October 12, 2012 - Volume 52 Number 41

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Transcript of October 12, 2012 - Volume 52 Number 41


THE BLUES ARE ALRIGHT!_______, Sherri Doll Richardson and _____

Nobody Covers the Metroplex Like the Elite News

October 12, 2012

Volume 52 Number 41 www.dfwelitenews.com

Devoted to the Truth--

The Whole Truth and Nothing but

the Truth!

Telling it like it is!

The Spoken Word is Like the Air - But the Printed Word is Always There

The Official Voice of the Church and Community

Remembering Misty Mitchell


2 OCTOBER 12, 2012 W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M








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CT BBQ Postcard_Layout 1 2/7/2012 2:32 PM Page 1

“If You Want a Real Meal, Come to CT’s Real Deal”

Sunday 30 Meats and 20Vegs.


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CT BBQ Postcard_Layout 1 2/7/2012 2:32 PM Page 1

By Joseph Green-BishopElite News Staffwriter

One of the finest young legal minds in the state of Texas is making a bid for a seat on the Texas 5th Court of Appeals. The court hears appeals of civil and criminal matters. Tonya J. Holt, a graduate of the Texas Southern University’s Thurgood Marshall Law School, is seeking to become a Democratic member of the court which is dominated by Republicans.

“Justice matters,” said Holt, a former attorney in the Texas Attorney General’s office in Austin. “I am a civil rights attorney and I believe that people deserve a judiciary that serves without regard to race and economic status.”

As an attorney in private practice, corporate practice and government service, Holt has represented plaintiffs and defendants. “My clients have included large national corporations, small businesses, labor unions

and individuals,” said Holt, who also worked as a labor attorney for the U.S. Postal Service.

The court that Holt is seeking sits in Dallas but covers six counties, including Collin County, Dallas County, Grayson county, Hunt County, Kaufman County and Rockwell County.

“Tonya Holt is a diligent and fair-minded attorney who will be an excellent justice on the court,” said Dallas Attorney Larry Taylor. “She is one of the finest legal minds in the state of Texas. It is imperative that people support her bid for office.”

While an Assistant Attorney General Holt stood up for the rights of the elderly and protected the interest of law enforcement officials. “I am supporting her effort to become a jurist because I believe that she brings a sense of fairness and effectiveness to the legal arena,” Taylor said. “Texas needs someone like her to take a seat on the 5th Court of Appeals.”

It is time for a change Kirk Launius for Dallas County Sheriff

Lillie Ralph strongly supports Kirk Launius, the Republican candidate for Dallas County Sheriff. Mr. Launius is a business owner, United States Navy Veteran, and former Dallas Police Officer who has patrolled South Dallas, Oak Cliff and

Pleasant Grove. Kirk Launius will use his business, military, and police experience to run our jail and sheriff’s department more efficiently, fight drugs and crime, protect your life and property, make our schools and neighborhoods

safer, and make ALL the citizens proud of our Dallas County Sheriff’s Department. VOTE November 6th for Kirk Launius – Republican for Dallas

County Sheriff. Kirk Launius is ready to serve ALL the people of Dallas County !!!

Pol. ad. paid for by Kirk Launius Campaign

Kirk Launius for Dallas County Sheriff

“Kirk Launius is the best candidate for Dallas County Sheriff”, says political activist Pauline Dedrick. “I strongly endorse Kirk Launius, the Republican

candidate for Dallas County Sheriff.” Mr. Launius is a business owner, United States Navy Veteran, and former Dallas Police Officer who has patrolled South

Dallas, Oak Cliff and Pleasant Grove. Kirk Launius will use his business, military, and police experience to run our jail and sheriff’s department more efficiently, fight drugs and crime, protect your life and property, make our schools and neighborhoods safer, and make ALL the citizens proud of our Dallas County Sheriff’s Department. VOTE November 6th for Kirk Launius – Republican for Dallas County Sheriff. Kirk Launius is ready to serve ALL the

people of Dallas County !!!

Pol. ad. paid for by Kirk Launius Campaign

W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 3

Much has been said and written about the performance of President Barack Obama during the most recent debate with Mitt Romney. Some say that the President was not aggressive and that Mitt Romney was the winner of the debate.

People must understand that debate performances do not determine who should be the leader of the free world. The fact of the matter is that Mitt Romney was a bully during the last debate. He was rude and he lied.

The American public does not need a president who changes his position each time that he is asked a question. The American public needs

a President who can lead them, who they can trust and who they can believe in. The fact of the matter is that the American people should not believe in Mitt Rom-ney because Mitt Rom-ney does not believe in them.

All of the country saw the tapes in which Romney wrote off nearly 50 percent of the American people. He is not for the average person in this country. He is for the wealthy, the well-heeled and those who spend more time at cocktail parties than they do in the work place.

Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, are playing a game that is over their heads. They understand how to build garages with elevators in them, but they have no idea how to help someone who

is seeking a job, or seeking a loan for a college education for their son or daughter or seeking an insurance policy that will give them quality

healthcare and not send them to the poor house.

This election is crucial. People cannot afford to sit at home and think that the president has it in the bag. He does not. There are people who are against him, who hate him and they are going to do everything in their power to defeat him.

It is something that we cannot allow to happen. We must do all that we can to elect President Obama to a second term. He has served us well and we must reward him for that service. Vote for our country, vote for President Obama.

A Word from

the PublisherBy Debra Blair-Abron

FOUNDING THOUGHTS By William “Bill” Blair

Elite News Founder


2349 Cedar Crest Blvd.Dallas, Tx 75203

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Pastor Clarence HendersonDr. Karen Hollie

Geraldine Davidson-HookerKevan BrowningWanda McKinley



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Mr. Obama’s Performance





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Recently, a close colleague spoke at a funeral in Chicago. During his remarks he mentioned that he was from Dallas.

After the cere-mony a woman approached him and said that her son, Frank, had been a

drug abuser as a student at Prairie View A&M University.

She told my colleague that a friend of his, called “Ice Water” came to her son’s assistance and encouraged him to become drug free.

“He pushed my son and got him to understand that he was moving down a path towards destruction,” she said. “After months of working with him, ‘Ice Water’ was successful and Frank became drug free.”

I am very proud of this story because the young man called “Ice Water” was in fact, one of my sons, Jordan Blair, who succumbed to a fatal disease earlier this year. Perhaps Frank would not have made it, said his mother, if Jordan has not stepped into his life.

Frank is now working a full-time job in Chicago. He is a productive citizen and is building a life for himself. He came to Jordan’s funeral and praised him for the role that he played in his recovery.

Life is sometimes very mysterious. We have no idea what is going to happen from one day to the next. There are times when we see someone on the street and the next day we see their picture in the obituary column.

The pace of our lives is such that we have no time to lose. We must follow the example of Jordan, and others like him, and reach out to others and aid them when we can and if we can.

As people, we are all inter-related. We are all our brother’s keepers as is often said.

Yes, I am very proud of my son and God knows I wish that he was here with me and his family.

But he is not. Yet, his memory and his work shall live forever.

Like Frank and his mother said, my son, Jordan Blair, was a wonderful human being!

Jordan’s Impact

Jordan Blair

President Obama


By Geraldine Davidson-Hooker

Commitment is most certainly a message that our society needs to hear today that was evident from a letter that a young man was writing to his girlfriend. The young man poured out his heart’s devotion on paper as he wrote to the girl of his dreams: “Darling: I would climb the highest mountain, swim the widest stream, cross the burning desert, and die at the stake for you. P.S. I will see you on Saturday it doesn’t rain.” As funny as that is it describes the idea that a lot of people have about commitment. We live in society where people promise to stay married until death and leave at the first sign of trouble, Promise to serve God faithfully but jump ship at the first big wave, commit themselves

to church membership but quickly leave the first time someone disagrees with their opinion. I want you to know today that this message is not for the world or the people who aren't here, this is a message that every one of us need to hear today and apply to our hearts and life. Apply it to our marriages, relationship with our Lord and to church. Naomi, Ruth and Orpah are left alone in Moab. Naomi hears news that there is food again in the land of Israel. It is not a religious decision to go back to Israel, at this point it is a survival decision. There is food again in Israel so it’s time to go back home. Naomi tells her daughter-in laws to both go back home, because she is too old to get remarried and have more sons. Naomi is starting to get a little bitter about her situation in life. She said, “For it is exceeding bitter to me for your sake that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me.” One daughter-in law, Orpah

kissed her and turned back, but not Ruth. Ruth Clung to her and that's when we see Ruth’s commitment to her mother in law Naomi. She says where you go I will go, where you lodge I will lodge your people shall be my people and your God my God where you die I will die and there will I be buried. These are words of love. Love is best defined as commitment. And in Ruth's comments to Naomi we see the two most important parts of Christian love or commitment. That's the type of commit-ment we need for Christ if we want to see change in our families, our church and our nation, because it says by our actions that we believe Christ is the answer. Not the gods of this world, not money, not fame, not possessions, not politics, but God alone. It is a commitment that says I cling to Christ through thick and thin through the good times and bad times because I trust that there is no other God besides Him.

4 OCTOBER 12, 2012 W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M

The Official Voice of the Church and Community




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Christian Moments

Debra’s Bits and Pieces

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom

“A thoughtful mind, when itsees a Nation’s flag, sees notthe flag only, but the Nation it-self; and whatever may be itssymbols, its insignia, he readschiefly in the flag the Govern-ment, the principles, the truths,the history which belongs to theNation that sets it forth.”

Out of the Eyes of a Layman

Debra’s Bits and Pieces --“Loyalty is Worth its Weight in Gold! It Covers a Multitude of Weaknesses.”Debra’s Monthly Words of Wisdom: PRUDENCE Make decisions after gathering information and considering consequences. Think things through before taking action. Make wiser decisions. Attain goals through forethought. Learn problem solving. Use caution. Consider the greater good. Learn from past mistakes. Prudence in Action: This month, buy only what is needed. List pros and cons prior to making a decision. Analyze: What could have prevented this? Utilize community resources by consulting experts. Eat to satisfy hunger as opposed to eating until full. Debra Blair-Abron





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by Dr. Karen Hollie

Dear Dr. Hollie,I have this acquaintance, I’m not even comfortable calling her my friend at this point. We don’t talk very often. However, I really care about her and her well-being, so I try to keep in touch by calling or texting her now and then. Her

husband and my husband have the same kind of relationship. Well, the last time I spoke with her, we had a nice little chat; but when her husband relayed some of our conversation to my husband, I didn’t like it, mostly because she was putting words in my mouth. I was very upset and had made up my mind not to speak to her again. Then my husband told me that her husband was planning on leaving her because they weren’t getting along, and he wants out before they have any children. Is it cruel for me to ditch her as well? And am I obligated to tell her that her husband is talking about leaving her?

Don’t Want To Be Cruel

Dear Don’t, Since you have already rekindled this relationship, obviously, you want to stay involved with her. But by no means are you obligated to share with her what her husband shared with your husband. After all, you don’t really know what her husband’s intentions are. If it does end up being true, now is when she needs a friend, or acquaintance, as you call yourself, to talk to.

Dr. Hollie is a Pastor and practicing psychotherapist in the city. For questions and comments, please write to askdrhollie@aol.com.

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“ He who does not trust enough, Will not be trusted. ”

William Blair


By Rev. Clarence Henderson

How important are you? Maybe you

are all of that and a bag of Fritos! We all have that invisible sign that we carry and it say’s “I want to

be important”! Well, you are the crowning glory of God’s creative work. Strangely

enough, the distinctive characteristic which sets man apart from all the rest is that “He prays”! And to pray effectively man must

understand God in prayer. He must see God as our source and not resource. Man has an

open invitation to come to God in Jesus name at any time. His shop is never closed, never under construction, never suffer because

of disasters. Neither, is there such a crowd, where there is no room for you. Though

millions may come, but because you are so important, there will always

be room for you.


Jared Cruz

Lincoln Humanities/Communications Magnet

High School

Favorite Class / Teacher:All of my Classes/All of my


Favorite School Activity(s):Art Club, Basketball, and Cross Country

Favorite Past-Time:

Reading, Running and Playing Basketball

Future Plans:I want to become an Engineer


Rev Kwesi R. Kamau

Christian Chapel Temple of Faith Church

First Lady Iola Cheatham

Little Friendship Baptist Church

Pastor(s): Rev. Freddie M. Cheatham

Favorite Scripture: (Proverbs 3:5)

Favorite Songs: I Will Trust In The Lord and I Know the

Lord Will Make a Way

Favorite Sayings: “I’m going to serve the Lord until I die.

Can’t nobody do me like Jesus.”

Church Affiliations: 1st Lady, President of Senior Mission, Vice President Senior Choir, Assistant

Sunday School Teacher-Class No. 2 and Culinary Committee


Election day is November 6 - Exercise your right to vote -- Don’t be MIA

W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 5

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Fort Worth Connection

By Gloria Reed AustinCo-Founder & Executive DirectorNational Multicultural Western Heritage Museum gaustin@cowboysofcolor.org

On Saturday, October 6, 2013, Boy Scout Troop 558 from Mount Olive Baptist Church Arlington, chaperoned by Scoutmaster Ron Wilson attended the first of four camp outs that the National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum (NMWHM) and the Lakeside Riders Buffalo Soldiers will host as a part of the museum’s Camp Buffalo Soldier Youth Program. The camping adventures take place at the museum’s outdoor learning center and community garden location (3534 E. Berry Street) in Fort Worth. Activities included pitching tents and sleeping under the stars; reviewing camping safety skills, fishing certification, arts and crafts; storytelling around the camp fire, and mentoring sessions, just to name a few of the wholesome activities the youth enjoyed. Lakeside Riders founder Rosieleetta “Lee” Reed (who is also the First Vice President of the Texas Buffalo Soldiers Association) facilitated the camping experience. The project entitled “Camp Buffalo Soldier Youth Program” will provide a safe and positive environment for a weekend of learning and fun! Scoutmaster Wilson stated Troop 558 thoroughly enjoyed and benefitted from learning about the history of the Buffalo Soldiers and bringing those history lessons to life at the camp out, and encourages other Scout Troops to attend. Mr. Wilson also encourages adults to consider volunteering as leaders in Scouting as there are many youth who would like to join a group, but until additional Troop Leaders can be added they will have to remain on a waiting list. We know that one person can make a positive impact in the life of a youth, so please join the volunteer effort to establish more Scouting Troops in your community today!! For additional information you may email Ron Wilson directly at bbfund@charter.net. Future dates for the Camp Buffalo

Youth Camp are January 20-21, 2013; April 5-7, 2013; and July 26-28, 2013. To register to attend the camp, please contact the museum’s business office at (817) 922-9999 or email Info@cowboysofcolor.org. You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort Worth by visiting www.JimAustinOnline.com. You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort Worth by visiting www.JimAustinOnline.com. Troop 558

National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum and Lakeside Riders Buffalo Soldiers hosts First of Four Camp Outs

Election day is November 6 - Exercise your right to vote -- Don’t be MIA

W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 7

Lew BlackburnDallas ISD Trustee

District 5 Life gets busy with work, family and other commitments. We feel pulled first in one

direction, then another. As parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, however, we know that the first priority is always the children. For caring parents and extended families, making sure that each child is prepared to meet the many challenges the future holds begins at the local school, where they are joined by dedicated and effective teachers, principals, other Dallas ISD staff and community volunteers who want the best for every child. To stress the importance of education, many Dallas ISD parents volunteer at their children’s schools, attend PTA meetings, organize fundraisers, and carry out countless other tasks that are welcome and appreciated by the district and the schools. Not all parents can give of their time at that level, but

ensuring their children understand how important education is to their future is the most important of all contributions. For this reason, the Dallas ISD is asking parents to ensure their children’s success in school by focusing on three things: • Make sure your children get to school on time, every day.• Make sure your children do their homework.• Make sure your children read at home every night. These are the components of what the district calls the “ART of Success.” Setting a routine so that, even when the parent is not at home, the children know when it’s time for homework and reading leads to success. Designating a small table or quiet corner for studies also shows children how important learning is. Another way parents can help their children be successful is by keeping in touch with the teacher. The Dallas ISD has several ways in which parents can do this, including the Parent Portal, which gives parents daily access to their child’s grades, assignments, and

attendance record. Attending parent conferences, held at least twice a year, is another way parents can help their children succeed. The conferences give parents an opportunity to meet one-on-one with their child’s teacher to discuss progress and ways in which learning can be reinforced at home. This fall’s parent conferences will be held Oct. 15 for high schools, Oct. 16 for middle schools, and Oct. 18 for elementary schools. Now, you also can keep up with your children’s schools and receive instant news from your phone by downloading the just released Dallas ISD SchoolConnect app for Android and Apple devices at www.dallasisd.org/mobileapp. The app offers access to the Parent Portal, lunch menus, calendars, school bus routes, and much more.

In District 5 news: Our students need to experience learning as fun and rewarding. That’s the purpose of the District 5 Academic Pep Rallies for students, parents and teachers. The first rally is set for 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, October

20, at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, 525 Bonnie View Road. Students with As (90s) in math, English/language arts, science and history/social studies will be eligible to win gift cards. There also will be prizes for students with perfect attendance, and for parents and teachers. Students are asked to bring a book they have read recently. Those who give a summary of the book will be eligible for prizes. The rally will include entertainment by bands, cheerleading squads, and dancers from the District 5 schools. I want students and parents to realize that in order to be successful at school, students must be in class to take advantage of every learning opportunity so I will continue to award $100 gift cards to randomly selected Dallas ISD students who achieve perfect attendance. Four lucky students will be selected to receive the incentives at the end of every six-weeks grading period.

Businesses or citizens who desire to make donations to encourage our students are asked to call my office at 972-925-3720, or reach me by email at lblackburn@dallasisd.org.

Parents: You Can Make a Difference in Your Child’s Success

Roderick Martin aka " The Positioner " founder of Experts Positioning Academy is offering a training workshop for the Christian Community. The theme "Anointed Messengers" will the first ever comprehensive training dedicated for those individuals seeking to express their life experiences, messages and wisdom to inspire others in today's economic times. This workshop will reveal some of the most guarded secrets in the world that the most famous speakers, pastors, trainers and spiritual motivators use to reach millions all over the globe therefore providing a lucrative income stream to continue with their purpose that God has ordained. "In our new economy — where ideas rule and so many people are looking for new strategies to get ahead — the most successful entrepreneurs will be content providers, content creators, trainers, coaches, and online information

marketers. People who use their anointed life’s story and strategies for success to help other people improve their lives or businesses will have more income, influence and impact. I believe now is

the time that people with " Anointed Messages" will now own the economy, not the other way around. Anointed Messengers will write their own ticket through books, speeches, seminars, coaching, and online marketing."

With over 20 years experience as an Entrepreneur, Roderick Martin has achieved massive success. However he is no stranger to failure. In this extremely powerful academy, Roderick teaches you the strategies that he has develop and perfected over his career. Roderick aka “The Positioner” specializes in innovative thinking, creative ideas and all levels of affective strategic planning. Roderick is also the founder of Talented Thoughts Publications, LLC committed to helping Authors, Speakers, Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Internet Marketers and Professionals packaged their experiences and personal messages into world class products, services and programs. For more information visit www.AnointedMessengers.com and www.ExpertsPositioningAcademy.com or www. RoderickMartin.com

The Positioner offers training for Christian Community

Roderick Martin

Election 2012: Cast your vote Early. Election Day is November 6. VOTE.

8 OCTOBER 12, 2012 W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M

Austin Restoration Ministries10206a IH35Austin, Tx. 78753(512) 491-5068 or (512) 228-0352Fax (512) 491-7329


Color Blind Ministries Church143 College StreetSulphur Springs, Texas 75482(903) 243-602710:00 am. Morning Worship6:00 pm. Evening WorshipWed. 6:00 pm. Prayer MeetingMon. – Fri. 12:00 pm. Bible Study with Elder Jeff Spivey

P.O. Box 166 Sulphur Springs, Texas 75483

Sr. Pastor C.J. Duffey

Elite News East Texas Report

Bras for the Cause event Thursday

By BRAD KELLAR Herald-Banner StaffGREENVILLE — Dozens of the most

unique bras anywhere will be on display in downtown Greenville this week, for an uplifting support of the battle against breast cancer. The 2012 Bras for the Cause will take

place Thursday evening, and the public http://mail.aol.com/37058-111/aol-6/en-us/mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=28983&folder=Inbox&partId=4 will have a chance to vote on their favorites according to Janeen Cunningham with the Calico Cat, who along with Lana Dollgener and Lisa Hill are the chairs for this year’s event. “The bras will be on display here, at the

Texan Theater and at Landon’s Winery,” Cunningham said. Proceeds from Bras for the Cause will

benefit the Hunt Regional Healthcare Foundation, which provides supplies such as wigs and breast prostheses to local breast cancer patients in need. Those wanting to submit bras for

judging can do so today and Wednesday, between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., at Landon’s, 2508 Lee Street. Details and guidelines on the contest are available at calicocatgreenville.com/bras. The judging will take place starting at 6

p.m. Thursday. “You can buy voting cards at any of the

three locations,” Cunningham said. The cards come in denominations of

$10, $20, $50 and $100 and chances are the cups won’t be half-full. “Last year there were $17,000 in votes

cast,” Cunningham said. Judging will take place between 9 and

9:30 p.m. Thursday. There will be winners in 15 groups, along with four “Breast Of Show” awards for the bras which raise the most money. Sue Shanks with the Destination

Imagination team at Greenville High School has provided the impartial judges, who will be grading the entries based on creativity and use of materials. Cunningham said the Bras for the Cause

sponsors have been unbralievable, cross her heart. “Our sponsors have grown from 31 last

year to 67 this year and they have donated more than $29,000 so far,” Cunningham said.

Dogan Middle School students earn Pink Fire Helmet Trophy

Dogan Middle School sixth grade math

teacher Olivia Valle, left smiles as she gets the “Pink Fire Helmet Award” from Dogan Instructor Specialist Michelle Grandy, right after the school won the “Show Pink” competition at Turn Tyler Pink at the T.B. Butler Fountain Plaza Tuesday afternoon. In the center is breast cancer survivor Tyler Mayor, Barbara Bass.

Dogan Middle School students earned the coveted pink fire helmet trophy after more than 90 percent of them participated in Turn Tyler Pink on Tuesday.

Turn Tyler Pink is an event put on by Tyler Firefighters CARE to raise awareness about women's cancer and support those who are fighting cancer, according to a TISD news release.

“Turn Tyler Pink promotes unity amongst our students and staff in support of a greater cause,” Dogan Principal Masud Shamsid-deen said, according to the news release. “Cancer has had an impact on so many of our lives, and in this small way we say that we will fight this battle together."

In all, more than 3,000 TISD students wore pink in support of people who are fighting cancer.

Dogan received the trophy at the Turn Tyler Pink event on the square in downtown Tyler.

The Stewart Middle School cheerleaders and Robert E. Lee High School fiddlers also performed during the event.

ETBU files federal suit

over health care mandate

ETBU files federal suit over health care mandate Joe Holloway jholloway@marshallnewsmessenger.com The Marshall News Messenger

East Texas Baptist University filed a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas on Tuesday in an effort to avoid compliance with an HHS mandate requiring the university to provide emergency contraceptives in its employee

insurance plan.ETBU President Samuel “Dub” Oliver

said the lawsuit was the latest in a series of actions by the university contesting the constitutionality of the HHS’ “preventative services” mandate that was announced last year.

“We’ve been working on this issue since August of 2011 and doing different things, writing letters, communicating through the public comment process as these things have been going on,” said Oliver, who testified before the house committee on oversight and government reform on the matter in February. “We’ve continued to try to address these matters but, ultimately, nothing has changed so, in order to defend ourselves and protect our religious liberty, one of the steps that we’ve now taken is to file this lawsuit.”

The mandate went into effect on Aug. 1 but allows a one year transition period for certain institutions, and ETBU has even longer.

“Technically you don’t have to change your plan as long as you’re in a planned year, and our planned year ends on January 1, so it wouldn’t impact us until January 1, 2014,” said Oliver. “So we still have a little bit of time and we’re hopefully that at some point, in some way, this will change.”

However, Oliver indicated that, whatever the result of the lawsuit, ETBU has no plans to comply with the mandate.

“People have used as an example Acts Chapter 5, verse 29 as a guide for this where the scripture says there comes a point

where you should obey God’s law rather than man’s,” he said. “That’s the matter of conscience that this is for us. That’s at the heart of this. The government is saying you must provide these abortion-causing drugs for your employees.

“We believe that life begins at conception and so we’re not going to do that.”

Non-compliance would mean ETBU dropping its insurance for employees and possibly facing fines exceeding $10 million per year as a result.

“The fine begins the first year and then escalates beyond that,” said Oliver. “The first year of the fine, if you drop insurance, it’s a little over $2,000 per employee. Then it escalates beyond that.”

He added that the university was still evaluating what that would mean for the average ETBU employee.

“We’ll have to see about that,” said Oliver.

Elite News East Texas

W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 9

DATE: Saturday – October 27, 2012 TIME: 12 Noon – 6PM LOCATION: Kidd Springs Park 711 West Canty Dallas, Texas 75208

For more information contact :

Bert Armstrong (469) 360-3794 Tasha Slayton (972) 670-0538

Sponsored by:

The GMP Youth Foundation and the Dallas community will celebrate it's 10th Annual Oktoberfest Festival - "A day of unity in our community", the celebration will showcases the best of what Dallas has to offer. GMP invites you to join them for Oktoberfest 2012, which will feature activities for the entire family. Bounce houses, hay rides, face painting, cake walk, pumpkin decorating contest, vendors, raffles, food, fun and much more.

AIS –Armstrong International Services, Elite News DBA Consultants City of Dallas : Cultural Arts Dallas Fire Dept Dallas Police Dept Vintage Carriage Flower’s by Roberta Flavor Me Sweet K104 Bailey’s Furniture Golden Gate Funeral Home Hardeman’s BBQ D&S Towing Dallas Area Charter PG Marketing SALON 972 NO Limit Bails Bonds Big City Sporting Goods

Misty Michelle Lankford was the oldest child born to James and Arnetta Mitchell on May 10, 1975 in Dallas, Texas. Misty completed her primary and secondary education in the Dallas Independent School District and in 1993 she graduated from David W. Carter High School. During her years at Carter High, Misty was a member of the Student Council, Allied Youth and Spanish Club. One of her proudest accomplishments was the time she served as a Varsity Cheerleader. Misty professed Christ at an early age at the Concord Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Dr. E. K. Bailey. As a child, she was a member of the Children’s Church, where she was an active participant in Monday Night Church School and the Voices of Love. In the Concord Youth Ministry, Misty eagerly attended every youth ministry bible study class. She was active in theYouth Council, Sunday Night Live, and Voices of Praise. She was presented to Christian society in the 1993 Dr. E.K. Bailey Beaux and Debutantes for Christ. She derived much joy from her continuous involvement at the Concord Church where she

served in the Hospitality http://mail.aol.com/37058-111/aol-6/en-us/mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=29020&folder=Inbox&partId=1 Ministry and worked tirelessly on the Debutantes for Christ Committee. While growing up in Dallas, Misty was also very active in the community, participating in positive youth organizations which included The Encounters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and in 1991, she was crowned “Miss Fashionetta” and received a college scholarship. Through her mother, Arnetta Mitchell’s membership in Jack & Jill of America, Incorporated, Misty was active in the youth program and was presented as a Belle in the organization’s16th Annual Beautillion. After high school, Misty attendedPrairie View A&M University. While a sophomore in college, Misty was presented as a Debutante at the 70thAnnual Cotillion Idlewild Club, Inc. Debutante Ball. In 1997, Misty earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Prairie View A &M University. After successfully completing a college internship with U.S.Food

Service, Misty began her career with the company and was promoted to Supervisor/Finance Department. As a 14year employee at U. S. Foods (America’s leading foodservice distributor), she earned many awards including “The Outstanding Employee of the Year” Award which was one of her proudest career accomplishments. Following in the legacy of her mother Arnetta Mitchell, Misty was initiated into the Alpha Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, in December of 1999. She served faithfully by working in many capacities to fulfill the sorority’s

mission of Service to All Mankind. On May 12, 2001, Misty married the love of her life, Cedric Demon Lankford. In 2002, they were blessed with their first child, Cedric Demon Lankford, Jr. and in 2005̧ their daughter Paige Arnetta Lankford was born. Misty loved and worked hard in her roles as wife and mother, while also making time to pursue her personal interests and provide service in the community. She was a member of Jack & Jill of America, Incorporated and sharedher love of the organization with her children. Misty also enjoyed working with the Jack & Jill Beautillion and she coordinated and managed the development of the SouvenirJournal for the past three years. Additionally, she loved photography and was an avid music lover. Misty Michelle Lankford departed this life on Sunday, October 7, 2012. The sum of Misty’s life expands beyond her 37 years due to her generous spirit, enormous love for her family and her loyal circle of friends. All those whose lives she touched are so greatly enriched because of knowing and loving Misty – and that is her lasting legacy.

Misty is preceded in death by her mother, Arnetta JeffersonMitchell; fraternal grandfather, Jimmie Mitchell, Sr.;maternal grandparents, Earl and Princella Lewis Jefferson; uncles, Cedric Jefferson and Rev. Dr. Caesar Clark, Jr. and aunt, Tanchia Mae Mitchell. She will be forever loved and remembered by a devoted and loving husband, Cedric; two beloved children, Cedric, Jr. and Paige Arnetta; father and stepmother, James and VickieMitchell; brother, James Mitchell, II; fraternal grandmother, Ella Mae Heath; aunts, Thelma Jackson; Dr. Sylvia J. Clark; Loyce Henry (Roy); Maria Hardwell (James); uncles, Jimmy Mitchell, Jr.; L.C. Mitchell (Virginia); Donald R. Mitchell (Ruthie); mother and father in-law,Wade and Ocie Lankford; brothers in-law , Greg Lankford (Angie); Derrick Lankford (Jackie); sister in-law, Wendy Lankford-Beecham (Rodney); god-mother, O’Shelia Brown and a host of loving relatives and special friends.

Remembering Misty Michelle Mitchell Lankford

10 OCTOBER 12, 2012 W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M

Scenes from the State Fair Classic Football game, featuring Grambling State University

and Prairie View A&M University and the Radio One golf tournament

W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 11

This week’s Just a Bite was difficult for me. I had plans for a new area in Fort Worth that had to be postponed. Then I had plans to cover the fair but nothing seemed to work… Sunday I decided to go to church for spiritual grounding. At first I was a little disappointed that my pastor, Rev William Dwight McKissic, had guest speakers. Was surprised to hear the there was a 4 day Kingdom Conference

and excited that Bishop Kenneth Ulmer from Faithful Central of Inglewood, CA was coming to speak. I knew this would be a treat if I could just get Just a Bite done. Well, Tuesday for some strange reason I announced to my husband that I was going back to church to catch Bishop Kenneth Ulmer preach. Now that I said it I felt compelled to go. There was an eclectic group speaking; Dr. R.T. Kendall originally from London, Dr. Charles Carrin from Boynton Beach, FL and then Bishop Kenneth Ulmer of Faithful Central of Inglewood, Ca. Ahhh the promise of a great meal. These three became a 3 course meal. Dr Kendell, Course

1 taught us the difference in seeing the Pigeon from the Dove; the Pigeon being the counterfeit and the Dove the actual Holy Spirit. They both seem to be the same but only one the Dove reigns down true blessing on us. Dr. Charles Carrin, Course 2, shared the power of prayer from those with a submissive heart for God and to believe in the word of God and God will hear our prayers. Course 3 Bishop Kenneth Ulmer and “A Kingdom Prophesy Isaiah 6:1-3, 43:18-19 and Deuteronomy 11:10-11. He reminded us that God never makes a mistake. We should remember not to cling to what has already been done or we will miss

what God has for us tomorrow. What God has coming our way is better than what we have already been given. Bishop used the analogy that when we drive our car there are two different pieces of glass in front of us, the windshield and the rearview mirror. The large glass is a preview of what is to come and the small rearview mirror shows what we have had. If we look through both and see the same thing then we are on the wrong road. We need to go back and reevaluate if we are looking at the Pigeon or the Dove…. Hmmm…… If the single ladies have prayed for God to bless them with Mr. Right and find the same old same old then he reminded us

that we again are trusting in the Pigeon not the Dove. Finally, God is ready to do a new kind of thing in all of us and for all of us. That God is ready to Reign (not Rain) down His true blessings on us if we know him, pray to Him with a submissive heart and watch for his “NEW” blessings for all of us. Now this Just a Bite left me filled and full yet hungry for more. Maybe one more day and I will get my much needed desert without the unwanted calories.

Cornerstone Baptist Church / 5415 Matlock / Arlington, TX 76018 / 817-468-0083 www.



If you have a suggestion for a review, contact Lorie at lorie@dfwelitenews.com

Lorie Blair

Just a Bite with Lorie at Cornerstone

12 OCTOBER 12, 2012 W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M


By Kevan BrowningWelcome to the weekend, baby! Okay, call me a wimp, but after last weekends State fair Classic festivities, I’ve decided to do nothing whatsoever this weekend...I’d planned to be at a Texas Rangers playoff game, but they got “cowboyed” out of 1st place then right out of the sudden death wild card playoff game... Sooooo, I’m saving energy for next Friday’s “One Night Stand” tour with Brian McKnight, Joe and Tank...My wife has already signed off on this, as she has REALLY good seats,lol! So what’s up with “Clueless” actress Stacy Dash. She came out on Piers Morgan’s CNN talk show in full support of Mitt Romney for President. I agree that it’s her right to support the candidate of her choice. It’s also our right to never watch anything she does or appears in again...Now, a’int that America! When the headline read “Pilar Sanders Gas and Electricity Cut Off”, I was like, SAY WHAT??? Turns out the 10,000 plus a month in alimony and child support has been held up in court as Deion and Pilar work thru the courts. P.S. both you Sanders stay off Twitter and keep something private!!!! You are probabaly familiar with the drama between Mariah Carey

and Nikki Minaj on American Idol. Minaj reportedly cussed Mariah out, but in a jello/mud wrestling event, I’m going with Mariah...if it should ever go down...Pop Diva Stevie Nicks has apologized for saying she wanted to choke the ^%^%^31 out of Nikki... Nicks must be in her 50’s, I give that potential match to Nikki...Lol, if it should ever happen! Reports that

Lil wayne and Stevie J were lip l o c k i n g were all over the net this week...Stevie J, who “stars” on “Love

and Basketball” says, “it wasn’t me”...Hmmmm? Remember long time DFW Radio star “Gary With The Tea”? Well he’s relocated to Atlanta as part of the Rickey Smiley Morning show and you can catch him as part of this TMZ like DJ showcase at 11:30pm on

Fox 4! Finally rest in peace Alex Karras...Karras was a rugged NFL star with The Detroit Lions back in the 1960’s, but most know him better as Emmanuel Lewis dad in the day to YOU and Celebs this week: Bishop Desmond Tutu 81, Dick Gregory 80, Reverend Jesse

Jackson 71, Ben Vereen and Demond Wilson 66,Darryl Hall 64, Robert “Kool” Bell 62, and Marion Jones 37, R&B singers Mya and Ashanti 32! Thanks for Rollin With A Brotha in The Elite News!

Kevan Browning


Page 6 www.dfwelitenews.com August 3, 2012

Fort Worth SectionLaw Offices of Bobbie Edmonds

100 East 15th Street, Suite 410Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Telephone: (817) 332-6501 Fax: (817) 332-6599 E-mail: goodverdict@msn.com

Licensed in the States of Louisiana and Texas

Law Offices of Bobbie Edmonds







By Gloria Reed AustinCo-Founder & Executive DirectorNational Multicultural Western Heritage Museum gaustin@cowboysofcolor.org



On Saturday, July 28, 2012, the National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum (NMWHM) hosted a Free Family Fun Day in tribute to the National Day of the American Cowboy from 12PM-4PM that featured a Buffalo Soldier camp complete with a teepee, children’s game area, petting zoo, bounce house, and vendors on the grounds of the museum’s community garden.  City Council Member Frank Moss (District 5) spoke words of encouragement and appreciation to the museum supporters and the community participants and volunteers for providing positive activities and offering family-friendly educational opportunities that enrich and provide for a quality living environment and encourage economic development.  Veteran actor and museum ambassador Pam Grier was present and greeted guest by graciously taking photos and signing autographs.  Ms. Grier spoke of the film that is being developed about her life as a follow up to her biography “Foxy: My Life In Three Acts.”  The celebration also included a Zydeco Music Festival featuring Leon Chavis & the Zydeco Flames, Dog Hill Stompers, Step Rideau & the Zydeco Outlaws and Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble.  The NMWHM Hall of Fame Rodeo was the closing event for the museum’s National Day of the American Cowboy Celebration.  The rodeo was attended by film and television stars Barry Corbin and Dean Smith.  Also in attendance was World Champion Bull Rider Charles Sampson (who is also an NMWHM Hall of Fame Inductee) and fellow inductees Lee Reed, Harold Cash, and Freddie “Skeet” Gordon.  The rodeo took place at Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards.  The events were fundraisers for the museum’s Youth Education Programs and Pam Grier Community Garden.  (www.cowboysofcolor.org; Info@cowboysofcolor.org.).

You are invited to attend a “Back To School” event with author Stephanie Perry Moore, on Saturday, 8/4 from 2-4PM at The Dock Bookshop.  Stephanie Perry Moore is the trailblazing author of the Payton Skky series, the first African-American Christian teen series.  Her newest series is the adorable Morgan Love series and Alec London series.  She is a motivational speaker and community activist. Mrs. Moore speaks with young people across the country, encouraging them to achieve every attainable dream.  The Dock Bookshop is located at 6637 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76112.  (817) 457-5700.


Until next time, this has been your Fort Worth Connection. 


You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort Worth by visiting www.JimAustinOnline.com. 

Fort Worth Connection

If you love someone give them a copy of

“Simply ForYou”


Page 6 www.dfwelitenews.com August 3, 2012

Fort Worth SectionLaw Offices of Bobbie Edmonds

100 East 15th Street, Suite 410Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Telephone: (817) 332-6501 Fax: (817) 332-6599 E-mail: goodverdict@msn.com

Licensed in the States of Louisiana and Texas

Law Offices of Bobbie Edmonds







By Gloria Reed AustinCo-Founder & Executive DirectorNational Multicultural Western Heritage Museum gaustin@cowboysofcolor.org



On Saturday, July 28, 2012, the National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum (NMWHM) hosted a Free Family Fun Day in tribute to the National Day of the American Cowboy from 12PM-4PM that featured a Buffalo Soldier camp complete with a teepee, children’s game area, petting zoo, bounce house, and vendors on the grounds of the museum’s community garden.  City Council Member Frank Moss (District 5) spoke words of encouragement and appreciation to the museum supporters and the community participants and volunteers for providing positive activities and offering family-friendly educational opportunities that enrich and provide for a quality living environment and encourage economic development.  Veteran actor and museum ambassador Pam Grier was present and greeted guest by graciously taking photos and signing autographs.  Ms. Grier spoke of the film that is being developed about her life as a follow up to her biography “Foxy: My Life In Three Acts.”  The celebration also included a Zydeco Music Festival featuring Leon Chavis & the Zydeco Flames, Dog Hill Stompers, Step Rideau & the Zydeco Outlaws and Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble.  The NMWHM Hall of Fame Rodeo was the closing event for the museum’s National Day of the American Cowboy Celebration.  The rodeo was attended by film and television stars Barry Corbin and Dean Smith.  Also in attendance was World Champion Bull Rider Charles Sampson (who is also an NMWHM Hall of Fame Inductee) and fellow inductees Lee Reed, Harold Cash, and Freddie “Skeet” Gordon.  The rodeo took place at Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards.  The events were fundraisers for the museum’s Youth Education Programs and Pam Grier Community Garden.  (www.cowboysofcolor.org; Info@cowboysofcolor.org.).

You are invited to attend a “Back To School” event with author Stephanie Perry Moore, on Saturday, 8/4 from 2-4PM at The Dock Bookshop.  Stephanie Perry Moore is the trailblazing author of the Payton Skky series, the first African-American Christian teen series.  Her newest series is the adorable Morgan Love series and Alec London series.  She is a motivational speaker and community activist. Mrs. Moore speaks with young people across the country, encouraging them to achieve every attainable dream.  The Dock Bookshop is located at 6637 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76112.  (817) 457-5700.


Until next time, this has been your Fort Worth Connection. 


You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort Worth by visiting www.JimAustinOnline.com. 

Fort Worth Connection


Page 6 www.dfwelitenews.com August 3, 2012

Fort Worth SectionLaw Offices of Bobbie Edmonds

100 East 15th Street, Suite 410Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Telephone: (817) 332-6501 Fax: (817) 332-6599 E-mail: goodverdict@msn.com

Licensed in the States of Louisiana and Texas

Law Offices of Bobbie Edmonds







By Gloria Reed AustinCo-Founder & Executive DirectorNational Multicultural Western Heritage Museum gaustin@cowboysofcolor.org



On Saturday, July 28, 2012, the National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum (NMWHM) hosted a Free Family Fun Day in tribute to the National Day of the American Cowboy from 12PM-4PM that featured a Buffalo Soldier camp complete with a teepee, children’s game area, petting zoo, bounce house, and vendors on the grounds of the museum’s community garden.  City Council Member Frank Moss (District 5) spoke words of encouragement and appreciation to the museum supporters and the community participants and volunteers for providing positive activities and offering family-friendly educational opportunities that enrich and provide for a quality living environment and encourage economic development.  Veteran actor and museum ambassador Pam Grier was present and greeted guest by graciously taking photos and signing autographs.  Ms. Grier spoke of the film that is being developed about her life as a follow up to her biography “Foxy: My Life In Three Acts.”  The celebration also included a Zydeco Music Festival featuring Leon Chavis & the Zydeco Flames, Dog Hill Stompers, Step Rideau & the Zydeco Outlaws and Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble.  The NMWHM Hall of Fame Rodeo was the closing event for the museum’s National Day of the American Cowboy Celebration.  The rodeo was attended by film and television stars Barry Corbin and Dean Smith.  Also in attendance was World Champion Bull Rider Charles Sampson (who is also an NMWHM Hall of Fame Inductee) and fellow inductees Lee Reed, Harold Cash, and Freddie “Skeet” Gordon.  The rodeo took place at Cowtown Coliseum in the Fort Worth Stockyards.  The events were fundraisers for the museum’s Youth Education Programs and Pam Grier Community Garden.  (www.cowboysofcolor.org; Info@cowboysofcolor.org.).

You are invited to attend a “Back To School” event with author Stephanie Perry Moore, on Saturday, 8/4 from 2-4PM at The Dock Bookshop.  Stephanie Perry Moore is the trailblazing author of the Payton Skky series, the first African-American Christian teen series.  Her newest series is the adorable Morgan Love series and Alec London series.  She is a motivational speaker and community activist. Mrs. Moore speaks with young people across the country, encouraging them to achieve every attainable dream.  The Dock Bookshop is located at 6637 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76112.  (817) 457-5700.


Until next time, this has been your Fort Worth Connection. 


You can find out about these and other exciting events taking place in Fort Worth by visiting www.JimAustinOnline.com. 

Fort Worth Connection

Simply For You was called “Lovely written and exciting” by OprahWinfrey’s Magazine!

“It is the greatest book of love poems I have ever read....” -- Reverend Mamie Williams

www.simplyforyou.us 214-886-3716





W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 13

A Fresh Start Bail Bonds143 College Street

Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482(903) 243-6027   Hours 24 / 7

Della Mae Cleveland & C.J. Duffey, Owners

Contact: Debra Blair Abron, Publisher 214-405-8335 or 214-372-6500

Before they came to promoting concerts, and before they decided to place a premium on providing world class Entertainment via Blues Show to North Texas Metroplex, they spent their days Joyfully as productive and progressive private sector businesswomen in the Dallas-Fort Worth business community.

It takes only a cursory ear to understand the Joy, Excitement and reason why Big Al Wash the Entertainment visionary grasped in producing these latter day promoters.

Al Wash of Al Wash Entertainment, ALWE group who was recently featured as the long standing super promoter of last weekends Grambling and Prairie View State Fair Classic weekend spectacular. Next week he will be standing proudly in the backgraound as he oversee’s the Ladies responsible for producing the first annual Fort

Worth Blues Festival. The Fort Worth Blues

Festival will be held at the Fort Worth Convention Center Ballroom at 1300 Commerce. It will feature legendary performers, Bobby Blue Bland, Mel Waiters, Benny Latimore and RL Griffin.

Promoters, Doc Holliday, Alyce Adair and Sherri Doll have joined forces with ALWE to return a strong Blues show to the Metroplex.

It is noted that these three sucessful business women have choreographed a strong line up for this maiden show. That their eye for opportunity and timing as well as their business sense will produce a sucessful adventure.

Doc Holliday is a prominent business women in Fort Worth. She is a sucessful dentist in the Fort Worth area, hence the name Doc Holliday. Doc Holliday is also chairman of

the Fort Worth Entertainment Committee for the Mainstreet Arts Festival.

Doc Holliday’s sister, Alyce Adair Jones is the owner of the Adair Eyeware. Her shop

provides high-end eyeware to the community.

The third partner of this trio is Sherri Doll. Sherri Doll is a professional Massage Therapist and Hairstylist to the entertianment community. It is through these women’s friendship with Al Wash

that they are joining forces to promote and produce this event.

What a way to return Fort Worth to it’s entertainment base, as the year has developed

Fort Worth is taking back its position as the Entertainment Capital of North texas with events like the battle of the Bands where Texas Southern University and Grambling State University recently participating in the Fort Worth Battle of the Bands staged earlier this year, and such other entities as the ever busy Jim and Gloria Austin of the Renissiance Cultural Museum, but

through this strong line up of blues preformers.

These men Bobby Blue Bland, Mel Waiters, Benny Lattimore and Dallas native R. L. Griffith together have over a century plus experience in performing the Blues. They alone can sing as only a true

blues singer can. Through song and strong stage presence they tell the struggles and history of the Southern Black community.

In a way only they can share the joy and pain that we know through music.

Al Wash was quoted in saying “that blues is known as the secular base of black music. It is the cornerstone that has rooted R&B and Hip Hop . It is the music that transcends race, culture and age.

Everyone may want to claim this music as their own but on Saturday, October 20th at 8pm it will belong to the community and people of Fort Worth. It will be one more step in returning Black Entertainment to Fort Worth.”

Tickets are still available through www. centralticketoffice.com You can charge by phone by calling 800-462-7979.

Dates, Times and Locations for the(Fechas, horario y ubicaciones para)General Election (Elección General)November 6, 2012 (6 de noviembre de 2012)October 22, 2012 – October 26, 201222 de octubre 2012 – 26 de octubre 2012 Monday through Fridaylunes a viernes 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. October 27, 201227 de octubre 2012 Saturdaysábado 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. October 28, 201228 de octubre 2012 Sundaydomingo 1:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.1:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. October 29, 2012 – November 2, 201229 de octubre 2012 – 2 de noviembre 2012 Monday through Fridaylunes a viernes 7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Balch Springs City Hall 3117 Hickory Tree Balch Springs 75180 Cedar Hill Government Center 285 Uptown Blvd. Cedar Hill 75104 Crosswinds High School 1100 N. Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie 75050 Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St. Dallas 75201 Dallas West Library 2332 Singleton Blvd. Dallas 75212 DeSoto Town Center Library 211 E Pleasant Run Rd. DeSoto 75115

Duncanville Library 201 James Collins Blvd. Duncanville 75116 Fretz Park Library 6990 Belt Line Rd. Dallas 75254 Garland City Hall 200 N. 5th Street Garland 75040 Grauwyler Park Rec Center 7780 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas 75235 Irving City Hall 825 W. Irving Blvd. Irving 75060 Josey Ranch Library 1700 Keller Springs Rd. Carrollton 75006 Lake Highlands North Rec Center 9940 White Rock Trail Dallas 75238 Lakeside Activity Center 101 Holley Park Drive Mesquite 75149 Lancaster Vet. Memorial Library 1600 Veterans Memorial Pkwy Lancaster 75134 Lochwood Library 11221 Lochwood Blvd. Dallas 75218 Lochwood Library 11221 Lochwood Blvd. Dallas 75218 Marsh Lane Baptist Church 10716 Marsh Lane Dallas 75229 Martin Luther King Jr Core Bldg. 2922 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Dallas 75215 Martin Weiss Recreation Center 1111 Martindell Ave. Dallas 75211 Oak Cliff Sub-Courthouse 410 S. Beckley Ave. Dallas 75203 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 7611 Park Lane Dallas 75225 Prairie Creek Library 9609 Lake June Rd. Dallas 75217 Records Building 509 Main Street Dallas 75202 Richardson Civic Center 411 W. Arapaho Rd Richardson 75080 Rowlett City Hall Annex 4004 Main Street Rowlett 75088 Seagoville City Hall 702 N. Hwy 175 Seagoville 75159 St. Luke Community Life Ctr 6211 East Grand Ave. Dallas 75223 Valley Ranch Library 401 Cimarron Trail Irving 75063 Veterans Admin Medical Center 4500 S Lancaster Rd. Dallas 75216

Early Voting Locations

Fort Worth Blues Festival “A Show For All to Experience”

For All Your Furniture Needs

Furnitureville Texas Scratch & Dent845 North Beckley Avenue

Desoto, Texas 75115

Election day is November 6

14 OCTOBER 12, 2012 W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M


Toliver’s Talents

By Mark A. Toliver IIElite News Staffwriter

There is no question that the quarterback is the most glamorous position on the football team. An offense must have a proficient player at the quarterback position. Lack of ability at the other offensive positions may be covered up, or compensated for, but if a team attempts to play with a quarterback who lacks the physical skills and mental abilities for the position, the weakness quickly will become evident to everyone. Many coaches, at all levels of football believe that the quarterback position requires a player with exceptional athletic skill. This is especially true if the quarterback is asked to direct a team in which he is asked to run the ball. Height and weight may vary considerably from one quarterback to another, but all successful quarterbacks have an inner strength in themselves. Each time they lead their offense out onto the field, the great quarterbacks truly believe they will move the ball and guide their team to victory. Along with determination, mental toughness, and physical skills, a quarterback must be a leader. Dallas -Fort Worth meet Mesquite’s quarterback Alex Cooper and Skyline ‘quarterback Devante Kincade. These two young gun-slingers are really proving they can play. This past weekend in a match up between the top teams in District 12-5A, Mesquite played host to Longview. Mesquite quarterback Alex Cooper showed why he is

considered one of the top signal callers in the state. Cooper continues to be super accurate, Cooper has completed 105-of-138 with only 1 interception on the season. Cooper finished the night 16-of-25 for 214 yards. Mesquite used five fumble recoveries to build a 23 point lead. Mesquite is 5-0 and looks to be a force going into the second have of the season. On the other side of town the Skyline Raiders were getting back on track with a big time win over Jesuit 56-24. Skyline capitalized on early mistake by Jesuit and scored 21 points a 1:16 spur late in the first half to break a 14-14 tie and pull away for good. Skyline QB Devante Kincade was 9-12-197 and 3 touchdown. Kincade showed his leadership ability by leading his team to victory after a surprise upset by Arlington Bowie. Both teams have great quarterbacks. And both quarterbacks have great teams. It all comes down to which quarterback can lead their team all the way. Football is a very strange sport, the season begins in the heat of the summer and the season ends in the cold of winter, it’s just a matter of which quarterback can get his team to follow them!!! Good luck Quarterbacks- May God Bless You and Help Us Change the World!!!!! Mark A Toliver II

CALENDAROctober 15

Mikki Taylor, Essence Magazine’s Editor-at-Large, will host the Humanitarian Hands Charities “What if…?” gala event October 13, 2012, at the Hotel Intercontinental Dallas, 15201 Dallas Parkway in Addison.

Learn how to build your own website with WORDPRESS6:30 PM To 8:30 PMPan-African Connection828 Fourth Ave., Dallas, TXPrice: $10.00/per person

October 16

The Society of Women Who Love Shoes is donating shoes for New Beginning Center. The shoes will be sold from 6pm-8pm at Providence Place Bridal Boutique at 2065 Summer Lee Suite 101, Rockwall, TX 75032 at The Harbor. 100% of the sale of shoes will go to New Beginning Center

October 17

How to Develop a Strong Personal Brand to Influence Your Business Image6pm-8pm Last Call Studio by Neiman Marcus in Plano, TX with Celebrity Stylist Stephanie James will be on hand for personal shopping to purchase items to support your Personal Brand.Join Stephanie Johnson, CEO of Bed Rest

Concierge as she hosts the last Social Networking to Build Your Brand event for 2012. October 18

Entrepreneur Peggy Edge is coming to Th3rd Thursday Champion’s Luncheon @12:00noon at Edison’s.

October 25

South Oak Cliff High SchoolHomecoming Game, 7:00 - 9:00 pmKincade Stadium, 9191 S. Polk




Clean Up Days

Saturday,October 6, 2012 &

Saturday,October 13, 2012

Gather at 9 a.m.2809 Birmingham

Lunch will be provided for all volunteers

following the clean up

The clean up is sponsored by Clean South Dallas/Fair Park, Inc. and the City of Dallas. For more information on how you can help, call 214.428.0418 or clip the form below and return it to Clean South Dallas/Fair Park, Inc., 2809 Birmingham, Dallas, TX 75215.



I want to help clean up South Dallas.

I will donate:_____ gloves ______ tools_____ rakes, brooms ______ trash bags

I will: _____ serve on a team to survey and identify areas needing clean up.

I will: _____ work on clean up days in the identified areas:

I will: _____ bring and operate my mower/weed eater.

How many volunteers: ______

On which date: __________________

Name: _______________________


Address: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

City/Zip _____________________

Phone: _______________________

Please return this form to:Clean South Dallas/Fair Park, Inc.P.O. Box 150205 - Dallas, TX 75315

W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 15

Christ Community Connection, Inc. honors twins for


Twin sons of Bahram “B. J.” and Sara Jalalizadeh, recognized by Christ Community Connection, Inc.

Rohan was Valedictorian and Bryan was Salutatorian of Creekview High School

2008. Bryan graduated with highest honors in 2012 with a Biomedical Engineering degree from Washington University in St. Louis.

They have been instrumental and founded the Unity Society at Creekview H. S. to bring students together to serve others.

The twins have helped every year with the MLK Day events since childhood. They taught spiritual empowerment classes to middle-school age students in Carrollton and St. Louis and Bryan has written and published a fantasy novel called Danyen's gift.



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St. Andrew MissionaryBaptist Church

“Equipping the Saints for Kingdom Work”218 W. Illinois Ave.Dallas TX. 75216

214-497-8560Sunday School 10:30

Morning Worship 11:30Rev. Anthony Cole


1403 Morrell Dallas, TX 75203Church (214) 946-4522gmpbchurch@aol.comTele-worship - 1-866-844-6291 Access Number - 1531804#Sunday School 8:30amMorning Worship 9:45am

Wednesday Night Services 6:30pm

Dr. Kenneth Greene

M.E.T.R.O. Christ’s Church405 E. Parkerville Rd.Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104

972-293-8188Sunday Bible Study 9:00amSunday Worship 10:30am

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm

4116 Leesburg Street * Dallas, Tx. 75212Pastor’s Office: (214) 631-5627    Church Office: (214) 631-1825

Weekly Worship OpportunitiesSunday

9:30 am … Sunday School    11:00 am … Morning Worship Service5:30 pm … Baptist Training Union    7:00 pm … Evening Worship Service

Monday7:00 pm … Brotherhood (2nd & 4th)

Wednesday7:00 pm … Prayer Meeting         8:00 pm … Teachers’ Meeting

Friday7:00 pm … Teachers’ Class (2nd & 4th) TBA … Choir Rehearsal

TBA … MissionSaturday

TBA … Youth Rehearsal / Meeting   TBA … Ushers’ Meeting

Ledbetter Baptist Church

Pastor Don. W. Bryant

W W W.D F W E L I T E N E W S . CO M OCTOBER 12, 2012 17








A.T.R. Walk By Faith Ministry3423 Fordham Rd. Dallas, Tx. 75216

(469) 231-5512atr@mail.com

www.atrwalkbyfaithministryweebly.comSunday Morning Worship - 9:00 am & 11:00 am.

Wednesday 7:00 pm. - Bible StudyEvery 4th Saturday - Good God Almighty Musical

"We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight * 2 Corinthians 5:7"

Little Friendship Baptist Church2415 Ann Arbor Ave.Dallas, Tx. 75216(214) 374-36399:30 a.m. – Sunday School11:00 a.m. – Morning Worship

Bible Believers Missionary Baptist Church2703 Carpenter Avenue - Dallas, Tx. 75215

(817) 879-1225alreadyapproved@hotmail.com 

Sunday School ... 9:45 am.Morning Worship Service ... 11:00 am.

Wednesday Prayer, Bible Study ... 7:00 pm.

Greater Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church9333 Ferguson Road Dallas, Texas 75228

Pastor’s Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday or by appointment - 11am – 3:00 pmChurch Office: (214) 327-1250 Church Fax: (214) 327-1359

www.greatergoldengate.org Rev. Fabian K. Jacko

Early Morning Worship Service 8:00 a.m.Sunday School (Educational Building) 9:30 a.m.New Members Orientation Class (Church Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m.Nursery (open at 10:45 Worship Service) 10:45 a.m.Morning Worship Service (Church Sanctuary) 10:45 a.m.Brotherhood (2nd Sunday-Lenwood Nursing Home, 2017 W. Virginia Drive, 75237) 3:00pmChildren’s Church and Children’s Choir (1st, 3rd & 4th and 5th) 10:45 a.m.

Rev. Fabian K. Jacko

Greater Mt. Hebron M.B.C.2335 56th St. Dallas, Tx. 75241 Church: (214) 374-4759Web address: www.gmhbc.orgSunday Early Morning Worship – 8:00 amSunday School – 9:15 am Morning Worship – 10:30 amTuesday-Teen Night – 7:00 pm Grief Ministry 7:00 pm 1st & 3rdOvercomer’s Outreach @ 7:00 pm 2nd & 4th TuesdayWednesdayMen & Women Ministry @ 7:00 pm Bible Study @7:45 pmThursday Choir Rehearsal – 7:00 pmUsher Meeting Every 4th Thursday

Rev. Fred ConwrightPastor

Apostle W.C. Traylor, Jr.

Gregory D. Franklin, Sr. Pastor

Calvary Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church


Bible Believers Missionary Baptist Church2703 Carpenter Avenue - Dallas, Tx. 75215(817) 879-1225alreadyapproved@hotmail.com Sunday School ... 9:45 am.Morning Worship Service ... 11:00 am.Wednesday Prayer, Bible Study ... 7:00 pm.

Gregory D. Franklin, Sr.


Greater Mt. Hebron M.B.C.2335 56th St. Dallas, Tx. 75241 Church: (214) 374-4759Web address: www.gmhbc.orgSunday Early Morning Worship – 8:00 amSunday School – 9:15 am Morning Worship – 10:30 amTuesday-Teen Night – 7:00 pm Grief Ministry 7:00 pm 1st & 3rdOvercomer’s Outreach @ 7:00 pm 2nd & 4th TuesdayWednesdayMen & Women Ministry @ 7:00 pm Bible Study @7:45 pm Rev. Fred ConwrightThursday Choir Rehearsal – 7:00 pm PastorUsher Meeting Every 4th Thursday

A.T.R. Walk By Faith Ministry3423 Fordham Rd. Dallas, Tx. 75216(469) 231-5512atr@mail.comwww.atrwalkbyfaithministryweebly.comSunday Morning Worship - 9:00 am & 11:00 am.Wednesday 7:00 pm. - Bible StudyEvery 4th Saturday - Good God Almighty Musical

“We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight * 2 Corinthians 5:7” Apostle W.C. Traylor, Jr.

Little Friendship Baptist Church

2415 Ann Arbor Ave.Dallas, Tx. 75216(214) 374-36399:30 a.m. – Sunday School11:00 a.m. – Morning Worship

Early Morning Worship Service 8:00 a.m.

Sunday School (Educational Building) 9:30 a.m.

New Members Orientation Class (Church Sanctuary) 9:30 a.m.

Nursery (open at 10:45 Worship Service) 10:45 a.m.

Morning Worship Service (Church Sanctuary) 10:45 a.m.

Brotherhood (2nd Sunday-Lenwood Nursing Home, 2017 W. Virginia Drive, 75237) 3:00pm

Greater Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church9333 Ferguson Road Dallas, Texas 75228Pastor’s Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday or by appointment - 11am – 3:00 pmChurch Office: (214) 327-1250 Church Fax: (214) 327-1359

Rev. Fabian K. Jacko

New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

8108 Mask Drive Dallas, TX 75241(214) 498-4439 … Office

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.Men / Women Meeting (1st & 3rd Wed.) 7 – 8 p.m.

Bible Study (1st & 3rd Wed.) 8 – 9 p.m.Bible Study (2nd & 4th Wed.) 7 – 8 p.m.

Fellowship Dinner/Bible Study(5th Wed.)6:15 – 8:30 p.m.revrdr@aol.com

www.newfriendshipmissionarybaptistchurch.com Pastor RonaldD. Richardson

Resurrection Body of Christ 901 E. Parkerville Rd.

DeSoto, TX 75115214-434-0252

firstladyjacobs@aol.comSunday School Time: _9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Mid-week Service: Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Bible Study, Etc): Thursday 7:30 p.m.

Golden Chain Baptist Church


New Horizon Missionary Baptist Church

Christian Chapel Temple of Faith14120 Noel Rd. Dallas, Tx. 75240

Church (972) 239-1120Fax (972) 239-5925

Worship Services: 8 & 10:45 am.Sunday School: 9:30 am.Wednesday: Noon Prayer Rev. Kwesi R. Kamau



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A Search For Our New PastorThe Pastor’s Search Committee of the New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Tyler, Texasis seeking a New Pastor for full-time service. Our pastor will be retiring after 30 years of devotedservice. We are seeking a man of God who is a licensed and experienced pastor with a vision.A pastor who is well grounded in the Baptist Doctrine and uses the King James Bible as a base.One who desires to see growth and revival in our congregation, youth department and outreachin the community. If you feel that you are called by God to lead us, please send your resumeand contact information to:

New Jerusalem Baptist Church – Pastor’s Search Committee 1300 North Border Avenue – Tyler, TX 75702or; www. newjerusalembctyler.org/

u”Polk, EarnestWake: Friday, October 12, 2012 from 8:30 – 9:30 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas. Celebration of Life: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas 75224. Aris, VanessaViewing: Friday, October 12, 2012 from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas. Celebration of Life: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at God House of Worship – 3711 Humphrey Drive – Dallas, Texas 75216. Gillins, CorneliusViewing: Friday, October 12, 2012 from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas. Celebration of Life: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at Zion Chapel Primitive Baptist Church – 1004 N. Jefferson Street – Lancaster, Texas.

Kay, LolaWake: Friday, October 12, 2012 from 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas. Celebration of Life: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 12:00 noon at People’s Baptist Church – 3119 Pine Street – Dallas, Texas. Smith, EarlMemorial Service: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas 75224. Sims, DanWake: Friday, October 12, 2012 from 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas. Celebration of Life: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas 75224. Clewis, EnnisMemorial Service: Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. at Golden Gate – 4155 S. R.L. Thornton Frwy – Dallas, Texas 75224.










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