Observation Three Notes

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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Observation Three Notes

Transcript of Observation Three Notes

Observation Three: Season One Episode Three Tell It to the Frogs

0:00/4:00- Episode Three begins where Episode Two left off. We first see an unnaturally calm Merle--still handcuffed on the roof--talking in what appears to be a flashback state. He goes on to explain about a time in his past when he punched the front teeth out of his superior while serving in the military. After chuckling to himself about the incident he wakes up and begins to panic once more. Merle starts to plead with God to save him and show him the way. This commotion causes Walkers to gather near the chained door attempting to break through. Merle, in a rage then exclaims he will no longer beg to be saved. He is last seen trying to use his belt to reach a hacksaw nearby.

7:00/10:00- While the morning starts for the survivor group, Dale looks through his binoculars as he hears a waling noise coming from the road leading towards their camp. The noise is coming from Glenn and the stolen Dodge Challenger. After the cars alarm is extinguished, Shane then criticizes Glenn, asking him if his wish is to get the entire camp killed. Dale mentions that it would hard to track the noise due to the echo in the mountains. It isnt long after that Rick and the other survivors drive up behind the Challenger. As everyone gets out, and Glenn introduces Rick as the new guy, Shane is shocked to see that it is his old partner. Lori and Carl turn around in amazement as an emotional reunion between the separated family takes place.

11:00/15:00- As the group settles down by the fire for the night we are introduced to Rick telling his story of his journey so far. He tells everyone his first moments after waking up from his coma, claiming he believed he was in some sort of dream. Rick then begins to publically express his gratitude for Shane, telling him that he cant thank him enough for everything he has done for his family. Lori looks down on this because of her and Shanes relationship which has obviously abruptly ended with Ricks arrival. A rude and jerk of a husband, Ed, interrupts by placing a large log on the fire. Shane approaches him saying to keep the fires at an ember in order to maintain secrecy. Ed then makes his wife Carol--whom he is obviously abusive to--take out the log. When Shane returns the group then discusses how they will tell Daryl--Merles brother--why Merle was left behind. T. Dog then speaks up, telling the group that he will be the one to inform Daryl since he dropped the key. He also explains to the group that he chained the door to the roof shut. Everyone now knows that Merle is still alive up on the rooftop.

20:00/25:00- As Rick wakes up after a much needed rest he comes upon Glenn looking in disgust as members of the group strip the Dodge Challenger for parts. Vultures he mumbles in disgust as he tells Rick he wishes he could have driven it more. Rick then sees Lori washing clothes, once he approaches her Rick informs her that he is going to have to retrieve Merle Dixon. She becomes upset at the fact that he just found his family and now he wants to go back to the overrun city. Ricks morality is seen here though since he tells her that being chained up and exposed is no way for anything to die. Suddenly, Carl and a few other children come running back to the camp screaming for their parents. A few men--including Shane and Rick--arm themselves and head to the disturbance. They find a Walker feasting on a dead deer which has been shot with multiple hunting arrows. The men the proceed to beat the monster to death.

26:00/35:00- Once Daryl arrives back at camp he immediately starts to call out for his brother. Everyone is silent as they wait for someone to break the news to him. Rick is the one to step up as he informs Daryl that his brother was a danger to the group and he had to be detained--handcuffed to the roof--. Enraged, Daryl pulls out his knife and attempts to slash at Rick, Shane gets Daryl in a headlock and Rick tries to reason with him once more. Once Daryl is calm, Rick puts on his uniform and gets ready to go back for Merle. Shane attempts to stop him claiming it is a waste of man power and an unnecessary risk since Merle is seen as a douchebag by all. Rick expresses sympathy once more as it goes against his morals to do such a thing. Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and T. Dog will conduct the operation of rescuing Merle as well as the large bag of weapons Rick dropped after he was attacked in Atlanta. After bartering with Dale over his bolt cutters--which they need to open the door to the roof--Rick tells both Lori and Carl that he will be back soon and not to worry. While loading up their gear Shane finds four bullets for Ricks Colt Python in his ammunition bag. Four men, four rounds, what are the odds? Shane says this as the irony presents itself. The four men then load up into the truck and head to Atlanta.

37:00/40:00- In this scene, Shane is doing some male bonding with Carl as they attempt to catch frogs. Lori however condemns this, she sends Carl back to their tent and she begins to sternly tell him to stay away from her son. We learn here that Shane was the one who told Lori that Rick had died in the hospital. While doing laundry, some of the women in the group express the things they miss about the old world. As they laugh while reminiscing Ed comes overs to tell them that they need to focus on their work instead of screwing around.

41:00/45:00- Rick and the other men sneak back into the shopping center where Rick first met Glenn and Merle. Daryl uses his crossbow to send an arrow through a Walkers head as they progress to the roof. Back at camp things become violent between Andrea and Ed as an argument ensures. The women inform Ed that they know he beats his wife and a scuffle breaks out. Shane--enraged by the conversations with Lori earlier--comes over and proceeds to beat Ed mercilessly. He tells Ed that if he ever lays his hand on Carol, his daughter, or anyone in the camp again he will beat him to death. Finally, Rick and the others reach the top of the roof where Daryl begins to scream No! in horror. In the last scene we are shown the amputated hand of Merle.