Ode to our grandmothers

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ode to our grandmothers

Mother’s Day, 2010

With Love and Appreciation

To the Dadima and Nanima of Anand and Umed Maru

There is a common truth

across cultures

That who we are, where we

go, and what we will


Rests on the strength of

where we once were.

And so it is that

grandmothers rule the


Your sense of adventure

Of beauty

Of play

Of athleticism

Of compassion

Of science

Of love

Of style…

creates new worlds,

shapes our minds,

teaches us how to be,

who to be and where we


Your successes become

our future.

You are our mothers

and sisters

and wives.

Where you run, we follow.

You bring with you the

wisdom of those before you

and the promise of those to


Wherever we amble,

we carry your image,

your teachings,

your admonitions,

your aspirations.

Wherever we roam,

we carry you in our hearts,
