Novi handbook 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Novi (first year) handbook for students at Tonbridge School

Transcript of Novi handbook 2015








MR SAMPSON – THE LOWER MASTER I do hope that you are looking forward to starting in September and that you are excited about what Tonbridge has to offer. Although a new start can appear intimidating, Tonbridge is an extremely friendly place and every year we find that boys settle in very happily. I would like to reassure you that during your first few

days you will be making new friends within your year group and that the older boys will also be keen to get to know you. You will meet different members of staff - most importantly your Housemaster, Tutor and your subject teachers, and if you are a boarder the house matrons are also wonderfully welcoming.

Everyone wants to help and you can ask as many questions as you like. It is natural to feel a little nervous during the first few weeks of term. Everyone takes time to adjust. You will certainly be tired at times, and boarders may experience some homesickness. But, believe me, you will get used to it, and before long you will find yourself completely at home. Tonbridge has an amazing range of opportunities. There are exciting subjects taught by impressive teachers, a huge range of sports under the guidance of experienced professionals, various music ensembles and drama productions that push to new boundaries, and many other intriguing societies out there. There is something for everyone, and as you go through the school the possibilities increase! So give everything your best shot. It might be that you have not enjoyed a subject in the past, but it’s a new start - so WORK HARD AT IT! Involve yourself in whatever you can regularly attend! By using the fantastic facilities, you’ll have lots of fun, settle in quicker and make even more friends. All boys have different personalities, interests and abilities, please don’t feel that you have to try and conform to a mythical ‘Tonbridge stereotype’. Be yourself, and remember that it is important to respect and be polite to others.

This handbook gives advice about Tonbridge life and our expectations. It’s designed to help you settle in, so it’s worth reading and bringing with you.




You won’t have much day-to-day contact with the Headmaster, but you will see him in Chapel, around the school, perhaps supporting your sports team or your music, drama and other co-curricular activities. Over the course of your first year he will teach a few of your History lessons so he can get to know you a little better. Make a good impression!


Dr. Williams will also starting at the school in September! He’ll be in charge of the daily running of the school with particularly focus on the pastoral care. He will also be responsible for discipline and detentions. He’ll also teach Biology, but mainly to boys in the sixth form.

MR PEARSON – THE DIRECTOR OF STUDIES Mr. Pearson is responsible for the academic side of school life. You will hear more from him in your second term when you start to consider which subjects you would like to pursue for your GCSEs. Don’t worry about this until after Christmas.


Your Housemaster, tutor and matron (if you are in a Boarding House) will be the most important members of staff when you are at Tonbridge. You will get to know them really well and most of you will have already met them at the Novi Visit in March. They will have daily contact with you and be the people to approach about any questions or personal issues.



Wick Willett, Head of School (School House) Welcome to Tonbridge! You are probably feeling slightly overwhelmed, but hopefully very excited. I know the school can seem daunting at first but I assure you, you’ll settle in in no time. My prep school was Northbourne Park near Dover, and, as the only person coming to Tonbridge from my school, I didn’t know anyone - but settled in easily and made friends. You will get to know the people in your house very quickly and

they will be some of your best friends through your time here. What amazed me when I came to Tonbridge was the sheer number of opportunities I had to take part in such a wide variety of activities and subjects. I think the way to get the most out of Tonbridge is to throw yourself into new things. Some you might not enjoy, but you will find things that really interest you. Take up a musical instrument, join a play, try a new sport or a language or visit one of the many societies that the school offers outside of lessons. It’s important that you feel comfortable and safe at the school and you should know that everyone is here to help you. The older boys were once Novi too, and they completely understand the situation you’re in. Your Housemaster, matrons, teachers and friends are all there to help you and make your time here as enjoyable as possible; so ask questions and ask for help when you need it – no one is going to tell you off! If I had to give you one piece of advice for school it would be to ‘be your own man’. Keep doing what you enjoy because you enjoy it and try new things. Good Luck for this year. I’m sure you’ll love it!


‘Praes’ are Upper Sixth boys with responsibilities in your house and around the school. You’ll especially get to know your Head of House and the House Praes – they’re a great source of advice of what to do and what not to do!


The strength of the house system is that you will get to know these boys really well, especially if you are a day boy. Some will be acting as your mentors helping you to settle in and you may even hear from them this summer.




In the first half term you will go a camp with three other houses from Saturday night until Sunday lunchtime. It’s a brilliant way to spend more time with your new friends (particularly for day boys) and there are a fun range of activities, run by Mr Sampson (the Lower Master) and Captain Brennan (who runs the Army Section of the CCF).

You will feel tired after the Novi Camp, having had a full week of school and played rugby on Saturday afternoon, so it’s a good idea to get a few early nights before you go and on Sunday.


Your house year group will be taken on a day out in October. Each house does different activities, and in the past these have included orienteering in London, country bike rides and even guided tours of Wembley Stadium!


There are many societies and in September there will be a 'Societies' Fair' so you can choose which to join.

Each has a member of Staff in charge, but each society’s success is dependent on the enthusiasm and support of pupils. Times and meeting places vary, but are announced in advance. If you want to start your own society, discuss it with your friends and a member of staff.



Sport plays a large part in Tonbridge life and the school prides itself on providing something for each boy! The major sports are Rugby (Michaelmas), Hockey (Lent) and Cricket, Tennis and Athletics (Summer). There are also lots of sports which can be played in your own free time, e.g. football, squash, basketball, badminton, fives etc.

As Tonbridge is larger than your previous school not everyone can get into the A team but don’t worry as there is lots of good competitive sport to be played and we will find the right team for you!

At the start of the year you’ll wear ‘house socks’ for rugby practices (not the school red and white ones) as this helps the sports staff to get to know you. ‘Wear in’ new boots before you arrive, to prevent blisters! The pitches are often still quite hard in September, so it might be worth buying a pair of moulded ‘astro’ trainers (they’ll also be needed for Hockey), as your rugby coaches might suggest that you wear these during initial training. Gum shield fittings are offered shortly after your arrival, should you not have your own mouth guard. All sports have fixtures against other schools and team sheets and match details are posted online in advance and in the Games Porch at the front of school.

Home: Sometimes you may be asked to host boys from visiting schools. Take them to lunch and chat to them. Afterward guide them to the changing rooms.

Away: Wear a suit (not the grey ‘tweed’ jacket), take all your kit and be punctual for the coach. If you are a boarder you can go home after your Saturday match, as long as you tell the Master in Charge of your team.


The TSC is a wonderful facility - you are encouraged to take full advantage of it. Climbing, Swimming and many other sports are available. Your Housemaster can book facilities.



Show respect for others on a personal and intellectual level.

Listen to others who are speaking; only one voice should be heard at a time.

Do not belittle others' ideas - to do so says much more about you than it does about them.

Ask questions in lessons – this will aid your learning.


Tonbridge boys work hard, so start in September with this in mind. Expectations are very high and you are clever boys, so aim to do your very best.


At the start of term you will be shown how to use ‘Firefly’, an online school-wide resource. On this website, tasks and deadlines set by your subject teachers will be easy to see. Try to stay ahead of your work and thus avoid last minute panic. Ensure that your exercise books and files are kept carefully. Good organisation is SO important, particularly in the early weeks.


Prep time is set aside each evening in Boarding Houses (except Saturday), so there is a clear base from which to organise your academic life. However, you might find somewhere quiet to work in other periods of free time during the school day. Good preps are often rewarded with ‘Commendations’, so there’s plenty of incentive to work hard!

Try to complete your prep tasks in good time, as if you experience difficulty you’ll have good time to contact your teacher for help. If, for a valid reason, you find that you can't finish a prep in time, it is courtesy to email your teacher in advance to ask for an extension.


All departments in the school are open for you to seek help during ‘Pursuits’ Periods. These run for 45 minutes on Monday and Friday after lunch (see p10).



Roughly every three weeks you will be given Grades in your subjects for your Achievement and Learning Habits, and your tutor will discuss these grades with you so that you might both agree on immediate targets. Interim reports just before half term will include comments from your teachers and tutor, and your Housemaster will also talk to you about what is raised. At the end of each term you will receive full End of Term written reports in addition to the regular grades. All of these are vital components of your academic profile at the school and must be treated with the importance that they deserve. All reports may be viewed on the Parent Portal.


The library is open daily from first thing in the morning until 10pm. Books are there to be borrowed, but there are many other resources in the Library, from DVDs and photocopying facilities, to newspapers and magazines. Do keep reading for your relaxation and enjoyment!

The Librarians are really helpful and are very happy to answer questions. Mrs Matthews often even bakes cakes for library users!


Music at Tonbridge is brilliant and lots of boys learn a whole range of instruments. Lessons take place throughout the day and you should try to practise during free time.

The House Competition in October is superb, and a great way to get to know other boys.


The Design Technology, Digital Creativity and Art Departments are all in this building, together with parts of the Music School. The facilities are excellent and staff are always available to help you develop interests and skills.



You will discover that you have much more time that is your own at Tonbridge. This is particularly true after lunch, in the afternoons following games and, for boarders, in the early evening before Prep. The resources of the school are at your disposal during these times, and it is up to you to take the opportunities provided and use the facilities to the full. The teaching staff will always be happy to see you and help, whether in the Art Room, in the Music School or in a whole variety of other activities. Make

contact with them; don’t be shy!


All Houses will have a tutor allocated to their first year group. He or she will spend time with you on a weekly basis, ensuring that you are settling in well and helping you get involved in activities around the school. They will also help you with your Tonbridge ‘Passport’, an online system of logging the details of societies and events attended. Your tutor will be a valuable source of information and help in your first year, both pastorally and academically. They will help lead the field days and camping trips, so you will get to know them well.


All the teaching departments in the school are open and members of staff are there to help you with any questions or problems you may have with your work, or to suggest further reading or indeed guide investigation in helping you develop your own interests. The Smythe Library, Music School and Vere Hodge centre are also open for your use. Pursuits Periods are also used by the Music Department for some of the regular rehearsals of ensembles and small groups.


These are run by the Lower Master and take place on alternate Mondays at

8.35 am in the Cawthorne Lecture Theatre (CLT) which is at the front of the school. All first years and tutors attend. The Headmaster will attend once a term to give awards for excellent work worthy of Distinction and also Commendation prizes.



This can be rather confusing to start with - don’t worry you will get used to it!


Chapel: 8.35am on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday is hymn practice and Saturday is a non-religious talk.

Lessons: You will have 5 lessons every morning, 3 before break, but 4 before break on Saturday.

Break: 11.05-11.35am Boys tend to go to the Orchard Centre or back to house.


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays:

Have 2 afternoon lessons (either at 2.50-4.15pm or 4.40-6.05pm). Orchestras and Societies often happen on Monday from 4.30-6pm, Novi Activities take place between 2-4pm on Wednesdays and there is an hour for games on Fridays.

Tuesdays & Thursdays:

Have games running from 2.15-4.15pm. Inter-House matches also occur during this time. There are no afternoon lessons.

From 4.30 pm – 6.00 pm there are often drama or choir rehearsals


School sports matches in the afternoon. If you don’t have a match on a Saturday then it’s a good idea to support your friends or the school First Team.


Boarders have 6pm Dinner and Prep from about 7-8.50pm. There is always time to relax and socialise before and after prep!



The ‘School Lists and Calendar’ contains lots of daily information, and includes details on suitable ICT use, Wellbeing, and details of the Anti-Bullying Council. It also contains space for you to write-in your timetable, and any music lesson times. Write your name and house on it and keep in your jacket pocket!

The school rules and dress codes are found in the Memoranda. They are designed for everyone’s benefit.

You will be given a School email account and staff will often email you directly. It is important that you check it at least twice a day.

Some Housemasters will give notices at lunch from the Daily Bulletin, but these also appear on your personal Firefly page, so it’s important that you check this at the same time as your emails.

House Notice Boards will also have lots of posters advertising events.


Your housemaster may allow you to visit the town during free time in the afternoon if you have no other commitments, but not before 4.15pm. It is sensible not to go alone initially, and your Housemaster will require you to ask permission and ‘sign-out’ before going into town.


Boarders can go home at weekends, leaving on Saturday afternoon after your games commitments. Do not feel obliged to go home though, as many boys stay at school over weekends. Those who do go home return to their houses by 6.45pm on Sunday as there is normally a Chapel Service at 7.15 pm, and prep follows this until 9pm. You will not go home for your first weekend at the school (unless there are very special reasons), so that you can get to know your new housemates better.


Your parents are of course always welcome to school events such as Chapel Services, concerts, plays and sports matches.


Housemasters in Boarding Houses run ‘House Banks’ for pocket money, and you should deposit your money with them at the start of term. You will then be able to withdraw cash daily so that the amount you carry is kept to a minimum. Day boys should not carry lots of money either. Look after your money carefully and avoid lending money to others - it can lead to broken friendships…


The Shop specialises in clothing, and ‘The Pound’ in stationery. Opening times are published in the back of the School Lists and Calendar. You can buy items without money if you have a green ‘order form’ signed by your Housemaster or member of staff. Books up to £30 in value can be bought from the Bookshop on credit. Make sure that you mark it with your name and house immediately; if it is clothing take it to your House matron or home to be labelled.


Most boarders and a number of dayboys bring laptops to school, as each house is wirelessly connected to the school network, but there is also a large computing area in the Vere Hodge Centre. The ICT Department will organise passwords and instruction on the use of the facilities shortly after you arrival. Please ensure that you abide by the rules, and do not under any circumstances let anybody else know your password.

It is essential that you check your email and Firefly page twice each day as staff will send important messages and tasks to you!


Try the Porters' Lodge at the front of school. Articles that are named have more chance of getting returned!



This building contains the school tuck shop and some day boy dining areas. It is a good place to relax and meet friends.


If you need medical help and you are in a boarding house, then initially you should go to Matron or your Housemaster. Do not hesitate to contact them in an emergency. During lesson time or if you are in the main school when you need treatment, the best place to go is the Medical Centre.

The Medical Centre (also known as ‘The San’) is staffed by three nurses. It is open 24 hours a day and all boys should go there if they are unwell or injured. Sister Burnop (pictured) is in charge and all the nurses are extremely caring and very friendly. There is a surgery every morning (except Sundays) at 8.10 am which is run by one of the two School Doctors. You can see him without reference to anyone, but it is usual to be referred by your House Matron or Housemaster.

Early in your time at the school, all boarders will be called for a Medical, firstly with the nurses at the Medical Centre and then with the School Doctors.


If you are playing sport and someone is injured, you may be asked by a member of staff to accompany him to the Medical Centre to make sure he gets there safely.

Likewise, if you have been injured you are not to go to the Medical Centre without another boy accompanying you, even if you think that you are alright.

On days when there are house or school rugby matches there is plenty of first aid cover – just in case! Two nurses are on duty in the Medical Centre and a St John's Ambulance which situated on the lower pitches.




As well as leading services in Chapel, the Senior Chaplain Fr. Peters (left) and the Junior Chaplain are important pastoral figures and they are available to listen to and talk to you at any time. Appointments may be made directly by email

Whole school Chapel services take place before lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays, with hymn practice on Thursdays. There is a Sunday service for all boarders and any parents and day boys who would like to come. In addition to whole school services, there is a voluntary daily Eucharist, to which all boys are warmly invited.

The Confirmation Service is in the summer term. You may wish to join preparation classes in your first term, or you may prefer to wait; either way this is your decision. Those boys who are already confirmed and who would like to be involved in serving in the Chapel should see the Chaplain.

Boys of all denominations are very welcome and all faiths and religions are respected at Tonbridge. Chapel is Christian, but is a House of Prayer for all.

The Chaplains are happy to advise boys about other places of worship. Services for boys of other faiths are provided occasionally throughout the year.



Everyone at Tonbridge will wish to help you and you should feel free to talk to your friends, other pupils or staff. Your Housemaster is the most important person in your time at the school, so always talk to him first. Tonbridge takes bullying very seriously. You will meet Mr. Blake in your first few days. He runs the Anti-Bullying Committee (which consists of boys from each year), that through regular meeting watches out for boys. He can be contacted by email:

The School Counsellor, Dr Lauryn ( ), is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays - there is a map on your House noticeboard showing where to find her room. She’s very warm and approachable! As the Lower Master I have responsibility for your first two years at the school and am always available to help out wherever possible. My email is:

All boys should feel free to talk to any member of staff about anything, but if it helps, you might prefer to firstly mention your situation to a house Prae. If you feel that none of these people can help you, the Medical Centre staff or school doctors will be able to put you in touch with someone, or there are people you can contact yourself outside the school. Their telephone numbers are displayed on your House noticeboard and in the School Lists and Calendar. You also have a right in any school to make a formal complaint. (the statement of Boarding Principles is also in the School Lists and Calendar). The first move would always be to talk informally to a member of staff (usually your Housemaster) to see if the problem can be resolved. If it cannot, then you can talk to the Second Master or you may write formally to the Headmaster, and he will acknowledge this and investigate. Again, outside help is available if you are not satisfied, and the telephone numbers are on House noticeboards. If you have any queries, then please ask. We all want to help! I hope that you have a great summer holiday and I’ll look forward to seeing you in September.

Mr A T Sampson (Lower Master)