NQF 5 Assignment

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NQF 5, Labour intensive construction methods, Assignment

Transcript of NQF 5 Assignment





ID NO : 7610305085085

CELL: 0799077848


By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085



Question 16.1.1: .............................................................................................................3

Question 16.1.2: .............................................................................................................4

Question 16.1.3: .............................................................................................................5

Question 16.1.4: .............................................................................................................6

Question 16.1.5: .............................................................................................................7

Question 16.2.1: .............................................................................................................8

Question 16.2.2: .............................................................................................................8

Question 16.2.3: .............................................................................................................9

Question 16.2.4: .............................................................................................................9

Question 16.2.5: ...........................................................................................................10

Question 16.2.6: ...........................................................................................................12

Question 16.3.1: ...........................................................................................................12

Question 16.3.2: ...........................................................................................................12

Question 16.3.3: ...........................................................................................................13

Question 16.3.4: ...........................................................................................................13

Question 16.3.5: ...........................................................................................................14

Question 16.4.1: ...........................................................................................................15

Question 16.4.2: ...........................................................................................................16

Question 16.4.3: ...........................................................................................................17

Question 16.5.1: ...........................................................................................................18

Question 16.5.2: ...........................................................................................................18

Question 16.5.3: ...........................................................................................................19

Question 16.5.4: ...........................................................................................................20

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.1.1:

When you can economically and efficiently employ as much labour as technically

feasible during the construction phase of a project, and maintain the standard of work

that is desired by the client or as specified, then you are applying efficient labour

intensive construction. This method of construction will result in a higher expenditure

towards labour than the conventional construction contracts where a greater portion of

expenditure is towards plant and equipment.

The current approach to labour intensive construction must also optimize the labour

rather than maximize it, then the contract would also tend to be more cost effective

while the end product is still of adequate quality.

Conventional construction contracts are more plant orientated because there is a

believe that labour intensive construction is more expensive and lacks quality,

therefore to effective apply labour intensive construction principles the appointed

design team and the construction team must come up with innovative design ideas and

construction practices in order to accomplish the works to the required standard

within the specified budget and time constraints.

Typically during labour intensive construction contracts there may be a three to

seven-fold increase in employment than with conventional rural road construction

projects. The total expenditure on labour during the duration of contract which has

been run as labour intensive construction may compromise between 30% and 80% of

construction costs.

Labour intensive construction must also be sustainable to the point where local labour

and local materials are used in order to ensure that the money spend on the contract

stays within the community, and afterwards people has been trained new skills that

they can use where they stay or at other places where it is needed.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.1.2:

Currently there is no contract documentation which has been specifically compiled to

accommodate labour intensive construction methods or contracts. The standard

contract documentation must be amended in order to allow for the changes in scope

from the standard contract documentation to labour intensive construction methods by

means of:

• Indication in the project summary.

• Conditions of tender must specify that the contract is labour intensive, and

penalties will be imposed if the contractor doesn’t adhere to these principles.

• All the agreement forms must cater for the changes in scope of works, and the

contractor must adhere to labour intensive principles.

• Amendments to the general conditions of contract must be made and indicated

within the amendments section, where different types infractions/trespassing

must be specified with their penalties.

• Amendments to the special conditions of contract must be made and indicated

within the special conditions of contract section where different types

infractions/trespassing must be specified with their penalties.

• The schedule of quantities must indicate which items are to be priced as labour

intensive construction methods. If these items are not done according to labour

intensive methods then there must be clause within the schedule of quantities

where the contractor can be penalized.

• The method specifications will indicate how it is expected from the contractor

to accomplish the task by means of labour intensive construction methods

according to the specified standards.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.1.3:

1. Labour content, where the amount of female participation, youth participation

and handicapped participation is indicated in terms of a percentage of overall

labour content.

2. The amount of money spent on labour during the construction period or up to

date in relation to total amount certified for payment.

3. The current progress and revised date of completion must be indicated by

means of a bar chart, where the contractor can do proper planning from.

4. The amount of funds spent on local suppliers used in order to promote local

business growth.

5. The amount of people trained on the project and the estimated future

requirements of training.

6. Staff and personnel lists indicating the staff personal info, days worked and

payment received for Dept record keeping.

7. The amount of labourers employed at each of the various site operations.

8. All records of health and safety related issues, like injuries, fatalities and

equipment issues.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.1.4:

Community participation involves is done through elected officials, the community

leason officer and the project steering committee. The contractor, engineer and project

sponsor must all work through the steering committee in order to ensure that the

correct line of communication is followed and that the community is involved in all

related decisions. The community must also inform all relevant parties of their

concerns and problems to the sponsor, contractor and consultant or engineer via the

correct line of communication which is the project steering committee and the CLO.

Community participation involves elected or nominated people from the community

which will be directly affected by the outcome and the construction of the project.

They represent a practical side to the democracy of the project because it is

impractical for everyone of the community to have their say during meetings and


The community participation should commence as soon as the project concept and the

community should continue to be involved at all times with the making of project

decisions. Workshops at community level should be held in order to ensure that the

community is aware of all of the aspects of labour intensive construction and that they

agree to the methods prior to construction. These workshops should include items as

task based payment and task-based work, and they should be held regularly.

Community objectives should have been assessed during the pre-planning by the

project sponsors and must be taken into account by the contractor.

The project steering committee and the CLO must also assist in setting up dispute

resolution systems. This must be done in order to prevent the contractor from

primarily only solving labour disputes, and this system must also allow for

mechanisms for resolving the disagreements between the community and the project


By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.1.5:

• Pollution of the surrounding environment by means of air pollution, noise

pollution, dust pollution etc.

• Unnecessary destruction of the environment because people are less

destructive on nature than mechanical equipment.

• People are living in poverty and under the bread line because even though

there may be construction activities in the area, none of it creates jobs that

would empower the people to buy food and essentials.

• Because people are poor and cannot afford any food or essentials they may be

forced to start supporting themselves by doing crime as means of survival.

• People cannot not receive any training or work experience if their work is

done by machines and this effect the long term sustainability of job creation by

not empowering the people with much needed skills.

• The sponsor will save money by not having to remediate and finish off the

construction site, because people tend to leave a smaller footprint, and while

they are busy working they are also busy finishing-off the affected area.

• Labour intensive methods also promotes the usage of suppliers and specialist

within the area, and therefore also have a direct influence on the local

community by using their skills and spending money there.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.2.1: • Clearing

• Excavation

• Loading excavated materials

• Hauling of excavated materials

• Loading and haulage of imported materials for soil cement

• Mixing of soil cement

• Backfilling

• Finishing off.

Question 16.2.2:

Special tools are usually obtained for usage on site by method of specialist suppliers

or made by the contractor. These tools should be timeously in order to prevent any

delays in the construction program. The contractor should calculate the amount of

daywork that needs to be done and ensure that there are enough tools for all the


Certain tools like moulds can be made on site which will be used to create the

concrete elements as required on the project. Special care should be give when

concrete moulds are being made to prevent these objects from being too heavy to be

handled by hand. They should weight a maximum of 50kg if they will be handled by


Special slings, ropes and clamps will also be needed if the objects will be lifted or

lowered into position. Pipes, steel manhole covers and heavy pre-cast concrete covers

are among the different types of objects which may have to be placed.

Special leveling beams and shutters will be required for the construction of road

layers like macadam base course which is suitable to be hand mounted. Generally

level control is obtained with specially designed beams or straight edges which are

rail mounted or shutter mounted. Loose stones are placed in front of the beam to the

level of the underside of the beam in strips of 0.5 to 0.75m wide. The beams are then

rolled forward and the process is repeated. These beams and shutters must be

manufactured timeously in order to allow for sufficient training and practiced by the

construction workers, before they will start with the actual construction.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.2.3: • Workers disputing the amount of daywork completed can be prevented by

setting up task teams and recording the measured work at the end of every day.

These task teams should stay together in groups and they should be kept to

their performing task until all the similar task related work is finished. This

will prevent confusion and make measurement easier.

• Workers are unhappy because they haven’t received their payment on time or

not soon enough can be prevented by paying them at most every 2nd

week, and

the contractor must ensure that al of their banking details have been sorted out.

Workers can also get paid by means of prepaid banking card in order to speed

the banking transactions up.

• Workers are unhappy because other workers earn more money than they do,

even though they are appointed on the same level and daywork rates, can be

prevented by only allowing workers to complete one task per day. If they work

quicker and finish earlier, then they should be sent home to rest. That way all

the workers will get the same salary at the end of the week.

• Workers unhappy that their wages are not as per minimum wage requirements,

can be prevented by giving workers proper induction training and explaining

to them that this is a EPWP project and all workers will get the same payment

per daywork completed as agreed by the project steering committee and the

community leason officer.

• Workers are unhappy because they end up working more than 8 hours per day

in order to complete their tasks, can be prevented by properly researching the

amount of daywork that is possible under the circumstances, and then

determine the amount of daywork that is required per task. If this is the case

and the workers are still working more than 8 hrs per day then different

production rates should be determined for the task.

Question 16.2.4:

a Task is the average amount of work an average person can do in an average day.

Therefore the workers are required to complete on task per day for the payment of one

tasks value. A task can be any amount of different activities completed by a task team,

but the total amount of work done by the team must still come to 1 task per person in

order to make the team balancing efficient.

Records of all of the tasks completed during one pay cycle must be kept on all of the

teams in order to ensure they will get paid timeously and the correct amount.

Some projects set weekly tasks, while other sets daily tasks. It depends on the type of

project and the tasks required for completion. Mainly the principle of “no work no

pay” and “a fair days work for a fair days pay” applies.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.2.5: The best way to plan the excavation depth starts with the setting out of the excavation.

The excavation sizes can be smaller and more accurate because when it is done by

hand there is not as much over excavation as with machines. Do note that the setting

out slopes and positions must be done in closer intervals depending on the accuracy

that’s required. The setting levels and slopes must be done in such a way that the

team leader can check the levels on regular basis while his team is busy with the


Road construction:

Profile poles with string lines and dipsticks are most convenient for road construction.

Levels can be checked at 10m intervals, but this is not accurate enough for base

course level control during labour intensive construction (at some instances 5m

intervals prove to be sufficient). Profile poles with dipsticks have been found most

convenient as the string lines can be strung diagonally between the poles as well as

the cross-section at the poles. See picture below:

Trench and Side drain work:

By constructing portable templates, leveled by means of small spirit levels accurate

information to teams excavating drains, as they show widths and slopes see sketch


By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Pipes and Culverts:

The easiest method to control the invert levels of storm water pipes and culvert is the

set-up frames every 5 m. By using a plumb bob the excavation depths and invert

levels as can be checked while ensuring the horizontal alignment is also to

specifications. Do note that pre-cast pipes and culverts are not suitable for labour

intensive construction due to the weight of the elements and other possibilities of

construction methods that can replace these items. See sketch below:


Boning rods:

Boning rods are one of the best methods to transfer slopes and levels between two

points. By setting up to guide boning rods at determined levels and positions, another

intermediate boning rod with a certain leg length can be used to determine the

required excavation depth. One person must hold the intermediate boning rod, while

another guide him by comparing the intermediate level with the end and start levels.

What makes this method ideal is the fact that the intermediate boning rod can be

moved anywhere therefore allowing for more than one team to excavate within the

same area.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.2.6:

Records of production are needed:

• To calculate production for every activity so that adequate programming can

be done during the project construction phase.

• To enable tweaking of resources or methods in order to improve the

productivity on a daily basis.

• Productivity records will be used to determine future task costing and measure

current productivity.

• Costing of activities can be plotted against tender estimates in order to

calculate profitability.

• Productivity costing will be used for future tendered rates or can form the

basis of future tender rates.

Question 16.3.1:

Excavation Volume: 13x3x0.192m = 7.488m3 (use 7.5m


Man production: 1.5m3/m.day = 7.5m


3 = 5 people for 1 day

Concrete Volume: 13x3x0.1m = 3.9m3 (Use 4m3)

Man Production: 0.8m3/m.day = 4m


3 = 5 people for 1 day

A total of 10 people required, but team consists of 5 people.

Therefore only 10/5 = 2 teams required for a team of 5 people over 1 day or 1 team of

5 people required for 2 days.

Question 16.3.2:

The induction course for new workers should consist of:

• Health and safety discussion and all safety related equipment and clothing

must be issued to worker. Records should be kept in order to determine

equipment issues.

• A discussion on labour laws and the implementation thereof, a copy of the

labour laws applicable to EPWP must be given to worker for later re-reading.

The conditions of employment should be clearly indicated to the new worker.

• The agreed upon payment method, payment frequency and payment amount

for a task should be discussed.

• A discussion on the implementation of task work and labour intensive

construction. They must know the principles of “no work no pay”.

• The worker must be introduced to his team leader and fellow team members.

• Safety training must be done and it should include hazard identification on

site. Care of the safety equipment should also be explained to the new

workers, so that their equipment will last as long as required.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.3.3:

No Item description Quantity per day (m


Task amount per person/day

Team Members per Task

1 loosening rocks 2 0.5 4

2 collecting and stockpiling 2 2 1

3 crushing by hand 2 0.25 8

Total amount of team members for balanced team 13

Question 16.3.4:

Conventional construction of 45m3 per m.day:

• Pedestrian roller.

Labour intensive construction of 4.5m3 per m.day:

• Watering.

• Mixing.

• Spreading and leveling.

Thus total number of workers required = 45/4.5 = 10 people for LIC

And worker required for Roller = 1 person

Thus a balanced team consists of 11 people.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.3.5:

Local Materials and equipment are preferred for LIC because:

• Communities where LIC methods are implemented through the EPWP

program are the poorest of the poor and the project doesn’t only have to

benefit the Client, but the community as well.

• By using local materials the suppliers within the community will have the

chance to benefit from the project as well. This will lead to long term

sustainability and the increased creation of sustainable jobs.

• Local materials can either be obtained from quarries, rivers and pit sand within

the area. Normally the materials will have to be bought from the land owners

and loaded by hand, thus creating more jobs via local suppliers.

• Imported materials are most often not cost effective because it has to be hauled

over long distances, and it has been proven that in some cases that it is cheaper

to crush and load materials by using labour intensive construction methods.

• Where specifications exclude local products, assistance can be given to

suppliers in order to improve their quality to requisite levels.

• Training can also be given to local workmen or artisans to be setup as

suppliers or subcontractors. These workers and subcontractors will also have

sustainable businesses which will be used during future contracts and by the

local community.

• Materials for the project should be chosen on the basis of the labour that will

be required to handle and place them. For example toxic materials must be

avoided for labour construction methods.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.4.1:

We need to know what the available skills within the community are and what level of

proficiency they have, and this is done by means of skills audit because:

• Skilled labourers will be required during the labour intensive construction

contract, and unskilled labourers will also be required. It is unnecessary to get

workers from other communities when the proper skills can be created within

the community around the contract.

• By knowing the amount of skilled and unskilled labourers in the contract area

proactive training can be provided in order to have the labourers ready when

their skills are required on site.

• By teaching people new skills you are empowering them with knowledge and

with knowledge they will be able to have sustainable jobs and start new

smaller companies.

• By including safety training in the audit one will notice how much funds are

required for safety and how much funds will go towards certain skills training.

However safety training must be included in all training courses provided.

Properly trained workers are less accident prone, because they will know how

their tasks must be completed without injuring themselves, and they will do

their tasks according to project specifications.

• Suppliers within the area should also be included in some of the training

courses, especially if they will be used during the construction project and

their products/materials is not to project specifications. This will also result in

better job creation and make their businesses sustainable for future contracts

and usage by the local community.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.4.2:

LIC supervisors need training with regards to:

• conflict management because they will be working with more people than on

conventional contracts, which needs to be handled correctly in order to prevent

unnecessary conflicts.

• special skills training in their field of experience according to LIC methods to

ensure that they will be able to do adequate supervision and quality control.

They should be able to do the setting out of the works, and do the inspections

for workmanship quality.

• project management skills are very important because LIC supervisors should

be capable doing the overall programming of the site within realistic limits.

They should be able to notice problems with the program in advance in order

to take corrective measures.

• the record keeping systems in order to ensure that workers get paid the correct

amount for the number of tasks they have completed. They should be able to

use the correct measuring system for the different measured tasks in order to

prevent over worked and underpaid workers or the latter.

• administrative systems and recordkeeping of the all records of productivity,

personnel, training, safety equipment and tools and plant. They should be able

to compile reports after interpreting the records as required by the Client.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.4.3:

‘Learnerships” can help supervisors advance their qualifications by means of the


• Learnerships assist permanent staff with their future development, as they are

the most important resource of a company.

• A learnership is a work based route for learning and gaining a qualification

within the national qualifications framework.

• After completion of their learnership they will have increased their

employment capabilities and employability.

• They are assisted in their Career-pathing and Self-development into a certain


• They earn a salary while they are learning, thus they can support their family

and provide for their basic needs.

• They will have a formal qualification after completion of their learnership and

it will help them to earn a market related salary.

• They serve as an entrance into the industry for unemployed learners, even

though they have previous experience and by giving recognition to prior skills

acquired it will be easier for them to progress forward.

• Employees will require less supervision due to skills acquisition and also save

on expenses. This will create an environment where more and more skilled

personnel are preferred even though they cost more in salaries, because they

will improve productivity and quality of the end product required by the client.

• Supervisors who completed their learnerships will be more competitive in the

global market, and it will address the current skills shortage in South Africa.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.5.1:


• Number of teams and the staff members on each team.

• Cost of each team, the materials and plant.

• The tendered rate for each cubic/m produced.

• The amount of concrete to be produced by teams

• The current production rate of concrete

• The amount of concrete still to be produced for completion.

• The current consumption of materials used for production.


• Suppliers for all types of materials.

• Cost of materials from different suppliers.

• Quantity of materials in stock.

• Quantity of materials on order.


• The test dates of all test cubes and test results.

• The concrete mix design

• The areas where test results were obtained.

• Non compliance records must be kept for future references.

Question 16.5.2: • They want to be treated fairly and professionally.

• They want to have their salary paid to them on time.

• Their salaries must be the correct amount.

• They must be give time of to buy items as required.

• Their day work tasks must be reasonable.

• They must be allowed time for lunch and resting.

• Their value system must be respected.

• Reasonable targets must be set.

• People must be kept informed of decisions which concern them.

• They must be able to provide ownership of the completed work.

• They must be assisted to develop.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.5.3: • Progress reports.

• Supervisor’s returns.

• Updated and tracked bar charts.

• Cost reports.

• Number of labourers employed on various operations.

• The gender ratio, Age ratio and the disability ratio.

• Details of skills training.

• Personnel lists indicating the local labourers content, skilled labourers and

days worked.

• People who have been appointed in management, supervisory and various

other positions like administration on the project.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Question 16.5.4:

Tender Advertisement:

Add the following: This is an EPWP project and the employers objectives are to

deliver public infrastructure using labour intensive construction methods.


Point will be awarded according to EPWP point system where preference will be

given to labour based method being implemented and local suppliers.

General Conditions of Contract: Selective Amendments:

• Add / Amend the following: o Inform the contractor that due to the nature of this contract, special

conditions of contract will be required. o The insurance of the works will be taken out directly by the

Employer/Client. o The Contractor may not be required to establish surety. o Materials may be supplied or on behalf of the contractor by the

Client/Employer. o No contract price adjustment is applicable.

Special conditions of contract: In order to cater for GCC:

• Add / Amend the following: o GCC Clause 1 and 2: Project manager must be introduced to this

project. The Engineer retains the power of delegations for the duration

of this contract. o GCC Clause 24: Training should be provided to the subcontractors

labourer force. o GCC Clause 47: Standard methods of measurement and payment are

revised to suit the task system. o GCC Clause 52: Payment to labourers would take place on a

fortnightly basis. The Engineer must approve all documentation before

payment continues.

Description of the project:

• Portion 1: Conventional construction methods

o Add the following:

� The Employer’s objectives are to deliver public infrastructure

using labour-intensive methods. Labour-intensive works

comprise the activities described in the labour-intensive

specification. Such works shall be constructed using local

workers who are temporarily employed in terms of this scope

of work.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


• Portion 2: Labour intensive construction methods:

o Add the following:

� PS 2.1 General The portions of the Works as are listed in

sub clause PS 2.2 below shall, unless otherwise instructed by

the Engineer, be constructed in terms of this Contract utilising

labour-intensive construction methods only, in accordance with

the further provisions of Part B.

� PS 2.2 Portions of the Works to be constructed by labour-

intensive construction methods: The following portions of the

Works shall be executed utilising labour-intensive construction


• All clearing and grubbing on the site;

• All excavations in hand excavate able material

including excavation all mass earth works;

• The loading, transporting and placing all materials

including haul of 50m.

• The spreading and all processing of material for

constructing layers and sidewalks;

• The mixing, transporting, placing and finishing of all


• Application of prime and tack coats

• Application of the Cape Seal (chip and spray and slurry)

� PS 2.3 Allowable mechanical plant and equipment: In

accordance with the provisions of Part B, the Contractor may

utilise suitable and appropriate mechanical plant and equipment

in the following particular operations comprised in such works:

• Mechanical vibration of concrete;

• Ripping the in-situ roadbed;

• The haulage of materials with haulage distance greater

than 50m

• Hand compaction with a Bomag 760 rollers for all

pavement layers and side walks;

• Intermediate excavation by excavator, loader or dozer.

• Excavation of hard material by means of blasting.

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


SABS 1200:

• AA and AD: General

o Add / Amend the following:

� PSA 2.1

• Task: A quantified activity or operation.

• Daily rate regardless: The remuneration of a days work

of output, and only applicable when unable to define


• Task rate: The remuneration for a completed task.

� PSA 2.2 Plant - Except for the types of plant and the

extent permitted in terms of the project specification or

approved by the engineer, the contractor shall use only hand

tools and equipment in the construction of the works or

portions of the works

• C: Site Clearance

o Add / Amend the following:

� The size of boiulders and girth of trees that are included in

general clearing an dgrubbing should be amended and the

incremental steps in size trees grouped together for

measurement and payment purposes should be amended.

• D and DA: Earthworks

o Add / Amend the following:

� Free haul distances.

� Overhaul is in written to accommodate wheelbarrows and


� Allowable plant: Bomag 170

Excavator or Dozer with a loader for

intermediate excavations.

• DB: Earthworks (Trench excavation)

o Add / Amend the following:

� All excavations shall be done by hand except for hard

excavations and trench depths exceeding 2m.

• DM: Roadworks (Roads and Subgrade)

o Add / Amend the following:

� All layerworks except insitu materials e.g. roadbed shall be

leveled and compated by means of approved LIC methods. See


• G, GA and GB: Concrete

o Add / Amend the following:

� All concrete mixing shall be done by hand using shovels on an

approved mixing surface. Measuring should be done by using

5litre steel buckets. Contractor should provide for the cost of

these tools in his rates. Test cubes should be taken for quality


By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085



o Add / Amend the following: � Natural gravel: Materials for the construction of layer works

shall be obtained from designated borrow sources. Borrow

materials will have to be cleared, grubbed and loaded by hand.

� Concrete aggregate: This material shall be obtained from

commercial sources.

� Sand for concrete: Sand for concrete shall be obtained from

sources within the community. No separate payment will be

made to the Contractor in this regard.

� Water for construction purposes: Water for construction

purposes is obtainable from the community. The Contractor

shall make his own arrangements in this regard. No separate

payment shall be made for this and all costs related thereto shall

be deemed to be included in the tendered rates.


o Add / Amend the following: � Labour recruitment should consist of the following

• Woman: 60%

• Youth: 20%

• Disabled: 2%

� If the contractor doesn’t meet the required labour content then

he will be penalized according the applicable clause.

Measurement and Payment:

• Add / Amend Pay Item Specifications with the following:

o Item no: 8.2.1(L): Clear and Grub: Contractor shall be paid

for per m2 of area cleared and grubbed by LIC methods. No plant shall

be used except when for cutting trees with girth larger that 1m and

boulder weighing more than 50kg. Unit: m2

o Item no: 8.3.4(L): Excavation all material: Contractor shall be

paid per m3 of material excavated by LIC methods. No plant shall be

used except for hard material and boulders weighing more than 50kg.

Unit: m3

o Item no: 8.4.2(L): Imported material including overhaul up 50m:

Contractor shall be paid per m3 of material excavated by LIC methods.

No plant shall be used except for hard material and boulders weighing

more than 50kg. Unit: m3

o Item no: 11.1.3(L): G5 to 95% MOD AASHTO. Contractor shall allow

for the spreading and compacting of G5 material for Sub base layer

including compacting to 95% MOD AASHTO. Unit: m3

o Item no: 11.1.3(L): 20MPa Concrete. Rates shall include the materials,

mixing thereof, transporting, placing and finishing of all concrete

including free haul up to 50m; Unit: m3

By: Conrad Fourie ID: 7610305085085


Schedule of Quantities:

• Add / Amend Pre-Amble with the following:


o Separate items will be listed in the Schedule of Quantities for works

which are required to be executed utilizing labour intensive

construction methods and for works to which such requirements does

not apply.

o Items which apply in respect of Works which in terms of part A are

required to be executed utilising labour intensive construction methods,

are identified in the Schedule of Quantities by way of the upper case

letter “L” shall, unless the context implies otherwise, be deemed to

apply in respect of works not required to be executed by labour

intensive methods.

o Where any item in the SABS Standard Specifications of in Part B

refers to the measurement and payment of excavations in terms of

increments in the depth of the excavation, the depth increment for

excavations required in terms of Part A to be executed by labour

intensive methods shall betaken as 0,5 metre.

o The measurement and payment clauses asset out in the SABS Standard

Specifications and in Part B shall, unless specifically stated to the

contrary, apply generally whether or not the works to which they relate

are required to be executed utilizing labour intensive construction

methods, provided always that where the work is required to be

executed by labour intensive construction methods, each particular

clause shall be interpreted and construed mutatis mutandis in

accordance with the provisions of this clause B1230.

Schedule of Quantities:

o Add / Amend Pay Items with the following:

o Item no: 8.2.1(L): Clear and Grub: Unit: m2

o Item no: 8.3.4(L): Excavation all material: Unit: m3

o Item no: 8.4.2(L): Imported material : Unit: m3

o Item no: 11.1.3(L): G5 to 95% MOD AASHTO: Unit: m3

o Item no: 11.1.3(L): 20MPa Concrete: Unit: m3