Numbers and Abbreviations Uses in academic writing.

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Numbers and Abbreviations Uses in academic writing.

Numbers and Abbreviations

Uses in academic writing

Rules for Numbers

1.Spell numbers that take two words or less

a.I have seen that movie five times.

b.There are thirty-two students here.

c.The college has 562 students.

Rules for Numbers continued

2.Be consistent when you use a series

a.I ran five kilometres today, ten yesterday and three on Saturday.

b.I have only run 18 kilometres so far this year even though last year I ran 3652.

Rules for Numbers continued

3. Use numerals for the following items:

1. dates - January 15, 2011

2. times - I have an appointment at 3:20. BUT - I have to leave at three o’clock.

3. addresses - 500 College Way, Y1A 5K4

4. percentages - Many programs require 70 percent in English 050.

5. parts of a book - Please turn to Chapter 2 on page 35.


Don’t use in your academic writing

Except in these instances:

1.Mr. , Mrs., Dr., Jr., etc

a.Dr. Phillips gave Mrs. Smith a prescription for her migraines.

Abbreviations continued

Don’t use except:

2.Time references:

a.A.M or p.m. - I woke up at 6 a.m.

b.B.C. - The arrowhead is dated at 600 B.C.

Abbreviations continued

Don’t use except in these instances:

3.Initials in a person’ s name

a.Michael J. Fox

b.P. Diddy

Abbreviations continued

Don’t use abbreviations except in these situations:

4.Organizations, technical words, company names know by their initials