Oblivious Production Pack

Post on 10-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Oblivious Production Pack








Treatment & Synopsis Into the darkness is a ten-minute narrative piece based on the origins of the Batman films and television series characters including the characters Joker, Riddler and Harley Quinn characteristics, mannerisms, behaviours, personalities and traits and conveying them through ordinary people. I see it now as 4 portraits – performed by actors applying subtle methods to suggest underlying psychosis/neurosis using choreographed movement whilst speaking to camera. The characters – two men and two women appear in mid shot and close up from a single camera. The close up emphasises the odd twitches or gestures. The camera direction will follow the inflection of the monologue. So Samuel Becket like – these might need some repetition and emphasis. I intend to use this as the basis of my film. I will be enlisting selected drama students to enact these cues to make visual observations of how these characteristics are presented through mannerisms etc.– As this will be a solo production i saw this as an opportunity to explore the deeper emotion of how actors portray this in film. The script will be 4 x approx. 3-minute monologues for each character. In terms of costume design I would like to approach costumes within ordinary clothing, however to show some hints of characterisation I will be including makeup but the confusion of different characters within. Due to the theme of darkness within these characters inflicted the theme of aspects of violence the intended audience is for the age range of PG12.The location was original going to be set in an asylum, however due to budget possibilities and permission I decided to film in the studio’s as conveying the darkness and using low key lighting would be more effective. As this is an improvised piece excluding the script there will not be a specifically set storyboard however and underlining of what happens in each shot and scene. There will be 4 characters 2 male and 2 female. The aim is not only to show these well-known character’s personality traits & behaviours but it is also to demonstrate the theory and theme of ‘psychosis’. In order to capture this the actors have to portray the script well once written. The script will have a fluent pattern of poetry within this spoken word piece. I will also make sure that these characters do not make their “mental health “ obvious as this is not what the film is about.









CharacterResearchTheJokerJoker is an insanely homicidal super-villain. In most adaptation of joker he is also known as “The clown prince of crime”, However in new addition in the television series Gotham, Which inspired me to create this film the series uncovers the characters from the beginning from before the were these evil characters. Joker is known as Jerome Valeska (as a young teen/adult). The originality of joker is that his dominant image is that of an extreme psychopath. Joker has a sadistic sense of humour to which becomes his trademark, within the sense of ‘trademark’ joker is well known for his purple suit, white skin, green hair and blood red lips and scars. No crime is beyond the joker (murder, theft, terrorism). Joker exploits of crime are a theatrical performance. It is known to be that joker has killed over 2,000 victims. The Joker is the “personification of the irrational”, and represents “everything Batman [opposes].The Joker’s main characteristic is his apparent deranged insanity, although he is not described as having any particular psychological disorder. Comparable to a psychopath, he lacks empathy, a conscience, and concern over right and wrong. The Joker is described as capable of processing outside sensory information only by adapting to it. This enables him to create a new personality every day (depending on what would benefit him) and explains why, at different times, he is a mischievous clown or a psychopathic killer. In “The Clown at Midnight” (Batman #663, 2007), the Joker enters a meditative state where he evaluates his previous selves to consciously create a new personality, effectively modifying himself for his needs.




The Riddler; Edward Nygma The Riddler is obsessed with riddles and puzzles. Riddler’s crimes are flamboyant and conspicuous. The Riddler is typically portrayed as a smooth talking yet quirky character abnormally high IQ. But this is tempered by his intense narcissism, histrionic behaviour, underlying egomania, and his obsessive-compulsive need to devise and disseminate his riddles and puzzles. His obsession with displaying his own intelligence is the central trigger of his many personality disorders, however in Gotham the television series we see him become riddler and he has split personality disorders within the mental illness of schizophrenia.

In the television series ‘Gotham’ Riddler is Edward Nygma is a forensic scientist working for the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) who has a fondness for expressing findings in the form of riddles. He frequently collaborates with detectives Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock, processing and presenting evidence for cases they’re working on. He harbours unrequited romantic feelings for a co-worker, Kristin Kringle, and commits his first crime when he kills her abusive boyfriend, GCPD Detective Tom Daugherty. He escapes detection, but suffers a mental breakdown and develops an alternate personality harbouring the personality of a schizophrenic person. A personality that is as ruthless and aggressive; as Nygma is a timid and socially awkward person. He wins Kringle over and begins dating her, but she recoils from him when he confesses to killing Daugherty. He accidentally chokes her to death while trying to get her to stay; He disposes of the body and covers up his crime, in the process embracing his other, evil self


Harley Quinn Harley Quinn was an arkham asylum psychiatrist who was assigned to treat the joker (Dr, Harleen Quinzel), However she became obsessively fixated on joker, to which she believed that she was in love with joker in which she helped him escape. Harley became a violent unpredictable felon. Quinn then became he sidekick of the Clown Prince of Crime himself. Harley has an addiction with having a significant other that violates taboos, hence the Joker’s appeal to her.. She suffers from a version of Battered Wife Syndrome (domestic violence) and PTSD, related to her abuse both at the Joker’s hands and her father’s. Harley also has Passive-aggressive personality, and Sociopath are likely, and Histrionic Personality Disorder (excessively dramatic) is all but Guaranteed, as this can be promptly identified by her overtly sexualized clothing, her need to speak in a loud voice, her wild behaviour, and her tendency to talk and joke, even in fights. She is also very much Antisocial. Although Harley Quinn is not a main role in Gotham there is an assumption that she is a certain character with all her traits.


Although this character is called Barbra she does portray a lot of the traits of Harley Quinn all accept being a doctor. She's casually homicidal, gleefully amoral, and mentally unbalanced. She shredded her Hippocratic and began a crime spree that would make Bonnie and Clyde wince. Harley is occasionally made the world a better place — but it's usually by accident and never for truth, justice, and the American Way. In early versions of Harley Quinn especially in cartoon versions it is very well known that Harley Quinn’s father abused her. . VictorZsaszVictor Zsasz was the head of his own international company and had compiled a large personal fortune in addition to his family’s wealth. At the age of 25 his parents died in a boating accident, sending him into a deep depression. He turned to his gambling losing money in competitions around the world. He eventually squandered his entire fortune, betting everything against the penguin at Gotham casino. After losing against Penguin Victor he realizes that his life was empty; driven by desire, and there was no point to his existence Whilst Victor was attempting to commit suicide by jumping off Gotham bridge, a homeless man tried to assault him with a knife after he refused to give him money. Instinctively grabbing the knife zsasz saw into the man’s eyes that life is meaningless and that nothing nor anyone else matters. He then proceeded to stab the man to death as a ‘gift’ for saving his life. From then on, he dedicated himself to “liberating” others from their pointless existence (Zsasz often refers to victims as “zombies”). He usually preys on young women, but has no qualms over whom he murders. He slits his victims’ throats and leaves them in lifelike poses, adding a tally mark to himself each time. He has been diagnosed as insane and is regularly incarcerated in arkham asylum. Zsasz began a tally mark on his body that would grow to include more than 143 scars.





• Theatrical• Comedic• Super-sanity• Ultra-sensoryperception• Notruepersonalityofhisown• Heightenedsenseofself-awareness• Homicidal• Psychopathic• Ruthless• Sadistic• Maniacal• Lunatic• Manipulative• Intelligent• Diabolicalmastercriminal• Likeschaos• Likewreakinghavoc• Comical• Bouncy• Silly• Overthetopvoice• Malevolent• Murderous• Cunning• Vicious• Breakingoutintohystericallaughter• Sinister• Amusement• Anarchic• Clownishappearance• Duplicitous• Exasperating• Quick-tempered• Egotistical• Impulsive• Unpredictable• Immoral• Spiteful• Persistent• Selfish• Likesmagictricks• Nihilistic



• Intelligent• Calculating• Kind• Caring• Meticulous• Observant• Narcissistic• Infatuatedbyhisintelligence• OCD• Sociallyawkward• Sociallyclueless• Unintentionallyinsulting• Selfish• Alternatepersonality• Autismspectrumsocially• Personalitydisorder• Manipulative• Sadistic• Anti-socialbehaviour• Seeshallucinations• Developmentpersonalitydisorder• Ego-mania• Aggression• Exceedinglyarrogant• Belittling• Twisted• Ruthless• Complex• Emotionalinstability• Compulsiveneedforattention



• Conflictingpersona’s• Rational• Identitycrisis• Obsessive• Compassionate• Loyal• Intelligent• Immature• Highpitchedvoice• Playsdumb• Sane• Gullible• Addictiontosignificantothers• Dependentpersonality• Suffersfrombatteredwifesyndrome• Passive-aggressivepersonalitydisorder• PTSD• Histrionicpersonalitydisorder• Loudvoice• Seekapproval• Definesherself• Neglected• Physicalabuse• Innocentwoman• Forcedbythehandofjoker



• SerialKiller• Extremeintelligence• Psychologicaldisorders• Psychopath• Depressed• OCD-cutstallymarksonbody• Borderlinepersonalitydisorder• Sociopath• Noremorse• Murderer• Manipulative• Getswhathewants• Nocareforhumanlife• Obsessionwiththeneedtokill• Threatening• Deranged• Unpredictable• Coldkiller• Soulless• Vicious• Disorientated• Tohavepurpose• Creepyvoice• Brutalcharacter• Existential• Darknesswithin• Angry


Original Scripts that I wrote first before giving to writer to put into poetry. Int. Night cell The Joker knocks on camera lens, tilts head to the left

and laughs.


Madness is like gravity; all you need is a little Push. Some of us have to make mistakes detective. Some of us

have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. The Joker walks to sit down, to realise whilst looking

down that he has been handcuffed without realising.

Joker Darkness tempts his purity; can you save his tainted soul? Divine move, divine move you think you have any moves at all you can’t kill me officer if you do I will rip your throat out and I will enjoy it without regret so what divine move do you have now? You’ve lost old man and there is nobody to save you

(Joker Laughs). Would you like to see a magic trick officer? You know officer even though I’m handcuffed I could literally rip out your heart what makes you so sure I wouldn’t do it here and now in front of all these cameras? Joker punched to face; he falls to the floor bleeding to



Victor Zsasz sitting in chair with head down; raises head

looking upset.

Victor zsasz They laugh at me because I’m different I laugh at them because they are all the same. Silence is the most powerful scream. Can you imagine the vagrant surprise when I wrapped my hands around his throat? It was beautiful. I sliced out his throat and gave him the gift of salvation. The blood sprayed over my face and I saw what little life was left in his eyes. Zsasz cuts a tally mark on arm.

Victor zsasz You can imagine how lost I felt but I felt this accumulation of rage and the addiction to kill again, Detective you should stay back my heart is beating with rage I can hear your heart beating makes me want to rip your guts out. Would your family miss you if I killed you on the spot? What if I slit your throat I would feel your thick blood trickling down your throat as you reach your death! How do you kill the demon inside you without killing

yourself? I will kill you now, Goodbye Detective Gordon

INT. All characters are situated in a dark location with low lighting. Camera flashes straight onto each character whilst voiceover can be heard. We see all of their erratic behaviours of each character and how they react. Voiceover: Madness as you know is a lot like gravity all you need is a little.... Push. Riddle character What’s black and white and red all over? Stop it! You know what I think we need? I think we need a little more fun.


Joker character: Shots up at camera giving intensity towards his character and the audience. -How about a magic trick? James Gordon: You ever think about walking away? Riddler: I spy with my little eye something that is yellow. Questions for you did you know that houseflies hum in the key of F. Joker: When I’m evil I’m better. There’s nothing more contagious than laughter What’s the secret to good comedy? Timing. And what’s courage? Grace under pressure? And who’s the boss? I’m the boss. After giving the writer a starting point I gave her all these script ideas in which she began to write the script and she developed the first script development. INT NIGHT CELL The Riddler cricks his neck from side to side and with his head looking at the floor. He raises his head with his eyebrow following and stares blankly in to the camera.

RIDDLER I’m a bloody walking paradox... no I’m not?

DONT TOUCH MY ICE COLD SKIN KRISTIN! (Sheepishly) you will burn yourself it’s hot

And now people say I’m crazy?

Well I’m subject to hazy

Dreams, the night brings the devil to me


Even Jesus says I can’t redeem myself

Summoned by the bell

I follow him the burning pits of hell

Black and blue, the flames so the bruising

But it was you! That committed to loosing me.

It could be called bitter sweet on those love stained sheets

Taste of vodka in your mouth tut tut Kristen you must have drank it neat

It was just another crime of passion in a hotel suit.

The blood through your veins and on to the bathroom floor

What more...

Evidence could there be? I didn’t break the law


[Continued] I just loved you and well you loved me more I only wrapped my hands around your throat for a moment I didn’t stop because I wanted to. There was gas between my hands and its components And well I will only crack my fingers if I can crack all 10 Because if I can only crack 9 then ill just start again Although I’m NOT odd! Numbers like me send lighting rods Electric pules that made me blackout and then i woke up and well... Kristin was gone (sniggers) I’m sorry detective I have no time for your questions; this is not a hot line. Although I do love questions, let me ask you. What has a foot but no legs? I need your answer because you’ve already got mine.


Oblivious Screenwriter Production Pack

By Niamh Quinlan Student ID: 1203026

Reframing the Interface BA (HONS) Digital Film & Screen Arts

University for the Creative Arts


Synopsis & Directors Treatment When Lydia approached me to write the script for “Oblivious” she was very helpful in breaking down her visual intentions and concepts as a director. As a writer I was interested in exploring a darker side of writing and wordplay. As a creative writer in the spoken word and poetry field I usually write from the perspective of the self thus I chose to work with Lydia on “Into Oblivion” as a way to develop my ability to build a character and see the world visually through them. Lydia then sent me a synopsis and treatment to explain in more detail a breakdown of the piece, which you can see below. Synopsis A 20-minute narrative, scripted and improvisational short film originally based on the origins of the

Batman Gotham films and television series. The characters include the notorious Joker, Riddler, Harley

Quinn and Victor Zsasz. The aim is to express these character’s emotions and to convey their erratic

behaviours, personalities and traits, however it is solely to convey it’s still performance within these

actors performances. Directors Treatment This will be viewed on 4 screen landscapes, all on a loop in sync to each screen – performed by actors applying subtle methods to suggest underlying characterisations using choreographed movement whilst speaking to the camera -theoretically talking to: themselves”. The characters are– three men and one women appearing in mid sh. This will emphasise the odd twitches or gestures. The camera direction will follow the inflection of the monologue. So Samuel Becket like – these might need some repetition and emphasis. I will be enlisting selected drama students to enact these cues to make visual observations of how these characteristics are presented through still performance. As this will be a solo production I saw this as an opportunity to explore the deeper emotion of how actors portray this in film. The script will be 4 x approx. 5-minute monologues for each character (altogether approx. 10 minutes). In terms of costume I would like to keep the clothing simple whilst focusing more on the characters visual expressions and performance through spoken word. However, to show some hints of characterisation I will be including minimal makeup to convey cuts and bruises. Due to the theme of darkness within these characters inflicted the theme of aspects of violence will be shown within its script, in which the


intended audience is for the age range of PG12, which when this film is shown in the exhibition each screen will have headphones attached.The use of low-key lighting with a spotlight effect is key. The film begins with each character sitting with their heads down. Each character looks up at the same time-in

unison & lighting is lit up on each character| each monologue will including facial expressions, improvised

laughter, hand gestures.

Written by Lydia From the synopsis and director's treatment i gained a clearer understanding of my role as a screenwriter. With Lydia's visual breakdown of the piece being a 20 minutes “4 screen landscapes, all on a loop in sync to each screen” i was able to understand that I would be writing four separate monologues for four different characters taken from the Batman films and TV series and that would be the base line for my research as a scriptwriter. The four characters that i would be focusing on was The Joker, Riddler, Harley Quinn and Victor Zsasz with this knowledge i was able to narrow down my research in to four different characters to be able to identify with each of their character history, emotions, erratic behaviours, personalities and traits and then reflect that in each of their monologues. In the treatment Lydia also expressed her vision for spoken word throughout the piece, this was good news for me as it is a writing style I am familiar with and enabled me to think of each script as a rhythmic piece of dialogue that expressed the deepest parts of each character. As i am comfortable with this writing style i found it easier to accept that the still performances from amateur actors were going to rely heavily of performance and script to accurately capture the ideas and reflections of these characters.


Inspiration and Research

Batman Films and Gotham TV series An American cultural icon, Batman has been licensed and adapted into a variety of media, from radio to television and film, and appears on a variety of merchandise sold all over the world, such as toys and video games. The characters involved have also intrigued psychiatrists, with many trying to understand their psyche. Above you can see characters and artwork based around the films and comic books, when comparing these images to other iconic superheroes such as The Avengers, Spiderman or the fantastic 4 you can see that see that Batman has a much more absurd history and much darker narratives than other generic ‘feel good’ superhero films this is something that i tried to capture when writing the script.


Niamh’s Research On researching further into the depth of the batman series i discovered that drawing similarities from mental health issues and dark subject matters from the characters in Batman is nothing new. Below is a screen grab from part of an online article written for the Huffington Post in 2011 in which forensic psychiatrist Vasilis K. Pozios, M.D., a physician specializing in forensic and adult psychiatry gives a detailed breakdown of the themes that i should focus on when writing this script.


Niamh’s Research The above screengrab was very helpful in such a way that it helped define the political correctness of diagnosing the characters i would be writing monologues for. Erratic behaviour and language is commonly associated with mental health issues all of which can be seen in the characters involved in “into oblivion”. As a writer it was helpful to see the Batman films analysed by medical professionals so that i could understand to abandon any scripted dialogue of medical terms i didn't fully understand and rather focus on the generalised legal concept of insanity which is a more accurate description of the Batman Villains.


Niamh’s Research

Samuel Beckett After reading Lydia’s Directors treatment and her comparison to the work of Samuel Beckett i decided to research and find inspiration from him. Samuel Barclay Beckett was an avant-garde novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet. Beckett's work offers a bleak, tragicomic outlook on human existence, often coupled with black comedy and gallows humour, and became increasingly minimalist in his later career. He is considered one of the last modernist writers, and one of the key figures in the "Theatre of the Absurd". The theatre of the absurd can be considered a type of drama that tries to portray the absurdity of human life using illogical, meaningless and deliberately confusing action and dialogue. Taking inspiration from Beckett and this genre of theatre i decided to write each monologue with a staggered narrative crossing back and forth over the line of sanity and insanity using metaphors and erratic language whilst still maintaining the identifiable history of each character.


Niamh’s Research

The Spoken Word

Suli Breaks


G_p-Y Savannah Brown

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6CCePrJlaU Spoken wordis an oralart that focuses on the aesthetics of word playand intonation and voiceinflection.It is a 'catchall' that includes any kind of poetryrecited aloud, including hip-hop,jazz poetry,poetry slams.As an artist already interested in writing and performing spoken word i have adapted my own writing style in which words rhyme and flow together i have always been inspired by the two artists above. When writing the script i can say that i was inspired by the flow and rhyming couplets of Suli Breaks and the adapted the way that Savannah Brown writes about social and political issues through the voice of a character.


Character Breakdown

Riddler / Complexity The television series “Gotham” integrated the batman villains into a scripted society, giving each of them a career with a realist approach. The series can be taken as the history of these characters as an audience we watch them develop into murderous criminals. The first villain that I researched was Edward Enigma formally known to batman fans as ‘The Riddler’. In the show Nygma is a forensic scientist working for Gotham City Police Department with a penchant for speaking in riddles. He later went down for a path of criminal activity after murdering Tom Daugherty and his girlfriend Kristen Kringle. On researching the character history Lydia and myself sat down and highlighted personality traits and key movements in the character's life that would aid in the writing process, which are listed below.

IntelligentInfatuatedbyhisintelligence Manipulative

Calculating OCD SadisticKind Sociallyawkward Anti-socialbehaviourCaring Sociallyclueless ArrogantMeticulous Unintentionallyinsulting ComplexObservant Selfish EmotionalinstabilityNarcissistic Alternatepersonality Needforattention


The Joker / Trickster In the TV series ‘The Joker’ was characterised as Jerome Valeska, former inmate at Arkham Asylum. A history of a tragic childhood in an abusive one parent home resulted in his first crime - murdering his mother. As punishment he was sent to the asylum where he reflected on his resentment for figures of authority ie his mother, doctors and other medical professionals. On his escape (aided by Harley Quinn) this resentment from authority grew as he murdered people in power and went on to become an evil part of a corrupt system. On researching the character history Lydia and myself sat down and highlighted personality traits and key movements in the character's life that would aid in the writing process, which are listed below. Theatrical LikeschaosComedic SillySupersanity OverthetopvoiceUltrasensoryperception Malevolent


Heightenedsenseofself-awareness ImpulsiveHomicidal Quick-temperedPsychopathic MagicTricksRuthless PersistentSadistic DiabolicalmastercriminalManiacal BouncyLunatic Manipulative Intelligent


Victor Zsasz / Anarchy “Gotham” shows Victor Zsasz as a wealthy man and the head of his own international company. At a crucial time in his life his parents died in a boating accident resulting in his deep depression and morbid outlook on the world. Facing a gambling addiction and losing sight of his purpose Victor attempted suicide, when a stranger interfered and saved his life Zsasz stabbed and murdered the man as a ‘gift’ he then went on to liberate other people by freeing them from this purposeless and depressive life and then marking each of his victims as a scar on his body. On researching the character history Lydia and myself sat down and highlighted personality traits and key movements in the character's life that would aid in the writing process which are listed below. SerialKiller UnpredictableExtremeintelligence ColdkillerPsychologicaldisorders SoullessPsychopath ViciousDepression DisorientatedOCD-cutstallymarksonbody TohavepurposeBorderlinepersonalitydisorder CreepyvoiceSociopath BrutalcharacterNoremorse ExistentialMurderer AngryManipulative DerangedGetswhathewants ThreateningNocareforhumanlife Obsessionwiththeneedtokill


Harley Quinn In “Gotham” Harley Quinn is known to be Dr Harleen Frances Quinzel an intern asJokers psychiatric doctor at Arkham asylum. Her time with the Joker resulted in a twisted and fascinating relationship. After he tactfully seduced her with sympathy and attention she became obsessed with the joker and helped him escaped the asylum and her medical license was revoked. It has been said that her fascination with the inmate was due to her ‘daddy issues’ as a result of a dark childhood and abusive relationship with her father and a string of loveless relationships. On researching the character history Lydia and myself sat down and highlighted personality traits and key movements in the character's life that would aid in the writing process, which are listed below.

Conflictingpersona’s Dependentpersonality



Obsession SeekapprovalCompassion AfalseinnocenceLoyal SeductiveIntelligent NeglectedImmature SeekapprovalHighpitchedvoice CalmPlaysdumb RationalSane NormalisedGullible Addictiontosignificantothers


Niamh’s Research Summary of Character Breakdown Complexity The language i intend to use for this monologue is smart, question based, juxtaposing words and emotional binaries to cause confusion. I liked the idea of including the murder of his girlfriend as he talks it will be unintentionally vicious and detailed however he will see it as a crime of passion as he uses riddles as a constant way to justify his innocence. Much like the theatre of the absurd, due to the nature of how he expresses himself there will no real conclusion. Trickster Violence along with jokes and magic he views as a sort of escapism he has always been the victim of corruption in authority and he finally snapped and decided to take down ‘the system’. The monologue will use language that flips between serious global issues and smaller jokes or interaction with the audience, using erratic laughter to skirt around how deeply affected he is personally. Harley Quinn I intend her monologue to be more personal to herself and her feelings, on a whole she is the most rational thus the language she uses will not be too farfetched it will be a calm and accurate breakdown of her relationship the ‘trickster’ and her explanation of why she felt so fascinated by him. I still want to maintain the element of poetic language however i feel like her monologue will be the easiest to follow. Anarchy The element of this character that captured my attention the most was his idea of ‘liberating’ people through death, that in itself is a twisted and poetic thought. Although Anarchy is a villainous murderer i intent to capture his story and the way he talks about death with a sort of spiritual beauty yet still using quite violent terms.


Director's Guide Below you will see the starting point of the script as written by Lydia, I went through the script and gathered her director's vision to adapt to my version of the screenplay. I edited the parts that peaked my interest in bold so that i could elaborate on them. Trickster(Joker)CharacterScript Madness is like gravity; All you need is a little Push.

Some of us have to make mistakes detective. Some of us

have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. The Joker walks to sit down, to realise whilst looking down

that he has been handcuffed without realising.

Darkness tempts his purity; can you save his tainted soul? Divine move, divine move you think you have any moves at all you can’t kill me officer if you do I will rip your throat out and I will enjoy it without regret so what divine move do you have now? You’ve lost old man and there is nobody to

save you (Joker Laughs).

Would you like to see a magic trick officer?

You know officer even though I’m handcuffed I could

literally rip out your heart what makes you so sure I

wouldn’t do it here and now in front of all these cameras? Joker punched to face; he falls to the floor bleeding to death. Complexity(Riddler)characterScript People say I’m crazy, if they only knew why!


A beautiful woman is a dangerous thing detective- I learned that the hard way. What is nowhere, but everywhere, except where something is? I used be just like you detective an innocent man, but my true identity surface and made me the man I am today. What makes you so sure I won’t suffocate you with my bare hands- I’ve done it before and Ill do it again. Do you believe in fate detective? I did when I killed my girlfriend in cold blood since then I’ve been going through a change. I’ve been murdering people. I killed three people two I had no care for but the other- I killed the love of my life, since then I have been having these hallucinations I’ve been seeing double. I’m sorry detective I have no more answers for you. HarleyQuinnCharacterscript I’ve made so many mistakes and there’s no one left who believes in me. There was a time when he believed in me- but he left me all alone without a care in the world for my feelings. We were in love Mr J and I, but he betrayed me by caring more about his nemeses and becoming the clown prince.He told me he would never changeI was wrong he did change! There comes a time when a girl wants more in life than the life she already has. I could have loved you forever but then you broke my heart. Anarchy(VictorZsasz)Characterscript They laugh at me because I’m different I laugh at them because they are all the same. Silence is the most powerful scream. Can you imagine the vagrant surprise when I wrapped my hands around his throat? It was beautiful. I sliced out his throat and gave himthe gift of salvation. The blood sprayed over my face and I saw what little life was left in his eyes. (Zsasz cuts a tally mark on arm.) You can imagine how lost I felt but I felt this accumulation of rage and the addiction to kill again, Detective you should stay back my heart is beating with rageI can hear your heart beating makes me want to rip your guts out. Would your family miss you if I killed you on the spot? What if I slit your throat I would feel your thick blood trickling down your throat as you reach your death! How do you kill the demon inside you without killing yourself?I will kill you now, Goodbye Detect


First Attempt I started by choosing one character (Complexity) and becoming familiar with his history, mannerisms and feelings. I then focused on a writing style, already familiar with the art of spoken word i chose to maintain my writing style of rhyming patterns. With the nature of the piece i chose to make the words flow with a erratic tempo that fluctuate between intense and soft. The harsher more ‘insane’ word play would be spoken in a sharper flow whereas the word play that delved into a more social realistic part of the characters history would be spoken in a slower and softer rhythm with pauses. The first attempt of this is shown below, i then sent this to Lydia to ensure she was comfortable with the balance of character history and absurdity along with rhythm of the piece. When she agreed to all of the above i started on the first full draft taking the same approach with each character.



Full Draft 1 ( Niamh research)





Niamh’s Research Summary of first Draft

The first full draft of the script went down with minor elements needed to be changed. Through conversations with Lydia and joined tutorials with Lydia and Kathleen we were able to fine tune the script and make notes for the final piece. As a poet I found it hard to stage directions through the piece that was something that we had agreed needed to be changed. With the help of Lydia and her director's vision we worked on what movements she envisioned along side the script. The overuse of religious connotations used we agreed to remove some cases. The abandonment of mental illness and politically incorrect terms were also brought to my attention, however that was not Lydia’s direction she wanted to go as it was not based on mental illness, however the issue of the legal term ‘insane’ did come up and was highlighted as we agreed the language and general tone of the monologues should show more signs of erratic behaviour and violent language.


Niamh Research Final Script

Complexity (Riddler) I'm a bloody walking paradox (smirking) ...No I'm not? (Holds hair tightly in distress) (Uh) DON'T TOUCH MY ICE COLD SKIN! (Sheepishly) you will burn yourself it’s hot And now people say I’m crazy? (Laughing whilst talking deranged behaviour) Well I'm subject to hazy Dreams, the night brings the devil

to me Even Jesus says I can’t

redeem myself Summoned by the bell I follow him in the burning pits of

hell Black and blue, The flames so the bruising but it was you!

(Angry) That committed to losing me. It could be called bitter sweet

The Taste of vodka in your mouth (tut tut) Felicity you must have drank it neat The blood through your veins and on to the bathroom

floor What more... Evidence could there be? (Panic sound whilst

talking) I didn't break the law I only wrapped my hands around your throat for a moment (hand movement crushing action) I didn't stop because I wanted to… There was gas between my hands and its components and well I will only crack my fingers if I can crack all 10 Because if I can only crack 9 then I’ll just start again (smirk on face, raised eyebrows wide eyes)(laughter) The second I looked at her everything changed, she was dead in my arms. (Sad expression and emotion) Although I'm NOT odd!


Numbers LIKE me they send lightning bolts down my spine (Sniggers) I'm sorry detective I have no time for your questions; this is not a hot line. Although I do love questions, let me ask you. What’s black and white and red all over? I need your answer because you’ve already got mine. Trickster (Joker) Gravity. Madness is like gravity; All you need is a

little (pause)- Push. (Laughter at the end) Just to take off. Well you seem tense officer (wriggles body when saying ‘tense’) Would you like to see a magic trick officer? Handcuffs

disappear (whips out Pack of cards) There are queens and kings and then there’s me (Lays cards on desk/shows camera cards) You know… Royalty…. Are taught not to express emotion … it makes them weak (lowers voice, crushed hand movement) Is that why they place me beneath the law? Because I have a smile engraved on my face bigger than you’ve ever seen? (Laughter after talking) But I am the alpha. The underdog wouldn’t

dream! Of turning over the liars and cheats That collapses a whole globe with their power from Wall

Street! Well knock knock ... who’s there? It’s me.

(Laughter) I did that. And I will set fire to every building (evil tone) just to laugh and too see Myself skip away with a bag full of disposable copies of our founding fathers and queens. (Quivers almost sensitive topic)


I can see that you're scared, me? I can draw fantasy from every form of external reality While you surround yourself with cells you are scared of escaping your sanity (No no no) officer I get it (puts hands up –low), you’re scared of being alone, you don’t know how to survive the loneliness I was once like you, back when I was young



I destroyed the lives, those around me, those closest to me But you see detective when I’m evil I’m better. (Laughing

laugh echoes) looks up whilst laughing.

HARLEQUIN Trickster, Was a sweet boy? A fire in his belly and a glare in him set to

destroy I was Harleen; I was his reformer, his

guidance My eyes met with his and I said ‘I see the sorrow behind your smile and the reason behind your silence’ Passion leapt out of his chair, he just cracked under pressure His smile evolved to that of a Cheshire He clutched my arm and said, “ Yes your

highness But let’s not forget, pressure

forms diamonds.” They say that man is a

savage under the skin But there’s nothing more attractive than a man wrapped

in sin I chose to leave those white walls and padded

cells On top of mountains of bomb

shells I didn’t have a

choice, Until I untie his hands and until I set him free I’ve made so many mistakes and there’s no one left who believes in me anymore he ripped my heart out and stitched it to my sleeve I see a sweet madness in myself and mind what do you see detective? Do you see little old me? This feeling I have it erodes through my purity like lava I haven’t felt this since I was at the hand of him, the man that I’m most afraid of. Anarchy (VICTOR) My father! He had the most accurate conclusion


He left the dock and sailed away from this meaningless

illusion you see life isn’t what it seems Time just fills a void until it bursts at the seams I was born into a losing battle where I was swimming upstream And the rapid tides were rapidly battling me I fought every tide that had passed and every wind that had blown past me. And I eventually got the hint; Even nothing is ridiculous when you have nothing alone. So in my father’s image I fled on a quest for hope Wrapping rings of comfort round my neck and embraced the end of a rope My light was fading and I finally felt satisfied

Until some selfish unravelled the end that I

tied The end cannot be over; I will not be over

my blade So just to thank you I’ll drive it

through your brain Say hello to my Mother and father in the crimson river of blood (evil smirk) And let that river run through that hole, let it cause a

flood I will store that liquid in bottles along with your

tears So that I will never feel thirst for the rest of my years Before you go, I just want to say thank you for giving me purpose in life Ending your life isn’t scratching the surface I will create chaos within the storm that never was. And when I am finally vulnerable to the death and its

charm I will have all of my victims engraved on my



Niamh evaluation

The Shoot The shoot consisted of three days; there were a few issues on set that i was able to help iron out. I was assigned the role of sound recorder with the help of Lydia. My main focus on set was to work alongside the actors with the script while Lydia and the rest of the crew were setting up. Although the actors had been given the script prior to the shoot i found that they struggled with the general flow of the piece to which I was able to work through it with them explaining the inflections of words and the rhyming patterns. Being familiar with the script i was able to remind the actors of their lines when they had forgotten them. The actress that played Harley Quinn found is especially hard to remember her lines, I was able to break it down with her section by section and help her remember through the rhyming pattern, Although she struggled with piece I feel that was due to the lack of rehearsal time she had given herself prior to the shoot.


University for the Creative Arts


In script development our ideas were nearly finalised however we decided to send a copy to our tutor and see what she thought in which we got feedback from her .

Into the Darkness script development

I'm a bloody walking paradox

...no I'm not?

DONT TOUCH MY ICE COLD SKIN KRISTIN! (Sheepishly) you will burn yourself it’s hot

And now people say I’m crazy?

Well I'm subject to hazy

Dreams, the night brings the devil to me

Even Jesus says i can’t redeem myself

Summoned by the bell i follow him the burning pits of hell

Black and blue,

The flames so the bruising but it was you!

That committed to loos-ing me.

It could be called bitter sweet

On those love stained sheets

Taste of vodka in your mouth tut tut Kristen you must have drank it neat

It was just another crime of passion in a hotel suite.

The blood through your veins and on to the bathroom floor

What more...

Evidence could there be?


I didn't break the law

I just loved you and well you loved me more

I only wrapped my hands around your throat for a moment

I didn't stop because i wanted to… There was gas between my hands and its components

And well i will only crack my fingers if i can crack all 10

Because if i can only crack 9 then I’ll just start again

Although I'm NOT odd!

Numbers LIKE me send lighting rods

Electric pules that made me blackout and when i woke up and well... Kristin was gone

(Sniggers) I'm sorry detective i have no time for your questions, this is not a hot line.

Although i do love questions, let me ask you. What has a foot but no legs? i need your answer because you’ve already got mine.

A snail! … A snail leaves a trail of mucus

A shadow of presence that covers the gruesome

Casting silhouettes over bodies, I’ve found that gruesome is a whole new me

Discovering myself like the forbidden fruit uncovered


more laugher

Gravity. Madness is like gravity; all you need is a little Push. Just to take the off.


Well you seem tense officer Would you like to see a magic trick officer? (Pack of cards)

There are queens and kings and then there’s me

You know… Royalty …

Are taught not to express emotion … it makes them weak

Is that why they place me beneath?

Because I have a smile engraved on my face bigger than you’ve ever seen?

But I am the alpha. The underdog wouldn’t dream!

Of turning over the liars and cheats

That collapse a whole globe with their power from wallstreet!

Well knock knock ... who’s there? It’s me.

I did that. And I will set fire to every building just to laugh and too see

Myself skip away with a bag full of disposable copies of our founding fathers and queens.

I can see that your scared, me? I can draw fantasy from every form of external reality

While you concern surround yourself with cells you are scared of escaping your sanity

No no no officer I get it, you’re scared of being alone

I was once like you, back when I was



Jerome. Was a sweet boy.

A fire in his belly and a glare in his set to destroy

I was Harleen, I was his reformer, his guidance

My eyes met with his and I said ‘I see the sorrow behind your smile and the reason behind your silence’

Passion leapt out of his chair, he just cracked under pressure

His smile evolved to that of a Cheshire

He clutched my arm and said “yes your highness

But let’s not forget, pressure forms diamonds.”

They say that man is a savage under the skin

But there’s nothing more attractive than a man wrapped in sin

I chose to leave those white walls and padded cells

We decided to elope and love on top of mountains of bomb shells

I didn’t have a choice, he said he would never love me

Until I untied he hands and until I set him free

I’ve made so many mistakes and there’s no one left who believe

But Jerome he was different he ripped my heart out and stitched it to my sleeve

I see a sweet madness in myself and mind what do you see detective?

Do you see little old me or just the sex I projected?

This feeling I have it erodes through my purity like lava


I haven’t felt this since I was at the hand of


My father! He had the most accurate conclusion

He left the dock and sailed away from this meaningless illusion

You see life isn’t what it seems

Time just fills a void until it bursts at the seams

I was born in to losing battle where I was swimming upstream

And the rapids where rapidly battling me

I fought every tide that had passed and every wind that had blown

And I eventually got hint, even nothing is ridiculous when you have nothing alone.

So in my father’s image I fled on a quest for hope

Wrapping rings of comfort round my neck and embraced the end of a rope

My light was fading and I finally felt satisfied

Until some selfish unravelled the end that I tied

The end cannot be over, I will not be over my blade

So just to thank you ill drive it through your brain

Say hello to my father in the crimson river of blood

And let that river run through that hole, let it cause a flood

I will store that liquid in bottles along with your tears

So that I will never feel thirst for the rest of my years


Before you go, I just want to say thank you for giving me purpose

Ending your life isn’t scratching the surface

And when I am finally vulnerable to the death and its charm

I will have all of my victims engraved on my arm.


Cast Auditions

Cast- Auditions 20/11/2015 Ashley Ginn Jordan stansbury Lukas Vitkauskas Amy Sherlock Stephen Frith Daniel Brindley Andy Vernon Ellie Crouch Debbie Smith Sasha Crespi Carlota Matos Nicoletta Christodoulou Rachael Mason Molly-Jo Gordon Faith Ava Rae

I will be holding Auditions from 12/11/2015 onwards as when I advertised my film for audition quite a lot of people responded so i will only be choosing 5-6 people as characters. Schedule of Auditions In order to get through a whole day of auditions I have decided to audition two people at the same time and switch roles of all character to audition for as this would be a faster method of auditioning people for these characters . Start time:10 am Lunch: 12:30- 10 minutes Each audition in two’s will be around 10-20 minutes each if in two’s and each audition

takes exactly 20 minute auditions hopefully should take 2-3 hours depending if more

people would like to audition. On Audition day I will be filming all the actors ‘auditions in order to pick the people I want to use for my film. In order for this to happen I intend to book a medium sized room and I will bring acting agreement forms. In addition I am hopefully intending to ask someone to help me as their input of choosing the right actor would be very insightful.



02/10/15 - start writing Script;

04/10/15- Visual treatment – Look at black spaces, lighting techniques, camera Shots, technical methods, 3 point lighting. 20/10/15- Development of Characters – are they female or males/ am I playing With gender issues and mental illnesses. 20/11/15 - Script Development 01/12/15-Advertise auditions 10/12/15- Hold Auditions 20/12/15- Choose actors for film


Additional Schedule Schedule


Crew Producer Lydia Dwek

Casting director Julia Cowell & Lydia Dwek Cinematographer TBD Director Lydia Dwek

Sound Design TBD Script Niamh Quinlan

Lighting TBD Costume design Lydia Dwek Makeup Design Lydia Dwek Director of Photography Lydia Dwek Runner Lydia Dwek & Niamh Quinlan

Editor TBD For the moment this is the crew I have depending on other peoples schedules the crew may change in time but so far I need to find someone experienced in lighting, editing and cinematography.





Location Studio---Lightingisdarkwithsomelightingfocusedonlyonthecharacter. Shots Midshots,closeups,longshots,someshotswherecharacterinteractswiththecamera. Script?? RiddlerQuotes: What’sNowhere,buteverywhere,butexceptwheresomethingis?–NothingWhat’sstrongenoughtosmashships,butstillfearsthesun?


Whatdoadeadman;acruiseshipandanemuallhaveincommon?Iseewithoutseeing,tomedarknessisasclearasdaylight.WhatamI? Jokerquotes: Madness,asyouknowisalotlikegravity,allittakeisalittlepush.Whysoserious? Giveamanamaskandhe’llbecomehistrueself. Ifyou’regoodatsomethingneverdoitforfree.Let’sputasmileonthatface. Everybody’sgotadarkside.Howaboutamagictrick?Hahahhahahaha! Youseeintheirlastmoments,peopleshowthattheyreallyare.Ajokeisaveryseriousthing. Victorzsaszquotes: Ikillforonereasononly,becauseIchooseto. Anarchyistheenemy. AndImadethefirstcut Improvisationalmethodexceptscript.


JeanCharcot: Iconographies


KarenFinley: Timedelayghostingeffect: Thesecharacterswillhavethepersonalitiesandcharacteristics/erraticbehaviorsofthesewell---knowncharacters.


Camera,lighting To Film “Into the Darkness” I will be using the C300 camera as i will be using low lighting, and when we had training in this camera it was really good with low lighting. In terms of lighting the background will be black and low lighting within the film here is an example of what the lighting will look in the first shot of my film. After this similar lighting i would like to create a dark,but light spotlight on the characters. This will create intensity within the actors


Props These are a few props i may consider using in my film.


Makeup & Hair In terms of makeup i will not be using the well-known scars on this characters (like jokers white face and scars), however i will be transferring makeup scars and fake blood on the characters and regular makeup. Here are some examples: Overall this is just an idea at the moment.


Synopsis & Directors Treatment

Synopsis A 20-minute narrative, scripted and improvisational short film originally based on the origins of the Batman Gotham films and television series. The characters include the notorious Joker, Riddler, Harley Quinn and Victor Zsasz. The aim is to express these character’s emotions and to convey their erratic behaviours, personalities and traits, however it is solely to convey it’s still performance within these actors performances. Directors Treatment This will be viewed on 4 screen landscapes, all on a loop in sync to each screen – performed by actors applying subtle methods to suggest underlying characterisations using choreographed movement whilst speaking to the camera -theoretically talking to: themselves”. The characters are– three men and one women appearing in mid sh. This will emphasise the odd twitches or gestures. The camera direction will follow the inflection of the monologue. So Samuel Becket like – these might need some repetition and emphasis. I will be enlisting selected drama students to enact these cues to make visual observations of how these characteristics are presented through still performance. As this will be a solo production I saw this as an opportunity to explore the deeper emotion of how actors portray this in film. The script will be 4 x approx. 5-minute monologues for each character (altogether approx. 10 minutes). In terms of costume I would like to keep the clothing simple whilst focusing more on the characters visual expressions and performance through spoken word. However, to show some hints of characterisation I will be including minimal makeup to convey cuts and bruises. Due to the theme of darkness within these characters inflicted the theme of aspects of violence will be shown within its script, in which the intended audience is for the age range of PG12, which when this film is shown in the exhibition each screen will have headphones attached. The use of low-key lighting with a spotlight effect is key. The film begins with each character sitting with their heads down. Each character looks up at the same time-in unison & lighting is lit up on each character| each monologue will


including facial expressions, improvised laughter, hand gestures. . Holistic Structure TheholisticstructureofthisfilmisnotonlythemainbasisofconveyingStillperformanceinthesecharactersbutinterpretationofthesecharacter’spersonalities(traits,mannerisms),butthinkingoutsidetheboxitisalsotothinkabouttherelationshipbetweenthebodyanditsvocaldialogue(SamuelBecket).Therewillbealogical,andaestheticalconsistencyinrelationtothecontinuitythroughoutthefilm.TheideathatIgraspedwastohaveeachcharacterstartwiththelastwordthepreviouscharactersaid,howeverintheprocessthisdidnotseemtowork.Iwillexploremethodacting,tryingtoaccesshiddenpsychosis;apermanentdistortion(Eachcharacterinadistortedlikesform).Scene 1- Allcharacters3-secondfastfade-Backgroundlightingnotvisible.Spotlightonactorsonlyshowingshadowsaroundlighting.Scene1willbeawideshotofeachcharactersfullbody(sittingdown).-midshot.Musicofheartbeatgraduallyincreasing

Scene 2- TheTrickster.Thiswillbea3minutemonologue(spokenword)wideshotandmidshotsandcloseupshots.-Fastpacedchoreography-straighttalkingtowardscamera;Fadeoutnextcharacter.Scene3-ComplexityastheRiddler.Firstshotofcloseupofcharacter.TheWittydialogueandmannerismsisshown.Usinghandmovementstoexpressviolencethroughtherepresentationofcrushingsomethingwillbeeffective.Fadingoutintonextcharacter.Scene4-Harlequincharacter.Midshotofcharacterusingexpressionsmostlyforthischaracter.Notmuchlaughter,butmannerismsfadeouttolastcharacter.Scene5-AnarchyasvictorZsasz.Closeupshotofcharactergraspingbothhandstogether,beginningdialogue.Usinghandmovementstoexpressviolencethroughtherepresentationofcrushingsomethingwillbeeffective..Fadeout.Scene6-Therepetitionofcharactersmonologueswillbeeffective,howeverswitchingtherolesofthesecharactersmightbeaninterestingtechniquetouse,whichwouldbeintriguingtoseehowtheviewerswouldreact,whichimaginingmightbeconfusionwhichwouldbeveryeffective.Therearesomesideshotswithindifferentanglesoftheactor’sfaceIwouldliketouse.


Finalised script After looking at our feedback Niamh finally finished the script however there were something’s I thought needed changing in which you can see below.

Opening scene-All character sitting down head looking down- heartbeat sound starts and all character look up with a spotlight on them at the same time. They stare in to camera as if into a mirror. Addressing audience with accusatory.


I'm a bloody walking paradox (smirking)

...no I'm not? (Holds hair tightly in distress)

DONT TOUCH MY ICE COLD SKIN KRISTIN! (Sheepishly) you will burn yourself it’s hot

And now people say I’m crazy? (laughing whilst talking-deranged behaviour)

Well I'm subject to hazy

Dreams, the night brings the devil to me

Even Jesus says i can’t redeem myself

Summoned by the bell i follow him the burning pits of hell

Black and blue,

The flames so the bruising but it was you! (Angry )

That committed to loos-ing me.

It could be called bitter sweet

The Taste of vodka in your mouth (tut tut) Felicity you must have drank it neat

The blood through your veins and on to the bathroom floor


What more...

Evidence could there be? (panic sound whilst talking)

I didn't break the law

I only wrapped my hands around your throat for a moment (hand movement-crushing action)

I didn't stop because i wanted to… There was gas between my hands and its components

And well i will only crack my fingers if i can crack all 10

Because if i can only crack 9 then I’ll just start again (smirk on face, raised eyebrows-wide eyes)

Although I'm NOT odd!

Numbers LIKE me they send lighting rods

(Sniggers) I'm sorry detective i have no time for your questions; this is not a hot line.

Although i do love questions, let me ask you. What has a foot but no legs? I need your answer because you’ve already got mine.

A snail! … A snail leaves a trail of mucus

A shadow of presence that covers the gruesome

Casting silhouettes over bodies, I’ve found that gruesome is a whole new me

Discovering myself like the forbidden fruit uncovered


Gravity. Madness is like gravity; all you need is a little (pause)- Push. Just to take the off.


Well you seem tense officer Would you like to see a magic trick officer? (Pack of cards)

There are queens and kings and then there’s me

You know… Royalty …

Are taught not to express emotion … it makes them weak

Is that why they place me beneath the law?

Because I have a smile engraved on my face bigger than you’ve ever seen? (Laughter after talking)

But I am the alpha. The underdog wouldn’t dream!

Of turning over the liars and cheats

That collapses a whole globe with their power from wallstreet!

Well knock knock ... who’s there? It’s me. (Laughter)

I did that. And I will set fire to every building (evil tone) just to laugh and too see

Myself skip away with a bag full of disposable copies of our founding fathers and queens. (Quivers-almost sensitive topic)

I can see that your scared, me? I can draw fantasy from every form of external reality

While your concern surrounds yourself with cells you are scared of escaping your sanity

No no no officer I get it (puts hands up –low), you’re scared of being alone, you don’t know how to survive the loneliness

I was once like you, back when I was young

I destroyed the lives, those around me, those closest to me


But you see detective when I’m evil I’m better. (laughing-laugh echoes)


Jerome. Was a sweet boy.

A fire in his belly and a glare in his set to destroy

I was Harleen, I was his reformer, his guidance

My eyes met with his and I said ‘I see the sorrow behind your smile and the reason behind your silence’

Passion leapt out of his chair, he just cracked under pressure

His smile evolved to that of a Cheshire

He clutched my arm and said “yes your highness

But let’s not forget, pressure forms diamonds.”

They say that man is a savage under the skin

But there’s nothing more attractive than a man wrapped in sin

I chose to leave those white walls and padded cells

On top of mountains of bomb shells

I didn’t have a choice,

Until I untie his hands and until I set him free

I’ve made so many mistakes and there’s no one left who believe in me anymore he ripped my heart out and stitched it to my sleeve

I see a sweet madness in myself and mind what do you see detective?


Do you see little old me?

This feeling I have it erodes through my purity like lava

I haven’t felt this since I was at the hand of him, the man that I’m most afraid of.


My father! He had the most accurate conclusion

He left the dock and sailed away from this meaningless illusion

You see life isn’t what it seems

Time just fills a void until it bursts at the seams

I was born in to a losing battle where I was swimming upstream

And the rapids where rapidly battling me

I fought every tide that had passed and every wind that had blown past me.

And I eventually got the hint; even nothing is ridiculous when you have nothing alone.

So in my father’s image I fled on a quest for hope

Wrapping rings of comfort round my neck and embraced the end of a rope

My light was fading and I finally felt satisfied

Until some selfish unravelled the end that I tied

The end cannot be over, I will not be over my blade

So just to thank you ill drive it through your brain

Say hello to my father in the crimson river of blood (evil smirk)


And let that river run through that hole, let it cause a flood

I will store that liquid in bottles along with your tears

So that I will never feel thirst for the rest of my years

Before you go, I just want to say thank you for giving me purpose in life

Ending your life isn’t scratching the surface

And when I am finally vulnerable to the death and its charm

I will have all of my victims engraved on my arm.



I originally thought of different types of shots however the two that I had in mind were front facing midshots and close-up side shots, however these are the shots In my storyboards I had in mind.

Fade in- 4 separate screens show all 4 characters looking down with the sound of a heartbeat gradually getting faster. Lights are on characters (spotlight) all look up at same time. Riddler monologue. The shots that will be used are mid shots and close ups. Joker’s character will show extreme close up shots for this character, mid shots and side shots. Harley Quinn shots will be mid shots and close ups. Victor Zsasz shots will be close ups, side shots, mid shots. Another technique used will be hand held spinning around the character of Riddler to convey his hallucinations.


Shot list



Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving an impression of the whole subject. MS is appropriate when the subject is speaking without too much emotion or intense concentration. the mid shot allows room for hand gestures and a bit of movement.


a certain feature or part of the subject takes up most of the frame. A close up of a person usually means a close up of their face (unless specified otherwise). A close-up of a person emphasizes their emotional state a close-up exaggerates facial expressions which convey emotion. The viewer is drawn into the subject's personal space and shares their feelings.


Gets right in and shows extreme detail. You would normally need a specific reason to get this close. It is too close to show general reactions or emotion except in very dramatic scenes.



Camera is held in the camera operator's hands as opposed to being mounted on a tripod or other base. The mid-shots will be used for most of filming- especially at the beginning of “Still Performance”- shown in storyboard.

OtherTechniques Selective focus-Bokeh effect Sound Echoing Ghosting Time-lapse effect.

Selective Focus Time lapse, ghost effect



Cast Trickster Daniel Brindley Complexity Ngqabutho Nkomo Harlequin Victoria Izzard The Rager Jordan Harris

Daniel Brindley Ngqabutho Nkomo

Jordan Harris Victoria Izzard


Crew Director-LydiaDwekProducer-LydiaDwekScriptwriter-NiamhQuinlanCinematographer-ArtursReinholdsDirectorofphotography-LydiaDwek&ArtursReinholdsLighting&Sound-NiamphQuinlanRunner#1-NiamhQuinlanRunner#2–LydiaDwekCostumeDesign-LydiaDwekMake-updesign-LydiaDwekCasting-JuliaCowell&LydiaDwek


Call time sheet

LOCATIONS # Location Address Parking Contact 1 University for the

creative arts, studio G27

Falkner Rd, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7DS

University Parking 01252 722441

SET REQUIREMENTS Props: Handcuffs Special Effects: Makeup blood effects Vehicles: N/A Wardrobe: 4 pairs of jeans, two shirts one t-shirt, bow tie and braces. Makeup: dark makeup/cuts effect .

Producer NAME Lydia Dwek PHONE NUMBER: 07548358680

Director NAME: Lydia Dwek PHONE NUMBER: 07548358680

Cinematographer NAME: Arturs Reinholds. PHONE:

Director of Photography NAME: Arturs Reinhold’s & Lydia Dwek. PHONE: 07548358680

Script writer NAME: Niamph Quinlan PHONE: 07999035450

CALL TIME 5:00pm

Call time 4:30pm Crew

Break 6:00pm

Nearest Hospital to Set Portsmouth Road, Frimley, Surrey GU16 7UJ. Phone: 01276 604604


Cast Role

19.01.2016 DanielBrindley





20.01.2016 VictoriaIzzard


21.01.2016 JordanHarris Complexity(Riddler)







BA (Hons) Digital Film & Screen Arts RISK ASSESMENT

Production: Solo Production

Title: Oblivious

, Contractors, actors and persons involved. In the case of a studio production a copy of this assessment must be displayed on set.

Campus: Farnham Course: Digital Film & Screen Arts

Unit Beyond the Boundaries

Year 3 Group/Solo Solo

Student Producer name & phone number (NB - all students are responsible for safety in production): Lydia Dwek- 07548358680

Unit leader(s): Rosie Gunn Proposed date(s) and times(s)

Travel/Set up date(s) / time(s): Auditions- 20/11/15-10:00am

Shooting date(s) / time(s): 02/12/15-09:30am

Pack down/travel date(s) / time(s): N/a-Studio location

1. Exact location of filming, including address & postcode.

University for the creative arts, GU9 7DS: room g12/Photography studio

1a. Location Permission

Mark where you are at with an X


In the process of getting it (incl details of where you have got to – ie email



N/A Do you have signed location permission? In process of booking room

Does your location require you to complete their own risk assessment? If so, attach it to this risk assessment.


Have you notified the local Council and Police? You must do so if you are doing any of the following: • Filming in a public place • Using weapons • Have cast in uniform

In studio does not apply, except for student signature consent.

1b. Address & phone number of nearest Walk-in Centre or Minor Injuries Unit

Hale Rd, Farnham, Surrey GU9 9QL- 01483 782000

1c. Nearest bus and train stops to location / local taxi phone number

Train station 20 minute walk up hill- Station Hill Farnham GU9 8AD Bus station 5 minute walk from the university-GU9 7DS Taxi-Station hill, Farnham, GU9 8AD- 01252 715600


1d. Fire / emergency plan

Find the nearest emergency exit-Car park @ UCA.

1e. Work facilities – food & drink, toilets, secure storage etc

2. Brief summary of set & nature of filming / activity

Set in studio.

3. Names and contact details of the production crew / cast / documentary participants. Add extra lines as you need to.

Name:Lydia Dwek

Role: Director, producer, Cinematographer.

Contact number: 07548358680

Lydia Dwek Director/ Producer Niamh Quinlan Script writer /sound Arturs Reinholds Cinematographer/Lighting Lauren Fox

4. Identify potential hazards; who could be affected; how they could be affected; and list the control measures that will reduce the risk. University H&S policies can be found here.

Hazards or hazardous activity

Who may be affected? Crew, actors, participants (documentary), crew, helpers, public.

How may they be harmed? Type of injury or health problem that might result i.e. cuts, bruises, fractures, electric shock, burns etc.

List the control measures you will put in place to reduce risks from the hazards to an acceptable standard Control measures should ultimately reduce the overall risk. Do not purely rely upon providing Personal Protective Equipment or rely on just ‘being careful’

Evaluate the probability and consequence

Indicative values for P column (P = Probability) L = might happen, but unlikely

M = could happen H = will probably happen

Indicative values for C column (C = Consequence) L = can return to filming work after minor attention

M = person unable to work for 3 days or longer H = permanent injury or death


Access/ Egress N/A

Aircraft / flying N/A

Allergens N/A

Animal N/A

Audience / public N/A

Boats N/A

Compressed gas / gas


Confined spaces N/A

Cranes, hoists, lifts & access platforms


Derelict buildings, dangerous structures


Diving operations N/A

Electricity Electrocution-crew and cast may be harmed. (M)

Do not touch socket plugs/lights with wet hands. M

Falling objects Lights that are faulty may fall-injury to the head/body (M)

Make sure lights are not faulty L

Fire (M) Due to how hot the lights are it could be possible for a fire.-causes a fire in room

Make sure the lights do not reach the maximum heat, switch off before this happens


Generators N/A

Glass N/A

Hand tools N/A

Hazardous chemicals N/A


Heat / cold N/A

Inexperienced / children / vulnerable persons


Location Lighting H-Studio lights supplied Make sure lights are safe without any faults L

Machinery m-Camera equipment Careful setting up L

Manual Handling H-Camera Handling & equipment Make sure is bigger than two people . L

Mines, excavations / tunnels / quarries


Noise N/A

Physical exertion N/A

Poor visibility / night shooting


Roadside working, traffic, vehicles


Scaffolding N/A

Speed (running or other sport - not vehicles)


Stress M-stress within getting everything done Make sure shoot is not stressful within time management-be organised before hand


Stunts N/A

Trailing cables H-cables from camera Make sure to table cables to floor so crew & cast won’t trip over cables.


Messy environment (equip / props)

M-equipment, props Organize equipment neatly in one section and props in another


Violence, aggression, public disorder, war


Visual effects: smoke, snow, fireworks


Water N/A

Weapons N/A

Weather N/A

Lone working N/A

Working at height N/A

Other (list and add rows if necessary)

Mark an X next to your choices 5. With control measures in place what is the likelihood of an injury or health effect? Minor

1 X

Moderate 2

Major/Fatal 3

6. How likely is the most significant hazard to cause harm?

Unlikely 1


Likely 2

Very Likely 3

7. Calculate the risk score (use the figure which represents the highest risk of all present hazards)

Low 1−2


Medium 3−4

High 6−9

13. Signatures The names below are confirming the date that they have read and discussed this risk assessment with the production team. Based on the information supplied on this form it is noted that the control measures are considered appropriate and


proportionate to the hazards identified. At all times, students retain responsibility for their own safety and for those around them.

Student Producer: Lydia Dwek Date: 06/11/15

Production Coordinator: Date: 06/11/15

Unit Tutor: Rosie Gunn Date: 06/11/15

Technician/Tech Tutor (supervising if studio based): Date: 06/11/15

Estates Services Manager (where UCA routes, building features etc are impacted):N/A Date: 06/11/15

Resources Co-ordinator/Manager (Medium/High Risk): Date: 06/11/15

Course Leader: (High Risk/International Shoot):

Rosie Gunn Date: 06/11/15

Health, Safety & Wellbeing Advisor (High Risk/International Shoot): Date: 06/11/15

Executive Dean (International Shoot): Date: 06/11/15




UniversityForTheCreativeArtsInto the Darkness SHOOTINGSCHEDULE

Filming dates: 19th – 21st January 2016

4:30- 8:00pm PRODUCER:LydiaDwekDIRECTOR:LydiaDwekRunners:LydiaDwek&NiamphQuinlanCinematographer:ArtursReinholds&LydiaDwekLighting:LydiaDwekDirectorofPhotography:ArtursReinholds&LydiaDwekSound:NiamphQuinlanDATE SET/SCENES CAST LOCATION19.01.2016 Shot4.Scene#6Trickster(Joker)DanielBrindleyUcaStudioG27Looksup.Shot5.Scene7#StartsdialoguewithawittySpokenword.Scene8#

doesmagictrickwith Handcuffsandwhipsoutplayingcards.Scene8# startstobecomeaggressive. Expression:jokeyShot6.Scene9#


Dialoguecontinuestotheendandfadesout. Notes:Aftereachcharacterhasf Finishedtheirowncharacters



Blacktrousersandpumpshoes. Makeup&hair:Darkeyes,Gelledhair



DATE SET/SCENES CAST LOCATION19.01.2016Shot1.scene1#Complexity(Riddler)NgqabuthoNkomo Studio G27 Looksupinanger-startstalking InfrustrationtriestoripouthairWith anger.Scene2#Laughingmadly,Smirking,Set/scenesNotes

ENDOFFIRSTDAY#2DATE SET/SCENES CAST Location 20.01.2016Shot8.Scene13#Harlequin(HarleyQuinzel)VickyIzzardStudioG27

looksupIndespair, asifshehaslostherself.Scene14#

whenshetalksabout TricksterHerexpressionisahappyOne,




BelievesinherAnymore[Fadeout]Notes:AftereachcharacterhasFinishedtheirowncharactersDialoguetheywillthenbegintoRepeattheDialoguebutanotherCharactersDialogue.ENDOFFIRSTDAY#2DATE SET/SCENES CAST LOCATION21,01,2016Shot7.Scene10#Anarchy(victorZsasz)JordanHarrisStudioG27 LooksupspeaksinaHumorousWaywhenspeakingAboutdeath.




ComplexityshowsalotofalotofEmotion. PROPS:HandcuffsMAKE-UPBlack/darkmakeupAroundeyes.







Film Shoot FilmingDaysDay 1 # 19.01.2016 Today was my first day of filming " Into the Darkness". We set up all our Equipment, which included: TV Journo Studio Key- G27 Manfrotto 116 MK2-BM Ursa Rode Shotgun MIC* & XLR Lead Nikon 17-35mm LENS 3 × ARRI Fresnals Nikon 50mm Lens Rode 4m Fishpole YR2 Nikon D5300 Kit 13 PANOSONIC GH4 DSLR DMW-YAGHE

Here are some behind the scene photographs:


As soon as we set up the equipment it took a while to get the lighting set up in which I then put makeup on the actors; Daniel & Ngqabutho Nkomo. Once everything was set up ready to shoot the

first actor to start was Daniel. The shots that were mainly used were centre stage shots including one side view shot. I also asked Daniel to repeat his dialogue but from the character of Complexity as his main character role was the Trickster. I then moved on to Ngqabutho Which we were a little bit behind on schedule. We started on a side view shot, as this was the last position left from the previous actor. We then centred the camera in the middle for the main shots. The only shot we did not get was a centred shot of complexity switching roles with another character, however day 2 of filming we have scheduled Ngqabutho to come in early for us to shoot the last shots needed. In conclusion day 1 went quite well considering the amount of visual lighting needed. All we need to finish day 1 off with is complexity's revere role.


Day 2 # 20.01.2016 Day 2 was more organised, however the only setback we had is that the actor who would play Victor Zsasz said he would arrive later but in the end it was too late to film him and we decided to give the role to someone else. We shot the rest of riddler dialogue and only Harlequin.


Day 3 # 21.01.2016 Day 3 was just the character of Victor Zsasz filming. It went quite well and we did not have too many hiccups along the way.

Overall the shoot from day 1-3 went considerably well and was fun shooting and working with new people including the actors and the crew.


Actor Agreements









PostProductionFor post production I will not be editing into the darkness, however I have chosen Kiára Rychtarcíková to help edit my film whilst present I will give her concepts and ideas that I would like to be shown visually in my film. I will also be creating two edits in postproduction, one for the exhibition, which will show different visually. The other will be for the show reel, which can be shown in a different concept as the 4-screen concept. Ioriginallythoughthavingeachscreenwiththeactorssidefacingasitwouldportraytheyaretalkingtosomeone.












ActorcutUnfortunatelyintheprocessofeditingIfoundthattheactresswhoplayedHarleyQuinnwasverytrickytoeditaswhenwewerefilmingshedidnotknowherlineswellsowehadtokeepcuttingandwheneditingIfoundthatthereweretomanyjumpsintheeditsounfortunatelyIhadtocutherfrommyfilmsoIhadtoloseascreenbutitseemedokinwhichdoingsoIsentheralettertoinformher. Dear Victoria Izzard, It has come to my attention that once editing the film Oblivious you took part in I was unable to make a clean cut with you In your role as Harley Quinn as you unfortunately did not deliver your lines as expected, so unfortunately I have had to cut you from the film, however I have credited you. Thank you for your participation however the outcome turned out Many thanks Lydia Dwek



NAME: Lydia Dwek DATE: LEARNING AGREEMENT PROFORMA. Deadline for submission: 03/05/16 GROUP PRODUCTION Solo Pr Oblivious CREDIT MODULE.

Information: - This form is a basic list of requirements. You should write as much as you need to describe what you intend to undertake and methods employed to achieve this work.

DESCRIPTION: (You should describe in detail here the work you intend to undertake in fulfilment of the module’s Aims and Learning Outcomes. In doing this you will need to make reference to the module descriptor in the Programme Handbook) AnExperimental10minutefilmbasedonthearchetypesoftheHollywood,Batman/GothamcharactersincludingtheRiddler,Joker,HarleyQuinnandVictorZsaszasdescribedincharacteroutlineonthesyndicatedGothamCitywebsite.Thesedescriptionsprovideananalysisandapsychologicalbackgroundtothesadisticerratic,behaviouroftheircharacterswithinthenarrativesoftheBatmanseries.Iintendtousetheseasthebasisofmyfilm–enlistingselecteddramasstudentstoenactthesecuestomakevisualobservationsofhowthesecharacteristicsarepresented–viagestures,mannerisms,speechpatterns,facialexpressions,fidgeting,tapping,mood,emotion,usingtheirbackgroundmightbeusefulforthewrittenscriptmonologues.Iaminterestedinhowthebodyexpressesinnerstatesofmind.IwouldalsoliketoconsiderusingthecharacterJimGordonasatheoreticalfigureasheiswellknownforaphysicallynormalmentality.OnceeachcharacterhasspokenIintendtorepeattheirmonologuesbutfortheactorstoswitchroles. RESEARCH: (Initial reference material and sources) Batmanserieshttps://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=%22Iconographie+photographique+de+la+Salp%C3%AAtri%C3%A8re%22+(Jean+Martin+Charcot,+1878)&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=MGQOVqnsGIvu8we1krKQDwMadnessandcivilisation.StereotypesActingskills–improvisation

• Theartofimprovisation:videorecording:KeithJarrett• Larryfinkoncomposition&improvisation• Impro:improvisation&thetheatre:KeithJohnstone


• http://www.amazon.co.uk/Impro-Performance-Books-Improvisation-Theatre/dp/0713687010ProductiontechniqueDirectingfeaturefilms:thecreativecollaborationbetweendirector,writers,andactors/editedbyMarkW.Travis.

• Directingactors:JudithWestonEFX–trials-superimpositions


SKILLSANDRESOURCES:(Identifytheskillsyouwillneedtodevelopandtheresourcesyouenvisageusing) SKILLS: Directing Editing Location production Production methods – release forms etc. Post production organisation WEB BASED RESOURCES: • LYNDA.COM

- UCA website - YouTube



