November, 1992 Anniaersary Ball Celebrates Harper · 2020-03-09 · Anniaersary Ball Celebrates...

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Transcript of November, 1992 Anniaersary Ball Celebrates Harper · 2020-03-09 · Anniaersary Ball Celebrates...

Anniaersary Ball Celebrates Harper !


A Publiccrion Sor Employes of Williom Roiney Horper College

Volume 7, Number9 November, 1992

More ihqn 3O0 guests ottended Horper's silver onniversory boll on October 31.Members of the Horper community ioined with foculty ond stqff members for onevening of dining, doncing qnd celebrotion.

lfl side2

The President's


Focus On:Music Deportment


lnsider's View ofMorilyn Comer


Belize Sister


lnside Horper8


The President' s Message

2 The l11sider November, 1992

Celebroting Silver, Going for the

Gold wos one of the slogons submit-

ted for our Silver Anniversorycelebrotion. Thot slogon mirrors the

emerging spirit of this speciol yeor.Members of our foculty ond stoffhove teomed with members of the

community to plon ond offer mony ofthe octivities in which you oreporticipoting. We've been pleosed

with the response we've gofien from

community members-both in theirporticipotion on committees ond in

their ottendonce ot college observo-tions during these post few months.

For exomple, the Dignitories' Recep-

tion, held in September, honored275 members of the Horper Commu-nity who hove contributed to the

success of the College ond to the

growth of the Northwest suburbs. Yet

during this some observonce wewere olso oble to celebrote ourfulure os we broke ground for the

new Liberol Arts building.

Then the tree dedicotion ond recep-

tion held Fridoy, October 30,honored former President Jim

McGroth ond the Friends of Horper.The Friends hod given us the Friend-

ship Grove severol yeors ogo, ondthis foll donoted the plontings for the

Silver Anniversory Grove, locotedsouth of porking lot 4. This grovewill provide shode ond beouty on the

compus for yeors to come.

Celebrating Si/ver wos the theme ofthe golo Silver Anniversory Boll held

October 3l . The sold-out event drew

o mix of Horper foculty ond stoff,

business represenlotives, Foundotionond Boord of Trustees members os wellos community members. Formerpresidents Bob Lohti ond Jim McGrothwere recognized, the entire Collegecommunity wos toosted, ond o tongue-in-cheek video predicted whot Horpermight look like os it celebrotes itsGolden Anniversory.

We now look forword to the otheroctivities thot teom the community withHorper. For exomple, the College ondFriends of Horper will sponsor one-

month-long exhibits ot nine oreolibrories throughout the yeor to illus-

trote the history ond growth of the

College. During the month, o receptionond progrom, "Reconnecting withHorper," will offer informotion oboutthe current ond future stotus of the

College by reinforcing the PreferredFuture plon ond by eliciting the supportond interest in o Horper AlumniAssociotion.

The Horper Hop is scheduled forMorch l2 in the Building M Gym (o

perfect ploce to hold o sock hopl).This event is open to Horper foculty,

stoff ond students ond will rekindle the

flovor of the '50s ond '60s-for the

evening onywoy!

Our Community Doy celebrotion on

April 25 wlll truly hove something foreveryone...clossic cors (including o

1966 Corvette), music, food, sportingevents, ond contests ond gomes forHorper students, olumni, supporters,foculty ond stoff members.

Finolly, the Moy .l993

Commence-ment will bring the yeor's festivities to

o close. Although we con celebroteour twenty-fifth onniversory only once,

the spirit ol Celebroting Silver, Goingfor the Gold con continue to energizeus os we look forword to the wonder-ful chonges ond exciting developments

thot will corry us into the 21st century.


"Celebrating Silaer, Going for the GoId . . . mirrors

the emerging spirit of this specinl year."

Paul Thampson

The llsider November, 1992 3

MUSIC Departmenta

Eoch progrom hos its own full+imefoculty coordinotor who ensures quolityinstruction ond o resourceful curricu-lum. Ston Ryberg coordinotes music

theory closses ond teoches low bross;

Cothy Albergo teoches keyboord,coordinotes keyboord octivities ond is

the director of the Music Acodemy;ond Tom Stouch coordinotes ond

directs ensembles ond opplied voice.

{ 'illotson, in oddition to his odministro-Vtiu" responsibilities, teoches clorinet,music oppreciotion ond humonities.

Mork Mrozinski teoches theory ondcloss piono ond is the progromcoordinotor for the Music Acodemy,which provides non-credit instructionin oll instruments ond voice whileoffering closses in preschool music

ond computer music. The doilyoctivities for the deportment orecoordinoted by secretory Pot


ln oddition, the deportment plons

severol musicol events throughout the

yeor-the music concert series, whichincludes severol free noontimeconcerts; concerts by the HorperSymphony Orchestro; the Festivol ofLessons ond Corols; ond concerts bythe Northwest Chorole. These events

provide on opportunity for octiveporticipotion or obsolute listening


ln the big picture-instruction, involve-

ment ond enioyment-the music

deportment seems to encomposs it olll

-Joellen Freeding

Fullrime members of the Horper Music Deportmenl foculty qnd stoff ore (lefi ro righr)Coihy Albergo, Mork Mrozinski, Bob fillotson, Pot Poulford, Tom Stouch ond SlonRyberg (not pictured).

From music theory ond privote lessons

to VISION ond MlDl seminors, the

music deportment hos developed o

curriculum to meet the musicol needs ofolmost every oge group in the district.

With o focus on on ocodemic tronsferprogrom, the deportment olso offers

courses in computer music ond oppor-tunities to sing in chorol groups or toploy in the community orchestro.

Bob Tillotson, deportment choir,remorks: "Progroms evolved os o

student or community need wosrecognized. This need sow the emer-jence of courses in theory ond ourolskills, privote ond group instruction, the

Music Acodemy ond the Hondbell\-norr.

The opprooch token by the music

deportment is unique becouse itprovides not only o unified core ofmusic courses for the student seeking ofouryeor degree, but olso courses ofinterest to the generol populotion.Closses con olso be used os electivesin other curriculo.

Upcoming Evenls Sponsoredby the Mucic Deportment


Judi Rockey BrrdelichDecember 3, 12:15 pmP205

Festivol Chorur ConcertDecember 6, Srdl pmBuilding *tHorper Communiry/Festiveil Chorus

Steel Drurn BtrndDerember lO,8loo pmSuilding J Theorre

Horper Community/Ps*qfine Concerl BsndD$ember I l, 7:3O pmCuning Hqll, Pnlntine

Feclival of Leseons ond CorolgDecernber 13,7:$O pmBuilding J Thcorre

4 The insider November, 1992

Marilyn A. ComerMorilyn Comer, Horper's director ofFinonciol Aid ond Veterons' Affoirs, soys

thot bolonce ond compossion ore the

two most importont requirements forthose working in her office, followedclosely by positiveness ond o sense ofhumor. ln these tight economic times, os

less gront, loon ond scholorship money

is ovoiloble-ond the office receives

more ond more requests for ossistonce-these quolities ore often colled upon.

"Becouse we're the office thot soys 'no'so much," she soys, "we need to moin-toin o sense of bolonce between soying'no' ond moking sure thot the students

still feel thot they hove worth." She oddsthot the office offers options to the

students, ensuring thot the door toeducotion is still ovoiloble-ond not

closed becouse of finonces.

Morilyn soys thot olthough gront, loon

ond scholorship money is scorce, some

of the institutionol scholorship money

goes unused. Citing thot she's veryconcerned obout this, she soys thot one

of her current gools is to ensure thotmore students become owore of ondopply for these scholorships.

When she's not working ot Horper,Morilyn volunteers to counsel teens ondyoung odults. Right now she is workingwith o group of six teens through Agope,lnc., on ogency thot coordinotes octivi-

ties to give teens more direction ondprovides iobs ond iob troining skills.

"Becouse my position ot Horper involves

working with so mony regulotions, it's

good for me to hove involvement where I

con be more creotive ond flexible," she


Born: Chicogo

Educotion: Undergroduote, GeorgeWillioms College; groduote, Gover-nors Stote University ond the Universityof lllinois, Chicogo; currently ottendingLoyolo University

Fomily: Husbond, Dorrell, onddoughter, Down

lnferests: Photo dorkroom techniques,music ond exploring new ideos

lf time ond money were nof oproblem: I would reolly like to trocemy fomily's roots-os well my


I don't cqre much for: Nonperfor-mqnce ond people who don't try.

One thing l've leqrned in life:Persistence

Book l'm currently reoding: /n

Seorch of our Mothers' Gorden 6yAlice Wolker

Fqvorite foods: Any iunk food. Myfour bosic food groups ore crunch,cheese, solt ond sweets.

Morilyn A. Gomer

Harper Child Learning CenterAdopts Sister SchoolOver the post severol months, the

Horper Child Leorning Center hos

sent more thon 300 pounds ofsupplies to the Sittee River Preschool

in Belize. The preschool is porlicipoting in o sister-school progrom withour Center os port of on informologreement forged during the

College's ,l991

continuing educotiontrip to the Centrol Americon country.

"During the trip we were invited tomeet with l5 women from the commu-

nity," Child Development Professor

Jone Ann Thomos exploins. "The

community is very poor, ond whenmembers of the Horper group osked

how we could help, the women replied,'Do something for our children."'

The preschool, funded by Unicef, wossloted to open shortly ofter the Horpervisit. Yet when Thomos visited the

school, she noted thot it hod minimolsupplies. However, ofter she returned toHorper, Thomos reviewed the fourth

Preferred Future stolement-which colls

for inlernotionol/multiculturol educo-

tionol experiences-o nd received

permission to offer support to the


"l thought thot this would be o wonder-ful woy for our preschoolers to getinvolved," she soys. "So our preschool

teochers ond the Sittee River leochers

The lnslder November, 1992 5

ogreed to exchonge children's letters,

pictures ond slories obout our cul-

tures." At thot point the preschoolporents'group ioined the effort,orronging to send clothing, toys ondused supplies to the school. They

found, however, ihot the cosl ofshipping these items wos ostronomi-col.

Thomos contocted oreo communitygroups for finonciol ossistonce, ondthe Schoumburg Rotory Club ondlllinois Tosk Force on Belize bothogreed to contribute money forshipping. "We plon to continue this

relotionship with the Belize pre-

school," Thomos soys. "Our childrenond our teochers ore oll very inter-


Deportmentol Developmenfscontinued from poge 8

lected from o nolionol pool to ottend the Conference of lnterpreter Troiners.

Solly Kozior, who coordinotes the progrom for Horper, seryes os treosurer ofthe orgonizotion, ond lob ossistont Amy Dixon-Kolor served on its nominoting


And we welcome the new members of our stoff! These include Moly Poine,clerk, ADM OFF; John Schuler, ossistont othletic troiner, ond Pom Frye(formerly ot the Northeost Center), progrom ossistont, PEAR; Timothy l,embke,lob ossistont, Pork Monogement, LS/HS; Terri McKinney, clerk typist, BUS/SS;

Noncy Desruissequx, senior records clerk, REG OFF; Koren White, AV

tech l, LRC; Susqnnoh Swift, evening clerk, PLG RES; MorgoretHeidtbrink, leod ottendont, STU ACT; ond Cqrol Cross, Jesse Hortline ond

Robeil Torgerson, custodions, PHY PLT. Promotions ond tronsfers on compus

this month include Dione Kinn, odministrotive ossistonl, lS, ond AnneSchimmel, odmissions ossociole, ADM OFF.

Horper's newly oppointed vice presidenl o[ Acodemic Affoirs, R.. EdmundDolon, will ioin the stoff on Jonuory 19, 1993.

6 The i;lsider November, 1992

lnside Horper

fhe Pololine High School Gospel Choir enterloined duringFestivol of Notions Doy on October 14. fhe evenl wqs one ofmony offurings during Horper's qnnuol Inlerculturql Week.

while other clubs, orgonizotions, inlernolionql closses ond sisler citiesprcpored exhibits of internotionol focus.

The Festivol of Notions Cofu wos q definite hit duringfhe doy, feoturing creolions boked ond served byVince Kominski ond the sludenis in his Breod ondPosiry Arts closs...

The illider November, 1992

During the luncheon following thededicqlion, McGroth donned on opronqnd "served uP the soup"-q tqsk hehod frequently token on during hislenure qr prerident.


Posl President Jim McGroth ond his fomily were on hond Oclober 3O for ftededicotion of Horper's Silver Anniversory Grove. McGrolh olso donqted o burrook-plonted in the Friendship Grove-in honor of his lote wife, Bette.

Horper Presideni Poul Thompson, left, welcomes post presidenis Bob Lohii, cenler,ond Jim McGrolh during rhe Silver Anniversory Boll on October 31.

8 The l11sider November, 1992

ln other compus evenls, rodio sfoiion WRMN in Elgin {1410 AM} hos beenbroodcosting its weekly Horper Rodio Showon Wednesdoys ot 2:08 os Anna Fros'}, PUB, ond Pofiy Robertr, MED REL, talk with progromcoordinqtors ond deportment heods oboul compus hoppenings.

During the onnuol conference of the

Notionol Associotion for the Educo-

tion of Young Children, JqneThomos, Eorly Childhood Educo-

tion, presided over the presentotion"Building ond Renovoting: Pleosures

ond Pitfolls" ond porticipoted in oponel discussion on "Child Core ondChild Development on Compus:Getting Blood from o Turnip inDifficult Times."

Lindo Soto, CE/PS, spoke ot oLEADS meeting obout the progromsond services of Horper's lnstitute ofSmoll Business Monogement, Smoll

Business Monogement Progrom ondthe Globol Trode Center...PqulqDeeken ond Korhryn Powell,instructors in nonnotive literocy,presented "Do the Write Thing" ondPowell olso porticipoted on o ponelthot reported "Stondordized Testing

in ESL" during the Adult LeorningResource Center's foll conference.

The Sign Longuoge lnterpretotionProgrom is proud to onnounce thotstudent Jody Bulmqsh wos se-

continued on poge 5

I The Horper

lnsiderlhe llarper lnsider is fhe monthlyHorper College newrleller pro-duced by Publicqtions ond Com-municqlion Services. We cordiollyinvile oll employees lo conlribufestories snd informqtion before thetwenty-fifth of the month for theisrue published lhe followingmonlh. Pleqre send coniributionsfo PUB, A3O2, or ccll exlengion2512.

tdiron Ann GoldbergDesigner: Mike Knudgen

Photogropher: John QrllqhqnPrinfed by lhe Horper Print Shopunder lhe direcion of Percr Gtrrr

l2(X) Wegr Algonquin RoodPqlrrtine, lllinoic 60{J67 -7 399

D ep ar tment al D ea elopment s

As we celebrote our Silver Anniversory yeor, foculty ond stoff members hovebeen octively promoting the progroms ond octivities of the College. Voriousdivisions ond deportments hove ossembled disploys feoturing the College ofyesterdoy, todoy ond tomorrow. John Cqllohqn will be photogrophing thesedisploys for future issues of the lnsider, ond we encouroge you to stop ond lookof these disploys os you trovel ocross compus.

Prints of ortist Tom Lynch's wotercolor of the Horper quod {with the Chicogoskyline in the bockground| ore on sole nowl Contoct Fsfiy Roberlr, MED REL,

ot extension 2279 tor deloils.


Congrotulotions ore in order for members of our moth foculty for their fineshowing ot fte Americon Mothemoticol Associotion of Two-Yeor Colleges StudentMothemotics Leogue competition. Horper finished eighth notionolly (out of 88schools) ond first in lllinois. ln oddition, student Jong Ho Kim scored numberone notionolly on ihe round three exom...Art foculty members John Knudsen,Ben Dcllqs, Morlene 5. Hunt ond Perry Pollock hove been selected toexhibit their orl in the Vicinity 1992 an exhibit in St. Chorles. The exhibit will beheld ot the Norris Gollery until December 20. Knudsen took top honors in theexhibit, winning ils Lester J. Norris Memoriol Visusl Arts Aword for Excellence.

We olso congrotulote lnternol Auditor Ted Agrestq on his designotion os oCertified lnformotion Systems Auditor (CISA) by the Eledronic Doto ProcessingAuditors Associotion. This designotion is gronled to ouditors who hove completedo five-hour exom ond hove worked in the field for o minimum of five yeqrs.

Morfho Bolt, PEAR, hos been nomed to serve on two notionol committees forthe NotionolJunior College Athletic Associotion-the Women's Tennis committeeond the Men's ond Women's Swimming ond Diving Committee...ond ShqrrieHildebrondt, Legol Technology, wos honored ot DePoul University's 20thonniversory reception of the School for New Leorning. Shorrie wos one of theprogrom's first groduotes ond olso serves on the university's odjunct foculty os oprofessionol odvisor to students in its porolegol progrom.

Student Affoirs stoff Bonnie Henry, Morf Ann Jirok, Joon Kindle,Russ Mills, Borb Olson ond Chris Stoub ond Tom Choice porticipotedin presentolions during fte Notionol lnterossociotion Conference in Chicogo lostmonth. Their topics included Stondords of Acodemic Performonce, OutcomesAssessment, New Student Orientotion ond Coreer Tronsitions. The conferencewos sponsored by the Americon College Personnel Associotion, the NotionolAssociotion of Student Personnel Administrotors ond the Notionol Council onStudent Development/Americon Associolion of Community Colleges. StudentDevelopment olso won on oword for its innovotive SOAP progrom.