Ob Nursing Identification

Post on 08-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Ob Nursing Identification

  • 8/22/2019 Ob Nursing Identification



    1.___________OK anytime during pregnancyexcept for: (+) PROM, pre-term labor,incompetent cervix and (+) vaginal spotting2.__________ responsible for a positive

    pregnancy test3.__________-caused by elevated estrogenand progesterone and also fatigue4. __________ produced by posterior pituitarygland for uterine contractions5. ___________ aids in placental delivery ifmother is anesthetized6.____________ uterus in 3rd stage of labor7.____________ inversion of uterus andavulsion of cord.8.____________comfort, dry clothing, perinealpads and linens9. ___________ lochia, fundus, hematoma

    10. __________if cervical mucus is clear andelastic (for contraception)11.___________ for low sperm count12.___________ for tubal occlusion13.___________ tx of Clomid or Parlodel14.___________ (-) spermicide pre-intercourse,canstay up to 24-48h, durable, contraindicated ifwithabnormal pap smear15. ___________-doesnt protect against STDs16.____________- saturation of peripadwithin 15 minutes and with pain sensation

    17.____________-inhibits uterine contractionwith increased risk of blood loss18.____________-massage fundus if boggy,elevate legs from hips, IV line, oxygen at 8-10l/min, stay with patient19. __________ void20.__________ priority post rupture ofmembranes21.__________ beginning to beginning22.__________ growth of endometrial tissueoutside the uterus; dx: lap and biopsy23.__________ menses stop, edema, weightgain,anovulation24.__________ drop 0.2 F pre ovulation,increase 0.4 F post ovulation25. __________ immediately after awakeningand before arising26.___________ abdominal stretches27. __________ descending but not at ischialspine28.___________ increase in bloodyshow, rectal pressure, rupture ofmembranes,regularand long contractions29. ___________ at crowning30.___________ at 20 weeks or 5 monthsgestation31. ___________ most important to check 24postpartum32.___________termination of first stage oflabor33.___________ end of third stage of labor34.___________ 1.0 mg for full terms, 0.5 mgfor preterms

    35.___________ monthly36. ___________ for maternal-infant bonding37.___________ maintain corpus luteumduring 1st trimester

    38._________ maintains acidic vaginal pH39._________ no lifting activities post surgery40._________ 5-7 days post menstruation41._________ dx of breast CA; yearly for 40s,biannual for 50y above42._________ removal of breast/s, pectoralmuscle, pectoral fascia, nodes43._________ most important 2 h postpartum44._________ done during menstrual days 1-445._________ 24-48 hours pre-ovulation to 48hours post ovulation46.__________ prevent ovulation

    47.__________ stimulates oogenesis48.__________ - decrease in fundal height dueto achange in shape of the abdomen a few weeksbeforeonset of labor49.__________ for continuity of care50.__________ loss of fetus before viability (20weeks)51.___________ with dilated cervix52.___________ closed cervix,spotting and uterine cramping53.___________ consecutive abortions

    54.___________ complete bed rest, checkvaginal bleeding and observe uterinecontractions55.___________ 14 days before menstruation(for a 28 day cycle); increased pH of cervicalsecretions, (+)MITTLESCHMERZ; increase inBBT56.___________ LH surge from anteriorpituitary gland57.___________ at 5th month or 20-24 weeks58.____________ at 10th lunar month59.____________ Doppler at 3 weeks,fetoscope at 18-20 weeks

    60.____________ fundic ht in cm x 8/7 = aog61.____________ 1-7 mo once a month, 8thmo 2/month, 9th q wk62.____________ due to hormonal andphysiological changes occurring62._____________ prone to infections63._____________ focus is the infant64._____________ 4-5 days post partum65.____________ cell that results from thefertilization of the ovum by a sperm66.____________ cell division of the fertilizedovum67.____________ rupture of the ovum from

    thegraafian follicle68.____________ mulberry-like ball of cell thatresults from cleavage69. ___________ where zygote normallyimplants70.____________ 7-10 days post fertilization71.____________ cervix becomes thinner

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    72.____________ carbohydrate intoleranceinduced by pregnancy73.____________ morbidity common innewborn, infant may inherit a predisposing toDM, higher perinatal death74.____________ liberal exercise, acceptable

    diet at 30-35 kcal/kg of IDBW/day,insulin as ordered, CBG monitoring

    75.____________ 18.02 mg/dl = 1 mmol76.____________ doesnt last for greater than24 hours77.___________ anti-inflammatory78.___________ structure of maternal pelvis79.___________ urine vs. amniotic fluid;yellow vs blue80.___________ check temperature81.___________ lined by endometrium82.___________ externally visible structure of

    the female reproductive system extendingfrom the symphysis pubis to the perineum83.___________ fertilization site84.___________ site of sterilization85.__________ conduit for spermatozoa86.__________ seminal fluid87.__________ synthesize testosterone88.__________ increased activity ofendometrial glands during luteal phase;increased basal metabolism, increasedplacental growth, development of acinar cellsin the breast89.___________ (+) hypertrophy during

    pregnancy90.___________ best criterion for spermquality91.___________ introduction ofradiopaque material into uterus and fallopiantubes to assess for tubal patency92.___________ brought about by theoverstimulation by oxytocin93.__________ due to mechanical factors94.__________ greater than 500 ml of bloodloss95.__________ where developingfollicles and the graafian follicles are found96.__________ forms the frenulum andprepuceof the clitoris97.__________ formed by the labia minoratapering and extending posteriorly98.__________ thick folds of membranousstratified epithelium on the internal vaginalwall capable of stretching during the birthprocess to accommodate delivery of fetus99.__________ location wheresquamocolumnar junction is, pap smearlocation100._________ largest portion of uterus101._________ upper triangular portion ofuterus102._________ testosterone production103._________ secreted by graafian follicleassociated with spinnbarkeit and ferning104.__________ cystic fibrosis, taysachsdisease, sickle-cell anemia105.__________ detects trisomy 21, cysticfibrosis and tay sachs

    106.___________ indication for chorionic villisampling107.___________ essential post-CVS or RH (-)mom; refrain from sex 48h post-CVS108.___________ most important factoraffecting amniocentesis

    109.___________ prevent implantation ofthe fertilized ovum; taken within 12h post-intercourse, (+) slight nausea post-2d; notgiven to those with hx contraindications toOCPs110.__________ inhibit FSH and LH production

    111.___________ causes sodium retention112.___________ indication for IUD use113.___________ contraindication for IUD use114.___________ done 2-6 days after menses115.__________ way in which an expectant

    father can explore his feelings116._________ should be administered within72h;destroys fetal RBCs to prevent antibodyformation117._________ tx for endometriosis118._________ safest antibiotic forpyelonephritis119._________ monitor contractions120._________ first sign is disappearance ofknee jerk reflex121.__________ excessive menstrual flow122.__________ spontaneous expulsion of

    device123.__________ provides contraception bysetting up a nonspecific inflammatory cellreaction in the endometrium124.__________ occurs when LH is high125.___________ causes breakthroughbleeding126.__________ best timed within 1-2 daysof presumed ovulation127.__________ are most often related to pastinfections128.__________ inability to become pregnantafter a year of trying

    129.__________ determine the number,motility and activity of sperm130.__________ be alert for unusualuterine enlargement131.__________ sudden lower right orleft abdominal pain radiating to the shoulders132.__________ sudden knifelike, lowerquadrant pain133.__________ causes most spontaneousabortions134.__________ fetus is expelled butpart of the placenta and membranes are not135.___________ umbilical cord136.___________ inner membrane thatencloses the fluid medium for the embryo137.___________ 8th week to birth138.___________ uterus becomes anabdominal organ140.____________ first fetal movement felt bythe mother141.____________ in third trimester; 2ndtrimester: height and length

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    142.____________ chief source of estrogenand progesterone after the first 3 months143.____________ has the highest oxygencontent144.____________ A-P diameter ofpelvic inlet

    145.____________ 30-50% is normal146.____________ purplish discoloration ofvaginalmucosa147.____________ result of increased plasmavolume of the mother148.____________ causes nausea andvomiting149.____________ increase in melanotropinhormone causing dark nipples and linea nigra150.____________ - routinely performed onexpectant mothers to predict whether thefetus is atrisk for acute hemolytic anemia151.______________ caused by elevatedestrogen152.______________ - adequate fluids andelevation of lower extremities153.______________ pre UTZ154.______________ clear, almostcolorless, containing little white specks155.______________ when an external fetalmonitor is being used156._____________ FHT decreases just beforeacme due to head compression157._____________ FHT decreases justafter acme caused by uteroplacentalinsufficiency; may lead to distress158._____________ due to cord compression159._____________ halfway between thesymphysis pubis and the umbilicus160._____________ alleviates discomfortduring contractions161.______________ during crowning162.______________ causes low back pain163.______________ during contractions toincrease comfort164.______________ during second stage oflabor because undigested food and fluid maycause nausea and vomiting, limiting the

    choice of anesthesia165.______________ help client retain/remainin control166.______________ legselevated simultaneously to prevent trauma totheuterine ligaments167._______________ observe carefully for thisduring the induction of labor168._______________ when fullydilated but (-) crowning169.______________ is done to preventlacerations

    170. _____________ 2 most importantpredisposing factors to its development ishemorrhageand trauma during birth171._____________ - stimulates secretion ofmilk from themammary glands

    172._____________ promotes vasodilation,relieves hemorrhoids173._____________ on demand; baby will soondevelop a feeding schedule174._____________ after birth iscaused by an increase in the pulmonary blood

    flow175._____________ becomes the ligamentumarteriosum176.______________ primary criticalobservation in apgar scoring177._______________ to keep limitdevelopment of hyperbilirubinemia178._______________ associated with brachialplexus, cervical or humerus injuries179._______________ lack bacteria necessaryfor the synthesis of prothrombin180._______________ measures proteinmetabolism181.______________ in infants is caused by anunderdeveloped cardiac sphincter182.____________ done to detect presence ofneural tube defects183. _____________ contraindication foroxytocinchallenge test184._____________ (+)CST185._____________ emphasize importance ofconsistent care186._____________ is 2-3 times greater inmultiple gestation than in single gestation187.____________ is oftentimes caused bymultiple gestation188.____________ observe for signs of PTL;antibiotic tx should be administered untilurine issterile2 (-) C/S189.___________ causes abdominal painassociated with abruption placenta190.___________ causes bleeding followingsever abruptio placenta191.___________ is most likely to occur inwomen with pregnancy induced hypertension192.___________ painless vaginal bleeding193.__________ are kept at minimum duringPTL to prevent respiratory depression

    194.___________ due to overstretching iscommonly caused by multiple gestation195.___________ may cause uterine atony196.___________ rarely occurs asa complication of uncomplicated gestationalhypertension197.___________ BP elevation of 30/15mmHg from baseline on 2 occasions 6 hoursapart198.___________ subjective symptom of animpending seizure199.___________ objective sign of animpending

    seizure200.___________ ends in 48h postpartum in awoman with eclampsia201.____________ - birth hazard associatedwith breech delivery202._____________ - cardiac acceleration in thelast half of pregnancy; most compromisedduring

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    the first 48 hours after delivery; forcepsdelivery203.____________ balanced, to meet theincreased dietary needs with insulin adjustedas necessary204.____________ - funis with only two vessels

    205.____________ - irritability and nasalcongestion206._____________ - with low apgar scoreat 5 minutes post delivery207.______________ microcephalic,craniofacialfeatures, persistent diarrhea208.______________ purulentconjunctivitis and pneumonia in infant209.______________ caused by highoxygen concentration administered inprematureinfants210.____________ asymptomatic newborn,VDRL test211._____________ asymmetric gluteal folds212_____________ complication of breechdelivery;flaccid arm with elbows extended; ROMexercises213.______________ increased risk forintracranial hemorrhage and elevated ICP214._____________ appearance of

    jaundice during the first 24 hours215._____________ inability of theinfant to concentrate urine and conservewater216.______________ most common pretermcomplication217._____________ - tremors, periodsof apnea, cyanosis and poor sucking218._____________ due to increasedsomatotropin and increased glucoseutilization219.______________ main blood supply of theuterus220.______________ is characterized bypainfulmenstruation and backache221.______________ is brought about by

    overstretching of perineal supporting tissuesas a result of childbirth222._____________ common siteof cervicalCA growth223._____________ management for infertility224._____________ pain and elevatedtemperature225._____________ inhibits RNA synthesis bybinding DNA226._____________evaluates potentialresponse to hormone therapy227.____________ surgicalmenopause

    228.____________ is due to the inabilityof the ovary to respond to gonadotropichormone229.____________ via location offundus230.___________ first 5 months: month2 =aog;second half: month x 5 = aog

    231.___________ LMP minus 3m +7d + 1y =EDC232.___________ placenta