occupy...Occupy Central had planned to launch its campaign in October, but the police attacks caused...

Post on 09-Jul-2020

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Transcript of occupy...Occupy Central had planned to launch its campaign in October, but the police attacks caused...


Learning Objectives

•  To introduce students to the symbols, aims, tactics, and impact of the Occupy movement.

•  To discuss the value of non-violent protest and its tactics.

•  To think about the strength of images, and what gives them the power to affect people, circulate and go viral.

•  To consider what ideas can ensure democratic and equitable societies.

‘Occupy Wall Street: the story behind seven months of protest’ Guardian

Film Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFOWci6yrSs


Young people started organising protests in September, 2014. Students started refusing to go to class, and instead demonstrated outside government offices.

Carlos Barria, Reuters

Joshua Wong, one of the leaders of Scholarism, was just 17 during these protests. He was arrested along with many other students. Police used tear gas and truncheons against the peaceful protestors.

David Wong, South China Morning Post

Occupy Central had planned to launch its campaign in October, but the police attacks caused them to bring their protests forward. Tent cities blocked major roads, public squares, business districts, and the entrances of important government buildings. Some people lived in them for three weeks. They had pop-up medical tents, libraries, art spaces, and even study areas! Vincent Yu, AP

Police attack student protestors with tear gas, Hong Kong 2014

Bobby Yip, Reuters Associated Press

Images of the ‘Lennon Wall’, which was made up of thousands of post-it notes with pro-democracy messages and drawings from many different people.

Brent Levin/ Bloomberg




Thanks to Funders and Partners:

Written and compiled by Dr Daniel Edmonds, danieledmonds237@gmail.com