Nursing Shoes

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Nurses should keep in mind that they should buy only those nursing shoes that fall in the instructions provided by the healthcare institution they are serving. There are many specialty stores on the web selling these shoes and you can easily find the one that suits your requirements.

Transcript of Nursing Shoes

A Complete Guide to Buying Nursing Shoes

Nursing shoes are surely one of the most integral elements of a nurse’s attire and indeed the most stylish one. Over the past few decades, some amazing changes have taken place as far as the job profile of a nurse is sinvolved and it would not be a wrong thing to say that clothes and shoes have played a major role. The shoes that a nurse wears have to be comfortable so that the nurse does not face any discomfort even when wearing these for a longer duration.

Traditionally, nurses wore the shoes that had clogs as these were economical and considerably comfortable. Later on these clogs were treated as scrubs and have been used by the nurses till date. We all know that nurses are always on a run as their job demands this, thus the shoes should be such that no pressure is applied on the shoes. Another important trait of the nursing shoes is that these should be well ventilated. Most of the nurses prefer to wear shoes that have holes in them as these allow fresh air to pass and prevent perspiration and odor.

Nursing industry is a demanding one and this is one big reason that nurses should try and have more than two shoes in their collection so that they do not fall in the trouble of wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Important Factors To Consider When Buying Nursing Shoes

Nurses need to keep in mind some important factors that would prove helpful in buying nursing shoes that will at the end prove comfy and chic.

• The shoes should be well cushioned. This will help the pressure of feet distribute evenly and would prevent sores or aches, even when shoes are worn for long stretches.

• Stability is another important factor to look for. Nurses cannot afford to wear shoes that are not stable as they are required to stand and serve the patients for long durations.

• Motion control is surely the most important factor to bring into consideration when buying nursing shoes. There are many brands that have started developing shoes for nurses that aid motion control in an effortless fashion.

When buying nursing shoes, you should keep in mind the dynamics of your body and work too. Some crucial things to consider at this juncture are your foot type, your gait type, your body weight, any injury, any allergy, and the kind of fit you prefer. Always walk wearing the shoes that you wish to buy as this will give you an idea about the enclosure it promises.

When Is The Right Time To Buy Nursing Shoes?

Shoes need to be worn for a specified period of time as you should not continue wearing shoes if they are in the discarded position. Nurses should keep in mind that they should change their shoes every 500 to 700 kilometers. To be precise, it can be said that the nursing shoes should be changed every six months.

If a nurse starts feeling that the shoes are not comfortable even when they are less than six months old, these have to be replaced immediately.