Nutrition, Mental Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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Nutrition, Mental Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health. Presentation by: Luke Meier MA, PLMHP, C.S.N. My Philosophy. “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Nutrition, Mental Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of Health

Nutrition, Mental Health, and Behavior Change: Rethinking the Current Model of HealthPRESENTATION BY: LUKE MEIER MA, PLMHP, C.S.N.

My Philosophy

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition”- Thomas Edison

Nutrition Defined

Nutrition refers to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

The branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans.

Overall, Nourishment

What’s nutrition got to do with it?

All processes in the body run based on the nutrients we consume.

Nutrients found in whole food items are more bioavailable.

Essential Nutrients needed for the body to maintain homeostasis.

The brain is only as good as the food consumed.

Entire purpose of the human body is to sustain life, by making poor lifestyle choices, then the homeostatic functioning cannot take place.

Addiction, malnutrition, and mental health symptoms can all correlate.

Where do we get this nourishment?

Three main sources of calories aka energy for the body Carbohydrates Fats Proteins


A food substance that is used as a primary energy source for the body and mind. It is converted to glucose or stored in the muscle and liver tissue as glycogen. The speed at which this occurs depends on chemical structure.

Simple carbohydrates- One or two sugars Converts to blood sugar easier

Complex carbohydrates- Three or more sugars Takes longer to convert to blood sugar


Refers here as sucrose or table sugar, increases insulin in blood stream to release rapidly

Simple carbohydrate (easier to absorb)

Lacks basic nutrients needed for digestion

Causes insulin release=hormone dysregulation=mood disorder

Refined, processed, cheap, stimulating

Much like something else


A slow digesting energy source converted to free fatty acids that the body and mind can use once glycogen stores begin to run low. Saturated Unsaturated Trans-fat

Saturated and Unsaturated

Mental and physical health

Slow digesting

Sustained source of energy

Helps maintain homeostasis


Why so important to Mental Health?

Hint: the body needs it

Hot Dog, Spinach leaves, Egg whites……Choose one!

Trans Fats, Flours, Sugars, Various Chemicals

Packaged food items

Fast food items

Candy, soda, sugary teas, fruit juices, yes, even fruit snacks


If it comes in a package, has a nutrition label, or will not go bad in a few days, then rethink what the purpose of this food is

High Fructose Corn Syrup (worse than sugar)

Take place of nutrient dense food


This food substance is used by the entire body and mind at the cellular level.

Amino Acids

Sustain blood sugars



Contentment, satisfaction, overall definition of happiness, engaged interests


Stress hormone, attention and responding actions, fight-or-flight response, directly increasing heart rate, reduce neuroinflammation


Helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers, helps regulate movement and emotional responses, people with low dopamine activity may be more prone to addiction

Eating for Success

More attentive

Improved retention

Increase positive outlook

Feel better

Look better

Increased Self esteem

Allow clients to have knowledge they can then teach others

See processed and sugary food as a reward, not as a necessity

Less medication

Just packing for a day at the park!

Body in Balance


All macro nutrients utilized in efficient system

All micro nutrients used in balance with each other

Even phytonutrients utilized to help break down and absorb nutrients in most efficient form

The brain burns most of our daily caloric intake

The regulation of bodily functions such as metabolism and sustaining life necessity consumes almost all energy consumed

Supplements, too much of a good thing

Imbalances aren’t just a deficiency

Too much of one nutrient leaves the body imbalanced

Certain nutrients balance each other: When one goes up, other needs to go up as well

Liver and kidneys struggle

Difficult to know contents

Difficult to absorb

Can be ineffective versus whole food sources

Easy Right?

Not without the proper nutrients can this happen!

Out of Whack aka Substance Abuse

What does happen when the body is out of whack?


Deficiencies occur

Body unable to perform functions

Illnesses arise

Body breaks down

Chronic fatigue/pain

Mental illness

Medication induced deficiency


Mental Health Symptoms in Treatment




Bipolar Disorder

Eating disorders


Personality Disorders



What causes someone to use in the first place?

Why continued use? Once physiologically craving substance, best

method to help quit? Make these substances legal?

Why the body craves?

Think of a pizza

Kind of like this!

Pizza vs Drug Use


Rewarding to my brain



Maybe even hunger?


Pizza Vs. Drug Use





Bringing back old memories

Emotional or feeling of agitation


Mental Health and Substance Use

Chicken or the egg


Maladaptive coping skill

Symptom management


Drug use imbalance vs natural imbalance by brain with mental health symptoms vs nutrient deficiencies


How Nutrition Can Help

Fulfill deficiencies

Fulfill cravings

Sustain homeostasis

Specialize in and properly administer whole food sources rich in necessary nutrients for the body to not only live, but recover physically

Improved cognitive ability

Increased self esteem

More control over life


Can assist in breakdown and absorption of medication

The Old DSM-IV

Axis I (Nutrients can assist in alleviating symptoms of major mental health)

Axis II (Nutrients have also been shown to help with regulating emotions)

Axis III (Physiologically the body can recover more efficiently with nutrient needs met)

Axis IV (Many of these problems can be alleviated with preventative health measures or while in treatment help the person better handle stress)

Axis V (GAF score increases significantly as mind and body feel better)

Side effects?

Give me a few reasons why not?


Other Side of the Coin









Behavior Change Needed

Counseling techniques to enforce belief in nutritional therapy

Nutritional Therapist with own treatment plan

Utilize CBT/DBT skills

Positive reinforcement

Nutrition education

More accurate measurements

Less interference with treatment

More structure

From A to B

Reinforce the Facts

Body needs nutrients

Nutrients run the body as efficiently as possible

Proper nutrition accounts for any deficiencies in body and mind

Studies show correlation with mental health and nutrition

Alleviate symptoms, increase likelihood of staying sober

Assist with medication effectiveness

Increase self esteem increase chances of setting and maintaining boundaries

Education is empowering



Further research is needed on effects of nutrition and mental health

Belief that this current model of treatment can change

Better budget analysis to determine higher cost of food vs detrimental effects of poor eating/med management/low self esteem/medical issues

Remember Heart Disease still kills more people than anything and what we choose to eat as either clinicians or clients has a direct effect on this

The brain is built on what we consume. No essential nutrients= No essential functions= life interfering symptoms

When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to change ourselves


Thank You