
Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Thanks to Vili, for the inspiration for this format

Transcript of Obstacles

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your

eyes off the goal." – Henry Ford, Ford Motor Founder

Why is it that some people seem to accomplish so many things despite

extraordinary obstacles?

According to Henry Ford's quote it could be because they have

large goals that they keep firmly planted in their mind and never lose

sight of their real objectives.

Recently while discussing Helen Keller with someone.

I was surprised to learn that she had written 11 books and had

graduated from college despite all the obstacles

she faced in her life.

If she can accomplish such lofty goals then why can't those of us who are

able to hear and see? Maybe it is because you have

lost sight of the goal and instead focused on the obstacles

in front of you.

In order to achieve the goals that you would like to achieve in your

life it is important that you keep them firmly planted and have

a clear mental picture of what it will look like when

that goal is accomplished.

Then when obstacles arise, and they will, it is easier to find

the appropriate solution and work through that obstacle

in order to achieve what you really desire.
