October Astro Forecast 2015

Post on 03-Mar-2016

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October Astro Forecast 2015

Transcript of October Astro Forecast 2015

  • Tarot Reading for

    Astrology Forecast-October 2015

    1 Aries 21 Mar to 20 Apr: The Fool


    The positive news continues this month for Aries in the work sector. Sure, it won't be the Banner

    Month that September was, wherein you experienced the influence of Jupiter, Mars, AND a Solar

    eclipse to give you plenty of energy and drive at the workplace. But in some ways this month will be

    very nearly as productive. The Solar eclipse may be out of the picture, but Mars is fully in your house

    of work this month, whereas in September he only added his influence late in the month. And let's not

    forget our old friend Jupiter, who is still in your house of work and will remain there throughout the

    rest of the year.


    This month is much more conducive to making romantic connections than the last couple months.

    September's Mercury retrograde in your house of relationships is out of the picture this month, and he'll

    take with him some of the negative thoughts toward romance that floated through your head last

    month. Venus' retrograde is essentially ancient history at this point, and next month brings even more

    good tidings when Mars, your ruler planet, enters your house of relationships. It is during that time that

    Aries will be very likely to start up a relationship.

  • In Love

    You'll no doubt be relieved to learn that your relationship will be on more solid footing during this

    time. The retrogrades of Mercury and Venus that have caused hiccups and miscommunication between

    you and your lover are at an end, and the rest of the year looks to be free from these negative influences

    and, to be sure, anything negative whatsoever as per your romantic kinship. What little planetary action

    is left in the year all skews positive, especially Mars entering your house of relationships in November.

    By all accounts, your relationship is safeguarded for the rest of the year against any malevolent

    planetary machinations.


    The last couple months have seen you spending money in various forms, and the checks you wrote out

    for August and September were likely more than you would have liked to have spent, despite the fact

    that on the whole you found some great values and acted smartly regarding money. But this kvetching

    over money is good, because it's part of an overall trend where you're becoming more responsible with

    your earnings, something that some of the larger planets have been instilling in you in the last couple

    years. And Aries is a great beneficiary of these lessons, because your sign is notorious for being a

    spendthrift at times. So try to look on the bright side if you keep thinking about the money you've been

    putting out: You're becoming a more fiscally responsible individual, and that in and of itself is, well,



    This month you'll be back to your usual focus on fitness and appearance. Remember last month when

    we cautioned you against overeating? Well, even if you did try to keep your gluttony in check, the

    chances are good you gained a pound or two. And this month you'll have the energy and dedication

    back in your corner to help you shed those extra pounds and maybe even a couple on top of that. It's

    always refreshing to see Aries return to peak form and, as you'll see, that's what these last three months

    of the year will be all about.

    2 Taurus 21 Apr to 20 May: XIV Temperance


    October will start out just like September, with you feeling overwhelmed with your work and less

    productive than you'd like to be. The reason behind this is none other than our foe Mercury, who

    retrograded in your house of work last month, causing you all of this strife. But while October begins

    with the same frustration that you experienced in September, things begin to brighten up very quickly.

  • Mercury leaves your house of work early in the month, and you'll feel a weight lift off your shoulders.

    You'll return to your productive, discerning self, and easily make up for the time and productivity you

    lost during your spell with Mercury. All you need to do is hoof it through that first week in October and

    you'll be just fine.


    The last couple months have been very kind to Taurus insofar as love is concerned, with Jupiter

    entering your house of love in August and a Solar eclipse in the same house last month. But perhaps

    October may in fact be the best month for Tauruses hoping to find love. After all, Jupiter is still in your

    house of love where he'll remain for the rest of the year and beyond, but this month you get an extra

    push from Mars, who is in your house of love to stay throughout October. You'll be driven to find love,

    encouraged to keep love, and just generally think about love day in and day out.

    In Love

    This is a great time to reconnect with your lover and remember the reasons why you got together in the

    first place. The name of the game this month is love. Not relationships, not intimacy, but just pure,

    dripping, unadulterated love. The thing that makes us fall for one another in the first place, that first

    glance where you know that this person is something special. This month you'll experience that love

    again, and the two of you will forget about any fights or friction that may have plagued you in months

    past. It's a great time to be a Taurus in a relationship.


    Now that Saturn has returned to Sagittarius and your sixth house, which rules money matters, you

    might start to feel difficulty in this area return. Saturn likes to instill tough lessons on his subjects in

    order to improve them in whatever area he's currently in, and you've been granted a reprieve from his

    financial tutelage while he's been backtracked in Scorpio. But prepare for more instruction from this

    big planet, some of which may leave you feeling pinched and even overwhelmed. Don't worry, this is

    all for your benefit, even though it may not seem like it at the time.


    You'll feel free both mentally and physically this month. The Lunar eclipse last month in the house of

    subconscious thought was the last period in which you were shedding excess emotional baggage and

    buried feelings, capping off a trend that has been with you throughout the year, most notably in April

    with a Solar eclipse in the same sector. And now that we're nearing the end of both the year and this

    period of baggage-shedding, you've got a clear, healthy outlook on life that will see you through 2015

    and beyond.

  • 3 Gemini 21 May to 20 Jun: Ace of Wands


    Struggles with coworkers and superiors are a distinct possibility for you this month. Saturn has now

    returned to your seventh house, which rules professional partnerships and business dealings. Remember

    that Saturn can be quite strict in his dealings when you're in the midst of his influence, and it's pretty

    easy to see that this could lead to communication problems with your colleagues. The important thing

    here is to avoid losing your head and descending into argumentative territory. Keep a cool head and

    you should be just fine.


    This month bodes well for single Geminis looking for love. Or, at least it's a sight better than last year

    when Mercury retrograded into your house of love and caused you to struggle with courtship and

    potential relationships. That being said, the retrograde will still be occurring in the early part of the

    month, but it will quickly move on and leave you with a much more positive October, which will itself

    turn into an even better November, when Mars enters your house of love and brings even better

    romantic possibilities.

    In Love

    Geminis in a relationship have had it a bit rough in the last couple months. The Summer was all but

    bereft of romantic activity, and September was wasted on a Mercury retrograde. But this month marks

    the start of a positive streak that will get even better next month and then continue through the

    remainder of 2015. During this time you and your partner will make up for the stilted progression that

    you've experienced since June or so. It's been a while in coming, but things are starting to look up for



    Mars has been making the rounds in the home and family sector of several signs over the past few

    months. And this month it's your turn. Chances are good that you'll be spending money on some form

    of home improvement project, most likely related to the outside of your domicile. This may involve

    roofing or painting the exterior of your home. Whatever the case, you may cringe at the amount of

    money you're forced to relinquish, but that will be alleviated by your genuine interest and excitement at

    these minor renovations, whatever they may entail.


  • Pain in the midsection has the potential to creep up and we recommend that if you feel any kind of

    pain, no matter how minor, to schedule a checkup immediately. There are any number of ailments in

    this area that can be indicative of potentially life-threatening issues, such as an inflamed appendix or

    gallbladder. This is one area that you don't want to dilly-dally on. While it may cause you some

    irritation if your doctor tells you that you just had mild indigestion, it's far better than doing nothing as

    your liver becomes infected.

    4 Cancer 21 Jun to 20 Jul: Five of Pentacles


    We discussed last month how this part of the year is one in which you'll see far more luck and fortune

    in your work life, mostly due to Jupiter being fully in your third house for the rest of the year and

    beyond. You can expect more fortune, and the best part is that there is no more negative planetary

    action for the rest of the year that might harm your progress in this sector. In other words, the rest of

    2015 is smooth sailing. Enjoy it Cancer, and make the most of the remaining months of the year.


    Cancer is a sign that consistently craves love and relationships, but tends to avoid situations where

    couplings arise. Traditionally, a Cancer prefers the comfort of the home, often choosing a warm hearth

    over a trendy nightclub or intimidating speed-dating circuit. But this month you'll tire of the home

    scene, especially if you live with parents or other relatives. The appeal of family will be greatly

    diminished at this time, and you'll be far more interested in these social settings of which you typically

    have little interest. And that in and of itself raises your chances of meeting someone special. This has

    the potential to be a very fruitful month for love.

    In Love

    Cancers in a relationship will also feel a tug away from family and relatives, and there's a good reason.

    During this time there is a Mercury retrograde in the house ruling family and home, and that brings

    with it the potential of plenty of infighting and disagreements. Even if things don't boil to a head, you'll

    become burned out with family members pretty quickly. The problem, though, is that single Cancers

    have an outlet for this stress they can spend a night out on the town. Cancers in committed relationships may not have that luxury: You may still have to take care of your children, or remain

    faithful to your spouse or lover. As such, we recommend you do the best you can to weather this time,

    and take comfort in the fact that this retrograde won't last through the entirety of October: It will wane

    early in the month and things will return to a more placid state.

  • Finances

    The Venus retrograde in your house of money during August and September is now ancient history and

    financial comfort and stability returns in full form. In much the same way that the harshest lessons and

    planetary actions in the areas related to your work and career have now passed, the trials and

    tribulations you've dealt with this year related to money are also in the rearview mirror. Sure, there will

    be new challenges in 2016, but for now you can rest easy, coasting on a comfortable financial situation

    for the rest of the year.


    This is a very positive period for Cancers as far as mental health goes, with the worries and anxiety that

    you experienced earlier in the year now a distant memory. Mars entered the house ruling your mind and

    thoughts at the end of September, and he'll be with you for the entirety of October, and he'll give you

    plenty of mental energy and wherewithal. This is the perfect time to read more, to learn more about the

    world you live in, or even to start any creative projects that you've been considering. Your outlook will

    remain optimistic and healthy, free from depression, stress, and anything negative.

    5 Leo 21 Jul to 21 Aug: Knight of Wands


    You'll want to be careful this month to avoid any kind of backbiting or snappy comments at work.

    Throughout the month it will be harder to still your tongue, and if anyone makes the mistake of

    criticizing you, they'll be bombarded with the full weight of your verbal wrath. Sarcasm, pithy insults,

    and other vocal venom will spew forth if left unchecked, and we don't need to spell out for you how

    dangerous this can be to your friendships at work, to say nothing of your overall career. Put a clamp on

    that mouth this month, Leo, and come November you'll be happy you did.


    Saturn spent a good chunk of the year backtracked into Scorpio, but now he's back in Sagittarius where

    he'll stay for quite some time. But more importantly, he's returned to your fifth house, which is the

    house of love. Since he's here for the long haul, it's imperative to know that for the rest of the year and

    beyond you'll begin to return to a trend that you may have noticed traces of since he first entered

    Sagittarius. You'll become sick of the whole dating game, and the idea of one night stands and

    meaningless flings will be an anathema to you. Only a real relationship will do, and it's all that you'll

  • settle for. Prepare to spend some nights alone as you hold out for a real love. It might get lonely at

    times, but in the end we promise you it will be worth it.

    In Love

    This is an area where Leos in a relationship are far better off than their single peers. You've already

    found a love worth keeping, and during this time Saturn will help the two of you to grow closer over

    the rest of the year and well into 2016. Now, that being said, there will of course be challenges. That's

    simply how Saturn operates. And this month will bring complications to any couple that has children.

    You'll have strained relationships with your kids during this time, and this in turn has the potential to

    cause friction between you and your partner, most likely due to differences in opinion on discipline and

    the like. It won't be easy, but remember that there's a method to Saturn's maddening ways. Lessons will

    be learned, and they will be worth it.


    While there may be personal challenges to a select swath of Leos this month, one thing that should

    bring a smile to every Leo face is the entrance of Mars in your house of money. Well, to be precise

    Mars entered this house at the end of September, but he's here for the entirety of October and it's in this

    month that he'll be most helpful, bestowing upon you more opportunities for increasing your income

    and helping you to save money at the same time. And let's not forget the fact that Jupiter is now in your

    house of money as well, and will remain there, adding his luck to Mars' energetic influence.


    Early in the month you may experience trouble concentrating, and on the whole you'll have a rough

    time trying to be optimistic. Self-doubt will also be something to look out for. The reason? None other

    than a Mercury retrograde, this time in the house of mental issues. But the bright side is that these

    feelings will dissipate pretty early on in October. You'll just need to tough it out for a little over a week,

    and you'll start to see that positivity return in spades. Stiff upper lip, Leo.

    6 Virgo 22 Aug to 22 Sept: Queen of Swords


    Though the overall trend of your work life in 2015 has been generally positive, you no doubt noticed

  • that it's been a topsy-turvy year as far as the fortunes in your career are considered. But the negative

    machinations in this area are over for the year, and you can begin to look forward to the future. That's

    doubly true this month due to Mars entering your sign. With his influence you'll experience more

    motivation, energy, and dedication in your job. You'll also have more confidence and focus, making this

    one of the more wholly positive months for career growth that you've seen thus far this year.


    A clean slate is in the cards for Virgo this month. We talked at length in the last couple months about

    how many Virgos will see their relationships end in August and September, and how the planetary

    machinations on the whole made it a bad idea to start up a relationship until after that period. And

    there's a good chance that you are a newly single Virgo, who yourself lost a relationship to the recent

    actions of the cosmos. No matter the case, this is the perfect time to get back on the horse. All the

    roadblocks have fallen by the wayside and a relationship begun now has plenty of potential for growth.

    In Love

    For Virgos who kept their relationship intact this month, we come bearing great tidings. Though it's

    been a rocky year for your sign as far as love goes, it's clear that your relationship is meant to last.

    Indeed, any coupling that weathered the storm of this past Summer has passed the test, which was

    meant to weed out relationships that were unhealthy and doomed to fail. And with the rest of the year

    completely free of any negative events related to love, you can rest easy and hold each other close,

    knowing that 2015 will end on a positive note.


    The Mercury retrograde that has plagued your house of money in recent weeks finally comes to an end

    this month. The first week or so of October may present the last residual effects of this retrograde, but it

    will be over before you know it. And the best bit is that things will only get better from here on out.

    Mars will enter your house of money, helping to get the taste of Mercury out of your mouth, and he'll

    be with you until the New Year, giving you one last boost of financial assistance.


    Your energy is higher this month, which is often a good thing, considering it allows industrious Virgo

    to accomplish even more tasks with that aplomb you're known for. But you'll want to be careful this

    month, because your energy stores make it so that you run the risk of becoming restless, impatient, and

    even fussy. But keeping your workload high will help prevent these problems from becoming too

    apparent, and if there's any sign that is skilled in finding something, anything to do, it's yours.

  • 7 Libra 23 Sept to 22 Oct: VIII Strength


    The Mercury retrograde in your sign ends this month, which you will no doubt notice. For nearly a

    month you felt like everyone was out to get you, and every decision you made seemed to blow up in

    your face. This was compounded by the fact that Venus ( the planet that rules Libra) was retrograded

    last month and the month before as well. But now that pesky retrograde action is behind you and you

    can regain your confidence and wherewithal at work. And it couldn't come at a better time.


    This month presents plenty of possibilities for meeting someone special, but there's a good chance that

    you won't be inclined to start a new relationship around this time. This is actually quite a good thing,

    because you're weighing your options wisely and holding out for someone with whom you can feel a

    true connection. Sure, you may have a lonely night or two along the way, but it will ultimately be for

    the better. We congratulate you on your patience, Libra, and we know you'll find the right person.

    In Love

    Libras in a relationship are in a great position, simply for the fact that they're still together. The last

    couple months have been about separating the wheat from the chaff, and many a Libra has become

    newly single in that time, mainly because their relationship wasn't right for them and didn't provide

    enough room for growth. But if you're still with your main squeeze, it means that the two of you truly

    do share something special, and the rest of the year provides the opportunity for the two of you to grow

    even closer to one another.


    As your work life gets better, so does your financial standing. After all, the retrograde in your sign

    focused mainly on your productivity and mental energy, and now all of that is behind you. The rest of

    the year looks very bright for Libra and, while there are only two months left in 2015, that doesn't mean

    that you can't make the most of it. The first week of October may present some minor difficulties, as

    Mercury is just on his way out, but it will dissipate early and leave you in a much happier state for the

    rest of the month.


    This month you'll have a larger appetite than usual, and will run for seconds at the dinner table whereas

  • in other times you might have eaten just enough to make yourself relatively full. We would typically

    caution you about this, but as it happens you also will be more inclined to eat healthy, nourishing food.

    So while you may overeat a tad, it won't be fried food and candy that you gorge on, but whole grains,

    vegetables, and the like. In the end, we'll just leave it up to your discretion.

    8 Scorpio 23 Oct to 22 Nov: VI The Lovers


    Self-doubt has a chance of creeping in and harming your productivity at work. You may be more

    inclined to double-check your work or overanalyze small details at the cost of your overall efficiency.

    But luckily you have a friend in Jupiter. He's been in Virgo, in your eleventh house, which rules

    teamwork, groupthink, and professional interaction. And since he's a sign that loves to help out his

    subjects in any way he can, you'll find that your coworkers and supervisors will help you to keep up

    that confidence and become more sure of yourself. It's a good thing you've got a friend like that in your

    back corner, no?


    This month you stand a good chance of pining over ex-girlfriends or boyfriends and pining over lost

    loves from years ago. It's a very nostalgic month for you, and it isn't anything to be ashamed of. After

    all, every one of us looks back through rose-colored glasses every now and then, and since you're

    single there really is no guilt or shame in it. You might end up trying to contact some of these blasts

    from the past, and while that too isn't in and of itself a bad thing, we should let you know that it isn't

    likely to work out in any way that is beneficial to you.

    In Love

    Scorpios in a relationship won't be as fixated on the past as single Scorpios, although many of you will

    want to recapture the magic that you experienced when you and your lover first started dating, before

    the routine set in. This is actually somewhat healthy, because it can encourage you to add a spark to a

    relationship that may be in a stale period. You could see yourself going out to fancier restaurants or

    trying new experiences together, or even adding some spice in the bedroom, all of which we

    wholeheartedly encourage.


    Now that Saturn is back in Sagittarius, and your second house, you'll see a return to the money

  • concerns that you were given a reprieve from during Saturn's backtrack. Once again you'll be worried

    about money and try harder to decrease expenditures. Stress is likely to creep up related to financial

    matters, and you'll hunt more bargains. This is actually a more apparently positive aspect of Saturn's

    influence, because sometimes he can add frustration and stress that isn't as clear-cut as this. But here

    you'll see Saturn influencing you in a directly positive way that will have an immediate impact on your

    financial situation, so while we advise that you don't become too worried about money, we do

    encourage your cost-cutting measures.


    There are ups and downs for Scorpio this month, but if there's one area that presents no difficulties

    whatsoever, it's health. The charts don't indicate any negative health issues for Scorpio this month, so

    you can relax in the comfort of knowing that nothing should befall you in this area. Of course, you

    should still try to maintain a proper level of fitness and nutrition, but knowing that there will be no

    monkey wrenches thrown into the works should provide for you at least a moderate level of relief.

    9 Sagittarius 23 Nov to 20 Dec: Two of Swords


    This month positively screams productivity at the workplace, and it couldn't come at a better time.

    Much of this good fortune will come at the hands of Jupiter, who is still in your tenth house, which

    rules professional aspiration, goals, and success. And he'll be with you at every turn. But the real

    double whammy is Mars, who is in your house of careers for the entire month, adding even more action

    and benefit. Jupiter will provide the luck and Mars will provide the motivation. And when they're put

    together, nothing can stand in your way.


    While there are plenty of reasons to cheer for your successes in work this month, the same can't be said

    for your romantic life. Essentially all the positive machinations in this realm have come and went and

    October looks to be a pretty dry spell insofar as love is concerned. There is the chance of meeting

    someone that you may get close to, but it will be a short-lived affair that ends as quickly as it begins.

    Still, if you're just in the market for a bit of fun, it will at least provide that.

    In Love

    This month is one to be wary of for Sagittarians in a relationship, because it looks to be stale and full of

    ennui. If you're not careful, boredom can creep up and cause any number of problems for your

  • relationship. Your best hope is that you're in a relationship with someone whose sign will provide some

    level of excitement or a breath of fresh air, because it certainly won't be coming from Sagittarius this

    month. Still, there are ways to combat boredom, and they can range from a mini-vacation to a night out

    on the town or even a new restaurant. Variety is the spice of life, Sagittarius, and this spice might be

    just what you need to get out of your relationship funk.


    Expect to earn more money than usual this month, thanks to the influence of both Mars and Jupiter on

    your career. That being said, not all Sagittarians will see an immediate increase in their financial

    standing. For many of you the groundwork is being laid and the higher income will accrue in the

    coming months. As such, it is important that you remain patient. Good things are on the way, and in

    truth they're already happening. You should be thankful for that rather than fretting over how long it's

    taking you to move up the ladder.


    Your immune system is a bit weaker this month, and you'll want to be more cautious about interacting

    with people who may be suffering from a virus of some sort. The problem is that this month provides

    many more opportunities to get sick than usual. Most notably, you'll be working hands-on with more

    people at the workplace, any of which might pass on a bug they picked up from their kids. And with

    this month providing so many opportunities for growth in your career, it would be a right shame to see

    this period squandered because you're at home, sick in bed, missing out on these great chances.

    10 Capricorn 21 Dec to 19 Jan: XXI The World


    We hope that you took last month's advice to make the most of your time at work in September, when

    Saturn ended his backtrack into Scorpio and your eleventh house, which centered around productivity

    at work. This month he's back in Sagittarius and your twelfth house, and he is no longer giving you any

    last-minute help at the workplace. You may notice it takes a bit longer this month to finish your tasks at

    the office (or wherever you work), but don't lose heart just yet. It'll be a less productive month, but

    right around the corner are good tidings in the form of Mars, who will enter your house of Careers in

    November, helping you to step up your game. Just hold out through October and you'll see things pick

    up in a noticeable way.


  • In the last couple months most single Capricorns have wanted to stay single. This is perfectly

    understandable, because the planetary motions made it so that you didn't want to deal with anything

    related to romance. There was a Venus Retrograde in your house of intimacy through August and part

    of September, and it caused you to become averse to the very idea of love. But this month those

    influences are gone and you'll see a return to form. The idea of relationships and love will become

    more appealing to you, and you'll once again try to seek it out.

    In Love

    Capricorns in a relationship had it worse than their single peers in the last couple months. Whereas

    unattached Capricorns had the luxury of avoiding love and not having a partner to answer to, you've

    been dealing with these problems while still having to fulfill your role as a lover, despite being burned

    out on love. But those bad times are now at an end and October will see your relationship returning to

    its former heights. You're back in the saddle and couldn't be happier about it, and your partner will be

    equally thrilled to have the old You back.


    This month you'll have better purchasing power when it comes to electronics. If you've got any loved

    ones who want a new television set or video game system for Christmas, you may wish to get out this

    month and start that holiday shopping early. You'll find better deals on everything from smart phones to

    stereo systems and everything in between, so long as it has a battery or a plug. Even if you're a

    Capricorn who could care less about computers and HDTVS, you may even surprise yourself by

    finding a PC that you just can't pass up because of its low price.


    Last month was the beginning of a period in which you felt more optimistic and positive about life, and

    your general outlook was far healthier. This was due both to Jupiter entering Virgo in August and a

    Solar eclipse in Virgo in September. But prepare yourself, because things are about to get even better.

    Mars is now in Virgo, where he'll remain for the entirety of October. This will help your mental outlook

    to become even better, and you'll crave education and enlightenment and be averse to negative thoughts

    of any kind. Enjoy this period of mental health, Capricorn, because it truly is one of the finest gifts the

    Cosmos can bestow on somebody.

    11 Aquarius 20 Jan to 18 Feb: Page of Pentacles

  • Work/Career

    We hope that you took last month's advice about making the most of Saturn's last moments in Scorpio

    to heart. During that period Scorpio was bestowing his final gifts on your tenth house, helping you to

    achieve more career goals and rise up the ranks at your workplace. But even if you didn't, don't fret too

    much. Saturn is now back in your eleventh house, and that house too is related to work and careers. It

    rules teamwork and productivity, and can also provide growth within your job. The only problem is that

    Saturn isn't as overtly beneficial now that he's back in Sagittarius, meaning that he is helping you to

    grow as a person, but his lessons are tougher and more strict rather than bountiful. You've got your

    work cut out for you, but it will ultimately be for the best.


    This is a great month for single Aquarians to find that someone special. Mars has recently been making

    the rounds through your houses that relate to love and romance: He was in your house of love in May

    and June, and in your house of relationships in August and September. The only problem was that

    retrogrades from both Mercury and Venus killed any real potential for growth in those areas. But this

    month he's in your house of intimacy and there are no retrogrades to harm your progress. That means

    it's smooth sailing for any Aquarius looking to get close to someone new.

    In Love

    Mars entering Aquarius' house of intimacy is even better for those of you who are already in

    relationships. The aforementioned travels of Mars that were stilted by retrogrades made it difficult for

    you and your lover to have any real romance and grow as a couple. But now that everything is in the

    clear, Mars will help the two of you to become more intimate than you've been for quite a while, or

    perhaps ever. Get ready to grow closer to the man or woman that you love, because it's about to



    This month is great for any Aquarius who has been considering making an investment in a stock or

    mutual fund. Your luck related to money isn't at its best, to be honest, but your focus and foresight is

    much higher and your ability to discern a wise investment from a foolish one is razor-sharp. That being

    said, you should still do your research and only invest when you're completely sure of what steps need

    to be taken, but you'll be doing that anyway, so it's a bit reiterative to tell you again. All the same, it

    never hurts to be extra careful.


    This month you'll be more concerned about physical beauty, and you'll be more inclined to seek

    professional help in this regard. Female Aquarians will be more likely to get manicures and pedicures,

    and eschew that cheap cut at Supercuts for a quality job at an expense salon. Male Aquarians will be

    more likely to purchase a new pair of shoes or more fashionable evening wear. What makes this so

    interesting is that Aquarius is a sign that generally could care less about matters of this sort, but even an

  • Aquarius likes to look their best sometimes, so we say go ahead and dote on yourself.

    12 Pisces 19 Feb to 20 Mar: III The Empress


    Mars is no longer in your house of work, so you may notice a bit of a drop in energy and productivity.

    But more apparent will be the fact that Saturn is now fully returned to Sagittarius and your house of

    careers. His end game is to help you grow into a better version of yourself at the workplace, but his

    lessons can be harsh sometimes. You may notice more difficulties at the workplace, and it may seem

    like a small consolation that they're ultimately for your benefit.


    The Mercury retrograde in your house of intimacy ends this month, which will allow you to once again

    crave love and physical affection. We mentioned last month that there was a strong chance of a former

    lover coming back into your life and the two of you trying for another go-round. If that hasn't happened

    yet, the ship has sailed. But regardless, the fact of the matter is that you're now ready to get back out

    there and find a relationship that has meaning and potential, and we wish you the best in your hunt,


    In Love

    It's a great month for Pisceans in a relationship, not least of which is due to the end of the

    aforementioned Mercury retrograde. But even better news is the fact that Mars is in your house of

    relationships for the entire month. This will provide you with the impetus needed to make your

    relationship grow in a healthy and productive way, and fighting will be at a minimum. Really, the entire

    rest of the year looks extremely fortuitous for Pisces, with Mars' influence in this house lasting into

    November and then moving into your house of intimacy to end the year.


    Pisceans will be more averse to spending money this month, and some may even take things too far and

    be labeled a cheapskate. But that being said, this isn't really a bad thing: You've had an uneven year as

    far as money goes and though ultimately you'll come out on top for 2015, it's rarely a bad idea to

    tighten the purse strings. Especially when you consider the holiday season is right around the corner,

    and that will bring with it its own expenses related to food and gift-giving.

  • Health

    This month your blood pressure may be a bit higher than usual, and while for the vast majority of

    Pisces this won't make too much of a difference, we would feel reckless if we didn't provide a warning

    for any Pisces who has a history of heart or blood pressure problems. After all, even the slightest

    elevation in blood pressure can spell doom for such a person. As such, we recommend you avoid fried,

    fatty foods, and do your best to avoid stress and anger. Following this advice just may save your life

    this month.