OE~ 18 u. s. DISTRICT ST. lOUIS J · PDF fileCase 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed...

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Transcript of OE~ 18 u. s. DISTRICT ST. lOUIS J · PDF fileCase 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed...

Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 1 of 12

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Case No.





4:02CV00577 0 J ~

Plaintiff Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (hereinafter the "Commission")

has instituted this action alleging that RadioShack Corporation (hereinafter the "Defendant")

discriminated against Jessica Polk in violation of Section 703(a) of Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-


For purposes of settlement and compromise only, the parties have advised the Court that

they wish to resolve the instant controversy without the expense, delay, and burden of further


THEREFORE, it is the finding of this Court, made on the pleadings and on the record as

a whole and upon agreement of the parties, that: (i) this Court has jurisdiction over the parties to

and the subject matter of this action, (ii) the requirements of the Title VII will be carried out by

the implementation of this Decree, (iii) this Decree is intended to and does resolve all matters in

controversy in this lawsuit among the parties, and (iv) the terms of this Decree constitute a fair

and equitable settlement of all issues in this lawsuit.

Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 2 of 12


I. General Provisions

1. This Decree, being entered with the consent of the parties for purposes of

settlement, shall not constitute an adjudication on the merits of this lawsuit and shall not be

construed as an admission by Defendant of any violation of Title VII or any executive order, law,

rule or regulation dealing with or in connection with sexual harassment or sex discrimination in

the workplace.

2. Defendant shall not discriminate against its employees with respect to hiring,

promotion, firing, compensation, or other terms, conditions or privileges of employment on the

basis of sex. Defendant maintains that it has not discriminated against its employees with respect

to hiring, promotion, firing, compensation, or other terms, conditions or privileges of

employment on the basis of sex.

3. Defendant shall not discriminate or retaliate against any person because he or she:

(a) has opposed any practices alleged in this lawsuit as unlawful under Title VII; (b) has

participated in any investigation by the Commission connected with or leading up to this lawsuit;

( c) has participated in this lawsuit; or (d) has benefitted or will benefit in any way as a result of

this Consent Decree. Defendant maintains that it has not discriminated or retaliated against any

person because he or she: (a) has opposed any practices alleged in this lawsuit as unlawful under

Title VII; (b) has participated in any investigation by the Commission connected with or leading

up to this lawsuit; (c) has participated in this lawsuit; or (d) has benefitted or will benefit in any

way as a result of this Consent Decree.


Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 3 of 12

4. Defendant agrees to never employ Earnette A. Smith, the individual alleged to

have harassed Jessica Polk, in any stores owned or operated by Defendant

II. Relief for Charging Party

1. Defendant will pay a total of $45,000 ("Settlement Sum"), including attorneys fees

and costs, and compensatory damages to Jessica Polk. Within 10 days after execution of the

Decree, Defendant will mail a check to Polk, in the amount of the Settlement Sum, in care of her

attorney, David Terry, Johnson, Fellows, Blake & Terry, 1034 Brentwood Blvd., Suite 1380, St.

Louis, Missouri 63117.

III. Posting and Policies

1. Defendant shall post and cause to remain posted copies of the "Notice to

Employees", including its Policy Against Harassment, attached hereto as Exhibit A, in locations

publicly visible to all employees in all stores operated by Defendant within District 0811,

comprising 26 stores in the St. Louis area, for a period of two (2) years, starting from the date of

entry of this Decree. Defendant maintains that it has had posted the posting required by this


2. Defendant shall post and cause to remain posted the posters required to be

displayed in the workplace by EEOC regulation 29 C.F.R. §1601.30 in all stores operated by

Defendant within the state of Missouri. Defendant maintains that it currently posts the posters

required to be displayed in the workplace by EEOC regulation 29 C.F.R. § 160 1.30 in all stores

operated by Defendant within the state of Missouri.


Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 4 of 12

3. Defendant shall, within six (6) months from the date of entry of this Decree,

provide sexual harassment training to all management and non-management employees at all

stores in District 0811, comprising 26 stores in the St. Louis area.

IV. Reporting, Record-keeping, and Access

1. During the effective period of this Decree, Defendant shall, within fifteen (15)

days of such complaint, provide written notification to the EEOC's Regional Attorney in its St.

Louis District Office of any internal complaint of sex harassment, made by any employee at any

of the stores in District 0811, comprising 26 stores in the St. Louis, area including the name(s) of

the employee(s), a description of the investigation of the complaint(s), the finding of the

investigation and a description of action taken, or resolution ofthe complaint(s).

2. Within forty-five (45) days of the entry of this Decree, Defendant shall prepare

and submit to the EEOC's Regional Attorney in its St. Louis District Office a letter affirming that

the Notices have been posted and that the posters have been posted as required by Section III,


3. Within forty-five (45) days of the completion of the training required under

Section III, subsection 3, Defendant shall prepare and submit to the EEOC's Regional Attorney in

its St. Louis District Office a letter affirming completion of said training. The letter shall include

the names of all employees who attended the training.

V. Term and Effect of Decree

1. By entering into this Decree the parties do not intend to resolve any charges of

discrimination currently pending before the Commission other than the charge or charges that

created the procedural foundation for the complaint in this case.


Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 5 of 12

2. This Decree shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns.

Defendant shall affirmatively notify any purchasers of the obligations of this Consent Decree

prior to any sale which may take place.

3. This Decree shall be for a period of two (2) years and can only be extended for

good cause shown. During the Decree's term the Court shall retain jurisdiction of this cause for

purposes of compliance.

4. Each party shall bear that party's own costs and attorneys fees.

DATE: k2/c2ID~


FO~ ExeG.Div. V.P. - Sales Channels RadioShack Corporation

JOHNSON, FELLOWS, 1034 Brentwood Blvd., uite 1380 St. Louis, MO 63117 (314) 725-1600 Attorneys for Plaintiff/Intervenor



ROBERT G. JOHNSP Regional Attorney \

BARBARA A. SEELY Supervisory Trial Attorney

/'~.~ rtf ELVIN D. KENNEDY, ARN #33222

Senior Trial Attorney St. Louis District Office Robert A. Young Federal Bldg. 1222 Spruce, Room 8.100 St. Louis, MO 63103 (314) 539-7915

Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 6 of 12.. -. --- , . -. ...

I~ NUT"ICE A TE Eq~al Emplqyment Opportunity is

"I •

AppRCIII1Is to aod ampIayees 0/ me" private employ~,.s\a18 BOd 100II gcsulmlNlll!s, BduaalicMlhllha1\Ions.. c;T1\ployment agel'\c:lu a"d labor Ol96I\baIIOllS n prctec\IIS unciaI' !hi following Fed1r81 kIwc: R~a.. Calor, flallglan, _ NlUaa-' Origin Tille VII dille 0"/l1li J1!9hl5 Aat of 1Sti4. 11$ am~, pl'Ol1ih/li ~mrnadan in ltitino. prIlmoU~ dischar" .. ~ lrings be.ne(l1s. fQb kalnlng. cIIlsslf'laIIlat\ ~81'111~ artd p!nef ~~ec;1s of emplgymant. on Ihfl baaI& or J3C:c. calor. rslfg~ 1I11J: or nallol'll1 origin, DtilllPIlfiy 111a Mlllrir:&l'l vu\lh Diubl\i1iet kl or 11190, as amendMl, p!Q\eCI$ cpIIIWlIed up~ .,., amployaes ~ltt cI!nbilIU .. IrDm ClllrcrlmInDUcn in hiring, promcll'grr. CI~rge. pay,lDb 1tDinfn;, tII"98 banenls, .ssif'IQiI!lor1. ,efen'll. ~wl olheraspecls Cat emp'~1ITlI on ll1e \r.!i$ia or ~ 'TtIa lIw 1110 l'!q~ras lhat coveraclenIJIIll ptOVidc.~_ ~It:nll ernpIoyapi wllIl di¢~h!as wIIh MasanabJe accarrtmodaliCll'I& IhIIt del nallrnposa Ui'ldlJl hardship. Age The DIscrlmlnlt/or1ln SmplPylllanl Act of T967, 4S aM.lld.d, projects

Md amp\oYl:fts 40 yasns cr age cr 6kjllr 'ItcIm ~mtna'lan OIIIhB

~ppllcltO ~ oIrId empJayaa or QJmpllnias with a FclGIlI'ilI gDlllmTllenl cot1lmt Dr ~ft;IQ ere praleClaG \mO/lr I1e Illnowif19 FedeJa' 8\11Oar111a1: RaCII, CoIot, RdllolOftt Sa, NiItlOnal origin ~ Older 112~8, as amcnd~ prohlbil& jab .crlI'tIInaltol\ an !he bd\& or !'let. calar. r&ligjan, sex or national ~in. lAO Rlqufl'eli etflrmi1~ue aGUon la ef\1I\I~ lIC.\ualllY al OJlPCldUrlIly If! ~U iUI*~ Df emplQvroem.

• Jnrfrviduals wllh DiablJilIas • $edlDft a of "". Flahllbl1l!alkln Act or 1~. as m11~ prohfbna job dlscrin1l1'1D"OII b.c:au&e of • dllIBbftIl:y ~ raquirts alllrml\Sv& lollan to -rnPIQY lid oc/llllnClIn enIP/aynlClll quelifiitd ~Wiuall wflh dllUQIl/ta Vim, will' rea~l~ aa:Qmmadalian, GIl perlGrm N _Il0/l'1111 h.(r1;Uana III' a(ob. .' .

Vieb1lm Erlll"d Sptahll Df.led ~& 38 U.s.c, 4m of PIe V'i8InIm Eta Velltl"lfWlIlIdjuaImantklllslallC1t

bae!s ar • in hitItIa, pm1Iofio", ~&, oampeiWBQon, 19mISe ~1Iians. Dr ~rIvt~CI of ampfl:lymgnt Sex(MauJ In addil/ofl to II!E d\&arlm\nll\Qo IIl1ll1ibt1ed py 'I11J. YII'of Ifle Civil Rlgflts Act (see &boUlt, \h. ~uil Pay Act at 1SlS!!, .. am"",Dd, ~raIlibIts ax d~m1ns1lQn '" payml!lll cl waQtIIS Ie ~m.n an~ ""n poi1onnlng :rQ~1II01ialt)' eqllDl WQric in Ihllllt\1I oo1ilb\iBhmoflt.

Retaftalian ajlllinst .a~ w/la mll:J Ii charge at $QfmlnallClflt par1idpGl" '" :11'\ IIWGIIlPUon. QI' ~ at'IIlIltawhil8IJII\QoJftlal1t

. p~ \I F=h~lS4 tIy all CIt !heal Federal !awl.

It ~ '.rltWe !hat you have bIen ~"'lnnnsd ~ ... r Bn1 0( \he abavn Iavnr, you immetl'~1Y shoUld canl8ct

'Thll u.s. IIIIUII ErnplQymant Opportut1u, COmmlllBian (EEOaJ 1801 &'Street, N.W. Washlnaton, !J.D. t05tI7

ar ~ EEOC hid officii \ly ealRnv 1A~.'~e (800) 88&--41X1O. FQr irrclMdlJll\S wId\ hearing h\'I'PIlrmen", e;ocs b)lj-free TeO ndmber Is (800) aOO43D2.

N:l of 1874 FIfD\tlllIlall dllIeIimiIla110n _nd reqUjtII& IIIft1lna1Ua wQfDp 10 e~1oy and BIMInCIt 1II11lmpiQYm8ll\ qualirlild VleIl\ll1\ era ~ 8"" ~nnad ~1I1 cSisablad "".Jall& J.trv ptlmDn who be!lroleG .. OQn~r has vialilUld lis nDlttllGc:rlmfMIlIll1 or alfqmaJlIIa edlDn Dl:!nge\fClr1:S lI11c1er Ihe aullloriUes above ol1lwld cOl'UlllCt fmml<lla.ty.

The Offt~ 01 Fa11N11( Canll'llct.CoI'llFinanCti PragnQ1!:C (OPCCp) Employmeol hndarc!c Acll"llnll\nlllcn, US Dep8IUt1ttnf« Ubor (DO~

2QO ~on..wenue, N.W. WlSllinglorl, C.e. aoa10

or aln ~ 21NSU (DOU4IDII-mlllD num\n:rfor1ndlvielulls1llllh hewing Jrnpairmao~ is (aDD) 32H!177). or an orccr reglal'Jlll or cIIItr1Gt offICII. ~ in lTIOIt Ia\~ clireclcllia undar u;s., Gavamrnlftt, D~arl.abor.

federat Minimum WaOA EXHIBIT A ....... _ ....

Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 7 of 12UL.I .1~.C:::~C::: q'lac:::t"I'1

~1'DI\J\rn'narncru Df ~El72 ptOh/blts empJclvmenr dlaari~l;;, ..... an !he ba:tIa of .. ftt edbc:IlIomIl P"'Sf8015 Dr ~11Ii1ies Whkh rece/ft Federal aas~DI.

Federal Minimum Wage $5.15 per "our aff,attve September '1 1887 &m3Ioven undllf2fl ~ d age milt b8 pallS ~ pet lIaur du~ lhel'r 1iill aQ ~IIYB tal!ll\alf dayIS of employment wl\t1 an BIlIplQyu.

CtttlJft fulWma $b.I~"h;, _''*"\ IcIim~ appian., and wcr\CalS wIbI dlAbUllies ~ ba 1II1d lCISS Ihln the mrl\lmlll1'l wage IJnlfQf ~l Cllrltlillllu bIQed by h Dtpu\mlnt 01 Uboc.

~lllYers Df "PPld I!1I1p1oyeU'" ~ PlY a e:ash W;Jgt or.e laaJta 1S per 11000f It \hey cb1in1 a lip c_ .gal!lllllleir rniIliR1L1m W'a= oblllJBlfan. It In .em~I~ lip: tDIIIb\nId wIlt\ Iha emp!oyar'a cUb MO- of at fu.t ':1a p.".. hour do II« equal Ihe lJII!1irilUm hourl~ IIage, IhllNl\J'ioVer must ~ up lt1e cIItrerlnc1'. Cenajn 0\1\11' Qlndlllans JJIUd .bam.~ , Owran,es>ay At I •• 1'i1 _8 ya/JI rag_ raltl 01 pay far iiilllIours worked ovar1U in l""'rIoN~

CtlDfll.abar An &I'1Ployee must Ie ~r Isut'6 yean;a1d \0 ~rt In malt (lQ~rm JO\JI -nd II' least 1810 wert In na~1ann jolla dlljllaMd hIZIJtlOllB bV Iho SIlCm~ ~ \..abot Vou\hl 14 Ind 15 yaar., G\d ~ OIIlalclo .lChoal ~ I1l1i1l'Olf8 Itm'l'ffllnUrIGIVrf!\g. flQn-minin9, flQl'I"bUlTUgl,lll jaba wlr "'I fIlllalllil1R OOIldlliansl ~ 1\1III'II1II1In-J 1I111J1S0I'I' ~ tfaycr1a "allIS in lldloal." ...

..., IICMlIJon I ~ it:rJ ar4G iloull in. ~ V4Iek. A/rIo, work roy nat begin bahn 7 a.m ... Of and Mar T ~ except tl'Cfll vUllO 1111~UGh t..bor Day, WhIl1'l evtOO9 "our.s II!! axtended to a Po!ll.

. .

u.s. ~'in\ CIt I.lbtv ~YI1B't~ni.A~1on W. and toiour CiviIICIft WIGtllhQUUl, D.t;, 202'0 'I'b .. ~IDVM PoIyg~ Pmlecdcn ~ pl'O/tibils, n,ost Ilriuat. emp\OYOI& &om IaIOG lit delllt:lor ,.- II!f1ar mr pre-amp'ctyl'llt/lr SCfeenll\!l all dlidllB ",. COO\I~ ot employment. f'tQhibi\fG.,.

, ,

EmpIa1Bta.n gllll4l11hy prahlblred fmrn raquirinQ Clr teqUHUng -any ~ID\IN or }Db .ppl~ 10 bIca & u. ~.lICIOr ... an1I fr1Ilf1 dlVchar;lng. ~pI_ or d'l!ICI'irninaVft; qBIns\ 1m ~e or PIUSp~ '11JP1~ far lIfuIlng 10 take 8 \IJSt IIr for emreltlnu Olhar rightS \II1CIer It1e t\ct. '

~nI' ~rII, .st.LD.nd loa! gO'lemm-m .. not atfec\e!t 1rf Ih~ \a'fl. AlBa, tha!aw GO. not Ipplyto \SlJI#.QiWIfI ~ !he Fad.1Il Gavcll1mem 10 c:enalrt pd"".1nd'MttUall •• "" In Mt1af\8l.uc*1'I1IiId ICIivI~e&. ThaAd. ~ ~lI'ph (a \lind of htS_\D~ ... \to btlldrnln"'lIf'Dd !It !he prWale hC~, lubflGt10 ~ to c:ertlltl p«IIPlCI~ eIIlplayw of .".Mat Inns (armored call iIItrI1\ and gJIIiIllf), lUIdof!)hl"TIwulk:al ~ ~ and cIIIpe .... 'TlII! Attlll80 pAl1T\lll p~ph ~I M. 10 ~ olcat11lin "",plAy .. of ~e DImS who are ~ suspected aflnwlv-.nent In a~ inddent (Iwft, IM~ t*:.l1bal telUlled In

.. e

. ,

En'fclrcGII. The OeP!l1lnlllt of \JIbtI, III~ rKCIVer bailie Willi 111l\1II' acfrn;rillralive!r !If Ihrou"" court ~QII, IPr!he Implcmes II'ID! ""'. bUll q"~rpailf In 'lloI.,uon of 1ft. II", \lk)ll1t1Dna mlY ruult in aMI or a1mititI KIIan. FInes 01 tlQ to "o:DOP p6I' vlQ\Ilkx\ ma, ~ lIAUIlId'1IgainS\ an\~ who violale 'hi cfllld !ilbgr pl'O~'an; gf thl! In»I and lIP 10 ;\.IlDa par violll~DII agllk\lt ImployeQII who WIllfUllY or 1'1iI~1~ \ljllla\lt IhiI'TlInimum wage or l)Wr\lmo I*Y Pf"'*'QfII. 'T1l11 1aw prDhlblbl ~ 111_ VI" cIIadl:Ir9ing wc~ Who IlIo , r:cmpIaint or p8I1Icfpatain any P~lTIga rJncler U'I8 Act. ' NOr.: • Ccmtin occ:upllf(crns inc! elirabl~ 1I1iI8XIlmpt -. "'"

rili!1imUln wAgs •• ~rti'mB pay plDlllaicl\$. • Specf.1 ~rc~ applY IClllfDrkaIs IR Amlrfc:an SarnCljll. • Whom ~III 'law rtqufras a high8r minimum wage.llla.hlshcr

'IiIn~ 1Ifl?IilS, • For ArMrran;ll rnfalmariprt; CGIIJlst II\CI Wilge W Hour DMsran ofilia /Ull\I'~ yaLHi8lGld In ¥pgr 18leptillna d~ IInder UnIred Stataa GovQmml!flr.1.abol' p.l1l1ltn~ '11111 pQIIer fIlI'y b. YltMld DI1lh~ ~rtclwtda WCll_1PIfI1CIcfnmI: h~p:l/www.dQr~o\IJdaU.BBlpIlb.Clmrn\llllg&/maln.hlm

The taw requires emp'gyet9 to dlsJllay this poster whlre employees can readily see II u.a.. D~fm'ItIIl at ",bar WH Pub\"~(W\ ~08B l!InpI~unt SIInd.rd:i AdmlnbaltaUllit fl8~ed Oatobilr 'Ia88 WIIgalUlCl HourDl\Imon Washinsltan. CI,C.a10

econotnIo =- \0 Q\lt el'/lPIDrDf. E:tarn'n.. Riims . ' v;trSi. PotY;l1ph 'ttS~ SA pel'mlrted. Iher.,. oSIlb/RlID ~ ~at slalldards ClQnctlfTlinv I/le ccndur:t aI1d length uf 'ha \DII. Eamirlon hoVe

". nWl\b.r a( specilill Tis"., Ir.cllAdinll tho right ~ • writlln nob be_ ttsUnD, !hit rfghl10 raf!lto cr dlsl;onlilMl a lISt. IrId IIle Ifgtd nat III NVI ~ 1'ti'IU18 d\SCloaacllO unatlIhorJzed pel'lOnl.

EI1tQtcanllnt 1'I\e BtCl'Glary or lAbar my bIfft\1 =urt actio,.. to I'MtrIIn ~1alfaTII ud 011_ dvI1 pln:aJliu " ID .$'\o,oaQ allUllIJ vlala\CIf1o ~.II CIt Jab IpplTC::II1Is!MY.tao mt~ \helrown ClNI'lIllUOI\S..

MditJo",llnfarmation • AdcIlIIon~ll"fOflllI!llkm mllY _ ~d, wi DOmp"""~ or 'I\a\t1lDnS IMW btl led, at ktcaI ~~. at Vle ~ ~ HIM Otv\,ia", _ anallllDd 1" Ih, talephQm d\ftalory un~lIr U.s. ~OV8I'ftmll1~ DepadmGnt at ~ I=mPlGYm1'"t S\1I1\daIdI Admlftl&n1~. , 1'he 11M rqquifM flmll(ay&r8 to d~a, this post;et where employee; and jab appllcants can readily .. e It. • "'lh. taw cfo~ MI plllall1Pf IIny J/(Dt'iIicn Ql ~"J' SfI,.'DrItQIIIIIVGr.ny GOII«Jt/v8 lralllJllnll1D DDrMnIOtIf whidy is mare tal"" wIlIJ .... - to lie dfJMc:tQr_. WH ~k&IIon 14aa Sep~r_


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Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 8 of 12

~T~Aii. TIMES..-DO NOT REM I • • , ' r

....... ,.; •• t. ... • ..

1"t1J"-II1nt, or Jnlll'f«rnll willi Dr IWf\I:I8ri fa c:ooparall lp a ".mscrnant Inv~QI1. mav faaJ JfPidP~ ac&n. •• lInnrecl.a~, IIP.ID .1ICI1nd1ldinli lfIrm/nillorl of ImpkPtml"!. Yic uwmd !hal~. 'WIn nat !aI,rall _ III r1I\IIIIJlDn IS.DUIlY .. am mem_ M10 IIW 11'111 pIIlCPI in gOod (alii\.

VltllItIms ot ~11 P*'t wJft be w\:4!d1D ~linll'f Dcdon. \t1Cfudlllg IIoIdI\eII dlldp\ltllliywllfM1D1. nNII .... demoliurt, -Ulp8tllian arcAaGhaIBII frOm Bm~L

AnyonQ InYll/llad In ~ tIJ_1t1Iml ~I~lion who InllnllGnlllti mIJfU u"INUlhllllalanilln1& ImLY r­IIII1~nl1llry 8t'IftIn. lIP 10 iJICIlm:Iqaipq len'l\lriaUoft.

AIIcl1DSt,11c1c tta cflDun Mlnllged f'lt.1Ih NllcYfDrk (MH\II) ttl pnwldl =nlidemt.al, prof.ansI caQlJllIDnG HMaN IMllable' IQ yoU ;aI\Cl ~ 01(;1* (aroily memaers. So \Vb..., va"'''' f.cOd ttJlh a prablem. c:aft UFalNE. LlfSJNE c.ln .... lp Y4iU'r, • M.rtlll and ~ prabll/lll • HcQhol ~ III'\d druo _nllncy J I!rnadoI1aI pral:llllllllmd __ • fI'tlIndIl.mI CIftdt CQr\CIl'I1I

• LeaaJ IIs1Kmi ~ • ~\J!lnlhlp 1asuaa .. IIlttl1leRlUnl/ CDIlI1lC18 • FllllacaIkIn .,. .. • CIIJd and _r 01111 ~ PnHldremlnt pl.nnlng • ~ tmcpapr pro~ 1J~ is IS !II~M\c cou,.,..nng end COI1IUlII\lkrrI PBlVIc& dtai9rl= ~ "lip you II\d JDLIr a6gibiJ Iam1Iy mernbtrB •• wrdl"" ~f paraonal r.uu. Uf8JN& alflllaa alii ~ GGnlidaPlt.I!Y by lIe.~ IIlIIlI1Il1d c;DIInq\al8o "',"rarrnalfon is pl'llltlegei1ln ag;Qf'danc;e WI\h Iht PIl/ChDd1erllfllst i3aIIlfIl Pf!.nllgtl an_ ulhllr appValblB .. 'ItI. H;vIfe$ .." ~J!fldenlJ,' lind 1he .. has b .. " co~ by Rwl4l~Qarpondicm.

'. "

I I t

RallUunbel' "-lila rigllt ill.,. \I;I"'~ help billS soan , .. PllOllltlle-9l;1n'\ wah aml'l"'- ",obIam ~ !he crlirc:al sIQve. llFBJNE oodtlltllng.1d IMIIi\bIu by te~hone onlV­CarinI!. ClInftdanlr8l. ~ 240 "aln a ~V, 885 $P a Yt;lf.

BD~1 TOo far ~\C hIanng i'nq3airecl: BQGJ18.4·D841

.' .1


Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 9 of 12OCT. 10.2002 4:04~M

, • pal\lllltll'lCA, IICIlor. ""II!1t ~ ~~II~ -naRciii~" 0!jg11\ a_ PI'''' OTfWIltliDn t1J1CIIUI1nQ rnarbl &taIuaw P.Mf\llca\8\IQ"",lM, en' IlQ\1IIl ~aat -lb' 'alng fit ~" 4ID\niD, tel1g1Gus. ~ age jJr .tIWlllUy grfanlld joktIs; • The l1li1 or cf'18CIfmInarmy or 1tkUIl/Y d1i1fl1ad

, I •• e, racUJ .Iln. 6t ~l'IntIIning or clII'bgI1DlY aa " baed Cl'\ I" fndMdqara rate. COIOT'. n:ft JaIl, _bally, l'lllqanal ari9fn. asa Qf

" .~ crtenWiam Hi .",. dllPlIy or IfISCrimJnaIDrv. ~nsM:-or oIhalWia I TtII~ maltmal Tn "e wo,,*,ace, including ndIal. : 'IM~ ~If;~ ~ 'V' QI' ~\\y QI'\8n\8d II eartaans. ~ AOf\wIW cPlIllaclrcnb IMIIria!; II1ld !r ~ lInwe1ialmlJ auueladvarrc:ae. Pf'CIPOIIIIans or Phy.$al Ii canracl. sUch .ID~~ p1IJna, plnchl'nlr 01' pqn~!19-

;\ Handllnll H."*,"e~t fIT Tho ;0;.' . -

I ElICh ttim ml1r1ber plBF • part in enollling lhallhl wbjkploaG iI r .. fl!IIn ~L If~" fcalllClQ ant bllng herqslCl, 11Xi111nV cr ottJatlMsa. VOQ .sl'loUd:

§ '~1I\Q~tadDpl , ~ Repo!1ltl11ailllllloT! lo YOW' lI\IIJ1ager. deparllllCnt • t heat! or Ptopl. SeNlcw b'I CIImIlQ. ~ wane: (MOl

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1nvuU;,*'''lJ a bl1scnmil'lil\taR or t1a~~mcnt.olai", I An ~I& ar repariswill ba hll\dtad In a Mmrily IlOd

o:lnlldal'lllel mamar. 01\11 "'DN ~ I'\BCIISRIY far \he 1(1VlIS1Igalla" and recllI\fan of 1hiI ~p"lnt WII be inva\wd or glVell ~ about !hi mllllV.

wAnnumaacs \a I1\Va1I1P~g W ;apprapllately JeS---.a.;;;y~ !tI1,tIeI '" "~l. II an all.lian 01 dl&crimillalon or ICCU8I twaamItrIt Is 'llbsll1nti~ ~y lhalrW'IiIl'&Fl!ioR, f\adl0StW:IC-."A11 sa 'plCllTlP.1IY \0 'enrmna- the Qnef\Sift-~duct. i'tI& tJleged ofilflClII'VtIUI ba dlscipr~i!1 art .",,1Dprla1e mannar. .up 11:1 liUId indullng 1lIrmina1\an.

I I+ni 1eam rneI11ber will) nGIIIu a Wlpart 01 ~. lmJ1l~t\l taIfl~ 1D ~\ho ~ PIIafIIe SarviGa- tor 1ra1Rl*1S ~nd Qu/daneIt.

Relalilllion iIIIainst any ""';.mtmber, who in good fw1h . repa~ hara'.nlHlc or puf1lclpllfd in 8le InYeII\p'ftan

or I. htraw,rant tall1?lMITIl, I' alriCllt ~1\ItI1\Id. II ~u IhIn1c. yQU .. bl1n\1l1ll'lllalBd.,.,. ~IGIl\lla lit a " h~ comp,..,a..t1 ... \'CUf CIImIIM Wlib ~u 1T111\1Q1t. yalll' .,,"'ent htId or People ~~

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I"Uflrnl, E1Q 11'11\.18 III lit Ie:as\ so empl~ wfI/iJ-n 75rfl1Ju.

"..-IDr'fa!4ng ~v.: U~d I..w InIISllle granWi far Iny Q111t4 fonawllta "80l\Il1 • TD ~ tor JI1~ 8fI'IPlaY'~ d111cf a/Iu~, Qr ptaclflltll1t for.spPliOn orfOol~ QlI1!i -To ~ Jar Ib~ Imp\a1ell':s ~ IDin at' caQSf1'lr, Cf parent, 'ffhO Mi. ,D11aus "ee1U",:afldl"tianj'Or • Far. UIiGUI haailh =ndlllcn u,lt maJ¥Is 1Iw ernpl~ 'I/l2IbIc: ID perM lI\u~ lab. At 'hI! 'Yl\Jllo~'.s or 8ft'C)IOYtr'I apllal\, ~B1'IUt kIMs at ~ IIaV8 \'!'ClY be auDad"tuIed for IIl'Ipatd 1uva.


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Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 10 of 12

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Anyol18lrM1luid In ~ hal3asmAnt rnv=USldion Wj10 il'ltan\IDliaJ\v rnilkes unbulhi1.Jl statements May faQe dlIl:lp~ adICIn. IlP ;0 Ind Induling I!nnltiatlol\.

A~fOanS Cur"1'aldnr Lcnc: • Un_lllve INRit be gr.mtad tar Dl\V at Ute fDlIawlng~

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Case 4:02-cv-00577-DJS Document 22 Filed 12/18/2002 Page 12 of 12UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT -- EASTERN MISSOURI INTERNAL RECORD KEEPING


4:02cv577 EEOC vs RadioShack

42:2000e Job Discrimination (Employment)

Patrick Gavin -Melvin Kennedy - 33222 Amy Marchant - 100302 Jack Rowe -Barbara Seely - 10607 David Terry - 44519

Fax: 816-292-2001 Fax: 314-539-7895 Fax: 314-613-2550 Fax: 816-292-2001 Fax: 314-539-7895 Fax: 314-725-1609


DEC 1 8 Z002 KH