NOVEMBER - St. Mary's Episcopal God...

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Transcript of NOVEMBER - St. Mary's Episcopal God...

Dear St. Mary’s family,

When God called Isaiah to mission in Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah’s response was “Here am

I. Send me.” It is unlikely that God’s call to each of us would be as spectacular as

His call to Isaiah, but one thing for sure: we are called. How will we respond?

Remember how young Samuel responded to God’s call? Samuel also responded

“Here I Am.”

As we move forward with our visions of expanding our ministries and calling a

new rector do not forget Isaiah and Samuel and their response – “Here I am.,

Send me.” Each of us is currently being called to give prayerful consideration to

how we will help St. Mary’s accomplish what God sets before us in the coming

year as we prepare to make a pledge commitment to support God’ son going call

to mission.

We are all familiar with “It Takes a Village...” In our case it takes a loving, uni-

fied Christian Community to be God’s ears, eyes, nose, feet and hands to build

His church by giving abundantly and serving without hesitation. Thom Rainer

states that church members should view the tithes and offerings as joyous giving.

There are no strings attached. The church is to be unified in its mission, purposes,

ministries, and activities. Rainer believes there is no such thing as an inactive

member. Everyone has a function. So ask yourself and God “How can I best serve

my church?” He continues with “If you are a member, you must be a functioning

member. It’s just that simple.”

God is counting on us!

Fran Dunn

Sr. Warden








Stewardship, a Heart of Worship

A call is going out to the “Stewards” of St Mary’s this month, called the “Stewardship Campaign”!

Sounds political doesn’t it? No debate here! We have all been elected to be keepers of all that

God has entrusted to us from our families, finances, health and most of all our relationship with

Him! Yes, that is you and me! We are the community of faith, called St Mary’s Episcopal Church,

providing a beautiful place of worship, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom and desiring His

presence to dwell amongst us!

The phrase, “Stewardship Campaign”, can carry an emotional

Load for some. What are your first thoughts? Oh no! The church is asking for money again?

Hopefully, your thoughts will be toward a time to take inventory of the blessings you have

received from the Lord!

The Lord is always interested in our hearts towards Him more than anything else. I was shocked to

discover there were more Scriptures concerning money in the Bible than on Heaven!! Obviously,

he Lord in His wisdom knew it would be important in our lives and we needed to keep it in proper

perspective! His perspective! God does not need our money! He owns it all anyway so what’s the

big deal concerning money? Maybe our attitudes??

Let’s take a moment to examine each of our heart attitudes. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is

so is your heart”! Ever looked at your checkbook? What a revelation!

I love that the Episcopal Church throughout the Liturgical year, keeps us focused on the “one

thing”, our Lord Jesus and our relationship with Him. Lenten season is one of my favorites, to go

deep into my inward journey with Him. Our Stewardship time can be that journey as well. How

are we doing? What’s going on with our time, talents and treasure?

Continued on next page


In Exodus 25, the Lord speaks to Moses after having delivered the Israelites from Egypt, each one

having an abundance of gold, silver, etc. No one was lacking! Now the heart test comes! The Lord

says to Moses, “Speak to the children of Israel that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who

gives it willingly with his heart, you shall take My offering. From this offering, let them make Me a

sanctuary that I may dwell among them.” Notice, God only wanted an offering from those of will

ing heart, to dwell among them. The heart attitude matters to God above all!

Keep in mind, that whatever you do, it is unto the Lord!

2 Corinthians 9:7 encourages us with, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not

grudgingly or out of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver (enjoyment in giving).” Here

comes the promise— “ And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, having

all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” The Blessing; “Now

may He who supplies seed to the sower (yes, even He will give you seed!) and bread for good,

supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.”


Remembering the touching story of the widows mite, it’s all a matter of the heart, not legality or

duty! Mark 12:42, “Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites. So Jesus called His disci

ples to Himself and said, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all

those who have given to the treasury, for they have put in out of their abundance but she out of

her poverty put in all she had.” Her heart attitude touched His!!

So what do I do? First, examine your heart before the Lord and ask what He would have you give

in all areas of your time, talent and treasure. Ultimately, it is between you and Him and the depth

of your relationship and understanding of who He is in your life. My challenge to you this year is

to try and out give God! The only place I have found in Scripture that says to test God is in

Malachi 3:10! Test me in this says the Lord, and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and

pour out such a blessing that you cannot contain it! You are on!!

Blessings more abundantly!

In His Love & mine,

Becky Anderson


Outreach Report

October 2015

The month of October continued our successful year that the St. Mary’s Outreach Committee with even more

wonderful generosity on the parts of our beloved church members. Thanks!!!!

Our parish must really love dogs and cats! We were able to collect over $350 worth of Dog and Cat Food in honor

of St. Francis Feast Day and the Blessing of the Animals. The collection, consisting of dry and wet dog and cat

foods, treats and toys were delivered to the Halifax Humane Society here in Daytona and the volunteers were

thrilled to receive the donations. The resident prospective adoptive pets received them with open paws! Some of

the collection will be shared with the Halifax Humane Society Thrift Shop for those that come in search of pet food

at a reduced price for those elderly and needy on a budget and the proceeds will benefit not only them, but their

pets and ultimately the animals!

Thanksgiving is coming up quickly. This year, we will be working with Halifax Urban Ministry. St.

Mary’s Outreach is asking that you purchase or help donate towards a Publix Gift Card for a needy family which

will be distributed through HUM’s food pantry to have a turkey on the table for Thanksgiving. Suggested amounts

to cover a 14-16 pound turkey are $15-20. If you cannot purchase the card yourself, checks can also be made out to

St. Mary’s with a notation for “Outreach Thanksgiving Turkey Gift Card Collection” in the memo portion of the

check. Outreach will purchase the card on your behalf. The collection will run from October 18 to November 15 th.

Purchased cards can be given to Danielle Rogers, Kathy Munroe, Kathy Schuh, Deb Konkos or to Jackie Block in

the office.

The Outreach Committee is sending a reminder of St. Mary's participation in ERD - Episcopal Relief Develop-

ment. We are collecting donations from now until Sunday, January 17th, and a donation will also be made from We

would like to make a single presentation at the Diocese of Central Florida Convention on January 22/23. If you

would like to make a donation on your own please do so marking St. Mary's Daytona Beach please sending a copy

to Danielle Rogers. The website you can access is:

Monetary donations from Mission and Outreach this month were: HUM Bridge of Hope - $250 and The Ameri-

can Cancer Society - $250.

The food collection for the HUM Food Pantry for the Month of November is “Thanksgiving sides and fixins” –

Mashed Potatoes, Yams, Cranberry Sauce, gravy mix, rice, canned veggies such as collard greens, green beans,

cream of mushroom soup and canned fried onions. (Note: The items will be given along with our turkey gift cards

by the HUM food pantry to the neediest families.


VESPERS ON THE BEACH Join us for prayers and a cook-out

Wednesday, November 11, at 5:00pm

Frank Rendon Beachfront Park

2705 South Atlantic Avenue

Daytona Beach Shores, Florida

Bring a side dish to share

St. Mary’s Christmas Presentation

For All Ages!

December 13, 2015.

5:00 PM



St. Mary’s Family Style

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Day, November 26th

12:30pm— Noon Time Prayers

1:00pm — Thanksgiving Feast

$12.50 per person

Our dinner is served family style. Each table has their own turkey and all that goes with it and you take home all

the leftovers so bring your containers.

Sign-up sheet is in Palmer Hall.


November 7, 2015 8:30 am—1:00 pm

ECW Meeting: Tuesday, November 3, 2015; 10 am in library

Bag Lunch; hosting—Rosa Mills, Gail Wooten

We lift up to You, O God, the names of those we have lost in this past

year from our lives, knowing that they are with Your Heart forever. We

remember, pray, and give thanks for their lives.

Family of God, we remember you, and we honor you. We know you are

with us in the spirit of worship, snd you will not be forgotten.

Gerald Hymes

Joan Drury

Matthew Caccavale

Gladys Cox

Robert Scott, Sr.

Martha Gold

Richard Armstrong

Florence Johnson

Bob Goebel

Jack Lawley

Brian Zahar

Ruth Balch

Ora Elliot

James Rice

Evelyn Pitts Spencer

Raymond Tatham

Madeline Palmer

Dorothy Smith

Dolly Lockwood

Marilyn Rae Norberg

Audrey Pancratz

Amanda Broughton


Book Club November Selections

The Prince of Los Cocuyos by Richard Blanco


Robert Anderson USMC

Bob Barker USN Reserve

Fred Beneby USA

Miguel Berrios USA

Robert Brown USAF

Aaron Carty USN

Larry Clifton USAF

Kenneth Cook USA

Pete Corliss USN

Catherine Corliss USA

David Cundy USA

Warren Drury

Carl Epting USAF

Tom Farrell USCG

Carolyn Feeley USN

Fred Feeley USN

Wade Fowler USA

John Gallion USMC

Robert Henne USA

Jerry Lancaster USA

Sarah Feeley Loecher USA

Christopher Loecher USA

Bob Macdonald USA

John Martin USN

Tom Moore USMC

Nancy Musselwhite USA

Charles Rizzo USA

Danielle Rogers USAF

Bob Scott, Jr. USA

Ed Shaw USN

Margaret Tedrick British Royal Navy

From Margaret Tedrick—As you already know I am a Veteran having served in the British Royal Navy. I am happy to say that I am always accepted and welcomed with open arms in Veterans groups here. You may also know that besides being in the Royal Naval Association (over 30 yrs. now), I am involved locally as the secretary for the Veterans Museum and Education Center. Last Saturday I walked the Granada Bridge in Ormond Beach with the group called “Ormond Strong” which was founded by a girl here in Ormond whose husband has been deployed at least three times to Afghanistan. The walk last week was done over four bridges and the goal was to have a total of 800 people to represent the 800 local people serving in the military. It was a wonderful experience. As always, I find that when Veterans are involved it is always a friendly occasion.

A message from Carl Epting—I am a veteran of WW ll—three and a half years on active duty as 1st pilot of the B-24 heavy bomber with the 8th AF and stationed in England with the 467th Bomb Group near Norwich. My crew and I completed35 bombing missions and numbers of other flights of various types between July 1944 and May 1945 . ...Served 18 years after the war in the active reserve-retired as a Lt Colonel.

Shared Thoughts


The Lunch Bunch will be taking a

break until January 2016.

The holidays will provide much oppor-

tunity for indulging in special meals

and refreshments.


Mary’s chapter of the Daughters of

the King who were recognized re-

cently with a certificate indicating

that they were one of 29 chapters

(60 total) in the Diocese that has

contributed to all four of the Na-

tional Daughters Funds. These

funds include the Alpha Fund, En-

dowment Fund, Self Denial Fund

and Masters Fund. These funds

support the Jr. Daughters, educa-

tion for ministry positions, and

missionary work and memorial


Congratulations also to Joan

Rebola, new President of St.

Mary’s DOK.

The next meeting of the DOK is

Tuesday, November 10 at 10:00


Cursillo Members:

The Ultreya gathering for November

will be hosted by St. Mary’s in

Palmer Hall. The Deanery Churches

are invited to attend. There will be

good eating (bring a potluck dish), a

speaker and response to the

speaker’s message, great music

and group sessions.

Friday, November 20, 2015.

6:00 p.m.

Please plan to attend.

3 Pat Hook

3 Theresa Pioli

3 Sally Scott

4 Claudia Forrester

4 Kathy Schuh

5 Deborah Konkos

6 Shirley Conn

8 Dana Middlekauff

8 Nancy Niday

11 Fred Feeley

11 Paula Rizzo

28 Carmen Berrios

28 Nancy White

2 Ed and Gloria Shaw

9 Bill and Judy Ashbaugh

16 The Rev. Don and Nancy Wanstall

27 Fred and Anathea Beneby

28 Bob and Nita may


Never Forgotten

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all you who have sent and prayed healing prayers on me and on my behalf. The last word from my doctor (last Monday) my health has improved, my kidney function is better and I have moved down in stages. The higher the stage number the worse the function 5 being the highest. I am at 3. I continue to praise God and to pray to him for my continued health. God bless you all! Danielle Rogers

Amanda Broughton


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


8:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite I

9:15 Choir Rehearsal

10:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite II

Stewardship in

Memorial Garden


Office Closed


10:00 ECW

7:00 Search


6:00 Soup/Salad


7:00 Bible Study

5 10:00 Healing


11:00 Bible Study

12:00 Lunch

7:00 Choir Practice


9:30 Altar Guild 3

10:30 Flower Guild 3



Noel Festival


8:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite I

9:15 Choir Rehearsal

10:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite II

Veterans Brunch

each service


Office Closed


10:00 DOK

7:30 Vestry




10:00 Healing


11:00 Bible Study

12:00 Lunch

7:00 Choir



9:30 Altar Guild 4

10:30 Flower Guild 4


1:00 Book Club

At Club House

Italian Bistro


8:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite I

9:15 Choir Rehearsal

10:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite II


Office Closed


10:00 HUM


7:00 Search



10:30 Indigo Manor


6:00 Soup/Salad


7:00 Bible Study


10:00 Healing


11:00 Bible Study

12:00 Lunch

7:00 Choir



9:30 Altar Guild 1

10:30 Flower Guild 1

6:00 Ultreya



8:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite I

9:15 Choir Rehearsal

10:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite II


Office Closed



6:00 Soup/Salad


7:00 Bible Study


12:30 Noon Prayers




9:30 Altar Guild 2

10:30 Flower Guild 2



8:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite I

9:15 Choir Rehearsal

10:30 Holy Eucharist

Rite II


Office Closed







Pete Corliss Frank Gummey Fran Dunn Sally Cullen Bob Kundinger

LEM Jackie Block Sally Cullen Jackie Block Pete Corliss Fran Dunn

READER 2 JoAn Macdonald Carol Cann Shiela McKay-


Jamie Guzzi CatherineMaher

CRUCIFER Pete Corliss Frank Gummey Pete Corliss Pete Corliss Bob Kundinger

TORCH Jackie Block Sally Cullen Peyton Glugover Sally Cullen Peyton Glugover

TORCH Fran Dunn Fran Dunn SydneeGlugover Jackie Block SydneeGlugover



Jamie Guzzi CatherineMaher Rachel Ramsey Shiela McKay-


Pat Carlin



The Whites The Cliftons The Mays Margaret Tedrick-

Rachel Ramsey

Brenda Jarvis

Eileen Francis

ALTAR GUILD 2 Paula Rizzo

Patricia Langtry

3 Susan GummeyPat

Carlin, Brenda Jarvis

4 Patricia Langtry

Ramsey Ramsey

1 Pat Hook

Chesley Bennett

Nita May. Marcia


2 Paula Rizzo

Patricia Langtry



2 Clara Fowler

Pat Hook, Marcia

Shearer, Nita May

3 Dawn

Susan Gummey

4 Marlene


Clare Rakestraw

1Clara Fowler

Pat Hook, Marcia

Shearer, Nita May

2 Clara Fowler

Pat Hook, Marcia

Shearer, Nita May

COUNTERS Rachel Ramsey

Aaron Carty

Jackie Block

Winnie CondonPaul



Jackie Block-

Danielle Rogers

Paul Francis-

Danielle Rogers

Rachel Ramsey-

Vera Nespor-

Danielle Rogers

Ministries for NOVEMBER 2015

NOV. 1 8 15 22 29


Reader 1

Scott Law Kay Bielick David PeQueen Bob Kundinger Scott Law

Reader 2 Kathy Munroe Gwen Johnson Rondi Teracino Nell Moore Mark Skolski

Crucifer David PeQueen Kay Bielick Scott Law Bob Kundinger David PeQueen

Prayers of

the People

Mark Skolski Kathy Munroe Paula Rizzo Rondi Terracino Kay Bielick



10:30 am

8:30 am

The mission of St. Mary’s is “ To know Christ and to serve him”

The Reverend Robert Anderson, Interim Rector

Richard Wright, Organist/Choir Director

Tom Raimondo, Sexton

Miguel Berrios, Security

St, Mary’s Episcopal Church

216 Orange Ave.

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Phone: (386) 255-3669

Fax: (386) 255-1036

WEB Site:

Our Services

Sunday 8:30 am Rite I

Sunday 10:30 am Rite II

Office Hours: Closed Monday

Open 10 am till 2 pm Tuesday through Thursday

Open 10am till noon on Friday

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church



Before scheduling meet-

ings, functions or events

for your groups, please

check the master calendar

in the church office to

make sure your date does

not conflict with any other

events that may be sched-

uled. Please fill out a

Calendar Request Form

which is available in the

office. Events will be ap-

proved by the Vestry

Senior Warden: Fran Dunn

Junior Warden: Shiela McKay-Vaughan

Secretary: Jacqueline Block

Treasurer Jamie Musselwhite

Adult Activities: Claudia Forrester

Finance : Jamie Musselwhite

Publicity: Danielle Rogers

Building and Grounds: Shiela McKay-Vaughan

Fellowship: Fran Dunn

Worship: Jacqueline Block

Evangelism: Liz Wade

Adult Christian Education: Kathy Lorenz

Pastoral Care: Tom Farrell


If you are in the hospital or

scheduled to be in the

hospital in the near future,

please inform the church

office so that we will know

that you are there. Please

leave a message if the

church office is closed