Now Break Tea

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Now Break Tea

is the leader in the tea market. The brand was created to meet a desire in the

market for a good, natural, tea with a high-quality taste and exquisite flavor. We pay

enormous attention to the quality of our tea; you can easily identify its excellence by

simply looking at the uniformly-sized, shiny black leaves - that is the mark of a high

quality black tea that has been carefully prepared and stored. We have control over the

whole process of preparing the tea from the collection right up to the delivery on the

store shelves.

Among drinks, black tea is famous for its

incredible ability to quench thirst, and even

hunger, reduce the effects of weariness, and

draw out toxins. We know how a high quality

black tea should taste and we want to share

it with the others.

can give you a taste of absolute

pleasure that is beyond compare with any

other black tea.

is an excellent choice for a break

during a hard working day when you need a

cup of fine tea with a rich taste that will help

you reduce the stress at the office.

Your colleagues will be grateful for a cup of

. If you want to chat with your

friend in calm atmosphere, have

and relax and enjoy the conversation. After

a hard day at work full of stress allow

yourself the rich taste of black tea which

warmly flows inside, helps put your thoughts

in order and refresh your body.

We want to help you to live in a comfortable world without stress and fuss.

Now Break Tea is black tea of the highest quality for your highest spirits!

Earl Grey tea is a tea blend which has been flavored with the

addition of oil of bergamot. Traditionally, "Earl Grey" was made

from black teas, but tea companies have since begun to offer Earl

Grey in other varieties as well, such as green or oolong.

The Earl Grey blend, or "Earl Grey's

Mixture", is assumed to be named

after Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey,

British Prime Minister in the 1830s and

author of the Reform Bill of 1832. He

reputedly received a gift, probably a

diplomatic perquisite, of tea flavoured

with bergamot oil.

Earl Grey tea has been known to improve digestion. It aids in the digestive process and helps relieve

painful indigestion, colic and nausea. The bergamot in

Earl Grey tea has been known to have a calming

effect on people, as well as to boost a person’s mood.

This is due to bergamot’s natural aromatherapy

qualities. In this way Earl Grey is a good natural

solution for people suffering from depression, stress

and anxiety. It may not have as much as a kick as

coffee, but it does contain enough caffeine to give you

a nice little afternoon boost without keeping you up

all night.

Earl Grey Tea is available in a box containing 20 teabags, with 1,5g tea each.

Black tea is a type of tea that is

more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas.

Black tea is generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized

teas. In Chinese and the languages of neighboring countries, black

tea is known as "red tea", a description of the colour of the liquid;

the Western term "black tea" refers to the colour of the oxidized


Black tea contains polyphenols,

which are also antioxidants

that help block DNA damage

associated with tobacco or

other toxic chemicals. These

antioxidants are different from those obtained from fruits and

vegetables and therefore as a regular part of our diet they can

provide additional benefits

towards a healthy lifestyle.

It has also been suggested that regular tea drinkers have

stronger bones and lower probability of developing arthritis

due to the phytochemicals found in tea. Black tea contains

alkylamine antigens that help boost our immune response. In

addition it also contains tannins that have the ability to fight

viruses and hence keep us protected from influenza, stomach

flu and other such commonly found viruses in our everyday


Original Black Tea is available in a box containing 25 teabags, with 2g tea each.

Tea originated in southwestern China, where it was used as

a medicinal drink. It was popularized as a recreational drink

during the Chinese Tang dynasty, and tea drinking spread to

other East Asian countries. Portuguese priests and merchants

introduced it to the West during the 16th century. During the

17th century, drinking tea became fashionable among Britons,

who started large-scale production and commercialization of

the plant in India to bypass a Chinese monopoly at that time.

One of the most

immediate vanilla tea

benefits is the ability to

relieve stress. Both the

aroma of vanilla and

perhaps undiscovered properties of vanillin seem to

promote relaxation. Antibacterial properties of vanillin

help cleanse skin problems such as pimples and acne.

Moreover, antioxidant properties of vanilla help fight the damage caused by free radicals. It

may even help slow signs of aging. Digestion problems maybe relieved by taking vanilla infused

herbal tea.

Black Tea with Vanilla Flavor is available in a box containing 20 teabags, with 1.5g tea


Caramel is a beige to dark-

brown confectionery

product. The process

of caramelization consists

of heating sugar slowly to

around 340 °F (170 °C). As

the sugar heats, the

molecules break down and

re-form into compounds with a characteristic color and flavor.

Our tea is a subtle and exquisite blend of the bitterness of

black tea, with the sweet tang of caramel. Thus providing tea

drinkers with the best of both worlds: A healthy dose of tea,

with the decadent treat of caramel.

Caramel assists in strong bone formation due to its high calcium content.

It also has a high percentage of protein, assisting in the provision of

energy and preservation of muscle mass. In conjunction with containing a

good source of vitamins, there is no known allergy reaction to known.

Black Tea with Caramel Flavor is available in a box containing

20 teabags, with 1.5g tea each.

Peaches also offer a rich treasure of minerals such as calcium,

potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, and

copper. They are low in calories, contain no saturated fat or

cholesterol, and are a good source of dietary fiber.

Potassium is vital for proper nerve

signalling and cellular functioning of

the body, while the potassium

content in peaches also helps in

metabolic processes, utilizing

carbohydrates, maintaining

electrolyte balance, and the

regulation of muscular tissues. A lack of potassium in the body can

lead to hypokalemia which can affect muscular strength and can cause an irregular heartbeat.

Peaches are rich in phenolic and carotenoid compounds, which possess anti-

tumor and anti-cancer properties, as well as helping in fighting

various types of cancers. Peaches help in maintaining healthy skin owing to

the presence of a good amount of vitamin C, which also provides a defense

against harmful free radicals and infections.

Black Tea with Peach Flavor is available in a box containing 20

teabags, with 1.5g tea each.

Strawberries are often associated as a European fruit, and to

some degree, they are. They were used back in Roman times,

and were first cultivated as a garden fruit in France in the 18th


However, they were also present

in South American cultures much

earlier, but since there was also a

source of strawberries in Europe, it

is usually thought of as being

native to that region. These

berries, with their tempting looks and spectacular taste, grow

in bushes and are one of the most delicious seasonal fruits

that also boost your health.

Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K as well as

providing a good dose of fibre, folic acid, manganese and potassium.

They also contain significant amounts of phytonutrients and

flavanoids which makes strawberries bright red. They have been used

throughout history in a medicinal context to help with digestive

ailments, teeth whitening and skin irritations. Their fibre and fructose

content may help regulate blood sugar levels by slowing digestion and

the fibre is thought to have a satiating effect.

Black Tea with Strawberry

Flavor is available in a box containing

20 teabags, with 1.5g tea each.

Raspberries are in the rose family and are believed to have

originated mainly in Eastern Asia. Within the raspberry family there

are two major types, the red raspberry and the black raspberry.

There is also a purple raspberry which is a cross between the red

and black raspberries and a yellow raspberry which is a genetic

mutation that occurs in red raspberries.

The delectable fruit was

first recorded as been part

of a cultivated human

diet about the 4th century

A.D., as documented by

Palladius. In the Hellenistic

period raspberries were associated with fertility are

found in Greek mythology. The popularity of the raspberry in food and medical uses continued

well into the middle ages when its juice was also used as a red stain in art work.

The 13th century English king, Edward I, is credited with

encouraging the cultivation of raspberries throughout

England. Several animal studies have shown a positive

correlation between intake of flavonoids in berries and

memory improvement as well as decreasing the delay in

cognitive ability related to aging. The potassium in

raspberries supports heart health

as well. Raspberries contain

powerful antioxidants that work

against free radicals,

inhibiting tumor growth and

decreasing inflammation in the

body. Those same potent

polyphenols that protect against

heart disease also help ward off or slow cancer many types of cancer

Black Tea with Raspberry Flavor is available in a box

containing 20 teabags, with 1.5g tea each.

Social Responsibility Pledge

The most amazing thing about our job is that we found a way to provide our customers

with high-quality tea, take care of our employees and save our nature at the same time.

We care about the health and safety of our employees as much as we care about our

customers getting the best black tea. In order to produce our tea, we choose ways of

collecting, processing and delivering our tea that are the safest for nature and people.

We also sincerely encourage other individuals and companies to engage with social

responsibility. We believe that our socially directed activities can contribute to the

development and welfare of the local communities and society in general. Now Break Tea

pays a lot of attention to keeping our planet safe, because nature gives us so many of

her sources that we want to give something back.

Product Catalogue 2016

Grand Waktu, LLC

16192 Coastal Highway

Lewes, DE, 19958

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