November 2012 Business Voice Newsletter

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Castle Rock Chamber Business Voice Monthly Newsletter

Transcript of November 2012 Business Voice Newsletter

"Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network""Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network""Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network""Get Connected to the Region's Best Business Network"


Initiative begins the journey on the

road to success.

Castle Rock Economic Gardeners can

help prepare you for the future.

The business world is constantly

changing, Let CREG help you

expect the unexpected.

⇒ YEA! Young Entrepreneurs' Academy

⇒ Chamber’s Business Boot Camp

⇒ Webster University Masters Program

⇒ Business Consultations

⇒ Monthly Business Trainings

⇒ Ask CREG Blog

Castle Rock Economic Gardeners (CREG) is helping Douglas County

businesses flourish in today’s marketplace.

Whether you’re just starting out and need help turning an idea into reali ty, or you’ve been established for years

and want to take your business to the next level , we can show you how to gain the knowledge, di rection, and

connections you need to cul tivate a successful business. The concept of economic gardening fosters entrepre-

neurial activi ty by providing the essential information, infrastructure, and resources required for successful

business development and growth. Provide your business with

the nourishment i t needs to grow by participating in one of

the many services the Chamber has to offer through i ts

Economic Gardening program. Read more page 8

or check out their website at

this issue

Economic Update P.2

Business of The Month-Rockyard P.4

Member Orientation P.7

Register for Healthy Living Expo P.12

Upcoming Events P.23



Analysis of Colorado’s Job & Economy (October 2012)

On average, the U.S. has added about 146,000 jobs per month so far this year and Colorado is on track to add 35,000 to 40,000 workers barring major revi-sions by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) or an unforeseen major disruption. In mid-October the Conference Board released its economic update. It is optimistic about the remainder of 2012, but shows a marked slowdown in the first half of 2013. Improve-ment is on tap for the second half of next year. Is Colorado Outperforming the U.S. Economy in the Recovery?

In terms of total employment, the answer is YES. Colorado has recovered 60.0% of jobs lost from its peak and the U.S. has recovered 46.1%. In terms of private sector employment, the answer is NO. Colorado has re-covered 51.6% and the U.S. has recovered 53.3% of jobs lost from the 2008 peak. Government employment is the difference maker. Nationally, total government employment has declined since the recession, although it has added jobs the past two months. Meanwhile Colorado government em-ployment did not experience a downturn and is in fact trending upward. The increase in government employment is a reflection of an improved economy, i.e. revenue streams from property taxes, income taxes, and re-tail taxes have gotten stronger. While it is great to hear about a stronger economy, government and education are not directly responsible for the creation of other jobs.

Between 2000 and 2011 annualized Real GDP growth was 1.6%. By com-parison, 2012 was above average and 2013 is projected to be average. In that economic environment, the U.S. and Colorado added jobs. The un-employment rate has remained around 8.0% for most of the year. Unfor-tunately, it seems the focus is often on the unemployment rate rather than the 218,000 unemployed Coloradans.

There are bright spots in the Colorado economy:

•There is a group of solid growth industries that employ about 42% of the workers. These industries have added about 26,500 jobs. Growth of these industries has been slightly slower than anticipated because of the wild-fires and the slowing global economy.

•The group of limited industries that employ about 26% of workers has added about 9,900 workers. The performance of these industries is right on forecast.

•The group of volatile industries employs about 32% of all workers. They have performed slightly better than anticipated, adding about 2,500 jobs. Improvements in construction and finance have driven the growth in these areas. Article continues on next page.

2012-2013 Board of Directors



Aaron Barrick, Aaron Barrick, Aaron Barrick, Aaron Barrick, Folkestad, Fazekas, Barrick & Patoile ,PC


Michael Likens, Michael Likens, Michael Likens, Michael Likens, gopixel design studios inc.


Wendy Nelson, Wendy Nelson, Wendy Nelson, Wendy Nelson, B2B CFO


Nino DiMatteo, Nino DiMatteo, Nino DiMatteo, Nino DiMatteo, FirstBank - Douglas County


Linda Watson, Linda Watson, Linda Watson, Linda Watson, Sky Ridge Medical Center


Rand Clark, Rand Clark, Rand Clark, Rand Clark, Random Productions

John Cona, John Cona, John Cona, John Cona, ACME Brick

David FarnanDavid FarnanDavid FarnanDavid Farnan, Douglas County Libraries

Todd Folkenberg, Todd Folkenberg, Todd Folkenberg, Todd Folkenberg, Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus

Brooke Fox, Brooke Fox, Brooke Fox, Brooke Fox, Colorado Agricultura l Leadersh ip Foundation

Lisa Frizell, Lisa Frizell, Lisa Frizell, Lisa Frizell, Douglas County Assessors

Brock Goodwin, Brock Goodwin, Brock Goodwin, Brock Goodwin, Mutual of Omaha

Nadine Kirk, Nadine Kirk, Nadine Kirk, Nadine Kirk, RE/MAX Alliance

Elyse McNultyElyse McNultyElyse McNultyElyse McNulty, Kaiser Permanente

Dr. Karl SternerDr. Karl SternerDr. Karl SternerDr. Karl Sterner, Webster University

Mike Tafoya, Mike Tafoya, Mike Tafoya, Mike Tafoya, Estrada Strategies

Jaye Thompson, Jaye Thompson, Jaye Thompson, Jaye Thompson, Colorado Community Bank


Pam Ridler, CCE, Pam Ridler, CCE, Pam Ridler, CCE, Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO, Castle Rock Chamber

Mayor Paul Donahue, Mayor Paul Donahue, Mayor Paul Donahue, Mayor Paul Donahue, Town of Castle Rock

Frank Gray, Frank Gray, Frank Gray, Frank Gray, President/CEO, Castle Rock EDC

Sally Misare, Sally Misare, Sally Misare, Sally Misare, Town Clerk


Pam Ridler, CCE, Pam Ridler, CCE, Pam Ridler, CCE, Pam Ridler, CCE, President/CEO

Melissa Moroni, Melissa Moroni, Melissa Moroni, Melissa Moroni, Vice President of Programs

Joanne Taylor, Joanne Taylor, Joanne Taylor, Joanne Taylor, VP of Membership & Community Development

Tammy C ratty, Tammy C ratty, Tammy C ratty, Tammy C ratty, Office Administrator

Melissa Mares, Melissa Mares, Melissa Mares, Melissa Mares, Communications Specialist

Wendy Krzeczowski, Wendy Krzeczowski, Wendy Krzeczowski, Wendy Krzeczowski, Event Manager

Susan O’Malley, Susan O’Malley, Susan O’Malley, Susan O’Malley, Membership Account Executive

Susan BeamsSusan BeamsSusan BeamsSusan Beams, Membership Account Executive

Economic Update

Gary Horvath

Colorado Economy/

Researcher —

Labor Market

Information Group


Barring major unforeseen events or adjustments to the data by the BLS, Colorado is on track to add 35,000 to 40,000 jobs next year. The following two slides support this “optimistic” projection.

About CBER

CBER - Colorado-based Business and Economic Research

For more than two dec-ades CBER associates have conducted high-profile business, economic, and market research in Colo-rado to study the indus-tries and clusters that drive the state economy. As well they have directed two statewide analyses, including reviews of all 64 county economies.

Research has included economic analysis, fore-casting, development of indices to track economic performance, market re-search, and strategic analysis. Business leaders, policy makers, and eco-nomic developers have used CBER research to make decisions that have benefitted the state of Colorado.

View their website at:

Economic Update


The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce is

pleased to announce its October

recipient for Business of the Month —

Rockyard American Grill & Brewing Com-

pany. They have been proud members of

the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce for

more than 13 years. You’re probably ex-

pecting a little story about how long Rock-

yard has been open in Castle Rock, how

great we are and why you should come eat

and drink here. Two reasons you should

come here are our great food and award-

winning beer. That’s a small part of the

story. A better reason is what we are doing to give back to the community. Beginning on July 1, 2012, Rockyard was proud to begin our year-

long support mission for the Women’s Crisis and Family Outreach Center. We do this by donating $1 from every pizza we sell. Pizza was new

for us and we decided to do other new things too – like give some money away to a worthy cause. We chose WCFOC because they help local

folks in a time of crisis. Everyone needs a little h elp now and then. Local folks are the foundation of our business. We can’t operate without

them buying our beer at retail locations, being our guests for lunch or dinner, as well as being our employees. Why wouldn’t we help take

care of them? We h aven’t made a big deal out of this donation yet. You might ask why. It’s because we had no idea how big a d eal this

might be. Or maybe you wouldn’t like our pizza and we wouldn’t sell enough to make a dec ent donation to WCFOC. Well, let me tell you, as

of the end of September, our guests have enabled us to donate $1870 – averaging over $600 per month! WCFOC is certainly happy with the

donation size. And our pizza guys are making so many pizzas that they have a full time job and can eat some-

thing besides pizza. So come on down and give our pizza a try. You’ll be glad you did. And so will WCFOC. Check

out the WCFOC at to learn more about them. Rockyard would like to thank to the Castle Rock

Chamber of Commerce for the Business of the Month recognition! It’s a great honor. Now do the good Cham-

ber-member thing, come on down to Rockyard, get a pizza and help out your neighbors! P.S. If you have a local

non-profit charitable organization that you think we should help next year, we are happy to accept their applica-

tion to become the next beneficiary of this program. Email a letter detailing why your organization should be the

next recipient of our community’s generosity via

Your Chamber works to...

-Strengthen our local economy

-Promote the community

-Take political action

-Create business relationships

-Represent business with


Our Mission To su pport, enc ourage and promote mem ber businesse s in the c ommunity

To be a “voice” for businesse s t o local and reg iona l government

To foste r a l ivable, v ital community whe re qua lity of li fe and positive growth a re both possible

Our Vision Igniting passion for busine ss success and community prosperity .

Our Values

Accountability-to provide transparent and responsive leadership;

acting as good stewards of funds, time and resources

Innovation-to inspire new ideas, solutions and opportunities

Integrity-to do things right and always do the right thing

Respect-to earn trust and to hold others in high esteem

Team Work-to motivate and empower one another to do great things

Relationships-to build enduring connections and partnerships founded

upon honesty, gratitude and commitment

Diversity-to honor and value varied ideas, beliefs and practices

Mission, Vision

& Values

Business of the Month-Rockyard American Grill & Brewing Company

Pam Ridler, Chamber President, proudly presents the Business of the Month Award to Jeff Drabing and Rockyard staff

as the Chamber Ambassadors and staff show their support.

Congratulations to Rockyard

for being recognized as an

outstanding and invested

member business. The Castle

Rock Chamber greatly

appreciates their continuous


Pick 3. Spend 50.

Save our local economy.

Please join us in supporting

the movement to strengthen

independent, locally owned

businesses. For information,


or read more on page 9.


November Calendar of Chamber Events Thursday 1st Castle Rock Stars Monthly Meeting (Chamber) @ 8:00 am Douglas County Gives Committee (Chamber) @ 11:00 am Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm

Friday 2nd Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8:00 am

Sunday 4th Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Chamber) @ 2:00 pm

Monday 5th Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View) @ 5:00 pm

Tuesday 6th Membership Orientation (Chamber) @ 7:45 am

Wednesday 7th Leadership Douglas County (Castle Rock Adventist & Windcrest) @ 8:00 am Leads Referral (Mesquite Mexican Grill) @ 11:30 am Starlighting Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 1:15 pm

Thursday 8th Business Over Breakfast (Wells Fargo) @ 7:30 am Ribbon Cutting (Metzler Memory Care) @ 4:00 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm

Saturday 10th Leadership Douglas County Retreat (BRC Community Management) @ 9:00 am

Monday 12th Women of Influence Committee (Chamber) @ 2:30 pm Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View) @ 5:00 pm

Tuesday 13th Government Issues Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 7:30 am The Breakfast Club Leads (Village Inn) @ 7:30 am Business Training “Get Your Back Up Off the Wall” @ (Chamber) @ 11:00 am Leads Plus (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am Healthy Living Expo Committee Meeting (Chamber) @ 3:00 pm Business Boot Camp (Chamber) @ 5:00 pm

Wednesday 14th Ambassadors Exec Meeting (Chamber) @ 10:30 am Ambassadors Meeting (Chamber) @ 12:00 pm Business After Hours (Medved) @ 5:00 pm

Thursday 15th Board of Directors Meeting (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Castle Rock Stars Monthly Lunch (TBD) @ 11:30 am DC. Community Foundation Board Mtg (Chamber) 3:30 pm Ribbon Cutting (Plum Creek Investments) @ 4:00 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm

Friday 16th Castle Rock Economic Partners (EDC) @ 8:00 am

Saturday 17th Castle Rock Starlighting (Downtown) @ 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Monday 19th Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View) @ 5:00 pm

Tuesday 20th Leadership Douglas County Steering Meeting (Chamber) 7:30 am

Wednesday 21st Community Leadership (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Leads Referral (Mesquite Mexican Grill) @ 11:30 am


Castle Rock Bank

Colorado Community Media

Sky Ridge Medical Center


Black Hills Energy

Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus

Douglas County Living Magazine

Intermountain Rural Electric Assoc.

Pinnacol Assurance


Castle Rock Development Company

FirstBank-Douglas County

Patriot Enterprises

Webster University

Wells Fargo Bank


Bonaventure of Castle Rock

Bubbles Liquor World

CoWest Insurance Group

Douglas County Libraries

Folkestad,Fazekas,Barrick & Patoile PC

gopixel design studios, inc.

Kaiser Permanente

Key Bank

One Clear Choice Garage Doors

Plumbline Services Inc.

Random Productions

Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd Chamber Offices Closed, Happy Thanksgiving

Monday 26th CR Economic Gardening Mtg (Chamber) @ 11:30 am Young Entrepreneurs Academy Class YEA! (Castle View) @ 5:00 pm

Tuesday 27th The Breakfast Club Leads (Village Inn) @ 7:30 am Leads Plus (The Fowl Line) @ 11:30 am

Wednesday 28th Free Business Consultation (Chamber) Business of the Month (Outlets at Castle Rock) @ 9:00 am

Thursday 29th Ribbon Cutting (Castle Rock Funeral and Cremation) @ 4:00 pm Webster University MBA Class (Chamber) @ 5:30 pm


Business Trainings Get Your Back Up Off the Wall, Network, Come On!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

11 am to 1 pm

Castle Rock Chamber 420 Jerry Street

Presentation Highlights:

Love them or hate them, we all should be taking advantage of

networking events. And of all us can be smarter and more

strategic in how we make use of them!

Please join us for an informal discussion about getting the most

out of a networking event. You will undoubtedly pick up some

ideas you'll want to try that will make your next experience

more productive, less stressful, and maybe even fun!

The facilitators will organize the discussion around:

•Preparing for the event

•Working the event

•Following up after the event

Imagine walking into your next After Hours business mixer

(November BAH is following day-Nov. 14th!) with confidence and

a spring in your step-and walking out two hours later having

created some new business connections and opportunities!

FREE to Members; $20 for Non Members

RSVP to or call 303-688-4597.

No Business Trainings

are scheduled for


Enjoy your holidays.

Save the Date:

January 15, 2013

Topic: Linked In

Brock Goodwin

Mutual of Omaha

Have you used “Ask CREG” yet?

What are you waiting for?

We are here to help!

“Ask CREG” is an online panel of local community business experts who are committed to

empowering and equipping business owners to grow and succeed. We believe that through

local collaboration and business enrichment we will positively impact the local economy.

Running a successful business takes more than luck. Learn how CREG can help your new or

existing business succeed.

“Ask CREG” today,

it’s fast & easy!

Brian Leugs Business

Communications Support

Wendy Nelson



Member to Member

Discount Program

As part of your investment with

the Castle Rock Chamber of

Commerce, you are eligible to

participate in this program!

You may offer savings or items

of value that represent your

business and take advantage of

those offers from fellow

members. This is part of the

Chamber’s ongoing efforts to

help our members save. By

participating in this program,

you are furthering the

economic development and

growth in our community.

View all the member to

member discounts at in the

Members Only section or

contact Joanne Taylor at

303-688-4597 or email her at to


The Chamber is Sweet On You! The Chamber recognizes and appreciates our mem-

bers in a tradition called Member Appreciation Day whereby the store front busi-

nesses receive an item designating them as a Member. The last two years, this item

has been a ribbon that is placed on the front door or window of a Chamber Member.

In addition, the new Directory and thank you gift is

given to the Chamber Member as well. On Friday, Octo-

ber 19th, more than 20 Ambassadors and Chamber staff

members covered the Castle Rock area and distributed

almost three hundred 2013 Chamber Directories and

thank you gifts. Our theme this year was: The Chamber

is Sweet On You! which was on the tee’s everyone was

wearing. Many Chamber

members were anxiously

awaiting the Ambassadors

and Chamber staff to come

in and give a special thank

you in person! We are ex-

cited to have the opportunity each year to let our mem-

bers know how important they are to us. And, we could

not carry out this special day without our Member Ap-


Day sponsor,

Wells Fargo


Special Member Appreciation Event for

Home-Based Businesses—In conjunction

with the “traditional” Membership Appre-

ciation Day, the Chamber had a separate

event on Thursday, October 18th. All

home-based businesses were invited to

come to the Chamber, pick up their directory and enjoy a piece of pie sponsored by

Village Inn! We had several members come in and mingle with Ambassadors and

Chamber staff over pie. The Chamber appreciates all our Members whether there is a

store front or not! Thank you to all our members for your continuous support

through your membership investments.

Come to our next New Member Orientation, November 6, 2012

Are you a new member, an existing member, haven’t seen the new Visitors Center or

met the Chamber staff? If the answer is yes, then mark your calendar for Tuesday,

November 6, 2012 to a ttend a Member Orientation! Plan to arrive about 7:45am at

the Chamber to sign in and network as the orientation begins a t 8:00am and completed

about 9:30am. Enjoy a cozy setting and a continental breakfast while you meet other

members and s taff as well as hear a short presentation from each staff member! Email

Joanne ( or call 303-688-4597 to register now as seating is lim-

ited! Bring your business cards—there will be a drawing!

Membership Day Appreciated by Our

Chamber Members!!!

Airship Printi ng

Ellenberger Auction and E states

Essence Healt h and Fitness


Business Boot Camp Will Take Your Business to the Next Level. If you have

the desire to succeed and grow your business, Register today and make 2013

your most successful year! Business Boot Camp program is for business owners

who need to revisit their business plans and marketing strategies, explore

capital acquisition options, and develop a dedicated work team.

This is an extensive business strategy and development program to sustain

business growth. Classes are provided over the course of seven sessions during

which time you will also benefit from access to leader mentors and peer

support. Classes start Tuesday, November 13, 2012.


⇒ Creating a leadership culture

⇒ Developing a sales & marketing strategy

⇒ Understanding financial reports

⇒ Creating a financial dashboard

⇒ Information technology & social media

⇒ Building a winning employee team

Session Details:

Seven monthly sessions

Time: 5pm to 8pm

2nd Tuesday of each month

Start: November 13, 2012

Tuition $450 (may be deductible)

Go to to

register today, space is limited.

How Does Your

Business Thrive?

Chamber’s Business Boot Camp

Now Recruiting for 2013 Session

Are You Representing?

We recently did some Fall cleaning

and noticed we have a shortage of

business cards and brochures

available on display in our Visitors

Center. Please stop by our offices

to replenish your supply and/or

update brochures and materials.

We have several weekly visitors

whom we offer your materials to.

Make sure you are being


Proud Member of the

Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce Through the partnership of the

Chamber, Town of Castle Rock, PS

Miller Library and the Senior Core of

Retired Executives (SCORE), we can

help you keep your business on

course or successfully help you

launch a new venture by providing

consultations with industry experts.

If you are an established business or

start-up, schedule your appointment

for a business consultation with an

expert regarding the following:

• Business start-ups

• Developing a business plan

• Marketing and sales activities

• Accounting and tax issues

• Securing financing

• Business organization

• Managing business growth

• Business Boot Camp

• Access to Local Expertise

• Database & GIS Research.

Call 303-688-4597 or sign up online:

Only 1 week

to Register &

Reinvent your

business for




Chamber Members Celebrating Anniversaries

Thank You for your continuous commitment and dedication to your

chamber. We celebrate your business success!

Business Number of Years

Air Academy Federal Credit Union 23 Years

Columbine Kitchen & Bath 23 Years

Pegasus Restaurant 23 Years

Perry Street Pediatrics 23 Years

Better Business Bureau 18 Years

Park Land Company 18 Years

UPS Store, The 13 Years

Wildlife Experience, The 10 Years

developersDen 8 Years

Servpro of Castle Rock/Parker 8 Years

Premier Pilates & Wellness 8 Years

PixelograPhae 6 Years

Gubbels Law Off ice, P.C. 5 Years

H&M Transmission & Automotive, LLC 5 Years

Video Conference Systems Integrators Inc 5 Years

Castle Pines Electric 4 Years

WJ Bradley Mortgage Capital Corp 3 Years

Castle Rock Professional Firef ighters Local 4116 3 Years

Colorado Agricultural Leadership Foundation 3 Years

New England Financial - Patrick Brannan 3 Years

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield 2 Years

Allstate Insurance - Mary MacDonald 2 Years

Carpet Connection 1 Year

Children's Hair Studio 1 Year

Estate Sale, The 1 Year

Castle Rock Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1 Year

Essence Health & Fitness 1 Year

UPS Store - Front Street, The 1 Year

Denver Mortgage Company 1 Year

Brock Goodwin, along with his wife Lisa

and their two children Gabrielle and

Blake, have been residents of Castle Rock

since 2000. Brock has been involved in

the Chamber’s Ambassador program

since 2002. He has been elected twice as

Chair of the Ambassadors, served as an

Advisory Member to the Ambassadors,

and was voted Ambassador of the Year in

2005. Brock has also served on the

Chamber’s Board of Directors since 2007

and currently chairs a sales lead/referral

group. Ask Brock Goodwin the secret to

his success and he will immediately single

out the networking and business

development opportunities that come

with Chamber membership and Chamber

involvement. As a Financial Advisor with

Mutual of Omaha specializing in working

with small businesses on their insurance

and retirement planning, Brock also

provides discounts for Chamber members

on disability insurance, long term care

insurance, and some life insurance

products. Brock enjoys being connected

to the community through his activities in

the Chamber and is honored to be

recognized as this month’s Chamber

Ambassador of the Month. When it

comes to relationship building, both

personal and professional, Brock will

enthusiastically state “the Chamber has

opened up doors and opportunities that

might not otherwise have existed were it

not for my involvement in the

Ambassador’s program”. Brock states

that being an Ambassador “is an honor

and a privilege that allows me to connect

to the Castle Rock community”

Congratulations Brock, thank you for your

exceptional service to the Chamber!

Ambassador of the Month

Brock Goodwin


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Location: Wilcox Square, Downtown Castle Rock

Activities 2 pm—7 pm

Skating under the STAR! Rink at the Rock—

Carriage & Trolley Rides from 3 different locations

Santa & Santa’s Workshop (DC Wilcox Building)

Entertainment & Performances, Puppet Shows (Library)

Carolers’, Festival of Trees and much more…

Starlighting Ceremony begins at 5 pm (DC Wilcox Building)

Star Lighting and 30 minute fireworks show at 5:30 pm

Chili Dinner at the CR Fire Department from 2-7pm

Visit: to download the Visit: to download the Visit: to download the

walking guide and more information.walking guide and more information.walking guide and more information.

Thank You to all of our Sponsors, Thank You to all of our Sponsors, Thank You to all of our Sponsors,

Your Generous Support helps make this community Your Generous Support helps make this community Your Generous Support helps make this community

favorite event possible. favorite event possible. favorite event possible.


Register Now, Early Bird Rate Expires November 30, 2012

Join more than 100 exhibitors for The Healthy Living Expo! Colorado's largest Expo

focused on Living, Working and Playing in Colorado! The Healthy Living Expo offers

interactive educational exhibits, demonstrations and presentations.

Register Today!


Be where the Customers are...

Yes, I want to introduce my business to NEW consumers

Yes, I want to meet more consumers in ONE day than any other advertising medium.

Yes, I want to use my marketing dollars in the most efficient

and effective method. Booths start as low as $175.00.

Register Early for prime locations & discounted rates.

Douglas County Events Center

Saturday, February 9, 2013

8:00 am – 3:00 pm

Attendance is free to the public

The Healthy Living Expo is a perfect venue for business like:

•Chiropractic •Dentistry •Medical Doctors •Holistic Practitioners

•Orthodontics •Recycling •Senior Care •Injury Prevention

•Nutrition •Gardening •Physical Fitness •Outdoor activities

•Sports •Travel •Sustainable Living Solutions....and so on, and so on


Upcoming Networking Events

November 14 MedVed Autoplex at Castle Rock

December 5 The Greater Castle Rock Art Guild

Business After Hours

Business After Hours

Wednesday, November 14

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

1404 S. Wilcox Street

One pass for Networking level, Free to Ascent level

and above. $10 for Community Connection.


Business Over Breakfast

Nov. 8 Wells Fargo Bank

445 S. Perry Street

Dec. 13 Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus

2350 Meadows Lane

Free to Networking level members and above


$10 for Community Connection

$20 for non members

Have a Guest? Call 303-688-4597 or contact for passes.

BOB’s are 7:30 am to 9:00 am Thank You to For Rent By Owner for

Sponsoring October’s Business After Hours

at Stumpy’s Pizza!

Thank You to JM Kitchen and Bath for

Sponsoring October’s Business Over



YEA! Is a groundbreaking and excit-

ing afterschool program that trans-

forms local high school students into

real, confident entrepreneur. YEA!

strengthens the community and the

community strengthens YEA!

Students are able to network with

and develop relationships with local

business leaders, create jobs, and

launch businesses in their own back-

yard. Students see that they can

make a difference within the com-

munities in which they live. The en-

thusiasm and success of the stu-

dents are empowering for the entire


Get Involved!

Sponsorships Available

Choose from these two available

levels which best fits your company.



For sponsorship information, contact

Susan O’Malley at 303-688-4597 or


For more information a bout the

prog ram or to volunteer, please

con ta ct M el issa M o ro ni a t

3 0 3 - 6 8 8 - 4 5 9 7 o r e m a i l

Contact Melissa Moroni at

303-688-4597 or email for an


Castle Rock Stars Young Professionals Group

Now Recruiting

The Young Professionals group, Castle Rock Stars , are currently accepting

applications and growing thei r network of young professionals who sup-

port each other and provide a voice in the community, with an emphasis

on social activi ties and community

involvement. The Castle Rock Stars is

intended for young professionals aged

21 - 40, who live or work in the Castle

Rock community. Castle Rock Stars offers

great networking opportunities to help

build your business practice, gain lasting

friendships , and have fun at the same

time! If you are interested in learning

more contact Natalia by email at or visi t Castle Rock

Stars website:http://www.castlerock-s tars .org/

YEA! s tudents went on their fi rst fieldtrip to Speed Raceway recently.

We had a GREAT visit wi th Jon Taylor of Speed Raceway- he shared valu-

able insight and entrepreneurial knowledge with the class and was a

great host as well! The class really enjoyed ending the learning segment

with a race around the track!! View more details on this exci ting new

program offered by the Chamber at


Beverage Sponsor Storage Sponsor

The Pepsi Bott ling Company

3801 Brighton B oulevard

Denver 80216

Park Street /Jerry Stre et Storage

1500 N. Pa rk St reet

Castle Roc k 80104

303.688.22 42

Welcome New Members

Flyin g Horse Cater ing

www.FlyingHorse Catering.c om


Caterer of the Month

Benefits and Incentive Group

Tabra Mumm (303) 645-4705

1777 S. Harrison St. Suite 700

Denver, CO 80210

Employee Benefits

Blue Sky Satellite

Deborah Sundbye (720) 529-6 581

1326 S. Sierra D r.

Castle Rock, CO 80104

Television - Cable & Satellite

Coldwell Banker - Amy Lee Hoffmann

Amy Hoffmann (303) 875-7740

9088 Ridgeline Blvd

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Real Estate - Residential

Cornerstone Health Clinic

Broderick Sheard (720) 382-0723

757 Maleta Lane Suite 102

Castle Rock, CO 80108-7612


Emporium, The

Greg Boman (303) 660-5884

200 Perry Street

Castle Rock, CO 80104


Front Line Flatwork, Inc.

TJ Feth (303) 918-1106

Contracto rs - Concrete

Herring Bank

Cheryl Brown (720) 413-9315

3110 North Nevada Ave.

Colorado Springs, CO 80907


Kids' Nite Out Across America

Robyn Carnes (303) 895-9973

2356 E Mineral Ave

Centennial, CO 80122

Organizations - Youth

Metzler Memory Care

William Boles (720) 708-4475

864 Barranca Dr.

Castle Rock, CO 80104

Assisted Living, Memory Care

Rays Collision & Towing

Matthew Whetten (720) 851-5153

185 Caprice Ct. Suite 3

Castle Rock, CO 80109

Autobody Repair, Towing - Automotive

Re/Max Alliance - Amy Musteen

Amy Musteen (720) 951-4350

719 Wilcox St.

Castle Rock, CO 80104

Real Estate - Residential

Red Hawk Remodeling

Roger Gray (303) 261-5055


Rosales House Cleaning

Victor Rosales (720) 229-6852

Cleaning - Commercial/Residential

Steiner Chiropractic

Christopher Steiner D.C. (303) 660-2668

5646 Allen Way Suite 126

Castle Rock, CO 80108


Travel Journeys

Joy Ross (303) 663-0238

Castle Rock

Travel Agencies










This program a cknowle dges a nd awards

Chamber member s for Stewar dship of

the Chamber i n the Castle R ock


Steward Recognition: Your name and

the referred new Chamber member will

be spotlighted in the Business Voice in


Award for



today by


others to




It’s easy. To complete your referral go to



To be eligible for the Annual Stewardship

Award a business must have referred and

confirmed a minimum of three new

members sales. The winner will be a

business with the most confirmed new

members. Award will be given at the end

of the Chamber’s fiscal year with photo

and article in the Business Voice.

Credit can be applied to membership,

event tickets,









CHAMBER AT 303-688-4597.

Join a LEADS Group!


2nd & 4th Tuesdays 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 2nd & 4th Tuesdays

11:30 am to 1:00 pm 11:30 am to 1:00 pm 7:30 am to 8:45 am

Meets at The Fowl Line Mesquite Mexican Grill Village Inn

Contact: Melissa Moroni Contact: Susan O’Malley Contact: Tammy Cratty

The policy for Chamber Leads is to have one representative per business per group. Chamber staff

maintains a regularly updated waiting list. Please contact the staff liaison from preferred group at

303-688-4597 to check availability.

Welcome Back a Familiar Face

Please help us welcome back a familiar face to the Chamber, Susan Beams. As you may remember, Susan worked for the Chamber back in 2008 as the receptionist. We are grateful to have her back and working in our Visitor’s Center serving as the first point of contact for Chamber visitors and colleagues. In addition to reception, Susan will be assisting the staff with membership sales and sponsorship. Stop by and say ‘hello’ and help welcome her back to the community. Please contact Susan by emailing or simply call the Chamber at 303-688-4597. Welcome Back, Susan! We are happy to have you back!


Ribbon Cuttings-Celebrate Your Success!

Let us help you celebrate! Are you

opening a new business, expanding

at your current location, relocating,

or celebrating a milestone anniver-

sary? Let the Castle Rock Chamber of

Commerce help you share the good


A Ribbon Cutting ceremony is an

important part of your overall mar-

keting and advertising plan and is a

great way to kick off a grand opening

or relocation of a business.

A Chamber representative, along

with members of our Ambassadors

Committee, will be on hand at your

event to offer congratulatory

remarks and take a photo for The

Business Voice, our monthly news-

letter. Certain restrictions apply,

Contact Joanne Taylor for more de-

tails at 303-688-4597 or email her at

Bethesda Lutheran Communities

680 Atchison Way #500 Castle Rock, CO 80109

Chad Wietrick-303-795-2061


Visit their website at

Brent Nickel State Farm Insurance

399 Perry Suite 200 Castle Rock, 80104

Brent Nickel-303-999-0647

Insurance - Property & Casualty, Insurance - Health/Life,

Insurance - Investments, Insurance - Life

Visit their website at


Town & County News & Events Douglas County welcomes Arapahoe/Douglas WORKS! Workforce Center at Philip

S. Miller Library in Castle Rock. Douglas County Commissioners Steven Boand, left,

and Jack Hilbert, welcome the Arapahoe/Douglas Works! Workforce Center to its

new home at Philip S. Miller Library, 100 S. Wilcox St., Castle Rock, at a ribbon-

cutting ceremony last month. Library branch manager Leslie Good and Douglas

County Libraries trustee Demetria Heath along with many others were present. The

Workforce Center will serve job seekers and businesses from its library location

weekdays, 9 am to Noon, and 1 to 5 pm.


Plans are underway for the Douglas County School District's (DCSD) inaugural

"Career Connect Expo," a district-wide career fair for area 8th graders. The event

will be held on Tuesday, November 20 at the Douglas County Events Center in Castle

Rock, CO. More than 75 employer participants are needed to staff interactive

booths from 7:30am - 2:30pm on the day of the event. Our 4,800 student attendees

are excited to learn more about careers in your industry and will come prepared to

interact with staff at your booth. More information is found on our event website,

here and a PDF version of the registration is also attached.

Castle Rock Parks and Recreation earns Gold Medal Award

Whether it’s hiking along one of the Town’s beautiful trails, working out at the

Town’s Recreation Center, or attending an event at Festival Park, Castle Rock resi-

dents find many ways to enjoy all of the Town’s top-notch park and recreation

amenities. Now, the nation is taking notice. The Castle Rock Parks and Recreation

Department this week accepted the National Recreation and Parks Administration’s

2012 Gold Medal Award. “This is a tremendous honor that the entire Town

shares,” said Parks and Recreation Director Rob Hanna. “We couldn’t provide the

quality programs and amenities that we do without the hard work and dedication,

not just of our staff, but also our volunteers and the direction of Town Council and

the Parks and Recreation Commission.”

CATCO (Clean Air Transit Co. ) is operating again, while not scheduled Buses as be-

fore, we are contracted by the County under a Federal Grant to identify low income

persons who want to work and to take them in a Taxi, at no cost to them, to a job

and home again. We are already serving a few clients. It may be that some Chamber

members would like to hire someone, but can't because they have no transporta-

tion. CATCO can help - they should call the County's Help Line : 303 660 7519 and

ask for the Taxi program.

Douglas County Veterans Monument Dedication Ceremony will be on November

11, 2012 at 11:00 am at Veterans Plaza. The public is welcome to attend. Give to

those who gave for us! Veterans Plaza is located at 4th & Wilcox St.

Starlighting Ceremony Celebration is Saturday, November

17, 2012 at Wilcox Square in Downtown Castle Rock.

View entire list of festivities at

The Rink at the Rock is almost here! The com-

munity is buzzing with excitement and looking

forward to the grand opening on November 17!

As the Rink becomes an integral part of down-

town there will be numerous opportunities to

communicate with visitors. The Rink will attract a

wide range of guests November-February, annu-

ally. Castle Rock Downtown Development Au-

thority is pleased to offer a variety of sponsor-

ship opportunities for individuals and businesses

to participate in the Rink at the Rock! Let us help

you reach a new audience as you support the

Rink at the Rock and downtown!

View sponsorship opportunities at:

Douglas County agencies encourage signing up

for emergency notifications - In an effort to take

advantage of new technology and to continue to

ensure accurate crisis communication with resi-

dents, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and all

other Douglas County agencies have transitioned

to a new mass notification system called

CodeRED. Read more at http://



Final negotiations are beginning with the two

groups that are poised to provide the Town of

Castle Rock with a significant amount of the

water that it needs to accomplish its long-term

water goals. Town Council voted 6-1 in favor of

pursuing a hybrid solution for the Town’s long-

term water goals. Town staff will enter negotia-

tions with Stillwater Resources and the WISE

partnership, which could result in renewable

water being imported into Town within a couple

of years. Read more at http://

Window stickers added to Town’s “No Knock”

program. The Town of Castle Rock is helping

residents take another step to deter unwanted

solicitation. Now, residents who register for the

Town’s No Knock List will also receive a sticker to

post on their doors. Commercial solicitors are

prohibited under Town Code from knocking at

addresses on the list or where the stickers and/

or other No Solicitation signs are displayed. Resi-

dents who are not on the list but would like to be

can visit to register

using an online form.


Douglas County-based Company Offers

Scholarship for Douglas County High

School Students Interested in Pursuing

Physical and Life Science Degrees. For Rent

by Owner founder John Rohl of Castle

Rock, has announced a new scholarship for

Douglas County High School Students who

are interested in pursuing a college deg ree

in Physical and Life sciences. The $1,000

scholarship is only open to Douglas County

High School students. To obtain an applica-

tion, contact Cinamon Watson, Interim

Executive Director, Douglas County Educa-

tional Foundation, call 303-387-0033 or



ing the 3,300 SF service garage that in-

cludes two maintenance bays and one

wash bay for Xcel Energy’s Satellite Facility

in Evergreen. The work also includes a 12’

extension of a n exis ting stee l canopy to

provide full coverage for Xcel Energy’s fleet

of vehicles. Since the site is an active Xcel

Energy facility, 24 hours a day, 7 days a

week, close coordina tion is crucial to allow

Xcel to respond as needed to service needs

of their clients. The design professional for

this project is Anderson & Hastings Con-

sultants, Inc. MW GOLDEN CONSTRUC-

TORS has constructed many maintenance

facilities for a variety of clients over the

last 27 years. MW GOLDEN CONSTRUC-

TORS can be reached at 303-688-9848 or

Studio Fit announces NEW lower pricing!

Now, for only $49.95 per month, clients

can enjoy unlimited f itness classes! And

through November 15th, Chamber

Members and employees can get $5 off

per month for the next 3 months of

unlimited classes! Details at the Studio or

visit for more info

and for a schedule and class descriptions.

Now's the time to get in shape for the


Members in the News

Local Printer Honored for Sales Growth

Keith Reeves, Columbine Printing, Castle

Rock, CO, has been honored for his com-

pany’s sales growth by CPrint® Interna-

tional during the bi-a nnual board meeting

in Denver, CO. CPrint® awards printers

who have demonstrated a signif icant sales

growth over the past s ix months. Accord-

ing to T odd Nuckols, CPrint® president,

Columbine Printing is among an e lite g roup of companies who a re seeing sales in-

creases in the slow economy. “Columbine Printing is focusing on principles and prac-

tices geared to exceptional customer service,” said Nuckols. “This effort is resulting in

increased sales even in a time of an economic slowdown. A company who can achieve

growth in these times can only achieve it by be ing the best print provider for its busi-

ness customers.” Columbine Printing is loca ted at 312 Wilcox Street, Suite 101, Castle

Rock, CO 80104. For more information call 303-688-5692, or visit www.columbine-

Arapahoe Community College will host Start Now! Nov. 3 at all three campuses-

Arapahoe Community College will offer an opportunity for anyone to begin the process

of enrolling in Spring 2013 classes with the Sta rt Now! event on Saturday, November 3,

from 8 am - Noon at all three ACC campuses (Littleton, Parker and Castle Rock). Start

Now! will provide all prospective and currently-applied, but not enrolled, students with

the opportunity to complete student orienta tion and testing while receiving assistance

with advising, financial aid and registration during this one-day session held concur-

rently at ACC's Littleton, Parker and Castle Rock Campuses. In order to be eligible to

enroll in Spring 2013 classes, all students new to the college experience a re required to

complete assessment testing and attend a New Student Orientation Session. Two ses-

sions will be available on Nov. 3 at each of the three campuses (8:30 a nd 10:30 a.m.).

Refreshments and snacks will be available for all attendees. For more information, or

to apply for admission, please contact the Admiss ion and Records Office at or 303-797-6521.

Gallaware, Inc. is looking for Beta testers for its newest project, the Galla Bowling

Tracker (GBT) - a web and Android application for tracking bowlers’ scores and sha ring

them on social media. The Ga lla Bowling Tracker is a not a video game, but rather a

way for bowlers to track the scores for games they and their friends/colleagues bowl a t

their loca l bowling locations. The application provides a way of sharing game scores

and stats with others through socia l media, email and text messages, making tracking

bowling scores as social as bowling itself. Gallaware is currently taking requests from

avid bowlers to test both the web and Android versions of the Galla Bowling T racker.

Anyone interested in be ing a Beta tester needs to have their own (applicable) equip-

ment for the version(s) they would like to test (computer laptop/desktop, Android tab-

let/iPad – PC or Mac, and/or Android phone). Please contact Gallaware at for more informa tion.


Member Happenings

Are You Taking




Office Depot Program!

Members save approximately 15% to

25% annually on their office supplies!

To receive your Na tional Program

Office Depot card, please call Susan

O’Malley at 303-688-4597 or email

Comcast Business Class is available

to Members!

Whatever the s ize of your company,

it needs to respond quickly to the

needs of customers, communicate

reliably with suppliers, and f ind

smarter ways to increase employee

productivity. Chamber members can

save on internet Service and Voice

service! For more information,

contact Mark Pendergast of Comcast

Business Class at 303-720-8090 or


For More Information about these

programs visit

The Wildlife Experience to honor Dave and Gail Liniger on November 3, 2012. Legendary

Colorado philanthropis ts Dave and Gail Liniger will be honored at Expedition 10, a celebra-

tion of the 10th anniversa ry of The Wildlife Experience on Saturday, November 3, 2012.

For more information on tickets, table information, and sponsorship opportunities, please

contact Greg Masinton a t 720-488-3386.

The Douglas County Events Center at the fairgrounds in Castle Rock will be brimming with

treasures on Saturday November 3rd from 9 am to 4 pm for the 20th Annual Craft Show,

benefitting the Castle Rock Senior Center and the Doug las-Elbert Task Force Food Bank.

More than 80 vendors and a rtisans will be selling a variety of items for holiday gift-giving.

There will also be a bake sale, book sale, Grandma’s Attic, a Community Corner with local

organizations, and raff les for a quilt and a Kindle Fire. Entry is free to the public and all in

attendance will rece ive tickets for door prizes at no charge. Please come check out the

wonderful bargains in support of the Senior Center and Task Force.

Sunday, November 4th at 11 am, Yogi goes into hibernation! First, though, Yogi needs to

gather up what he will need for winter. You can help by bringing him food! Anything Yogi

doesn’t eat, he will be giving to the Douglas County Task Force to help families in need.

This year, Yogi would really like canned goods containing lots of protein. You can drop off

donations for Yogi’s hibernation at the campground (Exit 174 on I-25 just south of Castle

Rock) anytime between now and November 4th. You can also join them on November 4th

at 11 am to say good night as Yogi goes into his cabin for a long winter’s nap!

Stars of Castle Rock, (a community service initiative led by teachers of Douglas County to

raise awareness and funding to ensure that children receive essential arts programs), will

hold their first annual Masquerade Gala to benefit a rt prog rams in the Castle Rock public

schools on Friday, November 9, 2012 at Cielo in Castle Pines from 6-11pm. Tickets, which

are $75 a piece, can be purchased online at

Celebrate Hospice and Palliative Care Month with Legacy Hospice on November 15, 2012

from 5 - 7 pm at 412 Jerry Street. Legacy Hospice provides quality comprehens ive home

hospice services to Castle Rock, Parker, Colorado Springs and the surrounding rural commu-

nities. For more information call 303-660-6107.

American Family Insurance is a proud sponsor of the upcoming Celebrity Cha rity Shoot to

Benefit ALS on Saturday, November 17 at Quail Run Sports located a t 6852 Quail Run Circle

County Road 27 in Kiowa, CO. Shoot with Pro Players Association Celebrities, Silent Auction

and After Party to follow. Registra tion: 8am, Safety Course: 9:30am and Shoot begins at

10am. Lunch to follow. To pre-regis ter and for more information visit or ca ll 720-327-9207.

Douglas County Libraries is proud to be a part of the Coats for Colorado program, which

has provided coats to individuals and families since 1982. Now through November 30 you

can donate your new or gently used coats at any of our branches. Coats for Colorado will

distribute your donations to charitable organizations, homeless shelters and thousands of

Coloradans in need.


October’s Class Topic: History and Open Space

Steering Committee Planners: Julie Britti, Kerry Scha lders and

Michele Duncan, Leadership Douglas County Class of 2012.

On October 3rd, the class met in Louviers to learn about the his-

tory of Douglas County and also the a bundance of open space in

the county. We think of his tory as being in the past, yet we are all

in the process of making his tory; both our own his tory and that of

our communities. Grea t communities don’t happen by chance,

overnight, or by themselves, we create them by guiding change.

The Leadership Class toured Douglas County in search of some of

the 46,000 acres of open space. Of the 46,000 acres, approxi-

mately 13,000 acres are owned by the County with more than 50

miles of trails accessible to the public. The sizes of the parce ls of

land protected by the open space program include the largest,

Greenland Ranch (17,000 acres). Douglas County seeks to protect

open space by accomplishing a variety of conservation objectives,

including the preservation of important wildlife habitat and move-

ment corridors, perpetuation of the County’s rural landscape and

agricultural heritage, creation of community buffers, protection of

scenic views, historic properties, and archeological resources, and

enhancement of recreational and educational opportunities.

Douglas County would be happy to accommodate organized

groups who would like an interpretive hike on open space prop-

erty or see a PowerPoint presentation regarding open space. For

more information, please call Jackie Sanderson at 303-660-7495.

“What a fun way to see parts of Douglas County I have never had

a chance to experience. I learned so much a bout Douglas County

and his tory I didn’t know!” Ann Speer, Leadership Douglas County

Class of 2013.

Leadership Douglas County would like to

acknowledge their Patron Sponsors : The Ci ty of

Lone Tree and Douglas County Government and

also their Program Sponsors : Black Hills Energy,

BreakThroughs, Inc., Cherokee Ranch and Castle

Foundation, Douglas County Libraries, Firs tBank

of Douglas County, South Metro Fi re and Rescue

Authori ty, Town of Castle Rock, Wells Fargo Bank,

and the Chambers of Commerce of Castle Rock,

Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree and


Thank you all for your generous support!

The topic for November's Leadership Class is

Heal th Care/Senior Living.

Leadership Douglas County is designed to broaden pa rticipant knowledge of the community while enha ncing leadership skills, which

in turn increases the strength and effectiveness of our new community leaders. For more information on the Leadership Douglas

County program, please call Melissa Moroni at (303) 688-4597 or ema il

Creating Leaders, Leadership Douglas County



All proceeds will benefit SANTA’S SHARING of the Douglas Elbert

Task Force

The Castle Rock Stars (Young Professionals Group) in-

vites you to decorate for the holidays while helping

families & kids in need.

Last year we raised enough funds to fulfill the

needs of 21 grateful families in Douglas & Elbert

counties. Decorate Your Home/Office

Great Gifts for: Clients, Employees, Families,

Friends and Neighbors

Pre-Order now through November 21st

Only $12 each OR Two for $20

(Buy 12 get 1 FREE!!)

Convenient pick-up November 29th – December 1st

At: Castle Pines Florist 213 4th Street Unit A

Th-F: 9am-6pm Castle Rock, CO 80104

Sat: 9am-3pm (303) 688-4563

Payment Information

Online Credit Card:

Checks: Payable to “Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce”

For more information please contact the Castle Rock Stars at or the Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce at Phone: (303) 688-4597

Poinsettia (12-14” Tall)


Did You Know?

As part of your membership with the

Castle Rock Chamber, all members

are eligible to contribute to our

Business Voice Newsletter in the

“Members in the News” section.

Submit all press releases or company

announcements to Melissa Mares at by the 15th

of the month to be included in the

following month’s issue. Take

advantage of this opportunity to

reach fellow chamber members.

*Some Restrictions apply.

Are you taking advantage of the

Member to Member Discount

Program? Visit the Members Only

section to sign up and view

discounts at

Upcoming Events

Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce 420 Jerry Street

Castle Rock, Colorado 80104

303.688.4597 ph

303.688.2688 fax https://www .face /Ca stleRockCham ber

Castle Rock Starlighting—November 17th

The Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce and Fire Department together have been

“illuminating” the famous, giant sta r on top of Castle Rock for 77 years. There are carriage

rides, hot chocola te and caroling, while children eagerly await Santa Claus’ annua l visit.

The Starlighting Ceremony takes place on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, November

17, on Wilcox Squa re to usher in the holiday season. Call 303-688-4597 or visit:

The Healthy Living Expo-February 9, 2013

Join the ranks of some of the Finest Businesses & Associations in Colorado and showcase

your products at the Healthy Living Expo! The day begins with the "Freeze Your Buns Off

5K Run" with an estimated a ttenda nce of 1000 runners PLUS more customers all day long!

Reserve your Booth Today. Early Bird Rate Ends November 30, 2012. Join more than 100

exhibitors for The Healthy Living Expo! Colorado's la rgest Expo focused on Living, Working

and Playing in Colorado! The Healthy Living Expo offers interactive educational exhibits,

demonstra tions and presenta tions. Register at

Save these 2013 Event Dates:

A Night at Gabriel’s-January 30, 2013

10th Annual Castle Rock WineFest-July 20, 2013

Douglas County Fair Parade-August 10, 2013

Colorado Artfest at Castle Rock-September 7 & 8, 2013