November 18, 2018- Page Saint Barbara Catholic...

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November 18, 2018- Page

St. Barbara Catholic Church

Saint Barbara Catholic church

November 18, 2018 - Page 2

St. Barbara Catholic Church


THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ! Your donations for the weeks of

Nov 10 – Nov 11, 2018 $28,167.00

Your weekly supports have been used to sustain the ministries and ongoing operating needs of our parish.


8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

Federico Gonzales † Maria Pham Thi Ty † Kaylin– Grave Brink † Giuse Le Van Phuoc † All Souls †



6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

Maria Pham thi Ty † Giacobe Ton Van Minh † Giuse Le Van Phuoc † Vy- Khanh Nguyen † Jose Guadalupe Almaras † For Parishioners Fune Family Alfonso Arbaca Espinosa†


6:30 AM 8:15 AM

Maria Pham Thi Ty † Giuse Le Van Phuoc †


8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

Giuse Le Van Phuoc † Maria Pham Thi Ty † Rodolpho Deagvino †


6:30 AM 8:15 AM

Maria Pham Thi Ty † Giuse Le Van Phuoc †

Thanksgiving Mass


8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

Maria Pham Thi Ty † Giacobe Ton Van Minh † Roman Deagvino †








Nov 17, 2018–Nov 23, 2018

Thanksgiving mass Schedule Thursday, November 22nd, 2018

All parishioners are invited to celebrate our annual

Thanksgiving Masses which will be at 6:30am (Vietnamese),

and at 9:30am (Trilingual) in the Church.

Come and let us give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed on us this year.

We wish to extend our sincere grat-itude to all who have financially, spiritually and selflessly supported St. Barbara Church throughout the year. Your gifts of time and talent across all the ministries of the par-ish help to build our church and make our world a better place.

We also want to thank all our ad-vertisers. We are so fortunate to have the support of our advertisers to offset the costs of printing our bulletin. Please thank them when you can, and support their businesses. Likewise, please mention that you see their ads in the parish bulletin. For more information on how to place an ad in our bulletin, please contact our Parish Office. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- Those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever (Daniel 12:1-3). Psalm -- You are my inheritance, O Lord! (Psalm 16). Second Reading -- Where there is forgiveness, there is no longer offering for sin (Hebrews 10:11-14, 18). Gospel -- Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (Mark 13:24-32).

November 18, 2018- Page 3

St. Barbara Catholic Church

Greg Malagon, Tammy Dawson, Sandy Chirico, Socorro Medina, Fr. Richard Kennedy, Marian Mahlman, Gustavo Hernandez, Steve & Melinda, Walker Champion, Refugio Cardenas.

Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have shoul-dered the burden of our weakness and borne our suffer-ings in your own passion and death. Hear this prayer for our sick brothers and sister whom you have redeemed. Strengthen their hope of salvation and sustain them in body and soul, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Micae Bui Tran Khanh, Ascension Rodriguez, Eleodora CarreraVasquez, Phero Vu Hai, Giuse Pham Tho Ky, Rodolpho Garcia Izun-za, Inhaxio Nguyen Van Tao, Sergio Sanchez, Dominico Nguyen Van Binh, Dominico Vu Huu Chuong, Joan Baotixita Nguyen Van Giao.

God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to the cry of your people: hear the prayers we offer for our departed brothers and sisters. Cleanse them of their sins and grant them the full-ness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

REFLECTION ON THE WORD OF GOD “ GOOD THINGS IN THREES” : We get a three-fold consolation from the scriptures. All three readings today were written in times of duress or persecution, and all three offer their original readers and us today the message of hope. Daniel's audience was in desperate need of assurance that God would be their source of salvation, for Israel was undergoing one of its most violent periods of persecution at the hands of the Greeks, a time that produced the Maccabean revolt and the familiar Jewish festival of Hanukkah. The author of Hebrews was writing to a group of people unsure about leaving behind the faith and rituals that they had been told for gen-erations would be their source of forgiveness. In return, they received the strong message that they would be able to find everything in Jesus Christ. Mark's readers were under Roman persecution, rekindling the fear and confusion that they felt immediately follow-ing the death of Jesus. These three authors facing tough times were still able to provide optimistic messages. THE LORD, OUR INHERITANCE As wise men and women of faith have always done, when today's authors needed to look for-ward in faith, they also looked back. We look back at their writings today for our hope, and, like them, we can also look at the psal-ter-Israel's prayer book-for help. Today's psalm text reminds us that with the Lord at our side, nothing can truly shake us. We know that God will not abandon us, and that if we walk with the Lord true life will be ours. We are at that time in our Church year when we hear much about the coming of Christ in glory as we get ready to re-enter Advent, our season of preparation for his return. Most likely we are not undergoing the extremes of persecution or trials that the first audiences of today's readings were; but we can, through a deep praying of the psalms and a fervent hearing of their words, be reminded to keep our lives and our faith focused only on God, the one source of our being and our life. Today's Readings: Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16:5, 8-11; Hebrews 10:11-14, 18; Mark 13:24-32. Copyright (c) 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION November is a month of remembrance for the dead, and cemeteries have long been a focus for prayer. Our tradition holds great respect for bodily remains, since the body was created and redeemed by God, was once the "dwelling place of the Holy Spirit," and has a destiny of life with God in glory. The funeral practices of the early church contrasted greatly with those of the pagans, who had a great dread of the dead body. The ancient Christian funeral liturgy ended with the relatives and friends giving a final kiss to the body. It expressed affection and showed their faith that the grave would not be the last word. This kiss horri-fied pagans, who thought that any contact with the dead was degrading. Every year on their loved one's "birthday to life," the Christians would return to the place of their burial to mark their profound communion with those whose lives were hidden in Christ. Typically, they buried the dead with their faces turned toward the east, symbolizing the rising of the Sun of Justice, Christ, at the end of days. They were attracted to the cata-combs or burial grounds just as we are today. They would often celebrate the Eucharist at the tomb. Before long, as soon as Christians were allowed to build places for worship, they relocated cemeteries from beyond the city walls to surround the church. This was not so much because the church made the ground holy, but because the bodies of the saints hal-lowed the ground on which the church was built, a subtle but beautiful difference. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. ————————————————————————————–————————

THANKS One act of thanksgiving when things go wrong with us is worth one thousand thank-yous

when things are agreeable to our inclination. --St. John of Ávila

November 18, 2018 - Page 4

St. Barbara Catholic Church

St. Barbara’s Parish News We wish to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who financially, spiritually, and selflessly support St. Barbara Church throughout the year. Your gifts of time and talent across all the ministries of the Parish help to build up the Church and make our world a better place.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!



A message from Pastor Dear Parishioners, We are excited to inform you that starting October 20th we will be offering Online Giving on! We want to provide you the easy and convenient way of being able to do-nate. Online Giving offers you the opportunity to have secure, automatic contributions from your bank (or credit/debit card) account to our church. Online Giving costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and the church. We encourage you consider participate in this service – especial-ly if you currently manage your bills or banking online. For more information about Online Giving, please visit the church website at, or call our Parish Office at (714) 775-7733. Sincerely, Father Tuan Pham, Pastor

We will be closed on November 22nd and 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving.

We will resume our normal business hours on

Monday, November 26th. We hope you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!

If you say so, I will lower the nets. (Luke 5:5)

Congratulations Father Tuan Pham!

Please Pray for Deacon Carlos Navarro’s health recovery!

November 18, 2018- Page 5

St. Barbara Catholic Church

18 Tháng 11 - Tôi Ðã Gặp Ngài

André Frossard, một ký giả người Pháp đã cho xuất bản cuộc phỏng vấn Ðức Thánh Cha Gioan Pha-olô II cách đây vài năm, là con của một người theo chủ nghĩa Marxit. Chính ông đã từng là một người cộng sản đầy xác tín...

Ngày nọ, ông phải đưa một người bạn đến một tu viện. Trong lúc chờ đợi người bạn, ông tò mò bước vào một nhà nguyện có đặt Mình Thánh Chúa. Ông không bao giờ nghĩ rằng Chúa đang chờ ông. Trong một phút chốc, ông bỗng nhận ra một ánh sáng thiêng liêng trong tâm hồn. Bừng dậy sau một cơn mê tăm tối, ông bước ra khỏi nhà nguyện chạy tức tốc đến người bạn và hô lớn: "Thiên Chúa hiện hữu. Ðó là một chân lý".

Ông đã ghi lại kinh nghiệm thiêng liêng ấy trong một quyển sách với tựa đề: "Thiên Chúa hiện hữu. Tôi đã gặp Người". Quyển sách đã được liệt kê vào danh sách của những tác phẩm bán chạy nhất… Dù cho ta có chối bỏ Thiên Chúa, Người vẫn luôn luôn chờ đợi ta. Tại một góc đường nào đó, trước một ánh nến lung linh nào đó, trong một biến cố đau thương nào đó, Người đang chờ ta. Phải, Thiên Chúa như một người tình chung thủy lúc nào cũng chờ đợi ta... Chỉ có sự thất vọng, chán nản mới có thể hủy bỏ mọi hẹn hò của Thiên Chúa. Bao lâu ta còn tìm kiếm, bao lâu ta còn phấn đấu, bao lâu ta còn hy vọng, thì bấy lâu Thiên Chúa vẫn còn chờ đợi ta... (Trích sách Lẻ Sống)

Cộng Đoàn Thánh Giuse


Giuse Nguyễn Phúc Điền (VN) & Teresa Thanh Thiên Trần (USA)

Sẽ được lãnh Bí Tích Hôn Phối tại Việt nam vào ngày Chúa Nhật 13 tháng 1 năm 2019

CẢM TẠ Giáo xứ St. Barbara xin chân thành cảm ơn tất cả các cơ sở thương mại đã đăng quảng cáo trên tờ thông tin của giáo xứ . Xin Chúa chúc lành và ban cho cơ sở thương mại của quý vị luôn phát triển lớn mạnh . Những quý vị có cơ sở thương mại muốn giúp giáo xứ bằng cách đăng quảng cáo trên tờ thông tin, xin liên lạc : anh Thelu Bui (310) 409-5836 hoặc chị Mai Nguyen (310) 498-1320 hay Văn Phòng Giáo Xứ (714) 775-7733. Xin mời mọi người cùng ủng hộ những cơ sở thương mại đăng quảng cáo trong tờ thông tin này . Xin hết lòng cảm ơn .

CAÀU CHO NGÖÔØI QUA ÑÔØI Trong niềm tin vào sự Phục Sinh của Đức Kitô, nguyện xin Chúa ban Phúc Trường Sinh cho:

Cụ Ông Micae Bùi Trần Khanh

qua ₫ời ngày 05 tháng 11, 2018, hưởng dương 84 năm

Chúc Mừng Cha Tuấn!

November 18, 2018 - Page 6

St. Barbara Catholic Church

ALIENTO El Evangelio de este domingo es nuestra selección final de Marcos para este año litúrgico. Pertenece a las últimas enseñanzas de Jesús en Jerusalén y se encuentra inmedi-atamente antes del relato de su arresto y pasión. En este, Jesús da a sus discípulos esperanza para sostenerlos en su pasión y muerte y en cualquier persecución o sufrimien-to que enfrenten después de su resurrección. Las palabras del libro de Daniel también les brindan es-peranza y aliento a los contemporáneos de Daniel. El aliento de estas lecturas también nos sirve a nosotros, ya que ninguno de nosotros puede evitar transitar tiempos difíciles en su vida. Los seguidores de Jesús podrán soportar el sufrimiento con esperanza porque saben que el amor de Cristo nos guiará para poder ser buenos discípu-los y nos dará la vida eterna junto a Dios.


TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El 19 de noviembre del 1969 (Día del Descubrimiento de Puerto Rico), el Papa Pablo VI declaró a Nuestra Señora Madre de la Divina Providencia, como patrona de la Isla del Encanto. Este acto fue el culmen de un largo proceso devocional hacia la Madre de la Divina Providencia em-pezado por el obispo Catalán Gil Esteve y Tomás quien trajo la primera imagen de la Virgen a la isla Boricua. La imagen actual es de María sentada con su Hijo (la Divina Providencia) dormido sobre su regazo. Ella sostiene la manita izquierda del niño en sus manos mientras lo mira cariñosamente. La imagen inspira ternura y muestra la confianza de María en la Divina Providencia de su Hijo, que aunque este dormido, no se descuida de ella ni de los fieles. Esta imagen recuerda el pasaje bíblico en el cual Jesús dormía en la barca de Pedro, despertando a tiempo para calmar los mares y los vientos que la amenazaban. He aquí que la devoción a la Madre de la Divina Providencia es confiar que Dios siempre llega a nuestro amparo cuan-do lo invocamos. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

GRACIAS Un acto de acción de gracias cuando las cosas andan mal vale lo mismo que un millón de gracias cuando las cosas

están de acuerdo con nuestros deseos. --San Juan de Ávila

Estaremos cerrados los días 22 y 23 de noviembre en ob-servancia de Acción de Gracias. Lo haremos reanudar

nuestro horario comercial normal el lunes, 26 de noviem-bre. Esperamos que tengas un

¡Acción de gracias maravillosa y segura!

November 18, 2018- Page 7

St. Barbara Catholic Church

FAITH FORMATION NEWS We start collecting ziplock bags, bottles of water, snacks, personal use items (such as: socks, underwear, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, wet towels, etc...) for the homeless initia-tives. Please bring these items to Faith Formation Office. Thank you for your Generosity. Chúng tôi nhận những đồ ăn, đồ dùng cá nhân, v...v..,giúp những người vô gia cư. Xin đem đến văn phòng Giáo Lý. Chân thành cảm ơn lòng quảng đại của quí vị.

Vamos a comenzar recogiendo artículos de bolsas de ziplock, botellas de agua, meriendas, artículos de uso personal, como (calcetines, ropa interior, pasta de dientes, cepillos de dientes, jabón, y toalla húmedas, etc....) para las personas sin hogar. Por favor traer los artículos en la oficina de Formación de Fe. Gracias por su generosidad.

ENGLISH FHC PARENTS MEETING Saturday, Nov. 17, at 9:15am in the Hall






The work of a catechist is God’s work. We need your help to serve the Lord in our youth

and children. Contact Deacon Hao at: 714-775-9475 or


Hola mi nombre es Silvia Muñoz, tengo 51 años de edad y soy originaria de México D.F Soy alumna del R.I.C.A y estoy en mi proceso de preparación para recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Pido a toda la comunidad de Santa Barbara sus ora-ciones por mi, para que Dios me conceda una con-versión verdadera y para que todo lo que aprenda en mis clases lo pueda poner en práctica en mi vida diaria. Confío en que sus oraciones por mi me alcanzarán de Dios las gracias que necesito para poder perseverar en este camino de Fe que he emprendido. GRACIAS!

CONFIRMATION 1 RETREAT for students in Rooms 18, 22, 23, 24 & 25

Saturday, Dec.. 1, 2018, 8am-6pm @ Cornelia Connelly High School ,

2323 W Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92804

Rooms 18, 22, 23, 24 & 25 - THERE WILL BE NO CON-

FIRMATION 1 CLASSES (No habrá clase): Monday Dec.3 because of Conf 1 Retreat on Saturday, Dec. 1

In observing All Saints’ Day, the Students in the Special Ed Program dressed up to honor the Saints.

Thank you for supporting and praying for our Faith Formation Program. May God bless you and your loved ones in return for you goodness.

Retreat is a life changing event. However, we have students with financial needs and would not be able to attend

a retreat without your help. If possible, please sponsor a student’s cost of

$60 to help make a retreat possible for a youth.

Reminders!! There will be NO CLASSES during Thanksgiving week

from November 19 - 25, 2018

November 18, 2018 - Page 8

St. Barbara Catholic Church

ST. BARBARA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Open Arms. Open Minds. Open Hearts.

Admission Information Prospective Parents section or call 714 775-9477 for more information about St. Barbara Catholic School and how to apply!

SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday—Friday 7:30am—3:30pm, Tuesdays until 2:00 pm

Openings still available in all grades, TK—8th! NEW STUDENTS STILL BEING ACCEPTED!

A WILD RIDE IN 7TH GRADE SCIENCE It may look like playing with Tinker Toys, but students learn engineering, science, and math concepts with hands-on art techniques as they build their paper roller coasters. The project allows students to see the effects of gravity and friction in action and the restrictions caused by the fundamental laws of physics. They also learn how to affect speed by positioning tracks to achieve maximum kinetic and potential energy. They should also know Newton's second law of motion and understand basic concepts of motion, such as position, velocity and acceleration. That’s quite a lot of concepts for just a few sheets of paper and some tape!

November 18, 2018- Page 9

St. Barbara Catholic Church


November 18, 2018 - Page 12

St. Barbara Catholic Church

Pastor Rev. Tuan Pham 714-775-7733

Parochial Vicars Rev. Ramon Cisneros 714-775-7733 Rev. Benjamin Hoang 714-775-7733 Rev. Joseph Thai Nguyen 714-775-7733

Deacon Dcn. Carlos Navarro 714-308-6706 Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen 714-965-0777 Dcn. Francis Xavier Hao Nguyen 714-775-7733

Parish Office Theresa Thanh Ta, Eng/Viet 714-775-7733 ext. 221

Faith Formation Deacon Hao Nguyen, Director 714-775-9475 ext. 242 Sr. Teresa Hong Dao, CRE Vietnamese 714-775-9475 ext. 239 Alejandra Estrada, CRE Spanish 714-775-9475 ext. 236 Sr. Lieu Nguyen, CRE Confirmation Program714-775-9475 ext. 238 Hang Nguyen, Secretary 714-775-9475 ext. 238

Carlos Mathus, Youth Ministry 714-775-9475 Adult Education (R.C.I.A.)

Jeanne Norlin—English 714-531-2566 Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen—Viet 714-965-0777 Elizabeth Hernandez—Spanish 714-567-1625

Homebound Eucharistic Ministers Nancy Herrera—English 714-287-4070 Lupita Calvillo—Spanish 714-839-6820 Lien Do—Viet 714-858-3069

St. Barbara School Melissa Baroldi, Principal 714-775-9477 Jody Rogers, Finances 714-775-9473

Parish Finance Office Kim Bui 714-775-9420 Bulletin Editor Eliane Kim Ho 714-775-9417

. Baptism Celebrated in Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, and Nov. on Sundays at 2:15PM starting Jan 2018

1st Sunday – Vietnamese 2nd Sunday – English 3rd Sunday – Spanish

We strongly urge parent/s to contact the rectory for information during pregnancy or before planning the Baptism. An infant’s Baptism re-quires a commitment of accepting certain reli-gious and spiritual responsibilities for the child by both parents and godparents. The role of the parish staff is to help assist you in making these commitments. . Perpetual Adoration

7th day of each month From 9AM—7AM next day

. Marriage Registered parishioners should contact the rectory for an appointment with one of the priests at least six (6) months prior to marriage. . Funeral At the death of a loved one kindly notify the rectory at your earliest convenience so the dates and times for the Funeral Liturgy may be arranged. . Reconciliation Mon: 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM Eng Tue: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet Fri: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet . Anointing of the Sick (657) 345-9245


Parish Office Hours : Mon-Fri : 8:30AM - 5:00PM, Sat & Sun : Closed

730 S. Euclid St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: 714-775-7733 • Fax: 714-775-9467

Website : Email: Viet Ads Rep : Thelu Bui 310-409-5836 / Mai Nguyen 310-498-1320

Liturgical Celebrations †††

Weekend Eucharist

Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Vietnamese 5:30 PM English 7:00 PM Vietnamese

Neocatechumenal Way

7:00 PM English (in the Hall) 8:30 PM Spanish (in the Church)

Sunday 6:30 AM Vietnamese 8:00 AM Vietnamese 9:30 AM English 11:00 AM Vietnamese 12:45 PM Spanish 4:00 PM Vietnamese 5:30 PM English 7:00 PM Spanish

Weekday Eucharist

Mon, Wed, Thu 6:30 AM Vietnamese 8:15 AM English

Tue, Fri 8:15 AM English 5:30 PM Vietnamese 7:00 PM Spanish

Saturday 8:00 AM English

8:00 AM—Fr. 4:00 PM—Fr. 5.30 PM—Fr. 7:00 PM—Fr.

Ramon Cisneros Benjamin Hoang/Dn Hao Nguyen Joseph Thai Nguyen Tuan Pham/Dn An Nguyen

6:30 AM— Fr. 8:00 AM— Fr. 9:30 AM— Fr. 11:00AM—Fr. 12:45PM—Fr. 4:00 PM— Fr. 5.30 PM— Fr. 7:00 PM— Fr.

Tuan Pham Thai Nguyen/Dn Hao Nguyen Tuan Pham Benjamin Hoang Ramon Cisneros/Dn Carlos Navarro Benjamin Hoang Joseph Thai Nguyen Ramon Cisneros/Dn Carlos Navarro

Saturday, Nov 24, 2018

Sunday, Nov 25, 2018