Ode Tech Lit 1

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Transcript of Ode Tech Lit 1

Brittani PotterEDU 10201-2

HistoryGrade 10

E. Analyze connections between World War II, the Cold War and contemporary conflicts

World War II1939-1945

September 1, 1939- World War II officially begins by German and Soviet Union invasion of Poland

Many countries such as France and most British countries declare war on Germany

U.S. Enters World War II

December 7, 1941-Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asks Congress to declare war against Japan

U.S. joins France and Britain in the Allied Powers

End of


Germany surrenders on May 8, 1945, a week after Hitler’s alleged suicide

Japan continued to fight as long as they could hold out, which was only a few months

Japan surrendered September 2, 1945 aboard the A.S.S. Missourideclared the end of World War

The war is over!!

President Roosevelt officially declared, by Presidential Proclamation, the end of World War II on December 31, 1946.

Post-war Countries

United States came out of war with better economy due to selling war machinery to European countries

Post-war Germany in shambles and greatly in debt to several countries

Soviet Union a Super Power?

Soviet Union exits World War II as a powerful country

Communism was the basis of the Soviet Government

Soviet Union attempts to control other countries and spread communism throughout Europe

Communism: A threat dressed in


The U.S. fears communism will spread and possibly start another world war

“Red Scare” - Everyone accused everyone of being a communist

Many people jailed and killed over accusations of being Soviet Union spies

The Cold War

A non-physical war begins in 1945 between the U.S. and the Soviet Union

Threats were traded between the two super powers for over 30 years

U.S. practiced “containment,” which was the stopping of communism from spreading from already communist nations

The BerlinWall

Berlin, Germany separated into 4 different sectors

Non-Communist sectors were led by the British, the French and the United States

The Soviet Union controlled the other part of Berlin

The Berlin Wall

Soviet Union builds wall around non-Communist area of Berlin in 1961

The wall was built to stop people from entering freedom in West Berlin

The Berlin Wall was finally brought down on November 9, 1989, reuniting families and friends from both sides of the wall

The Korean Conflict

Communist North Korea fought against South Korea and the United States for control of South Korea

North Korea wanted to unite both North and South Korea under one Communist government

Not considered a war, the Korean Conflict lasted only 3 years, beginning June 25, 1950 and the armistice being signed on July 27, 1953


WarAnother war started because of the fear of the spreading of communism

58,209 American casualties in the years of the war, 1959-1975

The Vietnam War

A war lasting 14 years was bound to end at some point, and it did, in April of 1975

The war did not end in favor of the non-Communists countries, but the world gave a small sigh of relief knowing such a major war had come to an end

A Deadly Chain of Events

World War II led to a huge fear of communism

The fear of Communism not only led to tension between powerful countries, it led to two very bloody and costly wars

Even to this day, people still fear Communism and the chance it could spread to more countries