November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert

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Transcript of November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert

  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert


    2011/12 CalendarNovember 5

    Illinois Presidential STRAW POLL

    November 8ELECTION

    November 11VETERANS DAY

    November 11-13CFRW NORTHERN DIVISION'S BIENNIALCONVENTION, Doubletree, Sacramento

    November 17HRWF GENERAL MEETINGInstallation of Ocers for 2012

    MORE details and events at

    November 17Restoration Weekend

    November 24Happy Thanksgiving!

    (Vacation - Most Schools, Nov. 19-27)

    December 25Merry Christmas!

    (Vacation - Most Schools, Dec. 17-Jan. 1)January 1, 2012

    Happy New Year!

    January 19, 2012HRWF General Meeting at Baywood


    President: Debbie Walker 441-1126 Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 Editor: Rose 839-2935 admin@hrwf-ca.


    Humboldt Republican Women WelcomeNapa Valley Republican Women Federated President

    Gaylon Kastner





    Follow us on TWITTER @hrwf( Find us on FACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Wom

    Affiliated with NFRW (National Federation of Republican Women)/CFRW (California Federation of Republican Women - Northern Divisio

    Volume 36 Issue 9 November

    Its always fun to hear from other Clubs,learn what theyre doing, what works,what doesnt, and get new ideas toincorporate into our own Club.

    This month is extra special as Gaylon

    Kastner, the two-term President ofone of Napa Valleys most successfulnonprot organizations, NVRWF, ishere to swear in our 2012 ocers,and to share her experiences - howthe Napa Club raised more than $9million for charities in the Napaarea, and how she helped to growthe Club, increasing membershipfrom 125 to 325.

    Shes creative, fun, and innovative,and sure to inspire us as we moveinto one of the biggest and mostimportant election years of our lifetime.

    And, having recently attended The National Federation of RepublicanWomen's 36th Biennial Convention in Kansas City, she brings news from thnational front...

    Join us for this, our last meeting of 2011.... take time to enjoy wonderful anfestive holidays. Stay in touch via our website, Facebook and Twitter, andcome back rejuvenated for 2012. Our January luncheon meeting will be heat Baywood Golf and Country Club in Arcata, watch for details.

    11:30 a.m. Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 445 Herrick, Eureka

    Lunch & Speaker ~ $14.50 (Tax and tip included)

    Beverage & Speaker ~ $4.00 Payable to Elks Lodge

    THIS MONTH - Please RSVP to Laura 839-5538 by Friday November 11

    Early RSVP lunch reservations URGENTLY NEEDED and to be honored

  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert


    Gourmet Foods and Gift Baskets

    412 2nd St. Eureka 444-2923 445-0152

    Action item:

    Help Overturn

    CA Dream ActOnce again we are trying to counter the leftist agenda by gathering signatures to stop Dream Act in California. The latest assault on the legal, tax-paying citizens of Californcame when Governor Brown signed into law AB 131, which would provide public nan

    aid for higher education to illegal alien students. We need to gather signatures across o

    state and up and down the state. If you are going to be visiting family this holiday seas

    take a petition with you and get their signatures! You do need to be careful in gatherin

    signatures, in that all the people who sign on the sheet, must be from the same county

    they are not, they need to be on separate sheets. You must also make sure you ll out t

    bottom of the sheet with the necessary information.

    These petitions will not be on the internet as I was informed by Assembly member Tim

    Donnellys (R-San Bernardino) sta; in the past, petitions have been thrown out if theywere not straight on the paper and other such garbage. So we will use the professiona

    printed ones to avoid any wasted signatures and eort.

    I have these petitions, will have them with me at our next meeting, and I will leave som

    Republican Headquarters, 311 5th Street, Eureka. As always, you may call me at 707-4

    3101 and together we can work out a meeting spot. I would love the signed ones back

    soon as they are nished so I can send them o to be veried.

    Richard Whitaker Insurance Services, Inc.

    Richard Whitaker CLU, ChFC

    Phone: (707) 442-1505

    (800) 504-1555

    FAX: (707) 442-0717

    3932 Walnut Drive, Eureka, CA 95503


    Serving Humboldt County Since 1932

    Scott, Robinson & Pavlich111 Sixth Street

    Eureka, CA 95501

    TELEPHONE(707) 443-2781

    FAX (707) 443-0608

    A.B. 131:Background: GOP assemblyman filereferendum of California Dream Ac

    The California Dream Act was proposed by Assemblyman Gil Cedillo (D-LosAngeles), consisting of two bills, both of which Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law

    AB 130, which gives illegal aliens privately-funded scholarships

    AB 131, which gives illegal aliens taxpayer-funded scholarships

    GOP Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, (R-Twin Peaks), launched an eort to ask voterepeal the California Dream Act, ling referendum papers to overturn Assembly131, which allows undocumented immigrant college students who already quafor in-state tuition rates to receive state-funded nancial aid, including Cal Gran

    The Sacramento Bee reported that, once cleared for circulation, Donnelly wouldhave less than three months to collect the roughly 505,000 valid voter signatureneeded to put the referendum on the 2012 ballot. Qualifying for the ballot woufreeze implementation of the A.B. 131, which is not set to take eect until 2013until voters decide whether to keep or reject the law.

    Learn more at http://stopab131.comFrom Bills such as AB 130/131 are what makes higher education soexpensive and takes ever more taxpayer funding because the students who woubenet will not be paying for this education, you, the taxpayer will be paying.

  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert


    Presidents Message

    An artistworks hard to recreate athought or picture that has formed in hermind. Those gifted with creative talentstake pride in their accomplishments.

    Painters stroke into being images ofbeauty. Authors and songwriters type,edit, and can spend countless hourscompiling and composing their works.

    Sculptors mold, step back, form, look,gaze and perfect before placing theirname on a precious piece.

    I feellike being a Republican Woman islike being an artist. We carry an image ofa beautiful nation in our hopes and

    minds. We walk precincts for hours,some for years, form groups to telephone,educate and encourage voters. We dothis because we want that picture carriedin thought of a free nation to continue to

    stand boldly before the world.

    Dontlet the image of beauty fade withdiscouragement. Like the artist, keepworking until we see unfolding before usa nation our children and grandchildren

    can also be proud of.Let us continue to strive for what isright and, with Gods help, we cancontinue to create and maintain a nationabounding in the beauty and freedomour forefathers fought and died for.


    November nds us still basking in sunshine and appreciating each warm day. It briey takes ominds o our situation that has presented itself. The Western world is broke. It became that wayindulging in a whole series of socialist programs- such as mandating that Fannie and Freddiesupport mortgage credit from borrowers who werent creditworthy. In Europe, the main culpritwasnt mortgage credit, but sovereign credit. Various banking rules encouraged reckless lendinggovernments whose credit proles were falsely enhanced by membership in the euro.

    For decades, the wealthiest nations in the world have lived far beyond their means. The U.S.,which had been the largest creditor to the world, has become the largest debtor in history. Eventoday, its federal government continues to borrow more than 1 trillion a year, in order to maintaour military and a medical establishment that consumes almost 20% of GDP, more than twice wany other developed nation spend on health care. This is nancial insanity on a scale the world hnever seen before and it is addressed by more borrowing, printing money and spending! And we have the current administration continuing down that green path with the solar industry alaunching millions at sunken hulls minutes before the ships sink! November 2011 cannot come senough for all of us and the waves until we get there and after shall be of tidal proportion.

    Our website is the answer to hot news and is masterfully manned to meetever changing hourly topic. Plus it counters what is out there in error and includes the best listin

    sites on the right on the home page to seek out other stories with reliable sources. Our newslettand website are here to aid you in HRWFs quest to educate and inform. We display conservativeideals each day to aid our future generations. Tab your way through the site, now even join our cor donate on line - its great! Women in Numbers ~ Win!

    Our latest gift to children is a collection of 25 books from the Who Was series to the new SouBay Elementary School for the Mamie Eisenhower Library Project! Thanks to our Ways and Mean

    and your Angel Donations, you help kids win!

    An exciting event ahead is the CFRW-Northern Division Biennial Convention held in Sacramenon November 11-13. We have 4 members attending and look forward to the exceptional speakeand meeting women from our 60 northern region clubs. We will be voting on the new ocer slafor 2012 and will enlighten you upon our return. Join us next time, it is really cool!

    With great pleasure we welcome Gaylon Kastner, President of Napa Valley RWF, an excitingindividual who will install our 2012 ocers and entertain us with her invigorating style and theclub success! At the NFRW Convention in Kansas City, Gaylon heard from three presidential candidates and will share that excitement. Please join us for the nale of 2011!

    Mary Scott reports:I delivered 25 books from the "Who Was" series to South BayElementary School. The 5th grade teacher, Heather Becksted, on the left, was especially

    appreciative as they will do American Hero biographies and create a wax museum in thespring. Note the girl in the front holding Ronald Reagan.

  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert


    Ways & MeansWays & MeansAmericanism

    ReportOur October Opportunity Drawing prizes

    were donated by Debbie Walkerand Margaret Staord.

    The winners were Jeanne O'Neale,

    Kay Parris and Mary Jerland.Our November Opportunity Drawing will have

    a 50/50 drawing in addition to great prizes.

    The 50/50 drawing winner will receive 50% ofthe monies received for the drawing on that

    day. Buy lots of tickets!

    Thanks! . .

    To donate a prize for future drawings, pleasetelephone Linda Arata

    at 839-5054.




    To be awarded to a deservinghigh school graduate -

    with an additional $500to be awarded upon completion

    of their Freshman year

    if they maintain a 3.0 GPA.RECIPIENT MUST BE RELATED




    Applications will be availablefor the 2011-12 school year.

    Additional scholarship/info, includingscholarships oered through CFRW and NFRW

    will be posted on our website

    HELP!!Does anyone know how to cancel a bid on E-Bay?

    I put in a $3 bid for a "Mickey Mouse Outt", and now it seems I'm onlynineteen minutes away from owning Obama's entire Cabinet....


    In a recent interview with CNBC, Warren Buett oersone of the best solutions to debt and runaway spending:

    " I could end the decit in 5 minutes," he said. "You just pass a lawthat says that anytime there is a decit of more than 3% of GDP,all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election ."


    COUPON PROJECT:In 2009, the HRWF got involved with this worthy cause of sending coupons forgroceries and household items to our military families stationed overseas. They areliving at just above the poverty level and the coupons help with living expenses. Thecoupons are honored at PX's on U.S. miitary bases around the world and are greatlyappreciated by our military personnel.

    We sponsor a U.S. Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan, and, with your welcome help,have so far mailed over $105,000-worth of coupons to the families there.

    Coupon guidelines (if you would like to help):

    1. Cut out/trim coupons from newspapers/magazines('Manufacturer's Coupon' only).

    2. Sort into 2 piles: Food and Non-Food(use 2 envelopes or baggies and label each).

    3. FOOD includes:all food and beverages for humans;candy, gum, mints, diet drinks, baby formula, etc.

    4. NON-FOOD includes: vitamins, drugs, dog food,cat food, cosmetics, clean-ing/laundry products, etc.

    5. Add up the face value of each category.[For FREE items, check coupon for amount, such as "Up to $2.99," etc.);otherwise, estimate.] Write total on each envelope.

    6. Give to Pres. Debbie or me at next meeting, or drop oat GOP HQ, or with any Board member.

    NOTE: Please omit all restaurant and store coupons, like for Red Lobster,Olive Garden, Target stores, Safeway, Walgreens, etc.....product, yes; place, no.

    Should be labeled at top "Manufacturer's Coupon." Thank you all.

    Thanks to your generous participation in this worthy project we have receivedan NFRW Caring for America Award 2010 - 2011 Certicate of Recognition

  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert


  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert



    President Debbie Walker 441-1126 walktalk @ suddenlink.net1st Vice Margaret Staord 822-3255 tom-marg @ suddenlink.net2nd Vice Gwen Morris 498-3101 morrisgwen54 @ gmail.comTreasurer Mary Jerland 443-1228 rjerland @ sbcglobal.netRecording Secretary Carol Del Biaggio 786-4832 cdel2 @ frontiernet.netParliamentarian Barbara Hecathorn 442-7124 hecathorn @

    Director-at-Large Pat Murphy 441-9206 vpatm @ suddenlink.netAmericanism/Coupon Project Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ gmail.cAuditorJoAnn Stanhope 822-4776 jstanhope@suddenlink.netChaplain Co-Chair Vee Sorenson 822-2359 veesign @ aol.comCo-Chair Esther Holmes 677-3219 esthersholmes @ gmail.comCookbook Co-Chair Cindy Lewis 442-1187 liberty741776 @ sbcglobal.netCo-Chair Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 colleen1516 @ sbcglobal.netCorrespondence Secretary Donna Bellairs 442-6648 debellairs @ yahoo.comEducation Co-Chair Mary Scott 442-3056 marygscott @ sbcglobal.netCo-Chair Sheryl Fearrien 726-0147 schoolmarm50 @ sbcglobal.netVoter Registration/Campaigns Mary Scott 442-3056 marygscott @ sbcglobal.neHospitality Haline Sundet 442-2623 sun17 @

    Luncheon Reservations - this month -Laura 839-5538

    laura.b.2009 @ gmail.comMembership Terry Roberts 599-3255 terry @ terryroberts.netName Tags Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090 erniet @ suddenlink.netNewsletter/Website/HRWF Facebook Rose 839-2935 admin @ hrwf-ca.orgNewsletter Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ gmail.comPublicity/ Sponsorships Colleen Hedrick 268-0101 colleen1516 @ sbcglobal.netNational Legislation Gwen Morris 498-3101 morrisgwen54 @ gmail.comState Legislation Vee Sorensen 822-2359 veesign @ aol.comWays and Means Linda Arata 839-5054 jaratal @

    Telephone Chair Laura 839-5538 laura.b.2009 @

    Pat Murphy 441-9206 vpatm @ suddenlink.netNancy Elcock 443-2529 nancyelcock @ suddenlink.netPat Stolte 725-4031 patstolte @ prodigy.netIrene Stidston 445-2732 istidston @ gmail.comPearl Micheli 445-9650 pamram9650 @ att.netKay Parris 407-0010 aparris @ suddenlink.netSarah Bogenreif 441-9595 gmomsarahbo @

    Please join the call team by contacting Laura

    National Federation of Republican Women nfrw.orgCalifornia Federation of Republican Women

    Stay in touch with Social Networking

    Communication can be a powerful force when used eectively.One of the greatest advances in modern communication can be found

    in social web startups like Twitter and Facebook. Activists and candidatescan utilize these powerful tools to bypass mainstream media outlets,

    talking directly to fans, members and voters.Sign on with us to get the latest info, meeting notices, and more...

    (Learn more at: )

    Contact List:





    1209 4TH STREET

    EUREKA CA 95501

    PHONE 797 443-1501

    2907 E Street, Eureka 442-2527

    32 Sunnybrae Center, Arcata 822-3750

    Redwood Village Shopping Center 725-9003

    Each Oce is IndependentlyOwned And Operated

    TERRY ROBERTSREALTOR(707) 599-3255 CELL(707)822-5971 BUSINESS(707) 884-9740 TOLL FREE(707) 822-4337

    SELLERS REALTY981 G StreetArcata, CA 95521

    LIKE us on FACEBOOKHumboldt Republican Women

    Help us get our vanity listing

    FOLLOW us on TWITT@hrwf



    THEODORE E. ANVIKConsulting Structural Engineer

    1246 Anvick RoadArcata, California, 95521email

    Telephone 888-ANVICK1Telephone 707-822-7731

    FAX 707-822-3003

    Call Team

  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert




    Yes, add my business to the roster:

    Regular Member...............................................................................$30.

    Associate Member (men and any members of other clubs) ... .......$30.

    Republican Angels ............................................................................. +

    TOTAL: $Referred By________________________

    HRWF c/o Terry Roberts4425 Chan Road

    McKinleyville, CA 95519


    My phone # My Address My E-mail - has changed





    HUMBOLDTREPUBLICANSHumboldt County Republican Party

    311 5th St. (P.O. Box 682)

    Eureka, CA 95502-0682

    Tel. 707/442-2259

    FPPC# 741793 FEC# C00250993

    For Thanksgiving we have tempting freshly-baked pumpkin pies.

    For Christmas, homemade pumpkin and pecan pies, cinnamon rolls and treat-filledgift baskets from Eurekas Bella Baskets, especially made up for us to offer you.

    (Thanksgiving Order deadline Friday, November 18th)#__________ Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie(s) @ $10.00 each........................... Subtotal: $ __________

    Thanksgiving Order Pick up day: Wednesday, November 23rd, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., Republican Headquarters, 311 Fifth St., Eureka

    (Christmas Order deadline Friday, December 16th)#__________ Christmas Pecan Pie(s) @$10.00 each....................................... Subtotal: $ ____________

    #__________ Christmas Pumpkin pie(s) @$10.00 each................................. Subtotal: $ ____________

    #__________ Christmas Cinnamon rolls (6 per order) @$10.00 per order... Subtotal: $ ____________

    Christmas Order pick-up day: Thursday, December 22nd, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.

    Note: Bella Basket Orders may be shipped*, or picked up with your pies on Thursday, December 22nd

    #__________ Merry GOP Bella Basket(s) @$70.00*...................................... Subtotal: $ ____________

    * sales tax is included

    * BASKET SHIPPING: Add $18.00 per basket for each address shipped...........Subtotal: $ ____________ TOTAL: $ ____________

    Please ship my baskets, Ill pick up the pies on Thursday, December 22nd, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.Ship to: ____________________________________________________________________________________



    I will pick up my entire Christmas Order on Thursday, December 22nd, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Republican Headquarters, 311 Fifth St., Eureka

    My Check for TOTAL (all items + shipping) $ ____________ is enclosed, payable to: Humboldt County Republican Central Committee

    Charge My Credit Card: VISAMasterCard Card number: ____________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________

    Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    City: ______________________________ ______________________________ __________ State: __________ Zip: ________________

    Home Phone: ________________________________ ___________ Work/Cell Phone: _____________________________ _______________

    Note: Membership Applications are ALSO available online at our website:

  • 8/3/2019 November 2011 HRWF Redwood Alert









    The Redwood AlertHumboldt Republican Women, Federated

    c/o Terry Roberts4425 Chaffin RoadMcKinleyville, CA 95519


    #OccupyWhiteHouse2012O P E R A T I O N

    From Obamas class warfare ploy (#OccupyWall Street) to the

    headline-grabbing allegations against frontrunner Herman Cain, to

    Rick Perrys Flat Tax proposal, to Gingrichs powerful performance in

    the debates, we keep you up to date at We bring younews and views for Republicans: the latest ads from the candidates,

    speech transcipts, recorded debates, and some of the hottest political

    discussions on the internet, plus the latest on whats happening in

    Sacramento, and in Humboldt County. Youll get the best of the New

    Media; bloggers, Pajamas Media (now PJ Media), Breitbarts exposs,

    the latest news about your favorite candidate, as well as the stu the

    MSM isnt carrying - like the Fast&Furious and Solyndra investigations. - Make it your homepage.

    CAMPAIGN 2012:Youll have a chance to meet one

    of the lesser-known candidatesfor President - theJohn Davis for

    President Campaign will bemaking a quick whistle-stop in

    Eureka - 10:21 a.m., Nov. 15.

    His campaign bus will likely parkin front of Republican HQ,

    311 5th St. in Eureka

    Watch for details.