurance for small and medium-sized

companies has increased/decreased in price over the last years.


3.  If a company isn’t covered by an insurance policy and loses a

discrimination case, it will be much cheaper/more expensive than paying for

an insurance.

4. According to the law if people who have a criminal record in their past apply

for a job, employers are only allowed to select/reject such an applicant in

case the crime is directly related to the job in question.

5. According to the statistics companies are more likely to be sued by outside

companies or people/by their own personnel.

3. Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions. Listen to the interview one

more time if necessary.

(Presentation. Unit 9. Slide 4)

1. We have come a long way _____ those days when employers were allowed

to discriminate _________ job candidates just because ____ their race or

their sex. 

2.  __ 1998, companies ___ the United States had to pay ______more than

fifty-five million dollars ___ employees who had filed age-related

discrimination complaints ___________ their companies.

3. Well, first ___ all they should think carefully _______ their recruitment

policies and then they should take ___________ insurance to cover


4. Employers used to feel justified ____ turning ___________ job applicants

just because they’d been _____ trouble __________ the law.

5. And Mr Griffin, tell me, how many people actually go _____________

_________ their threats to sue a company _____ discrimination?

6. Race and sex account _________ most ____ the complaints that are filed,

but age discrimination is __________ the increase too.

7.  Address the issues _____ diversity ___________________ the organisation.

8.  Celebrate the differences and try to build _______ a reputation as a fair



Translate the following phrases and sentences from Russian into

English using words and word combinations from the previous tasks.

1) Большое количество работников, которые подали иски на компании в

связи с дискриминацией по возрастному признаку.

2) Компании должны хорошо продумывать свою кадровую политику и

еще заключить договор страхования для покрытия рисков.

3) В прежние времена работодатели обычно отказывали соискателям

только из-за того, что у них ранее были неприятности с законом.

4) Сегодня в США около 85000 исков подают каждый год и их

количество увеличивается.

5) Поднимайте вопросы управления многообразием внутри компании,

вовлекайте сотрудников.

6) По данным статистики у компании гораздо выше вероятность получить

иск от сотрудника, чем от сторонних лиц или организаций.

4. Study the following episode from the movie based on the novel "I,

Robot" by Isaak Asimov, where you can find an example of a

managing diversity issue.

(Presentation. Unit 9. Slide 5)

Answer the following questions based on this episode:

- What kind of discrimination is presented here?

- Who performed the act of discrimination?

- What made him/her do that?

5. Summarize what you have learnt about managing diversity from

the interview, using the following points:


a. Main types of diversity and discrimination in the past and at present.

What are the differences?

b. How often and why do employees file complaints against their

companies? Do they often win?

c. How can companies protect themselves against diversity risks?


Watch the video “Discrimination at the Workplace” and find answers to

the questions.

(Presentation. Unit 9. Slide 6)

- What are the types of discrimination discussed in the video?

- Who is discriminated in each case? What are the main reasons for


- Who filed a complaint against his/her employer? Did he/she win?

- What does diversity bring to work? Is it a benefit or a drawback in the long


- What does this video call for?

Check if you know the meaning of the following expressions from the video:

Sophisticated diversity policies To be fired on the spot

Credentials To leave the premises

A spike in discrimination claims Pilgrimage to

Maternity leave Hostile environment




1. Read the definition given for the term “conference call” and discuss the

following issues using words from the brackets:

A conference call is a telephone call in which someone talks to several people

at the same time. The conference calls may be designed to allow the called party to

participate during the call, or the call may be set up so that the called party merely

listens into the call and cannot speak. It is sometimes called ATC (audio


- What do you know about conference calls? If we talk about business,

who can organize a conference call and what are the possible participants

of such a call? (company executives, CEO, CFO, COO, investor relations

officer, investors, employees, remote parties, internally, outside the


- What are the most common applications of conference calls for

businesses to your mind? (client meetings, business presentations, project

meetings, team meetings, communication, reports)

- What are the advantages and disadvantages of conference calls if we

compare them to business meetings? (cut travel costs, more productive,

go out of office, view documents and presentations, discuss and

comment, brainstorm)

2. Vocabulary outline

a. Match the following terms with their Russian equivalents:

(Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 2)

Revenue рецессия, спад в экономикеMargins годовой доходEarning оживление


Recession наценка, маржа (прибыль как часть или процент от цены продажи)

Recovery доход, прибыль, заработок

b. Match these verbs with their definitions:

(Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 3)

1. Set up a meeting/conference call

a. cancel

2. Call off a meeting/conference call

b. give or hand

3. Put off a meeting/conference call

c. disturb

4. Adjourn a meeting/conference call

d. postpone

5. Turn a conference over to somebody

e. not attend

6. Interrupt a conference call f. organize7. Skip a meeting/conference call g. stop temporally

c. Find the words, combinations, and phrases and give them Russian


(Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 4-5)

English Russian

assume, v

be quite solid

economic weakening 

economically exposed segment

European SoftTalk uptake is faring 

forward-looking statements 


hitting the 10 million goal

 launch (a project), v

offer a little more colour on


overall market guidance

record-breaking results

rolling out additional

European countries 

seasonality, adv

Match each symbol from a website address (1-6) with its name (a-f): (Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 6)

1. @ a. underscore2. . b. hyphen3. _ c. forward slash4. - d. dot5. / e. at6. \ f. backslash

d. You will hear a website address two times in this episode. Try to write it down while listening to the conference call for the first time.


1. Listen to the part of a conference call organized by a company called

Softcell Incorporated and devoted to the Softcell Incorporated first

quarter 2008 quarterly results and the company’s two innovative

products: SoftTalk software and an updated SoftPro.

(Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 7)

Then answer the questions given below:

- What are the two parts the conference is divided into?

- Who presents the company results in the first part of the conference call?65

- Who asks questions in the second part of the conference call?

- What results were announced by the speaker?

2. Listen to Part A of the conference and fill in the missing words:

Part A. (Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 8)

Operator: Good morning. Welcome to the Softcell Incorporated first quarter 2008

quarterly results conference call. At this time, all participants are in 1)

_____________________, but the floor will be open for your questions

following the introductory remarks. I’d now like to

2) _____________________________ to Ms Marie Tascon, Senior Director

of Investor Relations. Please go ahead, madam.

Marie Tascon: Good morning. Thanks for joining us. Speaking today is Softcell’s

CFO Peter Goody, joined by COO Jim W. Brook for the Q&A session with

analysts. Please note that the information you’ll hear during our discussion today

may consist of forward-looking statements regarding 3)

______________________________. Actual results could differ materially from

our 4) _________________. To view the supporting slides while listening, log on

to softcell.com/investor. With that, I’ll turn the call over to Peter Goody.

Peter Goody: Thank you, Marie. It’s good to be on this call to report our best

quarter ever, with the highest revenue and earnings in Softcell’s history. 5)

______________________ 35% year over year to $9.6 billion, 6)

_____________________ of almost $2.5 billion over the previous

December quarter’s 7) ___________________________________. …

Peter Goody: In closing, we believe these 8) __________________________

reflect the excellence of our innovative products. We are very enthusiastic about

our announcements for 2008, including new SoftTalk software and an

updated SoftPro.


Marie Tascon: With that, I’d like 9) ________________________ to questions.

Please limit yourselves to one question only.

Listen to Part B of the “Conference Calls”:

Part B. (Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 8)

There were five questions asked during the conference. Define the main

topic of each question and write the question number next to the correct

topic. There is one extra topic that you won’t need.

Seasonal changes

Economic recession

Product sales


Comparison of sales

Outlets in Asia


Look at the following Russian sentences. Render their meaning in

English using words and expressions you hear in the second part of the

conference. Listen to the second part one more time if you need.

- Что касается ваших ожиданий на 2008 год по продукту SoftTalk,

собираетесь ли вы обновить этот прогноз сегодня?

- В связи с распространением SoftTalk по всему миру много

говорилось о Китае, можете Вы сказать что-то особенное в

отношении китайского рынка?

- Мы только запустились во Франции в ноябре, а в Великобритании и

Германии немного ранее, поэтому у нас пока весьма ограниченный



- Можете ли Вы сейчас предоставить немного больше информации по

вопросу сезонности SoftTalk? Очевидно, что ваша инструкция

подразумевает наличие сезонности для всей компании.

- Если мы увидим, например, экономический спад в Европе, также

как и в США, предполагаете ли вы ослабление экономики, в

особенности в Европе, прогнозируя 10% рост.

3. Try to analyze this conference call and make up a short summary

taking into consideration the following aspects:

- What kind of conference call it is and its main purpose

- The participants, their functions and the targeted audience

- The structure of the conference call and the way it is organized

- The discussion: most important topics, the main idea suggested by the

answers, the manner of the representatives of Softcell as they respond to

questions during the conference call

- Conclusion of the conference call and the information given at the end.


Watch the movie episode called “Absconded” which also based on a

conference call and answer the questions given below:

(Presentation. Unit 10. Slide 9)

1. Who are the main characters?

2. What is “Absconded”?

3. What is funny about the situation?

4. What would change if it wasn’t a conference call?




1. Match each of the words and phrases (1-7) with the correct definition

(a-g). Give Russian equivalents to these words and phrases (1-7).(Presentation. Unit 11. Slide 2)

1. Turnover a) the value of a company that is traded on

the stock market, calculated by multiplying

the total number of shares by the present

share price.

2. Warehouse b) the amount of money needed for a

business or to do a particular job

3. Profitability c) a part of the ownership of a company

which may be held by individuals or other


4. Costs d) the amount of business that a company

does in a period of time

5. Market capitalization e) a period of optimism, high economic

activity, and relatively low unemployment.

An increase in the activity of a particular

industry or part of a country’s economy

6. Shares f) a large building for storing things before

they are sold, used, or sent out to shops

7. Economic Boom g) the ability of a company to use its

resources to generate an excess of the

receipts over the spending

2. Divide the following verbs into two groups: verbs denoting upward

trend and verbs denoting downward trend. Make sure you can


translate them into Russian. Think about other verbs you can add to

each group.

What would you describe or talk about using these verbs?

Peak, burst, go up, go down, climb, decline, soar, improve, downturn, drop.

3. Watch a short video about Dotcom Boom or Dotcom Bubble

(Presentation. Unit 11. Slide 3)

A. Mark the following sentences True or False:

a. The Dotcom Bubble existed between 2000 and 2002.

b. The DotcomBoom refers to the speculative investment bubble that formed

around Internet companies.

c. From 2000 to 2002, during the Dotcom Crash, market prices went down

but didn’t reach the pre-boom level.

d. Half of the internet start-ups failed between 2000 and 2002.

e. Pets.com company went from a market capitalization of over $300 million

to zero within 266 days.

f. After the Dotcom Crash share prices of Amazon.com increased by more

than $500per share.

B. Watch the video episode for the second time and answer the


- What have you learnt about Dotcom companies from the video?

- Do you know any Internet companies that were founded in mid-1990s

and survived (or failed) the Dotcom Bubble?



1. Listen to a business school seminar from the year 2006 where the

seminar leader talks about how eBay achieved its success. Try to

understand the main topics of his presentation. Look at the topics

(1-6) below, then write numbers (1-6) to show the order they are

mentioned in the presentation.

a. management team

b. dotcom boom years

c. main problems eBay team have run into

d. secret of the company’s success

e. present day financial situation

f. reasons of its financial power

(Presentation. Unit 11. Slide 4)

2. Listen to Part A of the presentation. Be ready to note down some of

the details. First, read the notes below and decide which missing

items (1-6) are numbers. This will help you to fill in the gaps.

Part A (Presentation. Unit 11. Slide 5)

In 2005:

1. eBay had a turnover of $ __________

2. The number of employees amounted to ___________

3. Number of years needed to achieve such success_______________

Reasons of eBay’s success:

4. The company’s management team built their business model on


5. eBay didn’t feature in stories headlining the excesses of

___________________ years.

6. The company has managed to reduce all the unnecessary ___________ and

use its _____________ effectively.


3. Listen to Part B of the presentation. Comment on the major

problems this company has come across.

Part B (Presentation. Unit 11. Slide 5)

4. Now complete the sentences with the correct prepositions where

necessary. You can listen to the presentation again if you need it.

1.  I think the main issue here is that eBay couldn’t exist ____________ the


2. Meg Whitman, the CEO, like all _______ the senior staff, already had a

successful business background – she brought _______ an experienced

management team. 

3. Let’s move ______ to point three, sound business management.

4. eBay doesn’t participate ____ production, trading or shipping anything itself,

it provides __________ the online platform so that other people could do


5. Their capital isn’t tied ____________ in buildings, factories, warehouses,

that sort of thing. 

6. They arrived ______ a couple ______ key markets too late.

7. sellers putting ________false bids to increase the price just before an auction


8.  eBay admits this happens, but says that this sort _____ thing accounts

____________ a very small percentage _____ all sales. 


Work as an interpreter. Translate the English lines into Russian and the

Russian ones into English:

- Как нам всем хорошо известно, понятие пузырь доткомов обозначает

инвестиционный финансовый пузырь, который сформировался вокруг

интернет компаний между 1997 и 2002 годами.

- That's right, and one of the key questions here is what caused it to begin?72

- Причиной появления пузыря доткомовпослужил взлёт цен на акции

интернет-компаний (преимущественно американских), появления

большого количества новых интернет-компаний и широкое

распространение интернета в конце XX века. В результате быстро

растущего использования интернета многие инвесторы стремились

вложить деньги в любую компанию со словом «.com» или приставкой

«e-»в названии. Сочетаниевсевозрастающихценнаакции, уверенность

рынка, что интернет-компании подтвердят свою высокую доходность,

спекуляции на рынке акций с целью заработать легкие деньги и

привели в итоге к краху доткомов.

- So, what were the consequences of the Dotcom crash and how many Internet

startups failed in 2000-2002?

- Около половины всех компаний-доткомов лопнули, так как инвесторы

урезали финансирование, а новые интернет-компании оказались

убыточными. (unprofitable) Многие из них были ликвидированы или

приобретены другими, более старыми компаниями. Нескольким

компаниям и их руководителям были предъявлены обвинения в

мошенничестве (fraud).

- But can you give an example of a dotcom company that survived the crisis

and became successful in the subsequent years?

- Да, конечно. Например, компания eBay.com была основана в 1995 году

как интернет-аукцион и интернет-магазин, где частные лица и

компании могут продавать и покупать различные товары по всему

миру. Во время периода доткомов компания строила свою клиентскую

базу и зарабатывала деньги. Команда опытных менеджеров, разумный

бизнес план и идея доходности в качестве приоритета способствовали

ее дальнейшему успеху.



1. Analyze what you’ve learnt about eBay, use information from the pre-

listening exercises, you may search the Internet to find out more about

internet companies of the mid-1990s and try to give your own

explanation to the following statement:

With the spectacular rise and subsequent crash of many of the dotcom

companies, only a few were left standing after the dust had settled. 

2. Make up a presentation with a partner or on your own. Choose an

internet company that survived the dotcom boom and prepare a brief

presentation of about five minutes. You can say:

What the company does

When and how it started

How it was affected by the dotcom boom

What helped it stay afloat and contributed to its success

Its achievements and the financial situation today

While preparing your presentation don’t forget that, when you deliver a

business presentation, you should keep to a clear structure which can be

easily followed by your audience.

In pairs, look at these statements in a typical presentation. Reorder them to

make the structure of a presentation logical and clear:

a. Make a conclusion and ask for questions

b. Present the main part of your talk

c. Greet the audience and thank them for coming

d. Give the introduction to your talk

e. Sum up the main points of your presentation

f. Explain what you are going to say about and suggest that you’d prefer to

answer the listeners’ questions at the end or invite them to interrupt you

during your talk


Follow these six points of the presentation structure.

Do not write everything you are going to say. Make a brief note. (If you

make your presentation with slides, write only key facts like numbers, dates,

main facts, and reasons, etc.)

Finally, change pairs and give your presentations to each other. (If you

make your presentation with slides, give it to your group.)

Listen to your partner’s presentation, think of two or three questions to

clarify something or to get additional information, ask them at the end. Give

your partner feedback on what seemed to be especially interesting for you,

what you liked about the structure, the way the presentation was given and

also on what could be improved.




1. Vocabulary outline

a. Match the following words (1-5) and their definitions (a-e). Look up the

dictionary to find the difference between these words (1-5). Translate

them into Russian. Can you find synonyms (other words with similar

meaning) to each word (1-5) in the third column?

(Presentation. Unit 12. Slide 2)

1. Perspective a. a particular way in which

something is done, is

organized, or happens


hope, chance

2. prospect b. a calculation or guess

about the future based on

information that you have



3. pattern c. a particular way of

considering something



4. projection d. a statement about what

you think will happen in

the future

Judgement, idea,



5. prediction e. the possibility that

something good might

happen in the future


example, sample

b. Fill in the blanks with perspective, prospect, pattern, projection,


1. Is there any __________________ of the weather improving?


2. The ___________________of 4

million unemployed now looks horrifyingly realistic.

3. The company has failed to achieve last year's sales ______________ by

30 percent.

4. The ______________ of family life has been changing over recent years.

5. Because of its geographical position, Germany's

_______________ on the situation in Russia is very different from

Washington's.c. Match these adjectives and nouns to make up collocations. Sometimes more than one variant is


adjective noun

overall work

working research

 flexible hours

 recent force

permanent  children

labour  proportion

dependent lives

full-time job

temporary  contract

d. Note the following nouns, which have irregular plural form. Make sure

you know the correct pronunciation of both singular and plural forms.

Consult the dictionary if necessary. Write their Russian translations:

Singular form Russian translation Plural form

analysis analyses

bacterium bacteria


crisis crises

criterion criteria

datum data*

honorarium honoraria

medium media*

phenomenon phenomena

sanatorium sanatoria

synopsis synopses

stratum strata

trivium trivia

*Is used with a singular or plural verb (L.G. Alexander, “Longman English


Work in pairs. Which words from the table above could you use to

describe a trend in employment or staffing or any other sphere? Make up

your own sentences with these words.

2. Lead-in

Read this introduction and discuss the following questions in pairs or

groups; make use of the prompts in brackets:

Trend analysis involves collecting and evaluating data to identify patterns of

information that might affect the future. An assortment of factors affects human

resources needs, including supply and demand changes within markets and

industries, as well as changes in work processes and procedures. Human resources

professionals study employment data to predict and anticipate changes based on

historical patterns to develop strategies to continue to meet market needs.

- Do we often consider different trends in our day-to-day life? How do we

usually make significant decisions?

- Why is it important for HR specialists to analyse current trends, consider

historical patterns, collect recent information and give future forecasts?


(make predictions, to change job or to stay, employee satisfaction,

productivity, retraining and cross-training, market demand)

- Do you know any other spheres of economics where trend analysis can also

be applied?


1. Listen to an interview with a social affairs commentator on changes

in patterns of working.

(Presentation. Unit 12. Slide 3)

Look through the working patterns listed below and tick the ones

mentioned in the interview.

(Presentation. Unit 12. Slide 4)

- 9 to 5 working hours

- Permanent and temprory employment

- shift work

- number of women engaged in employment

- job-sharing

- full-time work

- flexible working hours

- freelance

- part-time work


2. Listen to the interview once again and mark these sentences True or


(Presentation. Unit 12. Slide 5)


1. We all tend to useless terminology to discuss our working life if

compared with our parents twenty years ago.

2. The most popular topics in the media today are the end to “a job for

life”, the rise of flexible working and the numbers of women engaged

in employment.

3. Traditional way of working (9 hours a day, 5 days a week) is going to

disappear in the nearest future.

4. Around 80% of British people have had the same job for more than

ten years, which is not very much different from the past.

5. Today employers have the right to fire their personal if they need to

reduce their labour force.

6. The figures prove that a large majority of working people often move

from one temporary job to another.

7. The number of women with dependent children in the workforce

hasn’t much changed in the last twenty-five years.

8. 30% of the British work more than 46 hours a week, while for other

European countries it’s only about 10% of employees.

9. “Flexible working” is not widely spread in the UK according to the


3. Listen to the interview one more time if necessary and fill in the

missing words:

(Presentation. Unit 12. Slide 5)

1. Our social affairs commentator is going to give us some perspective

___________ the changes that have taken place in our working lives

_______ the last twenty years or so.

2.  And are you saying that these are not real trends _________ the future?

3. I’m not saying ___________ phenomena ______ not present today, but I

just think we need to put them ___________some kind of perspective.80

4. I think you have some interesting figures _________ recent research

__________the subject ...

5. Temporary employment only accounts ___________about 6% of all jobs.

6.  Isn’t it true that there are far more women ___________ the workplace


7. Is it true there’s more part-time work in the UK compared ________the rest

of Europe?


1. Translate into English the following words and combinations:

общая доля женщин

работа по совместительству

исчисление рабочего времени на

годовой основе

посменная работа

женщины с несовершеннолетними


иметь право использовать


учреждения по уходу за детьми

политика, учитывающая интересы


сохраняются старые модели


2. Translate the following sentences into English, make use of the words and

phrases from the interview and the previous exercises.


1. Понятие «одна работа на всю жизнь» во многом ушла в прошлое, и в

настоящее время люди вынуждены заниматься разными видами

профессиональной деятельности в течение своей трудовой жизни.

2. Она отметила также, что работодатели в государственном и частном

секторах проводят политику, отвечающую интересам семьи,

включая работу с частичной занятостью и гибкий график работы,

для того, чтобы привлечь и удержать работающих женщин.

3. Представитель Соединенного Королевства подчеркнула, что

особенно важно обеспечить определенные условия - возможности

для профессиональной подготовки, работу по совместительству и

учреждения по уходу за детьми - для женщин с

несовершеннолетними детьми.

4. Гибкий график работы, включающий использование неполного

рабочего дня, исчисление рабочего времени на годовой основе и

изменение сложившегося дневного и недельного графика работы,

может быть организован таким образом, чтобы отвечать интересам

как трудящихся, так и работодателей, при условии надлежащего


5. Я не утверждаю, что эти явления не представлены сегодня, но мне

кажется, что нам лучше рассмотреть их с учетом определенной


6. К сожалению, в Великобритании чаще встречается занятость на

неполный рабочий день по сравнению с остальной Европой, а также

третья часть британцев работают больше 46 часов в неделю, в то

время как в других европейских странах эта часть населения

составляет ненамного более 10%.



1. Watch this video commenting on the top trends for HR in 2017. What

trends do you consider the most important? Do you agree with all the

points? Take notes while watching and give your feedback.

(Presentation . Unit 12. Trend Analysis. Slide 6)

2. Work in pairs. Act out an interview with a Russian HR specialist on

current changes in the patterns of working in Russia. You can use

information from the previous interview and from the video. Pay special

attention to the following issues:

- What has changed in today’s working conditions if you compare them to

your parents’ work twenty or thirty years ago?

- Do the changes that have taken place in the working lives of Russian people

over the last twenty years differ from those of British people?

- What are the most noticeable trends in the Russian labour market? Can we

also say that anyone would think from listening to the media that some kind

of social revolution is going on?

- Do young people think about having “a job for life” nowadays?

- Do Russian people feel secure or insecure about their work? What can you

say about social protection in Russia?



- Watch the episode from the movie "Senseless" 1998:

(Presentation . Unit 12. Slide 7)

- Answer the following questions based on the episode:

1) Who comes to class and offers a tempting job?


2) Who makes a better impression on the executive?

3) What can you tell about the personality of each opponent? 

4) What was valuable in Darrel’s analysis?

5) What arguments made Scott’s analysis stronger in the dispute? 

- Give the explanation to the following words used in the episode:

Do without the yo-ing,  ebonically speaking, wack, a difference of opinion, insight

into the blue-collar, hairnet mentality.


Summarize what you have learnt from this Unit and write a report on

the current trends in the UK labour market.




1. Black, J. A dictionary of economics. - second edition. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. – 512 р.

2. Spooner, A.A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. – 572 р.

3. Whitby, N. Business Benchmark. Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate: Student’s Book/ N.Whitby. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. – 183 р.

4. Brook-Hart, G. Business Benchmark. Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate: Student’s Book / G.Brook-Hart.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. – 192 р.

5. MacKenzie, I. Financial English with mini-dictionary of finance: Student’s Book/ I. MacKenzie. – London: Commercial Colour Press, 1996. – 160 p.

Программное обеспечение и Интернет-ресурсы

Основной источник

1.  British Council. Режим доступа [http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals-podcasts].

Дополнительные источники

1. Cambridge Online Dictionary Режим доступа [http://dictionary.cambridge.org]

2. Oxford Online Dictionary. Режим доступа [http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com]

3. Информационный онлайн ресурс Investopedia. Режим доступа [www.investopedia.com]

4. Информационный онлайн ресурс Wikipedia. Режим доступа [www.wikipedia.com]