November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Infographic on Lung Cancer statistics and treatments in the United States. In honor of Lung Cancer Awareness month.

Transcript of November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

What You Need to Know About Lung Cancer

Two main types are: Small Cell & Non-Small Cell

It’s the #2 diagnosed cancer in men

It’s the #1 cause of cancer deaths in men

It’s the #2 diagnosed cancer for White, Black, American Indian, Alaskan native & Hispanic women. It’s #3 for Asian & Pacific Islander women.

It’s the #1 cause of cancer deaths for White, Black, American Indian, Alaskan native & Asian & Pacific Islander women. It’s #2 for Hispanic women.

In 2010: 201,144

new diagnoses 158,248 deaths

2013 estimates:

228,190 new diagnoses

159,480 deaths

Source information: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The National Institutes of Health

13.4% increase in new cases & 0.78% increase in deaths Does this

mean treatments are becoming more

effective? The Four Forms of Treatment for Lung Cancer

Surgery may be an option for people with early-stage lung cancer & is typically a lobectomy-the lobe of the lung that contains the cancer is removed.

Radiation therapy is an option for people with any stage of lung cancer. It may be used instead of surgery, or combined with surgery and/or chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy may be used alone, with radiation therapy, or after surgery. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill fast-growing cancer cells, but also effects other cells like blood, hair, and in the digestive tract.

People with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread may receive a type of treatment called targeted therapy. Targeted therapies can block the growth and spread of lung cancer cells. Depending on the kind of drug used, targeted therapies for lung cancer are given intravenously or by mouth.

Prevention Avoid Risk Factors for Lung Cancer: cigarette smoking, exposure to second hand smoke, radon exposure, & occupational exposure to lung carcinogens, such as asbestos, arsenic, nickel, and chromium. High-intensity smokers who take pharmacologic doses of beta-carotene have an increased lung cancer incidence.

Smoking Cessation is covered by Medicare: Follow this link to billing article.

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