oct 27, 2010

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rio vista newspaper,ca

Transcript of oct 27, 2010



&D I N N E R

O p e n Fo r B r e a k f a s t S t a r t i n g A t 6 : 0 0 a m O p e n 7 D a y s A W e e k . 6 : 0 0 a m - 9 : 0 0 p m - 6 4 6 a 1 2 .

Now Open

Volume 12 Issue 42 www.RioVistaBeacon.com (925) 550-7811 October27, 2010riovistabeacon@gmail.com

Open for breakfast starting at 7amOpen 7 days a week

Sun-Th 7am-9pm Fri-Sat 7-10


Meet Your Last Two Candidates

Soroptimist of Rio Vista’ s October Student of the Month is Nicholas Maurer, representing theMathematics department of Rio Vista High School. Nick reports weekly to club members aboutevents and activities at the high school.

Nick has an impressive record of school involve-ment and achievements. While maintaining a4.0 GPA, he plays soccer and golf, and is editor of the Ram’ s Ear, the student newspaper. Heserves as Secretary- Trea-

surer of his class, and as President of the Radio Club, among manyother activities. He reports that his favorite subjects are math, art and history.

Nick is known to many Rio Vistans outside the high school, through his involvement as afounder of the immensely popular “ Hello, My Name is Yoghurt” shop. He plans to studyarchitecture at a college respected in that field, such as Cal Poly SLO or Cornell, and to becomea practicing architect.



Happy Halloween

The Rio Vista Little League is staying in town and is now under new manage-ment. Jerry DeFlores has turned the BATon over to Lena Alvarez, the new president of Rio Vista Baseball. Alvarez brings to the table a wealth of baseball knowledge and the ability to control the

meetings; her organiza-tional skills make her a force to be reckoned with. DeFlores has agreed to stay on as a board liaison for at least this coming season. Alvarez is joined by over twenty other new board members and look-ing for more interested volunteers. You may have seen

Alvarez and other board members at the Rio Vista Little League Bass Festival booth. They were taking sign-ups for interested players between 4 and 18 years of age. That’s right the RVLL is trying to bring Babe Ruth and possibly even the Ponytail league back to Rio Vista. These leagues are for the older boys and girls interested in playing ball. The group is still looking for candi-

Rvll Under New Management

dates for several board positions including um-pire in chief, vice president of t-ball and baseball, as well as concession officer. If you are interesting in joining the winning team by volunteering please at-tend the RVLL meeting at 7PM on Thursday, Novem-ber 11th at the Lighthouse Church located at 101 Montezuma Street. For questions or more infor-mation please call Lena Alvarez at 707-333-3352.

Walt Stanish first job as a teenager in Michigan was working at a pet shop. Every job since then, he has worked in the retail business and held many different management positions. In the back of his mind, though the years he knew that one day he wanted to have his own pet shop. In 1998 he saw a pet shop for sale in the paper in Brentwood named Pets 4 All and decided to buy it. Stanish made a few changes to the store and business was going very well. Then 3 years later he opened a second location on Sandcreek in Brentwood. The second location was larger and offered more products. Then in 2005 he com-bined both stores to the Sandcreek location making one store with many products and pets to offer his customers. The shop was getting many customers from all

over the area, including Rio Vista, his customers keep telling Stanish, “Come open a shop in Rio Vista we have not had one here for a few years.” This past summer Stanish came over and walked the downtown area and decided that 167 Main St would be a great location for the new Rio Vista location. The store will sell tropi-cal fish, many types of birds including finches, canaries, cockatiels, and love birds. Hamster’s, guinea pigs, lizards and geckos. Plus all the supplies and products for your animals needs. They will also offer bird boarding for people who go on vacation. Their hours will be Mon- Sat 10-6 and Sun-day 11-4. If you have any questions Stan-ish can be reached at 925-516-5911. Current target date to be open is Friday November 19.

Walt Stanish with Athena and Blanca

New Business to Open on Main St.

Fall is here which means it is melodrama time for no small thing productions, Rio Vista’s local communi-ty theatre. The week-end before thanksgiving show “RAZZLE DAZZLE REACH-ES RIO /OR FROM REAL TO REEL” will be presented Friday, November 19th and Saturday, November 20th at 7pm. Sunday. November 21st it will be at 2:30pm. The theatre is at lena emigh creative arts center, 230 Sacramento street in Rio Vista. You can take a chance and buy your ticket at the door or to be sure you have a seat for the date you wish you may purchase tickets from delta pharmacy,407 main street. adult tickets are $12 and children’s are $5.This seventh melodrama janey callahan-chin has authored was inspired by all the wonderful articles written by Phil Pezzaglia about the many movies made in the delta area. this melodrama bares

little resemblance to the real studios and their stars. this is a spoof on hollwood played for laughs and audience participation.the directors are Colianese, Donnelly & Chin (better known as al, Roxanne and Janey). Highlights of the play (which is set in the 1930’s) are a song & dance number by Jeff Shewmak-er and CasandraZapeta, a gold diggers number to “we’re in the money” and the fake filming of a gangter musical,’”Bonnie and Johnny”. Players are heroine, norma jean mort-inson (megan solomon). hero, sheriff dillon justin-wright (houston grove).Other characters are b.s. gold (howard branton), Meryl Hepburn (Casandra Zapeta)Brad Cruise,the villian(Jeff Shewmaker).we are pleased to have members of trilogy’s rama club in this production. They are Zoe Mdtger,Richard Galletta and Rich-ard Lyon.

Melodrama Razzle Dazzle Reaches Rio

The Rio Vista High SchoolBooster Club would like to extend their thanks to the following people for their generous sponsoring of the Run Your Bass Off, fun run. To Dan Simpson and Kelley Graupen-sperger, of The Gym for supplying the amazing timers from Capital Road Race Management, which made the race organized and fun. Lira’s Super-market for supplying all of the water and oranges for the runners, Coughran Mechanical for helping out with the tee shirts and Purple Cow Websites for helping out with the logo. Again thanks to the Okamara/Sunada family for designing our route. All of this could not have been done without Dan Shindler and the Montezuma Hills Fire District with their help with traffic control and road closures. Thank you to all the Rio Vista High School parents and students for coming out early in the morning and helping with the run!!!!

Rio Vista Booster Club


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Letters to the Editor

BLUEGRASS BANDWith the combined experiance of 15 years. Weddings, All special Occasions Call for more information 925- 695-4056

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Two KayaksTwo kayaks: One (1) Ocean Kayak, sit-on-top, 11’-0” with paddle, seat, and personal flo-tation device. $ 700.00 - One (1) Pelican Kayak, traditional river kayak, 9’-0” with paddle, seat and PFD. $ 550.00 Call Rick at 374.3862

Permanent MakeupEyebrows, eyeliner, lip liner now offering eyelash exten-tiondCall Stephanie925-642-0669

Tails of the CityDog Salon

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I Dear Editor: Sarah Donnelly is a long time resident of Rio Vista and her husband was raised in this com-munity. Tom Donnelly is a local businessman. Their children have attended Rio Vista schools. We need a strong and intelligent voice repre-senting our children and Sarah Donnelly offers that quality. Her educational background and experi-ence provide Sarah with the necessary tools to make sound decisions. As a volunteer and com-munity leader, Sarah has demonstrated that she is capable of independent thought and teamwork while solving problems. Sarah will listen to her constituents and act on their behalf. I am urging voters to show their sup-port by voting for Sarah Donnelly. Thank you, Susan WhitesellParent and business-woman

Dear Editor It’s Time to Retire Boxer and Brown

Barbara Boxer has been in Washington for the past 28 years and has zero positive accomplishments during that time. If you

want to try and find an accomplishment the only thing that could be con-sidered is a negative ac-complishment. This would her hard work against the interests of the people of California that she has represented over her 28 years in Washington. During the Obama Care debate did she ever ask for input from her con-stituents? Did she ever have a town hall meeting to discuss the issue and take the fire from the people of this state? The answer to these questions is an absolute ‘NO”. I live in the 3rd Congressional District represented by Dan Lungren and during this debate he continually asked his constituents for input on the proposed Obama Care legislation.Whenever constituents communicated to Sena-tor Boxer regarding this issue she was never open to opinions that was not in line with hers. Her mind was set in concrete andin lock step with her parti-san view. She is someone that really has no interest in the people of this state and therefore the voters should have no interest keeping her on thepublic dole.This state is in severe financial problems with huge unemploy-ment and what areBarbara Boxer’s solutions?

More government spend-ing for her Liberal special interestpet projects and the funneling of taxpayers money to Leftist organiza-tions that are not inthe best interest of the people of this state.We need a new Sena-tor with new ideas and someone that knows how to create jobs and has worked in the private sector. That person is Carly Fiorina, she was CEO of the Hewlett-Parkard Company and knows what it is like to meet a payroll and what it takes to create jobs and expand a business. California has been very unfriendly to business and as a result businesses in this state have left Califor-nia and relocated to more business friendly states. Jerry Brown is running again for Governor and the voters of this state need to ask themselves a question: Do we really need to rehire this failed former Governor who destroyed this state during his previous Gover-norship? Do we really need a repeat performance? I think not! I was working for the State at that time and I remember when he completely shut down most all highway construc-tion during his 8 years and laid off most all Caltrans engineers who were hired by Saudi Arabia. This ac-tion put highway construc-

Weslo-Cardio Glide - $35.00AB Lounge-Sport - $45.00Both in excellent condition Call: (707) 374-2966


“One down, two to go.” Successful in finding a home for one, but still need loving homes for two very sweet adult male cats. Neutered and healthy. Owner passed on. If interested please call: 374-6961 or 374-2282.

Connie BoulwareYour Candidate for City Council

With a Vision and a Commitment to Community.

Hardworking –Experience—Reliable

Make Your Vote Count!


151 Brannan Island Road


Music Friday and Saturday Nights

Till 1:00 AM

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Mon-Fri: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PMSat-Sun: 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Bar HoursMon-Fri: 11:00 AM - 2:00 AMSat-Sun: 8:00 AM -2:00 AM

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‘No More Business As Usual’

Bridge Over Troubled Watersby: Pastor Ella Ray Toscano

have a safe andHappy Halloween

Rio Vista Market



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Pizza & Pasta • Calzone • Salad Bar • Sandwiches • Video Games & More!This month we watched 33 miners pulled to the surface after being trapped for over two months. What an experi-ence of joy. Watching the men being pulled up from the mine was a rescue from the usual news of mean spirited political ads and violent drug traffick-ers. Much of the media reflects a pit of hopeless and happy less people. The rescue was a time of hope and rejoicing of which so little is in the news. There were those who felt the miners were lost and would never be rescued…but there were also those with the vision to look for a way out. That same spirit of continuing on in the spite of the odds is prevalent in authentic Christians. This one thing we do is to press on to-wards the goal for which God is calling us. We are given the power to press on and not look back. Those who have a strong faith are taught to never give up. When that faith is rooted in Jesus Christ then by his holy power he reaches down and pulls us up, never having to fear that the cable will break. It is impossible to be lost forever if God is directing the rescue team. No matter how low one seems to sink God does rescue. One of the min-ers said there were thirty four trapped miners and one of them was God. That same joy each miner felt as the cable brought him to the top was just a taste of what God can do for all who seem trapped in pits of depression, illness, financial needs, life changing decisions, death of loved ones, the unloving actions of others etc. . . . In Christ we can be saved from all of the pits of life…God is in the rescue business but there are those will not accept God’s plans. I remember the old story of the woman who was caught in the flood. She climbed up on her roof and a rowboat came by to rescue her but she said,” I will wait here because God will rescue me.” The water kept rising and a power boat came to res-cue her but she remained because she said that God

would rescue her. The water was almost over the top of her roof when a he-licopter dropped a ladder for her to climb up but she refused saying that God would rescue her. The wa-ters eventually enveloped her and she drowned. When she arrived in heav-en sopping wet she imme-diately went to God and asked him why she was not rescued. He replied. “I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”This story is a reminder of those who are trapped in the pit of self doubt and discour-agement. They have hope that someday in the future they will find a way out of the mess they seem to be in… If one is not truly tuned in to God there is no rescue. It is easy to miss the search party of Jesus if he is not looked to as the rescuer. The op-tions are ignored when trapped by some bad behavior patterns. These set thoughts can choke off the breath of real life. This is what preachers do…they call to folks who are trapped in the pits of life and offer them the supreme rescuer…Jesus Christ. He rescues one from anything that causes a downcast spirit. I think of those I love who have life threatening illnesses. ..Some of whom the prognosis is not what they want to hear. .. I visualize God sending in His rescue team. No matter what pit one is in God rescues. Some have a pit here on earth of bodies that have given out but God reaches down and rescues them from the jaws of illness. ..one way or the other. God does take care of us if we let him. His ways are not our ways but his ways lead to the kingdom and the glory forever. Lean not to your own understand-ing but trust in the Lord. He commands the heav-ens and sends his angelic teams of rescue. The miners showed a spirit of hope. Rescue teams showed a spirit of hope. The country showed a spirit of hope. It lasted for the time of trouble and rescue. The hope we have in Christ will last for all of our times of trouble… Look up! Help is on the way!

Real EstateQ & A

By Sam RichardsRichards Real Estate

All who seek Christ are welcome.We meet at 218 California Street,

Community outreach is a priority of this church.

Holy Eucharist Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with refreshments following.

Evening Prayer service is 1st Tuesday at 7 p.m. (707) 374-2667


www.stbrigidsriovista.orgP.O. Box 580, Rio Vista, CA 94571Deacon Susan Reeve 707-374-5734,Deacon Derek Jones 707-374-5372

First Congregational Church of Rio Vista

welcomes all to celebrate JesusSundays at 11:00 a.m.

All are welcome to Adult Sunday School at nine on Sunday

Choir practice at five on SundayBible Study at ten on WednesdayChildren’s Sunday School at 11:15

Prayer Meetings

230 Sacramento Street (next door to the Post Office)

Pastor Ella Ray Toscano

“The Congregational Way is freedom from the rule of men so that we are more completely obedient to the rule of Christ.We covenant with the Lord and one another.” We are an as-sociation not a denomination. We encourage all to associate with us as we walk together, gather together and do some-

thing together for the Lord .

Office Phone...374 2033

“The Tri-Tip Barbeque dinner last Friday, October 15, 2010 honoring Mary Gamaza was, in everyone’s eyes, a huge success! Ap-proximately 200 people participated in the event, with the highlight of the evening being the live auction, conducted by Joe Gates, with the help of Vanean and Jody Gates and the Union Baptist ChurchTeen Messengers Youth Group! We would like to thank a whole host of volunteers for helping make the set-up, dinner and clean-up run smoothly. Special thanks go to Lira’s Supermarket for their very generous donation of 28 delicious tri-tip roasts and mari-nating sauce. We’d also like to thank Louie Lira for the use of his mega-barbeque. There would not have been a dinner without it! Kacy Bowers, our barbeque chef, almost

got a barbeque burn for his efforts, but the end result was so yummy, I don’t think he minded very much. Thanks, Kacy and Louie! Julie Oaks was kind enough to donate flowers and greenery for the centerpieces, which Cindy Stewart arranged with artistic flair! We also received numerous generous donations for the auction ... too many to name, but you know who you are. Thank you very much! All in all, it was a magical night, and I believe Mary was able to see and feel how much we love and admire her, which was the main goal of the evening. Once again, thank you to everyone who helped make this night a memo-rable one for Mary and her family. God bless you!”

Gamaza Dinner A Huge Success!


THE UNFORTUNATE TRUTHQ. I recently purchased a property that had been foreclosed. Given what we are reading in the papersabout how foreclosures had been handled by the lenders, should I be con-cerned that the property Ibought could have been improperly foreclosed? Is it possible the prior owner could recover his propertyif it’s found that the proper procedures weren’t followed in his case? B.Y. Isleton A. I stated in a previous column that a Wells Fargo employee told me that he used to work on an average of 10 foreclosures a month, now it is 50 a day and growing. With that kind of work overload, some things are bound to be done wrong.After the bank bailouts, the federal government launched the Making Homes Affordable pro-gram designed to keep people in their homes

with payment modifica-tions, but that has been a miserable failure since the Banks are not willing to reduce the amount owed and the lower payment in most cases does not represent sustained af-fordability. The Banks are required to attempt a load modification priorto foreclosure, so they make what could be best described as a halfhearted attempt to “check that box” and move to foreclo-sure. To complicate things further, loan modifica-tion, short sales, and foreclosures/collections are 3 different divisions of banks, and they don’t always communicate with each other. It could be in the middle of a short sale when suddenly it is sold on foreclosure! We had one recently that was purchased on short sale, fixed up and resold, only to have the new owner served with foreclosure dates belonging to the

On behalf your Rio Vista Police Officer’ s Associa-tion, I would like to thank everyone who partici-pated in the “ Tip-a-Cop” event that was held at the Nines Restaurant in Trilogy on Friday, August 20th. The purpose of the event was to raise money in support of the Rio Vista Pool and the Movie under the Stars, which was sponsored by the Rio Vista Police Officer’ s Associa-tion and the Rio Vista Fire Fighter’ s Association. A 50/50 raffle raised$3,200, of which $1,600 was donated to the Rio Vista Foundation on October 4th. Congratula-tions to Council Member Ron Jones for the winning ticket! Rio Vista PoliceOfficers also raised ap-

proximately $1,100 in tips over the course of the eve-ning, which will help fund future community needs.I would like to give a spe-cial thanks to Pizza Facto-ry, Trendsetters, Taqueria, Rio Video, Rio Vista Bakery, Hong Kong Seafood, Delta Shooters Supply, Luxury Nails, Oilwells,Tails of the City, Book Rio V and Au-gusto Insurance for all of their generous donationstoward the door prizes and raffle tickets sales! Without the support of the Community, this event would not have been pos-sible!

Officer Lisa McDowell

old owner. Could the pre-vious owner cure the debt and retain ownership, with the new owner beingpushed out? Not likely.When the home sold on short sale, the owner was party to the sale and signed all documents as well as the Bank. If the collection division was unaware of the sale and continued foreclosure on the previous owner, your recourse would be through your Title/Escrow Company. That Title Insur-ance you purchased is to guarantee a clear title, and the Title Company can sort it out with the Bank. Could he buy it back? The old owner has let a property go to foreclo-sure, so he can’t get a loan to buy it back, and if he had the cash it would not have gone to foreclosure. Besides, on the short sale example he signed off on the sale; if he found a way to buy it back he would have to repay the forgiven debt from the original lender. Any savings from his original debt would be lender fraud in the case of buying back for a lesser price.Q. I am purchasing a 5 unit apartment through a fore-closure. It has no tenants,

and I was told that all 5units were told to vacate prior to the sale. It just doesn’t make sense to me they would throw out therental income. Why would they do that? H.W. Rio Vista A. Once foreclosed on, Banks/Lenders do not manage the acquired real estate, they hire an assetmanagement company. This company in most cases employs people that work from scripts and arenot licensed Agents, Real-tors, or Brokers. They don’t know what to do with the property managementaspect, so they eliminate that part. The good news for you is that since you are probably purchasing well below market rate you will put some money into the place and make it the nicest it has been in years. At that point you will be very rentable and a good property manager could populate the place rather quickly. The key for you is to plan your repairs and not get carried away on expenses for repair. If you determine gross rents, minus 5% vacancy, property management, garbage, water/sewer, and reserves for repairs,plus debt service, then you can determine profit-

ability. The original repairs you do should be part ofserviceable debt (you should be paid back), so the amount you can use for repairs should not exceed profitability.I had a guy buy a tri-plex and did kitchen cabinets, designer light-ing, tile floors, designer bathrooms, and on and on. There comes a point where you have to decide

is it a work of art, or an investment with a return? Upgrades are nice for ho-meowners, but renters will tell you they would rather have lower rentthan a designer some-thing or another. Keep it basic, functional, and clean and it will rent.

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LAMBCity Council

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Flu Shot Clinic Saturday Oct. 30th

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MEETING The Delta Tea Party Patri-ots meeting on Tuesday, November 2 is canceled due to this being election day. For more informa-tion: www.deltateaparty-patriots.blogspot.com or dtppatriots@gmail.com. The Delta Tea Party atriots will meet on Tuesday, No-vember 16 6:30 Pm at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 610 St. Francis Way, Rio Vista. speaker will be Sam Paredes - Executive Director, Gun Owners of California. For more infor-mation: www.deltatea-partypatriots.blogspot.com or dtppatriots@gmail.com.

Come See Our Rockin BoothAt The Bass Derby On Sunday

Why I am running for the Rio Vista City Council. First, a little history and Qualifi-cations for serving onthe Council. I am a high school graduate with two years of college. I had to quit college when my firstdaughter came along. I needed a real job to sup-port my growing family. I worked in logistics for theGam Missile and B52 program at Autonetics in Southern California and in construction. I obtained my California State Gen-eral Building Contrac-tor’s License in 1969 and operated my successful business for over ten years. I then owned and operated a new furniture store after moving to Arizona. A recession in the early eighties found me in Government Service as a Public Works Director and later I was asked to establish the Building De-partment as part of Public Works. I became licensed as a Certified BuildingOfficial in 1985. I contin-ued in the Governmen-tal Building Profession, serving several cities until

retiringin 2008. I worked with the City of Rio Vista for over 3 and a half years and have a good knowledge ofthe City’s history and pro-cedures. I am knowledge-able in budgeting, writing Ordinances, and MunicipalMethods.

Since retirement, I have watched the City suffer with poor leadership and incompetent manage-ment. I have tried several ways to improve the direc-tion the City was headed to no avail. We must restore credibility, hon-esty, common sense, and a good financial standing. Our priorities are being mismanaged and what little funds we do have are being misspent. The Public needs to be more informed and part of the decisions being made. Try-ing to improve the city’s direction cannot be done from the outside. The cur-rent Council and manage-ment will not listen to the citizens and just plow their way along. I have attended several Council Meetings and Workshops and witnessed their at-titude and headstrongideas that only they know what’s good for the City (or themselves). I will change that bad attitude and misdirection. I will lis-ten to you and represent you. I will communicate with you and force trans-

parency from the Coun-cil and all city staff. The Public should be proud of the Council and the direc-tion the City is going. I will stop all the controversy and restore meaningful relationships with you, the public.

I am not running to stroke my ego. A Councilmem-ber’s position is not easy and is, at least, a four yearcommitment to work and solve problems; not being the cause of them. This City has lots of greatpeople here with lots of talent and together we can make Rio Vista great again. When I came herein 2005 to work, I found a place I wanted to stay, bought here in 2006, and now enjoy living here.However, some serious changes have to be made to continue our lifestyle and prosper. I am com-mitted to work hard to ac-complish better solutions to our problems. Please, I need your vote so I can get started. Thank you.

Steve Lamb’s Candidacy Statement For City Council

All Candidates Running For City Council

Connie BoulwareBernie Durman

Fred KoglerSteve LambDon Roos

tion behind by 8 years and the traveling public is still feeling the effects of this action today. The State of California has major fiscal problems and massive unemployment today due to a state legislature that has engaged in massive overspending and being hostile to business. Which of these two candidates for Governor has answers to these problems, Jerry Brown or Meg Whitman? This should be an easy answer: Jerry Brown has a history of failed policies of the past and will not cut spending, he and the Democrat Legislature will definitely raise everyone’s taxes. You can bank on it! Meg Whitman on the other handas the former CEO of EBay knows how to turn this state around and what it takes to create jobs and provide a business friendly environment and bring businesses back intothis state. She represents the future.

The question that needs to be answered by the vot-ers on November 2 is the following:If you want the failed Liberal policies of the past vote for Jerry Brown for Governor andBarbara Boxer for U.S. Senator. If you want new ideas and candidates that representthe future vote for Meg Whitman for Governor and Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate.

Jack Silva

Go Vote!Our nation is at a turning point. We can continue going forward or regress to our petulantinner child and demand everything immediately. In less than two years the present administration was expected to fix a fi-nancial collapse that took eight years to create.Recovery has happened but more needs to be done. That is why I am going to base my vote on the following issues instead. I will vote for the party that promises not to privatize Social Security or Medicare.I will vote for those who will put the needs of everyday Americans before the insatiable greed of corpo-rate America (including the health care industry). It is not Marxism when you stop someone from stealing your money.I want the Constitution protected from those who plan to change it for their own personal ideology. I do not want the Civil Rights Act or the Ameri-

cans with Disabilities Act rescinded and I say no to the reenactment of “ Jim Crow” laws. The “ Party of No” blocked every piece of legislation that would have lead to a faster recov-ery. We were simply col-lateral damage to them. You cannot create jobs if you have already sold them over seas via the U.S. Chambers of Commerce who has already held “ outsourcing symposiums” with other countries, several congressmen, and two Supreme Court jus-tices. So, I will vote Demo-cratically. For those who disagree, we will begin to keep a tally of all those personal freedoms that will be eventually taken away.Dear EditorIt is election time. Sadly the supposedly fine art of advertising has become the drivel of half truths confirming we are voting for a lesser of two evils. How many of us have applied for a job in our lifetime when denegrat-ing the other applicants to our potential employer was better received than than demonstrating our strengths? I understand that “bad news sells newspapers” but how can we call ourselves a good citizen if we are more interested in what a candidate says about another candidate more than their qualifications? I am looking for candidates that define problems and recommend solutions. “If you can not say anything nice, say nothing at all” It is the press’s responsibil-ity to uncover untruths. Let’s let unbaised media do their job and ignor the smoke we are being sub-jected to.Hans SladeDelto Tea Party

Dear EditorYesterday I toured down-town RV and the sur-rounding area, and I was absolutely astounded at the myriad of vacant shops, vacant apartments for sale signs, for rent signs, and bank reposed properties. This appalling situation is partly a result of the unnecessarily high sewer/water fees which were instigated by an incompetent and reckless city council. The RV city government has not supplied any cred-itable evidence to support their allegations that the sewer/water infrastructure needs to be upgraded orreplaced, or that the sew-er/water systems have not been properly maintained. Ironically, during the time frame when the mainte-nance of the systems was

allegedly being neglect-ed, the city was siphoning ten percent of the sewer/water fees into the gen-eral fund – which is illegal under California Law. The fiscal irresponsibility and recklessness of the RV city council during thesevere economic down-turn which we are facing has resulted in enormous hardships for many of the residents and if continued will eventually result in the insolvency of the city itself. Once you kill off the goose which lays those golden eggs, your supply of cash will eventually be depleted. If you have not already done so, please sign the sewer/water user fee reduction initiative. It ap-pears to be the only hope of saving the city from insolvency. If passed the initiative will accomplish the following: 1. Reduce the hard-ship and devastation of the residents of Rio Vista. 2. Prevent the even-tual insolvency of the city. 3. Demonstrate to the city council that the citi-zens of Rio Vista demand avoice in their government and that the city council must be held accountable fortheir actions.Elwin Beck J

Dear Editor,I would like to encourage your readers to participate in the next elections. It is a very crucial time in our state’s and nation’s history to get involved. If you are angry to see your elected officials show no concern for what they have done to our beloved state’s financial future use your voting power to dethrone them. If you feel that your national Representatives have not served you by pillaging our national resources and they disre-gard the current national economic calamity get into action . If you are a single issue voter, I beg you not to bother voting. Before you vote study the actual voting records of the candidates. The laws that they have helped pass and the impact of those decisions in your future and the future of your children. If you don’t understand how much is a trillion Dollars, I will make it very easy for you to understand. It means the government should col-lect one million dollars tax from one million citizens . Get together with your neighbors and friends and do your civic duty. Vote for a better future for America.Jeffrey Kennan

Candidates Running For School Board

Sarah Donnelly And Lee Williams

Sarah Donnelly for School Board If elected, I will bring a lifetime in and passion for education to the Board of Trustees for River Delta Unified School District. I graduated from Amos Alonzo Stagg High School in Stockton in 1980 and attended the Univer-sity of San Francisco andthe Academy of Art Uni-versity before graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Litera-ture from the University of California at Berkeley in 1990. My grandfather, father, aunt and sister are teachers, as am I. I have been a department secre-tary in the intensive care at St. Joseph’s Hospital, a peer tutor at UCB, assis-tant personnel director and northwest service representative for the fast growing jewelry and giftware design company Laurel Burch, assistant registrar at Northwestern School of Law -Lewis and Clark College , a teacher and homeschooler, “girl Friday” in our graphic de-sign firm -Donnelly Designand I am currently work-ing as a substitute teacher in this school district.My husband and I have lived in Rio Vista, where he grew up, for 19 years. We have raised three children here. Our daugh-

ter, a graduate of Rio Vista High School, received her Masters in Public Account-ing from the University of Washington and is em-ployed by Ernst and Young. Our oldest son, also a RVHS graduate, is a sophomore at UC Santa Cruz studying health sciences and our youngest son is currently a junior at the high school. I am, and always have been, active in our community. I have served on School Site Councils, spearheaded the effort to build a playground in Bruning Park, helped establish a volunteer run art program at D. H. White School(now defunct), taught art and other sub-jects to homeschool groups for 11 years, taught religious education classes at St. Jo-seph’s Church (SJC) for over 10 years, helped with SJCyouth groups, served as a parent member on the com-mittee when RVHS was indanger of loosing its accred-itation (WASC) helped form a community group tofacilitate communication with the new superinten-dant (FORS), and I have driven HS volleyball teams and soccer teams far and wide. I currently co-chair The Affair of the Arts, RVHS’s only fundraiser for the Art and Drama departments, am newly active in our booster club and continue to be very active in our church community.

Our current superin-tendant and board of trustees have made huge stridesto improve communica-tion with the greater community and much neededtransparency for finan-cial issues. As a trustee, I would continue to make communication and transparency a high pri-ority. Students, parents, teachers,administrators and staff must know and have a say in the decision mak-ing process.Towards that end, if elected, I would hold regular office hours to hear comments,suggestions and con-cerns. Our district will continue to face tough financial issues as well as the challenges that come with our low scores on statewide tests. If elected to the board of River Delta Uni-fied School District it will be my fulltime job,second only to my fam-ily. I will give this job the attention, study, energy and time it requires. With my passion for edu-cation and my concern for our students I knowI am the best candidate. Please feel free to call (I’m in the book) or email me at sarah@donnelly-design.com

Sarah Donnelly’s Candidacy Statement For School BoardACTORS NEEDED!

Solano County Public Heath, Emergency Medical Services is looking for people to play the role of “victims of terrorism” on November 18, 2010 as part of a state-wide medical health exercise. Volunteer actors of all ages are needed to perform as “victims” of a mock terrorist attack carried out against our citizens.

The purpose of the exercise is to test our local hospitals’ abilities to treat a large influx of injured people in the event of a real disaster. Volunteers will wear make-up, to depict a certain injury, and be given a specific injury role to play.

Actors will be asked to report to one of five emergency hospital locations in the county, or the accident scenes that will be located near I-80 in Cordelia. The hours are from 5:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Individuals wishing to play the role of a victim will receive first hand experience working with emergency response professionals, a letter of appreciation, break-fast and lunch, and above all the sincere thanks of the citizens of Solano County who are ultimately receiving the major benefit. To participate, please either call Scott Haskins at (707) 784-8147 or email him your contact information at pshaskins@solanocounty.com. The deadline to sign up is November 4, 2010.

All Proceeds To Benefit The Montezuma Firefighters Association

October 30, 2010

Rio Vista Isleton Club295 7th Street, Rio Vista, CA

No-Host Bar-6:00pmDinner-7:00pm




Served 11 - 2:00

No To-Go Orders

Oct. 1st

Grilled Turkey Burger w/ Cole Slaw Lunch Size Fish & Chips w/ Cole Slaw


Crunchy Tuna Sandwich w/ Pasta Salad

BBQ Pork on Kaiser Roll w/ Cole Slaw

Oct. 15th

Montana Meatballs & Mashed Potatoes Calamari Strips w/ French Fries

Oct. 22th Jumbo Shrimp Tacos & Cole Slaw Foster’s Famous “Hot Brown” Sandwich

Oct. 29th

Foster’s Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes Caprese Sandwich w/ 3-Bean Salad

DON’T PAY UP FRONT FOR A LOAN MODIFICATIONThere have been countless changes in the loan modifica-tion industry since it began in 2007. Most important was the weeding out of fraudulent ser-vice providers who charged dis-tressed homeowners an up front fee and never did any work. Never pay up front for a loan modification. It is illegal in California. Who can negotiate a loan modification? 1. You. Yes, although you may prefer pro-fessional help with the process, nothing prevents you from at-tempting a loan modification on your own. 2. A Foreclosure Consultant. These are individu-als who are typically not li-censed and can be either for profit or non-profit companies. Since July 1, 2009, all foreclo-sure consultants in the state of California must be registered with the Attorney General’s office and must post a bond in the amount of $100,000. 3.Attorney. Any attorney licensed in the state where the pending foreclosure is located. 4. Real Estate Broker or Agent.

The most common source for advice and help negotiating a loan modification or short sale is a real estate agent or broker. However, the person must hold a current real estate license. You can find out if your agent is licensed at the California Dept licensed at the California Dept of Real Estate. ProtectProtect Yourself. Here are some common modification scams to review and be aware of: 1. The foreclosure consultant who asks that you pay him or her during the process. This should never happen. 2. The consultant who poses as a government aposes as a government affiliated entity. 3. Any rescue loan where you are asked to sign over title to a third party 4. Any scheme where you are asked to move out during the modification process. 5. Being asked to pay for a fo-rensic loan audit. This is another means of getting the homeowner to pay up front. Be very cautious and callif you have a situation you would like to talk over, no fees and no obligation, 707 330-0808.

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PLEASE BE GREEN & KEEP YOUR RECYCLABLES CLEAN!For information on what is recyclable, please go to


Ask the Recycling Guy!

What items are recyclable? Rio Vista Sanitation Service will take thefollowing items in your blue recyclingcontainer:

PAPER PRODUCTS: Boxes/Packages, Cardboard, Catalogs, Chipboard(cereal boxes, shoe boxes, etc.), Colored Paper, Construction Paper, Copy Paper, Coupons, Egg Cartons (Non-Styrofoam), Envelopes with Metal Clasps, Junk Mail, Loose Newspaper, Magazines, Manila Folders, Newspaper Inserts, Of�ice Paper,Paper Bags, Paper Packaging, Paper Towel Tubes, Shredded Paper (in plastic bags), Telephone Books, White Paper

PLASTIC PRODUCTS: California Redemption Plastic #1-#7, HDPE #2, Detergent Bottles, 5-Gallon Buckets, Juice Jugs/Cartons, Milk Jugs/ Cartons, Plastic Bags, Plastic Laundry Baskets, Plastic Water Jugs, Plastic Pot Plants, Rinsed Salad Dressing Bottles, Rinsed Yogurt & Margarine Containers, Shampoo& Bleach Bottles, Soda Bottles, Soft Drink Bottles: PET #1, Toys such as Plastic Tricycles, Water Bottles.ALL CONTAINERS SHOULD BE RINSED & EMPTIED • NO LIDS ON CONTAINERS.

METALS: Aluminum Cans, CLEAN Aluminum Foil, Aluminum Pie PlatesCLEAN Food Cans, Pet Food Cans, Steel Cans, Tin Cans

GLASS: Glass Jars & Bottles

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Prior to making a new home purchase, you will need a pre-approval letter rom a mort-gage lender. There are several reasons why it is important tospeak with several lenders before you select the one you will ultimately work with.

1. Get the Best Rate: Over the life of a 30 year fixed rate loan,a tenth of a point could save you thousands of dollars. Be sure you check rates with at least three different compa-nies. 2. Pay Lower Fees: Once alender accepts your applica-tion, he/she is required to give you an itemized list of all the costs associated with the loan, a good faith estimate. Be sureyou understand exactly what you will be charged and ask for an explanation of each fee listed. 3. Avoid a Prepayment Pen-alty: Often, particularlywith an adjustable loan, a lender will include a pre-payment penalty if you pay your mortgage off early. The penalty can be significant so ask questions before you agree to the terms.

4. Understand Points and Origination fees: Some lend-ers charge origination fees for taking out the loan. Some do not. Some charge a point (one percent of the loan amount) for a lower rate. Always ask if your loan carries these costs.

5. Be Comfortable with Your Lender: Find a lender who is knowledgeable, who is responsive, who answers your questions and who speaks your native language if Eng-lish is not your native tongue. If you have past credit issues, there are lenders who can help. You may have to look a little further.

6. Get the Rate Lock You Want: A rate lock is a time frame for which your interest rate is guaranteed. A rate com-mitment can be anywhere from 15 to 60 days.Usually the shorter the lock time frame, the better the interest rate. Be sure you negotiate the lock period that is right for you.