OCLC Online Computer Library Center Preservation Metadata Standards PREMIS & METS Taylor Surface,...

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Transcript of OCLC Online Computer Library Center Preservation Metadata Standards PREMIS & METS Taylor Surface,...

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Preservation Metadata Standards


Taylor Surface, OCLC

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Metadata and preservation metadata

“Structured information thatdescribes, explains, locates,or otherwise makes it easier toretrieve, use, or manage aninformation resource”






“Metadata that supportsand documents the digitalpreservation process”




OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Preservation Metadata: Examples Provenance:

Who has had custody/ownership of the digital object?

Authenticity: Is the digital object what it purports to be?

Preservation Activity: What has been done to preserve the digital object?

Technical Environment: What is needed to render and use the digital object?

Rights Management: What IPR must be observed?

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Why is preservation metadata important?

Digital objects are …

technology-dependent …

mutable …

bound by intellectual property rights …

Preservation metadata makes digital objects self-documenting across time

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Introduction to PREMIS

PREservationMetadata Implementation Strategies

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

PREMIS History

March 2000: OCLC, RLG jointly sponsored international working group on preservation metadata Preservation metadata framework (June 2002)

Comprehensive, high-level description of types of information constituting preservation metadata

Used OAIS information model as starting point

Set of “prototype” preservation metadata elements

June 2003: OCLC, RLG sponsored international working group: PREMIS: Preservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies

May 2005: Released Data Dictionary for Preservation Metadata: Final Report of the PREMIS Working Group: Comprehensive, practical resource for implementing preservation metadata in digital

archiving systems

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

PREMIS Data Dictionary

May 2005: Data Dictionary for Preservation

Metadata: Final Report of the PREMIS

Working Group

237-page report includes:

PREMIS Data Dictionary 1.0

Accompanying report (context, data model, assumptions)

Special topics, glossary, usage examples

Data Dictionary: resource for implementing preservation metadata in digital archiving systems

Set of XML schema developed to support use of Data Dictionary

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From theory to practice …

OAISOAIS DigitalArchivingSystems





Preservation Metadata Requirements

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PREMIS data model






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Sample Data Dictionary entrySemantic unit size Semantic components


Definition The size in bytes of the file or bitstream stored in the repository.

Rationale Size is useful for ensuring the correct number of bytes from storage have been retrieved and that an application has enough room to move or process files. It might also be used when billing for storage.

Data constraint Integer Object category Representation File Bitstream Applicability Not applicable Applicable Applicable Examples 2038927 Repeatability Not repeatable Not repeatable Obligation Optional Optional Creation/ Maintenance notes

Automatically obtained by the repository.

Usage notes Defining this semantic unit as size in bytes makes it unnecessary to record a unit of measurement. However, for the purpose of data exchange the unit of measurement should be stated or understood by both partners.

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Introduction to METS

MetadataEncoding & Transmission Standard

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Digital Libraries – the need

Digitization technology well understood

Standards for many digitization processes are widely recognized

However, no MARC standard exists for the digital library

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Lack of a standard – what it means

Poor cross-searching

Limited interchange facilities

Metadata tied to proprietary packages

Consequent obsolescence and conversion costs

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The solution …

Semantic consistency analogous to AACR2

Common container analogous to MARC

METS is the container!

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METS to the rescue!

Developed through DLF collaboration

Maintained by Library of Congress


Framework for holding all pieces of a digital object including various metadata

Does not prescribe metadata but endorses a number of schemes

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Overview of a METS package

Typically, one METS file corresponds to one “digital object”

Digital Object contents are either referenced or embedded

Metadata (descriptive, administrative, structural) is either referenced or embedded

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METS skeleton

Mets HeaderMets Header






File inventory

Descriptive metadata

Administrative metadata

Behavior metadata

Structural metadata

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METS profiles

Profile describes an application of METS

Registered with LoC maintenance agency

Essential for interoperability of packages

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More METS …

OCLC Online Computer Library Center

Preservation Metadata Standards

