NUT Newsletter Spring Issue 46

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Norfolk NUT Newsletter Spring 2013 Issue 46

Transcript of NUT Newsletter Spring Issue 46


Hope Springs....‘ready for the sunshine, ready for the challenges ahead’


From The Editor After our winter of discontent, I was hoping to see signs of a better spring. However, as we go to press, the EBACC has thankfully been rejected but Gove is currently directing his attack in other aspects of education such as the teaching of PE. Has he forgotten that schools are spending so much time trying to jump through the Ofsted ‘hoops’ that there is little time left for any jumping around in the fresh air; not to mention art, drama and music!

The green shoots that I am dreaming of are those that might bud and flower into gardens of common sense. Let’s try to put a bit of colour and fun back into education! If it doesn’t happen soon, we’ll be left with a wasteland.

I’d be delighted with any good news stories that members can contribute for the next edition. In the meantime, try to remember why you came into teaching and allow your pupils a little bit of room to grow. This cannot be measured in a league table but it will remind you of the joy of teaching - when teachers are allowed to get on and teach!

Chrissie Smith

Chrissie – the editor

We were delighted with the positive feedback we received regarding the new look of the newsletter. Therefore we decided to produce another paper copy for members who have not opted for it as a downloadable an electronic copy. After this edition, only members who subscribed to receive it or do not have an email contact will receive a paper copy.

So please subscribe or make sure your email details are up to date.



Back in October, I was given the opportunity to attend the Eastern Regional Early Career Teachers event and I thought a bit of extra CPD couldn’t hurt, not to mention a free night in a hotel. I couldn’t have been more right!

I arrived in Cambridge on Friday night to be met with a warm, friendly welcome from a few familiar faces I recognised from past social events and signed up to three of the nine different workshops being run. I chose; ‘Voice care’, ‘Active Learning’ and ‘Career Progression’.

With around twenty seven, unfamiliar faces I sat down to drinks and dinner and began swapping stories about planning, lesson observations and dare I say it… Ofsted inspections! It was a great opportunity to meet new people and it was such a relief to hear that others had similar worries to me.

The next day’s workshops brought a mass of new ideas and knowledge to the table; and

having discussion flying around the room, left, right and centre with teachers from every area imaginable was probably the most beneficial thing I have ever partaken in. Each workshop had its own unique angle and came with lots of really useful tips and information.

The ‘Teachers Rights’ workshop, opened my eyes to things that I’d never really known before and certainly boosted my confidence. It brought on a sense of empowerment that I’d never really felt in my career up until then.

Most of all it was the chance to talk and be listened to that made the event so brilliant for me. I left feeling pro-active with a wealth of new knowledge and a whole new support network just an e-mail or text away. I would certainly not pass up the opportunity to take part in an event like this again and cannot wait for the next one. Further responses below:

By Sophie Tweedy

Erect Event

“Know Your Rights was extremely informative.”

Getting the most from your union Talking with others in their first 3 years of teaching.

“Well worth the time.” “Great to network.”

“Met lots of new people, got new ideas and lovely facilities.”

“Very warm welcome.”


NUT Officers continue to receive enquiries related to Facebook, at least two or three times every month. The most common issue is that a comment put on someone’s Facebook page has been seen by their Head teacher or Senior management and has been deemed inappropriate. The member of staff has been asked to explain themselves and have been advised to seek Union support. The most common reason we hear is, “I didn’t put it out in public, it was a private comment for my friends only… just letting off steam!” Sadly, our understanding of the word ‘friend’ does not have the same reality in the world of Facebook. It usually turns out that a ‘friend’ prints a screen shot and shows senior management. Any comment that brings the school or the County into disrepute can be taken very seriously and could end a career. As a rule… if you would not say it in public. Do not say it on Facebook!

E-Safety update: Facebook

Anyone using an NSIX account and has signed a Staff code of conduct, will no doubt be aware that all their emails can be tracked and recorded. To help this, ICT Shared Services will now give named school staff members access to all the NSIX emails that have been copied and quarantined because they contain banned words. Banned words? What are the banned words? Frustratingly, no one is able to know what these words are. Norfolk NUT would like to remind staff to use their NSIX accounts responsibly and for work related purposes only. Furthermore, if you would like to send a confidential email (especially if you are in Senior Management or SEN) it is best to use the email. Better safe than sorry!

Changes to the NSIX Accounts filter system


The editor wishes to apologise to Dr Roy’s family for a possible misunderstanding in the last edition. I would like to clarify that Dr Roy had only three biological children, together with his first wife, Madge. His second wife Ariana had children before her marriage to Dr Roy.

Dr Walter Roy CBE 1925 – 2012










Young Teachers Christmas SocialThe Young Teacher’s Christmas social 2012 was held at Vodka Revolution in Norwich. The event was well attended by both qualified teachers and PGCE students. This provided the students with the opportunity to network with the teachers and to seek advice and tips about finding that first teaching post. The event also gave the students the chance to ask the teachers if they had any advice regarding the PGCE course and share experiences. Networking is an excellent opportunity for student teachers to meet people who are already established in the profession and to get themselves known to them in order to provide them with the opportunity of getting onto the teaching ladder.

The event also signified the end of the first term, which as a PGCE student has been incredibly intense and gruelling! However, it will be worthwhile in the end when we all qualify as teachers.

The event was well organised with plenty of food and drink to go around for the whole night ensuring nobody went away hungry! We will look forward to seeing you all at the next social event at Easter. Hopefully this will be as equally well attended as the Christmas social.

Tom Stansfield

Young Teachers enjoying drinks at the Christmas social 2012

Responses:“I really enjoyed Thursday night so thank you for helping to put it together. That sounds great about another event in March. Please let me know the details nearer the time.” (see below – ed)

Joe Edge (UEA PGCE Student)Thanks to everyone who joined us at the Young Teachers Social. The response was fantastic, having 30+ students, NQTs and more experienced teachers to share what’s going on in their schools.

Tom Stansfield


Spring - looking for a job

Due to popular demand, we have organised a Spring Social to be held at Revolution Vodka on Wednesday 27th March @ 6.30pm.

Teachers aged 35yrs and under, NQTs and PGCE students especially, can meet together to chat, drink and eat for free. Plus, we will have experienced and friendly Deputy Head Teachers to chat informally about the best ways to get a job! Advice ranging from, what to put in your CV to how to sell yourself at the interview.

Norfolk NUT would love to meet Young Teachers and discover how best we can support you. Please bring a friend, no ticket required, just pop in after work.

If you are a Deputy, Head teacher or in Senior management and would like to help advise young teachers in how to get a job in these difficult times, then please contact me and join us.

Young Teachers Spring Social


Graham White


On Sickness: The government in its usual helpful way is proposing to set up a system for anyone off sick. It has similarities with the new disability arrangements. The government proposes that anyone who is off sick for more than four weeks will need to be independently assessed, to ensure that people are not signed off for too long. The argument from the government is that many GPs are too free with signing people off. This independent assessment is likely to be offered by a privatised company. We do not know who the government has in mind but whoever it is we are opposed to it!

On Workload: The DfE is concerned about teachers’ workload (!) and so they are going to conduct a survey based on a random sample of teachers. This will be a survey based on two days. The Union is opposed to this on a number of levels including the fact that our own surveys indicate a massive increase in workload and the government is cited as the main cause. We have seen some sample questions which include: ‘How much time is spent on capability? How much time is spent with your trade union …’ We do not know who will be in the random sample, or whether it will be a quota basis - as there appears to be no differentiation in the questions.

On The Main Executive: This meeting went on for three hours. The vast majority of this meeting was taken up with discussion over strike action and industrial action; response to pay, pensions and

conditions as well as the myriad of other attacks on the education system by this government.

The General Secretary reported on our campaign, on changes to A levels, vocational education as well as the Ebacc. The Yougov poll was a very important and useful exercise as it confirmed much of what we suspected already about members’ views, opinions and concerns about the education system and what this government was going to do about it.

We then moved into the Pay Campaign and a report from the officers on ‘Michael Gove’s War on Teachers’. There was debate over several amendments and on the officers’ report. Unfortunately, I cannot say any more than that at the moment because of the confidentiality that we all agreed to. This will remain confidential until the next Executive meeting on 28 February. All I can say is that the debate was extensive and detailed and that there was a great deal of agreement on principles but significant disagreement on timing and tactics. There was a ‘recorded vote’. A recorded vote records who voted for and against, so that everyone can see how each Executive member voted as opposed to a simple hand vote. I will be happy to justify how I voted and will do so after the confidentiality is lifted. I believe that accountability is very important. I voted on the basis of all the information I have received from members, associations and divisions, both before and since the last Executive meeting; as well as from the Suffolk Division meeting on 16th January. I am sure that some people will agree with how I voted and others will disagree but I am confident that I have represented the majority of your views.

Snippits from the Executive by New Eastern Region Representative Graham White


We Are Norwich! Saturday 10th November was a historic day as over 1500 anti-racists came out to tell the English Defence League (EDL) that they are not welcome in Norwich. ‘We Are Norwich’ - a group formed in response to the EDL’s planned visit to the city began with small, simple campaign, with stalls manned by a couple of activists at ‘Norwich Pride’ and at the ‘Kick Racism’ out of Football event at Morrisons towards the start of summer and has grown steadily into a true rainbow coalition of over 25 affiliated groups.

Our day began at Chapelfield Gardens where over 20 different people, representing a range of political parties, faith groups and community groups spoke from the bandstand - sending clear messages as to why, in the eyes of their supporters and members, the EDL were not welcome. Speakers included Clive Lewis from Norwich Labour Party, Samir Jeraj from the Green Party, Jack Brinded and Josh Bowker from UEA Union of Students, a large group from the Norwich Progressive Jewish Community and Michelle Savage and Mike Stonard from the Norwich Pride Collective. We were also joined on the day by Chloe Smith MP for Norwich North and a large group from the Norwich Quakers.

This is clearly a very broad coalition opposed to the EDL and their message of hate, despite claims from the EDL that we are only “lefty freaks and Muslims”. Jo Rust from Kings Lynn Trades Council said “We sent a clear message that their hateful and divisive politics are not tolerated in Norfolk.” Helen McGuinness from the National Union

of Teachers said “If we allow this language of hatred to seep into just one classroom, that is one too many.” There was a wide diversity in ages as well and a large number of families were making the most of the free face painting.

As a very large crowd began to gather we were entertained by live music from Jonathan Williams, Acivilian and the Red Flags until at around 12.30 we began our march to City Hall where we waited for some time for the EDL to arrive. The calm, peaceful but determined crowd kept themselves amused and energised with a range of chants. The most popular included “Black and White, Unite and Fight: Smash the EDL”, “We are black, white Asian and we’re Jew...and we’re gay”, “You could have come in a taxi”, “This is just embarrassing” and “We Are Norwich, Tommy’s eating porridge” alluding to the imprisonment of their leader Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Lennon, currently in jail for using a fake passport to travel to America (following previous convictions for violent offences).

Meanwhile the EDL were causing ugly scenes in the city centre, such as this one in Castle Meadow ( and over the day four members of the group were arrested. The EDL did exactly what we had anticipated. We hope that ‘We Are Norwich’ can now help to get out the positive message that such a diverse group of people, young and old, black and white, gay or straight can join together to oppose them.

“I found it very distressing that one of the EDL members had a red poppy in one hand whilst doing a Nazi salute with his other hand.”


Before ‘WAN’ left City Hall we turned our backs on the fascists and held a minute’s silence in respect of those that fought in the war against fascism. As one person on the demonstration said to me “Today we oppose them, tomorrow we remember why.” It was especially poignant that one poppy seller left his position on the market and joined us on the counter-demonstration. The EDL do not in any way represent those that gave their lives fighting against the evil that they promote.

Emma Corletta, a nurse said “I found it very distressing that one of the EDL members had a red poppy in one hand whilst doing a Nazi salute with his other hand.” Whilst we held a victory march back to Chapelfield Gardens, the EDL were being chased out of the city by locals and an angry group of 150 young people chased the fascists down Prince of Wales Road and onto their trains. As Lesley Grahame, Green Party Cllr said “We showed that we are everywhere, as overheard from one EDL member”. We Are Norwich said that we would prevent the EDL getting to the steps of City Hall and the War Memorial - we did. We said that we would build a massive and broad Coalition to oppose them - we did. We said that we would be peaceful, family friendly but loud and determined - we were. At a time when

we often bemoan the fact that people don’t care about others any more and won’t get up and do something positive, our counter mobilisation has been a beacon of light and hope. We Are Norwich will stay together for as long as we are needed. The EDL will never be welcome here!

For more information about WE ARE NORWICH, call Nick O’Brien (07717504210) OR

PS: The NUT has recently published further elements of the publication, produced in partnership between the NUT and the Holocaust Educational Trust, entitled ‘Mosaic – Victims of Nazi Persecution’.

“This publication is a powerful collection of case studies, focusing on the persecution by the Nazis of different groups of people. Case studies include experiences of trade unionists and the persecution of black people. These teaching materials which are aimed at secondary school pupils can be found on the NUT website

The NUT regularly encounters cases of discrimination in its work. We cannot afford to be complacent; we must continue to make our voices heard to overcome prejudice in all its forms.


The New Year continues with the growth of Academies. More High Schools have converted or plan to convert. So far few Primaries have followed suit. They have all agreed to abide by School Teachers Pay and Conditions and by the terms of the Burgundy Book. Most have agreed to pay into the County facilities time account when it is set up. This means we will be able use our facilities time to represent members in those schools. Free schools are opening in Norwich and Thetford.

Casework has continued to increase this year, with more Capability procedures, teachers burnt out with the stress of workload and aggressive styles of management in many schools causing anxiety across the profession. The action short of strike action is gaining ground slowly but surely. With the exception of those relating to performance management/appraisal most schools are compliant with the NUT/NASUWT instructions. Both classroom teachers and many Heads accept that the advice given is reasonable and supportive. We have managed to address school meetings

regarding the campaign. In a number of cases this has resulted in recruiting a school rep. Following one meeting all the ATL members decided to join the NUT in support of our campaign!

The Local Authority has produced a model appraisal policy based on Gove’s model. Unfortunately the guidance given to the schools by the local authority has been most unhelpful - if not incorrect. They have taken the line that Gove’s changes to appraisal are statutory rather than permissive. The campaign against the introduction of the local authority appraisal model is also gaining ground.

A number of schools have willingly agreed not to adopt the LA model policy. Others have been convinced by collective action to reject the policy. Many schools, particularly small primaries have done nothing. Although they may not realise it, this means the old policy still applies. Meanwhile some schools who have engaged with us have produced their own policies which still separate the performance

Division Secretaries Report

Division Secretaries - Mike Smith & Chrissie Smith


management element from the capability procedure. Interestingly academies have on the whole adopted policies that we have found acceptable.

The number of classroom observations is rising, particularly in schools which have adopted the new policy. We are challenging this when made aware and it can be a useful “in” to enable us to engage members in the wider dispute. We are pushing managers to define what they mean by “learning walks” and “drop ins”. Where we have been able to do this it has led to a decrease in the number of observations colleagues are facing.

There have been further threatened

redundancies in the Learning Support Service, English Language Service, and Travellers Education Service. The Learning support team is being reduced to three qualified teachers. The English Language Service has raised a number of issues. It would appear the three remaining managers will now be on Soulbury scale. Due to the decision not to de-delegate funds, the Short Stay School for Norfolk has declared that a number of redundancies will be necessary. It also intends to seek academy status following the cooperative model. If you have concerns about anything that is happening in your schools, contact us at:

Chrissie Smith & Mike Smith


LGBT History Month reminds us of the achievements of LGBT people in British society, past and present. It is an opportunity to show that prejudice about LGBT people must be challenged. This year’s theme is the highlighting of LGBT people in the fields of maths, science and engineering.

Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, the largest teachers’ union, said:

“The NUT is proud to be a core supporter of School’s Out!, the organisation which has developed LGBT History Month, and is proud to be a sponsor of LGBT History Month.

“More and more gay, lesbian and bisexual teachers are now able to be open about their sexual orientation,

like their straight colleagues, and especially our transgendered colleagues can now feel protected in work. However students in school still need to discuss human rights and have the life skills for a world where LGBT and straight people are equal.

“LGBT History Month can help teachers promote equality, value diversity and implement effective strategies to eradicate homophobia. Homophobia can lead to hate crime and causes very real harm to LGBT young people, and to disaffection and disengagement from school.

“Homophobia has no place in our society. The Government should send a consistent message that promoting LGBT rights in schools is not something that schools can opt in or out of. It is a key part of their pastoral and pedagogical role.”

LGBT History Month

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TSN is a charity founded by the NUT. It exists to support and help all teachers and lecturers, serving and retired, or NQT. The support given includes counselling, on line help, coaching, information and signposting as well as grants and financial information. It can help with any one of the many problems that can arise for teachers.

Stress is now widely recognised as one of the biggest causes of problems within our profession. It can happen to any teacher or lecturer at any stage of his/her career. It can be caused by pressure of work or home, financial concerns or bullying from SMT, peers or even pupils. At present, cyber-bullying is becoming a particular problem.

As a response, the TSN are running workshops on Stress, aimed at all teachers at any stage in their careers. The workshops last between one and two hours with a maximum of thirty teachers in a group. The workshops can be held in schools; during a training or Well-being day and cost between £100 and £ 750 per workshop. Topics covered include; Understanding and Managing Stress, Work-life balance and well-being, Communication skills and Caseworkers well-being.

On Saturday 20th April there are two sessions at the TSN HQ in London on Understanding and Managing Stress. These cost £35 pp plus VAT. The aim of the session is to increase understanding and knowledge; to help individuals to find coping methods; and to look at the causes and symptoms of stress including individual triggers and reactions to anxiety and stress.

One of the causes of stress and depression can be financial insecurity. Many teachers are found turning their heating down, staying at school

or retreating to the local Library to save on fuel bills. Many are forced to buy their clothes from charity shops while trying to project a positive and professional image. Therefore, TSN offer financial advice and money management as a personal service to all teachers and lecturers and those who have retired from the profession.

Money advice includes debt counselling, welfare benefit checks, financial statements and talking to creditors on your behalf. Grants can also be made available in cases of extreme hardship. The TSN also aims to raise the status of teachers. TSN can be contacted on; or phone 08000 562 561 / 02076 972750

Don’t leave it too late!

Letitia Willins

Teacher Support Network


Loss of another Stalwart

Michael Gove U Turn on exam reform Commenting on Michael Gove’s climb down on proposals to replace GCSEs with English Baccalaureate Certificates in five key subjects Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, the largest teachers’ union, said:

“This is really good news. Michael Gove has for once listened to sense. The English Baccalaureate Certificates were universally condemned by everyone from the teaching profession to bodies representing the arts, sport, business, technical and design groups and the education select committee.

“This is a victory for all those who have campaigned against this ill-thought out reform to GCSEs. The Education Secretary must now learn a lesson from this fiasco and consult with those who know far more than he appears to do about education. We need an examination system that is robust and challenging but one which recognises talents and skills that go beyond a limited range of subjects”.

Tony Bebb was one of the best raconteurs I’ve ever known. He was an inspirational colleague, a charismatic maths teacher and loyal activist for the NUT. He was a marvellous Deputy Head at Old Buckenham School for 20 years; beginning when it was still an old fashioned Secondary Modern school; still used the cane; and had no TVs, Videos, Computers, smart boards or any other of today’s technology. Teachers then went in armed with a piece of chalk, a black board, a few notes, the technological back up of a banda machine and a wicked sense of humour! Nonetheless, Mr Bebb held his students in the palm of his hand. He could also hold his audience in the staffroom or at any other meeting

Like most of the staff, I was another young teacher who gained from his sage advice. At the age of 24 (seems like last week) I’d given no thought whatsoever to Teachers Assurance, Pensions and the like – at that age you’re never going to grow old are you? However, I listened

to him and mostly followed his advice - which has dug me out of the mire a couple of times! He also encouraged me to become active in the Union.

Indeed, I feel that the most important legacy he left was his enthusiasm for the activities of the NUT – the only union worth being in, according to Tony! He certainly did a fine job of recruiting the vast majority of Old Buckenham staff and leading us all out to strike in the early eighties, speaking very passionately at huge meetings both in Norwich and around the County

One young teacher, (well she was then) Lesley, sent me an email just before Christmas saying: ‘I’m sorry to hear about the death of Tony Bebb. He was teaching at OB high school when I started at OB primary in 1975. The first ever NUT meeting I went to, was hosted by Tony at the Bear pub in Attleborough, where he introduced us to the late Walter Roy (see page *).This seems like the end of an era, what with


the death of Ray Russell last year! I always remember Tony with a twinkle in his eye and a jovial laugh.’

However, it’s not completely the end – for being rather a wise old bird – he’d got all his ducks in a row before he retired! That’s why the current Norfolk NUT officials can nearly all be directly or indirectly attributed to his forward planning and his ‘gin and tonic politics’ as he termed it!

One of his early converts was his namesake – Tony Mulgrew – from the Robert Kett, who innocently turned up at an Old Buckenham meeting. By the end of the first hour he had been voted in as Vice President of Breckland Association. So that was young Mulgrew’s introduction to the NUT. He later roped his young apprentice into taking over as President of Norwich Division Council, another of Tony’s

Union Roles.

His next victim – I mean recruit - was Pete Eldridge, who was also dubbed Secretary of Breckland NUT. He told me he got to know Tony through NORFOLK division as someone who he always listened to, along with the late Walter Roy.

In his time, Tony Bebb was Local Association Secretary and Treasurer for Breckland, president of the Regional Council, Teacher representative on the Education Committee and Division Secretary for the Norfolk NUT. Spookily, these are all positions that have been eventually inherited by two of his Old Buckenham converts – my husband Mike and myself. Only now of course it takes two of us to do the job!

Tony Bebb


“’s no joke – you know!”This is the season when my heart goes out to head teachers. Don’t get me wrong – I have enormous admiration and empathy for Heads throughout the year; and it isn’t a task to be taken on lightly. This past year must have put an enormous strain on every Head in the land, with Ofsted, permanently knocking on every door; all of Mr Gove’s new initiatives and pressure coming from every angle. Imagine colleagues how you would feel, in the midst of all the usual stress and hassle to suddenly be called on to be a weather-forecaster too!

As a teacher, I, like many before me, have stood in the super market queue and listened to my profession being slated for our ‘staying under our duvets’ after the first flake of snow! I often feel cowardly for not making my voice heard, there and then! Please show this to your friends in other professions. I know that the decision to close a school is never taken lightly.

However, I am not about to criticise Headteachers or question their decisions on this matter. They base their decisions on the latest meteorological reports and often have to make an extremely early call so that parents can make arrangements for their children. Heaven forbid that we will ever see a fatal school bus crash in Norfolk – but if this happens on an icy morning, I have no doubt that the Head will be the first to be denigrated for not assessing the risk correctly. So Heads will be heavily criticised whichever decision they make!

In the case of most schools now, there will be the opportunity for pupils to access a Virtual Learning Environment so that valuable time for education is not wasted. However, I’m genuine in my belief that the majority of children will gain almost as much getting out in the fresh air, sledging and spending quality time with parents having an illicit day of fun that often doesn’t occur in the general run of things.

Billy H English

“Just a quick note to say what an improvement the new NUT magazine is; it is SO much better and far more inviting to read.

I used to flip through the old-style mag to the last page for classroom quips and usually left it at that, but this one I read from start to finish. 10 out of 10 to the editor!”

Jackie Thompson, Visiting Teacher Service

Letters to the Editor:

Feedback on the improved newsletter


“I’m really impressed with the new look NUT newsletter. As an ex-editor it’s really good to see it developing and moving forward, keeping pace with modern technology. I remember the very first editions which were no more than a few sheets of A4 not even stapled together but it was that small beginning that led to where it is today – an essential part of keeping members in touch with the Union locally.

I think you’ve made the right decision to send as many copies by email as possible to save on costs yet keep a hard copy in each Staffroom.Well done, and keep up the good work!”

Linda Brown, Retired member

Editor’s Note: thank you for all your lovely comments – now all we need is a wider range of members to send in their contributions. This may also be a good point to remind members who have emails that if they still wish to receive their free paper copy, they need to subscribe via the website or contact Scott at

Broadland NUT - Dates of Meetings 2013Tuesday, 26th February 2013 - General MeetingTuesday, 2nd July 2013 - General MeetingTuesday, 5th November 2013 - General MeetingFriday, 8th November 2013 - Welcoming MeetingTuesday, 28th January 2014 - General Meeting

All General Meetings will be held at The Ship Inn, Tan Lane, Caister-on-Sea. Venue for the the Welcoming Meeting has yet to be decided.

Peter Ayers

Lyons ChairVicky Warnes, outgoing president of Division congratulates Scott Lyons as he takes over the Chair.


Local Association Events Around The County The new Norfolk County Association meetingThursday 7th March - AGM Wymondham Feathers 7 for 7.30 – Refreshments providedThursday 2nd May - AGM Kings Lynn Globe 7.00 pm – Refreshments providedThursday 27th June Downham Dinner - Formal Norfolk NUT dinner – all welcome – details tba

Norwich & Distict Association AGM @Norwich PDC 4.30pm (tea and coffee from 4.15) on Tuesday 5th March 2013Please email Helen McGuinness helenemcguinness@gmail.comAny nominations for Association officer positions and delegates to Divisional Council below by Tuesday 19th February 2013 by returning the nominations form attached. The chair of Norwich and District trades Sasha Pearce, a Unison activist, will come and address the start of the meeting about on-going campaigns.

N&D AGMTuesday 30th April @ 5.30pm

Dereham & Fakenham AGMD&F Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Neatherd High School, Norwich Rd, Dereham on Tuesday 19th March @ 5.30pm. Refreshments provided. Please join us or if you would like anything added to the agenda, contact Steve Smith

Editor: Chrissie Smith Downham Lodge, 2 Downham Grove, Wymondham NR180SNTel: 01953 719960Email:

Divisional SecretariesChrissie Smith Tel: 01953 719960Email:

Mike Smith Tel: 01953 719960Email: Assistant secretary Scott Lyons Tel: 01362 692610 Email: Breckland and South Norfolk: Chrissie Smith Tel: 01953 719960 Email:

Broadland: Peter Ayers Tel: 01603 713565Email:

Dereham & Fakenham: Steve Smith Tel: 01362 698637 Email:

Norwich and District: Helen McGuinness Tel: 01603 468240 Email:

West Norfolk: Mary Cook Tel: 01553 829030Email:

Teacher Support Network: Letitia Willins Tel: 01263 512447

NUT Regional Office: Hilary Bucky Tel: 01638 555300Email: (Fax) 01638 555330

Produced and printed by: Boudicca Marketing, Peacock Way, Melton Constable, NR24 2AZ. Tel: 01263 861483 Email.

Contact Numbers Around The County

If you would like this sent to you electronically, to save on costs and on the environment, please register on the website for the e-newsletter.